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03x09 - Minute of Silence

Posted: 05/26/14 06:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on Continuum...

Liber8 is behind this att*ck.

I know it.

You fight a disease by catching it while it's still treatable.

Halo will monitor you on every level.

You have 60 days, Mr. Sadler.

We did not gas that building.

We did not k*ll those people.

Then who did?

[fighting grunts]

Nealon's been a merc for years.

He works through a contractor named Grey Point Security.

I don't mind learning a few things from Betty.



It's busy tonight.

Rumors of another anti-congress crackdown.

How was the gala?

We all have our crosses to bear.

Let's get started.

Citizen Chip extraction will commence.

Number 1.

When your number is called, sit in the chair.

You are aware that Citizen Chip extraction
renders your birth certification and Citizenship null and void?

I'm aware.

Extend your arm through the indicators and bite down on the sanitized bit.

Scan your wrist to accept the release.

Got it.



Yes, doctor.

Please hold still.

This may sting a little.

[muffled screaming]

Once finished, please toss your bit into the receptacle.

Number 2.

Get off of me.

Get off of me!


Get your hands off me.

Let go of him!

Get off me!

You're the reason he's upset.

There's no reason to hold him down.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay.

Get some water please.

Give us some room please.

I don't know where I am.

I don't know where I am.

You were taken to St. Paul's unconscious.

When you stabilized but you didn't wake up you were brought here.

Markum Palms, we're a long-term care facility.

We don't know much about you.

What do you want to know?

How about your name?

It's um...

I don't know...

I don't know my name.

How can I not know my...

I don't know my name!

You've been out almost two months.

Extended loss of consciousness, this happens.

I don't...

Just take it slow.

Anything you can tell us will help boost the recovery process.

I remember a name.


Okay? Cameron?


No, that's not me.

Kiera Cameron.

The service was beautiful.

Yes it was.

Betty paid the heaviest price for her convictions.

I know what you want to do but you don't need to go in there right now.

Yeah, I do.


The answer is still no.

We have to do something.

We can't.

Too much has gone down within this division lately.

We are not trusted.

We worked closest with her.


And it has been made very clear to me that finding Betty's k*ller is not on our dance card.

Independent investigation is handling it.

It is done.

That is a bullshit rap and you know it.

Do you have any idea the strings I had to pull to get her buried with honours?

Trust me, it was not an easy thing given her past flirtations.

And what if Liber8 did k*ll her?

Well then she d*ed a hero.

Staining her memory will not bring her back.

Is that...

Is that the deal that you made?

They handle the investigation and Betty's ties stay secret?

You and Cameron take the rest of the day.

I will call you if I need you.

I warned you.

What'd he say?

Oh that we should take some personal time.

Which is good, cause I hate this thing anyway.

I've got three messages from some pushy doctor.

There's a John Doe at the hospital that's been asking for me.

Oh your day's looking up.

Hot date.

Who are you?


You asked for me.

This is Agent Cameron.

She works with local law enforcement.

Kiera Cameron?

Do I know you?

I was hoping.

That's gonna be a problem.

Apparently they need the bed.

There's nothing wrong with you besides your memory.

You're healthier than me!

Sure you don't recognize him?

I'm sure.

What happened?

They tell me I was hit by a truck.

Physiologically there's nothing wrong with him save a bad knee.

All I can remember is Kiera Cameron.

Usually with cases like this, long-term memory returns first but maybe he read your name somewhere.

Sign there.

Excuse me?

Medically speaking he can walk out of here right now.

With a limp.

Not with me.

Look... If I'm lucky, they'll send someone over here tomorrow then they'll take him to you and you'll print him and send out bulletins, whatever.

Save a step.

He'll probably show up on your radar.

I wouldn't be so sure.

Work with me on this Cameron.

Gotta admit, he knows your name.

Nice little mystery to solve.

We are connected.


This is very... well, I'm intrigued.

How's it going?


Well, not exactly good.

I don't want to bore you with all the corporate bullshit that I've managed to inherit but development delays with Halo, I keep reaching for a competitive edge and coming up short, and then boardroom politics like you wouldn't believe.

Thank god for Jack Dillon.

He's at least one ally.

What's he like as a boss?

Is he a hard ass?

He seems like a hard ass.

I buried a friend today.


Sorry, that's... wow.

And I'm all 'oh the board's a real drag'.

So why am I here?

I just can't carry it alone anymore.

It's better if I show you.

Holy sh*t.



Two of me.

Two of her?


She lied to me.

She swore that she told me everything but she still lied.

You and me?

We're originals.

She was an original.

But the other two?

I don't know with them.

They're them, but they're not at the same time.

Know what I mean?

Oh yeah.

Wish I didn't.

That's why I brought you here.

You're the only one that understands what I'm going through.

Down the stairs!

Go around! Go around!!

[sirens wailing]

[sirens wailing]

Any of these landmarks look familiar to you?

Yes and no.


Well the city's right, if that's anything.

I'm not from Iowa or something.

It all seems so different.

Let me make a call.


[cell phone ringing]


How hard would it for someone, assume someone local to just scrub themselves from every database.

I'm talking zero hits.

No health information.

No prints.

Digital records of any kind.

Next to impossible.

Something would kick up somewhere.

Why, is someone lying about who they are Kiera?

That would be terrible.

I have a John Doe who's a bit of a ghost, and I have checked every database I know.

Every database.

Well maybe he's James Bond.

I gotta go.


You really think he can figure out who I am?

I'll do whatever I can.

I don't want to be a ghost.

You've been keeping baker's hours kid?

It's been a tough day, Kellogg.

It's about to get tougher.

I thought I'd save you the indignity of this coming from a stranger, considering everything we've been through.

What's this?

Uh, karma.

By way of sharks in suits.

You're suing me?

For what?

Well you working at Piron is a breach of our contact.

We had a deal.

Are you serious?

As a heart att*ck.

Not only did you sign an anti-compete clause but 49 percent of every scrap of genius that comes out of your little noggin belongs to me.

And don't forget, I happen to know how things turn out and just to be clear, the name SadTech is the winner of this horserace and right now that is the card I'm holding.

You mother...

Name calling is not going to make this any easier.

You've been served.

I'll see you in court.

Is that your stray?

Mr. John Doe?


Social services is backed up and you know what?

Let it go, Carlos.

No it's cute.

Get kittens too?

What'd they get?

An active camouflage system.

It bends the light around an object to make it...


This makes my head hurt.

You ever heard of anything like this?

Uh once or twice, yeah.

Three very high-tech robberies in as many weeks.

One is an anomaly.

Two is a coincidence.

Three we're talking pattern.

The thief was familiar with the office.

He knew the alarm system and the security camera coverage.

He used advanced jamming tech to disable the CCTVs and just to add insult to injury, while the heist was going down someone hacked into the servers and grabbed all their proprietary engineering specs.

Sounds like an inside job.

Company swears no.

They vet their people tighter than the NSA.

Everyone has been accounted for.


Who do we know in the advanced technology game?

You have to wear that ugly-ass patch?

That's your father's legacy.

Look, that's his contribution to Halo.

Besides, we need it to tap into the synaptic system.

Nobody's going to want to slap a piece of plastic on their head.

It needs to be just the bracelet.


Well maybe our graphing conductivity can be improved.

No no no, we tried that.

It just melted all over the table.

Blegh, it was bad.

Anyone else? Anything?

Where's Ericsson?

Williams? Zamir?


Midnight raid.

Wait, what?

It was very sad.

SadTech kind of.

They left to work for SadTech?

Yeah. Sorry.

That snake.

Was anybody going to tell me about this?

You mean like how I found out you're being sued by Matthew Kellogg and SadTech?

That's just Kellogg rattling my chain.

No Alec, it is not.

I'm doing my best.

Not when you let your head counsel get blindsided by a lawsuit like this.

He has a claim.

You did sign a non-compete.

If this goes to court we will likely lose.

Add that to a restive board.

They gave me two months.

I'm trying to fix Halo.

Money and patience take away at the same rate.

The stock price wobbles and the boy genius CEO headlines all but disappear.

The problem is no one really understands your vision.

Oh I do.

Figure out a way to get rid of this lawsuit.

Buy me time to fix this.

I'll try my best.


Our code doesn't stand up.

The prototypes are running too hot.

I'm fighting the deadline of my life here.

Can I do this?

Yes. Yes.


There are two or three things that you need for Halo, they'll be widely available in... 10, maybe 9 years.

This is so frustrating.

Except for the high-tech connection, none of these robberies show a pattern.

And they superficially look like inside jobs but they can't be.

I need a favour.

The care facility misplaced John Doe's effects.

They dropped them off here and I found this.

I've ID'd the hotel.

They have a long-term resident who paid three months in advance.

Will you cover for me while I go check it out with him?

What is it with this guy?

I don't know.

But something.

I'll be quick. Please?

You owe me one.


Ring any bells?


No, sorry.

Clearly I'm not rich and I have low standards.

That's very disappointing.

Do you read a lot of science fiction?


The book.

I don't know.

You getting as tired of that answer as I am?

You could say that.

So, cheap and stupid.

Guess I'll have to get by on my looks.

Like you don't know what I'm talking about.

What's that on your wrist?

It's faded ink.

And of course I don't know what it means.

But you did.

At one point.

It could be GPS coordinates.

If the location is close to here, we could stop by and see if it jogs your memory.


And if that doesn't work, what's next Kiera Cameron?

Then I think I've gone as far with you as I can go.

I'm sorry.

Well let's go jog my memory.
This is it.


I don't know, maybe.

Look I'm sorry.

If I had even a hint I would..

You know what?

I don't have time for maybe.

I'm sorry that what happened to you happened.

I'm sorry that my name is bouncing around in your head.

I really am.


I get it. You think I'm crazy.

I think I'm crazy.

This all feels like a dream.

My real life is just these images.

These crazy images flashing around in my head.

I get these flashes of faces that I think I should know, and I know them.

I just don't know how.

I don't know how.

[Phone rings]


Yeah Piron just got hit by our thief.

Dillon's going to blow a gasket.

I'll meet you there.

I really do have to go.

I was here.

What do you mean?

This city.

This same city.

I was scrambling with other people.

Shelled out black canyons with glass...


This is going to sound crazy.

It's like I'm not of this place.

Like I am not of this time.

Are you okay?

I suppose if what they took actually worked then I'd be angry.

Maybe whoever robbed me can figure out how to fix it.

Do you have any idea who could be behind these robberies?


Is there anyone you suspect might be an enemy?

You never know who your enemies are going to be in my position.

You do all your research and development in house?

What are you getting at?

A lot of tech companies farm out the various components of whatever it is they're building.

I figured Halo might be the same.

Yeah sure we do the same.

A surface tech company from Korea.

Batteries from Norway.

The skin patch was actually developed right here in town.


WCIT Alpha Labs developed the invisibility cloak before it went commercial.

We need to look into that.

Thank you, Alec.

What are friends for?

You think there's something to this WCIT Alpha Labs link?

Well Bibby went to WCIT.

Figured maybe there be a connection to Betty, a lead, something.

It was a long sh*t. It was stupid.

No, not at all.

Have you, um, noticed Alec's attitude?

He seems a little more arrogant than usual.

Yeah, well, he said he was under a lot of pressure.

Business going south.

Maybe he's looking for a shortcut to corporate riches.

He said he was looking for a competitive edge... his words.

Are you suggesting Alec staged the Piron robbery to avoid suspicion?

You're not coming?

I've got something to check out.

It's close by.

I'll walk.

I got your back.

You're leaving?

No money, no room.

You are one sad case.

I know right?


I want to talk about what you said.

Kiera Cameron I promise you, I am not crazy.

Well you rented this place for three months.

You're right. Bananas.

First girl I meet she sees right through me.

That's the thing.

I do see right through you.

You don't have any health records.

You're not in any database.

You're invisible.

You know how you said the city just didn't feel right?

I felt that way too.

Well maybe you're insane.

Maybe I'm from the future.

Oh well now you're just trying to make me feel better.

I do appreciate the gesture.

I arrived here unexpectedly.

Everything I knew, everything I loved was gone.

But I found someone who helped me get through it.


A friend.

Someone who became a friend.

So there's hope for me?

I... I don't know why I trust you.

But for some reason I do.

I have a couch.

You are welcome to it.

For a few days.

Three days max.

Well I barely know you.

Well if you have a better offer.

No, no. I'm just messing around.

I would... yeah.

Kiera Cameron, that's a deal.

Why do you keep saying my whole name like that?

Keep hoping it will trigger something.

And if it does, you'll be the second to know.

Let the record show this interview with Alec Sadler is voluntary.

Alec I want to thank you for coming in and shedding light on this for us.

Of course I'm here voluntarily.

I have nothing to hide and the idea that I staged a robbery at Piron to avoid suspicion is complete fantasy.

So no Kiera, huh?

Just as well.

Look guys, can we just skip to the end here?

I've read the file.

Under the terms of the Piron agreement, Alec has complete access.

Look, all this technology, the active camo which is wicked by the way... is all m*llitary or paramilitary tech.

Well what about Halo?

Sure. I guess.

But Jack can attest to the fact that we're moving Piron away from m*llitary tech.

I want to help people.

Ask yourself.

Who could use this?

Who would want to deploy this stuff in the field?



One more thing.

This whole inside man theory?

We discredited that.

The evidence doesn't match up.

It does.

If it's not a man.

We're talking high-tech companies.

Next level security. Real tight.

But what else do they like?

Toys. Smart appliances.

Thermostats. Refrigerators.

Routers. Smart TVs.

All Wi-Fi enabled and imminently hackable.

Just like whoever pulled the Fermitas att*cks.

They're listening all the time.

Think about that next time you leave your computer on.

I really hate the internet.

[Computer noises]

[Phone ringing]

Hello Carlos.



You behind these robberies?


But I can point you in the direction of who is.

Yeah why don't you do that.

Then tell me what you want.

That's just it, Carlos.

There's no quid pro quo.

This one's a freebie.

Yeah. Why should I trust you?

Because we both want Betty's k*ller to go down.

It's worth taking a chance on trusting me.

I miss what I left behind but somehow being here I'm truer to myself.

It clarified what I believe.

I wonder about my other life.

How it unfolds without me.

I do the same thing.

[fighting grunts]

[glass shatters]

[fighting grunts]


Kiera. Are you okay?



Look who's back.


Are you okay?

How did you get here?

I called your phone and he answered.

Told me what happened.

I got here as soon as I could.

[phone rings]

Oh sh*t.

Give me one second.


Who att*cked you?

Somebody trying to finish a job they'd already started.

I don't understand.

Your leg?

It's not bothering you anymore Yeah I know.

I can't explain it.

Injected nanocells used for self-healing activated by adrenaline.

Not uncommon in m*llitary personnel.

One day.

Hey, you good to travel?

Where to?

Greypoint Security.

Gotta say, it's actually nice to be here by invitation for a change.

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

They grow up so fast.

You already know why I asked you to come here.

I assume the lawsuit jarred you out of your stubborn obliviousness.

You don't move in straight lines Kellogg.

You never have.

You say you want apples when you want oranges.

You claim you want to sue me and pretend you want a pay day.

I just want things to be fair.

No you don't.

No, you maneuver.

You're maneuvering me.

Question is, will it work or not?

I have no idea what you mean.

I've had my representatives tend you an offer for SadTech Inc. and all intellectual property including your exclusive services.

Well that's one way to get out of a lawsuit I suppose.

Don't pretend like this wasn't your plan all along.

Is that what I'm doing?

Now you're just being rude.

Better be an offer I can't refuse.

Don't tempt me.

I want a seat on the Board.

And I only report to you.

As if anyone else would want to hear from you anyways.


It's good doing business with you.

So Dillon told you to leave Betty's m*rder alone, and you want to search Greypoint Security without a warrant on the advice Liber8.

What can I say; I'm just in that kind of mood.

You've chosen sides, Carlos.

Yeah I chose Betty's side.

Are you prepared to cross that line?

I am.

You're convinced Nealon's working for Sonmanto.

I'm just following through.

Okay. What's the plan?

Betty said that Dillon would do the right thing if the facts were in front of him.

I just need the facts.

Is there anything that suit doesn't do?

Holy sh*t.

That's the precinct.

They hacked the cameras in the computers.

Lucas said this would connect us to Betty?

The technology robberies.

Hyper Stealth, Piron.

You're going to want to take a step back.




Don't move!

Where's Nealon?

So how is our amateur thief?

Well he's scared shitless but he's cooperating.

He says he can prove someone from Greypoint Security was behind the Fermitas gas att*ck.

Well he's smart.

Unlike this assh*le.

We swept the precinct for bugs.

We found just the one transmitter that h*jacked everything within a 30 foot radius.

Then there's this.

I ran ballistics on our friend's g*n and it matched the slug that k*lled Betty.

Greypoint has disavowed you.

They're hanging you out.

So if you want payback now's your chance.

Who put you up to it?


Resisting arrest.

Understandable given your background.

I'm sorry, what was that you said?

Holy sh*t.

Yeah no kidding.

You scared me.

Who am I?

Number 2.

Number 2 sit in the chair.

Scan your wrist to accept the release.

Extend your arm through the indicators and bite down on the sanitized bit.

You are aware that Citizen Chip extraction renders your birth certification and Citizenship null and void?

Scan your wrist to accept the release.

Scan your wrist to accept the release.


This is an illegal business.

CPS!!! Don't move!!!!

Your Record ID is pristine doctor.

Why sully it with this kind of back alley business?

Citizen Chips were a good idea once.

Now they're being abused by the corporate congress and people are wise to the scam that they unwittingly became a part of in the name of convenience.

What's legal and what's right are not always the same thing.

Cameron, make sure you book and process all these civilians also.

Sir, these people that are waiting, they haven't committed any crimes.

Well, book them for intent.

Book them all.

Yes sir.

What's the problem Cameron?

I just never imagined someone would want to give up the benefits of Citizen Chip, identity.

Back to work.