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02x05 - The Domino Effect

Posted: 08/04/15 03:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on Chasing Life I want to be friends with Dominic. Is that a problem?

I don't have a problem if I don't have anything to worry about.

Do I?

What happened?

According to her, I'm still in love with April.

It's not true, though, and it's not like she's available, anyway.

We have a match.


Sydney: The sick kid, his name's Finn. He has cancer and only one leg.


Not to speak ill of the dead, but Thomas Carver, the year before he d*ed, he was blowing money, drinking.

The guy had demons even I find dark.

You know what? Screw my dad. I'm gonna write a book.

Oh, writing my book was easy.

I stared at a blinking cursor for six, seven hours a night until I was convinced I was a total fraud, and then I started typing.

Well, I've got the fear and insecurity parts down for sure.

Wait until people actually start reading your book, it's terrifying...

And thrilling.

I'm so excited.

Writing a novel is something I never thought I could or would do, kind of like owning your own house.

That's such a big deal! I wanna see it!

Well, you can. I'll warn you... it's a dump, but I'll make a home out of it...


Some day.

So, any thought on what your debut is gonna be about?

Mmm, I have three or four ideas I've been kicking around for a while.

Honestly, I just... whatever I write, I want it to have a real sh*t at getting published.

You know, I could talk to my agent, Nina, about it.

You guys could sit down, talk about the publishing market.

Really? You think she'd meet with me?

Come on!

(Both laugh)

The smart and talented daughter of a famous best-selling author?


It's a no-brainer.

You know, when you say it, I kind of believe it a little.

Seriously. Hey, thank you.

It's nothing.

You're a catch...

For a literary agent.


I know she's heading back to New York for publisher meetings in a couple of days, so you should plan on meeting maybe tomorrow.

Yeah, I can make myself available.

(Chuckles) Could this day get any better?

April Carver, there are but a few major milestones in ever woman's life which forever shape and define her legacy, and you, my friend, have officially come upon one of yours.

For the time has now come to plan...

Your bachelorette party!

Yes! Yes!

(Both laugh)

(Theme music playing)

♪ you bet your soul, honey ♪
♪ you bet your soul ♪
♪ just right ♪
♪ you could stay all night and never wanna go home ♪
♪ 'cause we can't stop ♪
♪ we won't stop. ♪

I have been so focused on the wedding part of the wedding, that I totally forgot I get a bachelorette party!

We both did. How did we forget about a night full of male strippers?

Okay, strippers are great...


But... wild idea...

What if we did something that could include my mom and grandma.

It's my last week at home, and I just wanna show them that even though I'm moving out, they're still a huge part of this next phase of my life.

(Scoffs) Fine.

If you want your party to be mom and grandma friendly, then that's what we'll do.

What about we go out for a classy wine-tasting at Sip maybe, then have a nice dinner out afterwards?

What about Brenna? She'll be so bummed to be left out.

Oh no, I already talked to her.

She totally gets that a bachelorette party that isn't 21-plus doesn't really count, so she's sitting this one out for the greater good.

So, it's settled.

April's bachelorette party, a classy affair.

Oh God. I just don't know what I'm going to do with all these novelty cake pans now.

Oh my. This is...



(Sighs) April’s bachelorette party is tomorrow night and I'm not allowed to go, so...

I'm just gonna be sitting at home, all night, all by myself.

I'm so happy for you.

I know, right?

A whole night off from April’s wedding.

I can just watch TV, eat junk food, and not have to watch YouTube videos that teach you how to curl a ribbon.

(Both laugh)

Yo, I'm in.

So, I'm guessing still no public school friends?

No, not yet. I mean, I talked to this one guy, he has lymphoma.

Of course, you can't make a normal friend.

Finn is normal. He's just sick.

I feel bad for him.

He has to make this mask all the time.

You should invite him over.

I love a man in a mask.

We're not even real friends yet, and I don't really know if that's the best idea.

How could finally making a friend not be the best idea?

Because when I look at Finn, I can't help it... all I see is cancer.

And because of April, there's this part of me that feels like I have to take care of him.

But school's supposed to be the one place where I'm not worrying about someone with cancer.

I guess, but on the other hand, new girl, beggars can't be choosers.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe you'd be more popular if you stopped eating those gross pickle chips.

Shut up. They're delicious.

You can have one.


They're so good.

I'm sorry. I've been wracking my brain, but nothing from dad's last year stands out to me.

Well, Edwin said he completely changed.

You sure you didn't notice anything?

I mean, that was three years ago.

I remember him traveling a lot who was traveling?


Natalie found a manuscript that dad was working on when he d*ed, and it's brought up...

A lot of questions from his last year.

He was probably going...

Oh, stop.

You dad's past is a door I just...

I don't feel the need to open again.

This is April’s last week at home.

I just want to enjoy this time with my wonderful daughters.



(chuckles) "April Carver: Most improved."

From the gymnastics coach.

Oh wow. "Most improved" is basically just saying you sucked less by the end of it.

So... (Chuckles)


You worked so hard.

Did I?


I can't believe it. Your last week at home.

Leo and I will be close by.

I know, I know, it's just gonna take some getting used to...

Not having dinner with you every night, not hearing you two fight over the bathroom.


I'll miss just seeing you wake up in the morning.

Mom, stop.

No, lookit.

I know I've been spoiled having you here as long as I have.

You know, when we packed you up for college, I never thought you'd be living here again.

And I never could have guessed that when you did move out, it was because you were gonna get married.

I never could've guessed a lot of things about my life right now, but there are so many things happening that I am excited about.

I am getting married.

I've got an amazing honeymoon planned in Italy, I might write a book.

(Door opens, slams)

Emma: And don't ever call me again!

It's been a pleasure... getting to know you ladies.

(Door opens, closes)

Well, Sam and I broke up.

Mom, what happened?

Well, we wanted different things and we couldn't work it out.

What kind of things?

None of your business kind of things.

I'm fine! He's a tool, and I'm moving on.

I was so sorry to hear about your father.

He was one of Boston’s best writers, and he must've been a great man.

Well, I think you guys are great, and what you've done for Dominic is so impressive.

Dom is a natural talent, and he says the same about you.

Well, that's a lot to live up to, but I'm psyched to try.

And I'm psyched to hear what you're thinking about.

Okay, well, I have been brainstorming this one idea.

It was actually inspired by a piece I was researching for the Post.

It's about a missing woman and her husband...

The market's pretty flooded with "gone girls" right now.

I have this other idea that I really like.

It's about these two adult sisters, and it's their dad's wedding day...

April, I'm gonna stop you right there.

I haven't had much luck selling chick-lit writers.

Umm, I have this futuristic love story idea I think is promising.


I know it sounds a little young adult-ish, but the story could be really compelling.

Y.A. Is a great idea for you.


It's an evergreen market, but more importantly, that kind of debut novel from you could be positioned as a young adult Keys.

You think people would be interested in it?

I think the New York publishing houses would.

If you could work on this full-time, it's possible we could have a book on shelves in three years, maybe even two.

Two or three years?


(Chuckles) I guess...

With my dad, it just seemed like he always had a book coming out.

He's an established author.

I would love to work with you, April.

I have to head back home early next week, so if you want to get started, we should probably meet again before I leave to make some plans.

What do you think?

April: Two or three years?

Do I have two or three years? I mean, let's be real.

This could be my only book.

This could be what I leave behind.

How am I supposed to make a decision on what to write with that kind of pressure?

I know she's sick, but she's intense.

I love it. Perfect for you.

Frankie, what did we say about unfiltered honesty?

Well, some things never change. Sorry.

You don't need to apologize for anything.

Leo told me all about how you two fell out of touch, but you were the first person he thought of when it came to his best man.

Though by best man, I wasn't expecting the most beautiful person ever.

You should've seen her in her awkward stages.

Oh, you wanna talk about awkward stages?

Well, I've got plenty of awkward...

I want those stories.

Okay, well, we should focus on the most pertinent topic at hand, April's book. The solution to which seems quite clear...

Do what the agent says.

(Sighs) You think?

When you look at decisions like this as life or death, of course they're paralyzing. So stop!

You want to be a published author. This agent can get that for you.

So go write your young adult masterpiece, and get the enduring fame and social media bragging rights that come along with it.

Yeah, and when your book's successful, Leo can finally be the useless trophy husband he was always destined to be.

Another fantastic point.

Well, if I want to get published, this is the way to do it.

There you go! Now, get to work. No more stalling.

Oh, something else came up. We need another band for the wedding.

Classic stalling tactic.

No, I'm serious.

The band called. They double-booked, so they canceled on us.

Okay. Well, fine.

Frankie and I will find a band.


And you focus on writing your book.

All right? Now write!

Write like the wind. Write!

Bunch of us are going to a party at Taylor's tonight. Can you make it?

No, I still can't be out in public like that.

Germs and stuff.

That bites, man.

Maybe next time.

Yeah. Maybe.

So, going to school is the only thing you're allowed to do?

That's a bummer.

Yeah, well, I'm happy to be out of my boring, sterile house.

Doctor's think I'm already taking a risk being back in school this fast, but what can I say? This is the face of a rebel.

(Both laugh)

Are you neutropenic?

Yeah, I am, and how do you know what that is?

My sister has leukemia.

I know more about cancer at 17 than I ever thought I would.

Yeah, me too. (Chuckles)

Hey, you should come over tonight.

Everyone's gonna be out of the house except for me and my friend, and because of my sister, the house is totally sterile.

Yeah. Yeah, I... I think I can do that.


Yeah, very cool.


(Deadpan) You look stunning.

(Deadpan) Stop. You promised you wouldn't get emotional.

So, how do we even find a wedding band?

Do we put up fliers? "Wanted: One wedding band."

Do you remember that time sophomore year we tried to start a cover band?

It was one of the dumbest things we ever did.

Speaking of dumb things that we did, remember that time that you emailed me that you had cancer and I never heard from you again?

Oh, by the way, I have something for you.

Ow! Dude!

Did you really think that after years of radio silence, that I would just hop on a plane, come and be your best man, and never bring this up?

You were a real douche to me.

Okay, well, look, I was to everyone.

Since when was I everyone?

My best friend was dying and you wouldn't even give me the time of day.

I know. I...

Did a lot of stupid things when I was sick.

But I'm not like that anymore.

I've changed. I have.

And if there's any silver lining to what grew in my head, it's that. I mean...

Do you really believe someone as smart, and... beautiful, and wonderfully weird as that girl you just met, would marry the old me?

(Whispers) Yeah.

Yeah, well, before she wises up and leaves your butt at the altar, we should probably do what you promised we'd do.

Yes! To the Internet!

Let's see here. All right, "wedding bands."

And there are a hundred pictures of gold rings.


We're screwed.

I cant believe you're a homeowner. This place is incredible.

I'm so impressed.

I heard Nina was impressed.

She emailed me about you today.

Well, she was great, and I've already started outlining an idea that she likes.

Wow. Sounds like this is coming together pretty fast.

This may be the only book I ever get to write.

I wanna leave behind something important.

Yeah, I can't imagine the pressure you must feel, and publishing a book is definitely a way to leave something behind.

Try not to think so much about the market.

What matters is that what you leave behind is important to you.

(Cellphone chimes)

Sorry. It's probably Leo.

Our wedding band backed out.

'Cause the wedding, the book, and the bachelorette party weren't enough.

I don't feel like I'm helping you with the book dilemma, but maybe I can help you with something else.




Oh, hey, Dominic is getting us a band, and a really good one.

Oh, I don't know who this Dominic is, but he might be my new best friend.

Hold up.

That's very sweet of Dom, but Frankie and I have the band situation covered.

That is so not even the slightest bit, remotely true.

Well, he knows this band personally and they don't normally do weddings, but he thinks that they'll do it as a favor.

He's gonna ask them at their show tonight.

Isn't band procurement traditionally the role of the groom?

Um, did he make that up?


Yeah, I think he made that up. No, that's not a thing. -Hm-mmm.

Okay, well, just give us more time, okay?

'Cause Frankie and I, we've got some...

Solid leads.



I just want music, so I can dance with you at our wedding.

Who cares who books the band?

All right, well, I'll go to the show tonight.

It's our wedding. One of us should be there.

And since you're at your bachelorette party, Frankie and I will go and make sure that the band is right for us.

Okay, if you really want to.

Of course we do!

I'll text Dom and let him know you'll meet him there.


Yeah, and when Gabe came to pick me up, he came right to the door. He didn't just text and say he was outside.


Give it time.

She's just going through a bit of a breakup.

Men act like they're all in, but when things get tough, they're outta there.

Amen, sister.

I'm sorry I'm late.

I'm sorry I'm crashing.

You're not crashing. Meg said she might bring you.

And I'm... so glad she did.

Oh, guys, this is Meg and Vanessa.

Hey. -Sorry you guys missed the wine-tasting.

We tasted some oaky wines.

An hour and a half with a sommelier, and still the only wine term Beth knows is "oaky."

(Laughter) -It's true. Let's get you caught up, though.

Alcohol, stat!


Something oaky coming right up!

Isn't it so amazing that Leo and April are getting married?

You know, when April was a little girl, she did vow to marry Leo, but at the time, she meant Leo DiCaprio.

(Laughter) -I never would've let him freeze in the ocean.

Yeah, but did you want to marry Leo or Jack?

Definitely Jack.

See? See? Fictional character crushes are always better than the actors.

I mean, Ewan McGregor in Moulin Rouge was my sexual awakening.

Mmm. I dated a guy who was only into fictional characters, and it didn't last long...

Women: Aw.

Even with the dressing up.


You're going to embarrass me, aren't you?

I'm... (Chuckles)

I had a thing for Lloyd Dobler in "Say Anything."

You mean with the trench coat and the boom box?

Yes! He was so romantic in that movie, and he was so sexy. Thomas took me to see it, and that night afterwards, we had the best...




Oh my God!

♪ Can't wait to see you, I could not have asked for more ♪

♪ ooh, this is real love ♪

I'm not impressed. You?

You would be lucky to get these guys to play at your wedding.

So, is there some sort of history between this Dominic and April?


I knew it! You're jealous.

And a hypocrite, 'cause April seems to have no problem with the fact that you and I used to date.

Okay, I really don't think that unfortunate week in sixth grade really compares here.

It is not just because Dominic used to date April.

It's also because he's... earnest and ingratiating.

He's like a greeting card with dimples.

(Cheers, applause)

Hey. Hey, you must be Frankie.



Great band.

Yeah, amazing sound.

Want me to see if they'll do your wedding?

I don't know.

Still mulling.

You don't like 'em, no worries.

But if you do, I should talk to them soon.

Gonna grab us another round from backstage. Think about it.

So, what happened to "cancer made me a nice guy"?

It did. Just... to everyone but him.

The guy is trying to do you a favor, and you're treating him like crap.

You won, okay? April is marrying you.

Now Dominic is her friend, so you can either engage in this lame pissing contest forever, or you can try and suck it up and be the better man that you've claimed you've become.
♪ Now and forever ♪

So you normally wear a mask?

Yeah, when I'm in an uncontrolled environment.

Or if I want to play Zorro.

(Laughs) Um...

Finn, if you want any snacks, those are all neutropenic.

I'm okay. Thanks.

Hypothetically, let's say you want to make out with someone.

Is there a secret opening?


Well, making out really isn't on the table.

The whole "uncontrolled environment" thing, but luckily I'm not swimming in offers.

I'll make out with you.

Ford, he just said that he can't make out! What is wrong with you?

Um, maybe... maybe I should... maybe I should go.

Why? Are you tired. If you're tired, you can lie down.

No, I'm not tired, I just...

I thought, because of your sister, you wouldn't act weird around me, but you're treating me like some cancer patient.

I'm... I'm sorry, but you are a cancer patient.

And I know, because of April, how things can be bad for you.

It just makes me anxious.

Well, if I make you so anxious, then why did you invite me?

Because you have cancer and I feel bad for you.

I'm... I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean that. I...

Hey, Ford, you wanna make out?

Yeah! Yes.

Well, you have been on exceptionally good behavior.

Did Meg give you a Stern talking to or something?

Okay, give me some credit.

I know I give you a hard time, but...

I think you're all right.


Two whiskey sh*ts, please.

So, are you dating anyone?

Me? No.

No, the monogamy thing is not really for me.

So you don't want to get married? Like ever?

Oh no. Personally, no. God, I like my freedom.

But... but good for you, for wanting to commit to Leo and being okay with all of that.

Never being single again, and knowing he's the last person you're ever gonna sleep with.

It's not like it's weird.

People get married all the time.


I mean, not people like us.

Most people can tie the knot, and say "forever," but deep down know that half of marriages end in divorce.

They could be single again. They likely will be.

But you and I are actually committing to spend the rest of our lives, potentially the very few days we have left, tied down to another person.

When you and I say "till death do us part," we really mean it. It's the end.

But hey, if that doesn't bother you, mazel tov. You are a braver woman than I.

Wait! No, no, no, no, no. My bachelorette party is over already?

Oh, babe, it's gotta end sometime.

Let's go to a strip club!

Girls: Yes!



This is what I need... a room full of men.


♪ It's a jungle in here ♪
♪ the natives are restless ♪
♪ the music is loud ♪

Have you seen my mom? I need... I need money for the strippers.

Hey, sweetie, you are being so delightful, but I just have to ask what's with April gone wild?

Beth... dear, sweet Beth, what were we thinking with a classy bachelorette party?

I admit it might be weird to bring your grandma to a strip club, which, by the way, it is!

Hi, fellas.

My entire life is at a crossroads, okay?

I have one week left at home.

This could be one of my only nights to be a single girl out with her single girlfriends.

Do you realize that I could never be single again!

This is my last freaking hurrah, and that's why we gotta do it right.

Hey, come on, it's normal to be nervous before your wedding, yeah, you're never gonna be single again, but you're marrying Leo! Think of all the exciting things that come with that.

Like what? Babies? Golden anniversaries?

Maybe you can look at it like that, but I can't count on any of those things.

That's why, tonight, has to be legendary.

That's why I need...

(Gasps) A bunch of dollar bills!

Okay, I'm gonna go get you some change.

Come on. Let's get a better view.



Let's go catch up with the girls.

No, no, no, no, no.

I mean, it was sweet of April to include me, but, really, she's gonna have a lot more fun with her friends.

So you're just gonna hide out all night?

You should enjoy the show.

No, I'm fine.

Really, strip clubs are not my scene.

Disagree. Strip clubs are everyone's scene.

I'm going to prove you wrong, Sara Carter.


Natalie, don't leave me here.

Talked to the guys, and they're in if you are.

Oh, that's awesome. Right?

(Clears throat) Dominic, thank you so much for doing this.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.

You're welcome, man. happy to help.

So, any word from April's bachelorette party?

Oh, you know, I did just get a text...

It says...

"Strippers!" With about 10,000 exclamation points.


April at a strip club.

I'm sure it's the one with the best Yelp reviews.



So she's pretty type "A," huh?

I tried to take her to a restaurant once, that we were just passing by...

Whoa, whoa, bad move. What if someone gave them two stars in June 2011?


So, how about you, Leo? When's your bachelor party?

Um, I don't think we're doing one.

Actually... surprise!

It's now!


Really? This is my bachelor party?

Yeah, I don't see why not. We got all the ingredients.

We've got music, alcohol, friends.

Yeah, friends.

What a great surprise. (Clears throat)

You want to join, Dim... inic?


Sure. Why not?

All right, let's get the party started.

Bachelor party.


Here we go.

Don't do it!

You're kind of k*lling the mood here.

Finn, I'm sorry I said that I felt bad for you, but you shouldn't do this to prove a point.

I'm not proving a point. I'm just making out with a girl.

But Ford is covered in germs!

I've seen her lick a parking meter before!

That was one time. It was to make a point about bureaucracy.

It's not worth the risk.

No, I think it is, okay?

I... I can't... I can't do it.

Finn, it's okay.

No, it's not, okay?

I'm alone in a house with two girls, and all I can think about is germs and how much I could really use a nap.

I mean, what kind of 17-year-old am I?

I know I'm lucky to be alive, right, but sometimes there's so many rules and things I can't do that it doesn't feel much like living.

I have an idea.

I think it's disgusting when women sexualize themselves for the pleasure of the male gaze.

Well, then don't think of it like that.

Think of it as a favor to me.

This was your plan all along.

Shut up.

(Both laugh)

Well, I'm definitely not tired now.


(Rock music playing)

(Sara whispering) Natalie, no!

What is this room?

You'll see!

(Sighs) Oh my... just...

We're not even supposed to be back here!


Man: Is Diane Court here?

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Whoa ♪


♪ Whoa, yeah ♪

(Women chuckle)

Okay, stop. Stop.

Don't stop.

I will not be the mother who gets a lap dance at her daughter's bachelorette party.

You're not!

You're Diane Court, so just relax...

And have fun.

♪ Ooh, you feel so good to me ♪
♪ I can feel you like a part of me ♪

Dance for me, Lloyd!

(Women laughing)

(Music continues)

Oh my God.



♪ The way you feel, you're making me feel ♪
♪ like you're ready for the time of your life ♪


(Women cheering)

♪ when you get up in your face ♪
♪ sexy ladies, break it up ♪

(Music continues)

They sure never looked like that when I was in the Navy.

(Women cheering louder)

Look at the ass on that sailor!

Wow! I never pegged you for an ass woman, Carver.

You should get up there and dance with him.

Right. Like anybody could just get up and dance.

Hey, hey, our friend's getting married!


Who's the bride to be?

Me! Me, me! I'm the bride!

All right, come on.

Oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.

(Laughs) Hello, sailor.

Hi. (Laughs)


(Whooping, cheering)

Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to step off the stage and take a seat.

Oh, no, no, read the shirt.

"I'm the bride, bitch"!

I'm still gonna have to ask you to step away from...

Hey, how dare you?

Okay, I'm somebody's wife, basically.


You... you... hey, you!

Get your damn hands off my granddaughter!

(Cell door slams)

Man: Jake, you've got two on the gate.

But... I'm a bride.


Your mom's working on bail.

You know, I finally let myself cut loose and have... a world-class bachelorette party, and I end up in jail.

You're in jail because of me.

Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have reached for the cop's nightstick, but...

That's not the stick I was reaching for.

You ever feel like no matter what you do, you just can't make the right choice?

Every choice is the right one when you make it.

You really believe that?


I've long since given up trying to figure out why things are they way they are.

Is that helping you get over things with Sam?

What happened with you guys?

Oh, honey, Sam... (Scoffs)

Sam wants to travel, see the country.

He wants to spend the winter in Sedona.

And he wants you to go with him.

And I wanna spend that time with you.

I can't have you... staying because you're afraid I might die.

Nobody in this family is dying any time soon!

You don't know what's going to happen.

Didn't you basically just say that?

How can I possibly leave you?

The same way I'm leaving the room I lived in my whole life.

And... marry a guy I really just met.

And the way I...

I hold my breath every time they test my blood and...

Scan my body.

You just hope and you pray that...

And if the results are bad...

You try to accept it, and you get back up, because... because...

Because that's the deal.

There's no last hurrah, is there?

No, every day is the last hurrah.

You have to go. You know that.

I do.

But not before your wedding.

And I need to make a decision about what may be the only book I ever write.

I thought you'd decided.

So did I.

I can't let fear guide that decision.

I know what I really wanna write.

I think I always have.

(Lock clicks)

Man: Ladies, you're free to go.


You ready?

Hell yes.

What are you even saying?

That doesn't even make any sense!

Val Kilmer is not the best Batman!

I like what I like.


(Scoffs) No way.


It's Christian Bale. Come on.


The voice. The suit.

There you go. Uh-huh.

Mmm! This guy knows what he is talking about.


Both: Mmm!

Oh, you two are too cute!

I gotta take a picture.

Ooh, yeah.




Adorable. Ooh! I'm 'gramming this immediately.

Tag me. hashtag... domino.

Ooh! It's your name, it's my name.

I like it. I like it. And I like you, dude.

(Chuckles) Back at you, dude.

I do.

Oh. You're nice. You're a nice guy.

You're a good guy. You're a harmless guy.

Harmless, huh? That's something everyone likes to hear.

No, no, no, no, no. I just mean, I was...

I used to worry that you would stay pissed at me about how everything went down with April.

Or worse, that you were gonna swoop in and try and steal her from me.

But that all seems kinda crazy now, doesn't it?

You know, I always thought that "Phantom Menace" was the best "Star Wars."

But you know, I get it, because you and April are just friends.

And what's great, dimples... Dom... Domples, is that we can be friends now, because I have nothing to worry about.

You don't want April back.

(Frankie clears throat)

♪ Gimme some more ♪
♪ don't hold back, baby, gimme some more ♪
♪ gimme some more ♪

I do.

I'm still in love with her, and I do want her back.


(Patrons gasping)

Woman: Oh my God. Did you see that?

You know what? April was right about you. You are a nice guy.

You're a good guy. You're a real harmless guy.

♪ Gimme some more, one, two, three, four ♪

Let's go.

(Patrons gasp)


(Music continues)

♪ Baby, gimme some more, gimme some more ♪
♪ one, two, three, four, gimme some more, gimme some more ♪

I know. I'm sorry.

I was my old self again.

No. That was fair.

♪ Gimme some more, gimme some more ♪
♪ one, two, three, four, gimme some more ♪


Some provisions.

Oh, Leo, thank you.


Thank you.




Everything okay?

What? Sorry.

I'm meeting with Nina later, so I'm just working on some notes.


How'd last night go?

Yeah, it was... it was... it was fine.

I'm thinking we should go with a DJ, though.

Oh, grandma and April got arrested.

(Gasps) Really?

Oh, it was just a little harassing-an-officer thing.

The charges were dropped. It's no big deal.

And I got to have a wonderful talk with my granddaughter.

Did we miss anything big?

Actually, there's something I need to tell you.

Can we talk?


Well, well.

Strippers, jail, mystery talks.

Sounds like you missed out, Bren.

Sounds like we both did. (Chuckles)

What's this?

It's a summary page for the book I wanna work on with you.

Is this the project we talked about?

It's a proposal for my memoir.

Look, another 20-something girl might come in here and hand you a memoir about her firsts...

Her first job, her first apartment, her first heartbreak.

But I have to think of all of these things as my lasts.

Being sick makes every decision I make so enormous, but it also keeps me from taking anything for granted, and I think that that's a perspective that will make my work stand out.

I know... I know you were excited about my young adult idea.

I was too. I wish I could write it. I could write everything...

Y.A., Chick Lit, Sci-Fi, even one of those 2,000 page biographies.

I want to do everything, but...

(Sighs) If I only get to tell one story, it's gotta be my story.

Wow. That's really brave of you, but publishing is a challenging business.

More so than ever. And I have to be honest with you...

I'm looking to work on projects with broader appeal.

If you want to write your memoir, I wish you the best of luck.

But you'll have to find someone else to work with.

I will.

(whispering) No, I swear, they really did.

Boy: Come on.

I'm not joking. I'm serious.

Dude. Dude.

When was this?

It was...

No way, man. You're lying.

I swear.

Come on.

They really did.


Hey, Finn. So glad you came over.

Would you guys give us a second?

(Boys laugh)

(Both laugh)

Looks like you got yourself a fan club.

Oh, who needs friends when you have a fan club?

Friends are overrated.

No, hey, hey, you've got a friend.

Pickle chip?

Hey, those better be neutropenic.

Neutropenic and delicious.

So delicious, and it's weird. I used to hate these things, but I love them now, and I don't know why.

Thank you!

Ford thinks they're gross.

Well, they are, but they're so good.


A memoir, huh? Very cool.

April: Yeah.

I don't know what sort of market's out there for the story of April Carver, but you were right. The market is not the most important thing.

I have to use this time to write the book I have to write.

I hope you let me read it.

Of course.

You've really been there for me through all of this.

I'm right around the corner.

Can I take you out for an official thank-you lunch?


Now's not really a good time.

Okay. Well, how about tomorrow?

Actually, looks like I'm going to be busy for a while with some stuff for my house and...

Why don't I call you when things clear up?

Okay, good luck with your stuff.
