03x10 - A Higher Court

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wentworth". Aired: August 2013 to present.*
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"Wentworth" is a dynamic, often confronting, drama series that begins with Bea Smith's early days in prison. Set in the present day, it's a modern re-imagination of Prisoner.
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03x10 - A Higher Court

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm stepping down.

Because of me, Ferguson is picking you off one by one.

You can't stop now, Bea.

I won't let you.

What's this?

I don't know.

This is all you.

This is your fault because you started a fight you can't win.

I'm f*cked and so is my parole.

I'm going to help you stop self-sabotaging, Franky.

I'm gonna help you get out of here.

Yeah, well, stick round, cos I'm gonna be leaving here in a coffin.

I f*cking k*lled Meg Jackson.

She shat on me like Mum did.

What's going on?

Back away from the fence, Doyle.

What about my parole?

I'm never going to get out of here.

You'll be right.

When Ferguson goes down, be careful you don't get sucked down with her.

Any particular reason I'm on cleaning duty?

Just do it, Doyle.

Apparently not.

Ohh! Oh, f*ck!

Doyle! You alright?


You just crept up on me.

Governor wants to see you.


This way.

Mr Jackson?

Mr Fletcher?

I'm not interested.

You said that Ferguson tried to k*ll you, yeah?

Don't you want to do something about that?


I don't blame you for being pissed off with me, but you've gotta look at the bigger picture.

I'm a walking dead man.

I can't do anything.

No, but your job is to look after these women.

Stop f*cking with me.

I'm not your saviour.

Well, that went well.

No shit, Wonder Woman.

You wanted to see me?

Yes, sit down.

Your parole hearing.

What about it?

Well, due to ah, various circumstances there's been a scheduling change.

It's been postponed?

No, it has been moved forward.

Tomorrow morning at, ah, 10.00 AM.

That a problem?

Does... does Ms Westfall know?

Everyone who needs to be informed has been.

What, were you concerned about preparation time?

Nah, it's all good.

10.00 AM then.

I'll look forward to it.

What do you mean?

I'll be making my own statement, considering the merits for parole in your particular case.

Well, see you then.

You shall.

Governor, we'll need to consider working arrangements in the kitchen.

When Doyle gets parole.

Well, let's just wait and see first, shall we?

You don't think she'll get parole?

I didn't say that.



You wanted to see me.

I owe you an apology.

I suspect you're right about Governor Ferguson.

What made you change your mind?

I think Ferguson left the pencil in Jodie Spiteri's cell.

Can you prove it?


But I read your notes on Ferguson.

Why is she victimising Jodie?

I think Jodie's just a pawn.

Psychopaths often take an elaborate path to get to their real target.

Why haven't you gone to the Board?

Because I can't prove it.

Ferguson made sure that Jodie Spiteri is not a viable witness.

So we just have to wait for her to do something else?

If I find proof and I go to the Board with it, will you support me?


But after Franky Doyle's parole is granted.

You're aware that Doyle's hearing's been brought forward?

No, I wasn't.

It's tomorrow, 10.00 AM.

Is she ready?

What the f*ck!

Are you going to close that?

Nuh. No way.

Well, Franky...

I don't have time for this shit, Soph. Get your stuff and go.

Franky, I thought...

What'd you think?

Well, you and me.


Doesn't matter.

Look, the Freak's trying to f*ck with my parole.

I haven't even started writing up my statement.

Better get your gear on, eh?

Come on.

Well, can you not look at me?

I'm sorry, OK?

Cute girl in my bed, usually I'd be all over it.

You OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I don't know, Doyle, alright?

Come on, Mr Fletcher.

I need time to prepare.

Well, lunch shift has already started and you're rostered on.

Yeah, and the crew'll be fine without me.

They know what they're doing.

You've squared that away with them?

Yeah. Booms?


You're good with me missing lunch shift, aren't ya?

Be a f*ckin' pleasure.

They're good.

I've been training them up for this.

OK. But if lunch is late, it's your arse on the line.

You changed your mind?


Nah, we're all good.

Thanks, boss.

What the f*ck!

What are you doing?

You're acting like a little kid.

I'm not doing anything.

You are bringing shit through the kitchen. I saw it.

What if I am, huh?

What do you care?

It's my kitchen. They trace it back here, there goes my parole.

Your parole?

I f*cking loved you, Franky.

Oh, look I never made you any promises, OK?

Now you know what Red thinks about dr*gs. You thought about that?

Not everyone dances to her tune anymore.

And you're still pining after that shrink, so unless you're gonna lag, you can f*ck off and leave me alone.

I am just saying, do not screw up your life because of me.


Thought you had to prepare for your parole hearing. Huh?

Yes. I'm just going.

Back in the kitchen.

Jesus! f*ck!

How are there dr*gs in this prison again?

Did you search her?

Nothing on her, Governor.

Toss her cell.

There's more where this came from and I want it found.

Yes, Governor.


Yes, Governor.

You wanted to see me, Governor?

What is this, Mr Fletcher?

Ah, it's bread.

Take a closer look.

Clearly the heroin responsible for prisoner Lou's overdose arrived here, delivered to the kitchen this morning.

During your shift, Mr Fletcher.

Did you search the deliveries?



Apparently not.

And why not?

Well, there was just a lot of produce.

A woman is dead because of your incompetence, and the others are at further risk.

I'm sorry.

This is not a sheltered workshop, Mr Fletcher.

But you are going to end up in one if you don't find the rest of this contra-band.

Is that clear?

Look at me.

Do as I say. I will speak slowly so you understand.

Toss the kitchen workers' cells immediately.

You can start with Doyle's unit first.


Attention compound.

All prisoners return to their units immediately for lockdown.

Kim! What have you done?

Oh, f*ck.

Do you know anything about these dr*gs coming in?

Well, do you?

What's going on?

Well, call me paranoid...


Did you see Kim?





Flush 'em.

Close the door!

OK, it's a cell toss, ladies.

You know the drill.

Smith, back to your cell.

The f*ck!

Let me know if you need anything, Franky.

Doyle, open the door.

She's not feeling very good, Mr Fletcher.

I don't give a shit, Smith.

There's been an OD and I'm getting the blame for it.

Well, why're you picking on us?

We're clean, alright?

That'd be why you got another seven years, right?

I'm opening the door, Doyle, now.

What the f*ck!

I was taking a dump!



Why don't you hurry it up? I've got a parole hearing to prep for.

Ms Miles.

Mr Fletcher.

When I entered the unit the prisoner's door was closed.

I opened the door and observed Doyle.

She appeared to be hiding something in her tracksuit pants.

I'm not sure what it is, but I reckon that she's banked it.

Well, let's hope your assumption is correct.

I'm holding you responsible for those dr*gs. Slot her.

Doyle, your permission is required for a body cavity search.

You are not obliged to submit to a search but your refusal will indicate you are holding.

Is that clear?

No f*cking way.

I take it you are refusing?

What do you think?

Very well.

You will stay here in isolation until you do submit to a search.

If you agree in a timely manner, and prove yourself innocent, you will be able to attend your parole hearing in the morning.

And don't think that you can get rid of anything without us knowing.

Twenty four hour observation, and there's a grate in the latrine.

You know, I have to say, Doyle, I expected better of you.

But I s'pose you can't help but self-destruct, can you?

I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.


Hey, Dor, are you OK?

No, I'm not.

What happened to your

'no dr*gs' policy, eh?

I don't want Josh seeing this ugly shit.

He's just a baby, Dor. He wouldn't have even registered it.

Not yet, but in a year's time, he will. I don't want him in a place where he's going to see dead bodies and junkies sh**ting up.

Look, I took my eye off the ball.

But I've shut it down now.

It's going to stop.



Have Anderson brought up to see me.

After what's happened with Nash, I'm completely freaked out.

I can't even talk to him.

I know.


Governor wants to see ya.

Just be careful.

Hey, everyone. Oh, don't worry.

Just here to see Kim.

Pay our condolences for Cindy Lou.

Yeah, big loss.

Oh, we were wondering what you were doing in H2?


Oh, I just wanted to see if Boomer wanted to come and...

Oh, so you weren't planting dr*gs on Franky, then.

No way. Is that what she's saying?



Yeah, is it because she ditched you?

She's such a b*tch.


Bea, I haven't done anything.

I'm not into dr*gs, you know that.

Don't f*ckin' lie to me.

You know my policy.

You're gonna pay, Kim.

So will your little mates.

You won't know when I'm coming for you but when I do, I'm gonna smash you.

Now f*ck off!
I'll be mother, shall I?


Two, thanks.

Well, that's not best for baby.

Let's make it one.

Where is he?

With Jess Warner, Governor.

The police have charged Nash Taylor with drug trafficking.

He's looking at another seven years.

I don't believe it was him, Governor.

Yeah, it's difficult isn't it when there's been such a breach of trust.

Betrayal of any kind can be so destructive.


You remember her?

She made a number of poor choices.

Who she was involved with, what she put into her body, that sort of thing.

I couldn't save her, or her baby.

I would hate to see such a tragedy repeated.

I'm not involved in anything like that, and I don't believe Nash was either, Governor.

Well, unfortunately the facts say otherwise.

And I see, despite my warnings, you continue to associate with Bea Smith.

Well, it's hard to avoid her, Governor. She's in my unit.

But I'm not her crew.

All I want to do is look after my baby. That's my only interest.

Try the biscuit.

Go on.

Oh, the police are satisfied that you're not involved in Mr Taylor's scheme.

But they have requested that you undergo drug testing.

Just to be sure.

And, Doreen, your samples will have certain trace hormones due to the fact you're breastfeeding.

If there's any attempt to switch, it will be fairly obvious.

Let's not have a repeat of last time, hmm?

Oh, God, Dor!

Oh, lovey. Are you right?

Oh, honey, are you OK?

Ferguson's gonna try and take Joshua away.

But she can't do that.

Oh, you don't reckon? She's put me in for a drug test, Liz.

But you don't use dr*gs.

I think she set me up. I mean, she gave me something to eat.

What? Why?

I don't know.

Maybe she wants me, maybe she wants my baby. I don't know.

How're you doing in there?

Oh, yeah, OK.

Here, I'm done.

Thanks, Doreen.

We'll have the results back as soon as we can.

The Governor's insistent on that.

Ah, Ms Atkins?


Can I talk to you?


He's so beautiful, Doreen.

I'm absolutely rapt for you.

Look at that little mouth.

It's absolutely perfect.

Dor, what's wrong?

Look, things are bad here.

Will you...

Would you take Josh?

What do you mean, take him?

Take him where?

Just away from here.

Can you look after him for me, just until I get out?


Look, I know it's a big ask, and you need some time to think it over.

Just don't take too long, OK?

But he's only two weeks old.

At least keep him for a few months.

You know, you're breastfeeding.

I know.

But every day he stays in here he's in danger, and that's worse, much, much worse. I need him safe.

Please say you'll think about it.




You said I could leave if I gave permission for a cavity search.


Get it over with.

Leave us.

Shouldn't I stay?


Off they come.

Are you OK?

What do you think?



I really need a favour.

That should do the trick.

Thank you, Booms.

Pear juice and canola.

You've swallowed them, haven't ya?

Well, I didn't have much choice, did I?

Karma's a b*tch, eh?

The mother of all b*tches.

Just piss off and leave me to it.


I've accepted that what I did was wrong, and I'm a good person.

I have taken an Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies at Callum Uni.

I've undertaken leadership positions in all my work details.

And I've encouraged other inmates to do the same.

Now f*ckin' hell.

And I've completed all anti-recidivist programs available to me.

I'm not a good person!

I am a good person and I am a responsible member of society.

I f*cking k*lled Meg Jackson!

She shat on me like Mum did, and that's what I hang onto when I see her dying. I pretend it was Mum.

I've accepted that what I did was wrong. I'm responsible.

There's no question of that.

And that's what I hang onto when I see her at night. I pretend it was Mum.

Thank you for your time.

Hey, what's going on? Boomer tells me you've got a gutful of heroin.

It's none of your business.

Yeah, it is.

You've got to get yourself to Medical now.

Uh uh. No, doing more time is better than dying.

I'd rather die.

Well, I'm not going to let you do that. Franky!

Get up.

You ready, Doyle?


Ms Bennett.

How long's this going to take?

What's it to you, Smith?

See you on the flipside, Red.

Francesca Doyle.

Your Honour.

Do you feel you're ready to be a responsible member of society?

Yes. Yes, I am.

I've, um, I've accepted that what I did was wrong, and I've worked hard to earn the right to an early release.

I'm taking an Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies at Callum University and I've assisted other...


I've, um...

Ms Doyle, are you alright?

Yeah. I'm sorry.

I've, um...

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Yeah, God.

I'm not gonna lie to ya.

I don't know.

I know why I chucked hot oil at that guy, and it had nothing to do with him. It was about me.

I was an angry person and that anger had control of me.

I realised I had a lot to change and I've worked bloody hard to do it.

Maybe not hard enough.

But I do know that I don't ever want to go back to being that angry girl in the kitchen.

That's the truth.

Thank you. You can take a seat.

Thank you.

Ms Westfall, your statement please?

I have worked in Corrections for nearly twenty years now, so I am no new hand here.

But I have never treated a client with such potential as Franky Doyle. You know, she has been utterly honest with you here today.

Maybe too honest. But she has faced up to herself, and acknowledged that no-one has complete control.

She is a work in progress and she understands that. I think that is important. I believe she's as ready for parole as anyone could be.

Thank you, Ms Westfall.

Ms Ferguson?

No objection to parole, Your Honour.

Thank you for your brevity, Governor.

Ms Doyle, is there anything else that you'd like to add before this...

Ms Doyle.

Ms Doyle, are you not well?

I think I... Can I...

Can I be excused, please?

Can I... Can I please be excused?

I think perhaps we should suspend this hearing, Your Honour.

Escort her to Medical.


Where do you think you're going?

I'd rather spew in my own cell, thank you very much.

Come here.

What the hell?

You remember this, Franky?

Let go!

You remember this, Franky?

Mr Jackson? f*cking careful!

Mr Jackson, please!

Come on! You. You k*lled my wife!

What? Don't f*ckin' try to f*ckin' deny it, alright?

Go on, Franky, admit it.

f*cking admit it! Tell the truth for once in your life, Franky.

Just tell the truth, please.

You did it, didn't you? Hey?

It was an accident. Just do it.

Do it. I don't blame you.

I'd do the same. I've looked you in the eyes that many times and I've seen your pain. I deserve it.

Just do it. I don't deserve...


I'm sorry, Mr Jackson.

Have you guys seen Doreen?

Yeah, she's having a visit with her sister, love.

Why didn't she tell me?

What, answering to you now, is she?

No, I just wanted to know where she was.



Hey, are you OK?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure?

Yes, for f*ck's sake!

Hey, Jess, I've got a plumbing job for you.


Hey, Franky. Don't flush.

I don't want to.

Mr Fletcher, can we please talk?

How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not interested?

OK, those dr*gs you're after?

The ones that Ferguson's holding you accountable for. What if I told you where you could find them, hmm?

Can we talk then?

Please, please believe me!

No, I don't know how that shit got into my mattress, OK?

It's not mine. Someone planted it!

Please, I'm telling the...

I don't even do dr*gs!

You're full of surprises, Mr Fletcher.

Try and keep up the good work.



No, you're right.

Um... you said you signed all the papers?

Yeah. The nurse was really helpful.

She explained it's just temporary custody, not like adoption.

She said it's really common, Dor.

Happens all the time.

Lots of women don't think prison's a good place for their baby.

I'll bring him as often as I can.

It's a long way from Albury with a baby.

Oh, sis, we'll manage.

And by the time he's walking, you'll be out.

Now, you're alright for money, yeah?

We'll be fine.

OK. I don't think I've forgotten anything.

Nappies. I'll get some more tomorrow.

Reckon he'll be needing this bloke, won't he?

Oh, sis.

It's OK.

We'd better get going, Dor.

Gotta make that train.

I'm sorry. I can't.

I just... I can't do it. I can't.

That's OK. That's OK.

I'm sorry. I can't.

I can't.

Thank you.

Everything alright, Mr Jackson?

It's all fine.

You look like you've had a rough day.


Don't... touch me! Thank you.

I really mucked her around.

I am sure she understands. And if you ever find you're struggling, you could elect to share custody.

Maybe even go for a weekend sign out.

No, Josh stays with me.

I won't be changing my mind again.

OK. Your drug test came back clean, by the way. So that's good news.

I was looking all over for you.

Bea said you were going to send Joshy away.

Doreen's actually decided that she's going to be keeping Josh with her at Wentworth...

How could you even consider doing that?

I can't believe you didn't tell me.

Well, it's really up to Doreen and her sister, Jess.

But I'm his other carer.

Yes, and you're not his mother.

Thank you, Ms Atkins.

You've been really kind.

Right, let's go.

See, this is what I was afraid of.

You know, she's really struggling.

What do you mean?

Well, sending her baby off with a complete stranger. That beautiful boy's not safe with her.

Alright, there's no-one else here.

Kim Chang?



So you ready to take on Ferguson, then?

I hope you've got a bigger army than me.


Love, you right?

I did something today that made me realise what I put Su Yun through before she died.


And what I put you through.

And all the people I've hurt. Mr Jackson, Su Yun, Boomer, Kim, you.

And I'm sorry, Liz.

I don't deserve parole.

I'm not worthy.

Come here. Come on.

Come here.

Oh, love.

Now listen, OK.

You have more than done your time here. You have.

Listen, listen. And you have had a big change of heart and mind.

And I reckon that's what makes you worthy for parole, love.

That's what makes you worthy, OK?

That's what makes you worthy.


You're a good Mum, Liz.

Oh, darlin'.

And Soph's a good kid.

Yeah, well, you've been the one looking after her, because she wouldn't let me do it, would she?

Yeah, but she needs her Mum.

And so did you, love.

Oh, that's an old excuse, and it's not good enough anymore.

Thank you.

It's alright.
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