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14x12 - Criminal Hatred

Posted: 01/31/13 23:51
by bunniefuu
Announcer: In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Hey, come on, Nick, you gotta neaten it up, man.

You can't be all messy cruising a gay bar.

Hey, we can't all look like Al Sharpton.

Dude, in there, I'm an aberzombie fashioniste.

They make a cute couple.


You think this will work?

The suspect is a fit-looking male.

White, between 25 and 40, with blonde hair, hitting on other men.

That narrows it down to half of Chelsea.

Well, cop instincts.

I guess Fin and Amaro will just have to sort through them.

He has to meet you on a Friday night?

Honey, it's an acquisition.

He can't be seen talking to the other side's lawyer.

Well, tell him to come to Connecticut.

My mother will bake him muffins.

Melissa. I'll take an early train, I promise.

I just don't like driving at night.

Hey, Hunter will be your co-pilot.

Won't you, buddy?


If I can sit in the front seat.


You be good for your mom, all right?


Come here.

[Rock music playing]

[Dance music]

[Laughter, overlapping chatter]

[Sighs] You want a drink?

Why not?

How do you like it?

I can get you some ice.

Straight, like you.


If I were straight, we wouldn't be here.

But I'm glad we are.

You have nice eyes.

I've got some other nice parts too.

You want to see them?

[Cell phone ringing]

[Muffled groaning]

The hotel only has cameras in the front.

Charles Murphy checked in alone, so his company must have used a side door.

You know, I think I saw him last night.

He walked right by us.

Bad luck.

Whoever picked him up did his usual number.

Tied him up.

Rear entry. Stole his wallet.

Looks like.

Plus he b*at him up pretty badly.

Our perp is escalating.

He's got five missed calls, and I'm guessing he was supposed to be with them.

Cragen's at one PP.

They would like to know how this could have happened when we were on the scene.

Maybe because there's four of us and 400 gay bars?

And none of the previous vics want to talk about it.

Armstrong, he says he doesn't remember anything else, and absolutely, positively do not come down to his office.

Jackson's on a cruise to nowhere with his wife and daughters.

Closeted gay men.

This perp sure knows how to pick a victim.

And if there are four that we know about, I mean, there could be 20 that never reported it.

Yeah, okay, thank you.

[Hangs up phone]

Charles Murphy just woke up.

[Knock on door]

Mrs. Murphy?

We're detectives.

Just look at him.

Have you found the man who att*cked my husband?

Melissa, please.

We're working on it.

Why did he have to hurt him?

Charles would have just given him his wallet.

His wallet?

Do you know who you're looking for?

Has he mugged other people?

Mrs. Murphy, could we get a list of the credit cards that were in his wallet?

There's one at home in my desk.

I'm not leaving you now.

Oh, it would be a huge help.

Honey, please.

It's okay. It's fine.

I'll be quick.

Thank you.

A mugger?

What was I supposed to say?

We've been married for 16 years.

We have three kids.

Well, can you at least tell us what happened?

Look, I won't be able to testify.

You can decide that later.

First just help us get this guy.

Look, I don't remember very much.

I had had a lot to drink.

Mr. Murphy, he's done this four times that we know of, hurting them worse as he goes along.

He targets people just like you.

People in places they're not supposed to be.

[Inhales] I get these urges.

I try to fight them.

I try to push them down.

Nobody's judging you.

Maybe you're not.

But my firm is not gay-friendly.

And my wife... if I lose my wife, if I lose my family, I lose everything.

We have no desire to hurt your family.

Then leave us alone.

Mr. Murphy--

I'm sorry, okay?

I can't help you.

Everything here is legal, and having cops around is not good for my business.

Defensive much?

Oh, sorry.

Were you here to buy a double-bubbler?

No, we're here about Charles Murphy.

He bought a $200 water pipe, charged it on his amex last night at 2:00 am.

Okay, is there a problem?

That wasn't Charles Murphy, that was the guy who stole his credit card.

A black card, you don't ID?

The customers aren't big fans of that.

There wasn't a stop on the card.

Yeah, he hadn't reported it yet.

He was tied up.

You got any surveillance video in here?


Customers aren't big fans of that either, huh?

You remember the guy?

5'10". Blonde hair.

Gay face.

Gay face?

Okay, you're gonna come down to the station with us and help us make a sketch.

I can't just close my store.

[Bell rings]

No, that's fine.

We'll just hang out here and keep you company until closing time.

[Keys jingling]


Hey, come on, Jace.

I'm looking, I'm looking.

Keep your voices down.

So you don't want your customers to know there's a violent predator out there?

Kind of dampens the party mood.

Yeah, well, when he ties them up and r*pes them, that's kind of a downer too.

Some of these mussys, that'd just be another thrill.

Whatever happened to safe sex?

So last century.

Anyways, we don't get the bucks county antiquing crowd in here.

Oh, so they'd rather get assaulted?

Than buy that perfect sideboard?


Risk adds thrill to life.

Don't you ever get bored?

Well, meeting people like you certainly keeps it fresh.

Anyway, I don't know him.

Fin, guy in a grey suit, red scarf, stepping out.

Hey, hold up a second.



Hey, you saw us.

You saw the picture.

You took off pretty fast.

I'm late for a dinner.

With who? Your wife?

Look, I didn't do anything wrong.

I don't know anything.

So what's the rush?

Maybe we should call your wife, tell her you're gonna be late.

All right.

I saw him earlier.

I just-- I didn't want to get involved.

Well, you're involved.

He tried to pick me up.

He wanted to go to a hotel room.

I got a bad feeling.

Where is he now?

He moved on to somebody else.

Dark suit, red tie.

They left together.

They went that way, I think.

Couple new hotels off 7th.

Fin and Amaro struck out at The Hollister, they're trying The Duchess.


So maybe it's our single guy in a suit.

Harry Dunleavy.

No baggage.

Here we go.

Mr. Dunleavy?

Maid service.

Mr. Dunleavy?

[Doorknob clicks]



His company split.

How is he?

Not breathing.

SVU portable.

We need a bus to The Rixton hotel.

He's gone.


I can't find a medical examiner, and they said I should talk to you about Harry.

We're so sorry, Mrs. Dunleavy.

They say he d*ed of a heart att*ck, but there were precipitating circumstances--

Why don't you have a seat.

Um, he suffered from a heart condition, but it was under control.

I mean, what precipitating circumstances?

Mrs. Dunleavy, your-- your husband was a victim of a crime.

What kind of crime?

Where was he?

In a hotel in Chelsea.

A crime in a hotel?

He was apparently assaulted.

I always told him he should be careful with those boys he picked up.

So you knew about his... activities?

Of course.

I was his wife.

12 years.

Our anniversary is tomorrow.

Well, not all men would tell their wives.

Harry just liked to blow off steam sometimes.

But he was considerate.

He knew it would hurt me if he cheated on me.

If he cheated on you?

With women.

I don't expect you to understand.

Every marriage is different.

Ours was just a little more different than others.

But we loved each other.

"Love you madly."

That's what he always said to me.

"Love you madly."

Detectives, I don't know what else to tell you.

Well, we just have a few more questions.

I told you, I don't remember--

You better start remembering because he did it again, Mr. Murphy.

Only this time... he k*lled someone.

Good God.

Yeah, so we're really losing interest in covering for you with your wife.

He k*lled someone.

b*at him into a heart att*ck.

That's m*rder.


Look, you all said that you didn't want to hurt me.

We did and we're sorry, but this is going to make the news and your name will come out.

[Children laughing]

I met him at a bar.

I think it was called New York Junk.

He said his name was Dirk.


Any last name?

I don't know, maybe it was just a stage name.

I recognized him from a, um... from a strip club.

It was-- it was hunk night.

[Dance music playing]

Gotta serve the market, you know what I'm saying?

It's not all horny straight guys.

I mean, we already got the stage.

Why not bring in the gays and some horny ladies once a week?

That's very enlightened of you.

No. It's business.

I'd do a naked dog show if dogs had money and they weren't already naked.

I'm confused about this naked fashion show.

I mean, if they don't have any clothes on--

No, no, no--

Okay, that's great.

This is who we're interested in.

Goes by the name of Dirk.

Yeah, that's not his real name.

We figured that.

Jeremy Jones.

I had to let him go.

He didn't show up half the time he was booked.

He was a real attitude case.

What did he do?

His attitude's out of control.

You got an address on him?

Anything for the NYPD.

Detective Tutuola.

Ingrid. What's up?


I like the new haircut.

Yeah, thank you.

Good seeing you.

Take care.

An acquaintance from my undercover days.

Jones's address.

Really? Your undercover name was "Detective Tutuola"?

Police! Search warrant!


Jeremy Jones?

You could have knocked first.

You know what?

What are you--

Get down. Get down!

[Grunts] Get down!

You too.


Possession of stolen property.

Come on, let's go.

Jeremy, what's going on?

Do worry, Mason.

How come I don't see more gay cops?

You know, that's not what we're here to talk about.

I don't know what you're here to talk about.

You've been identified, Jones.

Yeah, we know you've been picking up guys and messing them up.

You know, I do see some gay cops, usually the big, macho ones.

Okay, you know what?

If you were smart, you would try to do yourself some good here.


Why don't I start by getting a lawyer?

Well, this one will be a slice.

We have two of his victims coming in to view the lineup, Armstrong and Murphy.

The rest of them made it a point of not being available.

Neither is the man he k*lled.

What do we have on that?

A witness who saw Jones leaving the bar with the victim.

Anyone at the hotel see Jones?

Forensics? DNA?


Look, wears a condom, and he cleans up after himself really well.

Mr. Murphy is here.

Here we go.

Mr. Murphy, thank you for coming in.

I'm Rafael Barba, lead prosecutor on the case.

Yeah, you know, I'm not sure that I'll be able to recognize anyone, so...

You know at the hotel, before he att*cked you-- did you kiss him?


Then you got a good look at his face, didn't you?

We're looking for a k*ller, Mr. Murphy.

You have a civic duty.

You do know this is the end of my life?

You're lucky you're alive at all.

We're gonna be with you in a few moments.

Why don't you have a seat over here.

"Did you kiss him?"

Nick, he's a victim.

He's a victim in search of a crime.

Look, if he'd have gotten into that Mercedes with his family and driven to Connecticut--

You mean like he was supposed to?

All I'm saying is he would have been fine.

Just tell us if you recognize anyone.

No prompting, Detective.

That's not prompting.

Mr. Murphy, just go ahead.

It's number three.

What about him?

He's the one who att*cked me.

[Loud knock]

Thank you, sir.

Thank you very much.

Okay, there was a presupposition that the perpetrator was in that lineup.

An issue the Supreme Court decided about 100 years ago.

I'm sorry, where did Mr. Jones find you exactly?

I hand out my cards at the Village Halloween Parade.


So you know the protocol.

Now you get to go in there and give your client the good news.

The other victim, Armstrong, is on his way.

So is the witness who saw Jones leaving the bar with Dunleavy.

Good enough for the assaults, it's not enough for the m*rder.

Is there anything in Jones's apartment?

No, but we picked up Jones with his live-in boyfriend.

A Mason Clark.

He's on parole for narcotics possession.

We found stolen meds in his underwear drawer.

They were monogrammed.


Enough to revoke his parole.

If he lives with Jones, he probably knows something we can use.

You burst into our home.

You shackled Jeremy like an animal.

Well, Jeremy didn't give us much choice.

He's been doing some bad stuff.

I don't know what you mean.

Look, here's the thing, Mason.

We don't think you had anything to do with it, so it seems a shame to send you to prison.

Why me?

The hash in the pipe.

The pills.

You're looking at a couple of years.

I can't go back to prison.

And we can help you with that.

Look, Jeremy doesn't deserve your protection.

Jeremy is good to me.

So you don't mind he has sex with other men?

[Scoffs] What?

You have an open relationship?

He doesn't do that.

But he brings home money.

Where do you think he gets it?

He sleeps with women, okay?

They pay him.

They give him gifts.


Like this watch. See?

He gives them to me.

It's only women.

That's not stepping out.

Mason, Jeremy wasn't with a woman on Friday night.

He was with him.

No, he was with a woman.

That's what he told me.

And that water pipe he brought home, the charge slip.

That woman, her name is Charles Murphy.

That can't be right.


And Jeremy was out Saturday night, wasn't he?

Yeah, he was with the same woman, okay?

He said the husband was away or something.

What time did he get home?


After midnight.

He came home.

He was all hyped up.

I asked him what was wrong.

He said something bad had happened.

Well, this is what happened to him, Mason.

[Whispers] Oh, my God.


No, you've got to move.
You can stop now, detectives.

Excuse me, counselor, we're in the middle of an interrogation.

Mr. Jones has asked me to represent Mr. Clark as well.

Well, he's already made a voluntary statement.

Did he?

Well if it concerns anything Mr. Jones said to him, you can't use it.

Why not?

He didn't ask for a lawyer.

It doesn't matter.

One spouse can't testify to what the other spouse told him in confidence.

Mr. Clark isn't Mr. Jones's boyfriend.

He's his husband.

It's called spousal privilege.

The idea is to protect and strengthen the sacred bond of marriage, assuming these two are legally married.

What do we know?

Well, they were married in Provincetown.

All right.

By whom? How long ago?

They use their legal names?

Maybe there's a loophole or two I can crawl through.


This makes you uncomfortable?

No. I want to get this guy as much as you do.

I'm just wondering, would you challenge a straight marriage like this?

If I thought the husband was good for a m*rder, I'd cross-examine the priest.

Ms. Efron, are you ready to proceed?

Mr. Barba's motion is clearly ridiculous.

That's your argument?

Okay. Your Honor--

Ms. Efron, could you be a little more specific?

The spousal privilege clearly applies.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Clark are married.

Not in New York, which is where we happen to be.

New York recognizes all marriages performed in other states.

It does now, but at the time Mr. Jones and Mr. Clark were married, there was no such thing as same-sex marriage in New York.

Retroactive recognition clearly applied.

Recognition of what?

The defendant's so-called wedding in Massachusetts was performed by an underage bartender.

Irrelevant. The bartender is an ordained minister.

Mail-order from the Church of Happy Skies.

Plus, we have affidavits from witnesses that both celebrants were inebriated.

Please! If being drunk invalidates a marriage, then half the couples in Manhattan are living in sin.

Your Honor, I have the bartender's clergy certificate and my clients' marriage license.

Assuming these are valid...

I'm gonna side here with the rights of man and man.

The spousal privilege applies.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Thank you very much.

She's better than you thought, isn't she?

I charge very reasonable rates, too.

Now that we've established that the law applies to everyone.

Even my client.

You don't have much of a case.

You don't have anything on the m*rder--

I've got the three men he assaulted.

Murphy, Armstrong, and Jackson is back from his cruise.

Those closet cases think I att*cked them?

What'd I do, kidnap them?

Okay. Okay. Can it, Jeremy.

But as he's saying, your three so-called victims all went to hotels with Mr. Jones at their own suggestion.

I'll find a dozen other men they had sex with and half a dozen who tied them up just for fun.

I'll take three counts of misdemeanor as*ault and you should thank me.

You've got to be kidding me.

You're dropping the m*rder charge?

My best evidence is what Jones's husband told you, and we can't use it.

But you still have the assaults.


I'll pile the charges on.

r*pe, robbery, unlawful imprisonment.

But he didn't prey on altar boys.

The jury is going to think those men were asking for it.

Only thing worse than he-said, she-said is he-said, he-said.

Hold on.

You can't use Mason's testimony in court, right?

But you can use it to investigate.

That's legal.

Mason said that Jones was some kind of gigolo and that women gave him gifts.

Now, does anybody believe that?

Gifts? This guy would steal acorns from a blind squirrel.

Thank you.

We're worried that all the jury will see here is gay sex games.

Uh, find me some female victims.

Back to hunk night.

[Women cheering]

Firemen are more popular than cops?

Oh, yeah!

Yeah, these women go nuts.

I need more security for the boy dancers than the girl dancers.

Bachelorette parties, I call in the National Guard.

Okay, our friend Jones.

He have any ladies going nuts over him?

Yeah, sure, if they were drunk enough.

Does he ever take any of them home?

Jones? He's as gay as a herd of unicorns.

What if money was involved?

Let me tell you a little story.

One night, I saw this lady waiting for him outside.

She practically begged him to take her home.

He just put her in a cab.

She was so smashed, she left her purse sitting on the sidewalk.

What, he took it or what?

No, he handed it to the bouncer like it had female cooties.

Thank you, man.




How did you find me?

Well, I'm a trained detective.

Plus I could smell the scotch.

No luck on the female victims.


We tracked down a woman who basically invited Jones to steal from her, and he declined.

You say that like it's bad news.

Uh, you were looking for other charges to bump up the sentence, remember?

Mm-hm. I think you just brought me one.


Sit. Drink. Smile.

Cabernet, please.


Jones walked away from a woman he could have robbed.


That means he only goes after gay men.

We kind of figured that, didn't we?

Yeah, but now we know it.

Now we can prove it.

That makes everything he's done a hate crime.


I use the hate crime statute, all the penalties get bumped up.

I can put Jones away for extra years.

You're gonna argue that a gay man married to another gay man hates gays?

Watch me.

The people will show that the defendant not only committed brutal physical assaults against three individuals, but in doing so, committed a second crime against a group.

A group that has long suffered persecution and hatred.

The defendant is himself a h*m*, so it may seem counterintuitive that he hates gays.

But there have been Jews in the American n*zi party.

There have been dark-skinned blacks who reviled their lighter-skinned cousins.

I can't say why the accused chose to target men who share his sexual orientation, but he did, and that is all you need to know to convict him of his crimes.

What am I thinking right now?

That I wish I'd had a second cup of coffee before court this morning, or that Mr. Barba's prosecution is so wrong that he should be taken out and sh*t?

You can't tell, can you?

And what does it matter?

Do I deserve to be punished for something that's only inside my head?


Ms. Efron is arguing the wisdom of the law and not making an opening statement.

Ms. Efron, watch yourself.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I'm not going to tell you that Jeremy Jones is an angel, but he is not guilty of the crimes he is charged with.

Neither those against individuals, nor the supposedly worse crime of thinking bad thoughts.

Mr. Murphy, where did you meet the defendant?

At a bar called New York Junk.

What kind of bar is that?

It's a gay bar.

What were you doing there?

I was looking for companionship for the evening.

What kind of companionship?

Sexual companionship.

Did the defendant approach you, Mr. Armstrong, or did you approach him?

He approached me.

And what happened then?

We talked for a while, then decided to go to a hotel.

And what happened there?

We began to have relations.

And were you willing, Mr. Jackson?

At first.

But only at first?


He wanted me to do things I wasn't comfortable with.

Did you object?

Yes. Very much.

I tried to leave.

And why didn't you?

He had tied me down.

I couldn't even move.

He tied me to the bed.

Forced himself into me.

He was calling me names, b*ating me.

He was vicious.

Out of control.

The more it hurt me, the happier he was.

He left me tied up.

He took my wallet.

And he kept saying, "How does it feel to... be the f*g?"

That was brave.

Yeah. Really.

Now the whole world knows.



Do you know what it was like for me sitting in there listening to that?

Maybe you shouldn't have come.

Oh, that would be perfect.

So the whole world knows, but I don't.

Just like before, right?

16 years.

Mr. Murphy--

Don't even try.

I'm a gay man.

I like to go out and I like to meet people.

You like to meet people for sex.

I enjoy sex.

It makes me feel alive.

I never do it to hurt anyone.

Jeremy, that's not what we're hearing from the witnesses against you.

I know. But Charles and Curtis and Ethan-- when they met me, they wanted to spend time with me.

They tried to pick you up?


And they're all in the closet, I guess, and now they're embarrassed, and I think that's why they're lying.

Move to strike.

We're not here to listen to the defendant's psychological theories.


The jury will disregard.

Jeremy, did you force any of those men to do anything they didn't want to do?

No. They came on to me.

They suggested going to hotels.

Charles started buying me drinks.

He told me I had beautiful eyes.

He was really nice.

Well, some of your activities--

[Sighs] the sexual ones, are a little unconventional.

Sex games.

Men like that-- when they let loose, they can get a little kinky.

They've very bottled up.

I was even surprised by some of the things that they wanted.

The things they say you took?


I'm unemployed and they're all rich.

I was embarrassed to take anything, but I couldn't afford to say no.

I only wish that I had.

Thank you.

Oh, one more thing.

Jeremy, do you hate gays?

[Chuckles] Of course not.

That's who I am.


So, Mr. Jones, you don't hate gays?

Of course not.

But your gay sex partners get tied up, beaten, and robbed?


What's the question?


Your sexual behavior does include v*olence, doesn't it?


When I'm with my husband, we take things easy.

Slow and easy.

But when you cruise, you only find partners who like things hard and fast.

What are the odds?

Well, it's like I said.

Men like that, they like to play rough.

"Men like that."

What do you mean?

You saw them.

They're trying to look straight.

You have a problem with that?

Only that it's not honest.

Look, I don't hide what I am.

I'm glad that I'm gay.

I'm proud to be gay.

As much as times have changed, it still takes courage to come out, doesn't it?

You're damn right.

So those men, they're gay when it's fun, and then they go back and hide in the closet.

Does that seem fair to you?

Does it seem fair to you?


Do you ever think your life would be easier if you could pass for straight?

Well, I wouldn't want to.

I am what I am.

But those men-- the ones who can pass for straight.

The ones who aren't effeminate.

You find them attractive, don't you?

No. Not especially.

They're the ones you service, aren't they?

No. No, I don't.

You take them to hotels.

What do they ask you to do once you get there?

That doesn't matter.

Why not?

Because you take charge?


Okay, I don't get down on my knees for them, if that's what--

Is that what they ask you to do?

It doesn't matter.


They're the ones who are successful.

They're the ones with the money.

The ones who move between worlds.

Yeah, is that supposed to impress me or something?

I don't know, you tell me.

Considering you're-- what?

A part-time unemployed male stripper.

What do they say to you?

What do they ask you to do?

It doesn't matter!

Okay, you know, they may have their fake wives and their show-kids and family Christmas cards.

You know, buying the "wifey" anniversary presents.

When they're with me, their lives-- their lives are lies!

The lies are over!

I am just as much a man as they are.


Your Honor, could we speak in chambers?

We all just heard Mr. Barba disprove his case.

Excuse me?

You got Jones to let his guard down.

It was brilliant.

You got him to really tell you how he feels.


He hates the people he att*cked because of who they are.

He basically confessed to committing a hate crime.

That's not what I heard.

I heard a clear display of animus, not against gay men, but against a subset-- closeted gay men who can pass as straight.

A distinction without a difference.

Ooh, it's a crucial difference.

If I go out and b*at up Jews, that's a hate crime.

If I b*at up left-handed Jews, that's as*ault.

I move for dismissal of the hate crime charge.

She's splitting hairs that couldn't be seen with an electron microscope.

I'm not so sure, Mr. Barba.

It does seem like a bit of an overreach.

The statute is clear.

But your case isn't.

I know that you both agree how important the hate crime statute is.

It would really pain me to see it trivialized by indiscriminate use.

All due respect, isn't it up to the jury to decide if it applies?

Hold on, Dennis.

The jury decides the facts-- hmm?

And the judge can set aside a verdict as a matter of law.

And that never looks good for a prosecutor, does it?

Judge gave me a choice.

Drop the hate crime charges or she'd do it for me.

We always knew that was a stretch.

But the r*pes, the robberies.

I mean, those look pretty damn clear.

Maybe to you.

The jury's been deliberating for three days.

And they keep popping out to say that they're deadlocked.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Ah. Here they come again.

Still no progress, Your Honor, and things are getting a little antagonistic in the jury room.

None of us feel there's any point in continuing.

Are there any charges in which you have been able to agree?

Yes. On the counts of unlawful imprisonment, we find the defendant guilty.

Very well.

On the other charges, I declare a mistrial.

A date for sentencing will be set on the convictions.

Your Honor, I request a hearing on bail, pending sentencing, since the only convictions are relatively minor, removing any incentive to flee.

So ordered.

You want me to testify again?

For unlawful imprisonment, Jones will get a year at most.

I can retry him on the robberies and r*pes and we stand a pretty good chance if you--


I don't know what the other guys are gonna do, but I'm not testifying again.

I know this has been difficult--


I'm living in a hotel.

My 12-year-old son is getting bullied in school.

The younger kids, they don't know what's going on.

They just-- they just see their mother crying.

Mr. Murphy, you did the right thing.

For who?

For what?

Jeremy Jones is a m*rder*r.

Well, then why don't you get him for m*rder?

[Door closes]

Not an entirely unreasonable question.

He's right.

Let's get him for m*rder.

That would be delightful.

Have you conjured up some evidence?

We know that Jones stole from his victims and he gave some of what he got to his husband, like the watch that Mason was wearing.

You checked that out.

It didn't belong to any known victim.

Slow down, counselor.

On the stand, Jones talked about the men he hates buying anniversary gifts for their fake wives.

It's a funny idea to pop into his head.

Laurel Dunleavy told us that her husband d*ed a few days before their anniversary.

So if he bought her something and he had it with him when Jones k*lled him--

Jones took it.

There was nothing in that hotel room.

And that should tie him to the m*rder victim.

Run Dunleavy's credit cards.

See if he did any anniversary shopping on the day he was k*lled.

I know my rights, okay?

I don't have to talk to any of you.

That's why we appreciate your voluntary cooperation.

Yeah, you said if I didn't come, you'd arrest me again.

I misspoke.

Your witness.

Come with us, Mason, this won't take long.

I don't want to do this anymore, okay?

My whole life is upside down.

I just have one simple question.

You told us that Jeremy gives you jewelry sometimes, like the watch that you showed us.

Did he give you a platinum bracelet, too?


Did he give it to you the night Dunleavy was m*rder*d?

The night you said Jeremy came home all upset.

I'm not talking about this anymore.

I can't testify anyway.

I can't tell you what he said.

But you can tell us where the bracelet is.

What bracelet?

Look, here's the bill of sale, all right?

Dunleavy bought it for his wife that afternoon, for their anniversary.

Now, he didn't take it home and it wasn't with his body.

An ID bracelet?

You see those anywhere.

Yeah, look what it says.

This one was engraved.

"Love you madly."

That can't be right.

Well, it's right there, Mason.

It's black and white.

He told you that he bought it for you, didn't he?

He didn't tell you that he took it from a man that he k*lled.

That inscription wasn't for you, Mason.

It was for that man's wife.

I want to go right now.

Not yet.

Mason, this is Mrs. Dunleavy, Mr. Dunleavy's widow.

Mrs. Dunleavy, I'm so sorry.

Your husband r*ped my husband.

It's such an odd thing to say, isn't it?

They were cheating, weren't they?

They were cheating on us-- you and me.

But he didn't have to k*ll him.

Why did he k*ll him?

Where's the bracelet, Mason?

I suggest nominal bail, pending sentencing, of, say, $5,000.

Mr. Barba?

Fine with me, Judge.


In that case, bail is set at 5,000, cash or bond.

[Gavel pounds]

No hard feelings, detectives.

I'll see you on eighth Avenue.

Well, we're gonna have to postpone that for a while.

You're under arrest for m*rder, Mr. Jones.

[Chuckles] Sore losers, are we?

The bracelet Dunleavy bought the day he d*ed.

His blood.

Your fingerprints.

Mason, what did you do?

Jeremy, I'm so sorry.

You scared little f*gg*t!

All right, take-- Jeremy.

Take it easy, Jeremy.

Take it easy?

Oh, I see.

You're in on this too, aren't you?

You backstabbing bitch!


You're my lawyer, not his.

You think you can sell me out?

I will take you down so fast--

Hey, hey!

Back up, Mr. Jones!

You okay, counselor?


Yeah, I've had worse.


You were wrong about him.

He doesn't just hate gays.

He hates everyone.

No. He hates himself.