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04x16 - Retaliation

Posted: 03/16/15 03:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Revenge...

I know about you and Ben. I have one certainty in my life, and that is how I feel about you.

I can't, Jack. I'm sorry.

If you're gonna keep coming at me, you're gonna have to be a hell of a lot smarter.

I will find your weak spot.

Are you looking for my ex-wife?

I found her.

And if you don't do as I ask, I could let another person know who wants to find her for a completely different reason.

The remainder of Edward Grayson's estate is being left to his wife.

So sorry I'm late.

Teddy and I were married four months ago.

This will is fraudulent.

David: What's your plan for that ketch?

How about you buy me a drink... And it's yours?

Your campaign is sinking.

I always find a way to come out on top.

I understand how it feels to be screwed out of an inheritance.

I need a lawyer, not an opportunist.

Well, it's a good thing for you that I'm both.

[ Whistle blows ]

What the hell was that in there?

One sour look from the judge, and you flee?!

You told me that you were a pit bull, but you neglected to mention that you've been neutered.

Victoria, he said if all we had were lies and conjecture, there'd be sanctions.

Which is why I've not only lost my rightful inheritance, but all respect for you.

I still have a career to consider.

Oh, not in this part of the country you don't.

Go home, Mr. Ellis.

There is nothing left for you here...

No campaign, no career, not even that little sister of yours will give you the time of day.

Natalie: Where's your toy attorney running off to?

[ Chuckles ]

You may have lost in there...

And remarkably quickly, I might add...

But no hard feelings.

I was hoping to invite you to my shindig this weekend.

You're throwing the annual fourth of July party?

It was a last-minute decision, and the date was open so...


Oh, this must be hard for you, considering this party's always been a Grayson tradition.

Well, it still is, considering that you'll be using stolen Grayson money to throw it.

Or maybe you found another suitor to swindle.

Should I check the obituaries?

Victoria, look, you gave it your best shot in court.

It's over.

You clearly don't know me.

Which is exactly why I want you to come tomorrow.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Car door closes ]

Do you like her?

Depends on what "her" you're referring to.

I have to hear through the grapevine that not only are you seeing a Grayson, but you're accepting gifts from her, too?

What the hell, Dad?

No, I... I didn't say anything 'cause there's not really much to say.

Natalie and I had drinks a couple of times...

Dinner tonight, and that's about it.

If it helps you at all, uh, she despises Victoria.

Still a Grayson.

She's a Grayson, but only in name.

Hey, trust me.

I've been through 20 years of hell.

All I want's a quiet life where I drift around, catch up with my very protective daughter.

And that's what I want, too, but, Dad, we have to look out for each other.

Okay. From here on out, no secrets.

Including who I'm dating and who you are.

Jack: David, that alternator is in worse shape than we thought.

Oh, yeah, well, of course it is. I'll see to it.

All right, just don't remove it.

[ Chuckling ] I think it's holding the hull together.

I like the scruff.

One of the perks of early retirement?

My dad mention this to you?

Let me guess... You don't approve.

He barely knows her.

I thought that's what dating was for, to get to know someone.

Isn't that why you're with Ben?

[ Exhales sharply ]

God, Jack, I don't want things to be like this between us.

[ Sighs ] How should they be, Emily?

[ Thud ]

David: Jack!

Jack. [ Sighs ]

He didn't listen to a word I said.

Better get down there.

David: Need your help!

Hey, Jack.

David: Ow.

It's good to see you back on a boat.

Oh, my God! Yes!

Oh, don't stop.

This is amazing, Nolan! [ Chuckles ]

Easy, tiger... Save some of that roar for when they break out the hot stones.


So this is what it's like to be married.

Oh, I booked us a couples' cooking class.

Oh, fun!



I remember when I was little and our maid taught Lyman and I how to make bread puddin' with bourbon sauce.

[ Chuckles ]

Lyman always had to be in charge of the bourbon.

Mm, speaking of the devil's advocate, I heard something about him working for Victoria?


Lyman's always been drawn to strong women.

Sounds more like a moth drawn to a money flame.

Oh, you know... Lyman has some good in him.

He just keeps it hidden away like a squirrel with his acorns.

Mm, I get it.

I've got a sister from another mister in Ems.

And... [ Chuckles ]

She's done all sorts of crazy.

And I still love her.

Even if you don't love her choice in beaus these days?

What? You thought you were hiding that?

[ Chuckles ] What's wrong with Ben?


It's just... When Emily moved on, I thought she'd be moving towards Jack.


I think he did, too.

God, Jack must be broken up.

Louise: Yeah, I don't know.

I mean, I saw him bartending at McGinty's the other night, and he was all smiles.



When I offered him a job at the club, he turned me down flat.

I thought that was because he was...

Reeling from heartbreak? Oh, honey.

I know how much you hate being wrong, but trust your friends.

If Emily likes the way this "big Ben" turns her clock...

I don't know... He may be worth her time.

Margaux: You don't believe I've located her?

Yeah, well, all I've seen so far is a picture of my ex-wife that could have been photoshopped from 10 years ago.

Believe me now?

April is an innocent in your w*r with Emily.

Yes, but you are not.

Let me explain something about your new girlfriend...

Wherever she goes, she leaves pain in her wake, and I know you don't want April to fall victim to that, or you wouldn't be here.

So, did you bring what I asked for?

Why go to these lengths when anyone who cares already knows that Emily Thorne is Amanda Clarke?

Oh, you mean the friends who perpetuate her lies and cover-ups?

The world out there likes nothing more than to destroy devils who pretend to be righteous angels.

When they hear the whole story, she will be crucified.

Well done, Officer Hunter.

Nolan: Margaux fell right into our trap.

Ben's glasses got the footage.

Bottle of red, no visible label.

Bottle of white... Try that.

Where the hell is this diner?

One bottle of pinot grig enhanced for your benefit.

[ Beeping ]

[ Chuckles ]

Wow. That's incredible.

Try not to drool on the hologram.

You get lost?

Yeah, well, feeding your lies to Margaux took a little bit longer than expected.

Mm, betrayal...

You always got to give yourself an extra 15 minutes.

She didn't suspect a thing.

Your Get Smart shades.

[ Clears throat ] They're called Nol-Bans.

That diner carries some unusual bottles of wine.

Yeah. Wow, this one's from the Keuka Wine Trail.

Most of these small wineries don't distribute outside the region, so I just cross-reference the vineyard with local diners that have a beer-and-wine license.

[ Beeping, whirring ]

Voilà... The ex-wife formerly known as April.

[ Sighs ] Look, Margaux's no amateur.

We have 10, maybe 12 hours before she figures out the birth certificate's a fake.

Yeah, and when she does, she tells this guy where April is.

[ Keyboard clacking ] Ew. Wes Perkins.

This is the chump she left you for?

Well, to be clear, she didn't leave me for him.

She left me and then hooked up with him a year later.

But by the time she learned he had done time for aggravated as*ault, she was too afraid to get out, so she ran.

Which is exactly why we need to get to her first.

Look, I still think I should come with you.

No. No, I need to do this on my own.

Since when do you take no for an answer?

When it's not my mission, Nolan.

When have we ever benefited by letting someone else handle things, hmm?

And... If Ben has secrets, isn't it better to know what they are sooner as opposed to when it's too late?

Why would Natalie Waters throw such an extravagant event?

To make my life hell and to announce her arrival as a one-percenter.

Well, she already did the former, and the latter seems unnecessary, considering her recent acquisition.

She purchased an estate in Malibu, which may work in your favor.

You could be rid of your enemy and your ex in one fell swoop.

David has his daughter and his beloved beach house.

He's not going anywhere.

But if she's leaving, what is it she wants from him?

The only person who's worth anything is Emily.

Well, you ask me, she's worthless...

As, it turns out, are her friends.

So I will take her down and those who enable her.

I know you think I'm too emotional, but...

It's irrelevant. You're like me, Margaux.

Once you have a target, you will not rest until you hit it.

Jack: Hey, guys.

Carl: Dada. [ Laughs ]

[ Chuckling ] Hey, buddy.

Phoebe: Carl's been asking for you all day.

Aww, someone's happy you're here.

Yeah, you must be, too. [ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Sniffs ]

Got any, uh, big weekend plans for the 4th?

And if so, is it anything that can be changed?

[ Sighs ] It's McGinty's.

They... They want me now.

If I miss another shift, I'm done there.

Yeah, no... No problem, Jack. I completely understand.

Hey, I got to go, okay? I got to go, all right?

Thank you.



[ Carl crying ]

It's okay, Carl.

Come on. Let's go to the swings.

[ Crying ] Oh.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

It's okay. It's okay. You're okay, hon.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.

[ Babbling ]

I know, baby.


Did someone die?

Oh, c-c-can't a big brother just pop by to say hey?

In most families, maybe, but the way you've treated me, I trust you as far as I can throw you.

And we both know I inherited feeble Aunt Faye's upper-body strength.

So why are you here?

We're not kids anymore, Lyman.

We don't have to pretend to like each other.

I've... I've been doing some soul-searching...

And I screwed up.

I've cut so many ties, I feel like I might float away.

You're the only one I feel connected to anymore.


And I've spent all these many months making speeches to people I don't know, trying to get their support, and now I realize that my journey all this time has been to get me to look into the eyes of the one person whose support I can't do without.

I never pretended to like you, Lou.

I never had to.

[ Sighs ] Come on.

I asked for Navy-blue napkins, not midnight-blue.

Has the silver been polished?

Where are the rest of the florals?

Well, don't just stand there. Move.

Yes, ma'am.

Okay, I'm on it.

[ Chuckles ]

Interviewing for a catering job?

Considering how you served me papers the other day, I think you'd be perfect to spoon out the hackleback.

That's caviar, dear.

Oh, I know you're trying to get a rise out of me, but I'm here to make amends, Natalie.

I see no reason why we can't be civil.

So true.

I was just saying the same thing to your former paramour over drinks the other night.

Hmm. He is such sparkling company.

Oh, but I imagine that sparkle will turn to heartache once you leave town... Possibly for points west?

Now, wherever would you get that idea?

[ Chuckles ]

I'm thinking of putting down roots right here...

Maybe even with David.

[ Inhales deeply ] He's making me dinner tonight, and I do love a man who knows his way around the kitchen.

Good indication of all sorts of talents.

Now, if you'll excuse me...

Hiring office is just beyond the tennis courts.

Emily, what the hell are you doing out here?

I'm coming with you.

Look, I realize that you want to help.

But if you can't trust me, then I'm...

What Margaux has set in motion is not to be taken lightly.

People will get hurt.

I'm not taking it lightly.

Look, I'm sure there are a lot of things that you do better than me, but this...

This one thing, this twisted chess game with real stakes, I am better at than you.

[ Sighs ] I'm coming.

[ Sighs ]

James: That should do the trick.

Story is airtight.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

[ Siren wails in distance ]

The birth certificate's a fake.

[ Speaks French ]

[ Sighs ]

You always knew there was a chance.

I assumed common sense would prevail.

What is it about that girl that makes people act against their own best interests?

Get in touch with him.

Reveal the location of the woman.

I don't make empty threats.

[ Thunder crashes ]

So, what happened?

I mean... With April? How did it end?

I woke up one morning, and she was packing a suitcase.

Just like that? No explanation?

Well, she said we didn't make a good team.

Apparently, I didn't surprise her enough.

[ Inhales sharply ] Lame.

Anyway, the next guy she met did not have that problem.

Of course, in his case, she learned that surprising also meant dangerous.

Which is when she came to me for help.

Must have been tough for you.

Nah. It wasn't, actually.

I... I don't know.

I... I hated her for what she did to me, but, you know, it didn't replace those other feelings.

You know, they... They never went away.

It's weird, right?

No, I get it.

Aiden and I fought as much as we made up.

[ Chuckles ] When I lost him, I...

[ Inhales deeply ]

Felt like I lost everything.


How do you come back from something like that?

I don't know if you ever do.

Thank you again for dinner.

Well, thank you for pretending to like it.

[ Chuckles ]

I swear, I think my meatloaf used to be more meat and less loaf.

[ Laughs ]

And you have all the time in the world to get it right.

And once this Independence Day soiree is over, I'll help.

Yeah, about the soiree...

Listen, these types of parties are not really my thing, so I...

Oh, no, no.

[ Chuckling ] No, no, no, you have to come.

Look, they're not my thing either, but as silly as it sounds, it's what Teddy wanted for me.

[ Sighs ] Please?

Besides... You know what the best part about picking a girl up for a party is, don't you?

You get to be the one to bring her home.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Knock on door ]

Don't worry. I don't expect you to roll out the welcome mat.

No, you shouldn't expect anything from me.

Natalie Waters is using you.

Which, translated, means you're afraid that you're not gonna see any of Edward's money and you want me to help try to get it back.

[ Sighs ]

I know that I'm the last person you want to listen to, and believe me when I tell you that you are the last person I want to help.

But she's our common enemy, and you can't trust that woman.

That woman looked after a dying man when his family turned their back on him, at a time when his son was proven to be the monster which you tried to convince the world I was.

So unless this is about something else...?

Oh, if you think this is because I'm jealous, then your ego is as warped as your judgment.

Natalie's lying to you. She's moving to California.

I don't think so.



Then why did she buy an estate on the Pacific?

As an investment?

How many houses did you own before karma caught up with you?

I was just trying to warn you. That's all.

[ Bell jingles ]

Oh, my goodness! He's just a bundle of joy!

He's putting on a show.

[ Chuckles ] What have we got here?

Nolan, I think that's your wedding ring.

I must have forgotten to put it back on after our massage.

Well, that thing must be the wrong size 'cause it keeps falling off.

Oh, let's go play.

[ Smooches ]

Oh, I could just eat him up!

Seriously, pass the maple syrup.

[ Sighs ] There. Do you like that one?

It's like you guys have been married for 10 years.

Oh. Are we that boring already?

Wait... And is that why you keep taking everybody's job offer but mine?

Or is that you're afraid of running into Emily and Ben?

Because I...

This has nothing to do with her or Ben.

Whatever they have or don't, I'm not worried about them.

All right. Then it is me.

I was right.


No, it... [ Sighs ]

As if it wasn't bad enough I pissed off every cop in my precinct by doing the honorable thing, now I'm pissing you off, too?

I don't want a handout, Nolan.

No, I... I... [ Sighs ]

Look, tables were turned, would you consider it charity or an opportunity to work with a great friend and help him out?

I may have a way to sweeten the deal.

Nolan, we've got all those empty rooms at the club.

What if we turned one into a daycare center?


Well, no, actually...

Actually, people have been asking for that.

I mean, I guess it's preferable to leaving them with the help?

The only downside is they're never gonna learn how to make bread puddin' with bourbon sauce.

[ Chuckles ] All right.

Listen, Jack... You can work when you want.

You can bring Carl with you.

We will keep an eye on Louise and make sure that she doesn't eat him.



Or you can keep inhaling sawdust off the floor at McGinty's.

Come on, Jack. What do you say?

[ Sighs ]

Well, I... I say...

That I can start tonight.

[ Both chuckle ]
[ Door opens ] [ Bell jingles ]


Hey, April.

[ Sighs ]

[ Door opens ] [ Bell jingles ]

How's it look?

Like you didn't tell me everything.

If he did, you'd probably be as far away from him as possible.

From what I understand, you've been hiding from an ex-con named Wes Perkins.

Wow. Who else knows?

I mean, please tell me that you're not heading up the Witness Protection program or anything.

April, come on.

It's Kim.

I had to ditch my life thanks to you.


So what? You told her some things, just not everything?

See, this is why I wanted to come alone.

Look, a few months after I took up with Wes, I went to Ben one night to talk about him.

You went to the husband you left for advice about the guy you were sleeping with?

We were best friends, Ben.

And I didn't come to you for help or for protection or because you were a cop... You knew that.

You told me how he fenced stolen goods out of a warehouse in Queens and that you were scared.

I wasn't gonna let that stand, and you knew it.

So I called in a raid.

Which I sure as hell didn't want.

Because when the cops found squat, Wes knew that I was the one that talked, and he was gonna make damn sure that that never happened again.

So I had to disappear, thanks to you.

He was trying to protect you.

I didn't ask him to.

By showing up, you did.

[ Sighs ] Look, we're running out of time.

By now, Wes probably knows where you are, and that is my fault, not Ben's.

You two are a perfect match.

We need to get you out of here.

You walk into my life after 10 years, try to upend it all over again?

I'm not going anywhere.

[ Sighs ]

What do you think?

Absolutely not.

You hate my dress?

No, the, uh, dress kills.

Absolutely not to your brother staying with us.

He's turned over a new leaf.

Leaves change, politicians don't.

Well, this one has.

[ Sighs ]

Look, Nolan. My daddy's dead.

And in my eyes, so is my mama.

So if Lyman wants to reconcile, then...

Maybe I want that, too.

Besides, I... Kind of already said yes.

Without asking me?

Lou, see, all I have tried to do is protect you.

I mean, do you even know what it means to be in a...

In a marriage, in a partnership?

Yes, I do.

It means we both bring our baggage and our eccentricities into this union, and it is our job to respect each other's quirks...

Among mine, being my family.

And mine?

Well... [ Sighs ]

How about the fact...

That you keep losing your wedding ring and I find it all over the house and I return it back to you without once asking you why you keep taking it off?

Because I respect you enough not to ask.

So why can't you give me the same respect?

Well, memory serves, you've got a yacht that Lyman can stay on...

Well, unless the sea makes him as sick as his presence makes me.

Natalie: Almost ready.

You are a very patient man.

Take your time.

[ Clatter ]

Aw. [ Sighs ]

Everything all right?

[ Sighs ] David.

It's time you know the truth... I am a klutz.

Tripped on my stiletto, went right into the makeup table.

Teddy used to say it made me endearing.

Really, all it does is make me bruise.

[ Both chuckle ] Do you need some ice?

Maybe some aspirin? There might be some in my purse.

[ Door closes ]

Find anything?

Uh, sure did.

[ Door opens ]

Ah. Thanks.

[ "Desire" by Years & Years ]
♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ I must be tough ♪

She said I'm thoughtless and controlling.

You put a daycare center down the hall so I can bring my kid to work.

♪ Don't give it up ♪

That's not thoughtless.

What about controlling?

'Cause now she's mad at me. I'm mad at her.

This is still a fake marriage, right?

Uh, it's tricky.

Are you attracted to her?

Jack, have you seen her?

Everyone from Southampton to the South Pole is attracted...

Yes, but that doesn't mean that they should be married to her.

And that brings me to the other thing.

This ring... No one's attracted to me when I wear it.

Look, it's clear to me that you want two different things, which means you don't know what you're doing.

No. Jack, I don't.

I mean, at least that's the one constant in...

Every twisted relationship I've ever had.

Well, something to chew on.

Something to talk to your wife about.


But do yourself a favor...

Figure it out over something other than gin.

[ Glasses clink ]

[ Sighs ]

♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh ♪

Man: Get a photo over here, please?

Woman: Over here.

Mr. Clarke, this way, please. Just one? Just one. Thank you.

Thank you. Oh, Natalie, David. A photo of the two of you? Thank you.

Photo, please? Together?

Uh, Natalie, David.


Ms. Waters, you've managed to throw the party of the summer...

[ Chuckles ] And with David Clarke on your arm no less.

So, I'll go find us some drinks.

All right.

So, what's it like to date him?

Uh... [ Laughs ]

Well, as we all know, he's been through a lot.

So it's not all sunshine and rainbows.

Hmm, how do you mean?

[ Inhales deeply ]

You see flashes of this or that, and there are...

There are moments when I hardly recognize him.

But then he's back, and...

Are you saying that you're scared of him?

No. God, no. No, I would never say that.

Whatever it is he's going through, I'm sure I can handle it.

Enjoy the party.

[ Camera shutters clicking ]

Man: Can we get a photo, please?

Oh, that's quite a portrait you're painting.


Trouble in paradise?

Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Oh, I have no doubt. [ Chuckles ]


Woman: Thank you.

Thank you.

Look, sis, I don't want to be the cause of any, uh, strife.

I can find another place to live.

Lyman, no. You're my family.

Well, in your case, family hasn't always been so reliable.

I mean, Nolan's right about that.

That's just because he doesn't know you like I do.

Remember when we were kids, how much I looked up to you?

[ Scoffs ]

God, I used to follow you around so much it was like you had a second shadow.

Well, now all I have is your husband's eyes on the back of my neck.

It's best I respect his wishes.

Yeah, I just wish he'd respect mine.

Well, it's your call, but I... I say don't let your old family sink your new one.

[ Sighs ]

See... [ Sighs ]

Why can't he just see this side of you?

[ Bell jingles ]

[ Door closes ]

Hello, April. Been a long time.

The hell are you?

The last person you want to play with.

[ Both grunting ]

[ Chuckling ] Oh.

[ Muffled ] Oh! Let go of me.

[ Grunts ]

[ Handcuffs clicking ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Grunting ]

Maybe second to last.

[ Towel snaps ]

Got to go.

All right, Nolan. "Money where your mouth is" time.

I'm clocking out, and I'm taking Carl to Bay Park to see the fireworks.

Uh, and I insist you do.

Don't you mean to say that, "I know that we discussed this, but I need you to stick around for another hour"?

All right, first, that's a terrible impression of me.

[ Chuckles ]

And second of all, uh, we all have cause to celebrate.

Ems called... Turns out she and Ben have managed to thwart Lady LeMarchal's attempts to rattle our collective cages.

Yes, punches were thrown.

She took Ben with her?

Aw, Jack, don't worry about it.

I mean, their little road trip was more... Revenge than romance.

Yeah? Who got punched?

[ Chuckles ] Kidding.


Anyways, look, I hope that Margaux realizes it's time to drop this vendetta.

[ Sighs ] I... It's not her.

It's kind of becoming her.

Rule of the red sharpie...

It's hard to put that cap back on.

But... Well, that doesn't concern you.

Go check out the, uh, right kind of fireworks.

Enjoying yourself, Mr. Ellis?

I am now.

And how about you?

This isn't exactly your holiday.

Now, please don't tell me you've been using my retainer for one.

The key to Nolan Ross' house.

Baby sis just wants her family.

And as for my wants...

Well, kudos for earning your sister's trust.

Now finish earning mine, and you get the rest of your fee.

Nolan Ross' secrets are somewhere in that house.

Find them. And then find me.

Watch your head. [ Grunts ]

[ Police radio chatter ]

[ Sighs ] So, after he, uh...

He swung at me, I hid behind the counter.

I was scared for my life.

Luckily, I saw what was going on, and I was able to disarm and subdue the assailant.

What happens now?

Well, the sheet says he's got two strikes already.

So this makes him a lifer.

It means you've got nothing to worry about, ma'am.

Take care.

Thank you.

[ Car door opens, closes ]

[ Sighing ]

I don't even know what to say.

I mean, I do. I do.

Thank you both for coming to warn me and for not leaving until it got through.

I know I can be... Pretty stubborn sometimes.

[ Chuckles ] Trust me, I'm the same.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah.

Well, I guess he's got a type.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm sorry. I just had to steal you away.

The fireworks are starting soon.

Oh, I think we can make a much better show.


[ Chuckles ]

[ Scoffs ]

What are you doing?

You monster! Get your hands off of me!


You're setting me up.

No one will ever believe you.

Which is why I informed the reporter earlier that you're a deeply disturbed man...

I just thought I could handle it.

David, no! You're hurting me!

You gonna destroy Conrad's watch, too?

"To Bunny, eternally yours... Conrad."

I recognized it in your purse.

See, I had a secretary once who had the exact same watch.

Lydia Davis was a vile whore.

Conrad Grayson loved me.

He promised me everything when he died.

You aren't the first girl that he seduced with his estate, but you might be the most deluded and ambitious.

You didn't get Conrad's money, so you went after his dying father?

And the bastard was intent on leaving Victoria everything.

I starved him until he had no choice but to pick up the damn pen and sign the new will.

So why come after me?

Aww, honey.

Conrad always wanted me to live like a Grayson, and that's not just about the money.

It's about the power...

The power to make people believe anything you want.

Ruining you was among his greatest accomplishments.

So you want the world to hate me.

Conrad did.

Maybe he'll rest better knowing that I've finished what he started.

Or alternatively, when you eventually see him in hell, maybe you can tell him yourself.

Victoria. Get out of here.

Oh, I have nowhere to go until Monday's court hearing.


Natalie: I starved him until he had no choice...

You could simply sign everything over to me.

That way, I retain my rightful inheritance, and you won't have to go to prison.

Oh, and, Bunny, if you're planning on staying in town, don't worry about money.

I hear the beach club is hiring.

[ Beeping ]

My, oh, my, the things these people have done, all in the name of this Amanda Clarke.

Call me when you get this.


What are you doing?

Uh, Louise this, uh... I... I know how this looks.

Like you're stealing information off my husband's computer.

No, I... I...

I trusted you.

No, I...

Get out of my house.

Now, Louise, you give me that back.

[ Gasps ] Louise.

Louise, give me that.

You played me for a fool.

Yeah, well, your new friends played you first!

Otherwise, why's your husband got a hidden computer behind the bureau?

These are not good people, Louise.

My people are just fine. Let's talk about your people.

How much is Margaux LeMarchal paying you?

How do you know about that?

Because I'm not a fool!

And I have a much better throwing arm than Aunt Faye.

[ Gasps ]


[ Both grunt ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Thud ]

[ All cheering ]

I guess this is technically your fourth of July party now.

Not with this decor.

[ Cheering continues ]

What will you do with all the money coming your way?

I'll use it to ensure that the Daniel Grayson Foundation restores my boy's good name.

It'll take time.

But I can see no cause more worthwhile.

Well, on the subject of names, uh, I want to thank you for making sure that mine wasn't ruined...


Well... I guess there's a silver lining to not k*lling me after all.

Are you ready to see the fireworks, pal, huh?

[ Chuckles ]

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Sighs ]

Come on. Seriously?

Well, if it isn't Former Officer Porter.

Enjoying your free time? Maybe a little too much?

What is it, Schaefer?

We received a tip there's a drunk driver on the road in a truck that matches yours.

Well, you pulled over the wrong one.

I haven't had anything to drink all night.

So can I go?

I'm just trying to take my kid to Bay Park for fireworks.

And I'm just doing my job, or have you already forgotten police protocol?

Step out of the car.

Wes Perkins was arrested for as*ault earlier this evening.


Nothing will be traced back to you.

Emily is one step ahead... Always.

Can't say the same for the rest of them.

Jack Porter was taken care of.


As for Nolan Ross, I expect the contents of his well-protected hard drive will be more than enough to ruin them all.

I should have it within the hour.

Here you are.

And I searched the whole party for you.

I left early.


I did something bad.

[ Sighs ] No.

No, you didn't.

I did.

Louise, I know this marriage is untraditional.

[Chuckles] But so are we.

And we still have a lot to figure out.

[ Sighs ]

But while we do, Lyman is...

Welcome to stay.

More than welcome.

[ Gasps ]

I'm so glad you said that.

Because he's in the guest room right now.

He, uh...

Had a few too many and passed out.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah, of course he did.

[ Sighs ] It's been a long day.

Talk in the morning?





Wonder twins.

So, if you're Margaux, what do you do next?

Whatever it is, she's desperate, which makes her dangerous.

She'll keep looking for vulnerabilities and weaknesses...

Mine and my friends. I mean...

[ Sighs ]

Going after your first love was ruthless and smart.

A person's first love is their weak spot.

Just like Daniel proved to be hers.

So, who's yours?

My what?

Your weak spot.



Jack, was your first lo...

No, Ben... Jack.

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

We got a call.

I'm telling you, there's something wrong.

I, uh... You know me.

I wouldn't drink and get behind the wheel.

You blew 0.14. Against the car, Porter.

Ted, we've got a kid here. [ Crying ]

No, no, no! You're not taking him! No!

Get your hands off my kid! Get your hands off me!

Relax. [ Grunts ]

You're not taking my kid! You're not taking my kid!

Let me go!

Come on! Come on! Let him go!

[ Crying ] Let him go! Give him to me! God, no!