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02x20 - The Job

Posted: 06/03/15 02:43
by bunniefuu
♪ In this world ♪
♪ We're all alone ♪
♪ You know I love My island home ♪
♪ We'll make this right ♪
♪ Find our way Through this mystery ♪
♪ I just wanna be ♪
♪ Swimming in the sea ♪
♪ Now it's just you and me ♪
♪ Forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ I just wanna be ♪
♪ With you feeling free ♪
♪ It's my destiny ♪
♪ Forever, ever, ever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together lying in the sun ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Forever ♪
♪ Together ♪
♪ Just be you and me ♪
♪ I just wanna be... ♪

The marine research program has been so well received.

Dr. Ross, I can't thank you enough.

No, not at all.

It's wonderful to see how enthusiastic the students are about our work here.

Well, the Marine Park is a special place.

Don't you think, Mimmi?

It's amazing.

Dr. Ross and I have some paperwork to complete.

Why don't you have a look around?

Feel free to go anywhere.

Thank you. I will.

Hello there.

You can't tell everyone I'm a mermaid.

Yes, legs do look silly, but if you want to get around on land, there's not much choice.

Hey, you can't be in here.

What do you mean I can't be in here?

I am in here.

Then you'll have to leave.


I'm not doing any harm.

I was just talking to the dolphin.

Scientists have been trying for years to talk with dolphins, and you think that you can do it?

Of course I... can't.

I meant I was talking to the dolphin.

It was a one-way conversation.


Uh, this is a restricted area.

Only employees are allowed in here, so... we need to leave.

Don't go back there.

Are we clear?


Did you have a good look around?

Chris, I see you've met our guest.


Yes, we've met.

Yeah, I'd better get back to work.

Don't forget, if any of your students are looking for work, we've got plenty of jobs going here.

I'll pass that on.

Thank you, Dr. Ross.

I'll see you next week.


Did you have a good look around?


And the dolphins?


You look great!

How's this?

That was made for you.

You have to buy it.

You're selling it.

You have to say that.

I don't have this much money.

Let me buy it for you.

I have money from my singing.

I can't let you do that.

I'd be happy to.

No. I want to pay my own way.

Maybe I should get a job.

Hmm, shouldn't be that hard to find you one.


A job means working with land people.

You wouldn't last five minutes.

I think I could handle it.

I think that's wishful thinking.


Good morning.


Where's Mimmi?

We couldn't find her anywhere.

It's not like Mimmi to swim off without telling us where she's going.

Mimmi's fine.

I saw her earlier.

Where'd she go?

I'm surprised she didn't tell you.

Tell us what?

Get your park souvenirs here.

$10, and I have change for you.


What are you doing here?

Isn't it obvious?

I work here.

Since when?

Since Dr. Ross gave me a job this morning.

Is there a problem?


Mimmi, what are you doing here?

Working. I don't know why you were so worried.

This job thing is way easier than I thought.

There are plenty of places you could've got a job.

But no, you had to choose the wettest one.

Ondina's right.

It's too dangerous.

Can't you get a job somewhere else?

Like where?

How does "anywhere but here" sound?

These dolphins are so cute!

How much?


This working thing is completely ridiculous.

Looks like I'm not the only one who's surprised to see you here.

Don't you have popcorn to sell?

At least let me give you some advice.

Your cart, it's parked on a slope.

You need to move it.

If I need your help, I'll ask for it.


Suit yourself.

We tried to talk her out of it, but Mimmi is obsessed with keeping her stupid job.

Uh, sorry, I got to go.

Carly's got a day off, so it's just me and David here.

Fine. Go do your job.

I'll be okay on my own.

I wish I didn't have to work, but it's just the way things are on land.

I know.

Everybody's got to have a job.

And now that everybody I know does, I've got nothing to do.

You could get a job.


Cash is always handy, and those juices don't pay for themselves.

I don't need to fit into the land world that badly.

I get it, you're... scared.

Why would I be scared?

That you'll fail, or make a fool of yourself... or both.

You seriously think I couldn't handle it.


You want me to work, I'll work.

How hard can it be?

There's your change and there's your toy.

Have fun!

I want one like his.

Wait! Take it easy.

One at a time.

Don't push. There's plenty for everyone.


Wait your turn.




No, stop!


I tried to tell you.

Want a hand?

I'm fine.

Come on, let me help.

Thanks. I should've listened to you in the first place.

Uh, yeah, you should.

Dr. Ross!

Morning, Chris.

Another beautiful day in the park?

Yeah, can I speak with you about the dolphin training program?

Yeah, sure.

No, I don't have any fish.

No, I don't want to see how high you can jump.

I think that dolphins are the most amazing creatures ever.

I've read every book there is about them.

The reason I got a job here is so I could see the trainers working with them and I could learn.


Hey, girl.

Come here.


Come on.

Come here.

Look, I really appreciate your enthusiasm, Chris.

Working with dolphins is the only thing I've ever wanted to do.

Please, Dr. Ross. I know I can do this.

Just give me a chance.

Sorry, every place in the program has been filled.

Maybe you could apply again next year.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Are you sure you'll be all right?

She'll be fine.

I'll teach her everything I know.

Juicers here.

Fruit and veg are here.

Oh, you'd better wear these.


Maybe it's better to do it the way land people do, seeing as we're on land, surrounded by... land people.

Fine. Gloves.

Ugh! What kind of sick individual thinks carrot, apple, celery and ginger makes a good combination?

They're called customers.

Thanks for your help with the toys.
I heard you and Dr. Ross talking.

Sorry about the job.

Just leave it, okay?

I might be new to working, but I know what it's like to have a bad day.

My cart falling over...

I mean, it's my first day.

Does it get much worse?

This isn't just a bad day.

Getting a traineeship in the dolphin program is my dream, and now it's gone.

I'm sorry about that.

I didn't realize how much it meant to you.

I love everything to do with the sea.

Most of the world is covered in oceans.

We still have so much to learn from them.

I agree.

There's still a lot of secrets under the water.

Yeah, that's exactly how I feel.

We need to learn to communicate with sea creatures.

They have incredible intelligence, I'm sure of it.

Did you know that dolphins actually work together to hunt?

Because they have excellent hearing and vision, they use sound to locate their prey.

They're very tactile too.

When they brush up against you, it gives you a lovely tingle.

You've swum with dolphins?

Of course not.

I just read about it.

Well, in the dolphin program, you get to work with them one-on-one.

Could you imagine being able to communicate with them?

How amazing would that be?

Well, you know so much about dolphins.

How come you missed out on the program?

Like you say, I know a lot, but I just can't make a connection.

Maybe I could help you.

Uh, you sell dolphin hats.

You can't judge a person by their hat.

I don't think so.

Fine. Just trying to help.

Mimmi, wait.

What could you possibly do?

Will you trust me?

Pineapple and mint.

Which one's the mint again?

Excuse me. We've been waiting, like, 100 years for two juices.

Can you hurry it up?

You won't get them any faster if you hassle me.

We'll be right with you.

Maybe you should go and charm the customers while I catch up a little?

What do you mean, "charm the customers"?

Introduce yourself.

Smile. Take orders.

You'll get the hang of it.


Well, what do you want?


So, how was your first day at work?


My feet were so sore from standing up.

And the customers, they get so upset if everything isn't perfect.

So, that's how it is.

You give me grief about getting a job, then you go and get one too?

Don't get excited.

I'm just doing this to prove a point to Erik.

At least the café is relatively safe.

Not like the Marine Park.

Have you managed to expose yourself as a mermaid yet?

As a matter of fact, things are going very well.

Oh, really?

Yes, really.

And to top it off, I am having a lot of fun.

Well, so am I.



Where are you going?

To work.


I think she's really taking this too far.

The park's closed.

Now what?

This way.

In you go.

No, no. All of the trainers always operate from right here.

If you want to connect with a dolphin, you need to do it from in the water.

Makes sense, I guess.

Wow. They're a lot bigger when you're in the water with them.

Don't worry. Keep a calm energy and she'll come to you.

Call her.

Hey, girl.

Come here!

It's not working.

Try and relax.

She knows you're tense.

Come here.

Come here! Please!

It's no good.

I'm hopeless.

Stay there.

What's the point?

Can I trust you?


Can I trust you?


Close your eyes.


No questions.

Just close them.

Whatever happens, keep your eyes closed.

You need to stop trying to control the dolphin.

Let her choose to come to you.

She's here.

Talk to her like she's an old friend.

How are you?

Seen any good movies lately?

Yeah, I didn't really like that one either.

Give me your hand.


Like I said, dolphins are very sensitive to touch.


Stroke her.

Let her feel your energy.

Let her know she can trust you.


Now we're going to swim.

You can open your eyes.


How was that?


Everything you said was right.

All I had to do was just relax and let her feel that she could trust me.

Told you.

How do you know all this stuff?

Who are you?

Just someone who knows a bit about dolphins.

I get the feeling I'm not getting the whole picture, but you know what?

I don't even care.

That was truly the most awesome thing ever, Mimmi.

Thank you.



Where have you been?

Oh, I woke up, had some breakfast, went for a swim.

You should've come.

The light in the kelp forest was amazing.

You're an hour late.

Didn't you check the roster?

Oh, I thought the start time was just for guidance.

Oh, and when do I get paid?

I've got my eye on these cute shorts.

Dr. Ross!

Oh, good morning, Mimmi.

How's the job going?

It's good, thanks.

Do you have a moment?

Actually, I've got a meeting to get to.

Please. You won't regret it.

Where did he learn to do that?

Ask him.

I'm going to.

Have fun.

Thank you.

Mimmi, hey!

I got it!

I'm in the dolphin training program.

Dr. Ross made space for me.

See? I knew you could do it.

When do you start?

I'm leaving on Monday.

Where are you going?

To America.

The dolphin training institute's in San Diego, so I'm gonna be gone for three months.

I'm sorry. Didn't I say?

I'm really happy for you.

I'll see you when I get back, right?

Of course.

I've got to run.

I've so much packing to do.


Thanks, Mimmi, for everything.

I'm back.

I am so glad to see you.

You miss me?

You have no idea.

It's like when you left, everyone in the world decided to come here.

If you're so busy, why didn't you hire a casual?

We did.

It didn't go so well.

I can feel you staring at me!

I don't respond well to pressure.

Thank you.


I think that's enough.

Are you firing me?

Kind of.

You know what?

I will save you the trouble.

I quit.

Thought you might like this.


How was your day?


Anything interesting happen?

Not really.

Chris kissed me.


Don't get excited.

He's going away on Monday.

For three months.


Are you okay?


All right, I admit it.

Work's harder than I thought.

I think I've had enough of it.

You quit?

Let's just say there was a parting of ways.

You were fired?

Quit, fired... they're just words.

Anything happen to you at work?

No, just another day.