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05x07 - Oriole

Posted: 11/15/15 23:22
by bunniefuu
Saul: Previously on Homeland...

Are you American? Huh? A spy?

You were in Syria?

Till 20 days ago.

What were you doing there?

Protecting Yaseer Ramali's trucks.

A mercenary.

I got a call from Vasily on the tarmac, except it wasn't Vasily on the other end of the line.

I have to assume it was Saul Berenson's hit man.


And what happens when he and Saul compare notes and realize that it was me who put Carrie Mathison's name in that k*ll box?

Saul's weakness is Israel.

Dar Adal knows it.

I know what this is about. You think I don't?

30 years ago, I leaked three names to Mossad.

Three t*rror1st names during a desperate time.

You hang onto it like it was yesterday.

Your operation-- Quinn taking out jihadis-- someone got inside it, put my name there as a target.

It was the Russians.

Want to tell me why the Russians give a shit whether you're alive or dead?

Because they don't want me to see something in the documents those hackers stole from you.

So what is it-- this thing they don't want you to see?

I don't know.

Which is why you need to get the documents for me.

Oh, shit.

Sweep all of it, down to the bone, starting in the back.

Wait, they were already in here yesterday.

Langley wants a second pass.

This is ridiculous.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, careful! Don't pull that!

You can't bend fiber optic cable like garden hose, okay?

(computer chirping)

Adal: Where's Saul?

He left the office with a copy of the breach documents.

I want to talk to you about Carrie Mathison.

Carrie came to me for help, asked me to bring her some classified files, I refused.

I didn't trust her, because of you, for one thing.

Anyway, I didn't believe her. Now I do.

I need you to give her something for me.

Herr Düring, these men won't identify themselves.

We're investigating a t*rror1st act. Sit down.

Did he give you anything?

He didn't give me anything.

Take him out of here.

From Saul Berenson.

He said you'd know what to do with it.

(woman speaking German)

Carrie: Christ, I really thought I left all this behind.

Male reporter: The Islamic State !sis proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate with authority over... redraw the map in the Middle East.

Female reporter: The soldiers are hackers, the b*ttlefield is online, and it's not a matter of...

Edward Snowden is a coward.

...extremely disappointed that the Russian government would take this step.

Laura: It's against the law, it's against the f*cking law.

Carrie: All that suffering, and nothing changes.

Crocker: Is our strategy working?

(woman speaking German)

(phone disconnect signal beeps)

(woman speaking German)

(man speaking foreign language)

Saul: I actually convinced myself we were gonna change the world.

Quinn: Carrie will never be free.

Carrie: Spend my life on the run, give up my daughter?

Jonas: I don't know how you live with yourself.

Al-Amin: I will fight you forever.

Carrie: Who's after me?

Jonas: So many people, so much blood on your hands.

Homeland - 5x07

(door closes loudly in distance)

(door closes)

(door squeaks shut)

Took you longer than usual.

I thought I caught a tail. I was wrong.

So... what gifts have you brought me this evening?


I specifically asked for details on NATO's air exercise in the Baltic.



Station's on lockdown.

What are we doing here, then? You should've canceled.

I don't think so, Ivan.

What is it?

Saul Berenson smuggled a thumb drive out of the building, and then met with Otto During at his club.

What was on the thumb drive?

Our famous 1,361 files. What else?

Why on earth?

I have no idea.

I've been racking my brains trying to figure it out.

That doesn't make sense.

He despises During.

There's only one person Saul would go so far out on a limb for.

Allison, she's dead.

What if she's not?

You saw it for yourself.

I saw a photo, not a body.

Did you see a body?

She works for During.

What if she's going through the documents right now?

What then?

You're projecting your anxieties, okay?

Imagining the worst.

I will not spend the rest of my life in prison.



Okay, fine.

Let's say you're right.

I highly doubt it, but even if you are right, it's a long way from here to there.


We'll have to establish the facts first.


Talk to Saul.

How? He's under 24-hour guard, getting grilled by Dar Adal.


It's not the Lubyanka.

Find an opportunity, or create one.

Ali, Alichka, no one does it better than you.

You've played these men for years.

They trust you.


Talk to Saul.


(footfalls approaching)


Otto, what are you still doing up?

Sleep is overrated.

I thought you could use some coffee.

Oh, thank you.


Not yet. I'm about a quarter of the way through them.

Well... I'll leave you to it.

No, I could use a break.

I can... I can barely see straight.


Milk? Sugar?

Black is fine.

Your house is amazing. Your...


Thank you.

So, what are you looking for exactly?

I don't know... exactly.

Something Russian intelligence doesn't want me to see.

Something they're willing to k*ll you for.


You know, I'm half hoping I don't find anything at all.

Why is that?

Then this can all still be a mistake, some... big misunderstanding.

Wouldn't that be nice?

And what would you do then?

I'd go get Jonas, fly home to DC, take him and Franny to this cabin my sister and I have by a lake.

And never leave.

Well, that would be nice.

Actually, I doubt he'd even come with me.

Things got pretty crazy there for a while.

We broke up.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

You know, Jonas is my friend and he's a good man, but...


He-he's a lawyer.

Keeps both feet on the ground.

Yeah, he does. That's one of the things I love about him.

My first wife was like that.


Earthbound, huh?

Most people are.

You're either born with wings or not.

(computer chirping)

(door squeaks open)

(door squeaks open)

You just gonna keep him in there indefinitely?

He's being completely uncooperative.

What's he saying?


It's all too stupid and theatrical for words.

Is he still denying he took the thumb drive from the building?

Of course he is.

Well, maybe he's telling the truth, after all.

What's this?

I found it in my desk.

Where he camped out most of yesterday.

Oh, come on.

You don't expect me to buy that, do you?

Not really.

But there it was just the same.

Sitting in the top drawer.

It's got all the files on it, too. I checked.

Nice try, Allison.

Just because I'm sleeping with him doesn't mean I'd perjure myself to protect him.

It's a fair point.

Doesn't mean he didn't make a second copy and give that one to Düring.

Also a good point.

How about letting me take a run at him then?

Come on, what have we got to lose?

If he's gonna talk to anyone, it's gonna be me.

Fine. Have at him.

Not here.

We all know enough not to incriminate ourselves on camera.

Where then?

Let me take him back to the hotel.

Saul likes his creature comforts.



Hello. Do you speak English?

A little.


The Interior Ministry gave me this number.

I'm trying to reach Samir Khalil.


Samir is not here.

This isn't Dunya, is it?


You're Shatha, then.


Shatha, my name is Carrie Orser.

I knew your father many years ago-- we worked together trying to rebuild the justice sector in Iraq.

It's really important that I speak with him.

He's not here.

But this is his number, right?


I've spoken with the brothers.

They all agree.

About what?

No attack here in Berlin.

We go to the Levant to fight instead.

Honestly, I don't give a shit what you do.

But it was your recommendation.

Not that I remember.

Will you help us get to Turkey?


Come on. You've taken the trip before.

You could show us the best way.

I said no.

We could pay you.

Not enough.

What's enough?

$10,000 a week.

Dollars, US.

My uncle could pay you.

He's an important man.

How important?

He's in charge of collecting ransoms in Northern Syria.

He's an emir?

Deputy emir.

What's his name?

Abu al-Qaduli.

Never heard of him.

You choose.

Come with us, make a lot of money.

Stay here... wait for Hajik's brothers to find you and k*ll you.

We go tonight.

(bird cawing in distance)

He's inside there.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


And good morning.

It's beautiful, isn't it?


Come sit with me.

It's a miracle.

God knows how it survived the w*r.

The Red Army came charging through here in '45.

Later, when I was growing up... my mother hired a monk to come live with us and say Mass.

Father Leibniz. Very strict.

I've always found it difficult being a Catholic.


I don't know. I was lapsed so long, maybe I missed the hard part.


Who was it who used to pray, "Oh, Lord, make me good... but not yet"?


You seem pretty virtuous to me.

Oh, but I'm not.

I'm not.


Listen, Otto, would you mind if I asked Laura Sutton to join us here for a while, help me track down someone on the Internet?

You've found something?

I think so.

By all means, then, yes.

(phone buzzing)

Excuse me.


Carrie. Darling.

My little Oriole.

How are you, Samir?

Are you well?


Just okay?

Well, I have the misfortune to suffer in my back.

It's all those years sitting on the bench.

All those years in S*ddam's prison.

Anyway, I haven't been anywhere near the courtroom since 2009.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Don't be.

The rule of law is finished here.


Five months ago, you tried to contact me, Samir.


I put up a distress rocket but heard nothing back.


Well, not really nothing.

I had a crash visit from some comedian called Smith or Jones.

And what did you tell him?

That I would only talk to you.

I wanted you, Carrie.

But from you I heard nothing, not a word.

Oriole was on the shelf, Samir. (chuckles softly)

Oriole had flown the coop.

Somebody might have told me, don't you think?

Instead, I'm sitting here and waiting for the phone to ring.

What did you want to tell me?

Remember the name Ahmed Nazari, by any chance?

Yeah, of course-- the... the lawyer.

The Creep of the Year, fabricator, the bribe taker and intelligence peddler.

He died, as I remember.

In the bombing at the Ministry of Justice.


Oh, he did, Samir. I'm fairly certain.

Well, then he's risen from the dead.

What do you mean?

Why I put up the rocket.

I saw him one morning walking the neighborhood.

I'd heard his father had been ill.

You sure it was him?

Up so close I could smell his cologne.

Adal: Imagine my surprise learning you were here in Berlin.

I assumed you knew.

I didn't.

You and Saul-- the perfect marriage ending badly.

Hmm. Did he ever mention Otto Düring to you, or the Foundation?


What about the Israelis, some kind of joint operation he was running with them?

No. Could we sit?


I brought you a sandwich.


You said you caught a break?

Yeah, I did. Got lucky, I guess.

How so?

Fell in with some of the jihadis released the other night from Plotzensee Prison.


Long story.

Bottom line, they want an escort to the Syrian border.

That's interesting.


Signals Intelligence picked up indications they were planning something here in Berlin.

Something big.

They were. Now they're gonna die like dogs in the desert.

Impressive, Peter.

Well done.

There's more. One of them has an uncle.

Guess who.

I hate guessing.


You're kidding.

It might present us with a paint-and-k*ll opportunity.

I get close enough, you have the ordinance standing by.

Sounds like a plan.

Yes, I'm a traitor.

Yes, I'm here to plant disinformation on you in service of the great state of Israel.

Yes, Otto During is my accomplice.

Take me, hang me.

Anything but this.

Let me make you a drink.

I don't want a drink.

The sheer f*cking insanity of it.

That's a little harsh.

Harsh? How?

Even I'm convinced you took the thumb drive out of the building.



I just can't figure out why.

Well, how come you covered for me, then?

I'm loyal.

Well... most of the time, anyway.

Well, then buy me the 72 hours I need.

Beg if you have to.

You think I haven't tried?

Any idea what happens if I'm shipped back to Langley?

I've got a pretty good idea, yeah.

I'm not talking short-term.

I'm talking the long-term purgatory of it.

The suspicion that never goes away.

The latest unperson in the latest looming scandal.

Well, what difference is 72 hours gonna make?

I'll either have the answer by then or I won't.

I don't understand.

What exactly is it you're waiting for?

Allison, tell the truth.

We alone right now?

As far as I know.

No hidden microphones?

No listeners in the next room waving their magic listening wands?

Not that I'm aware of, no.

(whispers): Well, f*ck it if they are.

(dramatic piano concerto playing loudly)

Hear that?


f*ck you!

(turns on faucets)

(quietly): I did download the documents.

I did pass them to Otto During.

Saul. Why?


(concerto continues in distance)

That's a good question.

I'm loyal, too, I guess.

Loyal to who?



She believes her life is in danger.

I'm starting to agree with her.

She thinks the reason's in the documents somewhere.

So she has them now?

I'm assuming.

I took them to During to take to her.

I see.

She's the one I'm waiting to hear back from.

(faucets continue running)


I'm not feeling so well all of a sudden.


You all right?

What is it?

I'm not sure.

Should I call somebody?

No. No. I'll be fine.


Need a minute?

Yeah. A minute. Thanks.

(door closes)

(music stops)


(panting grows rapid)

(continues panting)

(continues panting)


(labored breathing)

(panting softly)

(panting softly)


(panting softly)


Laura: Hey.

Carrie, this is Numan, aka Gabe H. Coud.

Numan, this is Carrie Mathison.

Laura said she might be bringing you.

I could really use your help.

Thanks for coming.

I want to know what I'm helping you with first.

We both do.

Of course.

After, maybe then you could help me.

Anything you need.

To find my friend Korzenik.

What is it?

He's dead, Numan.


How do you know this?


The SVR is now in possession of the documents you hacked out of Berlin Station.

They k*lled Katja Keller getting them.

Korzenik is a loose end they would never leave untied.

I'm sorry.

What I'm asking is, you help me identify the people responsible for his m*rder.

Will you?

Okay. The first thing we need to do is locate this man.

Ahmed Nazari.

This is an obituary.

Well, apparently his death was greatly exaggerated.

He was a lawyer in Baghdad, attached to the Ministry of Justice.

As well as an asset of the Central Intelligence Agency.


The plot thickens.

Are you saying they intentionally disappeared him?

Who? The CIA? I-I don't know.

Where should we start looking?

Ahmed's wife left Iraq nine months after the bombing that supposedly k*lled her husband.

As far as I know, she went to Amman, Jordan.

What was her name?


Jamila Nazari.

So I'm assuming this means you got ahold of the documents after all.

I did.

Are they here?

In this room? Let me see 'em.

Laura, I can't.

Come on, Carrie.

Why do you think I agreed to come all the way out here?

Can we talk about this later, please?


You know what Otto's gonna say.

Numan: What's the password for the Wi-Fi?

"Pope Francis." Two words.

You assured me she was dead.

(sighs) I was wrong.


What's the worst that can happen?

That Ahmed spills the whole story, tells her everything.

One, why would he do that?

Two, she needs to locate him, then get to him before I do.

She's had the documents since last night.

Amsterdam's seven hours away by car.

She could be there by now.

That's doubtful.

Will you stop underestimating her?

I don't care how f*cking brilliant she is.

She's not a magician.

Well, I'm not willing to take that risk.

You think we are?

Allison, you represent the greatest penetration of American intelligence in f*cking history.


My bosses actually believe you will be director one day.

Well, they're not the ones you're asking to march into work tomorrow as if the world isn't about to end, like it's just another g*dd*mn day at the office.

Come on.

Don't protest too much.

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

That means both of us know you love it.

That's where you live, the double game.

Without it, you'd be a beached fish, dying of too much oxygen.

It's the "getting caught" part I'm not so crazy about.

I know.

We'll be waiting for her in Amsterdam.

Saul Berenson gave you those documents in confidence, to give to me, not to plaster all over the Internet.

Since when did we give the CIA veto power over what we publish?

She's got a point. Transparency's one of our guiding principles. "An open society."

It's on the f*cking card.

Have you already forgotten how many people have f*cking died because of this? I nearly did.

So did you.

She's in Amsterdam.


Yeah. Her husband's pension is automatically rerouted from an account in Amman to an NBN bank in the Zeeburg district of Amsterdam.

Did you get an address on her?


But I can keep trying.


Do. In the meantime, I'll get on the road.

There's a garage full of cars. Take your pick.

Thank you.

How on earth will you find one woman in the whole of Amsterdam?

One Iraqi woman.

Who probably changed her name.

Definitely did.

But I have a former colleague there in the expat community.

And meanwhile, what, we just punt a decision on the documents?

To be continued, Laura. To be continued.


You can't come.

What's the issue?

His passport has a Jordanian stamp in it.

We won't make it past the first border.

It was on holiday. Two years ago.

Doesn't matter.


We have a cover here.

We do construction work in Istanbul and not jihad in Syria.

You want to take the risk, be my guest. But not with me.


Sorry, Zaheer, not this time.

Get new papers, we'll see you there.


Okay. Let's go.


Just a minute!


You okay?


I just thought we should be together tonight.

Come in.

(indistinct chatter)

(door shuts)


Carrie. My friend, is that really you?

Who else?

Up to your old tricks, I see.

How do I look?

Uh, I have to love it.

It's good to see you.

You have no idea.

So, you been driving a cab long?

A few years now. It pays for night school.

I'm getting my MBA.

That's great, Esam.

You got me out of Iraq, Carrie, gave me a second chance.

I'm gonna make the most of it.

Well, looks like you're doing just that.

So you want my report now or later?

Now is good.

It was too easy.

Third call I made was to the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project. Guess what.

Turns out she's the bloody treasurer there.

And not only that, using her real name.

Jamila Nazari.

You're kidding.


Not trying to hide. Not in any way at all.

Is there a husband in the picture?

She's a widow.

A boyfriend?

Lives alone.

So you know where.

Of course.

Should we go there now?

We should.

(starts engine)


(doorbell rings)

(footfalls approaching)

(speaking German)

(thunder rumbling)

(speaking German)





(speaks German)

(indistinct chatter)

That's a lot of house for a hairdresser.

Esam: How'd you know she cuts hair?

It's what she did in Baghdad.


Shouldn't we be following her?

No. I want you to go ring the doorbell now.


If someone answers, ask if they called for a cab.

I'm looking for this man.

Ahmed Nazari.

Her husband.

You got it?

Got it.

Check to see if the house is alarmed.

(door opens)

It's definitely him.



Alarm system?

Not that I could see.

What now?

Now we wait for him to go out.

Why not just go put a g*n to his face?

He's got no incentive to talk to me.

Not yet, anyway.

I want to get a look inside the house first.

Adal: Is this really how you want to go out?

One of those poor old actors you literally have to drag off the stage?

You know what, Dar... you will remember this moment.

Maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but six months from now, or a year.

And it will shame you.

Take him straight to the airfield.

No stops, no detours, put him directly on the plane.

Yes, sir.

I fail to see what more I could've done for you, Saul.

Well, you might've trusted me.

You made that impossible.

She has finally brought you down, like I always said she would.

f*ck off.

What are you doing, sir?

I'm calling for my g*dd*mn laundry, if that's okay with you.

Okay, call me the second he starts back for the house.

And don't get too close.

Remember, he's already seen you.

Okay. Okay.

Thank you.

They couldn't find your laundry, sir.

When they do, they'll forward it to you.

Tell 'em to send it to Langley. Care of the basement.

Sir, we need to go.

(door opens)

(elevator bell dings)


Go, go, go!

(door opens)

(children chattering outside)

(indistinct crowd chatter)

(dog barks)

(engine shuts off)


(phone buzzes)


Esam: I'm in Flevopark.

Two men just put Ahmed in a car.

Follow them.

I can't. I'm on foot.



No, it's okay.

Um, stay there and I'll come to you.

(door opens)

(men speaking Russian)

(keypad beeping)

(shouts in Russian)

(speaking Russian)


Let's go.


Oh, oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Thank you, my friend.

My guys are good, no?

Scared the shit out of me.


So... what exactly are we doing here, Saul?

I don't know.

I've never defected before.

(line ringing)


Carrie: Allison, it's me.


I'm sorry to call you like this, but I have to talk to you.

About what?

Baghdad. I need to ask you some questions about your time there before I arrived.

For instance?

I can't discuss it on the phone.


Can we meet somewhere?


I'm just leaving Amsterdam now. I'll call you when I'm closer to home.

I'll be waiting.

Thank you.

Of course.

And, Allison, please don't tell anyone about this. Anyone.

I won't.

Okay, talk soon.