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12x19 - Bombshell

Posted: 03/26/11 02:00
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Ugh, really?

You dragged me out to a midnight movie?

It's the original Dawn of the Dead.

We can netflix it at home.

Come on, you'll have fun.

Besides, did I mention the theater serves booze?

Did I mention how much I love midnight movies?

[car alarm blares]

Hey! Get away from my car!

[screams] oh, my god!

Tried to k*ll...


[car alarm blaring]

Patty, call 9-1-1!

Just do something!



A bystander yanked the Kn*fe out?

And uncorked the artery.

When it started spurting, The girlfriend tried sticking it back in.

Everyone grabbing this thing, perp's prints are long gone.

Crotch the only s*ab wound?

Another to the abdomen And a defensive cut on his right hand.

Victim's lucky his B.A.C. was 0.19.

Being drunk probably blunted the pain.

No wonder he couldn't find his car.

Biggest problem is, he banged his head And his brain started bleeding.

And we operated and stabilized him, But, you know, he's still comatose.

Got a name?

John Doe.

No wallet, no I.D., no phone.

Only things on him were car keys And a bloody parking stub in his pocket.

Well, we'll fingerprint him, Get a DNA swab, maybe I.D. Him that way.

Good luck.


So, what do you think?

Sex crime, revenge att*ck, botched robbery?

How about all of the above?

Law & Order - Special Victims Unit Season 12, Episode 19- "Bombshell"

The guy seemed normal when he pulled in and took his ticket.

He even smiled at me as he headed out.

Fast forward to when he came back.

[typing on keyboard]

By then he was effed up.


Banged on my window, Wanted help finding his car.

You help him out?


Boss doesn't like me leaving the booth.

You have a customer with a Kn*fe Sticking out of his crotch.

The counter's in the way.

I never saw it.


Thanks for your help.


[tires squealing]

Get anything?

Couple of bloody shoe prints.

I sent patrol to track 'em back To where our victim was cut up.

Liv, Elliott, level two, east stairwell.

John Doe's car.

Went around clicking his remote.

Doors on this one popped.

Same make and model as the one he tried breaking into.

Yeah, well, getting knifed in the nads Has a way of confusing you.

Well, our John Doe's real name is Jerry Bullard.

Lives on West 74th.


And he works at a place called B.A.S.

That stands for "Bullard Aviation Systems."

"Afghanistan deployment: June 2011."

The guy kills people for a living.

k*ll people?

No, Jerry designs tires on these things, Landing gear, struts.

Boring stuff he learned in the air force.

So, you don't think the att*ck on your husband Was work-related?

He doesn't even have a security clearance.

Mom, what's going on?

Janette, your dad's been hurt.


Now, everything's gonna be fine.

He's already at the hospital.

I don't understand.

How did he get back from D.C. so quickly?

Well, actually, he never went.

We found his suitcase and his boarding pass In his car.

But he had meetings at the Pentagon today.

We had dinner with him before he left for La Guardia.

He kissed us both good-bye.

Mrs. Bullard, if you don't mind, We'd like to ask you a few personal questions.

We don't have secrets in this family.


Um, did you and your husband have any marital problems?


Well, the as*ault had sexual overtones to it And may be the actions of a spurned lover.

Jerry Bullard was not having an affair.

He's as vanilla as they come, And our sex life is great.

Mom, ew.

How about you, Janette?

Did you notice anything off about your father lately?

Was he difficult to get on the phone or...

Dad's been totally normal.

And he is a prude.

He didn't let me start dating till I was 15.


Can we go see him now?

Of course, sweetheart.

Go grab my bag.

Go on.

Please. Find the person who did this.

Jerry is our whole life.

And Bullard Aviation Solutions Can help you go wheels up In achieving your flight system success.

As president of B.A.S...

Our victim as clean as he looks?


I guarantee it.

Nice family, no work troubles.

He was scheduled to fly out of la guardia last night, But no bridge, tunnel, or toll shows him leaving Manhattan.

Well, wherever he went, It must've been within walking distance Of that garage.

You find the actual crime scene?

Well, patrol tried backtracking The bloody footprints, But they crisscrossed all over the place.

It was like Bullard wandered aimlessly After he was att*cked.

Any idea where he got drunk?

Well, the wife said he left the house Sober as a judge, And we couldn't find a single bar in the area That said that they served him.

So, we got no crime scene, And our victim is still in a coma.

We got nothing.

Except a suspect.

Bunch of people saw the neighborhood weirdo Wearing bloody clothes that night.

"neighborhood weirdo"?

His name's Aldo.

Word is he started off a normal guy.

Italian immigrant, wife, job at the butcher shop.

Well, then what happened?

A year ago, he cut off a couple of his fingertips On the slicer.

Then he gets fired, his wife splits, And he starts walking the streets, acting odd, Scaring people.

Around there, they call him the night stalker.

Are you sure this guy's out here?

All I've seen in the last half hour Is a five-pound rat.

Yeah, you got it bad?

I just saw a tr*nsv*stite who looks like munch.

[laughs] my apologies.

Hold on a second.

We may have movement.

Is it the night stalker?

Fits the description.

And I'll be damned if he still isn't wearing The bloody shirt.

He's coming right to you.

I'll engage, you flank.

Excuse me. Sir?

Police. Can I talk to you for a moment?

How you doing, Aldo?

Leave me alone!

I--I didn't do anything!

Aldo, why do you have blood all over your shirt?

And why are you acting so squirrely?

Let's go.

Let go of me!

I'm not hurting anyone!

I just wanna go to sleep!

Why won't anyone let me sleep?!

[pounds table]

Why won't anyone let me sleep?

Aldo, I'm Dr. Huang.

I'm a psychiatrist.

I just want to sleep.

The detectives asked me to speak to you about a run-in That you might've had with this man.

Do you recognize him?

What day is this?


But we think you might've seen him on Monday Between 8:30 and midnight.

Who are you again?

I'm Dr. Huang.

So, do you recognize this man?

I think so.

Was it last year?

Aldo, do you have trouble keeping track of time?


But not because I'm crazy.

It's because I never sleep.

You've been having insomnia lately?

For a year.

You must doze off at times.

Even with insomnia, it's impossible to avoid having What are called micro-sleeps.

No, no, no, I never sleep!

Not one night, not one second!

I take sleeping pills, but nothing helps.

My brain, it won't work anymore.

I can't get myself to think right.

Losing focus caused your accident at work.

Slicer cut off two of my fingers.

After that, my wife, she not could take it anymore.

And then the lady downstairs, she called the cops, 'cause I, uh, I kept her up, pacing all the time.

So, now you walk the streets at night.

And this all started a year ago?


The sweating too.

I can't stay dry.

Even in winter.

Aldo, can I look in your eyes a moment?

What is it, doctor?

Can you see what is wrong with me?

I mean, he's crazy, right?

Only from an underlying disorder.

His insomnia, sweating, and extreme myosis Are all symptoms Of a kind of genetic, neurodegenerative disease Called fatal familial insomnia.

Never heard of it.

It's only recently been described In the literature.

It mainly affects families From a small town in ltaly, like his.

And by "fatal," you mean fatal.

Most patients die of exhaustion Within 15 months of the first symptoms.

And he's already had it for 12.

Well, he could still be our k*ller.

I mean, CSU ran a swatch of his shirt, And that's our victim's blood on it.

I did see this man Monday night, And I think I remember where.

This is where it happened.

It's where what happened?

Whatever make him bloody.

That's how it got on my clothes.

He run--run into me.

Out here in the alley?

No, I--I was--

I was over there.

I was out walking When I heard a commotion in the alley.

What commotion?

Like, uh, people yelling?

Like, uh, someone being m*rder*d.

I got scared.

I slowed down.

That's when I see the guy come around the corner, Covered in blood, and he run right into me.

You see his attacker?


I'm too busy being knocked down.

And that was the first time that you saw the bloody man.

Yeah. He dressed very nice like the others.

Like what others?

Like the ones, uh, From over there.

What is that place?

I don't know.

But a lot of times I walk around, And I see people come in and out.

Like Monday night.

So, uh, I can go now, right?

You--you see I--I was telling the truth.

You've been very helpful, Aldo, But I'd like to admit you to a hospital, run some tests, Try to understand your condition better.

Then you'll cure me?

I'll do everything I can for you.

Come on.

Well, we might've lost our m*rder suspect...

But I'm thinking our next clue is behind this door.

Place is called "The Swing Set.

New York dot com."

Is that a swinger club?

I don't think so.

I haven't seen a single polyester pantsuit.

Well, The Swing Set's motto Is "Not Your Parents'


"A New Kind of Erotic Establishment."

Themed play rooms, S&M shows, Sexuality workshops, full bar, and a nightly buffet.

Remind me to steer clear of the finger foods.

It also says, "The Swing Set is open "to singles, couples, and threesomes, But new members must be invited by a current member."

How do you wanna play it?

Tell'em our good friend Jerry invited us.

[indistinct chatter]

Welcome to The Swing Set.

I'm Suzette.

Hi, Suzette.

Uh, this is my wife Olivia.

I'm Elliot.

And you were invited by...

Friend of my husband, Jerry Bullard.

Jerry! One of our best members.

First time experiencing the lifestyle?


Is it that obvious?

You two are gonna have a lot of fun.

Come on.

Can I get you something to drink?

Uh, two club sodas.


Spider, two club sodas for our new friends.

Coming right up.

So, um...

Since this is our first time, Is it okay if we just, you know...

Just watch?


Absolutely. Don't feel any pressure to do anything.

You can walk around and mingle, Or just sit back, relax, and drink it all in, Although what you see will be very tempting.

Enjoy, folks.

Thank you.

To quenching your every thirst.


[glasses clink]

Uh, so, uh, Jerry said That he was gonna be here tonight.

Have you seen him?

Not yet.

But you wanna find Jerry, Just look for Cassandra.

Who's Cassandra?

I'm surprised he didn't mention her.

He probably wants to keep her all to himself.

[chuckles] oh, there she is now.

Wow, she's beautiful.

See what I mean about temptation?


Elliot, Olivia.


Glad you could make it.

Not half as glad as we are.


Do you mind if your husband buys me a drink?

Well, if he doesn't, I will.

What'll you have?

Scotch on the rocks, splash of water.

Coming right up.

So, uh, suzette says you know our friend Jerry.


Jerry and I played together just the other night.

I--I hope he didn't give you all the details And spoil the fun.

Jerry didn't say a word, Except that we should come here and play too.




I haven't seen you here before.

No. I'm Olivia.

I'm a newbie.

Oh. We love newbies.




Come here.

I wanna show you something.

Relax, Olivia.

You're safe with us.


All: [laugh]

A little crowded in here.

I like the energy a little better.


So, what do you do?

I'm into aviation design like Jerry.


I don't mean for a living.

Olivia's lovely.


I'm a little surprised you're willing to, uh, Share her with anyone else.

We're just trying to broaden our horizons.

[sighs] what's Jerry into?



We had a lot of fun Monday night.



Poor thing.

He had too much to drink.

He went outside for some air, and I lost track of him.


Did you see who he left with?

You ask a lot of questions about Jerry.

Are you--I mean, it's totally cool If you two are...

Both: [laugh]

No, Jerry's my pal.

Both: [chuckle]


You're into women.



How into women are you?

Well, Elliot and I have been into each other for so long That, uh, we decided to...

Spread our wings a little.

You flew to the right place.

Who extended the invitation?

Uh, Jerry Bullard.

You know him, right?

We've met Jerry a couple times.

Hard to get his attention, though.

He only has eyes for Cassandra.

A lot of people do.

Can you blame them?

Both: [laugh]

See? Even her.

You know, since I'm new here, I--I was sort of wondering, how do, uh, How do you two deal with the jealousy?

I never get jealous.

I mean, what's the fun if you're not open To everyone and everything?

Mm, I tell that to Olivia all the time.

Well, I wish more men were like you.

Some can get, uh, possessive.

Is that how you got this scar?

You're very observant.

I like the view.

This is courtesy of my ex-boyfriend Doug.


[sighs deeply] yeah.

You know, some men just can't handle the lifestyle.


He...Just couldn't.

It takes a man with real confidence, you know?
Is my husband safe with Cassandra?


Only danger here is having too much of a good time.

Unless Doug comes in again.

Who's Doug?

Cassandra's ex-boyfriend.

Uh, he won't leave her alone.

Or the guy she hooks up with.

Doug made a big scene in here a week ago.

We were all in the play room...

Jerry and I were having fun When all of a sudden we heard this, uh, Yelling out at the bar.

Doug stormed in the front door.

I heard suzette tell spider to throw him out, But before he could, Doug came barging into the play room.

Screaming about how I belong to him And any man who touches me is gonna get his ass kicked.

Did he att*ck Jerry?

He tried.

But then Jerry jumped up and got in Doug's face And told him he was gonna kick his ass.

Jerry's usually a quiet guy.

Yeah, but that night, he was amazing.

I mean, just the energy coming off him...

[inhales sharply]

I was so turned on after that.

Everyone was.

I was with Jerry's wife jane.

She pushed me down on the couch And screwed me like an animal.


Jerry didn't say that he brought his wife.

Why didn't I tell you?

You wanna guess?

We're just saying that it would've helped To have known all the facts, Especially about The Swing Set.

I'm sorry.

I should've mentioned it.

I'm just so used to getting the look.

What look?

The one you're giving me right now.

You and your husband swing, so you must be deviants.

The lifestyle is not what you think it is, And it isn't illegal.

Fair enough.


But what does this have to do with Jerry?

Well, he was not on his way To Washington, D.C.

Monday night.

He was at The Swing Set.

He was att*cked outside that place.



We promised each other We would always go together And we would leave together.

Even though your husband was very fond Of another woman there?


Everyone's fond of her.

Not me.

Women aren't my thing.

But you had no problem with those two being together.

That's the whole point of going.

If Cassandra excites Jerry, then I'm excited for him.

Did you ever worry about Cassandra's ex?

I understand there was a confrontation there A week ago?

Oh, god.

You--you think Doug att*cked Jerry?

Well, your husband did get in his face.

What's Doug's last name?

No one knows last names there.

Do you think you could describe him To a sketch artist?


The guy's a creep.

Well, well, well, look who is back.

Hey. How are ya?

I thought I'd scared you off last night.

No, no, it wasn't you.

It was us.

We were both getting a little, uh...

[indistinct whispering]

Worked up.


Does that mean tonight you're gonna do more than watch?

[engine roars]

El, heads up.

Doug's on the way in.


Doug, I told you you are not welcome here.

[thud, glasses clank]

Get away from my girlfriend.

I will when she asks me to.

Doug, leave us alone.

Now you're "us"?

You and this prick?

Man, get out of here.


You don't play well with others, Doug.

Who the hell are you people?

NYPD. Everybody relax.

You're a cop?

You know what I think?

We have a Kn*fe here.

It looks brand new.

What happened to your old one, Doug?

You leave it stuck in Jerry Bullard's crotch?

Get off me.

I ain't going anywhere.

Shut up and walk.

Cassandra, I need you to come down to the precinct.

"Doug Loveless."

Even your name says you can't keep a girlfriend.


Go to hell.

Doug your real name?

You ran my prints.

Anything pop?

No, and that makes me even more suspicious.

You're gonna be here for a while, pal.

You might as well have something to drink.

Yeah, so you can run my DNA off the cup.

See? You do know how cops work.

There's no way you haven't been arrested before.

Spinning your wheels.

I didn't do anything.

Except barge into a club that you had been banned from And assaulting a few people to get into my face.

I broke a glass.

You laid hands on me first.

I won't be testifying to that, badass.

You take swings at anyone who just looks at Cassandra?

Is that it?

The guys in that club do a hell of a lot more Than look.

So, you show the girl who dumped you What a big, scary man you are, huh?

If Cassandra's so scared, then where is she?

Shouldn't she be here pressing charges, Filing a restraining order?


I don't blame ya.

Letting her under your skin.

She's a fine piece of ass.

But then, you know, you played the big hero.

She didn't even stick around for a kiss good-bye.

Yeah, well, where'd you get the scrape on your face?

You roughing me up.

No, no, no.

That's all scabbed over.

That's a couple days old.

You get it from attacking Jerry Bullard Outside The Swing Set Monday night?


Who? The guy that you left your Kn*fe in.

That's why you had to get a new one.


I didn't s*ab anybody.

Look, I lost my old Kn*fe the same way That I got this scrape.

56th street, some idiot opens up his door into traffic.

I had to lay my bike down.

And I'm sure you have an insurance claim To prove that.

I kicked in his window.

We called it even.

I want a lawyer.

Well, he didn't cough up much.

You can give it a sh*t if you want.

If he's the guy that att*cked Bullard--

Jill, you didn't see the rage on his face When he stormed into that club.

His face won't put him away.

We have nothing proving he was in that alley Monday Or tying him to the Kn*fe found in the victim.

Okay, well, Cassandra says he goes in there all the time, Threatening her or any guy she's with.

And when she gets the chance to help the cops, She bolts.

We can't nail this creep yet.

Then let Jerry do it.

He just woke up.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

Mr. Bullard, this isn't your fault.

I lied.

I did a lot of bad things.

Dad, why didn't you go to D.C.?

Janette, maybe we should go out in the hallway For a little bit.

No, no, no. She-- she needs to hear the truth About her father.

Honey, I, um, I got involved in, uh, This place...

And I fell in love with someone else.

What about mom?

I never wanted to hurt her or you.

Who is she?

Her name is Cassandra.

I never expected it to happen.

It's just when I-- when I first met her, I--I just--

I felt--I felt--

Alive again.


I headed to the airport.

Then I thought, what am I doing?

I don't care about stupid airplane tires.

All I wanted to do is be with Cassandra.

Okay, so, what happened after you saw her?

Do you remember who att*cked you?

Hell yes.


You don't understand.

Yeah, we do.

You tried to k*ll your husband.

I love Jerry.

I know you loved him.

You took care of him.

You gave him a beautiful daughter.

And how does he repay you?

He drags you to a sex club.

Where he trades you in for a younger model.

Oh, please.

You think men are the only one who want something different?

Men are the only one who get tired Of the same old Sunday morning sex, Same old position?

So, are you saying that The Swing Set was your idea?

I told you, Jerry is Mr. Vanilla.

And you didn't care about Cassandra.

I only cared about him screwing us, Destroying our future!



Jerry was taking money out of my checking account.

Janette's college fund!

$30,000, $40,000, $50,000, All of it coming out of our pockets And going into hers.


Oh, deep down...

I knew he wouldn't go to D.C.

I called the hotel.

They confirmed he never checked in.

And you knew where he was.


A voice inside of me said, "Don't go.

You'll do something bad."

I just sat in the dark house, drinking.

Until you grabbed the Kn*fe.

I--I went down to the club.

I waited in the alley, and when he came out, I called him over, and before I knew it, I was stabbing him.

And you grabbed his wallet and his phone To make it look like he was mugged.

I swear, when you came by the next day And told me he was alive, I was happy.

I was just so drunk the night before, And I was so angry about the money!



I was gonna beg forgiveness the moment he woke up.


Oh, god.

It's hard to believe it's not that dirtbag.

So, what do we do now?

You let him go.

Wife confesses, dirtbag walks.

Barging into The Swing Set is trespassing.

The club would have to press charges.

They don't want the publicity.

He tore up the place.

That's criminal mischief.

So, give him a desk ticket and send him packing.

With the Kn*fe.

That's a w*apon.

Under four inches.

A totally legal one.

Let's cut him loose.

I thought I told you clowns to get me a lawyer.

It's your lucky day.

You're leaving.

It's our lucky day too.


Couldn't make your case.

That's gotta sting.

The only pain is gonna be yours If you don't stay away from Cassandra.

Right back at ya.

You're really bent on being a dumbass, huh?

I'm just telling you how it is, officer.

No, here's how it is.

Get out.

Have a nice day.

Guy's got more balls than brains.

And barely any of either.

Well, he's gonna go right back after Cassandra, And it's gonna be hard for us to protect her If she's in the wind.

I'll put Liv and Elliot on his tail So he doesn't get the chance.

[engine roars]



They're lovers.

And we've been played.

That's enough!

Get down here.

What the hell?

Elliot, what are you doing?

Putting an end to the charade.

You're both under arrest.

For what?

For ripping people off.

I can't believe you've arrested me.

I'm a victim.

You're a con artist.

Sit down.

And what are you, Detective?

I'm just doing my job.

I'm not fleecing guys like Jerry Bullard Out of their life savings.

Excuse me?

We figured out your scam.

You go to sex clubs, you bat your eyelashes, You suck men into your web, And then you spin a story about how you're terrified Of your old boyfriend, And you flash that neck scar of yours as proof.

So, that's when you barge in, Making all sorts of jealous threats, And then once you leave, Cassandra falls into this dupe's arms, Begging for help.

Now, he's so head over heels That he'll just cough up about anything she wants, Right?

Spending money, a new car, Maybe new clothes, and a new hairdo So you won't recognize her.

You have got a good imagination, lady.

So do you, Steve.

My name is Doug.

Yeah, it is on your New York driver's license.

See, but we tossed your little grifter love nest, And we found all sorts of aliases, huh?

Steve Harlan from California, Judd Fleiss, Michigan.

Oh, and Mike Progelhof, Alabama.

They just keep on going.

Judy Vacarro from Connecticut, Rebecca Franklin from lllinois, And, of course, Cassandra Davina From New York, which, and I gotta tell ya, This is by far the sexiest.



Let me explain.

No, let me explain.

You prey on middle-aged men...

And their middle-aged lives, And you tell 'em how special they are, And then you drain 'em dry, And you skip town with your boy Doug Or whatever his name is.

You know what?

I knew you were smarter than all the rest.

You really can't help yourself, can you?

So, you two rip men off, And you knew that your victims wouldn't rat you out.

I mean, who wants to tell the cops That you're a patsy and a swinger?

If nobody's complaining, then you ain't got no case.

Oh, we have a case.

Larceny, fraud, scheme to defraud, Criminal impersonation.

Every time you run out of money, You find another victim.

Good luck getting any of those so-called victims On the stand.


I'm pretty sure That we can convince Jerry Bullard.

The thing is...

He gave me money out of the goodness...

Of his own heart.

Well, after you told him The big, bad wolf was after you.

Jerry loves me.


Well, you know what the best part About all this is?

Once we're done with you, you and biker boy Get a free trip to Miami.



What's in Miami?

There's a swingers club you two hit last summer.

The open door.

Hmm. Never heard of it.

Really? Because the name priscilla cruz Sure rang a bell with the Miami P.D.

It turns out you and Dougie are persons of interest In the death of a swinger Named Claude Bailey.

Now, you remember Claude, don't you?

He ended up face down in a pool of blood.

Bank account drained to the tune of $50,000.

Me and Cass were never in Miami.

Of course you don't wanna admit it.

It's the place where you finally screwed up.

Yes, you left town without leaving fingerprints, But, uh, good old Claude here Got a piece of one of ya.

Yeah, Miami P.D. found skin cells Underneath Claude's fingernails, And I bet that as soon as we send your DNA samples Down to 'em, It's gonna tell us a story about who m*rder*d him.

Unless you wanna save some time And just tell me yourself right now.

You know?

'cause you like me so much more than all those other guys.


[door opens]

My client doesn't have to answer that.

Your client?

I don't have a lawyer.

You do now.

By request of another client of mine, Jerry Bullard.

You gotta be kidding me.

I'm not.

Now, if I can have the room.


Told you he loves me.

A lot of charges here, ms. Hardwicke.

I hope you aren't trying to substitute Quantity for quality.

Your honor, the defendants are serial con artists Who've defrauded countless victims.

Then why isn't the gallery overflowing with them?

One is seated right there.

Jerry Bullard.

You mean the man who's willingly paying For my client's defense.

That's irrelevant.

Mr., uh...Shankman.


Wanna pipe in here on behalf of your client?

Yes, yes.

My client would like to plead not guilty, your honor.

As does mine.

And the people request remand for both defendants Who've displayed quite a talent for trickery, coercion, And threats.

Both use aliases, both lack community ties, And both are an extreme flight risk.

Uh, your honor, I don't know about this other suspect, But my client has no history of v*olence And has never been charged with a crime.

Uh, me neither. I've never even been fingerprinted.

Sir, if you have something to say, You need to say it through counsel.

But he's not saying anything.

Your honor, in addition to the charges before you, The defendants are also suspects In an out-of-state m*rder.

It would be irresponsible to allow them to go--

Are you asking for an extradition hold?

Well, no.

Special victims collected the defendants' DNA And sent it to Miami P.D., But we're still awaiting confirmation.

Then you're tap-dancing while I should be at lunch.

Bail will be set for each defendant At $250,000.

Both will surrender their passports.

[bangs gavel]

Don't worry, Cassandra.

I'm gonna go post your bail right now.

Thank you, sweetheart.


Cass, what about my bail?

You're not just gonna leave me here.

Sorry, I have to go.

Backstabbing bitch!

I'll be waiting for you outside.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Thank you.

You are making a fool of yourself.

No, I'm not.

She's playing you.

Cassandra is not even her real name.

That's her name with me.

Cassandra loves me just as much as I love her.

Now leave me the hell alone.

Think Cassandra will manage out there Without her partner in crime?

Oh, I'm sure she'll have no problem ruining lives All on her own.

Thank you.

[slams down phone receiver]

What's up?

Miami P.D. Just called.

Say they faxed over the DNA results.

They say we gotta read it to believe it.

[fax machine whirrs]

Skin cells under the dead guy's fingernails Are a perfect match to DNA on the boyfriend.

That's it? Doesn't surprise me Doug k*lled the guy.

Yeah, well, there's one more thing The DNA sample from Doug and Cassandra revealed.

They're related?

You're in love with a woman Who's been having sex with her brother.

That's a lie.

You just wanna ruin what I have.

You know what, Jerry?

We really don't care.

But if Cassandra is banging her brother, Then what else is she capable of?

Do you really want your daughter around that?

Maybe it's all a mistake.

I mean, how do you really know That they were sleeping together?

Okay, well, the day we released Doug, He ran into Cassandra's arms And rammed his tongue down her throat.

We also found a used condom at their place Under the only bed.

Oh, my god.

But I love her...

In a way I never felt with jane.

I love Cassandra with every bit of my heart.

We're soul mates.


Uh, I--I gave up my whole life To be with her.

Well, well, well, moving on up, huh?

New home, new life.

Jerry invited me to live with him.

Says we'll have the whole place to ourselves.

Well, great. You can bang him in every room of the house, The whole time fantasizing about your brother.

What do you people want from me?

Mm, to hear you defend it.

There's nothing to defend.

What Doug and I do is totally consensual.

It's still incest.

That word does not even begin to describe what we have.

How about "sick"?

Uh, how about "depraved"?

Doug is my twin.

Do you even know what that means?

We share a soul.

Ever since we came to be in our mother's womb, We've been together.

We always will be.

It's still incest.


We are nothing without each other.

Well, great.

You'll just wanna remember that when you're down in Miami, Testifying on the stand for Doug's m*rder trial.

He's not a m*rder*r.

And you're not gonna be hanging out with Jerry Bullard Like a big, fat tick anymore.

That's about to end.

He was pretty weirded out When we dropped the b*mb about, uh, your bromance.

You think you're so smart?

I just got off the phone with Jerry.

He wasn't weirded out at all.

In fact, he said I should get home soon, Because he has the perfect gift for me, For both of us.


[door hinges squeak]

Jerry, it's Detective Stabler!

Hey, bail papers for Doug.

It was easy getting him here.

I told him no hard feelings, Cassandra would be home soon.

He plopped down, I gave him a beer.

He never even saw me pick up his Kn*fe.

Jerry, step out of the way.

Now Cassandra and I can be together.


Right, honey?

[approaching footsteps]




Oh, don't leave me.


I can't do it without you.

