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03x08 - The Good Fight

Posted: 09/06/15 11:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...

Hello there!


You look familiar.

I was sheriff outside of Seattle.

I just transferred in.

David: I'm firing Jeri, and I'm officially offering you her job.

Oh, hey, I'm Alex.

Hi! Uh, Paul. Watson.

Hey sis, I don't have any place to live.

[sighs happily]

Here you go.

Breakfast was delicious.

Aw, thank you.

My kitchen has missed you.

I have missed it too.

You don't have any milk.


I have milk.

2%. I drink skim milk.

Hey, it's okay.

You can pick some up after work.

I could, but so could you.

Well, I would love to, but I am slammed today.

Ah... what's on your... "slammed" agenda today?


According to my partner, we're still looking for a fourth.

It's Wednesday.

Yeah, I know.

I have to work.


I have court.

Well, I have court, too.

Get it?

We get it.

I got more.

Keep going if you... No?

Good? Okay.

Have fun, Will.

See ya!

[both laugh]

At least somebody's amused.

I cannot believe you two are related.

Oh, it's not his fault, or not all his fault.

It's my mother's, and every girlfriend that he's ever been with, and his ex-wife.

Will has never had to do for himself.

He always found somebody to do for him.

Is that someone now you?




And yet, here he is, with seemingly no intention of buying milk or leaving any time soon.

Will just needs to learn to take responsibility for himself.

So you are going to do what no woman has ever done before... change Will.

I don't want to change him.

I just want him to learn how to be responsible.

Ideally, responsible at another address.


Ah, well... time to face the music.

Your meeting at the Courier?

With my boss, yes.

I have to try and persuade him to change his mind about firing Jeri.

I love your loyalty, but is this a fight you really want to take on?

I have to.

No, you don't.

No, I do.

I can't help feel that if I hadn't gone to that meeting with Jeri in Seattle, the owner never would have gotten the idea to give me her job.

You haven't done anything wrong.

I know.

Still, it doesn't mean that I shouldn't try to make things right.


Have a great day.

Talk to you later.

Look, just a touch of skim milk, please.

Got it.

One coffee with a drop of thin-lady milk coming up.


Moon, you're not by any chance a baseball fan, are you?

Uh, I like a little more blood in my sports.

I've got two tickets to the Mariners' game tomorrow, and I don't want the extra ticket to go to waste.

A Mariners fan?

Well, actually, Yankees.



I don't know.

You don't seem like your average baseball fan.


What gave me away?

Your amazing heels.

You're quick.


Should see how fast I am without my foot in my mouth.

Well, do you like baseball?

I do.

I've got two tickets to the Mariners game.

Do you want to go?

Sure! That'd be great.

Okay. Here's my card.

Call me.


Thanks, Moon. Keep the change.

Moon: Thank you.

See ya.

See ya.

You are smooth.

What, me?

Well, you just got yourself a date.

I did?

I heard from an unnamed source that you sold your share of Charlotte's house to Buck?

And before you even say anything, you need to know I bet Cliff a foot rub that he was wrong.

Well, he's right, and you are terrible at protecting your source.

Darn it.

Love the man... not the feet.

I thought you were going to fight him to the death to keep that house?

So did I.


I was trying to hold on to something that you can't hold onto...


That's why Mom gave it to us.

It's time to let it go.

[door opens]

So... you sold your half to Buck?

I did... not to Saget Developments, but to your father.

Just in case Buck ever gives you any power in the company again, my mother's house remains safely in your father's hands.

That is so... incredibly... disloyal.



What? You wouldn't sell to your own brother, but you're gonna go ahead and sell to my father?

I didn't sell to Will because he was in business with you, and he sold to you without so much as a phone call to me.

All right, look.

It's not too late, okay? You can rescind your offer.

I already signed the papers.


Money hasn't changed hands. You're fine.

Buck sent good faith money before I signed the papers.

Olivia, Buck is going to cut up all that land, and he's going to sell it off, just like I was going to do, and you know it.

He signed an affidavit guaranteeing the land would be protected in perpetuity.

It will never be developed.

Now, if you will shut the door after you walk through it, that would be nice.

Or I can call my bailiff.



So you fought a Saget with a Saget.

I did.

I didn't think you had it in you.

I do.

I bet you're loving this, aren't you?

I'm not hating it.

[door closes]


[both squeal]


Well, looks like everyone's a winner but me... oh, and Warren.

Stinky cowboy feet.

So now that you have bested Warren and you have cleared up the gossip... you need to help me find a new venue for the Second Hand Swap.

The Second Hand Swap?

You know, it's where people bring in things that they can't sell or give away and they swap them with other people's stuff that they can't sell or give away.

It's a big community builder.

Covers love a good swap.


We have more than one swap?

Book swap! Craft swap! Garden swap!

How do you swap a garden?

Seeds and flowers.

Oh! [laughs]

Where have you been?


No, you haven't been here until you've been to the Cedar Cove garden swap.

Jennings, I need the recommendations for the Halicky case, like, yesterday.

The defense lawyer...


[clears throat]


[clears throat]


I didn't hear you come in.

Probably because you were asleep.

I wasn't asleep.

That's odd.

I've spent the last minute trying to wake you.

I highly doubt that.

Look, if the Miller case is too much, there is no shame in standing down.

You don't need to worry.

I've got it handled.

It is a big, complicated case.

I hit every deadline and given you no reason to take me off this case.

Except me catching you asleep on the job, which is cause for concern.


I came to work really early today.

I may have shut my eyes for a second.

But trust me, it won't happen again.


We will do this your way.

Remember, you are on probation.

If this case is not handled properly, you will be out of a job.

Are you sure you don't want to stand down?

Absolutely sure.


Hey, sis.

We won. Three out of four sets.

I... am... exhausted.

Oh, I forgot my key.

Thank you.

What are your plans?

Well, I thought I'd go home, take a nice, long, hot shower... probably get some lunch.

Justine is coming over later to look at some specs for a potential property.

Why? What are you doing? Want to join me for lunch?

I have to work.


I was talking more about, you know, your larger plan... your living situation... our living situation.

Got it.

You want to know how long your brother's going to be hanging around.

But this is great, right?

Living together?

I mean, it's like we really have a chance to get to know each other all over again.

If you're going to be living with me... you're going to have to help around the house.

Pull my own weight? You bet.


Put me to work, please.

Man, you're getting soft.

Nobody kicking your butt anymore.


So how's group?

Yeah, I like it.

Yeah? Any plans to see Missy?

Next weekend.

She's going to bring Julie too.

I don't know how you do it.

What, marriage?

No. Family.

You'll find out one day.

Nope. I'm not having kids.

Justine know that?

Well, we haven't talked about it.

What, you don't think that's a big thing?

We just started dating.

I don't know... with Missy, it was, like, third date she started talking about kids.

Is Jeri abrasive? Yes.

Does she rub people the wrong way?


Okay... oftentimes.

Once you get to know her, all right, she is... abrasive, but she's also honest and fair, and those are two traits that I find sorely lacking in our business... in a lot of business.

I appreciate your loyalty to Jeri.

Just makes me want to promote you more.

And I appreciate what Jeri did.

She stepped in at a difficult time at the paper and righted the ship.

But I no longer need someone to lead with an iron fist.

I need... well, I need someone else.

I need you.

I don't think loyalty to a colleague is the only thing giving you pause.

Look, David...

I'm a reporter.

It's in my blood.

And management has to make concessions, and I don't want to make those concessions if it means that I can't write the story that I want to write... or have to.

You have an authentic voice, unique and strong.

I want you to take the Courier to the next level.

I won't stand in your way.

I'll give you until the end of the day, then, loyalty or not, I'll have to move on.

I hope to hear from you soon.



What did I do to you?


I know it's you.

What are you talking about?

I heard from my old landlord in Seattle.

Someone's been asking questions about me.

Well, it wasn't me.

I don't believe you.

Says the woman with the fake I.D.

It's not fake.

It is, and so are you.

And I checked.

You aren't working for the sheriff's department.

They've never heard of you.

I didn't say I was working.

I said I wanted to work.

I know what you said.

And I've got court.


I'll have a notarized copy for you in the morning.

I like your efficiency.

I don't like wasting time.

We have similar styles.

I don't know about that.

Well, we both like to get things done, and we don't suffer fools.

I'd love to find a place for you on my team.

I'm going back to school to get my Master's in social work, but thanks.

Altruistic as well. Nice touch.

Hi, Justine. Hope you're leaving on my account.

Oh, by the way, there's no need to keep stopping by.

Okay, bye-bye.

You shouldn't have let that one get away.

Man, you're a piece of work.


You took me fishing.

I did.

Had to get me away from the office.

No, to spend time with you.

Yeah, right, Dad, spend time...

You wanted that house so bad, you knew the only way you were going to get it was to steal it from me behind my back, and then, what, send me off to some lake wearing stupid clothes?

I don't work that way. You do.

Excuse me?

You made some sort of back-room deal with Will Jeffers.

You did the same thing with Justine.

Justine came to me.

Oh, right, she came to you.

She didn't like the idea of what you had planned for the land and the house.

I don't like it either.

So I went to Olivia with an offer.

She liked my plan better than yours.


I'm really interested to know when you're going to break it to Olivia that you lied to her, Dad, and you're actually going to develop the land, which is exactly what I was going to do!

When you do that, I want to be there enjoying the moment.


I'm going to live there, Warren... make Cedar Cove my home.

Instead of New York?

Warren Buffet lives in Nebraska.

Come on, let's not fight.

I'll buy you out with a very generous offer and we can both move on.

You know, Dad... if you really think that I'm just going to hand over Charlotte's house to you, guess again.

Charlotte's house is over.

Now, the sooner you move on, the better it'll be for you.

So, what are you doing right now?

You're only thinking about me?


Lucky me.

Thank you.



Hi. Glad I found you. I wanted to ask... did you reschedule the Dunn hearing?

It was set for last on the docket tomorrow.

I granted defense a continuance.

Good. I wanted to get out early.

Big plans?

Ah, ticket to a Mariners' game.

Fun! With who?

Alex invited me.


Why are you smiling?

That's great.

Yeah, that I'm going to a baseball game?

Yeah, it's your first date in Cedar Cove.

Nah, I'm going to the game with Alex's ticket.

That's what I said. A date.

No! It's not a date.

I bumped into her at Moon's.

She didn't want the extra ticket to go to waste.

Ah. How are you getting there?

She's picking me up.

Are you friends?

No... not really.



She asked you to the game, she's picking you up... if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

It's a date.

It is.

I might not be able to go.


I have to... do my taxes.

It's the end of the summer.

I filed an extension.




I can actually see your nose growing.

What's the matter? She's nice.


It's one date.

Are you afraid to go on one teeny, tiny date?

Are you daring me to go out?


Well, I'm not one to back down from a dare, so...


I will go out, with Alex, on a date.

But if it goes poorly, I'm blaming you.

I think you're more afraid that it's going to go well.




Have you seen my glasses?

They're on your head.

Rebecca couldn't find her glasses.

They're on your head.

Thank you for that.

Rebecca, are you okay?

Seems like you haven't been sleeping much.

And you're cranky...

Or... more cranky than usual.

I'm fine.

I have a huge case, and I've had to put in extra hours, but I'm an attorney.

[knife thumping] This is the life I've signed up for.


Well, I work in a hospital, and I can tell you that sleep deprivation is the leading cause of accidents.

It's worse than drunk driving.

Thank you for that bit of trivia, but I've got it covered.

Okay, and I'm also cranky because your little friend Gloria showed up at the courthouse today.

Thank you for giving me my own private stalker, by the way.

Call your dad.

I did.


He was kind of cryptic, but he said we should stay away from Gloria until he gets back into town.

Did he say why?

Unless Gloria is an 80-year-old woman who died last year, he said Gloria is not her real name.

He thinks that she's stolen someone's identity.

Okay, no more being friendly to Gloria, or whoever she is.

That's just it... who is she?

[keyboard clacking]

[door opens]

[angry sigh]


I spoke to David.

He'd already made his decision.

There was nothing else I could do.

But you should least have the nerve to be straight with me.

I deserve that much.

Jeri, I didn't orchestrate your exit.

I haven't even accepted the position.

Well, you have to turn it down.

You owe me. And I'm here to collect.

You have to be joking.

I'm serious.

Well, you're seriously nuts if you think I have to turn this down to pay you back for... for what?

I got you noticed.

I'm the one who took your stuff to David in the first place.

Oh, so now I owe you for the rest of my career?



I'm a good friend.

I'm loyal.

And I got you this job.

Yeah, and I got myself this promotion.

And all you had to do was throw me under the bus.

Hey, hey, I don't work like that, and you know it.


Honey, I brought you a coffee.

Thank you.

Olivia... long time no see.

Aren't you sweet? Bringing coffee.

What a good girlfriend you are.

I'm not a pathological narcissist... so I enjoy doing things for people.

Bye, Jack.

Bye, Jeri.

Paul: Hi. I think I'm going to... pass on the baseball.

Oh, Paul...


When I went through my divorce, I did exactly what you're doing.

I threw myself into my work and avoided my life.

And it doesn't work in the long run.

Even before the divorce...

I hated dating.

Especially first dates.

It's like a job interview... with an awkward kiss at the end.

I think I got married just so I could stop dating.

It's a ride to a baseball game, with a hamburger on the side.

If anything gets weird or uncomfortable, just text me, and I'll call you with a court emergency.

You'd do that?

No, it's unprofessional.

But it's not going to come to that, I promise.

You're smart and funny and...

So... I'm funny?

[she laughs]


What's so funny?

Uh, apparently, I am.

Thanks for the pep talk, coach.

You're welcome.


I haven't seen you since you knee-capped me at the softball game.

Yeah, yeah. You ready for a re-match?

Next year?

Or sooner.

Let's do it sooner.


Men... Why is everything a competition?

'Cause it is.
How was Seattle?


David says that Jeri is fired whether I take the position or not.

Jeri says that she has the job until David replaces her, which means that if I take the job, I'm basically hammering the final nail in her coffin.

I feel sorry for her.

Because you're a good man.

All she has is that job.

That's not your fault... or your problem.

Unwavering support and loyalty, even in the face of someone as undeserving as Jeri... it's one of your greatest assets.

Does that mean you'll support whatever decision I come to?

Of course I will.

He played me.

Who, Buck?


You know, in order for me to develop that beautiful piece of land, Moon, I've got to find some way to get him to sell me his half, but we both know he's not going to do that, right?


What I can't get over is how I never saw it coming.

I mean, I started to trust him.

Obviously, that was my first mistake.


No more.

Nope, my radar is on high alert.

I'm... no more fishing.

No more father-son chit-chats.

Maybe you should just move away.

What? No. Look, I'm not going anywhere.

I was here first.

My father, he's the one who needs to move away.

All I'm saying is, instead of pushing him out, maybe you should focus your efforts on pulling him in a new direction.

That's not going to work.

Moon, Buck is the kind of guy that you need to push.

Thanks anyway.

You know, I know you don't like me.


What I don't know is, why you're giving me such helpful advice?


Buck has been skimping on his tips.


Point taken.

Luke: Okay, try now.


What's all this?

Oh, Luke's just helping Uncle Will with your list of home repairs.

You got Luke to do everything on your list?


Luke knows his way around a tool kit.

Hey, have you ever heard of such a thing as a Wallet Ninja?

Will... I asked you to do those things.

Why does it matter who did it?

You wanted it done, it's done.

I see it as a win-win.

That's not the point.

Then what is the point?

You can't pawn off everything in your life onto other people.

I'm a delegator.

My strongest skill is knowing other people's strengths and weaknesses.

You two want to stay for dinner?


Uh, great.

What is for dinner?


You don't mind if we stay?

I just like that my mom and Uncle Will are getting along so well.

I'm... not sure that I'd call it getting along.

Is something wrong?

No, it's all good.


I just thought maybe we could spend the night alone.


Just because.

But we can stay.

I know you want to be here with your mom and uncle.

Thanks. I do.

Am I interrupting?


I was just trying to take a power nap.

But it's not working.

You might want to try closing your eyes.

It's an open-eye sleeping technique.

It's stupid.

Anyway... can I help you?

You know, when I was in law school, I used to dunk my head in a bucket of ice water to stay awake.

It was painful, but it worked every time.

I don't think so.

I just don't want to see you burn yourself out.

If I say I'm fine, I'm fine.

I still don't have the recommendations for the Halicky case.

I am happy to do them for you if it'll help.

I'll have them on your desk in an hour.

Glad to hear it.



Oh, come on!

Don't do this.

Don't you dare do this.

Please do not do this.

[keyboard clacking]


Ooh, I hate the Internet.

It doesn't hate you.

Mom? Seriously. You look a little tense.

Yeah! I'm a lot tense.

The Second Hand Swap is right around the corner and I have nowhere for people to swap, and now the Internet is down!


You're a genius.


Now, what else can I do?

Well... you don't happen to know of a large area suitable for a Second Hand Swap, do you?


But I can help look.


Yeah, I love the Swap.

I went to a few in New York, but believe it or not, they could not hold a candle to the Cedar Cove swap.

Oh, what about the library?

Oh, it's booked.

The courthouse parking lot?

Nah, they're re-paving the parking lot.

Switch to a weekend?

No, re-paving goes through the weekend, and more places are unavailable on a weekend than a weekday.

Okay, we need a place, and we need it now, so let's make a list and start calling.

Maybe we'll get lucky.

Honey, that is a great idea.

We are going to call every place with a parking lot in Cedar Cove.

So there's Branigan Water, Cralle Brother Contracting, Elinio's Pizza Paradise...

Why aren't you writing this down?

Oh, me? Sure.

Do you want a coffee?

I'm good.

Yeah, a cup of tea would be nice.

Would you like me to get that?

Sure, but after you do the list.

Okay, now, where was I?

Jeri, I wanted you to hear this from me.

I am going to take David up on his offer.

And I hope that you believe me when I tell you that I had nothing to do with David letting you go.

I would never go behind your back.

But I just simply can't fight your fight.

And it would mean a lot to me if I could have your blessing and a little help as we go through this transition.

There's one thing I know for sure.

You will never get my blessing for stealing my job.

I've got to tell you, Dad, I would literally pay to see you leave town.

What, with my credit cards?

Kid, this is the new normal.

Get used to it.

Or what?

Nothing stopping you from leaving town.

Look, let me ask you this.

Why must you live in Cedar Cove?

Why? Tell me that.

I mean, look, it's like a bunch of small potatoes here.

You know how, if you eat in a restaurant all the time, at certain point you crave a home-cooked meal?

Oh, yeah.

Well, for me, Cedar Cove is like a home-cooked meal.

I've been eating out my entire life.

Like it or not, I don't care, son...

I'm home.

Paul: You've shown amazing restraint.

Not talking about the Baker case?

Not teasing me about my date.

Oh... you're calling it a date now?

No, you are.

You just did.

Well, it is a date when you meet someone...

So? It's a date.


Hey, Jack.

Um, can I buy you guys a coffee?

No, I'm good, thanks.

Who's got a date?


With Alex.

Oh, nice.

We're going to a baseball game together.

A date.


I should get going.


Well, that'll make Alex happy.


She likes him.


What are you doing here?

The Court Clerk told me I might find you walking along the seawall.

I wanted to ask you out myself.


I thought I'd have a better chance if we didn't actually plan something and we just did it.

So, how about dinner?

We haven't had a lot of luck in that area, have we?

Want to change our luck?

Yes, I do!

Can I meet you there?



I'll see you there.

Don't judge me.

I only have 10 minutes before I need to be back at work, and I missed lunch, and I have to eat now because I'm going to miss dinner too.

You still look tired.

Did you try the open-eye sleep trick?

I did.

And I looked like an idiot in front of Paul, so thank you for that.

Your boss is so handsome.

Gross. I'm eating.

I'm just saying. Those eyes...

I mean, hello.

He's my boss.

My much older boss.

May to December romances are coming back.

Hmm... according to the research scientists at which fashion magazine?

The only thing I care about is my career.

Within three years, I, not Paul, will be Cedar Cove's lead D.A.

Within five years, I will be the lead D.A. for a major urban center, preferably on the east coast, but I'm flexible.

Watch out, baby blue eyes, I'm gunning for your job.

What about getting married and having babies?

What about it?

What's your timeline for that?


I plan to be married within three years, and I want to have my first child before I'm 30.

I'm really hoping it's a girl.

Or twin boys...

Leo and Max.


I'm going to go back to the real world now.

I'm going to be home late, so don't get all worried.

You look happy.

I am happy.

I have a date with Jack.

Well, you guys seem better.

We are better.

We need to be better.


When I asked you to help around the house, I didn't mean for you to get Luke to do it.

Everything got done.

But not by you.

Why does that matter?

Accountability, Will.


I'm not your ex-wife, or your mother.

I am not going to take care of you.

Who asked you to?

You did.

I didn't.

You have a way of asking without asking, but it is still asking.

I didn't.

You moved in here.

Because I want us to get along.

Because you didn't have a place to stay.

And your idea of getting along is me doing everything.

That's on you. Not me.

You like it that way.

You know I'm right.

Thanks for coming with me tonight.

Oh, I love baseball.

Me too.

You know, ever since that dinner at Olivia's, I was hoping that we'd run into each other... and do something.

You were?

I was.

Well, here we are.

We are here.

Eating pizza.

Because I asked you out.

I did! I just want to be clear.


It's too aggressive, huh?


No, I mean, you're not shy, I'll give you that.

It's Wall Street and being raised with six brothers.


Yeah. You?

Six. Brothers and sisters?

Where do you fall?

Eldest. You?


This is the first thing we have in common.

Well, this, and baseball and pizza.

True, true.

Grace: Okay...

How on earth did you get Moon to give us his courtyard on one of his busiest days of the week?

I did my puppy-dog sad face.

I taught you that face.

You did.

Poor Moon... didn't stand a chance.

Aw, honey.

Thank you so much for helping me with this.

I loved it.

It's why I love living here and living so close to you.

Aw. But you love John.

Trying to work things out.

I miss him so much.

Oh, honey...

Well, I'm here if you need me... to listen, talk... eat ice cream.

[laughs] Aw, thanks, Mom.

Jack: So... we finally got here.



I have been trying to take you out for a nice romantic dinner for what seems like forever.

Are we celebrating something?

I am going to take the job.


Go on.

Um... what's your first article going to be?

Not article...


Nobody owns water.

It legally belongs to everybody.

I can't wait to read it.

I can't wait to write it.

You know, the only thing that makes this moment in my life better is that we're sharing it together.

That's so sweet.

I, um... saw this, and I thought of you.

I wanted to mark the day.


Jack... it's beautiful.

So are you.


I want to make sure that you're okay with my decision about taking this job.

Actually, more than okay.

We're a team, me and you, right?

I want to know that you're good about me taking this job.

Jack Griffith...

I support you 100%.

I am very lucky.

So am I.

That was fantastic.

I can't believe the game ended that way.

Three people on base, two outs, three fouls... and that pitch...

Oh, homer, right over the fence.

Beautiful grand slam.


Thank you for the ticket.

You're welcome.

And thank you for the dinner too.

It was fun.

It was.

Next time, though, remind me that heels and stadiums don't mix.


Next time?


Are you sure you don't want a ride home?


Yeah, I love to walk.

New Yorkers always do, huh?


Thank you... for the ticket.

You're welcome.


Justine: This is nice.

Luke: Yeah, it is.

Can I ask you something?


Where do you see yourself going?


Yeah, like, 10 years from now?

Oh. You mean my future?



10 years, huh?

Give or take.

I guess, uh... married.

Kids... twins, I hope.

Jordan and I were twins, so...


A dog... Buddy.

A lab.

A house for the kids and Buddy...


Too much?


It's just you have it all planned out.

I've been thinking about some of these things since I was a little girl.

Things you want?


Family, home, dog...

So, what does your future look like?

I don't know.

But it doesn't involve kids.

Maybe you'll change your mind.

Maybe I'll be the girl to change it.

You are the most amazing girl I have ever dated.

But even you won't be able to change my mind about having kids.

It's not something I ever want to do.




I love seeing you this excited.


Well, it's a new world for me, management.

You're going to be great.

I have had so many terrible editors in my life, I swore that if I ever got a chance to do the job, I would do it right... people would actually be excited about coming to work.





Oh, hey, boss.

Uh, this is...


Already talking about me?

That's either good or bad.

[laughs] No, it's all good.

Well, you know my name, but I don't know yours.

Oh, I'm sorry.

This is Olivia Lockhart.

Nice to meet you.


I was just showing her the office.

Well, let me know if you need any help with finding a place to live.

Oh, I'm staying in Cedar Cove.

Well, the job is more than full-time...

And the job is here... in Seattle.

[phone rings]


No, I haven't. Have you tried the house?

Yeah, I'll call you as soon as I see her.


Another skinny latte?

Something wrong?

That was Rebecca's boss.

She didn't show up for work this morning.

Haven't seen her.

You are being so short-sighted here, Alex.

I mean, here I am, offering you a 10% bump in salary, not to mention six percent equity in the company, and you're doing... you've been here, what, two seconds?

Alex, look at me.

This is an outrageous offer.

If I was you, I would jump on it.

Buck hired me.

I'm not going to just overthrow him, or whatever you called it, just so you can prove a point to your father.

Let the Charlotte house go.

Move on... for you, not for him.

You think Buck would have done the same for you?

Let's be serious here.

I'm his son. You saw what happened.

Kicks me out of my own company, purchases my share in Charlotte's house behind my back.

Now, what father does that to his son?

He's a snake, Alex.

Says the son of the snake, which, by the way, also makes you a snake.

You know, you can't even talk...

Listen, if I was you, I would seriously think about this offer.

Look, as soon as Buck is done messing with my life, and he gets bored and moves on...

And trust me, he will...

You're history.

I checked her room.

It doesn't look like she slept here.

Rebecca is smart and capable.

I'm sure she just fell asleep somewhere.

We should call the sheriff.

I think we have to wait 24 hours.

She's okay, right?

I'm sure she is, and we'll yell at her when we find her, but first, we need to find her so we can...

Yell at her.


Mr. Watson.

Judge Lockhart.

Will I have the pleasure of your company in my courtroom today?

More than you know.


Rebecca's a no-show.

She didn't come to work?

Nope, she did not.

Did you call her?

At her house?

Yeah, her roommates haven't seen her.

That's not good.

What, that my highly stressed out, type-A workaholic A.D.A., who is always on time, isn't here, and is not answering her cell?

No... it's not good.