06x07 - The Bullitt Mustang

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue Bloods". Aired September 2010 - current.*
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"Blue Bloods" revolves around a family of New York cops.
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06x07 - The Bullitt Mustang

Post by bunniefuu »

Nicky: Your 40th birthday, I mean... wow!

Yeah, wow.

You feel any different?

Not yet.

Well, you look amazing.

We're on the phone. You can't see me.

I mean in general.

You mean, for 40?

For 30, even.

(intercom rings)

Somebody's buzzing.

Hold on.

(indistinct chatter)

Officer Keith Roosevelt?

Who wants to know?

Detective Investigator Langraf, District Attorney's Squad.

I'm inviting you down to Central Booking.

For what?

To be charged with official misconduct.

Janko: I'm not going anywhere! What misconduct?

Jamie? Reagan!

Hey, what's going on?

This clown is inviting me down to Central Booking.

I'm showing you respect.

How about you show me some?

Charged with?

Official misconduct and tampering with public records.

I call BS.

For what?


Do you know who my partner's father is?

Do you?

I can read, so I can guess.

I bet I could guess who his sister is, too.

Now let's go.


You don't got to treat her like a perp.


Let's not make this any worse.

I'm right behind you.

He can't do that.

Yes, he can. He reviewed the evidence and decided you didn't have enough on Sergeant Bauer to indict him for conspiracy to possess a controlled substance.

Which is the whole reason we had a wire up on him.

I know.

But the ancillary stuff we harvested...

Ticket-fixing is chump change.

Not to the acting DA.

He wanted some scalps, period.

So there are guys from the squad making collars at the precinct as we speak.

As we speak?

I don't even get a heads-up?

This is your heads-up.

And you didn't get this from me.

He thought I was gonna give the heads-up to the cops?

This is between you and him.

Who you calling?

Who do you think?

Your old man?

No, the DA.

Then take a breath.


Because you're too pissed off.

It'd be like drinking and dialing, and friends don't let friends...

So go get dressed and I'll give you a lift in.


You and your ADAs and the detectives of your Investigations Squad are all way out of line here, and this department expects and demands that you void those arrests and drop all the charges immediately.

(receiver crashes down)

I'll give him an hour.

I'll give him a punch in the nose.

No, you won't.

You got through that whole conversation without dropping a single curse word.

How the hell do you do that?

I was partially raised by nuns.

I want you to go down to Central Booking and make sure our officers make no statements to the press.

What happens in an hour, when this good-for-nothing hasn't done a thing to walk it back?

You got a crystal ball, Detective?

Baker: No, sir.

Just an informed opinion about the acting DA.

Then check with me in an hour.

How'd it go?

Our acting DA's gone right off the rails, down an embankment, through an orphanage and smack into the gas pumps.

Told you I should've come.

Wouldn't have made a lick of difference.

You know he's asking me to be the office's face on this thing?

Can you imagine?

What'd he say?

That it's-- and I'm basically quoting here-- "your golden opportunity to show this office and this city that you can wear the blindfold of justice where the NYPD is concerned."

He's right.

He's right?


Listen to me for a minute.



Do you have any idea how many cases are routed around your desk because of your family ties?

I just took on a cop!

The wires that got us into this were up because of my investigation!

I don't have proof, but I'm guessing he put you on it as some kind of test.

Find out once and for all.

So, that logic, I'm beholden to prosecute beat cops for pulling friends and family tickets off the pile?

A perk that goes back well into the last century, at least?

Come on, Erin.

Shift your weight.

What if this is the DA's version of your father's broken windows policy?

That nipping crime at the lowest levels deters more serious stuff?

We're talking about summonses here.

It's still official misconduct and tampering with public records.

I'm on your side, but if you back away from this, you'll be hanging a sign from the door that says "Erin Reagan, Department of Selective Justice."

So I hit the lights and leaned in.

Saw the one guy for, like, a split second, pulling the cover off the car.

Then the second one-- or however many-- hit me from behind.

Okay, but you say you got a good look at the one guy?

A good look at a guy with a stocking over his head.

About my height, T-shirt and cargo shorts.

You said "however many."

How come?

They taped my mouth and eyes so I-I couldn't see, but I could sort of hear.

Not sure if it was two voices or more.

It's true?

Who are you?

I'm Owen Cairo.

I-I rent this unit.

What did you do?

How could you let this happen?

Don't you have a g*n?

Baez: Okay, Mr. Cairo.

Look, there's been a robbery.

That's why I'm here!

Only thing appears to be missing is a 1968 Ford.

The only thing?

It's the whole thing!

Well, I don't follow you.

That '68 Ford is the Mustang that Steve McQueen drove in Bullitt.

You do know Bullitt, Detective?

Of course I do.

It's the greatest car chase ever filmed.

Then you know that the car McQueen drove in, it is, to millions of men, the stuff that dreams are made of.

Yeah, I'm with you on that.

Not to mention, probably worth millions.

Cairo: Yes.

And no one knows how many.

And now it's gone!


Bullitt Mustang.

♪ Blue Bloods 6x07 ♪
The Bullitt Mustang
Original Air Date on November 6, 2015

♪ ♪

My late father bought it in 1974, and it's been in the family ever since.

Hidden away, out of sight?

That was my father's wishes.


Why keep such a beautiful machine away from the rest of the world?

That secret died with him.


But his will was very specific as to the use of the Bullitt Mustang.

Namely, no use at all?

Except for it to be driven under the cover of night for an hour every week.

Warm up the gaskets and fluids, keep it in its original operating state.

Driven by...?

For the last 20 years, me.

You and...?

No one.

I gave a few rides, but...

I was the only driver.

Danny: Does anybody else in the world know where or exactly what this machine is?

A few.

I can give you their names, but, well, there's one on the very top of the list.


Well, we contacted some experts from Major Case.

Should be here in about five, ten minutes.

We'll take a break till then, and you can talk to them.


No, you have to handle this.

Just... just the two of you.

You need an expert to handle this.

This is the Mona Lisa of cars.


Uh, i-if other people get involved, it could get out.

We have kept this a secret for a very long time, Detectives.

Please. I don't want to shine a spotlight on my family on top of all of this.

Who's the person at the top of your list?

My wife.


Okay. Go on.

Our prenup stipulates that if the marriage doesn't last more than ten years, she gets nothing.

You've been married how long?


She's having an affair.

And so it makes sense that she would arrange for the sale of the Mustang, sub Rosa, and be able to walk away with substantially more than nothing.

You know she's having an affair?

She's supposed to be in St. Maarten with her girlfriends this weekend and I know for a fact that she's holed up in a hotel here in town.

I had her...


She's young and beautiful, and I am getting older and more invisible every day.

Erin: And I want to underline that the stance of this acting district attorney and the ADAs on this case is that the officers are innocent unless and until proven guilty, and that there is no agenda here other than carrying out our duties wearing the blindfold of justice.

Ms. Reagan, can you confirm that these charges grew out of wiretaps that you had warranted based on a more serious corruption investigation?

I cannot comment on other investigations as they do or do not relate to the officers charged in this case.

So you had wires up on beat cops trying to nail them for Mickey Mouse ticket-fixing?

I'll send him a nice bottle... Please.

Erin: That's the acting DA's statement and not mine.

But I would like to add that I, and this office, have nothing but respect for Commissioner Reagan and the department he commands.

Hell of a way of showing it.

That's all for now. Thank you.

We need to craft a statement in response.

I know that.

Do you want to write it?

No, that's your job.

Especially today.

I'll get on right it.

We have to be bigger than them.


We could lay our response at the acting DA's feet, but then...

Good idea.

Leave her out of it.

...it would look like I'm assuming that she's just following orders...

It could.

...instead of standing up on her own two feet and saying what's on her own mind.

Which you'd want to communicate.

But as importantly, I don't want a single one of our people assuming that I would hold back on my response because she's involved.

That, too.

Let me get a draft started.

I'm sorry about this, boss.

Me, too.

Baker, did ADA Reagan return my call yet?

Not as of yet, sir.

Could you try her again?

Yes, sir.

Janko: Name's Ruth. She lives in my building.

She's, like, in her 80s?

She still takes pride in the fact that she drives.

She's a great old broad.


So I move her car for her on alternate side parking days.

And a couple times, I was late to the chore.

Ticket on the windshield.

Yeah, 90 bucks.

If she had that kind of money, she'd rent a monthly space.

So you pulled them.

Yeah, wouldn't you?

I would.

As anybody in our shoes would.

That's the one.

The one what?

The one we want.

Judge Schlossberg.

Uncle and patron of the acting DA.

Well, he hasn't done anything.

Not yet.

What are you up to?

Little payback?

Hollywood stop.

That's a violation.

(siren wails)

Janko: Well, look at you, Reagan.


Sir, get back in the car, please.

I'm sorry, Officers, did you read my license plate?

Yeah, we did read your license plate.

Did you read the stop sign?

Are you kidding?!

Oh, afraid not, Your Honor.

Son, can you get a handle on your cute little partner here?

Sir, she's simply pointing out your moving violation, as is her job.

I didn't break any law.

You rolled through the stop sign.

Reagan, as in Frank?

He's my father, yes, and ADA Erin Reagan's my sister, who works for your nephew, who opened up this particular can of worms this morning.

You got a beef, I suggest you take it up with him.

This is harassment, Officer Reagan.

No, this was a routine traffic stop, sir.

Strictly by the book.

Have a good day.

You have to understand this is a boutique hotel.

Got it.

With a reputation for utmost discretion.

Got it.

I'll be discreet, I promise.

I left my bullhorn and machine g*n in the car.




Open up!

Mrs. Cairo, open up!

Okay, would you do your thing, Mr., uh, Kyle?

(lock beeps)

(music playing loudly)

Mrs. Cairo?

Detective Reagan.

(music shuts off)

Just want to ask you a few questions.

You have no right!

Hey! Hey!

I'm a detective!

So, my husband had me followed again?!

Well, you tell him he's wasting his time.

I'm a detective.

Detective Reagan, NYPD.

You're a police detective.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Geez, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

You missed.

Is anybody else in that bedroom?


How about you-- are you all right?

I'm not supposed to be on my feet.

I just had my boobs, ass and tummy done.


And I had nothing to do with that damn car going missing.

Assuming that's why you're here.

A 1968 Mustang 390 GT, fastback, highland green with vintage California plates.

Detective Baez.

Boy, Adam, Edward, Zebra.

If you hear anything, I'd really appreciate a call back.

Thank you.

Alert an outfit called Horseless Carriage.

They transport most of the valuable automobiles in this country.

I was just on with them.

Good for you.

And who are you?

Sam Guttman.

I'm a rare automobile broker... with a keen interest in the car you're trying to find.

I'm not sure it's for sale.

Everything's for sale for the right price.

May I sit?

How did you know to look me up?

That's not important.

It is to me.

No laws were broken, Detective.

Can we leave it at that?

Do you all talk to each other?

About something like this?

My, yes.

So, do you have anything for me?

Got a trade.

Well, if it helps me solve this case.

I'll tell you what I have.


If you can provide me contact with the current possessor of the Bullitt Mustang, and it results my brokering a purchase, I'd give you 20% of my commission.

I'm trying to catch the guy, not help him.

And I'm not for sale.

Of course not.

But consider this.

Money like that buys some piece of mind.

With plenty left over for rationale.

You call me if you learn of anything, Mr. Guttman.

And if you do and you don't call me, you'll be buying yourself a whole lot of trouble.

Can you show him the door?

I will be seeing you.

A few people for a ride?


Owen's BS-ing you there.

It was a lot more people than that.

And some he'd only met, like, once.


I warned him.

Why would he mislead us?

You got to understand my husband, Detective.

He was that kid, you know, had his parents throw his birthday party at the go-kart track or the paintball park, 'cause he was afraid if it was just his party, no one would come.


Times a hundred!


I'm so sick of having people following me, but I know where it comes from.

The no self-esteem in him.

So I put up with it.

And you did all this work, but you still plan on staying with him?

I did it for Owen.

I'm not going anywhere.

Then why'd you tell him you were going to St. Maarten?

(short laugh)

I wanted to surprise him.

I didn't think the private eye would stick around the airport.


If you'll excuse me, it's time for my pill, which means another nap.


I love my husband.

But you're gonna need to be tough with him.

He's probably embarrassed about how many people he took to go look at that stupid car of his.

How little he knew about most of them.

I will.

There's just one thing I don't quite get.

I'm happy to help if I can.

You and Mr. Cairo, you're kind of an unusual match.

You mean what's a chick like me doing with one of the Brooks Brothers?

Like that, yeah.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a country vet.

A little older, a Doctor Without Borders.

But both of those take medical school, and I was never much for school; ask anyone.


And then I met Owen, who's very smart and... has a heart of gold by the way, and...

I realized I had someone to heal and nurture for the rest of my life.

Leave your card on the table, and I'll be in touch if I think of anything.

Will do.


Alex: So, one of the cops arrested at the 12th was your brother's partner.

Yeah, Eddie.

I saw the list.

A couple hours ago, they ticketed Judge Schlossberg for a Hollywood stop outside the parking lot.

Janko and your brother.

Was it a bad stop?

It doesn't matter-- the judge is characterizing it as harassment and retaliation.

Apparently he called his nephew and offered to supply the books to throw at these accused cops.

So now everyone's just going, "This means w*r"?

Did you talk to your old man?

Just for a second.

I'm going over there after I get out of here.

Also, the arresting detectives from the squad need ten minutes with you to go over the grand jury strategies on the charged cops, if you're up for it.

I'm not really up for any of this.

The conference room in the DA's office.

Come on.

And just for the record, anybody who asks, I told them you jumped at the chance when the DA asked you to take the lead on this.

Who asked?

More than you think.


Because no one expected you to.
Where is everyone?

It's not even 6:00.


There aren't detectives in there.

That's a surprise party for my 40th.

I am not in the mood for this.

I am not going in there.

I'd just be a wet blanket.

Then you just fake it.

You got a bunch of your colleagues in there that really want to wish you a happy birthday, especially on this one.

Why, 'cause it's my 40th?

And your own Independence Day in a lot of their eyes, so come on.

I don't--

Alex, I don't, I don't want to.

Come on, Erin, Erin.

Alex, stop it!

Too-too bad.

(clears his throat)

All: Surprise!

Wow! (laughs)

Oh, my God!

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.


Jean, go home.

Frank: Independence Day?

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

Erin: It means there's a lot of people who didn't think I could or would do it.

That is so incredibly misguided, I don't know where to start.

No it's not, Dad.

Don't play dumb.

The opposite-- I'm trying to be smart enough to understand why you'd let yourself get roped into this.

I didn't get roped into it.

I was asked, I thought about it, I said yes.

It was your idea to arrest those cops?

I didn't say that.

So, the acting DA comes to you after the fact and shames you into taking the lead in this charade, otherwise you look soft on cops.

That is not how it happened.

Well, pretty damn close.

Can you just please listen to me for once?!

Yeah, sure.

I can listen.

I was given a choice...

And comparing this to broken windows-- what the hell is that?!

We have mountains of data suggesting there is a direct correlation between targeting lower level crimes to prevent bigger ones from ever happening!

It wasn't my analogy.

And there's not one iota of evidence suggesting collaring cops to squash a summons has any effect eradicating corruption at higher levels!

I didn't say it.

Well, you danced around it.

Well, what the hell was I supposed to do?

Like you've never coughed up some jive on account the mayor liked the way it sounded?

Now, I don't want to fight with you, but I am not gonna take a lesson from you here either.

I will tell you in private what I said in public.

I have nothing but respect for you and this department.

You have a hell of a way of showing it...

But this DA's office, and this particular ADA, also has a duty, a license, and the full support of the rule of law to call 'em like we see it, even if the perps wear blue and hide behind that old skirt of a long and cherished tradition.

You know... I never thought I'd say this, but I heard contempt in your voice.

No, Dad, you hear your daughter unable and unwilling to see it your way.

And I don't enjoy it either, but there it is.

I have my birthday dinner with Nicky.

I'm gonna be late.

Where are you going?

Apparently cheap and delicious Cuban-Chinese is making a comeback in Morningside Heights.

She's insisting on treating, so...



Happy birthday.

Thanks, Dad.



All right, settle down.

I think you all know why he's here.

So with no further ado, our union president, Johnny Lyons.

So, this is what the criminal class looks like.

(officers chuckle)

Hey, you know that movie The Untouchables?

Sean Connery goes, "He sends one of yours to the hospital, "you send one of his to the morgue. That-That's the Chicago way."

Well, they send some of ours to Central Booking, so we'll send all of theirs to caseload hell.

And that is the NYPD way, right?

(officers chatter in affirmation)

Oh, and how about this, Mr. Acting District Attorney?

Anything less than a Class A felony, and our guys can't make it to your courts to testify.

Yeah, you want to treat us like a bunch of third-grade kids.

Let's see how those wheels of justice turn without us.

Now, are you with me?

(officers affirm)

Are you with me?

(officers affirm again)

No. I am not.


Hello, Johnny.

An unexpected pleasure, Commissioner.

Emphasis on "unexpected."

You've got that right.

As you were.

I'm as mad as you are that the DA's office disrespected us this way, but I do not want to hear another word about a blue flu.


Officers: Yes, sir.


Officers: Yes, sir!

Officer Janko, step forward.

Squash some summonses, did you?

Don't answer.

If you did, would it have been to line your own pockets?

No, sir.

Would you have personally profited in any way?

Janko: No, sir.

Let's say there's an old lady in my building, who's on a tight budget.

90 bucks a pop, that would sink her for the entire month.

Officer Roosevelt.

Yes, sir.

Would you personally profit in any way?

Say, accept a fat tip in exchange?

No, sir.

I believe you.

I believe both of you, but, see, there is no way to prove that there wasn't a quid pro quo.

And appearances matter.

When I started on the job, all our meals were on the arm.

I never paid for food or drink, and come Christmastime I had enough gift bottles of booze to start my own saloon.

(officers chuckle)

It was a perk.

Of a job that doesn't have many.

Like pulling summonses.

But the bosses put an end to it.

"Appearances," they said.

And on a rookie salary, with mouths to feed, I can tell you that it hurt.

But... they were right.

But this isn't that.

The patrol guide clearly states that you cannot accept free goods and services 'cause you're on the job.

Or squash tickets either.

Now... I am going to straighten this out with the acting DA, and you are going to make your court appearances or else.

In the meantime, if you're going to summons a judge or get an ADA's car booted or breathalyze a clerk... just make damn sure you can show cause.

There's pretty much nothing I don't know.


Reagan, like the president.

We just want to talk to him.

Please tell him to give me a call as soon as he gets this.

Thank you.

Venezuela? Since when?

Okay, thanks.

I'm 0 for 8, how about you?


Seems Mr. Cairo's got a long list of acquaintances and none of 'em local.


You know, I've got a confession to make.

I've never seen Bullitt.

You've never seen Bullitt?

Yeah, I just said that.

So tell me what the big deal is.

'Cause from where I'm sitting, everybody's in a tizzy over some used car from an old movie.

Whoa, whoa.

A car that was in the greatest car chase ever filmed with the coolest movie star ever.

Yeah, okay, but still.

You've seen The Wizard of Oz?

Yeah, of course.

Okay, well, it's Dorothy's ruby red slippers.

It's Neil Armstrong's space suit.

It's Bruce Springsteen's Fender Esquire on the cover of Born to Run.

It's a thing that you could touch that stands for a whole feeling that you had about things, what was cool and inspired you.

I mean, that's a lot to put on an old Ford.

Look, you either get it or you don't.

Back to work.

All: ♪ Happy birthday... ♪

Stop. Stop. Stop.


You can't sing that.



We can't sing "Happy Birthday" to Aunt Erin?

No, not unless you want to pay the company that owns the rights.

I read about that.

I thought they settled that.

Not yet.

The lawyers for the publishing company are making an appeal.

They're still fighting over this ridiculous non-issue, as lawyers do.

I'm a little lost here.

Well, long story short, according to the intellectual property statutes, you couldn't sing the "Happy Birthday" song unless you paid a royalty to the company that owned the copyright, or you were breaking the law.

Pretty silly, don't you think?

Nice, both of you, very sweet.

Okay, but people have been singing "Happy Birthday" forever for free.

Their point being-- is that the cops had been pulling tickets forever as a courtesy for free, and now they can't.


Because of an overreaching district attorney's office.

With a bunch of schoolmarms and hall monitors running the joint, apparently.

Down the street from a police department who thinks they're above the law, apparently.

Hey, let's keep it civil.

You started this.

He did.

You both did.

Can we please change the subject?

(man clears throat)

Uh, yes, you're right, Nicky.

Uh, we should take a moment to celebrate your mother's birthday.

Thank you.

I should blow out these candles before I burn down this cake.

Don't forget to make a wish.

I think I'm a little old for that, but... here we go.

All: Yay.

I remember your 17th, do you?

Remind me.

You and Karen Schultz and Betsy Hamilton had a little beach party down at Rockaway.


And on the way back, uh, they got stopped for speeding on the Belt.

Okay, Dad.

And one of the boys in the back, a star running back of the football team, as I remember...

Mm-hmm, Jim Sperling.

That's it.

Well, he had an open can of beer and a half case more on the floor.

And he was gonna get kicked off the football team.

It's not really a good story, Dad, so let's just...

Yeah, well, your mother had the officer call me.

And I had the summons squashed.

And that, boys and girls, is what we call the good old days.

(others affirm)

Jamie: Good old days.

I know something's wrong.

He never misses watching 60 Minutes with me.

Owen said if I watch 60 Minutes and read The Economist cover-to-cover every week, it's like a vaccine against all the crap that's out there, and we watch it together every Sunday.

Why don't you just slow...?

Plus his mother hasn't heard from him.

So she called me, and I told her about the car gone missing, and she about had a stroke.

Mrs. Cairo.

She says that Owen's almost broke.

She controls his trust, and she said if he tries to sell the car, he could get himself k*lled.

How could selling a car get someone k*lled?

She wouldn't tell me.

Says I'm not family and I never will be.

That stupid b*tch.

Okay. Does she have a name?


Okay, does Cloris have a number, an address?

Yeah, of course.

Got a pen?

(phone ringing)


Detective Baez.

When did it come in?



That was one of the car transporters I canvassed.


About an hour ago, they got a rush order pickup for a '68 Ford, going from Jones Beach to a dock in Baltimore.


Detective Reagan... please... don't let anything happen to him.

(siren wailing)

Cloris, this is Detective Reagan with the NYPD.

I'm gonna ask you some questions, I need you to answer them completely and honestly, okay?

Ma'am... ma'am, with all due respect, I'm trying to save your son.

So would you do me a favor and just answer the damn questions?

♪ ♪

(tires screeching)


We're in the right spot.

"Horseless Carriage."

(tires squeal)

Police! Hey!

Keep the truck in park and stay in the cab, you understand me?

Yeah, Detective, but you better get in line.


Son of a b*tch.

(tires screech)

Take him around the front.


Keep your hands on the wheel!

Hey, get out of the car.

Come on! Get out!

Get over there.

Good evening, Detective Baez.

You know this guy?

Yeah, he's a fence for rare cars.

Now that hurts.

I can arrest you for hindering prosecution!

Guttman: On the contrary!

How do you think the transporters got your cell number to call you?

Did you give them your card?


But you did give it to me.

I had your card.

I told them how to get ahold of you.

I'm not a fence.

I'm a legitimate businessman.

I represent a party willing to go as high as $6 million for the clean title of the Bullitt Mustang.


That's a nice touch with the '68 Charger here.

It's the other car in the Bullitt chase scene.

I'm glad you appreciate it.

(engine revving in distance)

I do.

(engine rumbling)

Hey, Danny, is that it?

Get over there.

(engine rumbling)

That's it. That's it.

I said stay over there.

Get, you know, get in the car.

Come on! Get your ass in there!

Stay there.

Staying in.

(engine turns off)

I'm Owen Cairo.

I believe you're expecting me?


I'm afraid we were, Mr. Cairo.

You're under arrest for insurance fraud and falsely reporting an incident.

This is my car.

I know that.

But you got greedy.

You had it stolen so you could double-dip and collect the insurance.

So, it may be your car, but now your ass is mine.

Cairo: We can settle this.

Let me just get the car on its way...

No can do.

I own it.


The title, free and clear.

I... I have the right to sell it.

Yeah, but then we'd have to add felony, fraud and misrepresentation to your list of charges.

Or you could face an early grave, depending on who the buyer is.

What are you talking about?

That's not the Bullitt Mustang.

It's just a green '68.



Yeah, you can check the VIN number.

It's over there on the... passenger side dashboard.

Right over there, you see?

Go ahead!

Check it.

Mr. Cairo, this car was manufactured six months after the Bullitt car.

My father bought the Bullitt car from...

Yes, he did.

And then he bought this one a week later from a used car lot in Garden City as a dummy car for insurance in case somebody got a crazy idea to pull a stunt like you're doing right now.

Where's the other car?

I'm afraid only your mother knows that.

Damn them.

Damn them to hell.

Hands behind your back.

Danny: If it's any consolation, Mr. Cairo, and I hope it is, your wife truly loves you.

(sobs quietly)

You drive him, I'll drive the evidence.

Oh, sure, okay.

(knocks on door)

I have ADA Reagan.

Sent your detail to my office.

Looked like I was being arrested.

And how'd that feel?

Not funny.

I need a few minutes of your time.


Well, maybe more than a few minutes, depending on how this goes.

For what?

For you and me to go over these and come up with a compromise, uh, regarding my officers and your charges against them that we can take to your boss and get him to sign off on.

This isn't something you and I should be doing.

I think it is.

We don't run the district attorney's office-- me or you.

No, but we do run a family business.

And the moment you chose to pick up that microphone and call out my officers-- and you had the right, the responsibility even, I'll give you that-- but you made a choice that impacted the family business.

And what always comes first?



Let's get to work.

Officer Keith Roosevelt.

Francis X.


I have to go by the name on the license.

Don't make trouble.

How'd you swing this?

Told his mother I'd do what I could during my testimony at trial.


Francis X.

Do what you could?

Well, nothing untoward.

You know, no priors, pillar of the community.

That type of junk.

Right this way, please.

(whispering): All right.

(claps once)


(theme music from Bullitt plays)


I'm impressed.

I got the chills.

You got the chills?



I don't know, just damn.

Yeah, damn.

Wow, look at it, Gramps.

Henry: The real deal.


Hey, will you, um, take a picture of us?

With the car?

Hey, let's take a picture.

Best Christmas card photo ever.


(camera shutter clicks)
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