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01x05 - Eye in the Sky

Posted: 05/16/15 11:12
by bunniefuu
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from heaven and changed us. Made us angels and gave us a new destiny: to stop the Apocalypse and the Devil himself. We must pass God's test and prove humanity is still worth saving. For we are the Messengers.

Previously on The Messengers...

We need to find and stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

w*r, Pestilence, Famine and Death.

Rose: If those Four Horsemen succeed in breaking our seals, we can all kiss humanity good-bye.

Where is she?

Where's my daughter?

I'm not going to Dad's anymore?

No, sweetie.

What is this?

Try to see it as a blessing.

Whether the baby's your son or your brother, he's still family.

It's over, Raul.

But I love you, Gabby.

And you love your brother.

You can't have us both.


All right, let me get this straight.

Your wife slept with your dad, and now she's pregnant with your brother?

(laughs) I know, it's messed up.

But so is sleeping with your brother's wife.




How the hell did we wind up in a soap opera?

I don't know.

Here's to forgetting your past and looking towards the future.

♪ And I struck out down the road ♪
♪ With such a tedious journey... ♪


I'm not so sure about the future.

I haven't had any visions in three days.

Not to put pressure on you, but Senator Richards is now a full-on Horseman of w*r.

We need to find the second one before another sin gets committed.


I heard you two were here.


I know what you're gonna say.

Beer before liquor makes you sicker?

Preacher man is just stuck in his own head. (grunts)

A little spiritual constipation.


I figured if we tried to unclog the pipes a little bit, then maybe we'd get another vision.

There could be any number of reasons why a vision hasn't come.

Like what?

Oh, let's see.

You were betrayed by your ex-wife and can't forgive her.

Your father condemned you on national television, or none of the above.

So, basically, you're saying we're screwed.

I'm saying there's still a lot we don't know...

It's a vision.

No, it's a blackout.

Well, I'll drink to that.

(speaking Chinese)

♪ ♪

All in.


You can either buy back into the game, or fetch me a drink.

I need this wired into my account.

It says insufficient funds.

There must be some mistake.

I'm sorry.

This can't be right.

Welcome to ABADDON.

You know what they say.

When you fall, you fall hard.

Nice view, Madam Secretary.

I was wondering when you'd show up.

Care for some Scotch?

It is the Devil's water, after all.

I believe there's a reason to celebrate.

First your secretary of defense nomination.

And second...

Your becoming the Horseman of w*r.


I believe they call that a twofer.


We will not make the same mistake as those who came before us.

They almost made it all the way to the Seventh Seal.

"Almost" is for amateurs.

This time, we're taking a different approach.

You seem confident.

Now that a seal is broken, I have so much clarity.

I know what we need to do.

And I know who's out to stop us.

Speaking of, how are our friends in Houston?

They're being dealt with.

It's just gonna take a little extra muscle.

I trust you have someone... specific in mind?

Let's just say by the end of tomorrow, there should be one less Messenger to worry about.

Erin: "Is it Conrad? No. Is it Harry? No. Perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin."

Sorry it took so long.


(whispering): I'm sorry it took so long.

Where were you?


Look, I got latches for all the cabinets.

Bumpers for all the corners.


And I got deadbolts for all the doors.

Ronnie, you know she won't even be able to walk for another year.

I know, but there's no harm in planning ahead, right?

(chuckles) No.

Besides, I want to make sure the two most important people in my life are safe.

Let me see her.

Just be careful, please.

I got her.


It's a big, ugly world out there, little angel.

I'm gonna protect you from all of it.

Amy: Mom, Mom, wake up. It's my birthday!

It's your birthday, birthday girl.

Happy birthday.

Let's go.

All right, pour those magic chips in, here you go.

Little bit more.


What's all this?

It's my birthday.

Oh, it's your birthday.

What are you, like, 16?

No, silly, I'm seven, and we're gonna do all my favorite things today.

Starting with pancakes; it's a family tradition.

Then we're gonna go to the library, and tonight, we're gonna have cake.

You want to come?

I think Raul needs to rest, sweetie, but maybe he can come meet us for cake later.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Hey, Rose?


I thought that I would take Amy to the library today.

It must be really hard having a kid cooped up for this long.

I'm gonna do some research while we're there, maybe find another book on the Horsemen that we haven't read yet.

Great, just do me a favor and don't go alone.

Remember the Devil is still out there in a human form, and he'll do anything to get inside our heads.



(water running)

Hey! Don't you knock?

Sorry, I...

What the hell is wrong with you?

I am so sorry. I guess I don't know my own strength.

You guys want to walk to the library for my birthday?


Yeah, sure.


I am so sorry.

News anchor: Days after bravely surviving an assassination intended for the Afghani prime minister, Senator Cindy Richards is expected to sail right through the senate's approval later this week, making her our country's first female secretary of defense.

Great, so the Horseman of w*r now has her finger right on the button.

We're one step closer to Rapture. We've got to stop her.

Rose: I told you, once a Horseman breaks their seal, it can't be unbroken.

We just have to start looking for the next one.

No, we should at least keep tabs on her.

If we know the Four Horsemen will eventually unite, then we need to track the steps that would bring them together.

Vera, I admire your spirit, but we cannot find the next Horseman without Joshua's vision.

Well, with all due respect to Sleeping Beauty, I'm gonna go do some digging on my own.

You know what, I think I know what I can do to help Joshua's visions.

Whatever it is, I don't want to know.

Hey, time to get up, buddy. We're going on a little field trip.

I'm telling you, you need to be patient.

I'm afraid that's not one of my virtues.

Amen to that.

(knocking at door)

I'm about to leave; you got a sec?

There's something I want to give you.


You're kidding me, right?

You want to give me a pack of smokes and some tequila while you're at it?

I'm protecting the only family I've got left.

If El Jefe finds out that I'm still alive, he's coming after us.

I need to know that you're gonna be safe while I'm gone.

You know how to use one of these?

I think I'll be fine.


And stay put. Don't go anywhere till I get back.

Nadia: All I do is stay put. Where do you expect me to go? Magicland?



(children laughing)

Amy: We're here!

Ready to read, birthday girl?

Let's get down...



What are you looking at?

Peter: Nothing.

♪ ♪

Joshua: Who is this guy?

He's a spiritual shaman.

Somebody who can open up your channels.

You're late, Garcia.

My bad, Coach.

You're not exactly in the center of town these days.

You know this is only legal on reservation land.

Wise guy.


Mr. Dakota was also my high school football coach.

Retired, now.

You got any history of, uh, high blood pressure or heart disease?

No. Why?

Don't want you keeling over after you take this.


Raul says you're stuck in your head and this is one of the best ways to get out.

But don't worry.

You're, uh, not going alone.

I gotta sit this one out, Coach.

You know better than that.

The bigger the tribe, the easier it is to call on the spirits.

How do I know this'll work?

Dakota: You don't.

Sometimes the only way to catch the Great Spirit is to throw a Hail Mary.

What's this?

A list of possible Horsemen.

Vera, you're wasting your time...

Just humor me.

Listen, even before she broke the First Seal, the senator was linked to w*r.

So I figured we just need to find the real-life equivalents for the Horsemen of Pestilence, Famine and Death.

And those are listed here?


So I did a little homework on apocalyptic events.

Uh, you know, disease, crop failure... any place where lots of deaths were occurring.

And based on my analysis of that, I pinpointed people who might be responsible for it.

Um, any one of these epidemiologists could be Pestilence.

Uh, and then for Famine, uh, you know, we're looking at agricultural companies.

And Death... well...

Vera, before my coma, I was a lot like you.

I was a nurse, so my life was charts, medicine, schedules...

But after I woke up, I realized...

I can't control everything.

But I can at least have faith that God's going to show us the way.

I would rather find it on my own.

(screams, whimpers)

Please don't give me the crap about how they're God's creatures.

Are you kidding me? I hate bugs.

Let's go buy some roach k*ller.


Mom, it's story time. Can I go?

Yeah, of course.

Storyteller: "Grandmother, what large ears you have!"

"The better to hear you with, my dear."

"Oh, Grandmother, what large eyes you have!"

"The better to see you with, my dear."

"Oh, Grandmother, what large teeth you have!"

"The better to devour you!"

(children shrieking)


Welcome to story time. We're just getting started.


I thought you were over at the magazines.

They're old. I got bored.

Okay, seriously, what is my uncle doing hanging out with you freaks?

I mean, everybody's always talking about God and the Devil and the end of the world.

What? Are you guys in some kind of cult?

I can't say.

Okay? It's private.

You saw me naked this morning.

You wouldn't believe it anyway.

Try me.


We're the Angels of the Apocalypse and we've each been given gifts from God to stop the Four Horsemen from uniting and causing the Rapture.

And I'm the Easter Bunny, you ass.

(child shrieks in delight)

(snippets of carnival music play)

(children shouting, whooping)

Erin? What are you doing here?

You brought me here.

I did?


It's really nice.


Hey, can I ask you something?

Yeah, sure.

When are you gonna kiss me?


Do you remember this place, Raul?


We were here the first time you said you loved me.

I remember.

I want Nadia to know that kind of happiness.

She forgot how to smile.

Please, Raul, she's just a kid.

You've got to help her be one.

(crow cawing)

You. I've... I've seen you before.


But I wasn't doing very well.

Until I saw you.

And now God is helping me see things more clearly.

But you have to do the same.

I'm sorry, I don't understand...

Open your eyes, Peter.

You, Erin, and all the others...

Who are you? How do you know who we... you've got to follow the signs, just like the Messengers before you.


Erin. Erin...


Erin (whispering): What is it?

You're gonna think this is weird, but there's a lady in this library who knows stuff about us.

Even our names. This is the second time I've seen her.

Where is she?

She's over here.

The man: No, that's not a story.

Amy, I'll be right back, sweetie.

The man: So...

(children laughing)

I swear she was just here.

She said we need to follow the signs.

What's that supposed to mean?

I don't know, I barely passed algebra.

Okay, well, if the lady shows up again, find out what she knows.

I gotta get back to Amy.


Okay, sweetie.

Amy? Amy? Amy?! Amy!

Amy: What about Mom?

No! Stop!



Oh my God.


Excuse me, miss.

Is something wrong? Can I help?

He took my daughter, and...

Let me call the police.

No! Don't. Do you have a car?

The man: Why won't you let me call the police? What are you, wanted?

Just drive. Please.

The man: Why did he take your daughter?

He's her father. Let's just say we're not on the best of terms.

I have a complicated relationship with my father, too. He was incredibly strict. Controlling. Abusive. Even threw me to the ground a couple of times. And when I asked him why, you know what he said? He did it because he loved me. (laughs)

Damn it.

We lost them. I-I don't see their car anywhere.

It's okay, we'll find them.

Uh, are there any places he might take her?

I don't know. We... we're not from around here.

Look, your daughter's probably scared, right?

So... what would he do to make her think everything was okay?

Is there anything special she likes?

Can I access the nursing part of your brain for a second?

I'm a bit rusty, but okay.

The last time I spirit-walked, when I woke up, I-I felt winded, like I couldn't breathe.

Well, I won't pretend to understand how your gift actually works, but I do know the body can't live without the soul.

And when you worked at a hospital, what was the longest you ever saw a body dead before it was resuscitated?

Six minutes.

After that, it's in God's hands.


That's the second cockroach I've seen today.

You think it's a sign?

Yeah, that there's too many damn cockroaches in this city.

Joshua sr.: The baby is your son or your brother, he's still family.


What are you doing here?

You're bleeding.

Joshua, your anger is weighing you down.

This is not what God wants.

He wants to set you free.

Unburden yourself.

(birds screeching)

Charlotte (echoing): Unburden yourself.

Erin: I don't see his car anywhere.

Maybe he parked it in the back.

Wait, there they are.


That's my daughter.

If you barge in there, they'll just call the cops.

And you don't want that, right?

I can't just sit here and do nothing.

I wish there was someone we could call for help.

There is.

Peter, where are you?

(beeping, alarm disables)

What is it, a bottle a night now?

Your drinking's out of control, Erin.

(sniffles) You're the one that's out of control.

You expect us to stay here every day, trapped.

Amy misses her friends.

She misses school.

We can't do this to her anymore.

We said we were gonna be good parents.

I-I am. I am.

Do you know how many school sh**t there were last year?

You know how easy it is for a child to get abducted, to get k*lled?

That's why it's better for you and Amy to stay at home where it's safe.

Putting dead bolts on all of the doors Oh, God, this... and surveillance cameras in every room doesn't make us safe.

It's insane.

Your job makes you paranoid.

No, I-it's for your protection.

From what?!

What's wrong with you?

You're keeping us from living our lives!

I gave up my career, everything that I knew, to be at home with Amy.

We're prisoners here. I can't take it anymore. (shouts)

Don't you understand how much I love you?


I'm tired of running.

You don't deserve this.

It's not fair, for you or your child.

Fathers can be so cruel.

You have my word.

Ronnie will never bother you again.

I never told you his name.

Oh, my God.

It's you, isn't it?

Nice to meet you.

Aren't you gonna eat your pancakes, sweetie?

It's our tradition.

I already had pancakes.


We're going home.

Aren't you excited?

Get to play with your own toys, sleep in your own bed.

It's gonna be great.

Not without Mom.

Ronnie: Rise and shine, baby girl!

Amy? Sweetie?

Amy? Erin?

Where the hell...

Your mother has taken you away from me twice now.

I could put her in jail.

She's a bad person, Amy.

No, she's not. She's an angel.

Here's your check.

Amy, get back here!

Why are you here?

I just came to watch the fireworks.

Amy. Amy, Amy.

Get back here.


Amy: I don't want to go home! I want Mom!

We're going home.

Ronnie, give me back my daughter.

You lost the right to call her that when you dragged her halfway across the country.


Get away from her.


You know how easy I can throw your ass in jail?

Stay away from her!



Amy, sweetie, unlock the door, baby.

He locked it from inside!

Amy, get away from that door!

I can't!

Damn it.

Get away from the door, Amy!

It's gonna be okay. Okay, sweetie?

It's gonna be all right. Ronnie, unlock the door right now!

(engine starts) Mom!


(tires screeching)

It'll be okay, okay?

Ronnie, open the door!

(tires continue screeching)

What the hell?

(screeching stops)

Erin: No. Peter, look out!

(g*nsh*t) (screams)

Amy: Daddy! Daddy!

Mom, you can't let him die.

Help him. Please.

Hey, it's okay. Sweetie, it's okay.

Please, Daddy.

Don't die.




(gasps, exhales)

What... what the hell did you just do?


You can't hurt us anymore.

(recorded): Hey, you've reached Charlotte. Please leave a message. And God bless. (beep)

Hey. It's me.

I-I've had some time to think and, uh...

Well, there's too much evil in the world.

Too much hate.

We'd all be better off if we just forgave one another.

So that's why I'm calling.

(shuddering inhale)

I forgive you, Charlotte.

Joshua (recorded): We'd all be better off if we just forgave one another. So that's why I'm calling. I forgive you, Charlotte.


Woman (recorded): Message deleted.


How'd it go?

I got the voice mail.

Lucky you.

After all this, watch the Horseman turn out to be one of our exes.

(chuckles, groans)


Welcome back, preacher man.


What'd you see?

Vera: Just my scientific hypothesis, but all these roaches, I'd say we're being led to the Horseman of Pestilence.


Okay, twice is a coincidence. Three times, that's definitely a sign.

Yeah. (phone ringing)

It's Josh. Hello?


Vera: You're sure that the Horseman is the Garreth Fletcham?

Yeah. You know how recognizable that psycho is?

Between Ponzi schemes, hooker wives, and the ability to offend everyone, he makes the Devil look like a saint.

This guy has Horseman written all over him.

Rose: And he was just sitting at his desk looking at his computer?

There was nothing else?

No, that was it.

This vision was totally different from all the others.

Look, you guys.

I know I don't have this vision thing down to a science.

But it seemed pretty clear that Fletcham's our guy.

I think you're right.

It's no coincidence you called just as we realized we were looking for the Horseman of Pestilence.

Okay, but "Pestilence" points to a plague or a virus.

This guy's a wealthy businessman.

I'm sorry, I don't see the connection.

We can't waste time poring over spreadsheets.

We have to get up there.

Fletcham could be committing a sin at any minute.

Raul: There's just one problem.

This guy gets death threats every day.

He's paranoid. Hardly ever leaves the penthouse on the 52nd floor.

There's no way we're gonna get to him.

Yeah, there is.

(elevator dings)

Fletcham: When I say five minutes, I mean five minutes!

Not seven, not six... five! You understand?

I make more in 60 seconds than you'll make in two years!

What are you waiting for?

This isn't the Townsend account!

It is the Jacobson file!

I'm so sorry, sir.

If you value your job, you'll stop wasting my time!

Geez, no wonder everyone wants you dead.

Exactly what sin are you planning on committing, Mr. Horseman.

What if she runs into trouble?

She can take care of herself... I hope.

She's only got a few minutes left.

Wow, that's a lot of zeros.


What the hell?!

Stop! Damn it!


It's all gone!

What the hell is going on?!

(gasping for air)

She's running out of time.


Welcome to ABADDON.



What happened?

Fletcham's not the Horseman.

Lousy day, huh?


Believe me.

I know the feeling.

You're that bail bondsman.

What the hell are you doing here?

Whatever I want.

You said I'd get my daughter back.

And I delivered.

You on the other hand...

No, you don't get it.

I took a b*llet today.

My ex-wife, she saved my life.


(short laugh)

What a disappointment you turned out to be.

Wait! Please, ju...

Just give me another chance.

I'll do anything to get them back.



In that case...

I'll be in touch.

♪ Happy birthday ♪
♪ To you! ♪

Oh! Yay, Amy!

Okay, sweetie, make a wish.

(all cheering)

I'm sorry, uh, for not being there today.

It's okay.

How are you two holding up?

I'm still shaken a little bit. But...

Amy's so strong, she never ceases to amaze me.

She must get it from her mom.

(quiet laugh)

Uh, your nose, it's... Oh.



Probably just the dry air.

Yeah. Yeah, that must be it.

That's right. Well...

That is so kind, thank you.



So rude.

You were right.

I was out just shy of six minutes.

What's the point of having a gift with a time limit?

You're the scientist.

Got a hypothesis?

Maybe we're not supposed to just use our gifts.

Maybe we're supposed to learn something from them.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.


Well, I mean, you did sh**t someone today.

I saved someone today.


About that.


It's all good.

I guess you weren't kidding about being an angel, though.


I know.

It's crazy.

Actually, it's... pretty cool.


Um, I thought you two might like these.

Tickets to Magicland.

Raul: Yeah, it's an amusement park across town.

So when things settle down...

You two should... go.

Why are you doing this?

Look... what happened between your mother and me...

It was wrong.

But I want you to know... that I loved her.

She's important to me.

So are you.

You know those gifts from God you told me about?


What's his?

He reads minds.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

I'm late for my flight.

Oh, sorry.

Travel documents, please.

(men speaking low, indistinctly)

So we're clear, no more talking to dark, handsome men with accents.

Yeah, I think I'm just going to swear off men altogether.

The Devil keeps pretending to offer help.

What's he really after?

He wants to stop us from finding the Horsemen.

And just because we know what he looks like doesn't mean he can't still get to us, so keep your eyes open.

But not just for the Devil.

We saw signs all day pointing us to this anarchist hacker group.

They call themselves ABADDON.

In the last day, they've hacked into three major banks, stripping all their assets and wiping them out.

Just like a virus.

I think whoever's behind ABADDON could be the Horseman of Pestilence.

The question is, what's the sin that's going to break the Second Seal?

I don't know, but we better figure it out fast.

Check what ABADDON just posted.

A countdown clock?

You think ABADDON is about to make another strike?

If they are, we have 36 hours to figure it out.