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03x05 - The su1c1de Tree

Posted: 04/06/15 19:39
by bunniefuu
Can I help you, Officer?

Well, I'm not a cop.

Security guard.

Yeah, I wanted to get my wife something.

Okay, is it an apology or an anniversary?

Can't a guy just get his wife flowers?

Sure, they can.

They usually don't.

Any ideas?

What's she like?


In a good way.

You mean classic?

Classic, yeah. Bit of a dreamer.

Oh, that's sweet.

Wait until I tell her that I left dinner in the fridge.

I love you.

You'd better.


[Car horn honks]

This must be what stalking feels like.

Oh, don't you be modest.

I know you've been stalked before.

Now, seriously...

Why are you here?

What? Can't I pick you up for work?

Sure... ?

Get in.


Wait, wait, wait, I got a system. Hold on.



Watch it.


Take it easy. Oh, wow.

I may have something on Neville Montgomery's lawyer, Henry Guenther.

Oh, thank you for asking, Angie.

You're right, it is a beautiful day...

Okay, look at this.

There was a security camera at a store near where Guenther stopped.

The store gave you the footage without a warrant?

Well, I appealed to their sense of justice.

Look, she pulls in, she parks beside him for two minutes, then she just pulls out? Come on.

You'll never identify her out of these photos.

Ah, but I got a partial plate.

This could be the thing that leads us to Montgomery's new hatchet person.

Okay, but it also could be someone who parked near Guenther, and then changed their mind about dinner.

You're not convinced.

It's not convincing.

Well, I'm just going to have to run the plate then.

And, yes, it is a beautiful day.

Police radio: Seven-India-12, suspicious death, bayshore at Cardero.

Or it was.

You're going into shock.

I want you to drink this.

Trust me, the sugar's going to help.

There you go. Can you grab that?

Blair, you're going to be okay.

The blood is from the victim, Tony Lamot.

Blair performed CPR until the paramedics arrived, but he never had a chance.

Okay, well, let's get Mr. Morton processed, and then get him out of this circus.

I'll take his statement down at the station.


Okay. Hey.


Boyd's giving us point on this.

I got the lowdown from robbery.

A two-man crew hit the truck.

Bad guy one is deceased.

Bad guy two escaped.

Where are we on witnesses?

It was a panic-fest.

Bad guy two shot the guard in the back.

No descriptions. He took off in a car.

Red... maybe.

Bets, you got that look on your face.

Yeah, the guard is not the question mark.

Multiple g*nsh*t wounds.

But this guy...

There's not a scratch on him.

He's a puzzle.

We searched him.

No phone, no wallet, no I.D.

Blair Morton?

Where's my husband?

Your husband... Listen... Your husband is safe.

Thanks. He just went down to the station to give a statement.

What's your name? I'm Detective Angie Flynn.

Uh, Ella.

Ella Rollins.

Well, Ella, I can make arrangements for a car to take you down to the station, okay?




All right, so the deceased guard, Tony, is coming back to the truck after a coffee run, bad guy two sh**t him in the back from a distance.

Okay, Blair breaks protocol jumps out of the armored car.

Not the smartest move.

Yeah, they use armor-piercing rounds.

We should look into a*mo suppliers.

So two guys in on a heist.

One dies, the other one cuts and runs.

What if the death wasn't accidental?

It could be a double cross.

If I'm going to double-cross my partner, I do it after the heist, not in the middle of it.

Remind me never to pull a heist with you.

So this job is built on planning, right?


Specifics. What if... what if they had someone on the inside?

That could have happened, right?

Well, if that was the case, why did bad guy two run?

He panicked?

Oh, right, leaving Blair alone in a moment of truth.

On one side, he's got the truck and all the money.

On the other, there's Tony.

Right, he picks Tony.

Blair's either a bad thief or a good friend.

Could be both.

So you just ran out of gas in front of Blair's work?


And nobody else at the security place would give me the time of day.

If it weren't for Blair, I don't know...

He said you own this place?


Yeah, my grandmother.

This place was like a second home to me when I was a kid.


She used to make the flowers seem like magic.



Roses help with depression, snapdragons, insomnia, echinacea does, like, ten different things.

She used to say there's not a problem that flowers couldn't solve.

I used to dream that I'd run this place.

So dreams come true, huh?

Not always how you think.


Good to go?

Oh, that's so great.

Here. Thank you so much.

Oh, no, forget it.

You've gotta let me do something.

No, happy to help.

I'll tell you what, I'm throwing a party next week.

Come by, both of you.

I don't know.

All right, think about it.


Did you get a look at the guy who shot Tony?

I barely saw him.

He was too far away. I was trying to help Tony.

What about the other robber?

I turned my head...

His g*n was up.

I knew I was dead.

Do you know what it's like to know something like that?

And then he winces.

Just grabs his chest, crumples to the ground.

Ballistics confirmed that the amm*nit*on used in the robbery was custom.

Major Crimes has given us a list of any black or grey market suppliers.

And that's not why you're here.

Just out of curiosity, are you still investigating cases that should be considered closed?

You have a specific case in mind?

This just came in from the deputy chief himself.

They're auditing our use of the database?


D.C. says he's worried that officers are accessing information for personal reasons.

He's also a golfing buddy of Neville Montgomery's.

So, we're on the same page, then.


I read your book.


Twice. Hmm.

You could just say thank you.

I could.

But that's not fun.

[Angie clears throat]

Thank you.

[Speaking pig-Latin]

Oh, that's good. Yeah.

[Replies in pig-Latin] _

[Interrupting] _



Five minutes.

Yeah, I suck.

I take it you mean that partial plate.

Yeah, the deputy chief is monitoring our database.

Can you believe that?

Hey, Lucas, did you get anything from the security guard?

Like maybe the license plate of the getaway car?

No plate.

He said it was a red getaway car.

Two-man team, and he said that one of the robbers died clutching his chest.

I've got analysts combing their databases for any other heists with a similar M.O.

Until then, we've got a dozen amm*nit*on suppliers to question.

You want to split 'em up?

Sounds good to me.

Cool, I'll check in with Dr. Rogers on the autopsies.


Today, my results policy is strictly "I will show you mine if you show me yours."

Did you see a doctor?

I did, they're running tests, and I'm cleared for duty.

Everything is fine.

Well, do you need someone to review tests with you?

Go with you to appointments?

I don't know.

I've seen how you treat your patients.

But I appreciate the offer.

Mr. Tony Lamot was k*lled by multiple g*n shot wounds to the back.

They went straight through his vest.

That's consistent with armor-piercing rounds.

Must have died instantly.

Acutely. His death was acute.

What's the difference?

A medical degree, but, no, he didn't suffer.

Tox screen came back on your John Doe robber.

Massive amounts of digoxin in his blood.

It's a heart medication.

Okay, so a guy with a heart problem dies of a heart attack.

Massive amounts of digoxin.

A man who took a pill or two a day ate a whole bottle.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, it's very nice.

So you can field strip a r*fle, but you don't know anything about armor-piercing rounds.

I know a lot about armor-piercing rounds.

I also know a lot about individual rights, and my customers still have them.

Yeah, no, I get it, I get it.

Listen, this is, uh...

This is the case I'm working on.

A security guard, shot in the back.


I had to tell his family.

He's got a 12-year-old daughter.

Sweet kid, smart. So smart.

Smart enough to know that her dad was k*lled over nothing, over money.

You know? Breaks my heart. Someone just tore a hole in that kid's world.

You want me to drive you over?

You can tell her all about your customer's rights.

It was all legal.

Last week, there was a guy.

He bought a b*llet press.


You get his name?

No. He paid cash.

But, uh, he invited me to his party.


You remember the address?

Write it down for me?

Hey, Vega, got an address I need you to look at.

[Roar of party]

Oh my god.


Oh, this is fun.


I thought Lee said this was just going to be a few close friends.

I know. Do you see him anywhere?

No, maybe we should just go.

What? No! Are you crazy?

We just got here.

We just got here live a little.

I know.

Oh, it feels so good to smile.


Are those from your shop?


Yeah, he wanted to pull out all the stops.



Yes, you made it.

Isn't this crazy?

I know, like, 10 people here.

Tim! Timmy!

This is the guy.

Blair, right? Tim.


Come on, we got to drink.

This is a little sangria.

With vodka.

Maybe a little tequila.

Let's be honest, I don't know what the hell is in here, but we're gonna drink it anyway, huh?

Yeah, we gotta work tomorrow.

That's tomorrow, friend.

Yeah, that's tomorrow.

Oh, my god.

What happened in here?


That could be evidence.

I need you to stay right there, thank you.

People these days.

The guy you rented to, how did he pay?

Cash, up front.


Six months rent and deposit.

I see, and that didn't set off any alarm bells for you?

This place has been empty for almost a year.

With the owner's price tag, I was lucky to find a sucker to rent it.

Well, we checked the name that he gave you.

That was a fake.




This is my surprised face.

The owner is going to k*ll me.

How soon can I get in here to clean this mess up?

I don't know, a place like this, that's hard to say.

It could take us days to process all the potential evidence in here. I mean, weeks, even.

You can't do that to me.

Actually, we can do that to you.

Release of the property is at our discretion, you see.

There you go.

Yeah, that looks more like your surprised face.


I really need to talk to you.

Can you come to the door, please?

Yeah, just a second.

It's important.

I think we got a positive I.D. on our bank robber.

Lee Ward.

Prescription for digoxin.

The bottle's full.

That doesn't support our O.D. theory.

Hmm... anything down here?

The wake of a 24-7 party, with one exception.

The flowers.


Doesn't quite fit the vignette.


Guy had taste.

That Espresso machine costs more than a car. Well, Angie's car maybe.

You're hilarious.

Found the b*llet press in the garage, along with red automotive paint and spray gear.

The getaway car was red.

And there was a burner cell that was in the trash.

It was smashed, but maybe digital forensics might find data.


I didn't say anything, I swear.

Not yet.


But you will.

Please don't!

Please... please don't! Please...

I can help you.

You need to get away, right?

You need money? I can get you money.



$100 from your store?

Lee has a stash at his house.

I can take you there. I can give you the money.

Blair's not going to do anything if I'm with you.


[Groaning in pain]

If a crossing guard so much as looks at me funny, she's dead.

It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay.

No criminal record for Lee Ward.

Just a driver's license. Old address.

Are those the security-camera stills?


You see this reflection?


Looks like it may have caught a glimpse of the getaway car's headlights.

Yeah, their shape and spread pattern might help us narrow down the model of the car.

I'll get digital forensics to follow up.

Well, they need something to do,

'cause they already pulled the data from Lee's phone, and there isn't much.

Well, there is some I.M. chatter.

Random, though.

"Can't stop thinking of you."

"When can I see you?"

"Shh. It'll be our little secret.

Sounds like Lee may have had a special someone in his life.


Someone secret.

I love this piece.

Where did you get it?

Ah, for a while, I had this stupid dream that I could make it as an artist.


Well, there's nothing stupid about having a dream.

Listen, um...

Blair told me you guys are having money troubles.

That you might lose your place.

So all the flowers for your party.

That was pity?

No. I was trying to impress someone.



But you're married, I mean...

Stupid dream, right?

I can help.

Let me help.

Saving for a rainy day?

Yeah, well, banks aren't as safe as people think.

I can't take your money.

Yeah, you can.

It's nothing to me, honest.

Just a little something to...

Help you get on your feet.

No strings attached?

Police are probably watching this place.

You're trying to set me up.

To do what?

I know you'll k*ll me the second you see a cop.

I know a good way in.

You seem to know all about Lee's place.

Like you've been here a bunch.

You know, he told me about you two.

At first, I thought he was nuts.

Didn't see what he saw in you.

But now...

Do you want the money or not?

It's actually pretty easy.

You just take the first letter, you put it...

I know, I'm just not as fast as you is all...

... at the end of the word.


Oh, hey, look at you, still here.

Yeah, Friday night, we're living large.

You really got to work on your work-life balance, my friend.

She does realize that she's here, too, right?


No, I've got plans.

Oh, do tell.


Guessing is the only fun you guys are going to have tonight.

That's where you're wrong.

Digital forensics narrowed the car model from the headlight spread pattern.

Wow, you're right, that does sound fun.

How many models are we looking at?

Several. Now, if only someone had cross-checked them with recently stolen vehicles...

There's a 2011 Audi that was stolen from the lower mainland.

It was white.

So the robbers pinched a white car and painted it red.

Ding, ding.

You're welcome.

Where is it?

The bar fridge.

Behind the liner.

You lied.

No, it was there.

It was there.

There was cash in there.

He must have moved it.

I swear.

This looks like a back-up plan.

[Beeping through screens]


Somebody's here.

You make a sound, and I will slit your throat.

That her?

Hope so.


Detective Vega, this is Detective Flynn.

Are you Mrs. Shelley Falk?

Uh, Miss.

And is this about the car? Because in all honesty, I'd rather just forget about it.

But you filed a robbery report.

Really, it's my own fault.

Because you handed your keys to someone pretending to be a valet?

I meant that metaphysically. You know, give, take.

Yeah, karma.


The truth is, is that I hated that car.

I got it in the divorce just to spite my husband.

I see.

Would you help a sketch artist get us the description of the thief?

I don't want that car back.

It was used in a bank robbery.

Now I really don't want it back.

What if you looked at it like maybe balancing the scales?

All right, Detective.

You win.

I win.

Get in.

[Muffled protests]

[Muffled screams]

Shh, shh, shh, easy...

Shh, easy.

I can't take you with me, okay?

Be quiet and you'll live.

That's better.
Hi, Lucas, it's Betty.

I am done with Tony Lamot's autopsy, and I have sent you the report.


Sorry, I just thought I heard something.


Who's there?


[Scraping gently]

Are you okay?

I'm going to call you back.

[Gasping in pain]

[Coughing and gasping]

Shut up or I'll k*ll you.

Don't move.

[Hacking and squelching]


It's me, it's okay. It's okay, it's me. You're okay.

No, don't! Don't touch me!

Don't touch me.

I'm evidence.

You didn't see the suspect?


When I came in the room...

Seeing Betty on the floor like that...

What do we know?

Nothing yet.

And all the security cameras got was a bunch of pictures of a guy wearing a mask.


He took his thumb.

Looks that way.

Angie: This had to be Lee's partner.

Lucas, how you doing?


I'm good. Sorry.

They probably needed Lee's thumb to access something, so anything with biometric locks is on the table.

Okay, look, I want you to run it down, and as many people as you need, you got them, all right?

Go ahead.


Amateur didn't even use gloves.

If we were fast enough, we'll be able to lift prints from my skin using polyviynlysiloxane.

All right, then we'll take you home.

I run my lab, Detective.

We'll take care of it, Betty. It's our case now.

I'll leave when the work is done.

Okay. Okay...

[Whispering] I will stick around.


What did I tell you?

[Sobbing] I can't breathe in here.

I need to call Blair.

I need you to keep your mouth shut.

We have one more stop to make and it'll all be over.


Call your man.

Keep him in line.


Well, you keep me posted, all right?

Okay, bye.

Any word on the prints we recovered?

No, Lucas is still running them through the database, but if he's in there, we should be able to find him.

Betty, why don't you let me take you home?

There's too much to do.

Listen, honey, even if you find something, it won't hold up in court.

It's contaminated evidence, chain of custody...

Listen, Betty, Victim Services can help you.


Don't treat me like I'm your case.

Okay, well then, just tell me what you need.

I need you to stop looking at me like that.


Everyone. Please.

There's a uniform posted at the door.

No need to do that for me.

Yeah, I'm doing it for me.

Okay, fair enough.

And if you need anything...

I will call.


I've got a lead on the biometrics angle.

Biodyne Storage.

You use a thumb print to get access.

Lee Ward was a client.

Okay, we go.

Lee Ward, when was the last time he accessed his unit?

Don't you need a warrant?

Well, not if there are exigent circumstances.

This is a textbook definition of exigent circumstances.

Maybe I should get my manager?

Or, I could just check the computer.

Great. Thank you.


He's here.

Right now.

Okay, I need you to lock that front door, please.

Lucas, the suspect is in the building.

Monitor all exits and call for back-up.

Lee. Buddy...

All right.

[Groans in pain]

Freeze! Police!

Dispatch, where the hell is our back-up?


Drop the knife!


Bean bag round to the gut.

That should leave a mark.

So we I.D-ed him. Tim Kelly.

I got him.

We know it was you in the morgue.

[Laughs] Sounds personal.

Sometimes, stupid people, they get what they deserve.

Know what, you're right.

Hey! Easy, easy, easy.

Hey, hey, hey, let's take a walk. Come here.

If Betty can stay focused on bringing this guy in, so can we.

I got it.

You can spare me the lecture.

'Cause I'm not going to apologize.

You weren't there. You didn't see what Betty looked like.

What he did to her.

We're supposed to take everything in stride, right?

Stay in control, put the job first, that's what you're going to tell me?

I'm not going to tell you anything.

I get it.


Hey, I, um...

I was just coming home from work, and when you didn't answer, I thought I'd surprise you.

So they only have a couple days left, so I just thought it would be sad for them to die without anyone...

Don't lie to me.

I didn't think you'd mind.

Where's Blair?

At home, asleep.

What's wrong?

You seem...

Really tense.

I'm sorry.

I just... you seemed different at your party. I must have misread...

So you don't know anything about the armed robbery, and you don't know Lee Ward?

I guess I don't know anything.

Tim, you had his thumb.

Oh, wait, I do know something.

Your guy assaulted me.

I'm gonna walk.


We got your fingerprints in the morgue and an eye witness on his way right now to I.D. you.

You like your odds?

That witness ties you to the robbery, that's two m*rder charges, the guard and Lee.

We know you gave him an overdose.

You don't know anything.

The cops who picked me up said you had more questions.

Well, we just want a little help with identification.

Have you seen this man before?

You think he had something to do with the robbery?

Well, I just want to know if you recognize him.

No, I don't think so.

Get a little closer. Take your time.

No, it's not him.


Well, thank you. We'll be in touch.

He's lying. Blair recognized Tim.

Blair was our only shot at this guy as Tony's k*ller.

Well, he was definitely shaken.

Yeah, that could be fear of reprisal.

Or Blair's in on it, and he knew knows if Tim goes down, and he I.D.s him, he's implicated.

That's definitely possible.

I'll get started on search warrants for Blair.

Thank you, sir.

Lucas told me you got the guy from the break-in.

Thank you.

Well, your fingerprints gave us the lock.

Is there anything else on Lee Ward?

Uh, no, I'm still waiting on tests.

What about his stomach contents?


Stomach was empty.

So he didn't take the pills close to his time of death.



You know, I'm a better hunter if you tell me if you're looking for rabbits or bears.

Well, you know, I just...

I want to know why he died at the worst possible time.

Well, there are no red flags in the tox report, except for the digoxin.

Must have liked caffeine.

Close to a hundred milligrams swimming in his blood.

Could someone have spiked his coffee with dr*gs?

It would have masked the bitterness.

Let me resect his bowel and do an intestinal scrape.


Okay. I'm going to wait outside.



Oh, you're okay.

We have to go...

Look, the police are...

We have to go.

They're going to track our cards.

We need cash. You need to go to the bank.

Whoa, whoa, stop. Tell me what happened.

I'll grab what I can from work.

If we run, we look guilty.

Just go!

Ella! Ella! Hey!


No secrets, okay? We tell each other everything.

Was there something going on between you and Lee?

The money.

Lee's money, how did you know about it?

He gave it to me.

To us.

To help...

I k*lled him.

I k*lled Lee.

Okay, so the analysts found some unsolved heists that look good for links to Tim and Lee.

Same M.O., specialty a*mo.

Now, there's no direct connection, but...

Yeah, there is a congruity.

We have a dead security guard, a dead bank teller, a dead store manager.

All dead after the robbery.

It supports the idea that these guys had people on the inside.

Yeah, and thought they were disposable.

So maybe Blair gets in over his head with these guys.

Blair really needed the money.

His financials.

He has a hefty student loan.

Music degree, can't get work.

So he took a job as a security guard.

He owns a flower shop with his wife, Ella Rollins, but it's been in the red for years.

Okay, so everything fits the profile for Blair to be in on this robbery.

All right, bring him in.

Yes, sir.

I found granules from coffee beans and something else.


No, ground-up seeds.

They're from a plant called cerbera odallam.

Commonly known as "the su1c1de tree."

This was not an O.D., Lee was poisoned.

With a very specific choice in poison.

And a great choice if you knew that Lee was taking digoxin.

The seeds are full of cerberin, and the two compounds are almost identical.

It's why I almost missed it.

So he was k*lled by someone who knew him.

And someone who had more than a passing knowledge of poisons and plants.

Like a florist.


Hey, Vega?

I don't think that Blair k*lled Lee.

[Knock on door]

Can I come in?



That's a weird time to be closing up shop.

Yeah, I was just getting back from lunch.

Ooh, that's a late lunch. Lucky you.

Do you know Lee Ward?

It's a small world. I thought you might know him.

No, it doesn't ring a bell.

Can I ask what this is about?

Am I making you nervous?

I am sorry. I forget, the badge, it does that sometimes...

No, I'm not nervous.


Good. Good.

Lee bought a lot of flowers, and I thought, wouldn't it be a coincidence if he bought them from you.

Well, maybe the world is not as small as you think it is.

Right, right.

Because what a weird coincidence, if the man who robbed your husband bought flowers from you.

How would you explain that?

I couldn't.

What about Tim Kelly?

You know him?


Am I being arrested?

Looks like it.

I just need to call Blair.

Yeah, he's upstairs right now, also being arrested.

Money. Love. Jealousy. I mean, they all make sense, right?

Blair connects to Tim.

Ella connects to Lee.

Someone used poison. It's all circumstantial.

We don't have anything.

Yeah, we need leverage.

What do they want?

What do they want...

If we have to cut a deal, it's got to be with Blair.

He's our only shot at getting Tim on Tony's m*rder.

He's right.

They want a way out.

I just want to know if Blair is okay.

Ella, he's talking right now with my partner.

He cut a deal. He told us everything.

The seeds you used to poison Lee's coffee?

Vega: Oh, she's in the room next door talking to my partner, Detective Flynn.

They're talking about a deal.

See, we know how you met Tim and Lee.

You know, we found them, the seeds to poison Lee's coffee.

That you guys were in a bad way financially, and I know what that's like.

That's enough pressure to break anyone.

The thing about pressure is that it takes its toll, so I'm sure you can imagine how she's feeling.

She wants a way out.

We found messages between you and Lee.

Blair knows.

I think that's why he's next door cutting a deal right now, trying to pin everything on you.

Vega: She's scared, Blair, that's all.

You get that, right? So, what you want to do is, you want to get ahead of that story.

And the way you do that is, you tell your story.

I was just trying to protect Tony.

And I get that, but here's the thing, what Tony's family needs is closure so that they can move on.

Right? They need the truth.

They deserve the truth, and you're the only person who can give them that.

Your only option is to tell us the truth, otherwise you get a life sentence.

[Sighs heavily]

You're lying.

You're lying.

Blair would never do that to me.

Ella would die before she stabbed me in the back.

Blair loves me.


Their lawyers are 10 minutes out.

Oh, there goes our window with the happy couple.

I thought for sure Blair would break.

10 minutes or 10 hours, I don't think we're breaking their loyalty.

Let's use it against them.

You mean I can just... go?

We had to be sure you weren't involved.

I told you I had nothing to do with this, at all.

I didn't think you did.

Everything you were saying in there was...

We had to be sure that Blair wasn't lying to us.

Why would Blair be lying to me?

To protect you.

All right, Detective.

This deal, we are talking full confession.

Yeah, my client's on board.

Thank you, sir.

Wait, what did he say?

It's confidential.

No, what... he...

I just... Can you just tell him to wait?

It's too late.

Blair's already confessed.

Blair didn't do it.

That's not what he says.

I did it. It was me.

Why would you k*ll an armed robber?

Because they were going to k*ll Blair.

[Whispering] Keep your mouth shut.

I will k*ll you.

I will k*ll her.

Nothing changes.

You do as you're told when we make the hit.

When we found the messages between you and Lee, we thought you played Blair, but then I saw how much you love and trust each other, and I knew it wasn't Blair you played, it was Lee.


Lee sent those messages after I left his house, and I had to just play along until...

I had to get close to Lee to keep Blair safe.

To make sure that the robbery didn't happen.

I want you to tell me how you poisoned him.

I went to a party at his house one night.

I saw his pills, the digoxin, and I knew it was in the seeds of the su1c1de tree.

Using the coffee, that was smart.

You knew Lee's pills would mask the poison.


But I bet it made getting the dosage just right hard.

Yeah, it's my fault that Tony's dead.

Lee was supposed to die before the robbery.

Tim would have never done it on his own.


If Lee had died at home, then it wouldn't have seemed suspicious, and you would have gotten away with m*rder.

Blair is safe.

I love you.

You'd better.

True love.

Can't be.

True love conquers all.

Seeing those two willing to do anything for each other doesn't do anything for you?

Lie, steal, k*ll, that's love to you?

Well, it's twisted, but that's what's at the heart of it.

Yeah, but you can't solve all someone's problems just because you love them.

Well, that's true.

So, this is a list of possibles for that partial plate on the Montgomery case.

Janet Wong?

That's the guard at the Remand Center where Derek Caster was m*rder*d.

This gives us a direct link between Caster and Neville Montgomery.

Yes, it does.

The first round's on me tonight.

I have to take a raincheck. I've got plans.

With the Audi woman?

Yeah, no, her name was Shelley.

I called that.

You didn't.

I did so.

You don't know anything.

I hope you have fun.


Is someone there?

[Gasps in fright]


Oh, babe, I'm so sorry.

It's just me.

It's just me.

Thank you.


[aerosol spray]

♪ I got to go now. I got to go now ♪

Dude's like a midnight art ninja.

An enema.

I hope she meant enigma.

I think she meant enema.

Drawing the line...

I'm very protective of my artists.

♪ Can't stop now I can't stop now ♪

... Between life...

He was doing a piece.

I wouldn't have pegged you as a fan of this stuff.

I love my art.

... And death...


Where's the body?


Motive, next Sunday at 10, on CTV.