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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 06/05/13 02:04
by bunniefuu
(Woman) Ooh.


Scotch on the rocks, please.

(Indistinct conversations)

Meeting someone?

Well, I thought I was...

(Inhales deeply) but now that you're here, I suddenly feel like changing my plans.

Nice suit.

No tie, huh?



Where's your wedding ring?

(Santigold's "Starstruck" playing)

It's in my pocket.

Put it on.

♪ ooh ♪

What's your name?

Harry Davis.

Nice to meet you, Harry Davis.

♪ Do it again ♪
♪ and I'll see you tomorrow ♪
♪ ah ♪
♪ I want to get ♪
♪ you've got something to borrow ♪
♪ ah ♪
♪ can't make it feel right on my own ♪
♪ that's when I throw you on again ♪
♪ ah ♪
♪ I buy it, but it don't measure up ♪
♪ what is the missed ingredient? ♪



♪ I, I see you fade ♪

Hang on. Hang on.

Wait. Wait. Just wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.


I should probably be on top.




I forgot.


Well, it just kinda felt like she would be on top, you know?

Yeah, no, absolutely. It's just... since you're ovulating, you know, we probably shouldn't waste the good stuff.

No. No. No. Yeah, it's good stuff, so...

All right. You ready? Let's go.

Oh, my hair. My hair.

Oh, God.

It's okay. Should I take my socks off?

No. Just go.





(Man, deepened voice) Oh, baby.

Oh, baby.

Oh, baby.

(Women speaking indistinctly)

Excuse me. I'm sorry. Did you say something?

Is this the sexy sheets section?

This is the satin section.

What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Oh, baby.

There. That. What... what is that?

It's coming from your pants.

Oh, baby.

What is this? "Available men in the vicinity"?

It's "Shaggr."

Oh, baby.

I have this app as well. That's why I'm here.

Oh, my girlfriend must have... I am gonna k*ll her.

My... my girlfriend Josslyn must have put this on my phone.

Oh, baby.

Your girlfriend Josslyn doesn't like your husband?

Oh. I... I'm not married anymore.

Huh. Neither am I.




(Woman) You're not telling me everything.

(Bell dings)

Couldn't tell you everything. That would take too long.

I've got time.


You would stop the clock for me?

As long as you keep it interesting.


There's too much pressure.

I thought you thrived under pressure.



Karen, I've been rehearsing this in my head all morning, trying to come up with a way that... makes it so it doesn't sound exactly like it's sounding now.


I'm sick, Karen.


The shortness of breath, the chest pains, is all due to a mass on my lung.

Oh, my God.

It makes my marital problems seem trivial.

It makes me appreciate Liz and all of our history together...


But it forces me to confront something that I've known for a year, and that is that I

am in love with you, Karen.

Come on. Please tell me I'm not crazy.

Please tell me that you feel it, too.

(Man) I love you.

Mm-hmm. It'll pass.

(Telephone ringing) You know, I just... I can't leave my wife right now.

Don't you dare leave her.

Promise me you won't.

I promise.

I want to start showing the Adams property this week.

Steve's in line for that property.

Aren't you the boss?

I have never met anyone like you, Joss.

And you never will.



What were you saying? Tilted ovaries?

Hostile something or other? What?

Well, these are just theories, you know, basically stuff that I found on the Internet.

Don't tell me you're reading those sad old lady blogs.

"I'm barren. Does that make me less of a woman?"

We do not mock infertile myrtle.

She's been through enough.

Harry and I are actually going to the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully, we will get some real answers.

You mean about whose fault it is?

We also do not assign blame.

Okay. Okay.

Hey. Do me a favor.

Please don't tell mom any of this yet. I haven't told her. (Water running)

You're actually hoping it's your fault, aren't you?

Truthfully... (Sighs)

(Water turns off)

It'd be a lot easier.

See, this is why I'm never getting married.

I can't spend the rest of my life catering to some man's precious ego.

You can't stay faithful, so who are you fooling?

Oh, yeah. That, too.


What time did you come in from the restaurant last night?

Not until 3:00.


It's getting later and later.

Hello? I'm still here.

Sorry, Joss.

Uh, I actually have to get going.

I have a funeral to get to.


The founding partner of my firm, Thomas Grey.

I'm gonna see you at April's later, right?

I still haven't bought her kid a present.

Can I just sign my name to your card?

At what point are you gonna start buying your own presents?

I buy my own presents.

I just don't buy presents for other people.

Oh, gotta go. My clients are here.


Oh, hi. You must be Alex and Sally.

Sally. Great to meet you.

Oh, Sally. Alex, I'm Joss.


Wait until you see this house.

I think you're going to love it.

(John Fred's "Judy in disguise" playing)

You see Dane filed a motion to set aside the default judgment?

It's never gonna fly.

Dane's a punk.

Punk, yeah.

Don't tweet that.

You're no fun.

Still okay to take the Harlowe deposition tomorrow?

I got a thing in the morning.

Not a problem. I'm here to serve.

Thank you.

* Got your brand-new car *

So unfair.

You're stunning today.

We're going to a funeral, Dominic.

It's not mine.

Get in the car.

(Bell tolling)

(Indistinct conversations)

Save me a seat.

Karen, what are you doing here?

Savi, hi.

Where have you been?

April and I must've left you a hundred messages.

We thought you d*ed.

Oh. I am so sorry. That was so rude.

Miss Kim, Mrs. Grey's requested you sit with the family.

I'll call you later.

(Organ playing)

(Thomas) This is what I want to remember.


(Man) * I can't wear the same suit *

♪ on the town without you ♪
♪ waiting to find that same look in her eye ♪

You're shivering. Are you cold?

No. I'm fine.

In fact, I think that dying might be the best thing that's ever happened to me.

♪ You still are on me ♪

Oh. No. No. No. No. No.


Do you love me, Karen?

Yes, I do.

Then when it's time... would you help me die?

(Organ playing)

Oh, Karen.

Thank you for being here.

This is our son Sam.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Dr. Kim was dad's therapist, and a savior these past few years.

Miss, I've heard a lot about you.


Welcome, everyone.

Today we are gathered to grieve the death and to remember the life of Thomas Winton Grey.

(Bell tolling)

Dr. Kim, before you go...

Sam. Hi.

Beautiful eulogy.

Mostly lies. I hardly knew him.

You were there a lot towards the end, my mom said.

Yes, I was.

There are things I'd like to discuss with you when my mother isn't around.

I'm sorry, but I don't...

My father was having an affair.

(Savi) Karen.

I'll find you at the wake. We can talk more.

If I knew you were gonna be here, we could've carpooled.

I know. I forgot you worked for him.

Yeah. A founding partner.

But our paths very rarely crossed.

And how did you know him?

He was a patient.


So do you have to go to the wake?

(Man) ... To get them all together.

No, I don't think so.

Then you're gonna come with me to Lucy's birthday party.

April's daughter.

Right. I don't think I should go. I don't have a gift.

Oh, neither did Joss.

Just put your name on our card.

Come on.


Karen, God, we've missed you.

What have you been doing these past few months?

And who have you been doing? You look way too good to be wasting all this action on mental cases.


Honestly, I wish I had something more interesting to tell you guys, but I've just been working nonstop.

What about you? Are you seeing anyone?

She could be if she'd let me set her up.

No, you lost those privileges when you infected my phone with sex apps.

Ladies, you've got to start using technology to your advantage.

There are a million guys out there.

Is it still Paul?

I know. It's been too long.

He was your husband. Three years isn't that long.

(Girls laughing)

Tell her about the ghost.

I was waiting for this.

About the what?

Don't listen to them.

They're just gonna make it sound worse than it is.

She's been getting prank phone calls.

There's no one on the other line, and she's convinced it's Paul.

Look, it's not as insane as it sounds.

Literally the day after I deposited the insurance check...

Oh, so the check finally came.

Yeah, and after all those legal battles, I took it as a sign to move on.

And then the calls started.

I pick up the phone and no one's there.

It's just really quiet breathing.

In my heart, I...

I feel like it's Paul.

Alive Paul?

Dead Paul telling me not to move on.

(Balloon pops)


Oh. Sorry. That... that wasn't us.

The door was open.

Oh. Hi. You... you must be Madison's dad.

Yeah. Hi.

Uh, Richard.


Um, we were wondering if Madison was gonna make it.

Are we late? Oh, I am so sorry.

My ex didn't give me the details.

Oh, ladies, he's not married.

Um, the party is not over till 6:00.



I'll come back then.


Oh, um, that's for Lucy.

Oh, thank you. I'm sure she'll love it.

It's a shirt.

That sounds... divine.

(Chuckles) Okay.

Oh, my God. What is wrong with you?

Shut up.

(Cell phone ringing)

Did you just say "divine"?

Shut up.

What, are you the queen?

(Imitates British accent) 'Ello. That's divine.

(Groans) Shut up.

Totally into you, by the way.

(Electronic female voice) Message sent today at 4:26 P.M.

(Sam) Hi, Dr. Kim. It's Sam Grey again.

It's important I talk to you.

Please call me when you get a chance.

(Doorbell rings)



So we've got the results of both your tests.

Now, Savannah, your F.S.H.

And your estradiol levels all came back great, and your follicle count looks good, especially for a woman your age.

Now, Harry, your sperm count falls in the normal range, but my bigger concern is the morphology.

Uh, I'm sorry. The what?

You see, normal sperm have an oval head with a long tail.

Abnormal sperm has defects that can affect the ability of sperm to reach and penetrate an egg.

Now this alone wouldn't concern me, but there's also the issue of low motility.

I don't have to go to work today. I can call in sick.

It's okay. I need to get to the restaurant early anyway.

Sweetie, we should talk.

Yeah. Not now.

(Man) Mm.

(Josslyn moaning)

(Both moaning)

Oh, baby. Oh.


(Woman) * am I making it up? *

What I wouldn't give to wake up with you in the morning.


My ass is cold.

There are multiple bedrooms we could've used in this place.

Mm-hmm. Do you know how long it took me to stage those throw pillows? Absolutely not.

You better get out of here, baby.

I have a showing in 30 minutes.

No, you don't.

(Scoffs) What are you talking about?

A bid was made.

What? To who?

This is my property.

Technically, it's your home.

That is, if you want it to be.

Oh. You made a bid?

You said your lease was up.

It's close to the office.

You know, I figured this could be our little love nest.

Oh, my.


Oh, Mac, I can't believe you did that.

(Man, deepened voice) Oh, baby.

Oh. Whoops. That's me.


Morning, Dr. Kim.

Morning, Lila.

(Cell phone rings)


Sam Grey?

When did this happen?

He left a few desperate messages on your voice mail yesterday, and you had a morning cancellation, so I just...

Did I do something wrong?

Be with you in a minute.

(Cell phone rings)

So since you haven't mentioned the doctor's appointment, I'm assuming it's Harry's fault that you're not knocked up?

Not that we're assigning blame. Okay.

It was awful. It was even worse than I thought it was gonna be.

Okay, all I wanted to do was hold him.

Oh, God. I hope you didn't.

Of course not.

The last thing Harry needs is pity right now.

Oh, well, that's definitely the opposite of a nice, warm hug, isn't it?

Mm. Good.

I just want to cheer him up, you know, remind him how things used to be before the whole baby thing started.

The little dude doesn't even exist, and he's already ruining your sex life.

I also want to be treated like a sexual being, you know, I miss that.


I miss us.

There you go.

So this house Mac wants to buy me... gorgeous, and the timing's perfect because my lease is ending.

Your lease could've been renewed had you not slept with your landlord.

We're all adults here. They make their decisions.

I make mine. I'm a free spirit.

A free spirit that doesn't mind being a kept woman, evidently.

(Cell phone rings)



(Dominic) I need you.

They've replied to the court.

Smith and Martin?

That wasn't supposed to be until next week.

Yeah, well, they replied and didn't tell us.

They're on their way over now.


Give me ten minutes.

Uh, you gotta get me out of this thing.

Oh, I can't. I can't. It's...

You know what? You know what? Here. Just pay for it.

Pay for it.

(Keys jangle)

I know I probably shouldn't be here.

I just didn't know what else to do.

You've been through a tragedy.

It's understandable.

It's more than that.

The day before he d*ed, my father and I had a fight.

I said some things that now...

I can never take back.

What was the fight about?

His affair.

Your father told you he was having an affair before he d*ed?

He didn't tell me.

I found a letter.

(Paper rustles)

Do you want to read it?

Would you like me to read it?

It's nothing terribly creative.

Just a declaration of her love.

But I need to talk to this woman.


Even if you knew who she was, how would that help you?

What would you say to her?

My mother said my father was alone when he d*ed.

But maybe he wasn't.

Maybe... he was with her, and if she was, then... maybe she could tell me... just... I need to know my dad didn't die hating me.



The difficulty arises in the parameters of the order.

Well, the parameters were made perfectly clear.

Your client can't touch the proceeds from the sale of the matrimonial home.

Well, then he's unable to pay his employee's salaries.

Yes, that's the argument you put before the judge.

He didn't like it then.

And we hate it now.

Um, if I were you, I would consider that what's in the best interest of my client is also in the best interest of your client.

If he defaults on his obligation...

There you go.

You're welcome.


(Chuckles) Hi.


What are you doing here?

You work at this store?

Oh. No, I own this store.

No. No, I knew that.

I just didn't want you to think I was stalking you.

You're stalking me?

No. No. No. Um, this is going very bad.

Very bad. (Clears throat)

Hi. I heard that you owned this place, and I thought, hey, I just got this new apartment, and I have very bad taste.

It's a furnished apartment, and that's probably my first mistake.

Mm. Well, it depends on who furnished it.

Maybe Richard Grieco.

Oh. (Laughs)

Thank you for laughing.

Yeah, I... I think I can help you.

Maybe we can start with some throw pillows and go from there.

Throw pillows?


Excellent. Would you have dinner with me tonight?


I'll still buy the throw pillows if you say no.

I just had to ask you.

I think I can get a sitter by 6:00.

Great. (Laughs)

Yeah. Um...

Would you like to show me the, um...

Yeah, some throw pillows.

Right. Right. The throw pillows.

(Telephone rings in distance)

So I guess you got plans tonight, given your, uh, attire.

Not at this rate.

Okay, I will have your work done and on your desk by 8:00 A.M.

If you let me take a look at you in that thing.

That's quite an offer.

No work in mind for a mere ten seconds.



Five seconds.


One, two, three, four, five.

Ooh. Wow. The place looks great.

Do you have a reservation?

You never remember me.

It's amazing.

I'm Savi, Harry's wife.

Oh. Right.

I'll, uh, let him know you're here.

Actually, I got it.

Hey, baby.


Nice to see you, too.

Didn't know you were coming.

Yeah, I wanted to see you, and I thought maybe you would want to see this?



Yeah, I was hoping that if it was a slow night, you could hand the reins over to Patrick and maybe come home early?

It's not. Sorry.

Well, I can wait.


What are you doing?

What do you mean?

I'm just... trying to have some fun.

And what about this is fun for me?

I've spent the entire day trying to forget about this morning.

Oh, my God.

Harry, I am so sorry.

I was just trying...

Trying to what?

Can I please get back to work now?


Actually, this is a fabulous craftsman.

It's closer to hancock park, which I know isn't ideal, but if you like this style, then I know...

Sorry. I know we're dragging you around the earth on this.



Well, for the money I'm willing to spend, I want it to be perfect.


And I... but I do like this one.

It's sweet.

The breakfast nook and...


Yeah, it's cute. I mean, I'm not in love, but I can see the charm.

(Cell phone rings)


That's work. I'm sorry.

I'll be right back.


Should we keep looking or...

There's not really much of a point. She's not here.

She wears the pants.

She pays the bills.

And I don't necessarily mind it.

Yes, you do.

I would never have bothered you with it, except that I do think Sam needs someone to talk to.


I can recommend a few people.

I had no idea that he went to you.

And he was crying?

My poor angel.

He needs closure, Elizabeth.

(Sighs deeply)

He especially fixated on the fact that Thomas was alone when he d*ed.

I never should have told him that.

No, it's best Sam knows the truth.

But it's not the truth.

He wasn't alone.

I was with him.

But I thought...

I assumed...

That he did it to himself?

When the time came, he asked for my help, and I gave it to him.

Thomas said that's why you gave him the prescription, for when things got too painful... and they did.

(Crying) I know I never should've lied to Sam, but he would never understand the truth, and I know he'd never forgive me for taking away his chance to say good-bye.


You did the right thing for Sam... and for Thomas.

I should go.


Thank you, Karen.

You've done so much for us.

(Man) It's the bottom of the eighth inning, and so far, it's been a very tight game.

(Cell phone alert beeps)

(Man speaks indistinctly)


(Man speaks indistinctly)

(Cell phone rings)



Hey, lady. What are you doing?

(April) Are you busy?

No, unfortunately.

Good. I need you. I have a date.


Is it hot dad?

Yes. (Laughs)

I made the mistake of calling Joss to ask her what to wear, so now she's coming over, and I need you to intervene when she tries to dress me up like a glittery whore.

Please, Savi.

Get out here, you sexy beast.


Are you sure this amount...

(Door closes) of glitter is age-appropriate?

No. No. No. It brings out the sparkle in your eyes.

You look amazing.

Oh, April, you look lovely.

Thank you. She doesn't believe me.

By the way, I just saw Lucy try to put play-doh up Ella's nose.

The sitter is late. Let me just go deal with her.

No. No. No. Let Joss deal with it.

She's great with kids.

Fine. Just do not let her wear flats.


Let's see what we have to work with here.

Oh, honey, you own paisley, like, a lot of paisley and floral chiffon.

(Telephone rings)




What if it's the ghost caller?

What if it's your date?






Okay. That's it. I'm putting my P.I. on this.

We're gonna trace the number.

I can't go.


That was a sign.

No, that was a crank call.

Can you please call Richard and tell him I'm sick?

(Doorbell rings)

Oh, God. It's too late. He's here.

(Dog barking in distance)


What's wrong?


(Josslyn) Now I know why we haven't seen you in so long.

I'm sorry.

It was just easier to avoid everything and everyone.

I didn't want to have to lie to your faces.

You could've told us the truth.

You would've told me to stop seeing him.

I wouldn't have told you that.


I've always known that there was something between Tom and me for a long time, but when he told me he was sick...

(Voice breaks) I just wanted to be with him.

And I convinced myself that it was okay, that we were soul mates.

Maybe you were.

(Crying) No, because in the end, he chose his wife.

That's who he wanted to be with in his last moments, which means the whole time, I was just... a mistress.


I'm so sorry, honey.

It's the worst feeling in the world, losing the person you love.

(Josslyn) No offense, but I feel worse for his kid.

Sounds like he's a mess, you know?

I know.

I feel like I owe it to Sam to help him.

I just don't know how.

You have to cut ties with the son and the wife.


I can't just abandon them.

Karen, this is a malpractice suit waiting to happen.

If anyone finds out that you were sleeping with your patient, let alone prescribing him lethal doses of morphine, Karen, you could lose your license.

I know, but Sam's in pain, and he's Tom's son.

Yeah, but he's not your son, and you're not Tom's wife.

(Telephone rings)

Are you being stalked, Savannah?


Rick Anderson left this.

Says he's been tracking some numbers for you.

Have you been getting obscene phone calls?

It's for a friend.

Oh. You want some obscene phone calls?

I can do that.

April, it's Savi.

Listen, call me as soon as you get this message, okay?

Is this what you do all day, talk to your friends on the phone?

Told you I could've been a lawyer.

What are you doing here?

I need a favor.

My landlord officially kicked me out.

Mm, so are you moving into Mac's house?

Yeah. No, that's not gonna work out.

Because you realized he was sequestering you away just to have sex with you whenever it pleased him?

Yes, Savi. Okay? You were right, and that's why I thought we should spend more time together, so that I can learn these valuable life lessons from my big sister.

What is it? What do you need?

You always said I could move into the pool house if need arose.

It's arisen.






Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Hello. What is happening over there?


Not for you.

Oh. Mmm.

I can't believe it's come to this.

Come to what?

Aren't we doing freudian thing where you whip out a ball, ask me to play catch, repair my inner child?

(Laughs) No.


'Cause I throw like a girl.

It's impossible to imagine what goes through a person's mind when they know they're about to die.

With your dad, all he wanted was to revisit the happiest moments of his life.

He coached your little league here?

He did.

You made a double play right there to clinch your championship that year.

And that was one of his happiest moments?

Not because you won, but because when you won, all the players on your team rushed each other to celebrate, but you rushed to your dad.

I remember.

His last few weeks, he came here every day.

So I think... whatever you said to him, whatever you regret, it didn't take away from the love he had for you.

Was it you?

Were you the one he was sleeping with?

No, Sam, I wasn't.

It's time to move on.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Are you sure this is where the calls came from?

Well, the last one at least.


Here it is.


Yes? Can I help you?

Hi. Um, I'm April Malloy, and I've been receiving phone calls... prank calls, I guess... and they were traced to this room, so...

That's weird.

How long have you been here?

Uh, we checked in two days ago.


My son and me.

You know what? (Chuckles)

He has this obsession with phones.

Maybe that's what happened.

So sorry. Scottie, sweetie, come here and apologize to this nice woman.

Oh, no, no, no. That's fine.

Thank you. Thank you for your time.

Thank you.

(Door closes)

You okay?

Oh, I feel so stupid.

No. No, honey, don't feel stupid. It's not stupid.

He was the best man I ever knew.

But I have to let go.

I'm ready.

I really think I'm ready now.

I know you are.

(Crying) Thank you.

It's okay.

Let's go.

(Josslyn) This is gonna take me five minutes to clean up.

I promise.

You're late for work, aren't you?

Running out now.

By the way, Joss is only staying here until she finds a place.

Sorry I didn't ask you first.

It's fine.

A little passive-aggressive on your part, but whatever.


Is that how we're doing it now?

Doing what?

Talk to me, Harry.

What do you want to talk about?

I don't care. Anything. Just if we keep going at it like this, it's only gonna get worse.

How much worse can it get?

I mean, you showing up last night in that desperate getup was an all-time lie, don't you think?

I was trying to connect with you.

Right. Okay, because honestly, that's something I haven't felt in a long time.

Right. And that's my fault, is it?

No, I'm not saying it's your fault.

I'm just...

I'm trying to figure out what comes next.

What comes next? Okay. Well, that's easy.

We can, uh, stop counting days and we can stop taking your temperature and doing all that other crap, and you can stop worrying that having a baby is gonna prevent you from making partner.

That's not fair.

But it's true, though, right? I mean, come on.

Somewhere inside you must be a little relieved.

Stop. Okay?

You're the one who wanted to talk.

Stop. Stop!

You're the one that wanted to talk!



(Seagulls cry)

(Door closes)

Oh, hi.


Uh, where's Sally?


She changed her mind again, didn't she?

I am so sorry. She woke up this morning, totally freaking out, because now she doesn't want to live near the water.

It was a whole...

It's okay. We'll keep looking. Alex, it's totally fine.

Uh, really, I would understand it if you want to drop us neurotic lesbians.

It's a lot to deal with. Probably not your thing.

I wouldn't exactly say that.

Besides, you know what? I love a proper challenge.



Why not?

(Exhales deeply)

Well, for what it's worth, I could totally see myself living here.

Yeah, me, too.

(Door bells jingle)

I was halfway to your house when you called and canceled on me last night.

Oh, no. I'm sorry.

You should be. I bought a new shirt and everything.

You did?


Look, I just want you to know that that was a onetime freak-out.

I promise it wouldn't happen again if you ever ask me out again, which you probably wouldn't.

Well, you could always ask me out.

That's true. I could.

I never thought about that.

Richard, would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime?

How about tonight?


I don't know I if could get a sitter, and... and this morning, it looked like Lucy was about to get pinkeye.


Tonight sounds perfect.

Pick me up at 8:00.


You don't know where I live.


No. Good morning, gorgeous.

Not today, Dom. Sorry.

Isn't that Thomas Grey's wife?


What is she doing here?

Michael's been with her all morning.

Apparently, since she denied the autopsy, insurance is trying to deny the claim.

The firm's getting into it.

Doctor, Sam Grey is here to see you.

Did he make an appointment?


Sam, come in.

What are you doing here?

These are for you, to thank you for everything.

But mostly I just wanted an excuse to see you again.

Sam, I can't see you, but, uh, I can recommend you to another doctor.

I'm not here to see you as a patient.

Oh, no.


I want to take you for coffee if you have time.

You have to go. I have a patient now.

(Cell phone rings)

I'll call you.



Hey, Savi.

Hey. I only have a minute, okay, but there's some question about Thomas' death.

Yeah, the insurance company is launching an investigation that my firm is handling.

Now it's probably just a routine thing, but I thought you should be aware.

Stay away from that family.

I will. Yes.

Thanks, Savi.



(Chuckles) I'm sorry. What are you doing here?

How did you...

I wasn't expecting you yesterday. I...

I've been trying to work up the nerve for weeks to actually talk to you when I called.

Who are you?

My name is Miranda.

I knew your husband.

We were in love.

I'm sorry. You have to get out of here.

You have to get out of here right now.

And I was pregnant when he d*ed.

(Siren wailing in distance)

I thought you left.

No. I wanted to get a jump on this work.

You okay?

You need some help?

No, it's okay.

You sure? I can stay if you want.

No. I'm fine.

(Sets folder down)

I should go.

I'm fine.

You don't seem fine.

It's okay to let go, Savannah. You don't... you don't have to be strong for me.

(Alex Clare's "Damn your eyes" playing)

♪ I can do what I want ♪
♪ I'm in complete control ♪
♪ that's what I tell myself ♪
♪ I got a mind of my own ♪
♪ I'll be all right alone ♪
♪ don't need anybody else ♪
♪ I gave myself a good talking-to ♪
♪ no more being a fool for you ♪
♪ I remember ♪
♪ how you make me want to surrender ♪
♪ damn your eyes ♪