02x14 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Community". Aired: September 2009 to June 2015.*

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Jeff Winger is disbarred and suspended from his law firm when it is discovered that he lied about possessing his bachelor's degree. This leaves him with no choice but to enroll at Greendale Community College to earn a legitimate degree with an eclectic staff and student body.
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02x14 - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Post by bunniefuu »


Narrator: Gather close that you might hearken the story of Fat Neil.

Born stout of heart but large of bone, his adolescent years were shadowed by scorn and mockery.

Hey, fatty, fatty. Hey, fatty, fatty.

Outlets of fantasy afforded him some escape from the darkness throughout high school.

And as a man, he traveled far, to a new school and a new beginning.

Or so he thought.

Man 1: They're down there by Fat Neil.

Woman: It's Fat Neil.

Man 2: It's Fat Neil.

Narrator: The name became a joke.

Man: ill have what Fat Neil's having. The joke became his life.

Teacher: Yes, Fat Neil?

And Neil fell again into darkness.

Only this time, his thoughts turned to an escape of which we dare not speak.

But pain need not be spoken to be known. Not to all.

It was, strangely, Jeff the Liar, son of William the Barely Known, who first became concerned.

Jeff: Neil.

It was Jeff who pretended to be interested in Dungeons & Dragons in an effort to lift Neil's spirits.

And when Jeff's fake interest resulted in Neil giving Jeff all his books, explaining he wouldn't need them anymore, it was Annie the Dayplanner, herself a recovering headcase, that recognized the signs of coming doom.

A council was called.

Troy the Obtuse.

Shirley the Cloying.
Hee-hee-hee. I know.

Abed the Undiagnosable.

Assange is a modern-day Paine. Britta the Needlessly Defiant.

For reasons that should be obvious, Pierce the Insensitive, known also as Pierce the Dickish, and Grandpa the Flatulent, was not invited.

The group agreed that what Fat Neil needed most was to feel like a winner for a change.

They would invite Neil that Saturday to a game of Dungeons & Dragons designed by Abed to help Neil reclaim his confidence.

All: For Neil.

At the end of the meeting, they realized that Chang had been there and felt too awkward to mention it.

What they couldn't have known was that they had just scheduled the most important game of Dungeons & Dragons ever.

A game which not only might save a life, but which would forever change the balance between good and Pierce.


Hi. Hey, Neil.

This is gonna be awesome, yo.

We're gonna ignore that hate crime?

I'm a dark elf or a drow.

Shouldn't you be wearing armor? Ha, ha. I'm an elf, not a nerd.

You guys suddenly wanted to play Dungeons & Dragons?

Yeah. Why wouldn't we?

Shirley: Yeah.

Jeff: It's cool.

And when you play it, it makes you happy, like a dragon.

Okay. Hi, I am your Dungeon Master.

We will be playing this adventure, The Cavern of Draconis.


Chang: Oh.

Neil has a character named Duquesne that he's been playing for years so I made these for you guys. Take your time. Choose carefully.

They each have unique combinations of strengths and...

Alrighty. Shouldn't there be a board or pieces or something to Jenga?

No, this is a role-playing game. It takes place in our imagination.

Oh, Neil.

I tell a story and you make choices in the story.

Let's begin. You're all standing on a country road.

The evil dragon Draconis dwells nearby guarding a massive pile of treasure.

Working as a team, your goal is to track down the dragon, k*ll him and claim the treasure as your own.

Jeff, your turn.

It's my turn? Oh. Um, what do I do, roll dice?

You tell me what you want to do. Then I roll to see if you're successful.

What are my choices?

You're slowing things down. Shirley?

I'd like to introduce myself to the group.

Hello, I am a dwarf named Zibbady Doo.

I'm not the best at making up names.

Jeff: Oh, hey.

I'm "Mar."

Boy, you weren't kidding.

Troy: Hello, Mar.

My name is Bing Bong the Archer. I'm an archer and such.

I'm... Ew. "Hector the Well-Endowed"? Abed.

I didn't know you'd grab one at random. I made that one with Troy in mind.

Yeah, I bet you did. Okay, hi, I'm "Lavernica."

I have three armors, boots, belt, a torch...

Wait, let her finish. Worst introduction ever.

Check it. I am Brutalitops the Magician. Ha, ha, ha.

Magic user, baby. What?

An arrow flies through the air, almost hitting Brutalitops.

Six goblins are running toward you, drawing daggers.

Oh. I attack them using my additional notes.

It has no effect. Britta? Why are these goblins attacking us?

Maybe these woods are their rightful land and from their perspective...


You're the AT&T of people.

You've been shot by an arrow. Ow.

Yeah, it hurts. Jeff.

Uh, I take my throwing knife and throw it, knife style.

You do 10 points of damage. Look at that.

What am I not good at? Sex.

But the goblins close in, surrounding you on all sides.

I draw my plus-three Sword of Duquesne and attack in a 180-degree arc.

The goblins are terrified as Duquesne draws his sword from its sheath and, in one move, slices the throats of three charging goblins.

Oh! Good.

Abed: Rest of the goblins run away.

Great job with the sword. You saved us.

What would we do if you didn't exist? Dial it back, Lavernica.


Pierce, what are you doing here?

How about you answer that question?

What the hell is this little tea party?

We're playing Dungeons & Dragons.

First of all, gay. Second of all, stupid.

And thirdly, why was this a secret? Are you cutting me out of the group?

L... I guess we must have forgot.

Abed: Yeah.

Troy: Yeah, that's what it was.

Abed: Yeah. You remembered to invite Al Jolson.

And you remembered to let fatty sit in my chair.

Out! You're stretching it.

Can we talk to you outside for a second?

Kind of missed that opportunity already.

Yeah, but there's a very specific reason.

Let's play. I don't have a character for you.

I don't need a character.

I think you do. Just put me in the stupid game now.

Okay. Um... As you watch the goblins retreat, you notice a 67-year-old naked man with no weapons lying in the wet grass shivering. His name is...

Pierce Hawthorne. And I'm 66, d*ck.

In about 13 turns, he will die of exposure. Jeff?

I wait 14 turns. Screw you guys. I'm gonna win.

I go to the naked man and I give him my cloak.

Pierce, I am Duquesne, of Clan Duquesne.

Dumb name.

I'm going to take his sword. Can I take his sword?

You've got his sword.

Pierce, knock it off. You're playing the game wrong.

We'll see. Okay, I take the sword from the man.

I attack him, I attack black face.

It's a critical hit. Wha...?

You decapitated him. Brutalitops is dead.

What? No!

Chang, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask for your character sheet.


Still your turn. I run.

What? You run?

Naked man is running into the woods. He has my sword.

Can we catch him, please?

The cloak was an elven cloak of wind walking, which is double-speed, so no.

He's gone. Damn it.

It took me 10 years and 50 campaigns to get that sword.

Really? Maybe ill wipe my ass with it and throw it off a cliff.

That's for sitting in my chair, fatty.



I take it that means I'm winning?

Pierce, you've made your point. You can ruin anything.

Now come back and give Neil his sword.

Can't hear you over the sound of me rubbing his sword on my balls.

Pierce. Oh, ew.

You have successfully rubbed your balls on the sword.

Abed, don't help him. You're the Dungeon Master.

Just k*ll Pierce and give Neil back his sword. He's upset.

I have to be impartial or the game has no meaning.

Can you give Neil a new sword?

That sword is one-of-a-kind, forged by my ancestors.

I hump it.

That's it. Pierce, Abed, I need to have a talk with you in the hall.

What? Hey, hey.

That kid in there is severely depressed.

Is that what he told you?

He's been using that line since he was 5 years old to get an extra slice of pie.

What the hell is wrong with you? I don't like being excluded, Jeff.

Do you? Yes.

Now go in there and tell him you're giving him his sword or you are out of the group.

I'm sick of you threatening me and talking to me like a kid and giving me that look you give me like I can't get erections.

What? Abed, I keep running.

Since you're working against the group, I need to separate you.

Good. Who wants to sit with a bunch of fat cry-babies anyway?

Call me when you're ready for my next move.

Pierce refuses to give back the sword.

Our new goal is to find him and k*ll him.

I think I just wanna go home. Neil, do not do that.

We're gonna get that sword.

Is there a way of moving faster than he's moving in his cape of whatever?

I guess if we had a Pegasus.

If that's sarcasm, I can't tell, because everything in this game is silly. Um...

Abed, can we get a Pegasus?

I can't give you information like that. Well, there's got to be a town nearby.

We will go to that town and ask around about a Pegasus.

Huzzah. Is that right?

Narrator: And so it was that the group began to describe themselves walking.

And as they described themselves walking, so did Abed confirm they walked.

I walk with them.


This is a local elf tavern, but all races are welcome.

Both: Aw.

It's a crowded, rowdy evening.

Beleaguered gnomes hurry with mead for the thirsty elves.

Why are they beleaguered? Who cares?

I find a waiter and introduce myself.


Why is he a pirate? He only speaks gnome.

Anybody here speak gnome?

Britta: Oh.

I do. Lavernica does.

This will be painless.

Hello, my friend and brother.

[IN SQUEAKY VOICE] How can I help you, dear madam?

Oh, please, no need for such deference.

I'm no better than a gnome. You are, madam.

You are a human warrior, which is five species classes greater than I.

That's disgusting. Don't talk like that. I am so sorry, madam.

Please don't report me for execution. Oh, no, no, I didn't mean that.

We've gotta do something about these gnomes.

Um... Britta, ask the stupid gnome where we can get a Pegasus.

Did someone say "Pegasus"? A word I understand in every language.


Okay, here's all the Dungeons & Dragons stuff I could find.

I had to carry it all the way from my car.

It's very heavy, and my doctor said...

[IN NORMAL VOICE] Following the directions given to you, you arrive at a field of Pegasi.


Abed: But they are guarded by a mysterious and beautiful elf maiden who seems drawn to Mar.

Oh, okay. Well, I explain that we need a Pegasus and, I don't know, promise to fill it up before we bring it back. She flirts with you.

I flirt back. How?

I say something sexy. Like what?

Abed. Ugh.


Excuse me. I don't normally do this, but you are the most beautiful creature ive ever seen, and I would really love a Pegasus.

Ugh. Works for me.

[IN SOFT VOICE] You're very handsome, you know.

Yeah, well, you know, I'm not really comfortable with this.

My stable has a bedding of heather. You'd be more comfortable indoors.

Look at what you're doing. Understand I don't want to.

[IN NORMAL VOICE] You've offended the elf maiden. She seems disinterested.

What? All right, can we just do this?

Hi, hello. I'm Hector the Well-Endowed.

You got a bunch of Pegasi. Let's make a deal.

[IN SOFT VOICE] What kind of deal?

I take her by the hand and lead her to the stable.

Light a candle and rip off a piece of my tunic, which I fashion into a blindfold.

I'd like to, but I don't know if l... Shh. Shh.


I place it gently over the elf maiden's eyes.

I slowly...




[IN NORMAL VOICE] Okay. You both fall back, exhausted but still entwined.

Great. I stroke her hair lovingly and spoon her for the appropriate amount of time.

How long is that?

Abed: Cool, cool.

The elf maiden, thoroughly satisfied, promises you a flock of Pegasi.

Annie: Oh. Excellent. Take a break.

I should check on Pierce.


Abed: Pierce?

Pierce: I'm here.

I need to know what you want to do next.


So many things, Abed.

So many things.

Abed: Guys.

I am bringing Pierce back into the room.

While soaring above the forest of Ingold you spot a body in an elven cloak in a clearing below.

Ha! Oh.

Jeff: We got you, dummy.

We land. You land safely in the clearing.

He's face-down, a pool of blood underneath him.

I've dreamed of this moment, in the game.

Uh, Neil's sword?

Clutched in the hand is the sword of Duquesne.

Sir, I believe this is yours.

Thank you.

Abed: You get close to take the sword.

You can see that this body, while definitely dying, is not Pierce.

What? I turn it over.

It's the gnome waiter from the tavern. What? No. Why?

[IN HOARSE VOICE] Goodbye, my friend. Thank you for being so respectful toward me.

Who did this to you, Gnome Waiter? I never saw his face.

But just so you know, [###]

My name was Kyle.


Jeff: Britta?

He was an imaginary waiter.

I wouldn't expect you to understand.



[IN NORMAL VOICE] You hear a low rumble on the other side of the trees, followed by a shrill screech and the beating of heavy wings.

Wait, wings? What's going on?

Tell me, Abed.

Are you familiar with the Amburg region of the Edylmann river basin?

Of course, I am. You know there's a reflecting pool with a very special amulet at the bottom of it.

An amulet that allows the wearer full control over...

Draconis? The hideous Draconis, an all-powerful red dragon, crashes through the trees into the clearing.

Riding atop his shoulders, naked as the day he was born and controlling Draconis with the amulet is...


Say it.

Pierce Hawthorne.



Scream what I told you to scream.

Pierce Hawthorne is my master. Prepare to meet your doom.

I run towards Pierce with my broadsword drawn and I attack...

Time stop.

Time stop? Draconis has tons of spells.

The six of you are frozen and helpless. I wanted to play Chutes and Ladders.

Fine, Pierce, you win. Just k*ll us and end this.

Oh, no. k*lling's too good for you.

Cast shape change on Duquesne.


What shape do you choose for him? Fat.

Pierce, stop it. Pierce.

Abed: Duquesne starts gaining weight. How much?

Make him as fat as Fat Neil.

Jeff: Pierce. Oh, right, cry.


Let it out.

Baste your chubby cheeks in tears of gravy.

You weren't crying when you were stealing my friends.

They asked me to come here.

You know why, right?

I've got some fat news for you, Fat Neil.

Don't you know why Jeff Winger, of all people, led the charge on the Fat Neil feel-good committee?

Way over the line, Pierce.

I'll tell you why, because I was there.


Oh, they're down there by Fat Neil.

Pierce: That's right, Neil.

Your new best friend, Jeff Winger, coined the name Fat Neil.


Neil, look, before you respond, I can make it up to you.

I'll find a fatter Neil.


You made up Fat Neil?

Someone asked where the restrooms were. You were standing by them, but you were also standing kind of near, uh, other Neil.

So call him Skinny Neil. He's not that skinny.

He's bald, he's black.

I don't look at the world through that lens.

I shouldn't be high-roading you. I'm the bad guy.

Pierce: You can all hang out in suspended humiliation and think about what you learned today.

One, don't screw with me.

Two, invite me to your crap.

Is it my turn? Yes, but you can't move.

That's fine.

For my turn, I feel sorry for Pierce Hawthorne.

Pfft. Save it. No, I really do, man.

Good. For my turn, I r*pe the Duquesne family again.

Troy: Jeez. For my turn, I pity Pierce too.

Trust me, kitten, I'm having the time of my life.

I won.

I won Dungeons & Dragons. And it was advanced.

I pity Pierce. Knock it off.

You really outdid yourself this week.

There's pain in you. I seriously feel bad.

Feel sorry for your new fat BFF.

No, we're done doing that. He's gonna be fine. Aren't you, Neil?

You, Pierce, I really worry about. At least for my turn anyway.

Well, how about this? Draconis, unfreeze time.

Done, you guys can move again. I breathe so much fire on you...

Hold it. You just used your move unfreezing time. Neil?

I take the sword of Duquesne, and I throw it at the amulet around the sad naked man's neck.

That's a difficult shot. You'll need an 18 or higher.


Oh, sweet baby Jesus. Come on, come on.

Jeff: Yeah. Yes. Woo-hoo!

Yes, in your face.

Sword smashes the amulet, freeing Draconis from its spell.

Red dragon turns his head, grabs Pierce in his jaws, swallows him alive.

Oh, no. Oh, Neil.

He flies your band to his cavern where he bestows his treasure upon you.

Congratulations on the completion of Caverns of Draconis.

I've been your Dungeon Master. I hope you had a good time.


Abed: Awesome. Awesome game.


That was the best game I ever played in my life.

Don't mention it. Wanna play again next week?

Maybe. Okay. ill be around.


Narrator: And so it was that Pierce Hawthorne saved the life of Fat Neil while learning very, very little.

Good night.

How could you want giant ears over a tail?

If you had a tail, people could tell you're happy.

You'd hear things from miles away and wear backpacks as earrings.

Free up your hands.

Backpacks already free up your hands.

Guys, what do you think?


We thought our group was meeting now.

Tail is much better.

Ugh. Thank you.

All in favor of giant ears: Hm. Told you.
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