03x07 - The Long Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wentworth". Aired: August 2013 to present.*
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"Wentworth" is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea Smith's early days in prison. Set in the present day, it's a modern re-imagination of Prisoner.
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03x07 - The Long Game

Post by bunniefuu »

I'd like to hear Franky talk.

You can say whatever you like.

So, if you've got any blood on your hands, now's the time to wash some of it off.

Sophie! Soph.

She's drunk.

Get out of the way!

Shut your mouth! I will k*ll you.

Franky! Franky, let her go.

I want to understand where that aggression's coming from.

She is beyond help.

Oh, I disagree. I think there's something else going on.

Your opinion is irrelevant.

Well, Bea should be here.

Where is she? I want Bea!

Prisoner advocate Smith will not be able to take part in this hearing.

She's, ah, incapacitated.

You don't remember any of that?


I f*cking k*lled him!

I k*lled Harry Smith.

I don't have psychotic episodes.

I don't.

You're a m*rder*r!

I know it's confronting but you can see for yourself what happened.

I told you, I was grabbed from behind near the boiler room.

The man in the mirror.

That's the last thing I remember.

Post-traumatic stress can cause delusions.

He was real. We've been over this, Bea. There was no man.

Now, according to your medical history, you suffered a similar breakdown following the death of your daughter.


What about CCTV?

Can you check the CCTV?

It'll prove that I'm right.

I'm sure that's already been done...

Could you just check it, please?

Please. Please.

Alright. I'm not psychotic.


She's sticking to her story about an intruder near the boiler room.


Has the CCTV been checked?

We are not entertaining an inmate's fantasies, Ms Westfall.

While these delusions persist, Smith will remain in the Psych Unit, for her own welfare.

Have you checked the CCTV?

What do you think? Of course.

What about the adjacent rooms?

Just what are you expecting to find?

There were contractors there yesterday.

Only electricians in D Block.

They were nowhere near that area.

Unless of course they managed to walk through several walls, prise open security gates, bypass all the cameras.

Or perhaps Smith is having a breakdown.

You choose.

Thanks, Franky. And they're not for you, so no snacking.

I'll try to restrain myself.

Gidget. I'm doing an admission.

I can't hang around.

Hey, what happened to Red?

Jodie was relying on her.

Franky, you know the deal.

Happy to talk about your situation, not other inmates'. Would you like to talk?

I'd like to do a lot of things.

I have a free slot this afternoon.

Do you want me to fill it?

I want you to be serious.

I am.

You must be Kim Chang.



Miss me?

What the f*ck you doing back here?

What do you reckon? I missed you.

Back in the office.


Work to do.

Oi! Where's the slagger?

Oh, don't call her that.

No, where is she?

I don't know.

You know the b*tch has stolen me brew, hey.

Oh, Booms... No, it's all gone and she's off her frickin' chops.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out who's been nicking it, hey.

Hey, hey. Calm down.

Hey, where's your Mum?

She's gone to Medical.


Well she'll be f*ckin' moving in there by the time I'm finished with her.

Oh, she doesn't mean that.

No, I do mean that. I do f*ckin' mean that.

Shut up. Don't worry about it.

I'll take care of it.


You, leave Liz alone.

Look, I don't even want to see you talking to Liz.

'Attention compound...'


'..all inmates report to their assigned work duties.'


I'm going to take that as a yes.

Come on.

Find anything?

No. I was just being thorough.

I'm surprised at you, Vera, indulging prisoners' fantasies.

She did seem quite adamant.


Oh, oh, my apologies.

That makes all the difference then, doesn't it?

Ms Bennett. About Smith.

I, um, I've checked the cameras, the corridor and the boiler room.

There's nothing.

Right. OK.



So, did you find anything?

There's absolutely no evidence there was an intruder in the prison.

But what about the CCTV?

Did you check that?

It's been checked.

Bea, we need to work out why this happened.

Where this sudden anxiety came from, yeah?

I need to use the bathroom.

You can use the bedpan.

She seems pretty calm.

Can't she use the bathroom?

Yeah, alright.

So, when you get up, you might feel a little woozy, yeah?



Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Bea, calm down.

He was there. Who was there?

The man.

The man that got me in the corridor. He's here. Calm down, Bea.

He's here! No-one's here.

I just saw him! Please!

He's in the mirror. He's here!

Look in the mirror, Bea.

There's no-one there.

I just saw him in the mirror!

There's no-one there.

Did you not see him?

I want you to look...

Get him! He's in here!

I'm going to get you back to your bed.

You should be looking for him!

Please! Nurse, we're going to need sedation.

There's no-one there.

Get off me! Please, he was here!

I'm not seeing things, please!

Get your f*cking hands off me.

Please, I saw him.

No, I saw him.

He's here. He's still here...

I saw him.

It's just your mind playing tricks on you, Bea.

I saw him here.

It's alright.

Please, I saw him here.

She'll be out for a few hours.

I might sit with her for a while.

There's no need. The nurse is here.

She'll be here so...

Hey. What'd you do?

Ah, broke parole.

You're a f*cking idiot.

Hey, I wanted to see you.

So f*ckin' visit.

Everything was shit outside, Franky. I couldn't hack it.

I thought you were smarter than that.

Frank, hey, don't be angry.

I'm glad to be back.

They've put me in the new wing, H6.

Close... enough... to visit.

I bet you missed me too.

It's been a while.

Stop. Just f*ckin' stop!

I just want to touch you.

Well, you can't. Why?

Cos I'm not... I'm not interested.

I only came back to see you.

I didn't ask you to come back.

This is your f*ck up, not mine.

You should go.

Have you got names picked out yet?

Ah, not really.

I haven't decided yet.

If it's a boy, I'm thinking Joshua.

And if it's a girl?

I like Merinda. Oh...

That's really pretty.

Yeah, it means beautiful.

Booms. Booms. Don't talk to me.

I... I need some more grog.

Are you for real?

I'm desperate and, ah, I'm happy to pay for it.

Look, I'm not a f*cking drive-thru, alright?

Right, so you... you don't want anyone to know. That's fine.

Is everything alright, Liz?

Yeah, yeah, oh, no, it's good. Yeah.

Didn't see her.



He was real...

We've been over this, Bea...

There was no man... was no man...

Oi, Smith.

You back from la-la land yet?

What's going to happen when we take these restraints off?

I was thinking, you and me, ocean cruise to Mexico?

You try anything, I swear you're going to be in a wet cell for...

I'm just joking. I'm not going to do anything, am I?

Look at me.

Can I go back to my unit?

Not till the Governor says so.

OK, time for a shower.

I don't want one.

Don't argue with me, Smith.

I'm not in the mood.

I need to do some obs first.

You had a temperature yesterday.

Right, call me when you're ready.

Now, how're you feeling?

Thirsty. I need a drink of water.

Are you hungry?

You should probably eat something.

Yeah, yeah, I'm starving.

I'll organise some food for you.

That'd be great. Thanks.

Can I please see a Peer Worker as well?

You'll have to clear that with Ms Miles. OK.


Ms Bennett, can I help you with something?

No, I've got what I need.

You've still got that flu?


The day of the riot, someone put a syringe to my neck.

It wasn't me.

Who was it?

How do I know?

If you don't know, you could find out.

You want to make parole or not?

I did you a favour when I dropped that charge.

I can easily reinstate it.

I'm not a lagger. Why don't you try Liz?

She's got a mouth like the Grand Canyon.

I'm asking you.

And I'm telling ya, I don't know.

You've got till tonight to get me a name.

You've got five minutes.


Hey, how're you feeling?

OK. Hey, what happened yesterday?

You totally lost it.

Hey, I need you to take this, OK?

Just... just get a zip lock bag from the kitchen and just put it in. Don't unwrap it, alright? And whatever you do, don't get it wet and I'll come and get it off you when I get out of here, OK?

It's really important.

What is it?

It doesn't matter.

Well, it does matter!

Cos I can't get in trouble right now, Bea.

I've got the baby to think about.

Doreen please, please, can you just trust me?

Trust you?

Remember how that worked out for Liz?

OK, somebody did something to me yesterday and this is proof, OK?

Proof of what?

Now, sorry but we need to do more obs.


Oh, sorry.

Hey. Have you seen Bea yet?


Well, what... what happened?

Not sure, but she's feeling better.

That's good.

Dor, I just wanted to, um, come and tell you I'm sorry, because I've been a little bit... you know, I've been a bit... just a bit all over the place lately.

Oh, you mean pissed.

Yeah. Pissed.

And ah, the thing is, what happens is once I get started, I can't stop and I try. Fahhh...

I try really hard and there are moments when I can...

There are moments when I can stop and I can talk myself out of it, then there's other times when it just takes... it takes over.

Is that how you're feeling?

Right now?

Yep, but there's no booze.

But if there was, you'd be pissed.

It feels like I don't have a choice sometimes.

Oh, of course you've got a choice.

You've got a daughter in here now.

Yeah, I know. Look, if you've come in here expecting sympathy, forget it.

I need to protect my baby.

Oh, Dor, you don't have to protect your baby from me.

Well, prove it.

Stay sober, then come and talk to me.

Oh, you...


That verbal abuse charge, the one that Ms B dropped?

She's threatening to reinstate it and f*ck my parole.

I was a witness when she withdrew it.

Won't be a good look if she changes her mind.

Hey. So, you've got my back?



Hey, Ms Westfall, I think you might be interested in this.

I've got Bea Smith's tox report back.

So, can I get out of here yet?

Not up to me.

Your bloods just came back.

You had an hallucinogenic in your system.

So I was drugged?

So, you didn't take them yourself?

No. I don't do that shit.

So, how did they get in your system, then?

That man.

That man must have drugged me.

And why would he want to drug you?


I had to get to Jodie.

I was supposed to be at her hearing, but she stopped me.


No, Ferguson.

So not the man?

No, no, no, no, the man works for Ferguson.

It was her.

She got the man to drug me so I flipped out.

It was Ferguson.

Well, that is quite a story.

Yes, it sounds ridiculous.

That's because it is ridiculous and it is getting more...

I do not understand why you're entertaining this. I mean, you do realise that falsely accusing corrections personnel, that carries very serious consequences, yes?

Was there something else?

The LSD in her system caused the psychosis, but she's come down now. So, I think she is ready for release from the Psych Unit.

I appreciate your opinion.

Meaning you're ignoring it.

We now have proof she's a drug user.

How can you guarantee she won't use again and have further episodes?

There is no history of drug use.

She's been clean since she arrived.

Well, I think the results speak for themselves.

I don't think she took that LSD knowingly.

Meaning what? One of the women spiked her food and drink?

Now, whatever the causes, while Smith insists that these delusions are real, she will be kept under observation, for her own safety.

You can't keep her restrained indefinitely.

If these delusions persist, she may have to be moved to a proper psychiatric facility.

Right, I could take this to the Board, you know.

They will listen to me.

Well, if you enjoy the paperwork so much, by all means, go ahead.
No, I f*ckin' know.

She f*cked me, too.

Not in that way, but she f*cked me over. f*ckin' skanky b*tch.

And you reckon... Oh, hello, hello.

Hey, you!

What's with you and Franky, huh?

Are you f*cking?

I beg your pardon?

Chang, move away from the fence.

She only gets bored of me when she finds a new f*ck.

Move away now.

You should sack her.

She's f*cking a prisoner.

Don't be ridiculous.

That was awesome!

What a stupid b*tch. I know.

Ms Westfall?

What was that about?

No idea.

But I'll get to the bottom of it.

'Attention compound.

Reporting to work units.'

Who used the syringe?

Pick a name.

If you want to get out of here, you will do what I ask.

It's too late. You dropped the charge. Bridget's my witness.

You can't do shit.

What makes you think Ms Westfall would help you?

Just know.

It's just gossip.

I don't have any proof, but we should keep an eye on them.

Don't mention this to anyone else.

I'll handle it in my own way.

Yes, Governor.

Easy, ladies. Ooh, yummy, yum, yum.

That looks good, doesn't it?

Boomer, Boomer!

Oh, Booms. I have to...

I have to thank you for that brew.



Oh, you're like a little fairy. You're just tucking it in there, under my pillow.

No, I'm not a f*ckin' fairy.

You've been f*ckin' flogging it.

Shhh! Oh, go on, that's good.

That's good.

But hey, it's alright, it's alright, I know.

Your secret's safe with me, Booms.

I know that you're trying to keep it away from Max. I know.

I get it, I get it. f*ck off!

You're nuts. Everyone around here is f*ckin' nuts!

It's funny. You're funny.


Ladies. Hello, hello.

Dors, I was gonna...

I was gonna give you my dessert.

Ice cream.

I know you like ice cream.

You're pissed again.


Oh, rack off, Jessica.

I can smell you from over here.

It's disgusting.

No, I just farted.

Oh! There's another one.

Oh! There's another one.

Seriously, what mother gets pissed in front of her daughter?

Just leave it. It's good you got rid of her as carer. Yummy.

What's Kim Chang's problem?

She must be jealous.

What of?

Well, you tell me.

This is your session, Franky.

You asked for it.

Ah, I was hoping we'd have something to talk about.

What do you want to hear?

What was that shit with Liz the other day?

It was nothin'. Nothin'?

You've got anger issues, Franky.

You've got to deal with them.

You've got to stop self-sabotaging.

I want to recommend you for parole.

Now, how am I going to do that when you're throttling prisoners in the corridor?

You think you know what it's like in here, but you don't.

You do what you gotta do to survive.

Cos if you don't, you have shit done to ya.

I learnt that pretty quick when I got in here.

But your problems started before you got in here.

If you want to work through them, you're going to have to dig deep.

Come on, we've all got baggage, Franky.

Unless you unpack it, it stays locked up.

Weighs us down. Spare me the f*ckin' cliches! Come on!

Well spare me the f*ckin' run-around, yeah? I'm sick of it.

If you waste these sessions, there's no point in having them.

Don't you ever get bored of people chewing your ear off?

You have got a serious emotional block that prevents you from trusting anyone. Now, I get that.

But you're going to have to break through it.

It began when you were a kid, didn't it?

That's when you started building this wall.

I know about your childhood.

No you f*ckin' don't.

I read about it.

I lived it.

Must have been tough.

After your Dad left.


He doesn't want you!

You want to talk about your Mum?

We're not talking about her.

Why not?

Cos I don't give a shit about her.

It's pretty clear she had a major impact on you.

We are not talking about her...

She did some pretty terrible things to you.

That doesn't mean you deserved them.

It's all your fault.

Why do you think he left?

I want to stop the session.

You didn't deserve any of that shit, so don't take it on.

Right, let's talk about the anger, Franky, because that's what's driving you.

That's what's been in control ever since you were a little kid.

The real you got lost.

You need to shut up.

You're a good person, Franky.

I'm not a good person!

Yes, you are.

No! Because if I saw her, I'd cut her throat.

So how the hell does that make me good?

It makes you angry.

I'd f*ckin' k*ll her!

I don't believe you.

You're not a m*rder*r.

You don't know shit!

I know you're not a k*ller.

Yes, I am!

Yeah, well who have you k*lled?

I f*cking k*lled Meg Jackson.

It was an accident, but I did it.

She shat on me like Mum did.

And that's what I hang on to.

When I see her dying, I pretend it was Mum.

Alright, don't say any more.

You go into detail, I'll have to report it.

So, you still think I'm a good person, do ya?

I think you need to absorb what's happened today.

You've started to trust.

It's a big step.

Came at a price though, hey?

Oi! This is Red's cell now.

This isn't even your unit.

How are you feeling?

Why are you doing this?

Ms Westfall tells me that you're sticking with this story about an intruder in the prison.

Something about someone trying to keep you from Jodie Spiteri's hearing?

I'd hate to see you leave us, Smith, but if you continue, I will have no choice but to ask Doctor Lynch to commit you to a psychiatric facility.

Unless you want to spend the rest of your life surrounded by the criminally insane, I would advise you to stick with the truth.

There was no attack.

It did not happen.

Thanks, Michael.

What are you doing?

Shut the door!

Mr Fletcher.

My office. Now.

I think we need to discuss your behaviour, Mr Fletcher.


I expect my staff to maintain a professional distance from the prisoners.

It disappoints me when I see officers crossing the line.

You following me, Mr Fletcher?

Mr Fletcher?


We don't want to give them cause for complaint now, do we?


And that includes not conveniently walking into a strip search room.

I'm sorry. I made a mistake.

This is a verbal warning.

If it happens again, I'll have to take more serious action.

Are we clear about that?

Mr Fletcher, are we clear about that?

Very clear. Sorry, Governor.


Bloody hell, Liz.

Hey. Hey. Hey, Liz. Hey.

Wake up. Hmm?

Where is it?

You get off my titties.

Get off my titties! Maxine!

Get off me!

This brew has caused enough trouble.

That's my brew.

I'm going to get rid of it. No, no!

You don't need this shit.

Maxine! Is this yours?

Maxine! Oh, yeah.

Give me that! Don't you take that.

Don't you dare pour that out!

Hey! What are you doing?

Hey! Stop that!

Stopping the problem, Booms. No!

If I see another bottle of this in here again, you're f*cked.

She's tipped it out.

She's tipped the bloody thing out.

f*ckin'... Oh, f*ck's sake.

f*ckin' knew it, ya slagger.

Don't you start on me. You are like a broken record. Round and...

"Oh, lagger. Bloody hell, you've stolen me brew, ya lagger.

Get my hands off Franky!" I didn't steal your friggin' brew.

You've been shoving it under my pillow. I have not...

No and you have already bashed my scone in for lagging, so we are even, right? So you can shut up, ya fat arse baby.

I don't have a fat arse.

You do.

And what are you starin' at, little Miss Misery Guts?

Can you save my spot?


What I told you before, I was making shit up.

Yeah. I figured that.

Would you do this for any of the women?

Ms Westfall. Bea Smith has requested to see you.

Hi. You wanted to see me?


I thought I'd tag along.

Just see how you're progressing.

I've been going over things.

And you were right.

The story about the intruder?

It must have been the dr*gs.

Why do you think you couldn't accept this before?

Did you take them willingly?


One of the other women must have spiked my food.

I'm sorry for wasting your time.

'You know, I saw into her soul.

It's just black.

'It's darkness.'

And then I could see into her mind.

I could see the horror.

I knew she was a freak, but I didn't think she'd go this far.

She's f*ckin' demented.

You believe me, right?

Yep. Yeah, of course I do.

What about this?

Dunno what I'm going to do with it yet.

Heard you put on quite a show, Red.

Scaled a fence and everything.

Yeah, I was drugged.

While you were off your face, Jodes was packed off to the Psych Ward.

Yeah, I heard. You know, it was Ferguson who stopped me getting to the hearing.

Yeah, I worked that out myself, thanks.

Do you reckon you could still take her on?

How many poor b*tches like Jodie are gonna end up collateral damage?


Who's next? Is it you?

It's not gonna be me.


What are you going to do about the Freak?

I'm gonna sit tight.

And I'm gonna play a long game.

I'm not a good person! Yes, you are.

I f*cking k*lled her!

I don't believe you. You're not a m*rder*r. You don't know shit!

I know you're not a k*ller. Yes, I am! Oh, yeah, who have you k*lled?

I f*cking k*lled Meg Jackson!
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