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02x09 - The Gorgon's Gaze

Posted: 04/25/15 19:22
by bunniefuu
There are some who say that you knew about Jason's escape, even abetted it.

Jason is innocent. He does not deserve to die.

Take her to the cells.

Why is no-one here?

Something's wrong.

All hail!

Priests chant: Poseidon, Poseidon, Poseidon... O megal' Ennosigai' ek ses dnameos tode presso... eithe di' ophthalmon ton son tade pragmath' horoien....

(Chanting continues)

(Chanting continues and echoes)

The Priests are blessing a new Oracle.

She is calling to the gods.

May they tell her to grant us salvation.

Priests chant: Poseidon, Poseidon, Poseidon...

(She gasps and pants)

The gods have spoken.

What did you see, my child?

You must not be afraid.

Tell us what they've said.

They threatened vengeance.

They spoke of destruction... desolation. Their... voices were raging.

They were angry.

Ready to fall upon us.


For the rightful heir to Atlantis is not recognised.

They say that until that day people will never be at peace.

She's lying.

Melas: That is not possible.

Cassandra's gifts allow her to only speak the truth.

Then she is mistaken in what she sees. Take her away.

Please... The girl is innocent!

This will get out.

The whole of Atlantis will soon know that the gods are against me.

Calm yourself.

You heard the Oracle!

Cilix: Indeed. She declared that the true heir to Atlantis was not recognised.

But who is the true heir?

The gods did not state that it was Ariadne.

It is you, Majesty.

The throne is rightfully yours and the gods in their wisdom have spoken to warn you that you will not be truly recognised as long as there remains one land and two queens.

Then what shall we do?

(He chuckles)

It is clear.

You must make Ariadne renounce her crown in favour of you.

Then, when she has publicly countenanced you, have the priests announce that the prophecy has been fulfilled.

Ariadne: Do what you will. I am at peace with the gods.

You think I'm going to k*ll you?

I cannot predict what's in your tangled mind.

I will give you your freedom but first you must do something for me.

Renounce your title and swear an oath of allegiance recognising me as the true heir of Atlantis.

So the Oracle's prophecy was not favourable.

I'm giving you a chance to live.

For the sake of everyone you hold dear, I suggest you take it.

I will not abandon my people.

I will never relinquish my throne to you.

Then that is your decision.

(He groans)

But it will not be you who suffers for it.

Pythagoras whispers: Jason. Talk to me. Please.

Jason: I have to go back.

You can't.

I must.

It would be su1c1de.

If you went back there now... you'd never get beyond the walls.

Go to sleep, Pythagoras.

We will come up with a plan.

We will rescue her.

Whatever we have to do, we will do it.


Are you all right?

The sound of the birds in the morning... always used to make me so happy.

When I was alone they were all I had.

You've got us now.

You don't need to sit out here.

You're going to get cold.

I want to be out here.

I'll get you a blanket.


You'll wake Hercules.

Nothing wakes Hercules.

(He laughs softly)


This is all my fault.

Everyone who touches my life.

I am cursed.

You mustn't think that.

I cannot escape it.

No matter what I try, what I do... I am damned.


Don't ever tell Hercules I said that.

Never, ever.

You must promise.


He loves you.

He cares about you.

I don't want him to feel my pain.

They were all I could get.

Where is Delmos?

What have they done to him?

I know nothing of his fate, Majesty.

(Distant clang)

They tell me very little.

And the people?

Pasiphae is ruthless. Any that dare to protest, she has slain.

What of Jason?

He has not been seen.

I have asked, but... it seems he has fled.

No. He would not do that.

You must find him.

My Lady...

(Faint conversation)

Even speaking with you I am risking everything.

I'm begging you. For the sake of Atlantis.

How? I'm no more than a common soldier.

Are you going to let more men die?

More women and children be enslaved?

I know a place where he may be.

In the mountains beyond the city there is a hunting lodge.

Jason took me there once to meet my brother.

Where's Medusa?

Flatly: Oh, they went out.

In search of firewood, I think.

Have you seen yourself?

I'm fine.

You need food.



I've been saving this.

It's all right, I don't want it.

You'll make yourself weak. You won't be able to hold a sword, you won't be able to fight.

You see, where are your reactions?

We'll need those when we go to rescue Ariadne.

Oh, again, too slow.

Pasiphae's men would scythe you down like a blade of grass.

I think even Pythagoras could knock you over.

Come on!


I'm sorry.

Just leave me.

But... I-I want to help.

You can't.

When I lost Medusa... you were always telling me, "Keep faith. Be strong."

You were right.

Still can't believe...

To sleep with her in my arms again is more than anything I could have dreamed of.

You and Ariadne are destined to be together.

Like me, you will find happiness, I believe that.

But to win out you must endure.

The gods will test your courage and perseverance, and to face that you will need all of your strength.

To save her, you may need to tear down walls, mountains even, and you can't do it feeling like that.

Nestor: Pythagoras?

Ariadne sent me. You have to help us.

Then she's alive.

But I cannot say for how much longer.

Who's she?!

It's all right!

She's a friend.

Do you know where Jason is?


Pasiphae is seeking to have Ariadne renounce the throne.

Ariadne is standing firm, but... who knows what Pasiphae has in store for her?

t*rture and execution are rife in the city.

The Queen is relying on Jason.

Her need is desperate.

You must return to the Queen.

You must do everything you can to protect her.

We will get the news to Jason.

You know we can't tell him.

Ariadne is in grave peril. Jason needs to know.

He will only do something rash.

We can't just stand by and do nothing.

I'm not suggesting we ju...

I think I know a way to get Ariadne out of the city.

But we cannot tell the others.


Please, Pythagoras.

You have to trust me.

Where have you been?

We were just collecting firewood.

And we... came up with a plan.

I'm going to return to Atlantis.

Don't be stupid.

We can't sit here forever. We have to know if Ariadne is alive.

Well, then I should go.

No, they're looking for you, and for Hercules.

Pythagoras is the only one who can go.

They'll know he helped us escape. I can't let you go. If they capture you, they'll k*ll you.

I have friends in the city. People I can trust, people who can... help us.

I won't stand by while you risk your life for the woman I love.

When the time is right you'll have your part to play, but... we need to find out what's happening first.

He's right.

Are you sure?


There is no other way.

(Door creaks)

(Door closes and locks)

How have they treated you? Are you all right?

Get me out of here.

If I had any power...


If you submit to the Queen, you will be safe.

I know your gifts bind you to tell the truth... but you must learn to put things carefully.

And not be faithful to the gods?

Is this what you ask of me?

(He breathes heavily)

I wish it were not so.

But I... have made a terrible mistake, my child.

I have brought this on us both.

Oh, but I...

You did what you did to keep me safe.

The gods will know that, their understanding is greater than ours.

And they will not let what has happened go unpunished.

As a child, that was one of the first lessons you taught me.

Do not forget your own teachings... for they are wise indeed.

Anything you can find out. And try... if at all possible... to get word to Ariadne.

Tell her that I love her, and I will free her.

And if you happen to see a flagon of wine...

Good idea. And perhaps... a small pie?

(Hercules growls with pleasure)

Don't do anything stupid.

So, not the flagon of wine?

No, just the pie.

Be strong. Don't be afraid.

(Door closes)

(He grunts)

(Door slams shut and locks)


(He shudders in pain)

You are not the one who should have suffered.

No matter what they do to me, you must promise... that you will not give in.

Promise me.

I promise.

(Rope creaks)


Daedalus. I need your help.


(Icarus sighs)

You were lucky.

Pasiphae's men are out there k*lling anyone on sight.

The army have sided with her?

Yes, well, they're spineless recreants.

They don't want to find themselves hanging from their necks.

Pythagoras got here.

For a reason.

I need to get into the Temple of Poseidon.

Are you totally insane?

I would not do this if there was any other way.

The Priests are loyal to Pasiphae. You'd be heading into a vipers' nest.

Please, Daedalus.

The fate of Atlantis is at stake.

There is something I must retrieve.

Really? What?

Mm? What's so precious that you would risk so much?

Pandora's box.

Oh, you...

(He laughs)

I see.


No, no. I like it.

You won't even get near the temple. The streets around there are guarded day and night. It's impossible.

Oh, how many times have I told you, mm? There's no such word.
(Traders call)


Well, did you find out what I asked?

Yes, Father, but... I'm worried.

Oh, for the love of the gods, would you please just tell me what I want to know?

There's a group of lepers due to seek Poseidon's cure.

They gather at dusk.

Mm-hm. Right. Perfect. Then we'll... hide amongst them.

There is a reason they are shunned.


And the reason is ignorance.

They are cursed. Being near them is dangerous!

Tchah! Piffle!

I've known people be among them and never be afflicted.

Even if it works, and we enter the temple grounds, there are soldiers everywhere.

How will we get him into the Inner Sanctum?

I sometimes wonder if you really are my son.

It's obvious.

What is that?

It's a little invention of mine.

Pray to the gods this works.

Now, go! Go, go!


Icarus: What was that?

I call it Fire Powder.

Worked really much better than I imagined.

(Pythagoras gasps quietly)




No, wait!

Do you not realise what you have done?

Have you seen the people dying?

Is that what you wanted?

I beg you, Melas.

This is our last hope of saving the city.

Follow me. There's a safer way.

There was very little damage. No-one was seriously hurt.

I'm not interested in what happened, I want to know why They sought to k*ll and maim!

You cannot expect all the people to be loyal, especially when you still do not have the blessing of the gods.

Hunt down the perpetrators and have them strung up for all to see.

You have been brave, Delmos.

You have given me strength.

Please do not give up now. We will win.

You've remained loyal to your Queen and I will repay you.

I'm loyal to you... not just because you are my Queen... but because I believe in you... and the leader you have become.

(Keys jangle)

It seems like it will not be long before he is in Hades.

He has more strength than you could possibly imagine.

So... you've had time to think.

Tell me, what is your decision?

I will never renounce my throne to you.

I could have a physician help him.

Oh, you think I'm a fool.

You think you're untouchable.

You're not.

It is not me who has delusions about who I am.

I am Queen of Atlantis.

This land was bequeathed to me by my father and I will never disown it!

Give me your sword.

(Sword is drawn)

Go ahead... k*ll me.

Oh, no.

It is not your own life you are making judgment on.

Hold him!

(Delmos groans)

(Delmos groans)

I will not... bow to you.

Not now... not ever.

(Sword is thrust in and pulled out)

(Pasiphae breathes heavily)

Defy me again... and you will be begging for such a swift death.

(Rope whistles metal clangs above)

Thank you. I won't forget this.

If there's anything else you need, we're here.

(Pythagoras exhales)

You got it?

You do not have to go through with this.

It's what I want.

Have you forgotten how you were?

I do not intend to live like that for long.


What are you saying?

My life is decided.

I beg once more, do not tell Hercules.

Or Jason.

Do not make this any harder for me.

(Door opens)

Did you get word to Ariadne?

How is she?

She is alive.

But others in the city have not fared so well.

Where is she?

Pasiphae has her imprisoned.

She is seeking to bend her will, force her to renounce her throne.

I have never seen such suffering.

Pasiphae is too strong, no-one can stand up to her.

I do not know how much longer Ariadne will hold out.

Right, then we go back. We have to rescue her.

How, how? With what?!

We don't have a plan, not half a plan.

To charge in there would be certain death. Is that what you want?

Do your worst.

You will not succeed.

You may change your mind.

(Ariadne gasps)

In Colchis...

I once saw Medea use her magic to break a man.

It was like watching an eagle on the b*ttlefield draw out the contents of a man's head though his eyes.

So instinctive, so clever, so very... very... brutal.

(Ghostly whisperings)

Let's see how strong you are now.


Oh, I am ravenous...

Stay there.

I am truly the most fortunate man alive.

(She chuckles)

Can't eat with one hand.

I'm sorry.

(She laughs)

Mmm. This is good.

Your favourite.

You not eating?

Have a bit more.

(He chuckles)


Because I love you.

I want you to remember that.

Never forget it.

I won't.

I hope so.

I hope you always remember.

Why are you talking like that?

Because... I know what your memory's like.

Slurring: I don't like it when you talk like that.

Don't worry.

I'm going to be with you.



You promise?

Till eternity.

Come here.

I don't know why...

I feel...

It's all right.

It's all right.

You sleep.

I'll hold you.

Watch over you.

Is it done?

What's going on?

There is only one way we can save Ariadne.

We could not risk Hercules finding out, he would never allow it.

Allow what?

If I return to what I was...


It is the only way to defeat Pasiphae!

Use me as a w*apon.

No army can defend against my powers.


No, that... is madness.

Are you forgetting the pain that that curse brought upon you?

You know, you're finally free of it.

I cannot live with what I have done!

The curse I received for k*lling the Oracle was not a physical one, but it is no less painful.

The guilt gnaws on my mind, it invades my every dream, strangles... my every chance of joy.

I cannot go on.

At least this way my death can bring some good.

All you need is my head.


The rest of me will only slow you down.

No. What are you saying!?

My mind is made up.

Remember - never forget.

(She kisses him)

Pythagoras. Say something.

No. Medusa, stop.


No, there is a cave a short distance from here.

I will wait for you there.


Surely you're not going along with this.

Right. Hercules!

Jason, I wish there was another way but there is not.

You are the only person who is immune to her gaze.

Only you can save Atlantis.


(Aridne gulps)

(Ariadne breathes heavily)


You have something to say?


Tell me.

I... wish... for my people... to know... that I have come to a final decision.

One that I hope they can understand.

I declare... that there is only one true Queen of Atlantis... and it is not you.

It's all right.

We'll start again tomorrow.

(Ariadne groans)

It's only a matter of time.

(Snakes hissing)

I wasn't sure if you would come.


It is too late to dissuade me.

I'm... begging you, please... do this for me.

For all of us.


Fell asleep.

(He chuckles)

Where's Medusa, Jason?


What is it?

Listen to me...

What's happened?

It's Medusa, isn't it? Tell me. Tell me it isn't her.

I'm sorry.

What has happened?

She took her life to save Atlantis.

She... She would not do that.

She could not escape what she had done, her guilt.


She... She wanted to tell you, Hercules.

She's not dead. Where is she? Where's the body? Show me!

She chose to die, but not in vain.

She knew that there was only one way to defeat Pasiphae's army.

I retrieved Pandora's box.

What have you done to her?!

It's too late. She's gone! I'm sorry!

(He sobs)


Who's there?

Stand and answer me.


Stop where you are.


My Lady! We are under attack.

From who?!


k*ll him.

We cannot.

He carries with him the severed head of the Gorgon.

Keep all others at bay.

I will deal with this myself.

(Soldiers shouting)



Very clever.

But it won't work.

I am immune to the Gorgon's gaze.

It will not k*ll me.


I will.

(Sword skitters)

(She pants)

You will not k*ll me.

I wouldn't be so sure.

Then why do you hesitate?


I'll tell you why.

Because I am your mother.

(Sword skitters)

Is this true?

She is your mother.

That is why you cannot k*ll her.

You're different, Jason.

You, like her, are touched by the gods.

You understand now... why you are better with a sword than any other.

And why you can look at the Gorgon without turning to stone.

Now you know the truth, you can embrace who you really are.

That is why we feel this way about each other.

I don't feel anything but hatred for you.


Jason... How did you get here?

I can't explain.

We need to move fast. Use this to cover your eyes.

Whatever you do, for your own safety, do not take it off.

Do you trust me?

You know I do.

Pythagoras: It is as the Oracle foretold.

Now that Jason knows the truth about his mother... his heart is blackened.
