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02x03 - Open House

Posted: 06/17/14 11:25
by bunniefuu
You worked hard and you got a scholarship into one of the fanciest schools in L.A.

Previously on "Mistresses"...


I have to pick up my daughter.

He's never calling again.

He also said he was going out of town.

Yeah, he's never calling again.

I'm the one who turned you in, Karen.

For months, I have been sitting here supporting you.

Jacob, I'm so sorry!

I choose you, Savi. You're my love.

You feel so right to me.

I prefer you sell this house as quickly as possible for as much money as you can.



Uh, did you see that one guy actually feeling the wood?

I mean, seriously. Who feels wood?

People who come to an open house.

I guess. It's just...

It's so weird having everyone touch my things, you know?

And be so judgmental of my home.

Maybe so, but on the plus side, it went really well.

I'd be surprised if we didn't have at least two offers by tomorrow.

[Knock on door]

Oh, hey. Uh, I'm sorry. Did I miss the open house?

It ended about 30 minutes ago, but you can always make an appointment to come see it.

Are you the owner?


Your house is great.

Saw the pictures on the website.

It's even better in person.

I'm... I'm Zack.


Like I said, feel free to give me a call and we can set something up.

Sure thing.

Nice meeting you, Savannah.

I'm telling you, multiple offers are a real possibility.

You should let Harry know this could be happening soon.

Mm, that might be kind of difficult, considering that he is still not speaking with me.

Do you think maybe you could fill him in for me?

Not a problem.

Thank you, Vanessa.


All right, Lucy, we're here.

[Cellphone beeping]



What?! Why are you yelling at me?!

Well, because apparently that's the only way to get your attention.

We're here. Can I have my phone back, please?

Sorry. I'm in the middle of a game.


Ah, you seem to be on my phone more than I am.

Well, if I had my own phone, this would not be a problem.

Mm-hmm. You've mentioned that.

Just so you know, I am the only one in my class who does not have one.

Okay, I understand this is a transition for you, sweetie, and I know you want to fit in.

But having expensive things isn't the way to do it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


[School bell rings]

I am not trying to lecture you.

I just don't want you to get all caught up thinking you have to impress everyone, okay?



Felicia: April!

Woman of the hour.

Everyone is so excited for your parent party tonight.

Thanks, Felicia. I think it's gonna be fun.

Listing it in the school party book as just "party" was brilliant.

Now everybody's dying to know the theme.

The theme?

You know, theme.

The hook. What makes it crazy and special.

Last year, someone actually had the USC marching band.

Oh, no marching bands for me.

Shh! Don't tell me. I want to be surprised.

Okay, I won't say a word. Hmm.

You will definitely be surprised.

[Chuckles] Victoria!

See you later.

I thought you said he was cute.

He was cute, but he kept talking about his house that he has in Mexico, which he pronounced "me-hee-co."

Dude is whiter than me.

I got to go. I'm meeting Jacob for coffee.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Sister, sit your butt back down in that chair.

Are we talking about the same Jacob that reported you to the psych ward to get your license suspended?

That's the one.

Okay. Why are you having coffee with him?

He said it was work related, but he was kind of vague.

Hey, do you think that maybe he found out that you have a private practice and he's trying to get your suspension extended?

I hadn't thought of that.

But thank you for putting that in my head.

It's what... been a year? I'm sure it's fine.

Nobody holds on to anger that long.


Well, most people don't.



I'm gonna go.


All right. Mwah. Love you.

Love you.


Hold your Australian horses.

This person calls my house "an offense to people with taste"... An offense.

Okay. Harry, stop that. I told you not to look at the real-estate website.

And everyone hated the color of the guest room.



You do understand that nobody reads those comments.

W-who are you texting?

My painter.

I told Savi over and over we need to upgrade that guest room before it goes on the market.

Actually, correction.

You told me over and over again, and I told Savi.

Right, so tell her the painter is coming today between...


No. That's not happening.

I'm not... I'm not gonna be the go-between anymore, Harry.

Okay. Joss, look. I know...

I know that this is awkward for you.

Just call her!

It will take all of five minutes.

I-I don't want to call her.


If you can't talk to her, then text her.

That's why texting was invented... T o avoid any chance of intimacy.

Joss, just one last thing, okay? And then that's... that's it. And then you can be done.

Harry, do you understand?

This is exactly why we can't work together...

This right here. Sorry.

Joss! Joss.

I can't. I can't.

If I could... if I could call her, if I could see her, I...

But I just... I cannot, okay?

So, yeah, I'm asking for your help.

But not as my partner, as my friend.



I say things I don't mean all the time.

Why do you think I'm a lawyer?

That's what depositions are for. Adios.

[Cellphone beeps]

Don't get mad at me for what I'm about to say, but I have to say it.

You look amazing.

You really know how to bounce back from a crash, mamacita.

[Chuckles] Thank you. I try.

So, are you married? Single?


I am married.

I'm actually going through a divorce.

So I guess that means I'm single.

Fantastico. Then we should go out, you and I.

As singles, not lesbians.

You know what?

I'm really not into the dating scene right now as a straight person or a gay person.

No, no, no, no, no. Just for fun.

Because... don't tell anyone, but things between Dom and I are getting hotter.



We were here, just us the other morning, and he accidentally rubbed my elbow three times.

It was like electricity, like lightning bolts up and down my spine.

Ooh. It's a good thing you didn't get electrocuted.

[Knocks on door]

Hey, lady.

[Cellphone rings] ÿQué pasó?

Well, she's not ugly.

Yeah, welcome to my hell.

So, Harry wanted me to tell you that he hired a painter to repaint the guest bedroom.

We don't need to be putting any more money into the house, people are loving it.

We're about to get multiple offers on it...



Don't inappropriately scream at the messenger.

I'm sorry. I just... I don't want there to be a messenger anymore, okay?

I want to talk to Harry like two normal people who spent 15 years together.

Yeah, but, Savi, the guy's really hurting.

Just... just... he'll eventually get there. Give him some time.

You know what? I'm calling him right now.

Or just completely ignore me.


Harry: Hey. It's Harry. Leave a message I'll call you back. [Beep]


Straight to voice-mail. No big surprise there.

Please tell him no painters, okay?

It's crazy.

Well, that's kind of a problem because I think the guy's already on his way to your house with paint.

Damn it.


[Chuckles] Great chat.

[Telephone ringing]

Hey. I need a favor.

Well, hello to you, too.

I'm sorry.

I-I just... I-I have to go home for a little bit.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, everything is fine.

But, uh, if I don't get home soon, I'm gonna wind up wasting $1,000 that I don't have to paint a room that doesn't need to be painted.

Well, couldn't you just call off the painter?

[Sighing] Oh, I would love to do that, but I don't have his number because he's Harry's guy.

It's Harry's guy. Oh.

Look. Um...

I don't know what to say here. I mean, w-we have the meeting with the Tanner brothers and...

I know. I know. And I will definitely be back before then.

I don't... [Groans]

All right. You know what? Don't... don't worry about it.

I will ask Mitchell.

Yeah, but Mitchell will say no.

I know. I know.

And that's... it's okay.

[Sighs] You know, go.

Go, all right? Do what you got to do.

I love you. I promise I won't let this become a thing.

Paintball and Tequila.

Cigar bar and scotch tasting. Rollerskating and wine.

Mm. Sensing an alcoholic theme.

Oh, look. Here's yours.


Very descriptive, April.

You want to talk about why Daniel isn't calling or you want to explain to me what a parent party is?

[Sighs] I'm open to either.

They're like these mini fundraisers.

The school asks parents to throw parties for other parents and charge them to come so that they can give the money back to the school.

Why doesn't the school just ask for more money?

Because we're supposed to be having fun.

See how much fun I'm having?

So what is your party?

Pizza and beer.

I'm canceling.

Better to have no party than a terrible party.


Two words, sweetie... "social su1c1de."

So what? It's not like these are my real friends.

I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Lucy.

You screw this up, she's Ralph Macchio before he met Mr. Miyagi.

Wax on.

No, what you need to do is regroup and come up with something spectacular.

In four hours?

Even if Joss helped me, there is no...

Who said anything about Joss?


Oh. Hey, sweetie. Hey, Peyton.

I didn't know you girls were coming over.

I texted you from Peyton's phone like an hour ago.

What? I never... never got that.

We just need a couple frappys, and we'll be on our way.

Are you girls going to the mall?

[Chuckles] The mall.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that was supposed to be a joke.

Oh, we're going over to my house.

My mom just put in a steam room.

Oh. Well, that sounds nice, too.

You know, Peyton, I would love to meet your parents.

Are they coming to my party tonight?

The one called "party"?


[Cellphone clicking]

They can do cocktails Thursday between 5:30 and 6:30, if that works for you.

That works for me. Thank you, Peyton.

No prob.

So how about those frappys?


No frappys.

Just juice boxes.

I had a lot of concerns with his consistency with the medication.

I wasn't sure how many doses he was skipping.

Yeah. Well, I guess he, uh...

Doesn't come across as the most reliable patient.

I'll keep that in mind.


So, you look...

I've been meaning to thank you. Oh. I'm so sorry.

No, uh, you... go ahead.


I know I didn't call you back, but, um, I appreciated your message.

Not many people know what to say to a person who's been sh*t at.

But you, you were good.

I'm just glad you're okay.

You still working at the hospital?

Actually, I just started on my private practice again.

Oh, that's... that's great to hear.

I'm so relieved.

Honestly, I was nervous about reaching out to you today.

I was such an ass, reporting you to the board like that.

You did the right thing, Jacob.


But I did it for the wrong reasons.

I was hurt that you didn't reciprocate my feelings.

Your feelings?

Romantic feelings?

You're kidding, right? What? Y-you seriously didn't know?

Um... No.

How would I have known?

[Chuckling] I...

I guess I need to work on my flirting techniques.

Huh. I always thought I was so smooth.

Well, I-I got to get back to the office.

But, um, we should... we should do this again some time.

I'll... I'll call you.

That sounds great.

[Both chuckle]


Oh, my God!

I have had it with the better business bureau!

Seriously, what? Better than who?

From where I sit, it's all spin.

Yep. Great.

Okay. Yeah. Thank you.

This is a phone. When someone's holding it to his ear, it usually means he's talking to someone else.

Okay. Well, what's got all up in your bloomers?

My bloomers are fine. That was Vanessa.

We just got a cash offer for the house.

[Gasps] No.




That's amazing! Mazel tov, man.

Thank you.

Oh, uh, please tell me that this isn't the whole offer.

It's a bit under the asking, I know.

But it's solid and it's cash, and cash makes things go much more quickly.

A bit under? Harry, that's like saying the Titanic was a bit under.

This is... no. Savi... Savi's never gonna accept this.

She will when you use your real-estate expertise to convince her it's an amazing deal.


First of all, nice try on the flattery.

Second of all, that is not an amazing deal.

And third of all, you need to call her.

Harry, I-I know you're angry and you have every right to be, but you can't just ignore her and never speak to her again.

It's not realistic.

I really do not want to have this conversation right now.

Fine. But I-I'm not having that conversation with Savi.

If you want to accept that offer, you're gonna have to call her yourself.

[Elevator bell dings]

Take care.


[Clears throat]

I am so sorry.

The painter wouldn't leave until he spoke to Harry directly, who picked up the call right away, of course.

And then his truck wouldn't start, so I had to call AAA.

You know, Savi, it's, uh... it's fine.

No, no. It's not fine. You're angry.

No, I'm... I'm not angry. Do I seem angry?

Uh... Yeah. A little.

Well, I'm not. I'm just busy.

And Toni covered for you in the meeting, so it's no big deal.

Yeah, I-I noticed that she was here.

[Chuckles] Okay, I-I know you're not gonna go there right now because if you went there, then I might get angry.

Toni covered your ass in that meeting, so whatever issues you have with her, please...

No, no, no, I don't have any issues with Toni, except for the fact that she keeps telling me how electric it is every time you touch her elbow.

Okay, I'm... I'm...

I'm gonna pretend like I didn't even hear that.

[Sighs] Look. [Clears throat]

The fact is, I never should have let you go.

Here, I am your boss.

And that's all there is to it.

I gave you the option to play the boyfriend card, and you took it and abused it.

No, Dom. That's not what I did.

It is. It is. But a little piece of advice.

If you play that card in the future, don't use problems with your ex-husband to convince me.


You throw quite a party.

[Chuckles] Thanks, Felicia.

Unfortunately, we need to get going.

But it certainly has been exciting.


Jerry, now.

Do you know why they're leaving?

Well, it's not to have sex.

That guy wouldn't stop staring at the waiters.

[Both chuckle]

They're leaving because naked men are serving Tequila sh*ts in a home decorating store at 6:30.

Or as I call it, Monday.

Speaking of which, I could use a sh*t right now.




I'm so sorry.

No, my fault.


Um... You're, uh, April, right?

This is your party.

Guilty as charged.

Oh, no. What? Are you kidding me? This is great.

Someone was saying that you, uh, own this store.

I do.

Though this is not what it normally looks like.

Well, I'd love to see it someday when it's not so...

Both: "Eyes wide shut."

[Both chuckle]

Can I get you, uh, a free drink?


Look at this.



[Indistinct conversation]

See ya.

Are these people ever leaving?

No. Because they're afraid to go home to their kids.

Which is why I will never have children.

I like my home.

[Gasps] So, what's the deal with you and that hot guy you were chatting with?

I think his name was Steven. He came with a friend.

It was like chemistry class with you two.

Well, he did ask me out for coffee, but I said I couldn't go.

What?! Why? Did you not see his butt?

Does Tequila make you blind?

[Groans] It's... it's just not the right time.

I have a...

You have a what?

If you say boyfriend, I may m*rder you.

I have Daniel.

Yes, Daniel.

Daniel who you haven't heard from in three days.

Because he's out of town.


I forgot there was no way to communicate from state to state.


You're doing that thing you do...

Putting all your eggs in one basket.

The basket being Daniel, the eggs being your vagi...

I get it. And I am not.

You focus all your energy on one guy, and you end up freaking him out.

I promise. Daniel's feeling the pressure all the way in Virginia.


Same thing.

The point is, Daniel won't ever call until you go out with someone else.

Trust me. That's how the universe works.


Karen: So, you knew Jacob liked me?

Of course. We all did.

So why didn't I notice?

Because you're blind to your effects on men.

[Chuckles] It's kind of endearing.

My profession is all about reading people, and I completely misread Jacob.

Well, to be fair, you know, Karen, you weren't really in the most "datey" place last year.

When was the last time you were even on a date?

Like, a real date that wasn't with a patient or his kid?

Um... I guess probably in 2000...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop right there.

If you are naming the year, it's been way too long.

You need to get back out there, sister.

All right, switch. I'm over this bag.



You know, I'm not sure.

It feels too soon.

Are you kidding? No. It's perfect timing.

You're back in practice. You have a new place.

It's a fresh start. Oh.

I'll make you an online profile like I did for April.

It'll be fun.

That's okay.

Come on!

I agree with you, just not about online dating.

[Sighs] But it's time to get back out there.

And I think I know where to start.
[Knock on door]

Hey, Savi.



Oh, God. Did we have a meeting today?

I'm so sorry. I've just been totally scattered lately.

[Chuckling] No, no. I'm just here to get a few signatures to close the deal.

The deal?


Let me guess. You never talked to Harry.

No. Wait.

Are you saying that he accepted an offer without telling me?

I had no idea. I assumed he told you.

Mm, no. He didn't.

I mean, I'm sorry.

But I can't accept any offer on the house.

And until I speak to Harry, I don't think we should do anything with the house

I understand.

To save time, why don't you just let me know when that happens?

This is crazy.

[Dial tone]


Hi. It's Harry. Leave a message. I'll call you back.

[Beep] Harry, it's Savi.

We really need to talk, okay? C-can you call me back?



So, then I got to four cars, and how could I stop?

[Chuckles] I definitely don't know.

I guess I've always had a collector's mentality, you know?

Same thing as when I was a kid with baseball cards.

You just... you can't stop with one pack.

And, uh, you just can't stop with one car.

[Chuckles] Yeah, well, unless it's a jeep, in my case.

Mm. Oh, don't get me wrong.

I-I give to charity, too.

I usually... I keep it anonymous, but, uh... Yeah.

I'm pretty generous.

Well, that's nice of you.

Well, I-I really should be getting going.

I have to say, I am proud that we did not talk about our kids at all.

It's just nice to be... Adults, you know?



Thank you very much for the coffee.

Oh, hey. Hey! Pal, it's 11:30 in the morning.

Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, I guess I misread the signs.

So, uh... That's a no on the kiss?

Yeah, that's a no.

Well, maybe next time we just make it...

Later in the day.


I'll, uh, see you at school, Steven.

All right. Thanks again.

Don't take no for an answer.

You keep calling him till we get those signatures.

All right? All right. Let me know when you do.

Hey. Uh, what's up?

I have some questions about the Fenton deal.

All right. sh**t.


I really don't have questions about the Fenton deal.

I've got that nailed down.

But I do have to talk to you about something.

And I don't mean to... Get anybody in trouble.

What is it, Toni?

It's Savi.

Let me start by saying, I'm sure it would be completely different if we weren't sharing an office.

Yeah. There's no need for a preamble. Just...

What's the problem?

I know she's been through a difficult time, but there's just a lot of personal stuff going on, and it's hard to get the work done.

Visits from her sister, her realtor, the constant personal calls to someone named... Harry.

All right, look. [Chuckles]

Let me just stop you right there.

Now, w-we're not looking for you guys to share an office forever.

We're... we're looking to change that.

Oh, good.

But more importantly, Savi's been here a long time...

You know, a lot longer than you.

And you're right. She has been through a lot.

So I think a little respect and patience would go a long way.

I'm sorry.

Oh, there's... there's no need to be sorry.

I mean, we're all just...

We're all just adjusting here.

That's exactly it.

I'm having a hard time adjusting to the change, especially the change between us.

You've shown me the ropes around here and put me on some incredible cases. And... now every time you come into my office, it's... Always to talk to her.

[Scoffs] It's nothing personal.

You've got cases. Savi's got cases.

It's all about the, uh... it's all about the work.

I know.

I was just hoping that it could be about more than that.

I like you, Dom.


Toni, um, I'm... I'm flattered.

But it's... it's just not a possibility for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that I'm your boss.


Of course. [Chuckles]

Uh, I feel like a complete idiot.

Oh, no. No.

Can we pretend this conversation never happened?

I-it's forgotten.

[Both chuckle]

Thank you.




[Sighs] It just doesn't feel right.

Well, it certainly looks right.

And I say that as a former lesbian.

Is it a bit too much?

No, take it from someone who's had more dates in the last week than you have in the last two years.

There's no such thing as too much.

You look gorgeous.

Thank you.

I'm still changing.


[Cellphone rings]

[Cellphone beeps]

Stop it! Stop it!

Hello? Okay. Yeah. Let him up.

[Exhales deeply]

Too late.

He's here.

Off you go.

Okay, honey. Listen. It's just a date, okay?

You're just dipping your toe in the pool.

You don't have to go skinny dipping.

Ooh, unless you want to go skinny dipping.

"Skinny dipping" means sex.

[Knock on door]

You're a disturbing person.



Karen Kim. Damn.

You look even hotter in real life.

I meant... Away from the hospital.

[Chuckles] I knew what you meant.

Thank you.

Um, this is my friend Joss.

We worked together in the E.R.

Um, Casey, this is Joss.

Can I just say how psyched I am that you called.

I mean, completely surprised, but psyched.

Okay. You guys have so much fun.

I don't want to see you home before midnight.



Ooh. He's cute.

[Knocking on door]


[Knocking continues]



We really need to work on our communication.

What do you want, Savi?

Well, I wanted you to call me back.

But since that wasn't happening, I had to come here to talk to you.


I assume this is about the house.

Yeah, did you really think you could sell it without talking to me first?

I figured you'd either like the offer or not.

Savi, you don't like it, we'll wait for another one.

But at a certain point, I'm not gonna pay the mortgage if you're gonna refuse every offer that comes along.

No, no, no, no. I'm not refusing anything.

But this is a big decision, and it's one that we should discuss together.

It's our home.

It's not my home. It's not my home.

It's just one last piece of business we need to settle before we can get divorced.

[Sighs] Wow.

You know, you, uh... Don't have to be so mean.

You're trying to hurt me.

I'm not.

I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm trying to get rid of you.

We don't need to talk anymore, okay?

You've made your choice.

Yeah, but that doesn't negate our life together.

Of course it does.

Of course it does! What do you think?!

That you can humiliate me not once, but twice.

I never...


You cheated on me and I forgave you, and you still chose him.

I chose you, and you still chose him.

And now what? I'm supposed to be your friend?


Because you... you can't stand the thought of someone not liking you, Savi?

Because you can't stand being thought of as the bad guy?

But you are.

You are. You're the bad guy, Savi.

You're the most selfish woman I've ever known.

You only chose me because you thought I might die.

Excuse me?

You had months to take me back, but you couldn't make up your mind.

You were in. You were out.

And then you just totally disappeared.

I didn't...

I didn't hear from you for... for weeks.

Then you just... you just showed up.

So, what? I was supposed to trust you again?

I'm sorry. I-I couldn't.

So, yeah.

I made some mistakes.

But so did you.

Are we done here?


[Door closes]


Exactly how rich is he? Like, seven figures rich?

Eight? Nine?

I think you're missing the point here.

I didn't even want to go out with him in the first place, and I let myself get caught up in it.

Oh, here we go.

They always blame the gay best friend.

I am blaming me, okay? Not you.

I just shouldn't have let myself get all caught up in all this nonsense, you know?

Making some huge party to impress people I don't even know, going out with a guy just so I can fool myself into believing I am something I'm not.

What does that mean?

It means you were right.

I am a "one basket" kind of girl, and Daniel is that basket.

Oh, sweetie.

You really think he's never gonna call?

I don't know. But what I do know...

that if he doesn't call, he's an idiot.

Thank you.

Hi. Sorry. Can I get an iced tea like five minutes ago?

[Chuckles] Thanks.


Hi. Mm. You look pretty.

Thank you.

Okay. Tell me everything... where you went, what you ate, what you did, how it ended.

Don't leave anything out.

He took me to a pool hall. We ate buffalo wings.

That's horrifying.

Not my first choice, but it was fine.

The whole thing was fine.

Please tell me that he made up for his poor dining choices by being a voracious lover.

What? No. We didn't even kiss.

Okay. So, this is the worst date ever? Is that what you're telling me?

I don't think it was the worst date ever. It was just "eh."


But it's fine.

It's not like I ever thought Casey was the one.

Well, then, why the heck did you ask him out?

Because you said I needed to get out there, and he'd already asked me out a bunch of times, so...

Oh, no, no, no.

You asked him out because you knew he was gonna say yes.

Karen, you can't cheat the dating game like that.

You can't ask people out because you know they're gonna say yes.

You have to ask them out because you want them to say yes.

What if the person you want to ask out doesn't want to go out with you?

[Chuckles] What are you, 12?

Welcome to the 99.999% of people.

You ask them out, you get rejected, it's weird, you move on.

But you really got to want it, or else what's the point?

Seriously. What?

Do they make their iced tea in India?

Oh. Hey, you.


I was just gonna go lay by the pool. What are you doing here?

This is still my house, right?

You didn't accept an offer, too, did you?

You know what I mean.

[Sighs] I couldn't go in to work today.

I just couldn't.

Is everything okay?

[Sighs] Not really.

I went to see Harry yesterday to try to force him into talking to me, and it was just awful.

It was worse than I could have ever even imagined.


Sweetie, I'm sorry. Come here.

Yeah, I should have listened to you and just let it lie, given him some time.

No, no, no. Don't second-guess yourself.

You did what you had to do, and now it's done.

The worst part's over, even if it hurt.

[Chuckles] Yeah. It hurt.


Well, hey.

At least now you can, you know, get on with your life with Dom and everything.

Ugh. Dom's mad at me because I'm spending all this energy on Harry and the house.

We got into this whole thing at work.

It's... it's just all really a... mess, which is why... I accepted an offer.

You did?

Well, I hope it wasn't that crap offer that Harry wanted.

No, it's a different offer...

Almost asking price, 45-day escrow.

Hey. You sure about this?


I don't think I'll ever be totally sure about it.

But I can't keep holding on to something that doesn't exist anymore.



[Knock on door]




Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you.

Peyton talks about you and your daughter nonstop.


I'm Samantha.

It is so great to meet you, Samantha.

Come on in.

My husband's getting the wine from the car.

You wouldn't, by chance, have a decanter, would you?

It's a 1955 chateau haut-brion. It really should breathe.

You didn't have to bring anything. You're my guests.

Oh, it's our pleasure. [Chuckles]

Steven. Nice to meet you.

It's ni... hi. Nice to meet you, too.

Uh, here's a little something to get us started.

Great. Come on in.

Hey, Jacob.

It's Karen.

Jacob, it's Karen.

Hi, Jacob!

It's Karen! How are you doing?


[Chuckling] How are you doing?


Jacob: Hello?

Jacob. It's Karen.


What's going on?

Nothing much.

I just wanted to say how nice it was to see you again.

Yeah, yeah.

I felt the same way.

Oh, and I also wanted to tell you, um, I had a date last night.

Okay. Well, um, congratulations.

Oh, no, no. No. I'm only telling you... um, I asked this guy out because I didn't have the nerve to ask you out.

And I realized halfway through the date that I would have much rather been with you.

So now I'm calling you like I should have in the first place.

Wow. I-I did not... See that coming.


I know it's a little out of nowhere, um, considering we hadn't spoken in eight months and you've said you didn't have any feelings for me anymore.

Oh, God. You're not saying anything.

[Chuckling] This was a terrible idea.

No, no. Karen, it's not that.

It's just, you know, there's a little too much history between us, you know?

I just... Don't think it's the greatest idea.


You still there?

Yeah, I'm here.

But look. Why... why don't we, um... why don't we get lunch sometime?

A-as friends.

Sure, great. Great.

All right, great. Well, I'll... I'll talk to you soon.

And, Karen?

Thank you for... for calling.

[Chuckling] Okay.


What's going on in here?

Just finishing up my next art project.

You all ready for bed?


Teeth brushed?


So, how were Peyton's mom and dad?

Oh, they were... Interesting.

So, were they weird?

Peyton always says they're kind of weird.

They were perfectly nice.

Now, hold on. I got something for you.

♪ Mm Open it.


Oh, my God.


Thank you so much! You're the best mom ever!

Now, I just want you to know that this is your birthday gift, Valentine's day gift, Christmas gift, and whatever else you can think of.

I thought I wasn't allowed to have a phone.

Well, you weren't, until I remembered how hard it can be to fit in.

You're not the only one feeling peer pressure at your new school.

Even at your age?

Yes, even at my ancient age, the desire to impress people doesn't just... go away.

But I got you this because you earned it.

These kids may have more stuff than you, but you have more heart.

And more importantly, now I get to reach you whenever I want.

I'm sending my first text to you.

Oh. Standing by.

[Cellphone clicking]

What is wrong with my phone?

Um, I may have changed some settings while I was on your phone.


[Cellphone chimes] There we go.

There's my text message.

[Cellphone chiming]

Hey, um... Who is Daniel, and why's he texting you?

None of your business. Play with your new phone.

[Cellphone chiming]



[Telephone ringing]

[Telephone beeps]

Hey, um, sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't coming in to work yesterday.

But I did let Mitchell's office know, okay?

So don't worry about...

Take a breath, all right? I-I'm not calling about work.

You weren't?

No. I'm, um, calling as your boyfriend, you know?

Checking in on my girlfriend.

But I thought you were mad at me.

Yeah, I was. I was. But you know what?

That... that was just me being stupid.

I'm... I'm sorry.

Look, I know you're going through a lot right now, and, uh, yeah, I should be more sensitive to that.

Look. You can always talk to me.

Even if it's about Harry.

I'm sorry, too.

I should have never put you in that position at work.

From now on, you are only my boyfriend after hours.


And I promise I won't bring up that Toni stuff anymore.

That's just... me being stupid.


Um, listen.

I'm gonna work from the office for a few hours today 'cause it's quiet on the weekend.

But, uh, I can come over when I'm done if you want.

You know what? I'm still pretty tired.

But can I see how I feel later and give you a call?

Sure. No problem.

Okay. Bye.

[Telephone beeps]

[Knock on door]

Hi. Can I help you?

Yeah. It's Zack.

We met the other day. I came for... the open house.

Oh, yeah. Uh, hi.

The house isn't on the market anymore.

I actually accepted an offer.

Oh, that's okay.

Wasn't really interested in the house anyway.

I just wanted to meet you, Savannah.

We need to talk.