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13x23 - Rhodium Nights

Posted: 05/26/12 01:20
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system, sexually-based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as The Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

[loud music playing]

[Volume decreases]

The feds keep pumping money into the Reserve, and interest rates stay low.


But how long can the IMF keep bailing out Greece and ltaly?

They just got to hold out until the election.

Oh, yes.

Okay... let's take it easy on the champagne, okay, honey?

We got a situation.


Oh, you guys are with the third?

My dad speaks real highly of your captain.

What can I do for you?

A neighbor called in with a noise complaint.

Come on, fellas, it's Saturday night.

I'm just throwing a little bachelor party for my boy here.

We'll try and keep it down.


Sorry to bother you.

Have a good night.

Good night.

It's showtime, baby.

I'll get everybody inside.

[Loud hip-hop music]


♪ ♪

You've taken care of everyone all night.

Let me take care of you.

Yeah, I don't think they'll miss us.

Oh, that's better.

Wait, wait, wait.


Wait, wait.

What? What? What?


Oh, my God!

Oh, my God.


Oh, my-- oh!

Okay, it's okay.

Oh, God.

Cable news host?

Yeah, bachelor party gone wrong.

Victim's an unidentified female-- white, found in the rooftop pool.

And the precinct decided to call SVU because...?

My captain's not a risk taker.

Any guests stick around?

Not on purpose.

They were in such a hurry to get out, they overloaded the penthouse elevator.

It's been stuck for over an hour.

Well, when you get them out, bring them up.

She looks so young.

You found her?


A cater waiter did.

She must have been skinny-dipping or something.

Anyone find her clothes?

All I know is I jumped in, pulled her out, did mouth-to-mouth, but it was too late.

She was one of your guests?

Oh, I don't know her.

She must have been someone's plus-one.

Well, we'll need your invite list.

It was more of a word-of-mouth thing.

You're a journalist, aren't you, Mr. Hannigan?

Do your best to reconstruct.


I think we found out why the local precinct doesn't want to touch this one.

Who was in the elevator?

One former Yankee, two current major leaguers, one NHL, two hedge fund guys, and two Secret Service agents.

Then there's the bachelor...

Will Brady, police commissioner's son.

I've spoken with my dad, he obviously told me to cooperate completely.

It's terrible what happened.

Do you have any idea who this girl came to your party with or who hired her?

No, you'd have to ask Clayton.

I don't know that anyone was hired.

And if they were, that's not a crime.

Well, the problem is all you guys crammed into that elevator.

It looks like you were fleeing the scene.

I get it, Detective.

You're in a tough spot here.

Excuse me?

We appreciate the cooperation, Will.

Whatever I can do, Captain, but, uh...

I should call my fiancee before this thing goes viral.

Will Brady and I were in college together.

I'm his best man.

And the dead girl in your pool?


But like I said, I don't know her.

So where were you when the body was discovered?

I was in the living room, giving a toast.

Will and all our guests were there.

Including the girls you hired?

Pardon me?

I mean, where did you get those girls-- from a strip club, escort service?

Look, I can't keep someone from bringing a date to my party.

So how are you doing on that guest list?

[Exhales sharply]


Mostly, I remember the top of her head.

Uh, she could barely talk.

What, like she was on something?

Nothing that I gave her.


Do you ever use your handcuffs in bed?

You ever, uh, get laid without paying for it?

Nine gentlemen stuck in the elevator, and they're all deaf, dumb, and dumber.

And one suit says that the vic seemed woozy.

We're pulling security footage from the elevator and the lobby cams.

It was a bachelor party.

I mean, guys film the action.

We should confiscate cell phones.

These people?

Not without a warrant.

No, let's just slow down till we hear from the M.E.

Captain, why are we treading so lightly?

The harder we push, the quicker they lawyer up.


I didn't expect you home.

I spent the night talking to rich drunks.

I got an hour break.

Figured I'd sleep.



It's just you've been napping at the precinct lately.

The break room stinks of dirty laundry.

I wanted to see Zara.

Nick, you know we're gonna have to talk about this at some point, right?

I know.

She didn't drown.

There's no water in her lungs.

She d*ed from a lethal overdose of scopolamine.

Isn't that for seasickness?

And a few other medical conditions-- none of which showed up on autopsy.

I've seen it used as a Mickey Finn.

Working girls slip it to their Johns.

So somebody turned the tables on her.

We're looking at a homicide here.


There's no signs of trauma except for abrasions on her knees.

Semen in her mouth and throat and 21/2 ounces in her stomach contents.

That's more than one guy.

This girl was working hard.

Yeah, but nothing inconsistent with consensual encounters.

I'm kicking this back to you.

It's a CUPPI.

A pending police investigation?

You told us she was dead when she went into that pool.

Somebody moving the body doesn't prove homicide.

That's your job.

Thanks a lot.


Is there anything you can do to help us ID this girl?

She had silicone breast implants.

We're tracking the serial number.

We respond to a noise complaint at 2:20.

We issue a stern warning.

And the second call at 3:50?

Female, no name, Spanish accent-- says there's a girl needing medical attention.

Let me get this straight.

That was before Clayton Hannigan called about the body in the pool?

While en route, we get his call.

My partner attends to the deceased while I secure the premises.

And you really didn't know he was the commissioner's son?

First I heard of it was when the white shirts showed up.

Wouldn't have mattered anyway.

As my Captain says, "All men are equal under the law."

Fin, Nick...

Those two guys give you anything?

They're well rehearsed.

We got a hit on our vic's breast implants.

Her plastic surgeon ID'd her as Maggie Murphy from Winnipeg.

She's 16.

16, and he gave her implants.

Liv, we can't prosecute a Winnipeg surgeon.

How did she get here?

She ran away from her foster home six months ago.

She had her SSI checks forwarded to an address in Astoria.

CSU and TARU are at Maggie's sublet-- no roommates, neighbors don't seem to know her.

She only had one friend at the party, an unidentified female with a Spanish accent.

She called 911 about a sick girl.

Well, where are we on ID'ing the strippers?

These women certainly know how to dodge a security camera.

And the invite list?

Oh, the Secret Service agents are being debriefed by Homeland Security.

"If we have anything pertinent to your investigation, we'll let you know."

Anybody else?

Goalie's back in Canada.

The ballplayers are at the stadium, hung over in front of 50,000 fans.

I mean, they're rich and powerful.

They know how to duck and cover.

But the girl's body was moved.

That makes Clayton's penthouse a crime scene.

Go back with CSU.

It's Sunday.

The garbage hasn't gone out.

Captain, we're also looking at multiple counts of statutory r*pe.

Well, that's the DA's call.

For now, we just focus on how she d*ed.

We need to go after these guys.

Maggie Murphy was 16.

She spent the whole night on her knees.

[Knock on door]



Thanks for coming in, Will.

Of course.

Once you told me what happened to that girl, I wanted to help any way I could.

This is a USB drive which contains footage of all my client's activity throughout the entire party, proving that he was never with the victim.

[Overlapping shouts and cheers]

Again, my client is never alone.

I think we get the idea.

So this girl--

Maggie Murphy-- did you see her with any other guests?

No one specific I recall.

Is there anything that you do recall?


It's all right, Captain.

I know she's doing her job.

Um, look, the girl seemed out of it.

Um, she was sloppy.

I mean, I saw her making out with another woman-- a tall, tan brunette.

Okay, Will, I'm sure you understand we're gonna have to go through all of this footage.

What is it-- four, five hours?

More like eight.

Hey, you only get married for the first time once.

Long night for these girls.

And guys like this, they actually think these girls don't see them as Johns.

Never underestimate man's capacity for self-delusion.

Don't tell me you never been to a strip club.

On the job, a lot...

My cousin's bachelor party.

But I got to tell you, it makes me feel... uncomfortable.

Oh, you're one of those guys.


Turns down the lap dance, tells the stripper she has better choices she can make with her life.

You know, I respect women.

I grew up with sisters.

I got a daughter, man.

Fellas, I think I got something.

The time stamp was encoded 3:25 A.M.

Maggie exits the living room.


Heading where?

To Clayton's bedroom.

The way she's staggering--

I mean, she's already on her way to die.

She's already doped with scopolamine.

Is she anywhere else in this footage?

No, she doesn't appear anywhere else.

But look...

Okay, Clayton with a friend.

It's a little bit after Maggie left-- watch.

They're heading in her direction, towards the bedroom presumably.

That's a little thin.

That's not enough to convince him to come in.

Well, how about this?

Call from the lab.

They found vomit on sheets recovered from the trash in Clayton's building.

They're testing for scopolamine.

Where is he now?

I just talked to his news director.

He's told me Clayton's leaving today to cover the crisis in North Korea.

Well, that's too bad because he's got a crisis breaking right here.

I'll have Port Authority hold the plane.

Go pick him up.


This footage lets Will off the hook.

We can keep the case.

I'm trying.

1PP wants the DA's office to lead the investigation.

Or bury it.

I will call David Haden.

He will back us.


You know where this goes, Liv.

That guest list, the commissioner's son-- tip of the iceberg.

Those girls have other clients-- politicians, DAs, brass.

So we let someone get away with m*rder?

We play our cards close to the vest.

[Door opens]

My client will tell you everything he knows.

Good. Who helped you put Maggie's body in the pool?

There were some middle eastern diplomats there.

Their security guys helped.

So more witnesses we can't talk to.

I'm telling you the truth.

Like you did the night of the party?

The wet suit, diving in to save her was a nice touch.

That was the wrong move, obviously.

But she was dead when I found her.

So why don't we backtrack?

Tell us what happened.


I took a break from the party, went to my room...

And the girl-- she was in my bed, dead.

And you decided not to call 911 right way because...?

Secret Service needed to escort a few of the guests through the service elevator.

That way, there are no cameras.


Now, did you know she was 16?

I didn't ID people at the door.

Maybe you should have.

From the M.E.'s report, at least five of your friends had sex with an underage girl-- maybe you did too.

I didn't touch her.

I didn't even know this girl was at my party until she was dead in my bed.

Anybody confirm your story?

Or did you go into your bedroom alone?

You're worried about your image, Mr. Hannigan-- being with an escort?

We're way past that.

Falsifying a crime scene, accomplice to underage sex trafficking.

The threats aren't necessary.


She's not an escort.

She's a friend.


We'll need her name and number.


[Pen scratching]

I don't know her last name.

Oh, so a close friend.

Now, you may want to wait for your lawyer.

But once he shows, we can't help you.

Am I being charged with something?

Not yet.

We just have a few questions, Carissa.

I'd still feel better if my attorney were here.


Could I get something to drink, Detective...

Amaro, was it?

Uh, yeah, what would you like?

Some water would be great.

I haven't seen you around.

Excuse me?

We get a lot of guys on the job.

You're Mr. Clean?


I'm married, so...

That's nice.

And you've never been tempted?




It's your wife.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Yes, you do.

She's hurt you.

Have you told anyone?


It's bottling up inside you.

You need to find a way to let go of that.

Sometimes evening the score, that's all it takes.

[Knock on door]

What's going on in there?

Witness starts talking, I listen.

About the case, okay.

That was something else.

Well, you know, Captain, sometimes that's how it starts.

We're gonna wait for her lawyer.

Last thing we need right now is even the hint of impropriety.

Ms. Gibson didn't know the victim.

She barely saw her that night.

Tell them, sweetheart.

I assumed she was somebody's date.


But you were with Clayton Hannigan when you discovered the body?

And as you can imagine, he called all the sh*ts from that point forward.

How about before that?

A woman called 911 about a sick girl.

That wasn't me.


[Clears throat]

And the other women there-- you know any of them?

Just tell the truth, Carissa-- the whole truth and nothing but.

I knew all of them except for the girl.

And may I ask what you were doing there?

I'm an escort.

I get paid to go to dinners, attend parties.

There's nothing illegal about my client's business.

In that case, we'll need the name of your booker.

Well, that shouldn't be a problem.

I represent him as well.

See this?


This is Stephanie from northern northern Virginia.

I like the hair, if it's back there.

"Hair back there"--

I'm a poet!



I miss you.

I do.
[Cell phone ringing]



Yeah, okay.

All right, thanks.

Hey, Daniela.

Come see me later, okay?

You know, not everybody's got that much talent.

If you go along with that kind of height--

Boss, hey.

We have to get out of here.

I'm kind of in the middle of something, Cassidy.

We got to go, now.


Come on.


What do you want from me?

We need to talk to Bart Ganzsel.

Oh, not a good time, detectives.

Hey, Bart.


Hey, you got a warrant?

You kidding me?

Hey, get the hell back.

Take it easy.

Let me see some identification.

I need to see a warrant.

Your ID. Now!

Hey, hey, hey!

Stay down.

Stay down!

You, hands on your head.


[Handcuffs clicking]

You just got yourself arrested, pal.


Ganzel thinks he's got an ex-NYPD on the payroll.

I had to make it look real.

Yeah, don't give me that, all right?

I was UC for years.

There are other ways.

I'm sorry if I hurt you.

You didn't hurt me.

So who are you undercover for, hmm, Internal Affairs?


Cassidy, you ass.

You punched my partner?

Nice to see you too, Olivia.

It's been a long time.

You look good.

What, you know this guy?

Used to work SVU...

Last century.

And now you're moonlighting for Bart Ganzsel.

He mention the dead girl at his party?

Might have come up.

And you couldn't give us a call?

Hey, I've been under for three years.

I'm not gonna jeopardize that.

For a m*rder charge, sex trafficking?

We all have our marching orders.

Yeah, so do we.

So what do you know about Maggie Murphy?

She one of his regulars?

I don't know the name.

And I know most of his girls pretty well.

Yeah, I'll bet.

So how'd she get into Clayton's party?

I don't know.

Maybe a friend brought her.




She's the queen bee.


I heard you two hit it off.

Hey, boys, all on the same side here.

Are we?

We need the names of every escort who worked that party.

Look, my boss has every reason to cooperate.

Get that from him and put me in Rikers for the night.

Otherwise he's gonna get suspicious.

It's on you, Liv.

And one last thing--

You and Ganzsel were cutting out just as we got there.

Someone tip you off?

Who would do that?



You like it rough, huh?

Shut up.

Come on, Ganzsel, your lawyer's here.

This way.

That's the underage girl who d*ed?

That's awful.

But not one of my escorts.

Never seen her before, hand to God.

My client was contracted to provide female entertainers for the bacchanal-- to dance, talk to the guests-- nothing illegal, as documented here.

All over 18.

It was a high-profile event, lots of security.

Any idea how Maggie got in?

I wish I knew.

I called every escort I'd sent.

They all swore they didn't know the girl, that she came with Anya Solar.

And Anya hasn't called me back.

What does Anya look like?

Brunette, tall, tan...


We're gonna need to talk to Anya.

You guys don't have her?

Oh, man, that just sucks.

Tall and tan...

And hot.

Yeah, this is Anya Solar, aka Anya Soldaz, aka four other names.

She's a Colombian native.

She was here on a student visa.

She's 23.

She flew back to Cartagena Sunday morning.

So who paid for her ticket-- Ganzsel?

Maybe, if he paid through an offshore shell account.

We searched Anya's apartment.

She left in a hurry.

The doorman says she raced in and out 7:00 A.M., Sunday.

We found this.

That's just like the one in the video.

With this inside.

Scopolamine made out to Anya Brown.

So it wasn't an overdose.

Anya brings Maggie to the party and then dr*gs her?

Yeah, why?

If she just wanted Maggie dead, there's a hundred easier ways.

Someone wanted a scandal...

To hurt Clayton Hannigan or the commissioner.

I mean, Anya must have been the one who made the second 911 call.

Cassidy says he knows all of Ganzsel's girls.

That would include Anya.

Pick him back up.

We can't.

It'll blow his cover.

We treat him like a hostile witness.

That won't be hard.

[Brooding rock music playing, indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

This what Ganzsel pays you for?

Nice life.

I do some scouting from time to time.

Thought you guys were a classier act.

Sometimes you find a diamond in the rough.

What can I do for you?

Oh, gorgeous Anya.


How well do you know her?

She doesn't really open up to people.

Well, did you know she left the country six hours after Maggie drowned?

Hookers-- never trust them, ever.

Rissa, what are you doing here?

Boss misses you.

Yeah? Give us a minute, baby, would you?


One second-- you two know each other, right?

Why don't you go catch up?

She checking up on you?

I don't blame Ganzsel.

Somebody set him up good.


You think it was Anya's idea?

Who's she working for?

She was one of Delia Wilson's top girls until Ganzsel took her away.

Delia Wilson?

I don't know the name.

She runs an escort service?


Very high profile, very discreet.

Upper-Echelon matchmaking--

Cabinet members, CEOs, BFDs.

Two ex-governors have her number on their speed dial.

Used to be the biggest one on the East Coast till Ganzsel moved in.

He's got the hottest girls.

She's got the most high-powered client list.

I don't know Anya well.

Any idea who paid for her plane ticket?


And I'd tell you if I did.

I feel like I could tell you anything...

Like I want to.

Look, Carissa, don't work me.

I'm not.

And I meant what I said before.

If you ever want to talk about anything...

Or maybe not talk at all...

You trying to bribe a police officer?

I just think you need a friend.

There are things you don't even tell your partner, aren't there?

When you were a girl, is this the life you envisioned for yourself?

Bart and I are engaged.

We haven't gone public yet, but I'm gonna be fine.

It'll catch up with him eventually.

And, Carissa, you'll go down too.

You like saving women, Detective?

I get that.

We can talk about that too, if you want.

So why is Delia going after Ganzsel?

Ganzel's the new world.

She's the old.

Two months ago, she sent some g*ons over to the loft.

They made threats, told Ganzsel to stop taking her girls, her clients.

And now he's fielding questions from the cops about a dead girl.

Why didn't he tell us that?

Because he wants to go after her himself.

Look, if you two are gonna go after Delia Wilson, you need to be careful.

Nobody-- and I mean nobody-- knows how deep her hooks go.

Delia's out back.

You should have worn boots.

We're fine.

A little mud's not gonna k*ll us.

It's more than mud.

Delia Wilson.

Thank you, Iris.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

He's on a strict feeding schedule.

He's three days old, had to put his mother down-- poor thing.

How can I help you?

Do you know an Anya Solar?

I don't think so.

Should I?

Well, we heard she worked for you.

It doesn't ring a bell.

How about Maggie Murphy?


Can I ask what this is about?

Can you tell us about your relationship with Bart Ganzsel?


There is no relationship.

But you know him?

Well, I've heard of him.

He doesn't exactly keep his personal ambitions a secret.

But you are in the same line of work that he is.

I'm a mother of three.

That, plus taking care of my husband and running the farm--

I barely have time for myself.

It's not easy being a working woman, juggling a life.

I'm sure you can relate, Detective.

But you do find the time to run an escort agency.

It's a matchmaking service.

And, uh, it's a hobby.

A hobby?

Mr. Ganzsel told us you threatened him.

You tried to shut him down.

He told you that?

Why on earth?

He's under the impression a few of the women from your matchmaking site-- there's some crossover there.

I wouldn't know anything about that.

I've never even met Ganzsel.

I take it you're investigating him?

Anything you might want to tell us?

I wish I could.

Seems like a criminal to me.

I'm sorry you came all this way for nothing, detectives.

I don't buy her Sunnybrook Farm act.

Delia Wilson put a dead underage hooker in Clayton's bed as an opening salvo in her w*r against Bart Ganzsel.

Liv, on paper, Delia Wilson teaches at her children's Sunday school.

She drives them to soccer games.

Now, if she is New York City's most notorious madam, she is putting up quite a front.

Well, Vice investigated her for five years.

I'm trying to get her files.

Well, don't waste your time.

If they had something, they would have moved on it.

You're telling me to drop a perfectly good lead?

This was slid under my apartment door.


When you were undercover-- this is completely legit.

You know that, and I know that.

But out of context, it looks bad.

I'm gonna have to recuse myself and SVU from this case.

You're gonna kick this upstairs to 1PP?

For all we know, they're the ones who leaked these photos.

"For all we know" is right.

[Knock on door]

Captain, we've got a call.

The assistant was here working with the former governor on his memoirs, and he just has a heart att*ck?

That's what I was told.

Why call SVU?

I'm not a skilled sex-crimes detective like you guys, but my suspicions were aroused when I noticed that the former governor's pants were unzipped and on backwards.


We were editing chapter 7.

His first gubernatorial campaign.

He just keeled over.

Did he grab his chest or his arm?


[Stutters] I don't know.

Not that I recall.

Did you loosen his clothes?


His pants were on backwards, honey.

Now, what chapter, again, was that, that you were editing?

Oh, my God.

You think that I--

I don't know, but your picture is about to be on the front page of every New York paper in a matter of hours, so...

The governor was... getting a massage when he d*ed.

From you?

No, no, not-- not me.

The governor's aide called me.

[Clears throat]

We met here.

We dressed Governor Fletcher.

So he was naked.


On the couch-- it was so undignified.

Okay, so his aide asked you to supply a cover story.

The governor has a wife and children.

There's no reason why they need to know that--

He d*ed getting a happy ending.

We're gonna need the name of that masseuse.

Um, she was, um...

J-Japanese, I think.

His Rolodex is on the desk.


At least that makes me feel better.

I'd hate to think hers was the last face he saw before he checked out.

Governor Fletcher was with his young Asian masseuse, and we're supposed to assume he d*ed of low blood pressure...

70 under 25.

That's not what k*lled him?


In addition to heart meds and alcohol, he had 200 milligrams of an erectile-dysfunction drug in his system.

That's four times the dosage.

Plus eight milligrams of scopolamine.

The former governor was m*rder*d.

Nothing of value was missing from his office.

This was a hit.

Look, your boy Cassidy all but outed Fletcher as one of Delia's regulars.

Delia's not gonna k*ll her own client.

Ganzel must have gotten to the masseuse.

Delia started a w*r.

He's striking back.

No, no.

I did not k*ll Mr. Fletcher.

Okay, we know you were there in the townhouse.

We found your fingerprints on the doorknob, the phone--

I see him every Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 P.M.

He had a bad back.

Stop lying, Yuko, okay?

We'll revoke your work visa.

You can go back to Japan and tell your family why.

No, please, I tell you the truth.

You give him dr*gs to keep him going?



He had a heart condition-- very bad to take those.

Somebody slipped him those pills.

Not me.

When I got there, he was lying on the couch, not moving, not breathing...


You call 911?

I was afraid.

I called lris.


She works for the governor?

No, she's my booker at the agency.

She said to just go, so I go.

He was a very nice man-- very generous and very quick.

Yuko called, panicked.

I told her to leave, and I called the governor's aide.

The governor's aide denies any knowledge of this.

Of course he did.

Check my cell phone.

Why would I lie about that?

Why not?

You're lying about everything else.

I don't understand.

The governor didn't die of natural causes.

He was given dr*gs that caused a heart att*ck.

Oh, my God.

I don't know anything about that.

We just wanted to protect his wife, his reputation.

Is that a crime?

No, but covering up a m*rder is.

I didn't know it was a m*rder.

You have two daughters, right?

If you're convicted for falsifying a crime scene, obstruction, they will be teenagers before you get out.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Detectives, our good friend Marvin Exley for the defense.

I need you to stop talking, Iris.

Is that what you want?

You do that, and you will lose your last chance to help yourself.

Sweetheart, they're lying to you.

Can I have a moment alone with my client?

So who hired you, Exley, hmm--

Delia Wilson?

That is none of your concern, detective.

I am here to help lris.

Isn't that right?

Iris, you're done here.

You are.

I'm not.

Excuse me?

I am not taking the fall for this.

I'll talk to the detectives alone.

[Door closes]

Tell us about Delia.


[Siren wails]

Your run's over, Delia.

You should have taken the parkway, detectives.

You would have made better time.

Delia Wilson, you're under arrest for promoting prostitution in the third degree.

I make fresh goat cheese, and I help people find love.

There's no crime in either of those things.

One of Ganzsel's whores got to the governor an hour before Yuko showed.

Why don't you bully them?

Well, if either one of you have any evidence, we'd be happy to take your statement.

Your Honor, we have corroborated law-enforcement evidence that Delia Wilson has been running a prostitution ring with impunity for ten years.

Please, Your Honor, this is pure slander.

Mrs. Wilson is a shadchan.

That means she runs a matchmaking service as a kindness-- she has a big heart.

She's also a suspect in the m*rder of a 16-year-old girl.

Then why isn't she being charged with that crime?

My client is a mother of three.

She's a farmer.

She's not a flight risk.

She has no assets.

Her assets are hidden overseas.

We've traced payments to Anguillan corporations that Mr. Exley himself helped set up for her.

As such, we'll be moving to have Mr. Exley disqualified as counsel.

This is a witch hunt, Your Honor.

Thank you, Mr. Exley.

But given the weight of these charges and the flight risk, bail is set at $2 million.

[Gavel bangs]

[Murmurs from the courtroom]

Thank you.

Well, Delia Wilson is out on bail.

How? I thought she didn't have any assets.

Mr. Exley put up his own townhouse.

Yes, that's right, I did.

She's a friend.

So you people just don't get the big picture, do you?

Which is what?

Well, she's avoided arrest for the last ten years.

Why do you think that is?

She has the goods on everyone you work for, everyone you will ever consider working for.

You just don't know how deep this goes.

We'll do our job.

You do yours.

Right, and you and your DA friend Haden-- you're in this way over your head, sweetheart.

I get paid top dollar for my legal advice.

I'll give it to you for free.

Walk away, little people.

Now watch yourself, Counselor.


And you-- you think your marriage is rocky now, kiddo?

Just wait till your wife finds out about you and your star witness.

He's playing some pretty serious hardball.

Is there anything I should know about?

Nothing, Captain.

We're good.

Detective Amaro...

Can I talk to you?

Yeah. Of course.

Look, let's come inside.

Come on.

What's going on, Carissa?

If I tell you what I know about the governor's death, can you protect me?

What exactly are you trying to tell me?

Were you there?

You already know there's a w*r going on between Ganzsel and Delia.

Maggie got caught, the governor...

I think I'm next.


Look, we can protect you.

Come inside with me right now.

I'll take your statement.


I think I should go.

Um, this was a mistake.

Hey, Carissa...

Just take my card...

At least.

Just call me if you need me...



[Breathing heavily]