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02x08 - Second Listen

Posted: 06/18/13 21:32
by bunniefuu
Kiera: Previously on Continuum...

Do you think I'm pretty?

Someone removed Elena's body.

I have some very good skills for a guy in your line of work.

Do you think we could start working on those schematics first thing?

Where's Alec Sadler?

You here about Jowarski and Chen?

Kiera: Someone claiming to be Section 6 just took two Liber8 bodies from the morgue.

You and me, working together?

What have we got to lose?

Man: (OVER INTERCOM) Number four.


Come with me.

Heavy security tonight.

CPS escort, I mean.

Hand over the metal.

You like?

We can make this fast and easy.

I doubt that.

He's a very old man.


Come back in an hour.

You look very pretty, Jasmine.

Kiera: 2077.

My time, my city, my family.

When t*rrorists k*lled thousands of innocents, they were condemned to die.

They had other plans.

A time-travel device sent us all back 65 years.

I want to get home, but I can't be sure what I will return to if history is changed.

Their plan, to corrupt and control the present in order to win the future.

What they didn't plan on was me.

Drop it! Drop it! Hands up where I can see 'em!

Get out!

Get out of the car!

Come on, up, up, up, up, up.



Man, is Brandy gonna be okay?

You know, I'd be a lot more worried about your situation.

You two brainiacs rented a van that was used in commission of a crime.

Used by a Mr. Miller and a Mr. Warren?

Never heard of 'em.

Oh, you never heard of the corpses that they lifted from the morgue?


Jowarski and Chen?

We also found your prints on a casket that was dug up recently.

Grave robbing is a, you know, it's a major felony, and you add that to the drug charge?

You guys are going back to prison for some very serious time.

We weren't robbing it. We were just going to move...

Shut the hell up, Bics, or I swear...


You were saying?

Shouldn't I talk to a lawyer or something?

Yeah, if we were cops you should probably talk to a lawyer, yeah.

But he's a loose cannon, and the woman in the coffin was a friend of mine.

That means she's taking it very personally.


That was just me warming up.

Dig up the body, transport it, the money was there waiting for us.

That's all I know.

Transport it where?



Check the cab.


Same here.

I'll get my people to work.

Track down the owners.

See if there's a paper trail.

Security footage.

I'll get my people on it as well.

You want some help with that?

You want this to work, or you wanna break up now?

Is this your idea of pranking in the future?

Kiera: No.

In basic, we did reboot a cadet's CMR while he was sleeping and he practically ricocheted out of his bunk.


I know.

But, he was alive.

You're asking me to remotely trigger the comm channel of a dead person and use their CMR to look through their dead eyes?

Technically, it's possible.

Then, once we connect...

It's weird and it's creepy, and I feel like I'm reanimating the dead.

Actually, that's kinda cool!


Uh, I'm just going to use the same protocol from when we reactivated Elena's CMR...

And k*lled her.

And didn't k*ll her.

And look, I've already found it.

Man, it's still ticking.

When future me invents a thing, I really invent a thing.

No GPS coordinates.

Hmm, that's weird.

We can still look around.

All right, cue the gore meter.

Who is that?



All right, try the next node.


There! That's it!

Power's spooling up!




That's not good!

Is your computer okay? Yeah, they're on isolated circuits.

But, man...


That power discharge must've been like half a kilowatt!

Can you imagine the potential?

If we had all the sections?

Kellog: Yes, Yes!


Imagine the...


Draining out of my bank account as we speak!

What is he still doing here?

I thought we discussed this.

I bring in a world of experience.

And day-olds.

He's actually really helpful.

At what? Fishing refundable bottles out of dumpsters?

You're supposed to be working on the Arc project, not time travel. If we can harness a processing core, that's like accessing the biggest, fastest computer known to man!

Sadler: I think you're underestimating it's potential.


Because all I see is a worn-out piece of junk from the future with no potential.

I'm gonna go now.

Good idea!

Why don't you?

You know the way out.

Look, I'll talk to you later, okay, this will all blow over.

Give him a break.

No, I get it, I get it.

I understand.

Time travel, right?


Heroic, even.

Guys like you don't get that chance very often.

Guys like me?


You know, geniuses.

You park yourself behind the computer, and you change the world keystroke by keystroke.

But no one understands that heroism.

Naturally, you want to dream a little larger.

And, Alec, believe me.

You will. I mean, I am living proof.

But, pardon the pun, there's time for that.

Arc is now.

You said so yourself, it's gonna create a new matrix in protecting our privacy, our security...

How we engage the world, how we communicate with one another...

It's going to change the world!

And, Alec, you're going to change it.

Yeah, and you're going to sell it.

The master key to the Internet.

Oh, we keep the key.

We sell the services.

Cracking encryptions, overwriting computer systems, information control.

Yeah. Then, I become death.

The destroyer of all worlds.

Oppenheimer was making a nuclear b*mb.

It's a different bottle, same genie.

I know you see the good in this, Alec.

And I see the good in you!

So come on, what do you say?

Let's make some billions, improve some lives, a little heroism on the side.



Have you gotten a tetanus sh*t lately?

I'm banking on immunity.

I could eat this off the floor of your lab.

Have you ever thought of moving there?

Not until this moment.

There's a lot more privacy, and there's that little room upstairs...

You okay?

Yeah. Just... this.

Right now, with you...

It's the best moment I've had in weeks.

You know, with Kellog's interference at the lab, and this whole mess with Julian and my mom...

I thought your mom forgave you?

Yeah, she's been weird ever since the trial.

I mean let's face it, I turned her testimony into perjury.

She did that.

You told the truth.

What else could you do?

Yeah, it just makes me wonder.


She just lied so easily on the stand, maybe she's lied about other things.

Such as...

I don't know...

My dad?

Maybe he didn't die in that fire.

Maybe my mom lied and he's been alive this whole time.

That's a hell of a leap.

Yeah, I know.

This is another one of our body snatchers?

Where'd you get this image?

Section 6 had a similar case...

I dug it out of the file.

Mmm-hmm, when was that?

No name, no history, just... A picture.

My people are working on it.


You present a suspect with no explanation, and I'm just...

Supposed to take your word for it?

Yes, that's how this has to work.

Okay, so let me clarify here.

Just because you and I appear to share a common goal doesn't give you a get out of jail free card.

Aw, I don't need that card already, do I?

Maybe our grave robbers can ID him.

Kiera: They've been shipped off to court for their arraignment.


Looks like we're going out on a field trip.

Should I be jealous? What?

No, of course not.

We're just...

Enjoying a temporary detente.

Mutual interests.

Keep your friends close... And your enemies in a vice-like grip.

Yeah, but who's gripping who?

A few weeks ago, I tried Flash.

I wanted to try to remember my dad and I think I did!

I had this memory from when I was little...

It was me, my mom, and Jason.


He just shows up in my life, he knows about my work, he knows about my father's legacy...

He's batshit crazy? Yeah, he's a little off the bean, but sometimes he's so on, it's a little scary!

What if Jason's my...

It's easy enough to gather the proof.

A little DNA.

Hair, saliva...


Do it. Find out.

It'll give you some peace.

Didn't you just give him a piece?

You are so out of line!

You're so right, and you're just jealous.

Honestly, I don't know what you see in the guy. (WHIPPING)

He's got many talents.

Well, you've lead a very sheltered life.


Alec Sadler's phone, how may I direct your call?

Hi, it's Kiera...

Is he there?

Oh, hello, Kiera!

Yes, let me see if he's available.

One moment, please.

Hey, Kiera, what's up?

Is she in the lab?

No, we're at my place, if you must know.

I'm in his pants, not in his lab!

You need to protect yourself, and everything that you're doing.

How long has Kiera the cop been the bane of his existence, anyhow?

She showed up when he did.

You and Kellog should start a band, you're singing the same song.

I hate to agree with Kellog, but.

. . Then don't.

Kellog doesn't know what he's talking about, with my work or with Emily.

If he's pressuring you on something, don't blindly comply.

Kellog wants what's best for Kellog.

And how is that different from you?

You're right.

I do have an agenda.

But Alec, I'm here for you.

Right. Which currently translates as...

Mystery men, the body snatchers?

Yeah, I think I can work with the sound from when we zombie-hacked Elena, you know, build up a sonographic portrait, an ultrasound of the location.

That sounds great!

Hear how I did that?

Goodbye, Kiera.

Hey, making bail doesn't mean you're out of the woods.

Hey! That's the one that violated my civil rights, right there!

Don't make a scene.

That's good advice.

Come on, no body's been recovered, this case is getting tossed.

Gardiner: Oh, is that a fact?

My clients were walking through a cemetery.

. . You guys okay?

There's no criminality in that!

Oh, sh*t!


Get some uniforms in here right now.

Somebody call an ambulance!

Stay back! Stay back!

PI Cameron!

I have never seen anything like this before.

Okay, then speculate.

There are no puncture wounds.

Clayton: There's no wounds of any kind.

I need to do an autopsy to determine whether poison was involved, but the visible trauma suggests an aneurysm.


Or maybe not.


Both at the same time.

Right before testifying.

Could be extreme low frequency.

A concealed, weaponized ELF disruptor?

No, I don't think so.

What, too sci-fi for you?

I can think of something more sci-fi than that.

Kiera: There. Camera three.

See that guy right there?

Can you back it up?

Freeze. There. Zoom in.

Wait, wait, wait.

That's him!

That's the guy from the morgue.


I'll show you what I've done so far!

It's actually an idea of my father's.

You know, I've never really...

I wanna work on the time travel, I mean that's what I know...

Yeah, sure.

That's how you got back here, same expl*si*n that brought back the others, except you landed in 1992 which is two years before I was born...


Do you remember anything from then?

Just after you arrived?

People you may have met?


Well, I told you before...

There was a lot of confusion.

. . A lot of gaps...

You really like this work?

Yeah, it has potential.


Kiera, I can assure you, he doesn't work for me.

Now, I'm sure you've got the tech that'll tell you exactly where I stand on this.

And I'm sure you know something about this man, or who he works for.

Unfortunately, I can't help you with specifics.

But you're quite right, he and his associates are dangerous.

Both to you, and to me.

Because you're a time traveler.

Time traveler?

You have no personal items in this office.

No diplomas in frames, no golf trophies, no family photos.

I've never been nostalgic.

I suppose it comes with the territory.

Are you here to analyze me?

You reached out to me, remember?

Said we had a common interest?

I guess that was an empty gesture.

They have tattoos.

On their hands, it's...

It's subtle.

It's a series of dots between their fingers.

Does that help?

Who are "they"?

You call them freelancers, but they have no formal identity.

That would imply they exist.

They're more of a cult, and the time continuum is their chess board, and people like us are a liability because we understand what's at stake.

What do they want?

What everyone wants.

Power. Control.

I don't want that.

Are you sure?

After your call I checked our files for anyone with the marks you described, and I missed this John Doe.

To be fair, the broken neck got most of my attention.

What's his story? Found in an east side dumpster, broken arm, broken neck, bruising...

He was in the fight of his life.


No ID?

No grieving relative, girlfriend...

No, not to date.

I mean, you can understand how they'd be missed.

Seemingly random, look like birthmarks.

Freckles, maybe.

They were supposed to be missed.

They look like tattoos.

Better than that.


I put them under a microscope, check this out, you're not going to believe it.

Some kind of code.

Okay, this tattoo pattern has shown up before.

Last November, Emery Wallace, 83 years old, dies in a retirement home.

Insurance company requires an autopsy, they note the pattern on his right hand.

Same three fingers.

10 years ago, Tommy Oliver, apparent su1c1de, same markings.


Any other connections?

Well, not at first glance, but Oliver and Wallace aren't exactly who they seemed.

You see, they both d*ed. Twice.

Once, the time Betty just mentioned, and decades earlier as infants.

False identities.

They used the paperwork of dead infants.

And, all men used the same legal firm to probate their wills.

A tiny company called Fisker and Associates.

That's good work.

I'm going to need copies of all these files, please.

Yours in five minutes.

What do you think?

I think that we're on to something, I'm not exactly sure what it is yet.

What do you say we take a trip to Fisker and Associates?

You go ahead. I've got...

Things that you gotta do.

With your people.

Section 6. (CHUCKLING)

Never mind, I got this.

Oh, I remember what it was like to be that guy.

I actually feel kinda sorry for him.

He's got a project, and it keeps him away from the more important truths.

How long until it's operational?

(SCOFFING) You can't write code like this overnight.

What I'm trying to create is essentially sentient.

And your little orange slice makes it possible.

Yeah, I'm not sure how long it keeps Arc in the forefront, but, I guess in your world we only have to be first, not the best.

We can be the best, I'm sure of it.

So, more segments, more better?

More segments, more power, so...

Yeah, I guess.

More better.

Except that absolute power corrupts absolutely, you know that whole caveat.

I have no idea what you mean.

Look, what I can do with this, right now, it's a lot.

And... Are you satisfied with that?


With... A lot?


Alec, man, we set off some serious trip wires here. Could really use your help.

Are you serious?

You remember NASA?

This is... This is worse.

Well, I can remote you.

Dude, I got three guys throwing up smoke screens over here, okay?

Plus, do you want to compromise your server? Mirror?

Come on, man.

I need you.

All right.

I've got to...

Step out?

Yeah, me too.
There's great things coming our way, Alec.

I can feel it.

Woman: Mr. Fisker will be back shortly, are you sure this can't wait?

This is official government business, ma'am.

I don't have time to wait.

Mr. Emery Wallace. Um...

Very good.

Oh, Mr. Tommy Oliver.


Do you have any information about their beneficiaries?

Mr. Warren, of course!

Of course?

We come across his name quite often.

As a beneficiary, I mean!

Yeah, I see.

Is this him?



Do you...

Have an address?

He usually drops by.

I see. Thanks.

You can't take those!

I just did!

Excuse me.

Who was that?



Hey! So, you're not in the lab?

I'm an autonomous human being, you know?

I have independent functionality?

Yes, Hal.


Is that your first pop culture reference?

I think it is!

Well, the first one you'd get, anyway.

You'll have to wait, Dave, I have a few more databanks to wipe before I can take care of you.

Listen, I know that you're really busy saving the world, but, when you get some free time I could really use your help tracking down these body snatchers.

Will it make the world a better place?


Well then, consider it done.

Thanks, Alec.

Hey, Kiera? I was thinking that you and Emily...


I don't know, I just think you guys should be friends.

We're friends.

Just... Think about it, okay? I gotta go!


Do you still think I'm pretty?


Hey. He's not here.

Then where is he?

We'll find him.

Garza's been here.


Never mind.

I'll put out an APB.

Alec, please be there.

Alec! Let me in!


I'll be right back.

Let me in! My boyfriend lives here, let me in!

I have to get in there!


What's going on?

Where's Alec?

Was he here?

We were.

Well, he's not here now.

What do you know?

What do you know?

Hold her.

Alec? Oh, Alec, please be there.





Is Alec there?

Are you?

Jason, listen.

This is very important.

I need you to look around, I need you to look everywhere.

I need you to tell me if Alec is there.


He's not here...


Kiera, I looked everywhere, I can't find him anywhere, even looked under the couch in case he was hiding.

Okay, well, Alec will send up a flare, we just have to figure out where to look, that's all.

Well, I don't really know if I know what to look for.

Just look for everything!

Alec's life is at stake!

Okay. Okay...

Don't like what you asked for?

What are you talking about? (GRUNTING)


So, what've you been up to?

Are you serious?

I'm interested.

People go to a coffee shop to talk about what they're doing!

They don't show up and k*ll your friends!

Your friends tried to run. Then, you should have let them, Jesus Christ!

That's done, you're here now.



Answer. Okay.

What I've been up to, in case it's of interest to Liber8?

Don't try to guess, we're talking.

That's it.

Listen to this, three dead bodies, they're all on the Fisker payroll.

I think we need to pay them another visit.

Rattle his cage.

Set up some surveillance.

I can't join you.

And why not?

Something's come up.


Jason, I'm back. Look, I need you to monitor police calls, utilities, traffic patterns, Internet spikes, power disruptions...

Okay, okay!

Cell phone service, anything! All of it!

Alec will find a way.


Not yet.

(SIGHING) Don't worry, he's resourceful.

I'm not going to find him here.

Stay on the radar.

Is he at the lab?

Have you heard anything?

What aren't you telling me?

If it had anything to do with where he could be, I'd tell you.

I'll keep you posted.

I can help.


Right now, I'm working on a super computer.

Processing power orders of magnitude faster than anything today.

What do you do with it?

Anything you want!

Weapons, surveillance...

Yeah, I guess you could.

But I've been exploring how it can speed up predictive modeling.

Especially in medicine.

Oh, how charitable of you.

I had an aunt who d*ed of cancer when she was 27.

So yeah, I want to create a system that can mine genome data sets like a Lego set for kids.


We'll see.

What're you doing? Not here to talk about me.

Talk? A talk is a conversation!

And I'm not so good at monologues.

You're Liber8, you guys have some interesting ideas when you're not murdering people!


I'm serious.

I can listen.

You're not listening.

I am!

That's where you and I are alike, Jasmine.

I've seen you, listening.


Figuring how people work.

When you see me, for instance, do you...

Old, weak, slow.

Go on.

Patronizing, curious, sensual.

I see you're warming up to me.

The way you touch your things.

Like they're precious.

It's not the things that are precious, it's the idea behind them.

What they can do.

I saw what you and your advances did in the future.

Put every human being on a leash, jerked it when you didn't like their behavior.

Destroyed them if they became inconvenient.

There are safeguards. Proprietary safeguards that I'll put in place!

Things don't have to turn out the way you think!

Talk. Words.

Then, come back in 10 years and see how I'm doing!


I've got 'em all up here, scanners, cellular, SMS, city, private video feeds, everything!

Okay, but have you heard anything?

Have you seen anything?

I've been looking for a pattern, like you said, unusual activity, lack of activity, mostly what it is...

Is noise.


That'll cut through it.


Jasmine: What do you see?


An abandoned factory.

Aren't you curious why I brought you here?

This is a monument to your excess, your greed.

Your absolute unwillingness to accept anything less than everything.

This is where the disease of your industrial empire is born.

I couldn't have built all this without the ability to see what's really around me.

But I'm curious about what you see.

On our first meeting, for instance.

The guards who brought you in just now.

The girl.

What do you see?


When she scanned me, she watched my hands, my feet, that's smart.

She's a prude. Pretended not to be, but she is.


She's a mother.

Because she's tired?

She had a smell.

Clean. Talc.

Colored wax. Crayons?

Under her fingernails.


It doesn't make sense. Why would Garza want to grab him?

He didn't do anything to her.

It fits with Liber8's goals.

Change the future.

No better way to change the future than...

Than what? No better way to change the future than what?

Key off Alec's image.

All right, all right.

Change the future...

Change the architecture of the future...

Change the archite...

Is she gonna k*ll him? I need you to focus right now.

(BEEPING) I got him!

Oh, no...

They're heading down there.


SadTech, site 1.

Garza wouldn't take him there.

Yeah, she'd take him there.

Unhook me.

Jasmine: You bring it back to life, you resurrect it, and it rewards you with an empire.

That's why being here, right now, is so appropriate.

You asked me for a favor.

Do you know what it was?

A what?

A favor, idiot boy!

You, in the future, asked me for a favor.

Can you guess what you wanted?

Dating advice?

No, silly.

I want something different this time.

It's too late to ask for that.

I've always found you an interesting girl.

Intelligent, creative.

I imagine Kagame values these attributes, as well.

Is that why he sent you here to k*ll me?


You sent me back here to k*ll you.

But it makes no sense! Why would I send you back to k*ll me?

Because you knew you were a bad, bad boy.

Yeah, but I know what I'm supposed to do, I sent back a message with Kiera!

What message? To consider every step.

To change my path!

People don't change.

I think they can.

Oh, sh*t can change you, but choosing?

You don't even know me! What makes you think that I can't change?

What if you could change the course of history, Jasmine?

What if?

I mean really change it?


Please, what?

Please don't k*ll me.

I'm not k*lling you.

I'm saving the world.

No. But I gave you the choice, didn't I?

I mean, people keep telling me I'm so powerful in the future, but, I gave you this decision.

It's easy to be judge and jury now when I've done so much and made my mistakes.

But I see something in you, Jasmine.

I want you to decide.

I must have wanted you to decide.


Because you were on the outside.

You were free of the shackles.

You had perspective that I must have lost.


You're my insurance policy!

My failsafe!



Pull that trigger, Alec goes with me.

He's not a part of this.

He's all of it!

And I decide his fate!

Why now?

He sent me to do this!

That boy is not the man that you met.

Not brilliant? Not curious?

Not driven?

Kiera: But now he understands the danger.

He won't choose that path again.

We all have good intentions when we start.

Don't do it, Garza.

I know who he is!

I know what he becomes!

God damn it, neither of you know me!

You don't know sh*t about me!

You only see what you don't want me to be!

And I'm not him!

I won't be, not after all this!

After all this, you think this will make a difference?

I'm 18 years old, I'm supposed to change the world and I'm afraid that I might, I'm afraid that I might not!

You guys scare the sh*t out of me!

I just want to go home and I want to see the girl that I'm in love with, but instead I might die over something that I might not even do!


Why would you trust me to do this?

Because, unlike me, you're weak enough, and strong enough, to love.

I was willing to sacrifice myself in your office.

Nothing's changed.

(g*nshots f*ring)

Unless you do.




Hold on!



Kiera! I'm slipping! Hold on!

Alec, no, no, I've got you!

I've got you!



It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Who the hell am I in the future?

I sent you to protect me.

I sent her to k*ll me.

She didn't k*ll you, Alec.

No, not yet.

All right, let's get you out of here. Come on.

Why would a Liber8 t*rror1st do this to you?

k*ll your friends, nearly k*ll you!

You said it yourself, they're t*rrorists.

Who knows why?

Why are you doing this?

Whatever this is.

I'm helping the police investigate Liber8.

Kiera is one of their specialists.

I think that's all I can tell you right now.

And you're going to keep doing this?

Yes. Now, more than ever!

Then, I won't let anything happen to either of us, I promise.

When did this become the back seat at a drive-in theater?

My instructions were clear.

Let me make myself clear.

I don't follow instructions anymore, not from you, not from anyone.

The only opinion that matters is mine.

So if I say she gets to be here, then she gets to be here.

Well, look at you.

The boy becomes the man.

I'm sorry, I don't recognize him.

I can assure you, sir, this information is solid.

So, really, it's up to you.

You can tell me everything you know about him, or in about half an hour I can have a warrant and a dozen agents in here to search every inch of this place.

Please, Agent Gardiner, let me see what I can do.

I think I may have some older files in storage.

Great, go get 'em.



You saved him.

Thank you.

You saved him, too.

I know I've been hard on you.

I get it.

We both care about him.

Fresh start?


Yes, that would be...


Kiera, I...

I'll see you around.


Forgot the damn key.

Can you find the key to the storage locker and bring it in here, please?

I'll get my partner to meet us here.


(sil*ncer f*ring)

Kiera: Columns?

Alec: Your guess is as good as mine.

That makes it look like he's hiding in a Roman bunker.

A bunker.

So he's underground?

The sound is compact, dense...

No echo, very little reverb.

Without a GPS signal I really can't give you much more.

So, the system can fail you.


But not Arc.

I think it saved your life.


Hadn't thought of it that way.

Kiera: Maybe we can use it to help find the body snatchers.


I'll see what I can do.

You okay?


Better than I expected.

I realize now I was just afraid of the message.

And my motives.

I know now that none of that matters.

There is no fate.

We chart our own course, here and now.

It's Gardiner.


Gardiner? Hello?
