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01x06 - Metamorphosis

Posted: 05/23/15 07:56
by bunniefuu
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from heaven and changed us. Made us angels and gave us a new destiny: to stop the Apocalypse and the Devil himself. We must pass God's test and prove humanity is still worth saving. For we are the Messengers.

Previously on
The Messengers...

We need to find and stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

w*r, Pestilence, Famine and Death.

Rose: If those Four Horsemen succeed in breaking the seals, we can all kiss humanity good-bye.

Sergeant Andrews will escort you to your car.

What is it that you're hiding?

I swiped this from the impact site.

Where's the rock?

Excuse me. Hey!


Twice is a coincidence; three times, that's definitely a sign.

Welcome to ABADDON.

I think whoever's behind ABADDON could be the Horseman of Pestilence.

You think ABADDON'S about to make another strike?

Vera: If they are, we have 36 hours to figure it out.

I need this wired into my account.

The man: It says insufficient funds.

You know what they say...

When you fall, you fall hard.

Erin: Are we sure ABADDON's connected to the next Horseman?

Yeah, Joshua's vision led us to ABADDON'S cockroach symbol.

So did the signs Vera and I saw all day.

Cockroaches were popping up everywhere.


(sighs): No kidding.

All right, what do we know about ABADDON?

Aren't they some kind of anarchist hacker group?

All about bringing down the system?

Erin: I don't know, but if what they're plotting is the sin that breaks the next Horseman's seal...

Then every minute counts.

Peter, how much time is left on ABADDON's countdown clock?

About 35 hours.

Erin: Well, do we know anything about their leader?

Nobody does. That's the problem.

ABADDON's all about anonymity.

Every member's identity is a secret, even the leader.

It's gonna be hard to find a way in.

You're right.

Look, it may have been easy to find that clock, but it's not like there's a link to send them an e-mail.

Groups like ABADDON like to hide on the Deep Web.

To be honest, I don't even know where to start.

(phone vibrates, rings) Excuse me.

Hey, Alan, I'm kind of in the middle of something.

This can't wait. Listen, the van that took off from Leo's lab with our meteorite sample...

Yeah, yeah.

My cousin's finally got a match on the license plate.

It's registered to a ranger station up in the mountains.

How far away?

It's a pretty decent drive, so we should probably head off soon, like tonight.

Okay, give me an hour... I just got to talk to somebody.

♪ ♪

Hey, baby, what do you got for me?

You got to try this.

It's nuts.


(distorted, echoing): You feeling okay?

(distorted, echoing): What... what is this stuff?

It's truth serum, bitch.

ABADDON stole my money.

Now you're gonna help me get it back.

♪ You were too tired to notice... ♪


What are you working on?

Sounded like you guys needed some help with ABADDON.

(tapping keyboard)

♪ ♪

Since when are you a computer nerd?

I grew up in a rough neighborhood.

Spent a lot of time indoors.

Are these Social Security numbers?

Nadia: I found them on some old bills in the garage.

Turns out ABADDON is recruiting, and in order to get a face-to-face, you either got to give them three stolen identities or solve some decryption puzzle.

Let's just say door number one seemed easier.

Whoa, we can't use this family's info.

It's not who we are.

So you're gonna pull the angel card on me now?


But don't come crying to me if we spend the rest of our teens trying to crack this puzzle.

Man: What the hell do you want from me, lady?

I already told you, I don't know anything!


Seriously, lady, you got to cut me down.

I can't breathe.

Look, Larry, I could play solitaire all night.




(indistinct chatter, chickens clucking)

Man: Who's next?

Opportunity only knocks once, my friends.


You never know when it's gonna be your lucky day.


Stop that kid!

(speaks Cantonese)

Nice job. Let me see your take.

It was a good day.

Thanks to you, Koa.

Man: How touching.

A family of cheats.

Here. Take it.

Run, Koa!



Koa: Father!


(crying): Please, no.

You got to listen to me, okay?

I swear to God, I've never met ABADDON's leader.

He must be finding half-assed members like you somehow.

Or would you rather die to protect some pathetic hacker's secret?

He's trying to make ABADDON bigger.

He's been meeting recruits in coffee shops all over town.

Where exactly?

There's one on West 33rd Street. That's where he is this week.

(trembling breath)

Thanks, Larry.

It was nice hanging with you.

(crying): Wait.

(footsteps approaching)



You going somewhere?


Alan called me. We got a lead on the stolen meteorite.

I know that we're looking for the Horsemen, but this is important.


Just please hear me out.

That meteor is directly connected to the Devil, and the Devil has my son, so this is something I have to do.

Please don't try to talk me out of this.

Vera, I was gonna say I think you should go.

You do?

Yeah. I think you might be onto something.

All right. I have to get going, 'cause we need to leave tonight.

Okay, but, Vera, please don't...

(sighs) don't tell Alan about us or our gifts.


Nadia knows. I mean, she's an outsider.

Nadia's father died... we had no choice.

But to be honest, I worry about her.

If you share what we're doing with Alan, you could put him in the same kind of danger.

And this scar... is from when I wrestled a polar bear.

(both roar playfully)

Erin: Okay, you two, it's time for bed.

But Raul was telling me about his scars.


Well, I'll tell you what, sunshine, if you go to bed right now, I'll tell you about the scar I got when I got zapped from an electric eel.


Mom has a scar.

No, I don't.

Yes, you do... right there.

That's just a bruise, sweetie... I bumped into something.

Come on, go brush your teeth.

Do I have to?


(roaring) (squeals)

What are you guys up to?

Um... n-not much.

I'm helping you track down ABADDON.


I don't think it's a good idea for you to get any more involved than you already are.

Okay, but if she solves this crazy puzzle thing, we might get a meeting with ABADDON.

Crazy is right.

It's like some Rubik's Cube on crack.

Nadia: I told you this could take a while.

We don't have a while.

I'm doing my best.

Maybe I can help.

You know about computers?

Ha. I can barely check my e-mail, but...

I do have a knack for languages, remember?

(tapping keyboard)

Whoa! How did you...

Congratulations, you have passed the first test.

Now it's time for us to meet face-to-face.

A time and a location will be sent to you shortly.

Our mission requires total commitment.

There are corrupt forces aligned against us,

plaguing our system...

their greed is an infection, a virus.

Join us and be a part of the cure.

Are you hearing the kind of language he's using?

Plague, infection, virus.

If you ask me, he sounds like he could be the Horseman of Pestilence.

(birds chirping)

What's so great about the great outdoors?

What, you don't like camping?

Well, that depends.

You want to share a sleeping bag?


What can I do you folks for?

We were actually hoping to get a lay of the land.

Ah, romantic getaway?

You know it. Me and my boo are just, uh, freaks for nature.

Well, you've come to the right place.

Let me show you what this beautiful park has to offer.

We've got a grade-A campsite right here on the bank of the river. I forgot something in the car, honeybee.

I'll be right back.


Now, is that where the owl moth sanctuary is?

'Cause I hear it's mating season.


So the feeding's very important.


That's impressive that you knew...

Excuse me.

Are you ready to go, butternut?


I just can't wait another second to get all snuggly with you in that tent.

Okay! Thank you, I appreciate it.


You kids have fun.


We've got a problem.

Nadia: Any contact from ABADDON yet?

(heavy sigh)

No, not yet.

But I've been doing some reading on the banks that got hacked.

One was in Hong Kong, one was in Philly, and the other was Garreth Fletcham's bank in Dallas.

There's got to be some connection between them, though.

Can't you just, like, pray for the answer or something?

That is not how this works.

I'm sorry, it's still a little hard for me to wrap my head around all this.

It does have a way of testing your beliefs.

Did your parents make you go to church?

I never knew my parents.

They gave me up for adoption when I was a baby.

I'm... sorry, I didn't know.

It's okay.

My dad dying, it... it's been tough.

But at least I knew him.

Not meeting your parents, that... seems impossible.


It's kind of hard to have faith in anything when you don't know where you come from.

Maybe for now it's enough to know where you belong.

You sure this is gonna work?

It worked last time I lost my phone.

Funny story, actually.

I met a girl at a UFO convention in Vegas last year, and somehow my phone wound up stuck in her...

Great. Story.



I was gonna say "suitcase."


You talk to Leo lately?

What? Wh-Why'd you ask me that?

I don't know. It just... seemed like you two had a lot to catch up on.

I don't know. It happened a long time ago.

I'm not sure I want to dig up the past.

Did you tell him he's Michael's father?

He [i]is
Michael's father.

I was just guessing.

Are you gonna tell him?

Look, I'm sorry.

I know this must be very hard for you.

I just... I want you to know I'm here if you need me.

Wait a second. This isn't on the map.

Nope, it's not. End of the road.

(birds chirping)


What do you think?

Looks like we're going for a hike.

(crow cawing)


Peter: Uh, guys? Check it out.

So, I found a news article, and it looks like all the banks targeted by ABADDON have one thing in common.

They all have assets in a company called Nero Health.

That's an insurance company.

They also own a huge network of hospitals.

Houston Memorial is one of them.

It looks like all those hospitals, their systems are connected through the same digital network.

I wonder, if the hacker was going after Nero, then the banks were just a means to an end.

Nadia: You got an e-mail. Maybe it's from ABADDON.

"Attention, new recruit. If you'd like to join us, let's meet today at noon. Mug & Spoon Café on West 33rd."

Damn, we're good.

I was just thinking the same thing.

Hey, you guys stay here and see what else you can find out about Nero.

Where are you going?

To get a cup of coffee.

(indistinct chatter)

♪ I've been looking for the king of diamonds ♪
♪ But I guess the queen will do ♪
♪ I've been looking for the king of diamonds ♪
♪ Till the dealer gave me you ♪
♪ You've got everything together... ♪

What the...?

(Koa speaking Cantonese)

Easy, dirtbag. You're coming with me.

(patrons screaming)





Who are you? Are you with them?

Rose: No.

Raul, stop. She's one of us.

(indistinct chatter)



All in.


Full house. (chuckles)

Four of a kind.

We have a winner.

(gasping, murmuring)

Man: Check her pulse.

Wait a minute.

What is this?

(gasping) Dead or alive, she's a cheat.

So you did feel the wave.

If that's what you want to call it.

It's how we're connected.

It's what gave us our gifts.

Like it or not, you are an Angel of the Apocalypse, Koa.

Just like us.


I'm not just like you.

For starters, I'm a Buddhist.

Well, faith comes in many forms.

I have no faith in your mission.

Raul: Seriously?

Why do we need her?

I agree. How do we know she's not connected to ABADDON?

What do you know about ABADDON?

We think they're connected to the next Horseman.

That's why we're trying to pinpoint the leader.

All I know is they're the ones who drained my bank account a few days ago.

Rose: So we're looking for the same person.

We should work together. That is our purpose.

Look, I already have a purpose.

It's finding the guy who took my money and putting a b*llet in his head.

What if I told you we could help you get your money back?


I'm listening.

When we work together, we can be a powerful force.

Work with us to find the leader of ABADDON, and I promise we will get you what you're after.

Koa: Fine. But if any of you freaks get in my way, I'll take every last one of you out.

What was that?

Erin: Raul, don't.

You really think you can mess with us?


I'd rather watch you kick your own ass.

Rose: Both of you, stop it.

We can get you what you want, but you have to work with us, Koa.


I'll help the rest of you find the hacker.

But you?

You'd better stay the hell out of my face.

I'm telling you, Koa can't be trusted.

Look, you might be right, but if she really is the seventh Messenger, we might not have a choice.

Erin, you didn't hear her thoughts.

She's trouble.

Raul, will you just sit down and let me look at your hand?

Come on. Sit down.


Just stay still, okay? (groans)

Feel better?

♪ ♪

Erin, are you okay?

What do you mean?

Oh. I...

I don't... I don't know what that is. It was much smaller before.

It looks serious. Maybe we should get you to a doctor.

What if it's connected to your healing?

It could be.

I'm sure it's fine.


I should go check on Amy.



They're three klicks away.

Just crossed into the Black Zone, sir.

Is the order to take 'em alive?

She told me it didn't matter.

Targets obscured.

Let's move.

Are you sure this is the right way?

Yeah, well, it's what the map says.


Here, let me see that.

What, you don't think I know how to read a map?

Hand it to me.

No, I can read.

You don't have a good sense of direction.

Hand it to me. Please.

I have a very good sense of direction.

Go, go, go, go, go.


Come on! Run! Someone's sh**ting at us!

Oh, God. Oh, God.

Where the hell are they?




It's in The Hunger Games.

Come on.

So the hacker's trying to recruit an army.

Maybe the target is Nero and not the banks.

Yeah, but the question is why.

Well, maybe it's time to pay Nero a visit to figure out why they're on ABADDON's hit list.

Well, the company's headquarters is only a couple of hours away.


But security is pretty tight.

How do you plan on getting in?

By helping you put that gift of yours to good use.

Hi there. I'm looking for Accounts Payable.

And you are?

The Securities and Exchange Commission.

Maybe you've... heard of us.

Uh, the recent cyber attack brought some inconsistencies to our attention, and...

I'm gonna need to review your financial statements.

Um, you're gonna want to speak with Beth Orchard.

She's the head of accounting.




You've been a very bad girl.



You should have known better than to cheat.

I need to teach you a lesson.







(elevator dings)


The computer logged me off.

What's my password?

Uh, it's your daughter's birthday.

I just tried that. It's not working.

(keyboard keys clicking, beep)

(computer chimes)

Thanks, Cara.

It's "Car-ah."

Oh. Sorry.

Aah, three years, and she still can't get it right.

(keyboard keys clicking rapidly)

Come on, Vera.

We got to stop and rest at some point.





I'm sorry I brought us out here.

Man: I'm not seeing them. I think we lost 'em, sir. Should we pack it in?

Nate: No. Then keep looking.

(crickets chirping)

(owl hooting, birds singing)

(crowd chatter)


She found something.

What is it?

Koa: According to Nero's records, their assets were drained in the bank attack.

But not before every outstanding claim was paid to a small, nonprofit medical clinic called Haven House.

And they were all paid in triplicate.

Haven House received more than $11 million overnight from Europe.

That's some serious bank.

Why would an insurance company do something like that?

Koa: They wouldn't.

But ABADDON would.

Erin: Wow. If that's true, Haven House must be pretty important for ABADDON's leader to go through all that trouble, right?

Yeah. Let's go find out why.

Is that what I think it is?

Yeah, it's the sliver of the meteorite.

I took it from the mass spec after the rest of the sample was stolen.

Safekeeping, I guess.

Good thinking.



(quivering breathing)

Come here. You're freezing.


(bird hooting, crickets chirping)

(siren blaring, horns honking)

They say money is the root of all evil.



You were there that night in Hong Kong when my bank account got hacked.

What are you doing here?

I'm usually more discreet than this, but I know when it's best to just show my hand.

After all, you can't con a con.

Who the hell are you?

Who the hell am I? (laughs)

People know me by many different names.


I'll play along.

Good, 'cause I'm dying to ask.

Why would a sharp-witted professional like you mess around with Rose and that group of amateurs?

I work alone.

I'm just using them to get what I want.

I can get your money back and then some.

And I won't judge you like they do.

Like I said... I work alone.

Suit yourself, but remember, Koa.

Opportunity only knocks once.

(siren blaring)

(helicopter blades whirring)

(birds singing)



You hear that?

(helicopter blades whirring)

Give me that.

(loud whirring of helicopter)

Alan: Whoa.

It's definitely not a campsite.


(crowd chatter)

Somebody here has got to know why all those claims were paid by Nero and how ABADDON's connected to all this.

Let's split up and try to find out.


You got to admit, she came through for us at Nero.

Doesn't mean I have to trust her.

I hope she'll understand the importance of her destiny soon enough.


Here you go, buddy.


I hope you feel better soon, okay?


Hey. Hey, hey.

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just got a little bit lightheaded, that's all.

Tell me you didn't just heal that kid.

What can I say? I'm a mother.

That's an ABADDON laptop.

I don't know how much closer we can get.

(man shouting indistinctly)

Well, if it isn't G.I. Joe.

It's Captain Barton.

He kicked us out of the crater, then covered it all up.

What do you suppose he's doing here?

I don't know, but this is our chance. We have to follow him.

No. Are you crazy?

We'll never get past security.

Remember the dudes who tried to k*ll us yesterday?

We got to get out of here, V.

Alan, you know how I've died and come back to life a few times recently?

Yeah, kind of rings a bell.

Turns out it's this thing that I can do.

What-what are you talking about?

It's called spirit-walking.

I don't want you to freak out.


I promise I'll be right back. Okay?

No, no. What are you...? No, no.





Hey, V.


(indistinct chatter)

Thank you so much for helping us.

I just can't believe Mrs. Schiller would ever have anything to do with dr*gs.

It's an ongoing investigation, so anything that you can tell us about this woman or young man in the photo would be greatly appreciated.

Well... her name is Margaret.

She had leukemia.

She came to us about a year ago after Nero Health repeatedly denied her claims for a bone marrow transplant.

What happened to her?

Well, we did everything we could for her, but without that transplant, she didn't have many options.

After Nero Health denied her claim for the final time, her son Leland decided he'd take her home and take care of her himself.

What else can you tell us about him?

Oh, he was a quiet boy.

He seemed troubled.

How so?

Well, I mean, not that I blame him, but he was just so angry at Nero over the way they treated his mother.

Now, I don't want to give you the wrong idea.

Leland could be really sweet when he wanted to be.

He helped us out a couple of times around here when our computers went down.

You wouldn't believe how handy he is with those things.

Oh, I bet we would.

Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Leland Schiller is the leader of ABADDON.

AKA the Horseman of Pestilence.

What kind of sin is he about to commit?



(people chatting, gasping)

This is pretty serious, Ms. Calder.

Your blood pressure's very low, which is why you fainted.

I want to run some more tests, but I will say that a hematoma that size should not just appear overnight.

I probably just bumped into something without realizing it, that's all.

You need to be admitted to a hospital.

This could be serious, and until we figure out what's going on, I want you monitored.

I can have an ambulance transfer you to the nearest cardiology lab if you don't have someone who can drive you.

I do.

Okay, but don't wait, Erin.

You need to go now.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(indistinct shouting)

(garbled radio transmission)

"Operation Genesis."

Captain Barton, we almost done here?

Yes, ma'am.

Oh, my God, it's Richards.

The Horseman of w*r.

What the hell is she doing here?

Oh, ma'am. Oh.

Um, I'm sorry.

I... just...



Are you okay?


Is this because you...?

I think so, but, hey, if I have the power to heal, I might as well use it, right?

Not if it's gonna make you sick.

I'm gonna be fine. Don't worry.

What? What is it?

Where's Koa?

(birds singing)

Driver: Where to?

3245 Tucker Road.

(engine starting)

I don't like this, Vera.

Hey, bring your ass back to me right now.

(mechanical rattling and humming)


I trust you'll clean the site?

Operation Genesis is a Defense Department Special Weapons Op now.


Yes, ma'am.



(gasps loudly)

Oh, my God.

(gasping for air)

You came back.

Did you hear the g*nshots?

(truck engine revving)


I saw what happened.

I'm telling you, Koa shape-shifted into a nurse, and she stole Mrs. Schiller's medical file.

He's right.

And the nurses' station said it was their only copy.

That's great.

So, Koa has all the personal info that she needs.

She's gonna track down Leland Schiller and try to put a b*llet in his head.

I knew we shouldn't have trusted her.

You ever stop to think maybe she ran off because you didn't give her a chance?

Joshua: Okay, guys, look, either way, she got a head start.

She can lead him to breaking his seal without even realizing it.

All Senator Richards had to do was raise her glass.

Erin: We only have two hours left on ABADDON's clock.

How do we know what Leland's sin's going to be?

Horseman of Pestilence.

Given ABADDON's track record and Leland's hacker skills, I'd put money on some sort of computer virus.

Then Nero has to be the target.

We know he blames them for what happened to his mother.

All systems are linked, right?


Nero's computers run everything, from patient records to life support systems in their hospitals.

We're not just talking about hacking anymore, are we?

No, we're not.

Thousands of people could die.