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12x09 - Gray

Posted: 11/21/10 21:00
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

I'm not a very good drinker.

I thought I was gonna throw up.

He followed me into the bathroom And asked if I was okay.

Then he...

Pushed me into the corner, And he kissed me.

He put his hand up my skirt.

I kept begging him to stop...

But he held me down.

I must have passed out...

Because when I woke up, My panties were missing, and he was...

Taking pictures of me with his cell phone.

I always thought that...r*pe was something a stranger did, But I knew the guy who r*ped me.

All I can do is think...

If only I hadn't gone out that night.

If only I'd done something different.

Thank you all for having the courage To share your stories.

Now, the rest of you look around...

Because what happened to them could happen to you.

One out of four female students will be sexually assaulted Before she graduates.

We must take back the night.

Hey, kathleen!

Dad, what are you doing here?

Where's olivia?

Liv, uh... She's very sorry she couldn't make it.

She's got kid problems.

So here I am.

Well, just in time.

You're up next.

What do you mean, up next?

I'm... I'm speaking?

Well, she didn't tell me about that.

Okay. What am I gonna talk about?

How r*pe's the most common violent crime On college campuses, How most are committed by friends.

All right. Yeah.

Svu 101.

Our next guest speaker Is detective elliot stabler from nypd special victims unit. r*pist! r*pe!

No! Bethany!

Why are you doing this?

Because you r*ped me.

Chuck mills r*ped me.

And no one did anything about it.

No! She is lying!

That's not true!


Stay right there.

Now, just so I'm clear about this...

You're accusing this man of assaulting you?

He r*ped me. date r*pe has got to go.

Turn around.

Put your hands behind your back.


Turn around.

Put your hands behind your back.

Why? I didn't do anything!

Put your hands behind your back. hey, hey, ho, ho, date r*pe has gotta go!

Hey, hey, ho, ho!

Off to jail that r*pist goes.

Hey, hey, ho, ho!

Off to jail that r*pist goes!

Hey, hey, ho, ho!

Off to jail that r*pist goes!

I went to a party and had a little too much to drink.

Chuck was there.


And when did this happen?

Last may.

I was too drunk to walk home, And chuck lived across the street.

He said I could crash at his place.

So...Chuck is your friend?

No. We met that night.

When we got to his room, He took off my shoes and tucked me into bed.

I remember thinking he was so nice.

Then she asked me if I was seeing anyone.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

So bethany is in your bed.

Where were you?

I was sleeping on the floor.

Until she asked me to join her.

And a premed like yourself, You couldn't turn down a chance to give her an anatomy lesson?

I tried to, but and next thing that I knew, She was all over me!

Next thing I remember is waking up, and he--

He was on top of me.

And then inside me.

It was over before I could do anything.

It was just a hookup.

She wanted a relationship.

And you weren't interested in that.

Right, right.

And what does she do?

She freaks out, runs and tells everybody that I att*cked her, And then drags me in front of the disciplinary committee.

So... What happened?

You get a slap on the wrist?

Slap on the wrist?

They made me do community service And put a permanent honor code violation on my record.

They acted like all he did was cheat on a biochem final.

Bethany, did you call the police?

Campus police.

The only thing they did Was send us to the disciplinary committee.

Chuck r*ped me.

I want him punished.

Dude, haven't I been punished enough?

So you're the victim here.

We are way beyond that.

That bitch has a website-- www.Chuckmillsrapedme.Com, And everything that she has posted on it is a total lie.

Do you know chuck mills?

He's a r*pist.

He's a predator.

He is a scumbag.

He is a defiler.

This is a serious warning.

Well, I gotta say-- she makes a good case.

Well, it doesn't mean it's true.

Whoever rants the loudest on the internet wins.

You ask me, sites like these Are just more litter on the information superhighway.

Guys, this isn't litter.

This is some poor girl trying to get justice.

Or revenge for being dumped.

Bethany was drunk.

Legally, she's incapable of consenting.

Well, what if chuck was drunk too?

How does he know she wasn't sober enough to consent?

That's no excuse.

If you drink and drive and then you k*ll someone, It's still your fault.

Come on, liv.

What does the girl expect?

She gets bombed, goes up to a guy's apartment.

What's she gonna do, play scrabble?

It's the guy's responsibility Not to take advantage of the situation.

Where a guy needs a permission slip to get past first base.

Already do.

Some colleges pass them out At freshman orientation.

They call it an "only yes means yes" lecture.

It's okay by me.

Yeah, you say that now, But didn't you hook up with kathy Over a keg at a fraternity party?

Hook up? Number one, I was never a frat boy, And it was a little more romantic than that.

Who are you calling?


Seeing what we should do with chuckles here.

I'm ahead of you.

Hardwicke's in albany meeting with the a.G.

Temp ada's on the way.

Well, hopefully, it's someone Who knows how to sort through this mess.

How 'bout me, hon?

Messes are my specialty.

Hey, stabler.

Miss me?


What are you doin' here?

You mean... How did I escape the drunk t*nk?

No. She means "why us?"

Part of my probationary status Until I can prove to the d.A.

That I haven't lost my winning ways.

You don't have any physical or trace evidence?

Oh, god, you guys never make it easy, do you?

Bethany didn't come forward Until months after she was r*ped.

And let me guess.

No witnesses either, right?

Nothing but internet rumors and hearsay on her website.

All right, so what we got here is your basic "he-said, she-said, she-posted-nasty-comments."

After she drank a little bit too much trash can punch, Got plastered.


You know how that goes.

It's okay.

Rehab, um...

Rehab actually did wonders.

But it didn't turn me into a miracle worker.

Consent is unclear because the complaining party Was drunk off her ass.

It's a gray r*pe.

r*pe... Gray or not, is still r*pe.

Not until it's black and white.

Right now, this case is as big a loser as this guy.

Cut him loose Till you find me something that'll stick.


Thank you.

Bethany jennings. Yep.

Took a report from her last month.

For r*pe.

That was her story.

r*pe been a problem on campus?

We do our best to keep things under control, But most of these kids, It's their first time away from home.

There you go.

One sheet?

No notes, no statement?

Did you even think about calling the police?

On this campus, we are the police, Authorized by the governor's office, same as you.

You are not authorized To charge chuck mills with a felony, Which is what he committed.

This...Is a joke.

We take r*pe very seriously around here.

We encourage our students to report all sexual assaults.

To you, not to us.

We tell them to make a decision that is right for them.

You pressure young women not to go to the police So you can sweep r*pe under the rug.

There's been no cover-up here, detective.

I send every alleged r*pe straight to the dean's office.

Based on the testimony of both mr. Mills And miss jennings, We've decided that this incident Was a case of poor judgment.

On chuck's side.

On both sides.

So he's gonna pick up a little bit of trash, And the whole thing just goes quietly away?

What would you do, detective, throw him in jail?

Whom would that help?


She wouldn't have to see the guy who r*ped her Walking free across campus every day.

Perhaps we should lock her up as well For underage drinking.

How about you for criminal negligence?

Or endangerment of a minor?

I'd like to take a look at the committee's ruling.

The family educational and privacy act Requires that I get the consent of both students.

That's convenient.

For chuck.

I'll tell you what, I'll settle for The nameme tinciplary commi.

They're not hiding behind any privacy laws, are they?

I'll have my assistant fax you a list.

Do you think these disciplinary committee peeps Will even talk to you?

They will when we slap 'em with a subpoena.

Which hudson's attorneys will challenge As a violation of federal privacy laws.

I mean, they'll lose, But they'll keep my ass in court for a month.

We don't have a month.

A cocky creep like chuck will r*pe again.

Well, can't we also subpoena the committee's records?

The clery act requires that colleges disclose All crimes that happen on campus.

Yeah. That's why schools run these crimes Through their cartoon courts first.

Hudson's disciplinary committee didn't find there was any r*pe, So there's no crime to report, right?

My tuition dollars, hard at work.

Exactly the point.

Higher education is big business.

And nobody wants to send their daughter to r*pe u.

This committee member might talk without a subpoena.

The disciplinary committee is a joke.

I see at least two women a week For what's clearly a r*pe, Yet hudson expels more students for cheating.

So what happened with bethany's case?

Well, I--

I can't discuss it.

Any testimony With a psychologist like me in attendance Makes it exempt from disclosure to anyone, including the feds.

So they put you on the committee To do an end run around the clery act.

That's exactly why I quit.

Now they bury r*pes By calling them anything but what they really are--

Misunderstandings, impaired judgment.

So these girls get drunk And they end up in places that they'd never go sober.

Like a strange guy's bed.

Mix in a bunch of horny kids with buckets of booze, And you've got a recipe for disaster.

That's why I started the buddy system here on campus.

It's a like a...

Designated driver?

Yeah. Make sure they don't do something stupid If they drink too much.

So one kid stays sober While the others get even more fried.

Well, it's not perfect, But if kids are gonna drink, and they are, At least they'll have a safety net.

Wish bethany had a safety net that night.

Legally, I'm not supposed to say anything, But...

You should ask your daughter about that.

Everyone here knows I don't drink, So they all want me to be their buddy.

Why didn't you tell me about bethany?

Because you'd say I screwed up.

Okay, kathleen, tell me what--

Just tell me what happened that night.

We went out.

She started talking to chuck.

And then I saw a guy I really, really like, And we went to grab a coffee, and it only took ten minutes, And then when I was back, bethany was gone.

I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. she--

Okay. Okay.


You didn't screw up.

I was supposed to watch bethany, but I left her alone.

We're gonna get this guy.

Just tell me where you and bethany went that night.

We were at a party at the library.

Mom, don't worry.

I'm at the library right now.

Wasn't like this when I was in college.

We tell 'em not to drink, and we tempt them with all this.

Look who's here. he's popular with the ladies, isn't he?

Not all of them.

Felicia, you crazy bitch!

Let go of me, you pig!

Get away from me!

Police! Are you okay?

Hi, chuck. Remember me?

Yeah. I didn't do anything.

She--you saw what happened.

She--she came at me!

It's called as*ault, you dumb ass.

There we go.

Come on. yeah, this makes sense.

A bitch dumps a brewski on me, and I get arrested.

So...Felicia's a bitch and bethany's a slut.

Is that what women are to you, chuckie?

Sluts and b*tches for your raping pleasure?

I grabbed felicia in self-defense.

And bethany is full of crap.

I didn't r*pe her, and she knows it.

A misdemeanor shoving match in a college bar.


Well, just doin' our jobs.

Yeah. You're just treading water 'cause you can't prove that he r*ped bethany jennings.

Whatever gets him off the street.

All right. So where's this girl he assaulted?

Felicia said that she would meet us down here.


Okay, she's two hours late.

We'll just put him on ice Until arraignment.

For what?

We don't have a complaining witness Or a signed complaint.

Nope. Chuckie's outta here, just like me.

That son of a bitch walks, Every girl on hudson's campus is gonna be in danger.

Cut him loose, stabler.

And go home.

Have a drink.

For both of us.

What, you want a beer instead?


I was just thinking about the first night we met.

You know, if we hadn't gotten drunk and all...

What would have happened?

Or not happened?

26 years and five kids later, And you're asking me this?


Do you know what I remember about that night?

How much I wanted to kiss you.

So why didn't you?

'cause I was scared.

Really? yeah.

It only took me three beers To work up the nerve to say hello.



Then we both got drunk. really drunk.

But...Not so drunk that I didn't know what I was doing.

Oh, come on.


Kathleen, I didn't know you were coming home.

Do you want some dinner?

No, thanks, mom.

It's--just wanted to drop this off.

What is it?

Just something you should see.

I gotta get back to campus, dad.

Hold on a second.

Let me just take a look.

This is chuck mills' disciplinary file.

How'd you get it?

I didn't steal it.

Someone did. Who?

Kathleen, you gotta tell me.


The guy I told you about.

The one I like.

He works in the dean's office, and he left it under my door.

On his own, or did you ask him to get it for you?

Please tell me the truth.

Chuck r*ped bethany because I screwed up.

I had to do something to help her.

Look, I-I know you mean well, But...Legally, I can't read this.

Yes, you can.

You didn't direct me to get it for you.

I did it by myself.

How do you know that?

Legal concepts 203.

As long as I wasn't acting on your behalf, the police can use it.

Good night, dad.


Is it?

Morning, I mean.

Calvin was up all night with a stomachache--again.

Well, you're not the only one Who didn't get any sleep last night.

Chuck mills' disciplinary file.


Don't ask.

But it's legal.

Did you read it?

Three times.

And either bethany was chuck's first r*pe, Or that file's been sanitized.

So no one can accuse hudson of a cover-up.

Either way, it doesn't help us?

Yeah, but this might.

It's a different incident where chuck is the victim.

"chuck mills is a m*rder*r."

Do they know who did this?

Yeah. And so do we.

Felicia zorn.

The girl who gave chuck a beer bath.

Disciplinary committee's verdict Came down yesterday afternoon.

They want me out by 2:00 today.

The university expelled you for calling chuck a name?

Not at first.

But when they told me I had to apologize to him in writing, I kinda lost it and told them they could go to hell.

Why didn't you come down to the station last night And talk to us?

Sorry. I was a little upset.

Okay, felicia...

Why'd you call chuck a m*rder*r?


He k*lled carla vincent's baby.

She thinks chuck's the love of her life.

Okay, listen, let's go back a second.

So...Carla is chuck's girlfriend.

Unless there's some other girl he's trying to pork.

So you're watching out for her.

Somebody had to.

You know, she wasn't here a week before he wooed her, Screwed her, and got her pregnant?

On her first hookup?

And you think that he m*rder*d her baby.

She had a miscarriage.

And afterwards, I saw that douche high-fiving everyone.

Doesn't make him a baby k*ller.

He was bragging that he took care of business And "flushed that toilet."

Felicia did you tell the disciplinary committee Why you hung the bed sheet banner?

Every time I tried, They shut me up like they just didn't want to hear it.

Just like when I tried to tell carla That chuck was bad news.

You know, she wanted to keep that baby.

Of course I wanted our baby.

Me and chuck were gonna be parents.

Carla, we're so sorry for your loss.

Can you tell us what happened?

It happened last week. I was only eight weeks along and... I started cramping. Bad.

Did you call chuck?

He had to study. But he was as upset as I was.

I know what people think about him, And none of it's true.

That girl who says he r*ped her...

Chuck never laid a hand on her.

He wouldn't.

Well, you know your friend felicia...

She doesn't agree.

Girls come on to chuck, but he only loves me.

He proved it to me last week, The night before I lost the baby.

Carla, did he prove it by...

By having sex?


He called and told me he was gonna rock my world, That he had this stuff that was amazing.


He called it...

Love potion number 9.

He...He put it on his...

You know.

Made it feel all warm and tingly down there.

Carla, um...

Did chuck say where he got this stuff?

He mixed it up himself, Some kind of herbal sex powder.

And you miscarried the next day.

No. No, he didn't.

He wouldn't.

He told me that...

He wanted the baby, That we were gonna get married.

Why would he lie to me?

Okay, carla, did chuck leave any of that, um...

Love potion here?

No. He took it with him.

Well, I think he might need it again.
Carla, baby.

Daddy's here.

You called, chuck-o-luck delivers, big-time.

Doesn't look that big to me.

Who the hell are you?

Sonya paxton.

I'm from the district attorney's office.

I heard you had something that could really rock my world.

Hey, funny.

You never told us you had a girlfriend.

You got something I want.

Gimme the love potion.

Here. Let me see it.

Give it up. Come on.

Is it true?

Did you use that stuff to k*ll our baby?

You just called.

You told me you talked to the doctor, The baby was gonna be okay after all.

Right. And you couldn't get over here fast enough To finish the job, could ya?

You are a m*rder*r!


Chuck mills, you're under arrest For abortion in the second degree.

I want a lawyer.

Get a good one.

'cause I'm gonna kick your ass.

There's nothing in that tube but lube.

It's petroleum jelly, all right, Mixed with a drug called misoprostol.

Okay. What's that?

An over-the-counter ulcer medication.

Are uterine contractions one of the side effects?

Along with diarrhea, headache, vomiting.

Ever since the manufacturer issued a warning About misoprostol working as an abortien It's been selling like hotcakes on the black market in brazil.

Their version of the morning after pill.

And pretty soon, it could be ours.

Did you see the op ed piece in Sunday's paper? it advocates For wider distribution of misoprostol.


The drug has saved Thousands of women's lives in poor countries By making abortion inexpensive and safer than home remedies And back-alley botch jobs.

Chuck told carla it was an aphrodisiac.

He's premed.

He knows exactly what this stuff can do.

Yeah, and, uh, what he wants to do now is confess.

My client's willing to admit He used misoprostol during sex with miss vincent.

That's... that's fantastic.

I'll see his confession and raise his abortion charge To as*ault one.

Really, sonya, With a straight face?

Depraved indifference to human life.

He used his penis to deliver that drug into carla Without her knowledge, knowing full well That it would k*ll their baby.

If his use of the drug had anything at all To do with carla's unfortunate miscarriage.

You gonna... Sit here and tell us it didn't?

Sometimes I drink too much, And I heard that misoprostol was a way to...

Uh, take care of the problem Without having to get, you know, A prescription.

For what?

For viagra.

Mr. Mills bought misoprostol To treat his erectile dysfunction Brought on by drinking.

Whiskey cramps a stiffy.

Really, carolyn...

With a straight face?

Here's a letter from his doctor Confirming the diagnosis of e.D.

In a sealed envelope.

Yeah, carla told us That he didn't take misoprostol when she got pregnant, So if he's got e.D., how'd he get it up?

He wasn't drinking the first time they had sex.

Do you really expect us to believe This limp cock and bull story?

Mr. Mills in no way intended to hurt miss vincent Or terminate her pregnancy.

The only thing he's guilty of is poor judgment.

Poor judgment, my ass.

You almost gotta hand it to chuckie, though.

Pretty creative thinking he could k*ll carla's baby this way and get off.

Not necessarily in that order.

Defense really did their homework.

Misoprostol is approved by the fda For treatment of ulcers and erectile dysfunction.

Causing abortions is just a side effect.

Side effects are big bucks for big pharma.

Viagra started out as a heart failure drug Until patients noticed they got a woody.

What about bethany?

Did she say that chuck Had any problems getting aroused that night?

She was passed out drunk.

She didn't know She was being r*ped until it was already happening.

Bottom line is grand jury will never indict chuck Unless we can prove that he used the misoprostol, Intending to cause carla's abortion.

Well, maybe chuck said something to the pharmacist Who sold him the stuff.

It's hard not to remember him.

The little bit of misoprostol I had left was about to expire, And not too many use it for ulcers anymore.

That's why chuck wanted it?

He claimed it was The only medication that worked for him, And he seemed pretty stressed out about it.

You sell this drug to a lot of stressed-out girls too?

I have two teenage granddaughters.

I know what this drug is capable of.

But it's perfectly legal.

And all I can do is warn young women Not to take it if they're pregnant.

Okay. You remember anything else About, uh, this chuck guy?

Only that, uh, he looked a little young for a penis pump.

One of those vacuum tube things They sell on the back of magazines to make you bigger.

Or so I've heard.

They're not just novelties, detective.

Penis pumps have legitimate therapeutic applications For guys who can't get erections.

And misoprostol-- it doesn't work without one.

I don't know if he used one that night.

He went into the bathroom right before we did it.

Carla, please try to remember if he used a pump that night.

I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

I just wanna forget about it.

He k*lled your baby.

And nothing will bring it back.

I have to go.

If you protect this guy, He's gonna do the same thing to another girl.

Protect him?

I'm trying to protect myself, okay?

From who, carla?

Being with chuck wasn't the first time I hooked up.

I was pregnant once before.

In high school.

But I didn't keep it.

When the miscarriage happened, I thought it was because I'd already had an abortion.

Losing your baby wasn't your fault.

But if I testify against chuck, They'll say that I caused the miscarriage, That I wanted it to happen like before.

They'll tell the world, and everyone will believe them!

Let's slow down.

Who's they?

Who told you that that's what they would say?

Ms. Maddox, chuck's lawyer.

You went to see the victim, carolyn?

My client was worried about miss vincent.


Worried she might testify.

So ms. Maddox let slip that she'd be happy To parade around carla's past abortion For all the world to hear.

And you thought I'd let you Assassinate a victim's character in my courtroom?

All due respect, your honor, You should be asking miss paxton about character assassination.

The police have been going after my client On one trumped-up charge after the other.

Chuck mills also r*ped bethany jennings At hudson university while she was drunk.

We just couldn't prove it.

Perhaps you would like to explain to judge quinn How you happened to link my client to miss vincent Despite the fact that she and your alleged r*pe victim Have never even met.

They both go to the same school, And the special victims unit is really good at their job.

Especially when they're violating federal privacy laws.

Excuse me?

That's a serious charge, Carolyn.

Do you have anything to back it up?

Detective stabler does.

My client's confidential disciplinary file--

It's the only way SVU could know the specific details Of what happened to carla's baby.

And the only thing more galling than him having it ls how he got it.

Your daughter?

You didn't have the balls To do your own dirty work, So you sent your kid to break the law for you?

Nobody broke the law!

What is wrong with you people?

God! How many brady violations do you have to get slapped with?

If you would just shut up-- just shut up for one second.

No, no, no, you shut up!

I'll explain to you, okay?

You just handed chuck mills a get-out-of-jail-free--

Chuck mills isn't going anywhere, Because I didn't tell my daughter to take the file.

Oh, right, right, and I should believe you Because you have a reputation for playing by the book, And it's beyond reproach.

You know something?

I hope you're not on the sauce right now, 'cause I got a policy against strangling drunks.

Go have a drink.

Okay-- all right. No, no, no, no.

You're right.

That was unnecessary.

Sonya-- unnecessary. No, no, no.

Forgiveness, acceptance.

The past is the past.

Sonya, we actually got lucky on this one. It fell in our lap.

Kathleen knows chuck r*ped bethany.

All she was doing was trying to help me Nail the son of a bitch, that's all.

Okay, that's-- then that's great.

So I can tell judge quinn That she'd be more than willing to swear to that under oath.

What do you--n--

You're not gonna subpoena my daughter.

You left me with no other choice. well, if I didn't need ma drink before, I do now. sonya, I should have told you.


Getting chuck mills' file.

I'm sorry.

Yeah. You're damn right you should have told me.

Let's just hope your, uh, your daughter Doesn't perjure herself tomorrow.

Kathleen is not gonna lie under oath.

Not even to protect her dad?

There's nothing to protect me from.

I never told her to get the file.

I'll believe it when she says it.

You know something?

Kathleen actually did us a favor here.

We wouldn't have a case against chuck without her.

That doesn't excuse what she did.

If you put her on the stand, Hudson's gonna kick her out of school.

I don't know what you want from me, stabler.

Do you want me to--what, subpoena you So you can do the perjuring and put chuck away?

I'm not gonna lie on the stand.

And what--go to prison, lose my job and my pension?

Can't feed my wife and family?

What, for mills?


My daughter...

You know what it's like when everything falls apart.

Please don't do this to my child.

A confidential informant Gave you chuck's file.

Kathleen's name will never...

Be part of this.


Thank you.


Arraignment is tomorrow morning, first thing.

Be there.

Docket ending 926, People versus charles wilson mills.

One count each.

Abortion in the second degree, as*ault in the first.

Ms. Maddox, how does your client plead?

Not guilty on both counts, your honor.

Ms. Paxton, you claim mr. Mills showed Depraved indifference to human life.

Bit of a stretch, isn't it?

The defendant injected a drug into his victim Without her knowledge, Causing her to abort her eight-week pregnancy.

The people request $1/2 million bail.

That's excessive, your honor.

Mr. Mills has no criminal record.

And no money.

He's not a flight risk.

He's a risk to every woman on the hudson university campus If he's allowed to return there.

So ordered. Bail set at $500,000.

Cash only.

Objection on the grounds of bias.

Bias, ms. Maddox?

Whose bias?

Yours, your honor...

Regarding this kind of case.

We'll take a ten-minute recess.

Thank you.

This is a private meeting, counselor.

Then you must be discussing the latest selection From oprah's book club, Because if this is a prohibited ex-parte communication, I'm gonna have to call the chief judge.

I was just telling ms. Maddox That I'm recusing myself from the case.

Because of her bias objection?

Judge quinn simply has a conflict of interest That could cloud her judgment.

Sounds an awful lot like blackmail.

Relax, sonya.

Ms. Maddox's concerns are misplaced but appropriate.

There's my replacement.

Come in!

Judge ridiger?

Thanks for coming so quickly, marcus.

Always a pleasure, sylvia. surprised to see you back here, ms. Paxton.

Hello. I-I'm gonna have to request another judge.

You have a problem with judge ridiger?

I was on the ethics board That sent sonya to rehab last year After her, uh, courtroom crackup.

And obviously, she thinks this would affect my ability To try this case impartially.

You don't?

Absolutely not.

Although I would like to see what you've got Before we go to trial.

You want a...

Probable cause hearing?

To make sure all your ducks are in a row.

We're screwed. Officially.

'cause of ridiger?

Oh, you should have seen him licking his chops.

He's gunnin' for me.

That's not the ridiger we know.

Look, maybe I can end this before it begins.

I bet maddox will deal if I reduce the charge To issuing abortional materials.

That's a "b" misdemeanor.

He'd get more time for shoplifting an ipod.

Best I can do, stabler.

No, the best that you can do Is take chuck to trial and nail his ass to the wall.

We can't even get the victim to testify.

No. The smart move here is just not to play.

Nobody is making any deals.

Do I make myself clear?

Your honor, you recused yourself.

Because ms. Maddox's investigator Went digging into my past.

I assume it's the same way she found out About how detective stabler's daughter Got chuck mills' disciplinary file.

And carla's abortion, no doubt.

Which is why I came here...

To help you win this case.

Let me persuade miss vincent to testify.

I was studying to be a dancer.

One night, a bunch of us went out for pizza and beer.

My reward...

If I danced well.

The drinking was a mistake.

I must have been stumbling as I crossed the quad, Because three boys appeared And offered to help me back to my room.

The next thing I remember, I woke up...

To these boys...

Standing over me...

Taking turns.

Seemed to go on...


When they were done, They force-fed me pills So that it would look like I had overdosed.

Police never caught them.

They didn't even try.

All they were interested in was: What was I wearing?

Were my tights too revealing?

How many boyfriends did I have?


That was almost 40 years ago.

I never danced again.

And I never got justice.

He deserves to be punished.

Don't let him get away with what he did to you.


Can get justice, young lady.

But you must stand up for yourself.

I'll do it.

I'll be there.

Hey, this is carla.

Leave a message, And I'll get back to you.


Carla's not answering.

Keep trying.

Where's your victim, counselor?

We're trying to contact her now, your honor.

I'd think a d.A. Who's trying to resurrect her career After a very public meltdown Would make sure to escort this young lady in by the hand.

Your honor, the people would like to request A continuance.


The defense is ready to proceed.

A continuance on what grounds, ms. Paxton?

New evidence?

Added charges?

Your honor, the people request a continuance On the grounds of...

A new venue.


The extra 30 steps from my courtroom to judge quinn's Didn't overly burden your case.

Then sir, the people would like to request a recess.

A very short recess.

Your honor, the people's inability to proceed Is a clear violation of my client's right To due process.

I move for immediate dismissal of all charges.

Hold that thought, ms. Maddox.

You, approach the bench.

Counselor, I am trying to be reasonable here.

But I will not be made a fool of.

Having you been drinking again?

No, sir.

Your honor, my case is in order.

If the court would just indulge us for 30 more minutes, That's all.

You used up all your indulgences When you were drunk in court.

Then please give me this recess.

Not because I need a second chance But because...

A scared young girl needs a first one.

Return to your table, ms. Paxton.

The people will produce a witness Before the end of business today Or the case against mr. Mills is dismissed.

This is very unorthodox without a warrant.

I'm not here to search.

Carla, I'm coming in.

Look, now, I understand that you're scared about court, But I need you--

Oh, my god.

Call an ambulance!



Cause of death is toxic shock syndrome.

From the miscarriage.

A bacterial infection Stemming from the incomplete expulsion Of the products of conception.

She must have been fighting it Every time we talked to her.

Any other time, she might have survived.

But her immune system had been compromised....

By misoprostol.

I thought the drug was safe.

When taken orally and absorbed through the stomach.

But not when applied directly to the cervix.

This drug just keeps on giving.


And it just gave us chuck.

One more down.

Who's buying?

Not you, hotshot.

You're cut off.

What the hell are you doing here?

Arresting you.

What? No, no.

That case was dismissed.

That bitch never showed up.

Yeah, and she never will because of you.

Chuck mills, you're under arrest.

W-what for?

Just a little felony Called manslaughter in the second degree.

C-carla's dead?

Yeah, your love potion--

It backfired.

You k*lled her.

You're going down.

This time for good.

Looks like I got my winning case after all.

Say good-bye to all your friends, chuck.

Although I don't think they're gonna miss you.


Thank you.

man: you're welcome.

You tell your boss we'll be coming for him next.