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01x05 - Split the Law

Posted: 10/20/15 05:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Blindspot"...

Borden: She can't remember who she is, where she came from, nothing, before she crawled out of that bag in Times Square.

Mayfair: Do you recognize her?


Then why is your name tattooed on her back?

Patterson: All of her tattoos are brand-new.

Weller: It's a treasure map.

If that girl has information about Daylight on her body then we are in very serious trouble.

When I was ten, my next-door neighbor went missing.

Jane: You think I'm Taylor?

I've been looking for you my whole life.

If Jane Doe is Taylor Shaw, then Dad is innocent.

You spent 25 years convinced Dad committed a m*rder that never even happened.

The idea of having her armed and out in the field makes me nervous.

Think about what she's going through.

How is she supposed to focus?

Your DNA tests confirmed that she's Taylor Shaw.

The DNA results directly contradict the isotope test.

Is she Taylor Shaw or not?


Where to?

Manhattan, Empire State Building, please.

You from out of town?


Sir, can we go, please?

(air hissing)

(doors locking)

What's going on?

(banging glass) Let me out.


Let me out!

Open the door!



Oh, my God, I can't believe it.

It's you, it's like... it's like really you.

Come on in, come on in.


My God, you are, like, so pretty.

Come here.

(rock music playing softly)

(bell chimes)

Sorry, that's dinner.

Um, excuse me.

Sawyer, dinner time!

Smells good.

No. It doesn't.

(chuckles) No, it doesn't.


Do you want a drink?


And there was little Kurt, nine years old, covered in mud, I mean...


Covered under his fingers.

It's not that funny.

(Sarah laughing)

It's disgusting.

Weller: Yeah.

And then Dad comes out, and he says, "Excuse me, are you in trouble?"

And Kurt jumps out of the ditch, looks at him and then falls right back and says, "I guess I am now." (laughing)

Thank you for telling that very funny and very flattering story.

(Sarah laughing)

Oh, come on, it was cute.

Well, where is your dad?

I'd love to meet him.


We don't talk much anymore.

Who are you?

Sarah: Sawyer, this is Taylor.

Um, we were all friends when we were little kids like you, and um... well, she was gone a long time, but now, she's back.

Where did you go?

Excuse me.

Weller: All right.

(door slamming)

Weller: Jane, Jane.


I'm sorry, okay?

But I just... I can't do this.

I thought I could but I can't...

It's okay.

We might have rushed it a little bit.

No one expects you to become Taylor again overnight.

Yeah, that... that's just it. I don't...

(elevator dings)


What, Jane?

I'm sorry, I'm...

Talk to me, Jane.

What do you think they ate?

I don't even wanna speculate.

I've never even seen his place.

You haven't? I have.


Dropped a file off over there once.

Saw the lobby.

You two are real close.


If it makes you feel any better, you can have dinner over at my place.

I don't wanna eat cold pizza in your weak-ass apartment.

Fine, stay at home with your cats, loser.


(people chattering)

Everybody down!

(woman screaming)

Hands out of your pockets, behind your head, now!

(woman screaming)

Get down! Get down! Get down! Get down!

You, up!

Get down! Stay down!

Get down! Get down!

Over to the center!

Everybody quiet!

Why am I learning about this from Patterson and not you?

It doesn't change a thing.

This isotope test on Jane's tooth stands in direct conflict with the results matching her DNA to Taylor Shaw.

Which means the isotope test is wrong.

Which means one of 'em is wrong.

Look, I'm not talking about some mineral that found a way in her tooth somehow.

I'm talking about her genetic makeup.

The building blocks of her cellular identity.

Chromium, manganese, niobium, tantalum.

These elements at these ratios puts Jane's place of birth and early childhood in Sub-Saharan Africa, which makes it extremely difficult for her to have been born and raised next door to you in Clearfield, Pennsylvania.

The DNA match was 99.9%.

Now, the law treats DNA as ironclad.

So, why don't we?

So, what, we just ignore the isotopic evidence?

Look, I know you want Jane to be Taylor Shaw...

Look, this has nothing to do with what I want.

Her DNA is Taylor's DNA. End of story.

Kurt, you can't pick and choose evidence to suit your preferred narrative.

I shouldn't have to tell you that.

Have you told her yet?

There's nothing to tell.

(cell phone vibrating)


This matter's not closed.

What do you got?

A hostage crisis in an MWA building in Queens.

Two gunmen reported five minutes ago.

Reade and Zapata are en route.


Municipal Workers Association.

So, what, two gunmen five minutes ago, NYPD called us already?

No, they didn't.

The building's mailing address triggered a hit in our tattoo database.

A ten-digit number on Jane's upper thigh.

Jane: How is that an address?

Patterson: It's not. In fact, there's, like, 37,000 possible permutations of the number, but one of them happens to be the address of the MWA.

Here, look.

Zip code, building number, street.

1351 Eighth Street in Queens.

Let's move.

man: Everybody quiet!

Not one word!

Not a move!

(whispering indistinctly)

Hey, hey!


No talking! Understood?!

(siren whooping)

Weller: What do we got?

NYPD just established communication... I got it routed to the mobile unit. Two unidentified gunmen claim the MWA fired them with no cause.

15 to 20 hostages, no confirmed injuries or casualties yet.

Weller: We got eyes inside?

I'm working on it... I think I can steal their feeds from their security cameras.

Make it happen.

Let's see what these guys want.

This is Special Agent Kurt Weller from the FBI.

We're here to listen and make sure that everyone's safe.

Everyone's fine... for now.

Can I ask who I'm speaking to?

Our names are not important.

How can we help? What is this all about?

The MWA fired us.

They're trying to rob us of our pensions.

I'm sorry to hear that.

How can we resolve this?

We want our pensions restored, we don't want to go to jail, and we want the head of the MWA down here immediately.

Some of these things are going to be tough.

But I'm not saying that we can't do them...

If our demands are not met in 30 minutes, we start sh**ting hostages.

Zapata, how's my security feed coming?

Zapata: Moments away.

You really think these guys are gonna start sh**ting people if we miss their deadline?

Let's try not to find out.

(speaking foreign language)

(cell phone ringing)

Do you have him yet?

Weller: We are working on everything you've asked for.

Okay, the head of the MWA should be here soon.

man: Hey! Hey! No talking!

You don't respect us? You think we are not serious?

Okay, what is going on?

Take the troublemakers to the back.

Get up! You two, get up!

Get up right now!

Go, go, go! Now!

Faster now! Go to the back!

Listen to me.

It is very important that you keep everyone in there safe and alive.

Otherwise, I cannot help you.

The clock is ticking.

All right.

They're separating the hostages. That's not good.

This is so crazy.

These guys are willing to risk hurting all those innocent people just because they lost their jobs?

People snap.

Why... Why do you think this is tattooed on my body?

How could they have known that this was going to happen?

I don't know.


Are you okay to be here today?

Last night you seemed kind of...

No, uh, the field is the only place I feel comfortable.

I know that feeling. Trust me.

I'm sorry about last night.

It was a lot to take in.

Probably too much.

My sister, Sarah, she...

Look, listen, Kurt, it...

It wasn't Sarah.

I see the way that you look at me... and I don't know how to be this person that you lost.

(door opens)

Zapata: I've got eyes inside.

(faint police radio chatter)

All right, I count 15 hostages up front plus however many they took into the back.

Look at how he's covering the room.

Optimizing angles and sight lines.

Is that part of MWA training?

The MWA has training?

We got five minutes.

Reade: How do you wanna play this?

(g*n slams on counter)

(Velcro ripping)

What are you doing?

Buying us some time.

(siren approaching)

No one moves. No one fires.



My name is Kurt Weller.

I'm a special agent with the FBI, okay?

I'm the guy you've been talking to.

I'm unarmed.


I'm here just to talk.

(woman whimpering)

Please, don't sh**t me.

I will k*ll her.

The head of the WMA is on his way here now.

But he's coming here from Jersey so we need a little time.

Shut up!


Kurt: Listen to me!

The moment you hurt her or anyone else in there, there's nothing more I can do for you.

You understand?

I'm here as a show of good faith.

I'm putting myself on the line to ask you for an extension.


Fine. 30 more minutes.

Walk away.

(crowd cheering and applauding)

That was too easy. Way too easy.

(woman whimpering)

Hands over your head! Over your head!

Are you sure? Thank you.

Patterson just checked our gunmen's faces against all MWA employee photos, past and present.

These guys never worked here.

Weller: Why would they lie about that?

Look, they're bringing those hostages out from the back.

Reade: One of 'em is injured.


Get on the ground! Get on the ground!

Thank you for giving them more time.

(hostages screaming)

Move! Take that building!

Weller: Breach it!


(siren wailing)

Hey, you okay?

What were they doing here?

Makes no sense to me at all.

What's wrong?

You see that blood on the door?

Weller: Jane.

I'm starting to understand why this place is tattooed on your body.

What happened here?

Shotgun, close range.

Not much to identify.

Uhh! Ah!



(g*ns cocking)

In the interest of national security, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

I'm gonna have to ask you to identify yourself.

Who are you? What is this place?

Tom Carter, Deputy Director of the CIA.

And this place... this place doesn't exist.

If we weren't on U.S. soil, I'd say this place was a CIA black site.

Jane: What is that?

The CIA have secret prisons all over the world where they do things they're not allowed to do inside the U.S.

Detain people, t*rture them.

They're known as black sites.

Yeah, I'm not familiar with the term.

But if they were operating one within the U.S., that sort of thing would bring down administrations.

Well, good thing there aren't any.

Whoever this was, the gunman obviously didn't want him to talk to the CIA at all.

Upstairs was a smoke screen.

This was a hit.

This is the illustrated woman.

I didn't realize they were taking you out on field trips.

Mayfair: What the hell are you doing here?

This is FBI jurisdiction.

I thought we were all on the same team.

(laughing) Oh, now, that is adorable.

No, the FBI are domestic.

The CIA, international, which means they can't operate within the United States.

What is this place?

Well, I'm happy to fill you in, Assistant Director, just... not in front of a civilian.

She shouldn't be here.

Weller: Neither should you.

Don't worry about it.

I'll keep an eye on her.

(police radio chatter)

Hey... don't sweat Carter.

He's just a CIA suit with field envy.

That's not what's bothering me.

I want to review that security footage.

Yeah, sure, you just... don't need help with that either, apparently.

Repeat this or write it down and I'll deny I ever said it, which won't be hard since, tomorrow, this room won't be here.

Unofficially, the guy in the chair in there missing his face is Dodi Khalil.

(air hissing, Dodi coughing)

A mechanical engineer in Pakistan that we leveraged into an intelligence asset.

This is how the CIA treats its assets?

He was feeding us intel from a classified t*rror1st organization, until they got wise.

Extracting him wasn't feasible.

So, you cut him loose and left him to die.

Not how I'd put it, but yeah.

Unfortunately, it happens.

More unfortunately, he escaped with a big old grudge against the U.S. of A.

So turning friends into enemies.

Seems to be a CIA specialty.

Dodi went underground. We lost eyes on him.

But it seems that he'd been adapting his skills as an engineer to become one hell of a b*mb maker.

He aligned himself with a fringe group, the Dabbur Zann.

Dabbur Zann?

It's from an old Arabic proverb.

"The buzzing of the wasp brings destruction to its nest."

I take it we're the wasp in that scenario.

Mayfair: I've heard of the Dabbur Zann.

Multiethnic... unusual for t*rrorists.

Yeah, unusual and dangerous.

But they don't operate in the U.S.

I feel like you might have old intel.

(faint police radio chatter)

Something's not right.



Here, gunman one takes these three hostages to the back room.

Yeah... and then he brings 'em back out, so...

Wait a minute.

(keyboard beeping)

Oh, my God.

Oh, no.

We caught up with Dodi when he entered the country under a forged passport.

What, you figured that he was here to blow something up?

Grabbed him, black-sited him?

This is the part where I say I can neither confirm nor deny.

(cell phone vibrating)

Well, this has all been a smile, but, uh, I'm gonna have to call it.

You folks can show yourselves out.

I just saw your mascot take one of my best guys out in less than three seconds.

That's quite a w*apon.

She's the least of your worries.

We got something.

All right, right here.

Gunman two loses his temper.

All right, so gunman one orders him to take the three troublemaker hostages to the back.

But what if the troublemaker hostages weren't hostages at all?

What if they Dabbur Zann reinforcements?

I don't get it, why would they try to hide their numbers?

To hide the part that matters.

Jane: Here, look.

Look at this hostage when he comes back out.

Sleeves are too long. And look at that.

Mayfair: He's wearing different shoes.

It's a different guy.

It's Dodi.

This wasn't an execution.

It's a rescue.

Zapata: This guy helps him take out the CIA with the other two fake hostages, then gets taken out himself so they can swap his body for Dodi.

Jane: They switch clothes and give Dodi a head wound to hide his face.

They start sh**ting hostages.

Then they smuggle him out with the rest of the injured.

All right, where's Dodi now?

(siren blaring)

(machines beeping)



Mayfair: That's why Carter left.

The CIA figured out that Dodi was still in play.

Carter said he was a genius b*mb maker, right?

We gotta find Dodi, work out exactly what the Dabbur Zann's up to, and more importantly what kind of threat they pose.

CIA still has a big lead on us.

These two accomplices, NYPD still got 'em?

They should still be holding all the hostages for questioning.

Bring 'em here now.

Dodi fell off the CIA's radar years ago, right?

And then, when he reemerged, he was a completely different person.

I was only Taylor Shaw for five years and then something happened to me.

A lot of things, maybe, none of which we know.


It feels like you're waiting for me to remember something that is never going to come.

If your coming back has taught me one thing, it's to never give up hope.

All right, let's be clear.

We already know who you are and what you did.

We know the two of you were accomplices in today's hostage taking, the m*rder of two CIA operatives, and the illegal extraction of Dodi Khalil.

The only question is... which one of you is gonna help me?

Which one of you is going to rot away?

Where is Dodi Khalil?

Zapata: Do I need to worry about you?

Nope, but you're gonna do it anyway.

You gotta watch yourself.

Excuse me?

It is one thing to express concern about Jane internally.

It's another thing to do it outside of the group.

Dude, you practically took Carter's side when he was bad-mouthing Jane back at the black site.

It's not like I said anything.

What, I'm not allowed to think my own thoughts now?

You can think your own thoughts but we have to remain a united front.

It's us against Carter right now.

Oh, you don't think he's looking for a point of weakness?

Why don't you worry about you?

(pounding table)

Weller: You saw what the CIA did to Dodi.

This is your last chance to help yourself.

You wanna breathe fresh air again?

Do you want to see the sun?!

It's too late for me.

Answer me!


Answer me!

What... the hell?

You'll never find it.

Patterson: We just got their blood work back.

They're both dying of acute radiation poisoning.

This whole group has been exposed to an extremely unstable isotope called cesium-137.

Smugglers have been moving cesium out of Abkhazia, selling it to t*rrorists on the black market.

Apparently in leaky containers.

So that's why they're so fearless.

They're already dying.

What do you do with cesium-137?

Make a radiological dispersal device.

The Dabbur Zann sacrificed five of its own to release one of the world's best b*mb makers.

Dodi's making 'em a dirty b*mb.

With Dodi's b*mb-making abilities and the nuclear materials provided by the Dabbur Zann, we have to assume that he's capable of constructing a dirty b*mb that could do substantial damage.

Dabbur Zann broke him out of that black site for a reason.

He still has to build it.

So, let's find him before he does.

Right, but how do we do that?

The cesium-137 our radioactive friends have been exposed to emits trackable gamma rays.

A hospital in Queens has reported several unrelated patients coming to the ER this past week with similar flu-like symptoms.

Two of them have started losing their hair.

All of the patients live or work in this 30-block radius.

This has to be where the Dabbur Zann have set up shop.

30 blocks, that's a lot of doors to knock on.

Which is why I've got every vehicle I can spare tasked with combing the area.

Weller, you quarterback from here.

Patterson's outfitted each team with one of these.

Portable Geiger counters.

This should lead us right to them.

These potassium iodide pills should prevent you from getting radiation poisoning until we can recover and contain the cesium.

Bottoms up.

One more thing.

The higher the CPMs, the less time you should stick around.

Once they hit 300, get the hell out.

After that, all the potassium iodide in the world is not gonna help you for long.

(siren whooping)

(computer chirping)

Think they'll find it?

You don't remember playing "Hot or Cold," do you?


As long as those Geiger readings are going up, it means we're getting hotter.

What happened after I disappeared?

The community imploded.

No, I... I mean, what happened with you?

We had a secret hiding spot in the woods in back of our houses.

It was your favorite place.

I figured... if you ever got away, that's where you'd go.

I never gave up on you.

I know being Taylor might not be an answer to all of your problems.

But it's a starting point.

Something to hold onto, something to build from.

(computer beeping)

Here we go.

Team, on me.

This is Agent Weller, what have you got?

This is Agent Knox, we got an old industrial building here.

Looks vacant. My team's standing by to breach the doors on your say-so.

Take it.



Pretty dark in here. Lights don't work.

I got a staircase to the basement, heading down now.

Pretty cold down here. Geigers are clicking up.

We got a door, can't hear anything behind it.

Taking the door now.



Come on.

Watch out!

Knox? Agent Knox, report.

All clear. Exchanged fire with two individuals, now both deceased.

Looks like neither of them were doing too good, even before we got here.

What else do you see there?

Beds. They got beds down here.

Who the hell could sleep in this place?

Find out where those guys went.



Jane, you all right?

I saw who took me.

When I was little, there was this... this stairwell and this room, and then there was... all these children.

What was he doing?

Did you see him? Did you see his face, Jane?

No, I just... I just saw his hands.

And he was... God...

Oh, no.

What happened to me?

Hey, Jane.


Jane, Jane.

(fighting tears)


Do you feel that?


I'm here.

I'm right here with you.

You're okay.

Keep breathing, Jane.

You're okay, just keep breathing.

Is everything okay out here?


We're good.

You sure? She seemed a little...

She's fine. What do you got?

Knox found a list of names.

Dabbur Zann? Targets?

Neither, we just ran them.

All deceased, all buried in the nearest cemetery to the radiation zone.


Where do you hide something that makes everybody sick?

A place where everyone's already dead.

Weller: All right, cesium's close.

Let's take a look around, see if we can find it.

(device beeping)

How is it getting closer?

Hang on.

Cover, cover!




Go up!

Come on.

Go up! Go up!

Weller: Keep going! Move up!

(g*nf*re continues)

Dodi's got that cesium inside that urn he's holding.

Cover me!

(g*nf*re continues)

Any ideas?

They got the cesium.

But they still gotta get out of here with it.

You make it sound like we have the advantage.

Patterson: Hey, Weller, you guys gotta get out of there.

Your Geiger readings are way...

Thank you, Patterson!

I think we're a little outgunned.

We gotta keep moving.

All right.

You ready?

Let's go.

Okay, guys, just remember that the cesium in the urn is highly unstable, but you should be able to handle it for just a brief period of time.

But if it breaks open...

Spit it out, Patterson!

Then that's it.

It's game over for everyone in the cemetery.

(g*nf*re continues)

Keeping that in mind.

All right, hear that, team? Don't sh**t Dodi.

Jane: I see Dodi. I'm heading for him now.

Reade: I got a line on him.


Ah! Gah.

Scratch it, I'm pinned down!

(machine g*n fire)


Come on! Let's go!



Ohh! Uhh!


I'm going after Dodi.

I'm on my way!

(g*n cocking)

I did not want this.

Any of this.


You're a popular guy, Dodi.

Talk to you about your new friends.

Get up! Get up!


Jane, you want to put that down?

Put that down. All right.

Let's get some distance from that thing till Hazmat gets here.


(g*n cocking)

Don't you dare.

You have your shot. Take it.

I'm not you. Drop it.

You think you're saving her.

All you're doing is k*lling us.

(uncocks g*n)

Nice work.

Could've used your help out there.

Oh, come on, you guys know that we can't operate domestically.

It's Reade, right?

You ever think about working for the good guys, we should talk.

What's going on?


Well, hey there. What's your name?

How 'bout you walk away now?

How 'bout that?


Get your hands off him.

We'll take it from here.

Hell you will.

I suggest you stand down, son.

This was a threat on U.S. soil.

Dodi's FBI jurisdiction, and you know it.

Since when do you play by the rules?

(g*n cocks)


Deputy Director Carter, stand down.

Mm, you stand down.

(chuckling) By my count, you folks come up a little short.

Dodi's coming with us.

We go back a long way, and I know what you stand for and I know what you're capable of.

But are you really prepared to k*ll five FBI agents in cold blood?

Well, don't you mean four?

And I can't give you someone who doesn't exist.

Is this about Dodi or me?

Well, why... a bit of both, probably.

Look, your people can take full credit for the recovery of the cesium.

That's a big internal win for the Bureau, and don't tell me you don't need it.

The CIA can have Dodi, I just wanna question him, find out how far the Dabbur Zann's reach is here.

One day is all I'm asking.


You lend me Jane, I'll lend you Dodi.

See, one of those tattoos on your girl has led to a damn CIA black site.

You think I don't have questions of my own?

We stumbled across your little secret after the hostage takedown.

She had nothing to do with it.

(scoffs) Oh, come on.

Why else bring her here? Team spirit?

It was Jane, and I want her.

Go to hell.

You sure you want to start a w*r with me today?

No... Not today.

Give them Dodi.

You expect me to listen to that?

Just do it!

I won't forget this.

Well, I actually hope you keep it in mind.

What'll the CIA do with him?

Whatever they want.

Mayfair: You all did good work today.

We averted a major nuclear catastrophe and it looks like the Dabbur Zann's foothold here has been dismantled.

The city of New York owes you a deep debt of gratitude, even if they'll never know it.

I'm proud of all of you.

What about Carter?

Let me worry about Carter.

Weller: Jane's tattoos.

It's getting hard to ignore that they seem to be pointing us towards government corruption.

I understand your concern, but she has hundreds of tattoos.

It's too early to start jumping to conclusions.

Patterson: All I know is these clues are helping us catch the bad guys.

So, if they keep doing that, we should keep following them.


That's right.

Now, go home and get some sleep.


I, uh... I just wanna say thank you for not trading me to Carter today.

For a second, I thought that you were maybe considering it.

Rest up.

Tomorrow's another day.

This really wasn't necessary.

It's more for me than you.

I just wanna check out the new place, make sure it's okay.

Make sure you're okay.

I'm fine, I... I... I was just a little...

(clears throat) I'll be fine.

I'm sorry I lost it today.

It's okay. It happens.

You've been through so much.

And if I'm making this harder for you, then just tell me, 'cause that's the last thing that I want.

All these expectations...

I should never have put you in that situation.


I should never have let them take you.

(whispering) I'm... I'm sorry.

It wasn't your fault.

I've heard that... my whole life.

But you haven't heard it from me.

It wasn't your fault.

You told me Taylor was my starting point.

I think you're wrong.

You... you're my starting point.

I'll see you tomorrow.


(door opens and closes)


Don't be mad, okay?

Mad about what?

I just... I wa... I want you to give this a chance.

What are you talking about?

Uncle Kurt, Uncle Kurt!

Hey, little buddy.


It's Grandpa!

Hello, son.

Kurt, don't go.

(passenger door opens)

(door shuts)

I knew you'd come around.

Let's talk about Jane Doe.