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03x01 - The White Warrior

Posted: 06/03/14 21:02
by bunniefuu
[Indistinct talking]

Where's the doctor?

He's out.

I need as much O-negative blood as you have.


Now! Hurry!

I got a man bleeding to death back here.


Branch, open your eyes.

Open them! Don't you close them again.

Hurry up!

Coming. I'm coming. I'm coming.

What the hell happened to him?

He got shot.


Oh, man.

What the hell'd you do to him, man?

I did what I could.

Hold on.


I... taste... green.

I need you to taste something else. Bite.



Come on.

Hurry up.

Okay. He's good.

Keep those legs up.


Just hang in there. Breathe. Breathe.

You're gonna be okay.

You know, you really should call 911.

I am 911.

Pull over!

Pull over!

[Horn blaring]

Stop right there, Sheriff!

I need to speak to Henry.

I said stop!

What are you gonna do, Mathias? sh**t me?


If Henry's under arrest, he should be in my jail.

The Denver P.D. who issued the warrant for his arrest felt that represented a conflict of interest.

You're not taking him to Denver.

I am.

He already signed the letter saying he's not fighting extradition.

If you'd let Henry talk to a lawyer, he'd never have signed that.

He waived that right, too.

Let me talk to him.

I just want to make sure he's getting the right kind of legal assistance.

Now, you don't want to be the reason this thing gets thrown out on a technicality, do you?

One minute. No more.

Did you really waive your rights?


Well, I just unwaived them.

I'm gonna get you out of this, Henry.

Really? How?

I don't know yet.

For starters, I'm gonna get you the best lawyer money can buy.

I am not sure that matters, but thank you.

There's more than enough in my safe to pay for it.

The one in your office?

Do you remember the combination?


There is something else?

Why'd you hold on to those teeth?


I wanted to make sure you never tried to take the fall for a m*rder you did not commit.

Time's up.

I got a good three hours of paperwork ahead of me.

He's not signing any waivers.

Either way, he's not going with you.

I'm taking him over to Tri-County Jail.

[Engine turns over]


What the hell happened here?


I got upset.

Ferg: Are you okay, Sheriff?


Been better.

Ruby, I... need a good lawyer... the best.

See if you can get me Neil Strahan on the phone.

Walter. When are you gonna tell us what is going on here?

Hey, Ferg, why don't you go make a pot of coffee while Ruby tries to get that lawyer on the line, okay?

What happened?

And don't give me any of that monosyllabic Gary Cooper crap.

Talk to me.


My wife didn't die of cancer.

She was m*rder*d by a meth head named Miller Beck.



I'm so sorry.

Why didn't you tell anyone?

Miller Beck turned up dead a few months back.

And Henry was just arrested for his m*rder.



But he didn't do it.

And you know that how?

It's all right, Vic. I didn't k*ll anyone.

Then whose blood is that?

Oh, it's, um... it's Branch's.




Walt, stop!

I can't.

Is Branch okay?

I hope so.

He got shot.

They're working on him now, but he lost a lot of blood.

Who shot Branch?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

I'm gonna need a ride.

He said he's in a recovery room.

Maybe he's still in surgery.

Excuse me, do you know where Deputy...


Did you send my son into harm's way with no backup?

How is he, Barlow?

How is he?

You took him to a damn res clinic.

And they stabilized him and got him here.

They given you an update on his condition?

He just about died.

His wounds were stitched up with fishing line.

Did you use a rusty hook, too, just for good measure?

I did the best I could under the circumstances.

You better hope he makes it through surgery, 'cause if he doesn't, I'm holding you personally responsible.


What's that?

I'm gonna need to talk to the sheriff.

Is he okay?

He was lucky.

The b*llet went clean through without hitting any major organs.

Sheriff? It's important.

Are you kidding me? He's my son.

Mr. Connally...

Got something to say, say it to me.


Get your hand off me.

I was cleaning the abdominal wound when I noticed something.

It was under some muscle tissue.

I almost missed it.

It would've caused a serious infection.

Walt: It's a crow feather.

You ever seen anything like that?


Okay, so how did a four-inch crow feather end up inside your deputy's b*llet wound?

Somebody put it there.

[Breathes heavily]




Hey, son.

They said you might be waking up.

I brought you a ginger ale.


And the sheriff's here.

He wants to ask you a few questions.

You don't have to do it if you don't want to.

I'd be more than happy to tell him to piss off.

I can talk.

Hey, Branch.

I don't want to take too much of your time.

I just want to know if you remember what happened.

I got shot.

Yeah. Twice.

When I first found you, you told me you'd been shot by a dead man.

What'd you mean by that?

David Ridges.

Barlow: Who the hell's David Ridges?

The guy from the su1c1de video?


Only he was wearing makeup... grayish white all over his face and body, like w*r paint.

And at some point after he shot me, he was standing over me, chanting and dancing.

He had these black feathers on his head.

You remember firing your w*apon?

I think so.

That's my boy.

I hope you hit the lndian son of a bitch.

I just remembered Nighthorse.

Jacob Nighthorse?

I was out at the funeral pyre earlier with him.

I wanted to collect some DNA evidence.

Jacob said if I went back, someone would come after me.

So, that Nighthorse got this guy Ridges to sh**t you?

David Ridges is dead.

I saw him, Walt.

Before I got shot, I collected some of the ashes.

Did you pick up the evidence bag that I had?

I was kind of focused on getting you help, so...

You got to get that bag, Walt.

Those ashes... they're not David's.

[Breathing heavily]

I'm not crazy.

Doc. What kind of meds you have Branch on?

Uh, antibiotics to fight infection, coagulant, Dilantin.

I need you to do me a favor.

I want you to run a test, see if he's got anything else in his system.

What do you want me to check for?

Something that might explain hallucinations.

[Whistle blows]

Man: Right here. Move your feet.

There you go. There you go. Yeah!


Watch the back door. Watch the back door.

Yeah! Yeah!

[Indistinct shouting]

[Whistle blows]

Hey, Jeff.

Better luck next time, brother.

Yeah. See you next year. See you next year. Okay.

Hey, Sheriff.


So, uh, I take it your visit is about Henry.

He never showed. His team almost forfeited.

I'm sure they appreciated you helping out.

I know Henry did.

So, where is he?

That's not your concern.

Right now, I need to talk to you about a conversation you had with Branch.

Oh, right, the, uh... the David Ridges thing.

Look, I know that, uh, what I did might fall slightly outside your laws, but all I was doing was honoring David's wishes.

By burning his body on a raised platform?

That's not exactly a traditional Cheyenne burial.

David honored traditions from many tribes.

Branch said you threatened him.

Said if he tried to collect any of David's ashes to test them, you would come after him.

I warned him that the fury of the Cheyenne nation would come down on him.

I was speaking about spirits, of course... about bad fortune.

Branch was shot three hours ago.

He went back out to where you told him not to go, and he got shot.

And you think I did it?

Did you?


And if you need an alibi, I was at a Chamber of Commerce meeting.

What about David Ridges?

Oh, I'd say David's got an even better alibi, given that he's dead.

Not according to Branch.

Branch saw him out there.

He saw David?

What did he say David looked like?

He was wearing white makeup on his face and body.

A White Warrior.


Are you a religious man, Walt?

I'm a private man.

I didn't realize how weak my own belief was until now.

I saw David dead.

I burned his body.

And he came back.

He traveled through time.

Does anyone else know about Branch's vision?


If people hear about it, they're gonna want to visit the site.

It's a sacred place.

It's also a crime scene.

So keep it to yourself.

Vic: You believe in that kind of stuff?

Ask me later after I find that bag of ashes Branch left out there and get it analyzed.

Mathias and his Denver buddies were messy.

And luckily...


Not in the mood to move a 300-pound piece of evidence.

Battle of Little Bighorn was 18... 76.

Last time Washington won the Super Bowl was '87, right?

Didn't they beat Buffalo in '92?

Right. Right, but that was for the '91 season, so...


Hey, Walt, um... [Clears throat]

I'm really sorry about your wife.

No one should have to go through that kind of thing alone.

Why didn't you tell anyone?

It must've been hell keeping all that inside.


Letting it out doesn't feel much better, so...

Know any good lawyers for 1,200 bucks?

Not any good ones.

If we can't afford a good lawyer, we're gonna need a good witness.

I need you to get to the Cumberland County Sheriff's office.

Have them release Hector back into our custody. Call me when you got him.

Meantime, I need to get out to where Branch was shot before all the evidence blows away, so...

Walt, you don't have your truck.

Here, take mine.

I'll drive my husband's while he's at work.

Thanks, Vic.
[Bird caws]

This is where Branch went down.

That bag of ashes should be around here.

Ferg: Who'd want to sh**t Branch?

Wearing a badge ain't exactly the safest job in the world.

It's just hard to imagine somebody could sneak up on him out here.

I mean... there's nowhere to hide.

Maybe... maybe it was some kind of evil spirit.


Walt: One thing's for sure.

Those b*ll*ts that hit Branch were real.


Better start looking for casings or slugs.

[Vehicle approaches]

You know, I speak a few languages.

One of them's English.

And I recall using that clearly with you to tell you to quit trespassing.

You here to process the crime scene?

I'm out here to kick you off my res.

My deputy was shot out here.

And I hope he pulls through.

In the meantime, this is sacred ground, and you are getting off of it.

Grave robbing's a crime, Sheriff.

So is attempted m*rder. That's evidence.

You got to strike a balance between respect for the living and respect for the dead.

I'm not gonna press charges against you.

We'll file a grievance with the FBI for your not notifying me before entering my jurisdiction.


You can't do that. This is...

It's okay, Ferg.

Let's go.

Mathias: And if you think about coming back after I'm gone, you're gonna have quite a wait.

Not going anywhere.



I'm gonna need you to take Branch's car over to the hospital with the evidence.

What evidence?

The evidence you just stole from right under Mathias' nose.

Base to unit 3. You there, Walt?

Go ahead, Ruby.

Vic just called in.

She's en route to Cumberland County.

She didn't tell me what for.

She's going to get Hector released.

Were you ever gonna fill me in on your whereabouts?

I'm gonna see Henry in jail. Is that all?


Do you want to talk to Dr. Weston while you drive?

He's holding.


Hey, Sheriff, uh...

I just sent the Ferg over with some DNA remains I need analyzed straight away.

Two times in one day you've asked me to use science to help you out.

When did you go all CSI?

I'm just playing the cards I was dealt.

Those tests usually take weeks.

Maybe you could call in a favor.

Yeah, I'll see what I can do.

Um, meantime, I thought you'd like to know that Branch did have something in his system.

You're never gonna believe what it was.



He never struck me as the peyotl type.


I think that feather you found in his wound was laced with it.

What makes you think that?

When I was sewing Branch up, he was rambling, saying he could taste colors.



Then he identified the sh**t as a guy who's dead.

That's a nice diagnosis.

You should've gone to med school.

Then again, they'd never have taught you how to perform surgery using fishing tackle, so...

Let me know if you can speed along those DNA results from Ferg.

Will do.

[Door buzzes]

You must be here to break me out.

I suppose you have a couple of horses right outside the window.

I'm sorry. Did I miss something?

Is this a joke?

It is what it is.


We both knew this might happen.

Doesn't mean we have to accept it.

What is so bad about accepting fate?

Is that what this is about?

That why you signed that extradition waiver?

I do not see the point in fighting just to fight.

I'm fighting to keep you in Wyoming.

If you're in Denver, you're in Fale's territory.

You're out of my control.

Well... I can take care of myself.


And you can play the fatalistic Zen monk all you want, but if they put you away, they stop investigating, and we never find out who is really behind all this.

Now, if you're not willing to fight for yourself, you do it for my wife.

Did you find a lawyer?

You can't afford a lawyer.

There is $40,000 in my safe.

No, there isn't.

How much is there?

[Sighs] About $1,200.

Someone else know the combination of that safe?


[Clears throat]

Well, Public Defender's Office is strong.

I'll get Cady to make sure you have the best one.


Now, are you going to tell me why you were covered in blood earlier?

Branch got shot, but he's doing okay.

Shot by whom?

He said the guy looked like David Ridges, but...

But Ridges shot himself.

So we saw.

Branch also said the sh**t was covered in w*r paint.

What kind of w*r paint?

Whitish gray. All over his body.


The White Warrior.

You might be dealing with some very bad medicine here.

[Door buzzes]

Man: Time's up, Sheriff.

Be careful, Walt.

These guys are unpredictable... kind of our version of religious extremists.

Don't worry about me.

We just need to focus on getting you out of here.



I have no lawyer. My girlfriend stole all my money.


But at least we still have Hector.

Hector tells his story to a judge, any half-decent public defender ought to be able to establish reasonable doubt.

[Police radio chatter]

Hey. Hey!

What the hell happened here?

We were holding a prisoner in our cell... big lndian fella.

Wouldn't say a word to anybody, then he just freaked out.

Was his name Hector?


You from Absaroka?

Guess we got you to thank for all this, then.

Where is he? I need to talk to him.

If you could find him.

Excuse me?

Hector escaped. He's gone.

I know. I know. I know.

Maybe I could explain it better if you would stop yelling.


Tell you what.

Why don't you call me back later when you've calmed down a little?

Or better yet, don't.

You know the only thing worse than concrete subcontractors?


Me neither.

I'm looking for Hector.

This about Branch?

I've looked for Hector where I know to look for him.

And I remember you two seemed to have a special relationship.

I helped the man out of a jam a year ago, but our relationship began and ended there.

So, is this sudden need to find Hector about Branch?

Or is it about Henry?

I heard he's in some real trouble.

Let me know if you see or hear from Hector.

It's important.

Well, I wouldn't wait by your phone.

This is an unusual piece.

Are these raven feathers?

Raven, crow, and eagle.

Don't touch that!

It's an antique.

It's more than 100 years old.

Well, then, I'll be extra careful with it.

So, who did it?

Perhaps, you can answer a few questions for me, I might be able to answer that for you.

You know, I hadn't talked to Branch's mother in almost a decade until today.

She called to scream at me.

You'd think I was the one who'd shot our son.

Nothing like a little family trauma to remind you of why you divorced someone.

Branch is gonna be okay.


Now, what was it you came here to ask me?

Can you confirm that Jacob Nighthorse was at yesterday's Chamber of Commerce meeting?

Of course he was there.

His casino is gonna account for half this county's commerce before the year is out.

Now, that is the second time that bastard's name has come up when asking about who shot my son.

You think Nighthorse did this?

It's hard to see how.

You just made his alibi, so...

Well, it wasn't a ghost, so you must have some other leads.

No leads. But I have a notion.

A notion?


Hard to believe my son lost to you.

Well, are you gonna make me beg to hear this notion of yours?

Maybe Branch wasn't the target.

Maybe someone was using him to get at you.


If that's true...

The sh**t better hope that you get to him before I do.






Branch, stop!

Stop! Stop!



Cady, I'm sorry.

I was dreaming.

They've got me on all these meds.

Yeah, it's okay.

You're not gonna tell anybody about that, are you?

[Knock on door]

Hey, Dad.

I was just running down to the [Clears throat] cafeteria.

Do either of you want anything?

I'm okay.

Branch: No, I'm good.


Have you found David Ridges?



Listen, um, Branch, I...

You don't believe me.

I believe you're telling me what you saw, but, um... you weren't necessarily in your right mind.

I know what I saw.

You were on dr*gs.


That's insane. I don't...

Peyotl. You were dosed.

What? How?

The doctor pulled a peyotl-laced crow feather from out of one of your wounds.

You were hallucinating, Branch.

I saw Ridges before I was shot.

You sure about that, Branch?

I mean, you've been through a lot.

So, that's it, then?

Everything I say must be a lie.

[Sighs] I didn't say that.

Well, have you been over every inch of that crime scene and investigated every lead?

I'm not allowed back on the res.

If you believed me, you wouldn't take no for an answer.

I was there, Walt.

You were not.


I wasn't there.


Evening, Mathias.

What the hell time is it?

It's pretty late.

What do you want?

I'd like to formally request permission to conduct some business on the res.



Open up.

Look, I wasn't on the res, but I was watching through binoculars, and I saw something going on up at that funeral pyre.

I don't care.

Mathias, do you believe in ghosts?


This is a holy place. We shouldn't be here.

My victim provided an eyewitness I.D. of his attacker that matches exactly what we're looking at.

Branch I.D.'d David Ridges. Ridges is dead.

He might've got the name wrong, but he gave a thorough description of the man.

Body makeup, ceremonial loin cloth.

Henry told me about these guys... religious extremists.

I'm gonna have to answer for this.

No. I will.

Okay, then.

Everybody stop where you are!

Down on the ground!

Put your hands behind your head!

Walt: [Sighs]

What's your name?

Where do you live?

You know David Ridges?

What about Jacob Nighthorse?

Why don't you ask them 20 more times?

Think they're about to break.

Where do you live?

I sit behind the moon.

This'd be a lot easier if you let me bring them into my station.

Mathias: All you got is a description of an lndian wearing ceremonial garb.

That's not grounds for arrest on my res.

Walt, this is insane. He needs to be in bed.

I don't really have a choice.

Mathias won't let me detain anyone without a solid eyewitness I.D.

I'm not getting any names or addresses.

I let them go now, we'll never find them again.

Walt: You all right?

He's sweating pretty bad.

I'm fine.

You take a good look.

You let us know if one of these guys is the guy that shot you.

He's not here.

Take another look.

I know it was Ridges, Walt.

Sorry for the inconvenience, gentlemen.

Mathias, wait. You can't let them go.

I can and I am.

Mathias, what the hell?

Just wait a minute!

Take another look. Take your time.

I know it was Ridges, Walt.

Dr. Weston analyzed those ashes you were collecting.

Guess whose DNA was in there.

David Ridges.

I know what I saw.

[Paper rustles]


I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I wanted to come out here, examine the crime scene...

Chase down every lead, but... he's dead, Branch.

David Ridges is dead.

You imagined him.

So, if you were shot by a White Warrior, you probably just let him go.