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01x09 - The Siren

Posted: 09/22/13 12:15
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world, we're all alone ♪
♪ You know I love my island home ♪
♪ We'll make this right ♪
♪ Find our way through this mystery ♪
♪ I just wanna be swimming in the sea ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ I just wanna be with you, feeling free ♪
♪ It's my destiny forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Lyin' in the sun ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Just be you and me ♪
♪ I just wanna be. ♪
♪ As I look around, I see ♪
♪ This wonderful world 'round me ♪
♪ A rainbow many colours bright ♪
♪ For all to see ♪
♪ Treasure so warm and gold ♪
♪ And wonders for all to hold ♪
♪ Surrounded by the afterglow ♪
♪ Here I am ♪
♪ And I'm thinking about this life I lead ♪
♪ Down here beneath the sea ♪
♪ Swimming around I feel so free ♪
♪ And I'm right at home. ♪

That was so beautiful.

I was just thinking about the pod.

I really miss singing with Aquata.

Do you know any other songs?

Something with a bit more... edge.

The enchantment song?

That's forbidden!

So? You're banished.

You can sing whatever you like.

If the pod ever found out...

How could they? They're gone.

This is your chance.

Your way to get them back.

When did mermaid sing it?

To enchant sailors.

And that's why it's forbidden.

They sailed their ships onto rocks.

Exactly. It will give you complete control over land boys.

All land boys.

You want me to sing it to Zac?

He'll do everything you tell him.

Then we can draw on his powers, the pod will come back and you'll be singing with Aquata again.

I don't know, Lyla.

Maybe I should talk to Nixie.

We don't tell her.

We don't tell anyone.

This is just you and me and Zac.

This is totally hopeless.

You're gonna be fine.

Fine is not good enough.

I need to score big to keep my scholarship and... there's no way.

Come on. I've seen you like this.

You're just nervous.

No, Zac.

I've tried to study all week.

I think I've taken on too much.

Hey, Nixie.

Give us the lowdown on Ms Santos.

Ms who?

The principal. Your aunt?

Aunt Rita.

What sort of mood is she in today?

Easy exam? Tough exam?

Was she smiling?

Happy? Up-b*at?

Oh, yeah, all of those things.


Then it's gonna be a k*ller.

I'm gonna fail.

I really don't know about this.

If it's worked on sailors for hundreds of years, it'll work for us.

There he is.

I can't take anything in anymore.

Let's just go.

He's standing up. Get ready.

He's heading for the door. Let's go!

Oh, I've got to pay.

You guys go ahead. I'll catch up.

Hey. How much do I owe you?

Just leave it on the bench, if you want to b*at that 99%

I got last year.



Do you want the pod back or not?

♪ Would you come with me? ♪
♪ We'll swim the deep blue sea ♪
♪ Ah-ah... ♪


Hey. It's gonna be OK.

No, Zac. It's not.

It's the end of my scholarship.

Don't worry, I've got this.

Look after her. I'll be back.

I'm really sorry, David.

Are you alright?


Hey! Are you even listening?

Alright, that's enough, OK?

Snap out of it!

Yes, Nixie.

No, just... go to school, OK?

You have an exam.

School. Calculus.

That's right. Now, off you go.

Well, what are you waiting for?

I don't need an exam to prove my worth.

Only being with you can do that.

Go away. Now.

I can't leave you, Nixie.

I'm obliged to follow you. Forever.


What have you done?

It wasn't my fault!

Simple mistake.

We weren't trying to enchant him, we were after Zac.

Well, great. That makes me feel a whole lot better.

Now, just remove the enchantment.

Yeah... about that.

You do know how to remove it, don't you?


You're so beautiful, Nixie.

Your eyes are like the oceans.

Her eyes?

I just want to get lost in them forever.

Whoa, this is some enchantment.

Just do something.

Well, Sirena, over to you.

Me? I told you I don't know how to fix this.

You sang the song, it's your enchantment.

Tell him to stop.

Your hair!

Your beautiful hair.

David... can you please not do that?

What's with this "please" stuff?

You don't beg him, you order him.

David... I... I command you.

Listen to me.

You don't like Nixie anymore.

You don't want to be with her.

You're going to school and you're sitting that exam.


You're so beautiful, Nixie.

What part of 'enchantment'

doesn't he understand?

He's supposed to be under your control.

No, he's not.

The enchantment song doesn't work that way.


You said...

No, it doesn't let you control people.

It just makes them follow you around all the time.

Wow, even I know that and I don't study.

No wonder it's forbidden.

You think?!

I'm out of here.

I'll come with you.

I'll never leave you, Nixie. I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.

You can't leave, Nixie.

You have to stay here where he's safe.

Oh... alright.

Can you just...


But you two better find a way to fix this... and fast.

Hold it right there!

What are you doing?

Nothing. Just... looking for Zac.

And why would Zac be here?

I don't know.

You've got an exam soon, Cam.

Don't you think you should be preparing for that?

Can you look at something else?



But I only want to look at you.

You know what, David? It's getting a little creepy now, OK?

You want to please me, right?

More than anything.

Then look at something else.

Like what?

I don't care! The... the window.

The floor. This.

It's impossible.

I can't keep my eyes off you.

Still here.

You're hungry?

No, I'm n...

Actually, yes. Yes, I am.

How about you go and make me a snack?

I'll make you the best snack in the whole entire world.

What would you like?

Tuna salad.

Hold the salad. Lots of tuna.

Oh, and some lobster.

You got it.


You take your time.

Watch out.


What are you doing here?

Not good news.

We're really sorry.

What have you done?

♪ Ah-ah-ah... ♪

You can't sing that here.

You don't know who you'll enchant.

Actually, we do.


We need a cure.

You certainly do.

As I remember it, there's only one way to reverse this enchantment.

What is it?


How did you get this?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

What have YOU got?

You right, there?

I'm good.

What did you send Evie?

Nothing that concerns you.

Take it. It's all yours.

It's not right, Zac.

I don't like it either, but you need this.

Next time, you can study all you like, but you've got to keep your scholarship.

There! That's it. Right up there.

Almost got it.

Be careful.

We better hurry.

Nixie will be desperate by now.

How is it?

Mmm. Uh-huh. Mmm.

There's plenty more in the coolroom.

Oh, no, no.

I think this will do just fine.

Would you like another piece?

OK, if you insist.

Yeah. Seriously desperate.

Do you mind?

You're disturbing Nixie.

What are you doing?

Trying to help you.

With that noise?

What went wrong?

It must have cracked when it fell off the shelf.


We need another shell.

Just don't take advantage.

I'm eating my lunch.

Do you always have three lobsters for lunch?

Excuse me, but somebody had to keep this guy busy.

You know he doesn't know what he's doing.

I'm quite aware of that.

So... be... careful.

You know what, Sirena?

If you want this to stop... then you find that shell.

Right. You have one hour.

Turn over your papers now.

I'm really sorry.

I don't know why the questions I got were totally different.

Where'd you get them?

I can't tell you.

Why not?

I just can't.

Does it matter now? We didn't know the answers to any of them.

I don't know what's happening with you, Zac.

You've changed.

You'd never have cheated, and you know I wouldn't either.

That's not how I win, and you know that.

Don't ever do that to me again.

Your eyes, Nixie, they're so beautiful.

Have I ever told you that?

Once or twice.

I've always thought so.

They sparkle like stars in the night sky.

Oh. You really think so?


And your lips are the colour of ripe... luscious... strawberries.

They are?

What happened?

My exam. I've got to go!

Principal Santos, please.

I... I don't know what happened.

One minute, I was studying, and the next, I was...

It's alright, David.

You're a good student. I know you would have been there if you could.

Thank you.

So... what's going to happen?

Can I still sit the exam?

You and the rest of the class.

The rest of the class?

There was a problem with the questions.

It seems they were taken from next year's syllabus, so everyone will be resitting the test next week.

Oh, don't you start.

That was pretty clever, the way you got those questions.

Cam, I don't need this right now.

Thanks for sharing them with me.

It's nice to know that you and Evie will be the only ones getting full marks.

Actually, we flunked it too.

Principal Santos changed the test.

Powers can't do everything.

This is for you, to replace the old one.

We didn't mean to break it.

It... it just sort of fell.

Please. I get enough excuses from my students.

We, um... we brought you these as well.

Right. Well, I guess the day hasn't been a total disaster.

You seem to know a lot about the enchantment song.

Yeah, yeah, when you were younger, you and your land-dweller boyfriend, did you ever maybe...

Did I ever sing it to him?

Of course not.

Love and loyalty are the same in the ocean as they are here.

You can't cheat in love... or exams.


All you need to know is love casts its own spell.

Well... if that's what it does, I am sure glad that I can't sing.

Before I blew that conch shell, you weren't gonna kiss him, were you?

Oh, please!

Yes, she was!

No, I... Don't you start. Please.

You were!

I was... OK, you know what?

You were definitely gonna kiss him!

No, I wasn't.

Yes, you were!

You were this close.

Then you looked at your lobster.