03x16 - The Offer

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arrow". Aired October 2012 - January 2020*

Moderator: SageLexington

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Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.
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03x16 - The Offer

Post by bunniefuu »

Oliver: My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I have come home with only one goal-- to save my city. Now others have joined my crusade.

To them, I'm Oliver Queen.

To the rest of Starling City, I am someone else.

I am... something else.

Previously, on "Arrow"...

I k*lled Sara.

Malcolm gave me something that made me susceptible to suggestion.

What happened wasn't your fault, Thea, because it wasn't your decision.

Malcolm? He's going to face justice.

He's gone. Malcolm Merlyn will never be seen again.

Welcome to Nanda Parbat.

When I told you that Malcolm k*lled Sara, he wanted her dead, but I am the one who fired those arrows into her chest.

I promised you your vengeance.

So take it.

k*ll me.

But spare John Diggle's life.

Let him go.

I will beg for it.

You've shown tremendous strength, fortitude, and power.

No, Mr. Queen...

I don't want to k*ll you.

I want you to take my place.

I want you to become the next Ra's al Ghul.

Ra's is a title greater than any one man.

Wing ta Lao wo chey.

Am I supposed to understand what that means?

No. It is from a dialect no longer spoken.

Said to me by a man whose place I took.

Contemplating the same offer.

And what it means is, a tale to be told... begins thus.


[All grunting]

[Ra's speaking Arabic]

Don't let your footing betray you.

Let your power come not from the strength of your attack but from the ground that holds your feet.

All men seek guidance, a purpose.

The means to live without pain.

Those who journey here have given such an exchange for their fealty.

You mean they have to k*ll for you?

No, Mr. Queen, they have to die for me.

Is all of this supposed to impress me?


It's to inform you.

Surely men have branded you a m*rder*r, a torturer.

But see, I would never shame you with such bluntness.

Because I see it in your eyes.

The struggle you have with your dual identity.

Oliver Queen and the Arrow.

Neither giving you what you crave.

But becoming Ra's al Ghul will?

Oliver Queen is a man destined to be alone.

He loves a woman he knows he cannot have.

You don't know me.

But I know the Arrow.

"Al Sahhim."

You will never be anything more than a vigilante for those whose lives you save at the risk of your own.

And the city will turn on you, and your closest allies within the police department will call you a criminal.

You will be scorned and hunted, and then k*lled.

Dying as you began your crusade...


Season 3 Episode 16
The Offer
Original Air Date on March 18, 2015

Your brother attempted to have me believe that he k*lled Sara.

Your confession is even less convincing.

I don't have any reason to lie!

Except to protect your father.

Why would I protect Malcolm when I turned him over to you?

He gave me a drug called Votura.

I put three arrows into her chest, and I had no idea what I was doing.

He used me.

Someone she would trust.

So I don't deserve to be living any more than Malcolm does!

There would be no justice in k*lling you.

I k*lled Sara!

k*ll me.

Do it.

Do it.

The blood debt ends with Malcolm's death.

Which, I can assure you, my father has taken care of already.

Laurel: Thea!

Roy: Get away from her!

Nyssa, no!

[Breathing heavily]

Are you ok?

How the hell...

Did she get out?

It's League training, probably.

What were you doing down here in the first place?

I just wanted to pay my respects.

It was Herodotus who first wrote of these waters.

And Ponce de León traveled the earth in search of them.

And their discovery by Al-Khidr is chronicled in the Qu'ran.

And they have permitted me to live way beyond my time.

You don't seem too fazed by what I've told you.

I've seen things that have helped me to believe that this world is a much bigger place than people realize.

And as I told you on the mountain, boy, man can only evade death for so long.

The waters' powers are losing their effect on me.

My time is almost over, but my legacy won't be just ash and bone, it will be history.

And you think that I'll help you secure that legacy?

You survived my sword.

Your resurrection wasn't a gift from these waters, rather by force of your own will.

And what better heir to immortality than someone who has already claimed victory over death?

I didn't defy death just to become an instrument of it.

We are justice.

Isn't that what you've dedicated your life to?

Then why confine your crusade to a single city...

When I can give you a whole world to save.

By executing anyone who stands in my way?

You would command resources that you cannot even fathom.

Numbers greater than any army.

And more loyal.

Now, if you wish for them to renounce k*lling as you did, thy will be done.


I doubt that.

It's called the League of Assassins for a reason.

The League's reason would be your own.

You would be Ra's al Ghul.

And what if I say no?

Then you are free to leave.

With your compatriots, as a gesture of good will.

All debts forgiven, and all blood oaths waived.

Let's go home.

[Door opens]

Really need to stop having these "thank God you're not dead" reunions.

I agree.


I'm working on it.

You look ok.

Are you ok?

I'm fine.

Not even a scratch.

How is that possible?

How did you get him back?

Doesn't matter.

What matters is, you didn't k*ll him.

No, I wanted Ra's to k*ll him.

And I still do.


He's not staying here.

You and I both know there's nowhere else I can take him.

If you think I feel bad for him, you're wrong.

I'm not asking you to feel bad for him; I'm not asking you to forgive him.

Just let him heal.

I have to go.

[Door opens]

John: How did Thea react to her new house guest?


That bad, huh?

Did she ask how we made it back from Nanda Parbat alive?

Well, I didn't get into it with her.

Well, how about me, Oliver?

Like I said, Ra's had a change of heart.

Ra's Al Ghul doesn't have a heart.

Two months ago, he kicked you off the side of a mountain and put a sword through you.

Now he's giving you Malcolm Merlyn back all gift wrapped?

Diggle, we're back.

We're alive.

Let's just be grateful for that.

What's the Chinese word for ok?

Or, how do you say ok in Mandarin?

"Hao ba."

Ok, everything is going to be "hao ba."

I want to go home!

Yeah, I--I know, buddy, but home's not really safe right now.

Because those men tried to hurt us?

Yeah. Because of those men.

In fact, Akio, we shouldn't even really be out in the open right now.

[Akio yells]


Akio: Oliver?

Hey, look, you cannot disappear like that!

I thought I saw my father, but it wasn't him.

Look, I--I--I get it, I get it, and I'm sorry.

We--we can't get separated.

The botanical gardens!

The what?

Mother and father always told me to go there if we ever got separated.


Come on!

Well, thank God.

You know, just because I'm furious with you, that doesn't mean I want you dead.

What about Malcolm?

I mean, I know Laurel wants him dead, I mean, is he?


We got him back.

Well, I suppose congrats, and why, oh, why, did you do that, are in order.

Laurel: Oliver.


Oliver, what are you doing?!

You're free to go.

My father would never trade my life for yours.

And he certainly wouldn't do it for Malcolm Merlyn's.

He didn't.

If no bargain was struck, then how are you still alive?

Go home, Nyssa.

Ok. Well, I don't understand anything anymore.

Why did Ra's--

It doesn't matter.

Let's focus on what does.

Somewhere, there is someone that needs a reminder that we are still watching over this city.

Well, there is a robbery in progress at the Kingston Property depot on Third.

New shipment just arrived.

I'm assuming whatever it is, it's worth a lot of money.

Ok. Suit up.


Suit up.

I just want to get this shipment done.

Excuse me. We're looking for the Catoca shipment.

Maybe you could help?

The Catoca shipment.

Where is it?

I don't know!


Boss says check the crates for a Catoca manifest.

Drop it!

Roy: Look out!

You still need training.

When are you going to stop telling me that?

When you no longer need training.


The head guy got away...

With these.


Ran into a new player tonight who dropped some bodies.

I need a name.

One of these four will give him up.


Well, when he does, you can read about it in the papers.


It's captain now!

When were you going to tell me, huh?

Or were you going to tell me?

You really going to stand there still pretending like you didn't know my daughter was dead?

Uh, Captain Lance...

My whole career, my whole life, even when I knew nothing, I at least knew right from wrong.

And I knew vigilantism was wrong.

And that the day we take the law into our own hands is a day that we-- we become outlaws.

And that idea--that idea was precious to me.

Almost as precious as my own daughters.

I threw that all away the day I threw in with you.

You know why?

'Cause I trusted you.

But I see the man under the hood now.

He lies, and he keeps secrets.

All so he doesn't have to carry around the weight of his decisions.

And I'm done with him.

[Door opens, closes]

What would you say if I told you I just connected the virtual TCP to the open source sensor?

I would say you only think you did, because I've been trying to figure that out for over two weeks.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have been trying for at least two full minutes.

Ah! Let me see.

Oh, you don't believe me.

Well, no, I'll just, uh, make sure you did it right.

Oh, and if I'm right?

Then I will take you to the best steak dinner you've ever had.


Which, I'd probably do anyway.

Well, I hope it's better than that fusion place you took me to, where I needed this microscope to find the food.

[Ray chuckles]

[Knock on door]

Oliver, hey.

What are you doing here?

I mean, it's nice to see you here.

Nice to see you again, Mr. Palmer.


And please, call me Ray.

Ok. Ray.

May I speak with Felicity for a few minutes, please?

Uh, absolutely.

Thank you.

Should have called.

No. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier when you got back.

You don't owe me anything.

That's not true.

You're one of my closest friends.

[Inhales, exhales]

We went up against a new crew last night.

One of them had his lips sewn shut.

Is that a real thing?


Ugh. If only I had known I have that option.

[Sighs] Ok.

Michael Amar?



Street name's "Murmur" because of the whole lip stitch thing.

Practitioners say it focuses the mind like meditation.

You ok?

I handed some of Amar's men over to Lance.

He knows the Arrow knew about Sara, didn't tell him.

What did Lance say?

Some variation on "Go to hell."

Oliver, he just needs time.

No, he's right.

I lied to him. For months.

Kept something from him, and he had every right to know.

Are you ok?

I mean, besides Lance and the whole me and Ray thing?

I mean, it just seems like there's something else going on underneath all that.

I'm fine.

Thanks for help with Amar's name.

[Knock on door]

Oliver's not here.

Actually, I came by to see how you were doing.

He told you that Malcolm was here?

Go ahead.

I'm the last person to stop you from k*lling him.

My last attempt to do so didn't exactly work out.

That's kind of why I'm here.

I'm worried about you.

Everyone's so interested in saving my soul these days.

Look, no one wants to see Merlyn dead more than me.

But Oliver was right.

You wanted your own father k*lled.

Yeah, and how messed up is that?

You know, I wish that I never learned Malcolm was my father.

Everything since then has just...


You know, you're lucky, Laurel.

You have a normal father.

Someone who really loves you.

Yeah, I can't say we're on the best of terms.

[Malcolm groaning]

You should probably go.

[Door closes]
How much of that did you hear?

Enough to know that I am the last person you wish to see alive.

I'm not going to apologize for what I did.

And I'd do it again.

I know.

You asked me to teach you to be strong.

To make sure you can't be hurt again.

You learned your lessons well.

I have learned nothing from you.

Do you realize that I'm so messed up, I was willing to die last night?

For what you made me do?

You know, I didn't actually think it was possible for me to hurt any worse than I did when I came to you.

You proved to me I was wrong.

So what was it again that you taught me?

Show me the knife.

How did you know?

You are my daughter.

Do it like I taught you--one strike to the neck, it'll be over quickly.


You're sick.

I love you, and I want to do what is best for you.

If that were even close to being true, you would have stayed out of my life.



Your safe return pleases me, my child.

Then extend me the courtesy of explaining why Malcolm Merlyn is still alive.

If you're not going to watch your tongue, then at least mind your tone.

Why did you release Al-Sahfer's m*rder*r?

As a gift to Oliver Queen.

An advance for him becoming my heir.

You've selected an outsider over your own daughter?

He survived my sword.



You're punishing my love for her.

At least do me the courtesy of admitting it.

You never approved.

I never approved of you allowing weakness into your life.

And even in death, your devotion to her pollutes your judgment.

[Sword clangs]

[Speaking Arabic]

[Speaking Arabic]

Target's name is Michael Amar.

Yeah, got him here.

Got out of Iron Heights two months ago.

Did he escape?

No, released. Turns out he was serving a sentence based on a coerced confession.

Cops beat it out of him.

He confessed to a crime he didn't commit?

I might sew my mouth shut, too.

He's not innocent anymore.

What was he after tonight?

His crew made off with a couple of crates, all containing these-- industrial grade diamonds.

But word on the street is this shipment was loaded with high end jewels they didn't take.

Why would he steal worthless diamonds?

That's the million dollar question.

Actually, street value's only worth a couple thousand.

We could use Felicity on this, Oliver.

She's pre-occupied.

I know a couple of fences from my less socially responsible days.

I could talk to them, see if I can find out where Amar is trying to move these diamonds.

That's a good idea.


You want to tell me what's going on now?


Ra's predicted this.

He said that the city would turn against me and I would die alone.

And we come back, and the first thing that happens is Lance is shutting me out, and...

I see Felicity with Palmer.

It's like he looked into my future.

Sounds to me like Ra's is playing with your head.

Question is, why are you letting him?

He wants me to take his place in the League of Assassins.

That's why he let us go.

As a sign of good faith.

Is there even a world where he can imagine you saying yes?

He said that I can do more as the new Ra's than I could ever do as Oliver Queen or the Arrow.

That I would have unlimited resources.

That I could make a difference, not just a dent.

You're not really considering this.

Just because Captain Lance is angry and Felicity is momentarily unavailable.

It's more than that.

I just...

John, tell me honestly...

What have we accomplished?



All the people that we put away, John, they got out.

The city is no better off.

The Arrow is not...

Is not making a difference.

And if I just can't be me...

And the Arrow isn't enough...


Then maybe I should be Ra's al Ghul.

[Door opens]

Is Malcolm still alive?

In my head, I've already slit his throat seven times.

Broke his neck twice.

Sorry that I had to bring him here.

Been trying to remember who I was before mom died.

Before Malcolm...

And I don't recognize her.

I couldn't even fathom k*lling someone, and... in the last month, I've held a g*n to Slade Wilson's head and nearly took my father's life twice.

But you didn't k*ll either of them.

You know why I didn't k*ll Malcolm?


I thought what she'd think about her daughter becoming a m*rder*r just like him.


You're nothing like him.

There's something broken inside of me just like there's something broken inside of him.

Nothing can change that.

Where are you going?

To go buy my evil dad some soup.


[Door opens]

One big, happy family.

What did you do to her?!

I encouraged her to k*ll me.

My version of being a supportive father.

Yeah, you really are insane.


But I'm not the only one.

Or do you doubt that Ra's would release us both without conditions?

No conditions.

An offer.

To take his place.

You don't seem surprised.

I don't put much stock in augury.

But there is a prophecy.

The man that doesn't perish at the blade of Ra's Al Ghul will become Ra's al Ghul.

[Cell phone beeps and vibrates]

Ra's al Ghul doesn't offer, he orders.


Don't delude yourself into thinking you have a choice.

Hey, what are those bamboo things called?

Hey, Akio, come on, all right, it's ok.

"Hao ba."

You need to remember that you're strong, right?

Just like my sister.

You have a sister?

I do!

And I miss her just as much as you miss your parents.

Why aren't you with her?

Well, I told her that I had to hang out with my good buddy Akio.


Yeah. We used to go to botanical gardens just like these in Starling City, except she didn't know the... plants as well as you do.


What's wrong?



Where's Diggle?

He's out with Roy.

They're on their way back.

Thanks for coming.

Where else would I be?

It's not rhetorical.

Ray and I may be a something, but that doesn't change my commitment to what we're doing here.


What about your commitment?


John might have told me about your employment offer from Evil Incorporated.

He also might have told me that you may be considering it, which is, by the way, insane.

There's a League of Assassins.

That is not the name of a nice group.

I've been an assassin.

There is more than one path to justice.

There are a lot of different ways I can answer that.

All varying on the theme of you're crazy, but I'm going to go with, what makes you think that you're not already on the right path?

Ok. Ok.

'Cause it's been over two years.

You tell me.

What have I really accomplished?

My mother's dead.

Tommy, Sara.

Crime's not down, and my sister is in ten different kinds of pain right now.

So you leave.

Then what?

All the people you've lost, all the sacrifices you've made, it would have been for nothing.

I don't know why I'm doing this anymore.

I can't answer that for you.

Yes, Captain Lance is shutting you out, but I don't believe you're the Arrow so that people can say "thank you."

And, yes, you and I are not together, but that was your choice.

When we thought you were dead, each one of us had to figure out why we were doing all this.

Seems like it's your turn.

Roy: Are we interrupting something?

What do you have?

Just talked to a friend of mine who used to run a munitions depot back when I was in Afghanistan.

I think I know why our guy is so interested in low grade diamonds.

The type of diamonds Amar and his crew are interested in is used to make diamond-tipped b*ll*ts.

They can go through body armor like tissue paper.

Ok. So who wears body armor?

The police.

The guys who beat that false confession out him, who put him in prison.

He's going to get payback.

Ok. Roy, suit up.

Dig, I need you to secure the perimeter of the station.


Call Captain Lance, I'm already on it.

[Cell phone vibrating]


Peace offering.

I already ate.


You know, it's funny...

A friend of mine is having trouble with her father.

The son of a b*tch is barely human, but you...

You know, history has taught me that you'll give me the cold shoulder for a while, and then you'll move on to blowing up at me, and then finally, you'll let it all out at a dinner that I've dragged you to after days of pleading, but my point is, is just let me have it!

I deserve every minute of it.

And I am ready to take it, but... don't you think for one second that I am giving up on us.


When you were a little girl, you used to wait up for me when I was on nights.

You couldn't fall asleep until I walked through that front door.

I remember.


You were always the protector of this family, of everyone.

Laurel Lance...

Always trying to save the world.

You can't save this.


You don't know how hard I've tried to forgive you for lying to me the way you did?

I'm not proud of it.

You're my daughter, I'll always love you, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive you.


[All yelling]

k*ll them all!

Police band is filled with reports of g*nf*re at the precinct.

Oliver: Any luck getting through to Lance?

Still trying.

I'll lay down cover fire, you haul ass for the exit.

I'm not leaving you!

Just because you think you're some kind of hero now doesn't mean I'm not going to protect my daughter.

Now on my move, you run!

Go, go, go!

My father's back there!

Officer: Hey!

[Both grunting and groaning]

What, are you waiting around for a thank you?

That's not why I do this.


Nice work.

Not without a few casualties, but Amar is in custody.

So that's a no on the whole victory dance thing, then?

You know me.

I don't dance.

But I do occasionally say... thank you.

You're welcome.

And you were right.

Ah, a "thank you" and a "you were right."

I should really be recording this.

I started all of this because of my father, to... right his wrongs.

It became something more.

But I never stopped to think about it or about why... until you asked me to.

And what was the answer?

Tonight at the precinct, the only thing that I could think about was... those police officers, and how their families were counting on me, and Roy, and Diggle, to get them home safe.

That's why I'm doing this.

So... that means a pass on becoming the most handsome Demon's Head ever?

It means I'm not ready to give up on what we're doing here.

You know, you're always saying how you just want me to be happy...

You know, the thing is, as long as you're in my life, I am.

[Cell phone rings]


It's Ray.

I should probably take this.

Who are those men?!

I-I don't know.

Then why are we running away from them?


Nyssa: Are you all right?

What are you doing here?

Looking for you, actually.

I missed your sister.

I suppose I wanted something to remind me of her.

Now's really not the best time.

Are you... having problems with your father?

I have some experience in that area.

Do you want to talk about it?

With you?

You know what?

I could use a reminder of Sara, too.

Dinner's on me.

During the fighting, your technique was competent?

Why do I feel like that's your idea of a compliment?

Could certainly be improved.

Is that an offer to teach me?

I have nowhere else to go.

It is not customary for one to wait so long before accepting a great honor.

I'm not accepting it.

Wing ta Lao wo chey.

"The tale to be told begins thus."

Maseo, this story, it's over before it begins.

You misunderstand.

It does not mean the tale is yet to unfold.

It means Ra's has already written it.

The choice has been made.


I will always be grateful for what you've done for my family.

For what you meant to Akio.

But if you insist on pursuing this path of resistance...

There will be consequences.

Is that a threat?

It is the will of Ra's al Ghul.

[Knock on door]

Yeah, who is it?


Thea. Are you ok?

What's going on?

I--I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

I don't know who I am.

Can I just stay here with you?


Cops believe they've won.

But we still got what, how many rounds of those armor-piercing diamond b*ll*ts?


You tell everyone who will listen what you've seen.

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