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06x09 - The Finale (Christmas Special)

Posted: 12/26/15 05:11
by bunniefuu

Come on then.


Oh, what a big throw, well done.

Put Marigold into a school in London?

People do send girls to school, you know.

Nowadays it isn't all governesses teaching quadrilles.

Does she have any relations who ought to be kept informed?

None that we're aware of.

You'd live in London for term time?

I think so. The magazine's going better than ever and I enjoy working with Miss Edmunds.

'A life change for Lady Edith Crawley is announced as the family take a morning stroll'.


I think it's a good idea. Meet new people.

I just think it's a bit hasty.

Hasty? I think I've been about as hasty as a glacier.

And you'd be happy to live alone?

I'll have Marigold.

Anyway, I'm a spinster, aren't I? And spinsters live alone.

Is Mama better? I should call on her.

Oh, she's just tired. It'll do her no harm to spend a day in bed.

I pity poor Denker.

Denker can look after herself.

Are you all right, darling?

Don't I look all right?

Well, you just seem a bit down in the dumps.

Mmm, sorry.

No, don't apologise.

I'm just worried. I want to help.

I don't think anyone can help, I'm afraid.

Look, I know you're still upset about the crash. Of course you are.

Those things are bound to linger.

If it is, it's not what you think.

I don't blame myself for Charlie's death any longer -- truly.

But somehow it seems to have taken all the fun out of driving.

Ah, I'm glad I've got the three of you at last.

What do you mean?

I've never had a proper chance to say thank you for rescuing me, there's always been other people around.

We were glad to do it.

The good thing is, you can stay.

They've given me a breathing space but I can't live on pity for ever.

Still, it is a breathing space. Make the most of it.

Why not use the time to try and understand what brought you so low?

How extraordinary!

Well I'm only telling you what happened.

Larry Grey wrote, asking me to tea.

And I accepted, as I thought I must.

And then I telephoned to be told they were in London.

And today I got this.

'Dear Mrs Crawley, events have overtaken us and we are not now free to keep our engagement.

Yours, Amelia Grey.'

How peculiar.


What does Dickie say?


I know he went with them to London but I haven't heard a squeak since.

Well, that settles it, you must beard him in his den.

Won't that encourage him?

Your feelings do you credit, my dear, but never let tenderness be a bar to a bit of snooping.



As long as you know Miss Baxter is happy to undertake any or all of your duties whenever you wish.

That's kind of her but I don't want to stop yet. I've a way to go.

Very well, it's up to you.

I've no complaints but I still find it odd that a woman in her condition is working as a lady's maid.

It's not what I'm used to.

I should hope not.

Before the w*r, they were almost never married.

At least, if they were they retired.

And this is the future?

If you're really asking, I think the future is no ladies' maids at all, but we haven't quite got there.


Thank you, Molesley.

What a cheering sound.

Rather a break with tradition.

Well, can't it be a new tradition?

Let's hope so.

I spoke to Laura Edmunds today. I'm going to go up to London tomorrow.

Oh, I might drive you, if you like.

I thought you had some time off.

Well, I have a few things to do.

Thank you.

I have to pay a call on the way, at Dower House, if you can bear it.

Of course.

I was down at the farm before tea, doing Mr Mason's books.

Ooh, you have come on. I admire it.

I'm sure he was grateful.

That's enough love talk, Andy.

Love talk?

He's nice. You could do worse.

I could do a lot better, an' all.

I thought we might call on Mama tomorrow afternoon.

I'm sure she'd love that.

That's no good for me.

I have a meeting at the hospital.

Can't you get out of it?

I don't want to. We're in the middle of a whole reorganisation.

I'm very involved.

Better not tell Granny that.

Oh, good God!

I'm sorry, m'lord, I do apologise.

No, never mind.

I can't think what came over me.

It's nothing, it doesn't matter.

I'll go and see Mama without you.

Be my guest.

Is Daisy about?

Oh, you missed her, she's in bed.

Good, cos it's you I want to see.

Oh, well, go on.

Is... Is Daisy interested in men?

What on earth are you implying?

I meant because she's do dedicated to her work and her studies.

Oh, I see. Well, it's true she was determined to pass her exams, which she's done now, God bless her.

And as for being interested, well, she's had her heart broken a few times, don't worry about that.

I don't want to break her heart.


Would you say I had a chance?

Well, everyone has a chance, don't they?

If you do a bit of wooing.

Has she said anything about me?

She doesn't think I'm good enough for her?

Oh, get away with you!


Good news, I hope.

Good enough.

Found a job.

Oh, I'm happy for you, if it's what you want.

You know I wouldn't leave by choice, but it's time to draw a curtain over the past few months.

Will you be working nearby?

Not far. The other side of York.

So, we'll still see you?

What's this?

Mr Barrow's found a job.

Has he? Has he, indeed?

Well, I'm glad your efforts have paid off, Mr Barrow. You deserve it.

Thank you, Mr Carson.

Mr Carson, I thought I might walk down to the village, if you've no objection.

No, no, no. Oh, you could pick up some silver polish at Bakewell's.

I might come with you.

Her ladyship won't like that.

It's very discreet, the colour.

It's called Nude. (CHUCKLES)

That won't strengthen your argument.


I'll go. (SIGHS)

If you'd like to wait in the drawing room, m'lady. Miss Denker will tell her ladyship that you're here.

Oh, it was you I came to see, actually.

Oh, m'lady, we're all ears.

She means alone.

Well, if I'm not wanted.

When were you last wanted?

I shall ignore that.

Shall we sit down?

If you're comfortable with me sitting in your presence, m'lady.

Well, we do in London.

We are not in London, we are in her ladyship's drawing room.

But I'm here as a publisher speaking to her author, because we are thinking of expanding your column into a full page.

Really? That's er... good news.

Do you think you can manage it?

I believe so, m'lady.

Your tips on how to keep your husband happy have gone down particularly well.

Oh, Betty, be quiet, I'm trying to listen.

And you wrote so well about dressing for town and country in autumn.

Could we have a little more of that?

Oh, I'm full of ideas when it comes to combining comfort and elegance, m'lady.

You know shampoo comes from India.

The word, you mean?

The word and the fact. They were shampooing their hair hundreds of years before us.

Then again, I'm not sure I see the point of it.

Hello, Mr Molesley, Miss Baxter.


I'm glad I've caught you.

Oh, why's that?

It seems that Mr Trewin wants to retire. He told me on Sunday.

He'll finish the term and then go to his sister's in Bath.

Bath, oh, that's a long way off.

The estate always reserves three cottages for the school and I don't want the custom to lapse, so I wondered if you'd take Trewin's on, as well as some of his duties.

Goodness, I...

You've time to think.

I don't need a decision yet.


He will think about it, Mr Dawes, I can promise you that.

Good day.

I can hardly believe it.

But you will think about it, and you will make a sensible choice.

Why do you say that?

Because I don't seem to be able to do either, but never mind.

This isn't my moment, it's your moment.

And well done to you.


(LAUGHS) Hang on, Spratt is your agony aunt?

You must promise to keep it secret.


Won't your grandmother be furious?

If she finds out.

Oh, don't tell Mary.

Why not?

I don't know, she'll just... make a thing of it.

Look, your Mary isn't my Mary.

Let's hope it stays that way.



Do you value honesty, Mr Spratt?

Of course I do. What a question.

But you don't want to tell me why Lady Edith was here?

I value honesty and discretion, they are both virtues.

Hm. Because I wouldn't want to think you were keeping anything secret, or wrong, from my lady.

Anything wrong?

Involving Lady Edith Crawley, daughter of the Earl Of Grantham?

Are you mad?


I am not mad.

But I am curious.

Curiosity k*lled the cat.

Now I'm going for my constitutional.


I'm walking down to the farm, if you want company.

I don't know if I'm going yet.

Right you are.

He only wanted a walk.

Well, he can go for a walk, I'm not stopping him.


Nanny wants to take the children out for a picnic, so could she have sandwiches instead of a sit-down lunch?

Very well.

Can I give you a cup?

Oh, I don't mind if I do.

Oh, just in time. Could you pour him one, too, please?

What brings you in here?

I was looking for Mr Molesley.

When were you going to tell me?

What about?

The shaking.

What shaking?

I am your wife. I love you. Your secrets are safe with me.

What shaking?


Ah, how can I help?

I ran into Mr Dawes in the village.

And he wants you to take more lessons?

I think so, and he's offered me a cottage.

It'll be empty soon and he doesn't want the estate to have the excuse to take it back.

So, you're handing in your notice?

I don't know what I'm doing, really. Except asking for advice.

You'll check with Mr Branson that taking this cottage will suit the family?

Oh, yes. Heaven forfend he should have a bit of good luck without checking with the Holy Family.

I just wanted to put you in the picture.

Which I appreciate.

Thank you, Mr Molesley.

So, now Mr Barrow's going, Mr Molesley is going, and only Andrew stands between me and Armageddon.




There, I was beginning to forget what you looked like.

I'm glad you're back on your feet.

Shall I make some tea, m'lady?

Will you be here long enough to drink it?

Don't be spiky, Granny, of course we will.

Edith sends love. She's gone to London.

Not to see Bertie, I assume.

'Fraid not.

Oh, sad.

Of course, I see his point.

But I bet he regrets it.

He's painted himself into a corner.

I know, why can't men ever paint themselves out of a corner?

It's such a waste, for both of them.

You're very quiet, Mary. What are you thinking?

It's just an idea you've given me.

That's all. Nothing to trouble you with.

I'm afraid Cora couldn't come today.

Why not?

Oh, don't be mysterious.

It's the last resort of people with no secrets.

She's chairing a hospital meeting.

I see.

Swallow it, Granny. It's stuck in your craw long enough.

Oh, don't worry about me. I gobbled it up long ago.

It's your father who seems to have difficulty swallowing these days.

This is a lovely surprise.

Well, I've been quite worried.

You've kept so quiet since you got back. How did you get on?

I didn't like to bore you until I knew the whole story.

What whole story?


I haven't been feeling too well lately.

I've been very tired and I've had a rather sore tongue.

Sore tongue?

Odd, isn't it?

And then I started to get a sort of tingling, I suppose you'd describe it.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't like to bother you.

Well, I'm bothered now.

Well, Amelia carted me off to a frightfully grand doctor in Harley Street and it seems I have anaemia.

Oh, well.

It's a bit of a nuisance and you have to fuss about your diet, but you'll be fine.

Not quite.

It's pernicious anaemia.

They ran some blood tests and telephoned with the news on Monday.

I'm not too downcast.

I've had a good innings. Seen and done a lot in my time.

I should like to have been married to you.

But no man can have everything.

And at least we're friends again.

Oh, yes.

We're friends again.


Ah, well, I must say, it's very nice, Edie.

Yes. Do you... Do you manage on your own?

Not quite. A charlady comes every morning and her niece helps when I'm entertaining.

Here, let me. Yes, it's really pretty simple.

Compared to Downton, obviously.

I don't think we should be fettered by that sort of thing, do you?

Heavens, what a treat.

Aunt Rosamund's asked me to dine at the Ritz.

Would you like some tea?

No, I ought to get back to the flat.

What are you up here for? You never said.

Oh, I don't see why I shouldn't tell you.

I'll have to tell everyone soon. I'm thinking of giving up... driving.

Racing, that is.

Goodness. Does Mary know?

She knows I've lost the joy of it, yes.

Since the crash?

Is it so obvious?

Mary won't mind. She hates racing.

Maybe. But she certainly won't enjoy the transformation of her glamorous ace of a husband into a man who sits about the house with nothing to do.

Well, then, you must find something to do.

Yes, I must, mustn't I?

Anna? This is for you.

And Mr Barrow, there you are.

Thank you.

What's that?

It should be...

Yes, it is! A hairdryer for Lady Mary.

I sent away for it.

What's the point?

Why not just rub it dry with a towel and comb it out?

There's more control. You can smooth and shape the hair.

I think it'll be useful.

I've never changed my hairstyle.

Can I hold it?

It's heavy, in't it?

Lord in heaven! What's that now?

A hairdryer. Lady Mary wanted one.

Yeah, well, in that case...

Mr Carson, Lady Stiles wants me to go on Sunday and start on Monday.

Unless you need me to work out my notice.

We won't insist on it.

Downton Abbey without Mr Barrow --

Nothing ungenerous.

Are you really going?

Even good things come to an end.

Well, I don't know if you're a good or a bad thing, Mr Barrow, but we've all been together a long time.

And on that moving note, I think I'll check the dining room.

I don't think you need to change your hair.

Are you a fashion expert now?

This way...

Is it working out?

Henry and Mary living at Downton?

As far as I can tell.

He's far too good for Mary. They're happy.

Although it might be better if he could find something to do.

Well, won't he go on driving?

What on earth?

How did you know I would be here?

Are you leaving?

I certainly am.

Goodnight, darling.

I'll telephone in the morning.

Is this all a set-up?

Somebody tipped you off I was in London.

Was it Papa?

It was Mary.

Mary?! How?

What did she do?

Booked the table and got your aunt to play along.

They thought you might not come if it were me.

They were right there.

Will you stay now? Please.

May I bring you a menu, m'lord, and perhaps a drink?

Thank you, yes, we'll have menus and two glasses of Champagne.

Bertie, I don't know what I'm doing here.

You broke my heart.

I'm not blaming you, exactly.

I know why you felt you had to --

I want you back.

Nothing's changed.

I've changed.

Well, if you have, you haven't said a word to me about it.

I don't believe you'd have spoken now if Mary hadn't telephoned.

I would have, I promise.

But what's different?

I still have Marigold. You have your mother.

I've never told her we'd split up.

Well, we have.

Would you believe me if I said I couldn't live without you?

You've done a pretty good job of living without me lately.

I've done a very bad job.


And for you, m'lord.

I don't understand what you want of me.

What are you asking?

I want you to marry me.

Just like that?

Whenever you choose, but... that's what I want.

If I agreed, which is a big if, would we tell your mother the truth about Marigold?

Let me put it this way, if we tell her, we'll have to break with her.

I'd prefer not to do that.

Even without your mother, there are people out there who know the truth.

There could be gossip. Are you ready for it?

Well, I hope to avoid it, but I'm ready if you we can't.

The only thing I'm not ready for is a life without you.

Why was Lady Edith ringing so late? Mr Carson was quite worried.

I couldn't tell you.

I was finishing with her ladyship when Mr Carson knocked.

His lordship went down.

I never think she has much luck.

It's not like you to care.

You know when Anna said I should try to understand what brought me so low?


Well, I've been thinking and I thought I might try to be someone else when I get to my new position.

We do change as life goes on.

Or we could if our past would let us.

You know what, Miss Baxter?

I listen to Anna, you should listen to Mr Molesley.

Forget about Coyle and your time in prison.

You think the strong decision would be to see him but you're wrong.

The strong decision is to take away his power over you.

Leave him behind, Miss Baxter. Get on with your life.

Let that be my parting gift to you.

I wonder if you're right.

I am right.

You're not going to believe it!

She's pregnant again?


She's been arrested for treason?

Not quite. She's back with Bertie and we're going up withe them to Brancaster to meet Mrs Pelham and announce the engagement.


Does she know about Marigold?

No, and she's not going to.

That really must be Bertie's choice.

When is this?

Friday. They want to get on with it and, heaven knows, so do I.

I've got a big meeting on Friday.

Cora, I don't often insist but I insist now.

This is your second child, who's hardly known a day's happiness in the last ten years.

All right, I don't need the Gettysburg Address, I'll do it.

I feel increasingly that I'm in competition with the hospital these days and I usually lose.

It almost makes me wish Mama had triumphed.

Never mind it now.

Edith is going to be happy. Just think about that.

You're right, of course. Hurrah.

I'll help you down with the cases.

Good. We'll go up after breakfast.

I've so pleased for Lady Edith.

I wonder when the wedding will be.

That's all I need!

I like weddings.

Ah, Mr Barrow, you'd better say goodbye to his lordship before they leave.

You'll be gone when they get home.

I am sorry. Really.

The thing is, it seems odd to say it but I find I'm desperately upset.

I keep bursting into tears.

Why, of course you do.

Why wouldn't you, when you're in love with him?

Am I?

That phrase conjures up for me dance cards and stolen kisses and Mama waiting below in the carriage.

Not two old fuddy-duddies who can barely manage the stairs.

It's good to be in love, whatever age.

I can't think why I turned him down.

I must have been mad.

The course of true love never did run smooth.

After Prince Kuragin, did you ever fall in love again?

You must know by now I never answer any question more incriminating than whether or not I need a rug.

Before I go, I want you to know that I've made a decision.

I won't go and see Coyle. I won't write, either.

I'm putting him out of my life for good, and that's that.

Can you stick to it?

I think so.

He's got no power over me now, and I won't give it back.

So, you've reached your decision. Now it's up to me to reach mine.

Be strong in your new resolution, and I know you'll be happier.

You had faith in me when I had none in myself... and I'm grateful.


What do you say, Mr Bates?

I'd say I'd rather we part as friends than enemies.

Tell Henry we're sorry to miss him. I hope he's all right.

Why do you say that?

No reason, but I have been a bit worried about him since the crash.

Darling Papa, you are cleverer than you look, aren't you?

That's a relief.


Ah, Barrow.

Your lordship, your ladyship, I wanted to thank you for everything.

You're not going now.

On Sunday morning, m'lady.

We've known some adventures during your time with us.

I've learnt a great deal while I've been here, my lord.

I'm afraid I've rather lectured you at times, not to harshly, I hope.

On the contrary. I will begin my new position with a new spirit, and I have you to thank for that.

I'm glad if, on balance, it's been rewarding for you.

I arrived here as a boy, I leave as a man.

Please will you give my best wishes to Lady Edith?

We'll always be so grateful to you for saving her from the fire.

And it turns out I saved her for better things.

Very good luck to you, Barrow.

Thank you, my lord.

Now, I'm afraid, we must get started.

I hate goodbyes.

There seems to be so many of them these days.

I'm such a frump!

No such thing.

I am. My hair, my clothes. I look the same as I did ten years ago.

Oh, I wish I did.

Well, would I give myself a job?

I'd give you a job.

Are you here for a reason?

Er... Mr Carson says they're going into the library.


There it is, off you go.

Do you know your problem?

I bet I soon will.

You despise anyone who thinks well of you.

If a man should like you, you think he must be rubbish.

That's not true.

Isn't it?

You were soft on Alfred, mad for him when he only had eyes for Ivy.

But when he made a play for you, you'd have nothing to do with him.

That's different.


Mrs Pelham's in the yellow drawing room, my lord. If you'd follow me...

You have to admit it's quite something.

As long as she's happy.

The Earl and Countess Of Grantham.

I'm sorry I wasn't here to welcome you earlier.

I do hope they made you comfortable.

To a legendary degree.

Here's Edith.


Hello, Papa.

And you're sure you won't miss it?

D'you know, I don't think so.

In fact, I feel lighter already, really.

Well, I'm thrilled and I can't pretend otherwise.

But you still love cars?

Don't worry, I still love cars.

You're not alone in that, I just... I don't want to race any more.

Then you'll have to find another way to express your love.

More to the point, I have to find a job.

Mr Carson, are you all right?


I can't think how I --

Let me help you, Mr Carson.

You must rest, Carson. Do you want to sit here or go downstairs?

I'll go down, I think, m'lady, with your permission.

I'll go down.

Don't worry about a thing.

Molesley will take care of us.

Andrew, could you help Carson, and find Mrs Hughes?

That's all right, thank you.

I'll go and check on him later.

Drink this, it'll calm you down.

I suppose you think I'm a drunk or trembling with fear at the onset of old age.

I do not, but I would like to know what it is.

I'll make an appointment.

There's no need.

I don't believe ignorance is bliss. At any rate, it isn't bliss to me.

There's no need because I know what it is.

My father had it, and my grandfather, and it finished the careers of both of them.

It's not really a proper condition. It doesn't even have a name.

Grandad called it 'the palsy', but these days I just have 'shaky hands'

The plain truth is, I'm done for.


I came to see how you were.

I'll leave you to it, m'lady.

I'm not ill.

I'm sure not.

But you may be tired and there's no shame in that.

Please don't concern yourself, m'lady.

You have more important things to worry about.

Of course I'm concerned, Carson, and you must help me.

You know how dear you are to me, and if there are changes that need to be made, we mustn't be afraid to face them.


Can I join you?

Of course.

Mary's just gone down to see if Carson's all right.

Is she OK about everything?

Well, I'd say she's concerned about what happens next, but that's allowed.

It can be hard for women to understand that a man is what he does, to himself, anyway.


Still, things could be worse. I'm fit, I have a wonderful wife, I must just decide how to spend my life.


Well, at least Mary's glad I've given up racing.

She always hated it.

She's not so glad.

She'd rather you were happy.

I want to be happy, of course, but mainly I want to be worthy of her and I know I sound like Bulldog Drummond, but I do.

So what sort of thing might interest you?

You know me, I always come back to cars or transport, at any rate.

And I'd like to be up here, so that we can base our life at Downton.

A local business so you could still be part of the family here but have your own identity outside of it.

Well, you know the area, Tom. If you have any ideas, don't keep them to yourself.

I won't Henry. You can be sure of that.


Did you inherit the household from the Lord Hexham?

We did but I'm afraid they had the run of the place while he was here.

Or while he was not here.

You seem to be managing well.

Do you live in the castle?

You mean will I move out when Bertie marries?

That's not what I --

I have rooms that were made into a flat for an aunt, so I'm very comfortable.

But don't worry, I'll be well out of the way.

Oh, I'm not at all worried.

Of course not.

I told you, Mother, you're less trouble in the house than out of it.

What an interesting time this must be for you both at the start of a new reign.

What do you want to concentrate on most?

We want to rebuild Brancaster as a moral centre for the area, and only Bertie can do that.

Not just as a good landlord or farmer, but as a moral man leading by example.

I'm sure Brancaster already enjoys that reputation.

No, I'm afraid not. I'm sorry to say that cousin Peter, led a life that was not entirely --

Mother, I'm sure Lord and Lady Grantham don't need to hear this.

I disagree. If Lady Edith is to take --

Oh, please, call me Edith.

Very well. If Edith is to take you on, she should know what faces her.

Cousin Peter may have had his merits but his morality was not what I would call reassuring.

Mother, please --

Those visits to Tangiers.

I really must insist.

Very well.

But you should be in no two minds. If you're to make a success here, you can't afford to put a foot wrong.

I'll say good night. Bertie will look after you.


We've been wasting your time, and I apologise.

Not at all.

But I'm afraid the symptoms you describe do seem to confirm it. I wish they didn't.

I knew we shouldn't have bothered you.

I wanted to be sure and now we are we can decide how to deal with it.


You don't think I'm going to let you go through this alone, do you?

Goodbye, Dr Clarkson, and thank you so much.

Why do you want to get caught up in all this?

You know very well why.

There you are! I've been waiting.

How did you know I was here?

Jackson said he'd driven you to Mrs Crawley's and the maid there told me you were at the hospital.

Quite a paperchase.

You'd make a good detective.

There is no need to fuss him with more medical advice, Mrs Crawley, we know the worst. Please leave us to deal with it in our own way.

Mrs Crawley wants to be involved.

Father, there's really no need to burden her.

I'm sure you wouldn't want that, would you?

Well, not burden, but if she --

Help his lordship into the car.

My lord.

Leave us alone, Mrs Crawley, just leave us alone. That's all I ask.

All? It's a great deal. Of course, when you thought you were going to be saddled with him for years I was a necessary evil, but now that he has --

Heavens, is that the time? Good day, Mrs Crawley.

Ah, I've been looking for you.


I wondered if you might like a walk.

I'd love one. So... I've been thinking.

About what I can do that would make me a worthy husband.

Oh, don't be silly.

No, I'm serious.

While driving, I wasn't an equal match but I was an eccentric, maybe even exciting, choice.

But now I'm just a poor man being supported by a rich wife and that's not what I want for you.

I don't want your having to explain me.

I don't mind explaining you.

But the worst of it it, I've done it to myself, which is why I have to get moving, and this isn't self-pity.

I just know that I'm right.

I'm so in love with you, you know.

I do know and it motivates all my thinking and everything I do.

How very cheering.

We're all being taken on a tour of the grounds.

Bertie says it's the best view and, of course, he's right.

Did he tell you there's a dinner on Monday to make the announcement?

I just wish I was sure I'm doing the right thing. For him.

He had the chance to get away if he'd wanted to, and he came back.

I'm not convinced he's faced up to what could happen with his mother or anybody, if it gets out.

But why should it get out?

Well, Papa, at the beginning nobody was supposed to know except Rosamund.

Now you know and Mama and Mary and Tom, and Henry, I assume, and... probably Anna and Mrs Hughes, which means Bates and Carson will know.

I doubt he's told Carson, he'd faint.

Well, maybe not, but she'll have told Mrs Patmore and so it goes on.

How could it possibly not get out?

Then you're taking a chance but, darling, I hope you'll take that chance and live a good life with a nice man.


This isn't just loyalty to Michael Gregson, is it?

No. It's not about that.

I loved Michael very much, but he's gone, and... now I'm in love with Bertie.

More than ever, in fact.

Which is what matters.

Please don't make your life more difficult than it needs to be.

Now come on, they'll be waiting for us.

Well, I wish you well, I do, truly.

I expect you'll all be glad to see the back of me. - (MURMURED DISSENT)

Well, I won't. Give me a kiss.


Look after yourself, and the people you're working with, try to get them on your side. You can do it.

Be nicer, you mean.

Well, it wouldn't hurt, Mr Barrow.

You're quick and efficient and no-one's ever called you stupid.

There's no reason why you shouldn't get on.

Thank you, Mr Carson.

I've learnt a great deal from you and... I'm grateful.

Good luck, Mr Barrow.

Mr Molesley.

Thank you for all your help, Mr Barrow. I'm only sorry I --


You're a hard worker, Andy, and a clever fellow. I wish you well.

Mr Barrow!

They wanted to say goodbye, and Anna told me when you were leaving.

You've just caught me, m'lady.

Oh, well, Master George, I hope you'll be good when I'm gone.

No, we won't.

Please don't go.

Oh, I must go, Master George, but remember I will always be your friend wherever I am.

All right? (SNIFFS) Good lad.


Thank you.

Right, that's it.

Come along. Goodbye, Barrow, and good luck.

Goodbye, Mr Barrow.


Strange to think I were soft on him once.

Well, you were never much of a judge in that department. (CHUCKLES)


I'm sorry to disturb you.

I was just catching up with some letters.

Is breakfast finished?


I've come because there's something I feel you ought to be aware of before the announcement of the engagement this evening.

Does Bertie know you're here?


But he knows what you're about to tell me?

Yes. He knows everything.

Well, er...

You'd better begin.

Do you know where everything is?

I think so, Sir Mark.

I can always ask Mrs Jenkins, if I'm mistaken.

The maid, Elsie, will be in soon. She can help.

Is that it, Sir Mark?

Mrs Jenkins, me and Elsie?

Yes. This is not 1850, you know.




What are you doing?

Andy's lending a hand with the sties.

The piglets will be here before we know it and I need to start separating the mothers.

Who else have you got to help you?

Only old Joe, same as always.

I take on two men for the harvest and the piglets, but it's mighty helpful to have the use of a young man's muscles at no extra charge.

You should have said you were coming. I could have walked with you.

No, didn't want to bother you again.

He's a crackin' lad.

The fact is, I'm getting older, Daisy.

I've been hoping you might move in, but at least I've got Andy to count on.

I am still thinking about it, I promise.

But it's a big step to be cut off from the life of the house.

You'd not be cut off. Not if you didn't want to be.

Have you got any more nails?

Yeah, got them here.

Erm... Would you like a cup of tea?

No, don't worry. Daisy's come to talk to you, not me, as I know well enough.

What's happened? Have you fallen out?

We haven't fallen out, exactly.

We just didn't quite fall in, not in the way he'd have liked.

You could do worse.


So everyone keeps saying.

Where are they?

Gone for a walk.

I know you know.

Edith's told me she came to you this morning.

Why didn't you tell me?

I wanted to spare you.

(SCOFFS) Is that the word?

I'd have kept you in the dark. It was Edith's decision to speak up.

Is that supposed to make her sordid revelations fragrant?

For me, he story shows only her courage, her decency, her loyalty, and her high regard for truth!

I can reach my own conclusions.

I'm not a child, Mother.

I won't be dictated to.

Bertie, you've a tough task ahead of you.

A task few would envy, if they knew much about it.

You need a wife with the strength of character and the highest moral probity.

I quite agree, and I have chosen accordingly.

But Edith is damaged goods.

I do not dislike her, but she's ruled herself out of the running and what is more, she knows it.

I'm glad you don't dislike her, Mother.

Now I think we should probably bring this to an end.


They said you were here.

I asked them to tell Lord Merton.

He's resting.

I'm beginning to understand why I was instructed to wait outside.

Mrs Crawley, my father-in-law is dying. He has a short time left.

He wants to spend it with his family.

Is that so hard to understand?

I would like to hear it from his lips.

That won't be possible. Good day.

We ought to get them back. It's very late. Nanny will be in a fret.


But Mummy will be wondering where we are.

I'm working.

Me, too.

Quite right. So, I'll start looking tomorrow.

Will you tell Mary?

I don't think so, not yet. She'd find it too odd.

She's more imagination than you give her credit for.

I give her credit, but we're outsiders you and I.

In different ways.


But this time I want to set it up without their help. Do you mind?

It means a lot to me.

No, I'm grateful.

I'm ready for this chance, just like you are.

Come on.

Come on.

Tell Mrs Potter, Mrs Crawley will stay for some supper.

We won't change.

I don't mind what I eat.

Nonsense. She always cooks for ten.

You'd better tell Spratt.

I will, m'lady. If I can find him.


Well, he's so busy these days. So taken up, so preoccupied.

What was all that about?

In Denker's mind, she is Salome.

You know, dancing rings around Spratt's Herod.

Now, please tell me more. Did Mrs Grey actually throw you out?

Well, she never let me in. But yes.

So, he's... he's their c*ptive.

Well, maybe he does only want to see his family.

No such thing!

They've got him under lock and key.

Now he's on the way out, there must be no claims on the estate.

That's what this is all about.

I can hardly push my way past the servants and run upstairs to his bedroom.

I don't see why not.

As my late father used to say, if reason fails, try force.

Look at that.

I always hoped it would pass me by, but no such luck.

That's all there is to it.


Oh, you're busy.

No, no. What is it?

I'm going to accept the offer from Mr Dawes, of the cottage.

I see. So, now I'm down to one footman and me.

I thought about that. I wondered if for a house party or on special occasions, I could... come back.

I've got my livery. I'd just walk up from the village.

Your livery stays here.

That's kind, Mr Molesley.

Mr Carson will be extremely grateful when he's in his right mind.

Thank you. Do you know when you'll go?

Depends if you would like me to work out my notice.

No need for that.

I might as well get used to it.

Then I'll move my things gradually and move out in a week or so.

I'll tell you when.

Mr Carson, are you all right?

Never better.

Why say you're never better?

I see, I'm to tell my private business to the whole world now.

And when was I ever not in my right mind?

Well, really. 'Your livery stays here.' I ask you.

The fact remains that we are down to Andrew and me and I am worse than useless.

I couldn't come to live here and see your mother every day and watch her play with Marigold and leave her in the dark.

I just couldn't.

She never played with me much. Never mind that.

Excuse me.

We've each made our positions clear and now we must play it out.

Was it really necessary?

It was to me.

I'm glad you said it. I'm very proud of you.

Uh-oh, here she comes now. Smiles, everyone.

The Earl and Countess Of Lisburn.

I don't believe I'll have any cheese. What about you, my dear?



Then we'll go through.


Is this the moment?

What moment?

My lords, ladies and gentlemen --

May I say a few words?

I think it a mother's place to thank you all for your kindness to my son in coming here to support him here tonight.

This change in his life is a great responsibility, of course, but it's reassuring for us both to know... that we are surrounded by friends.

I drink to you all.

And now it's my turn to make an announcement of my own.

I have a hard task....

I suggest you speak now, or you've lost him forever.

Let me make this very happy announcement.

You see my son is engaged to marry the wonderful Lady Edith Crawley, who is here tonight with her parents.

Let us drink their health.

Edith and Bertie.

All: Edith and Bertie.

Andy's been so helpful to Mr Mason.

Well, I should think he has. Of course, he's fond of him.

But you can be fond of someone and not work as hard as that.

It does me good to hear you say such things.

I don't mean anyway by it.

Oh, that's your story and you're sticking to it.

(SIGHS) Oh, hello. What can I do for you?

Just looked in to say good night. We're going.

Oh, back to the carefree love-nest.

I hope.

Oh, it's a love-nest, all right.

But no life is care free.

Good night.


Well, that was a turn-up for the books.

She gave you no clue that was coming?

She hasn't spoken to me since this morning.

I don't mind admitting I'm amazed.

Delighted, but amazed.

I'm afraid that is a reflection on me.

Robert: Oh, no, not at all.

I hope you won't regret it.

Should I turn down a daughter-in-law who, in addition to having birth and brains, is entirely and unimpeachably honest?

I have been waiting for someone to work that out.

She was prepared to deny herself a great position, to say nothing of happiness, rather than claim it by deceit. We must applaud her.

Oh, absolutely.

And you're not just saying these things to avoid a quarrel with Bertie?

That's part of it, yes, but I've had the day to think about it, and I believe we can make a success of this. Truly.


Good. Then everything's settled.

There is one more thing.

What is it?

Will you bally well kiss me?

Has anyone told Lord Merton we are here?

Certainly not. Nor will they.

You don't need Mrs Crawley to take him off your hands any more, do you?

And you won't have to wait long, so he lies upstairs in the shadow of death, and does what you tell him.

Why should we disturb his peace?

I heard Lady Grantham's voice.

I can well believe it.

Why did nobody tell me they were here?

What's he doing downstairs?

He caught me unawares.

And why have you stayed away?

She didn't stay away.

She was denied entry.

What? Is this true?

Of course not.

Right, here's what we'll do. We'll go up now and speak to your valet.

He can take everything you need to my house this evening.

Father, this is all unnecessary and unpleasant.

Might I suggest that we --

No. I've let you steer us long enough.

In future, I'll look after your father.

But surely it would be better for us -- - No!

Larry, as my son I love you, but I've tried and failed to like you.

Will you please leave me to get on with what remains of my life?

But this is your home.

Not any more!

Take it, and may you have joy of it.

And furthermore, I intend to marry him as soon as it can be arranged.

Amelia: This is ridiculous. Father, Mrs Crawley wants to take you away from your son and your family and kidnap you into marriage.

What do you say?

How perfectly marvellous.

And who can argue with that?

Thank you, Molesley.

So your visit was a triumph?

It was.

When is the wedding?

We were thinking Christmas would be fun.

Maybe New Year's Eve, when the decorations are still up.

Good idea.

Then you can wake in the New Year with your new life.


I know you made it all happen when you rang Bertie and Aunt Rosamund.

I was never convinced it was over.

But why did you do it?

It was something Granny said.

What a waste it would be for both of you.

You're such a paradox.

You make me miserable for years, and then you give me my life back.

Look, we're blood and we're stuck with it.

So, let's try and do a little better in future.

So, Lady Edith's to be a marchioness.

Which almost makes up for Lady Mary not being a duchess.

Ooh! Hark at you, Becky Sharp.

They've gone into dinner and his lordship wants an early night.

I don't blame him. I wouldn't mind one, either.

I never thanked you for all your hard work at the farm, not properly.

No need. I did it for Mr Mason.

Well, I'm very grateful, anyway.

I know you don't like me, Daisy, not as I like you.

So let's not pretend. Let's be honest.


Don't tell me, he's gone off you, so now you're sweet on him.

Not exactly.

Near enough, I'll be bound.

While you were away, I --

Decided to accept Mr Dawes' offer.

I knew you would, and I'm glad.

Well, we won't lose touch, I'll walk up here often.

No, we won't lose touch. You can be sure of that.

Right. We've got three months to plan this wedding so I don't want any mistakes.

I don't think people want mistakes, Mrs Patmore, they just happen.

I think they are the ones her ladyship meant.

Very good.


Lady Rose. How very nice to see you.

Mr Aldridge.

Hello, Carson.


Rose! Atticus! We weren't expecting you for another hour at least.


The crew were very efficient getting our bags off.

I should think they were eager to be rid of us. Oh, Mary.

Hello, Henry, how are you? Lovely to see you.

And where's the baby?

Oh, I'm afraid we didn't bring her.

Nanny wouldn't let us.

And you have to do what Nanny says.

They're always such tyrants.

She kept on about the diseases on board and all the germs she'd bring back from England.

But she missed Christmas with you.

I know.

The poor captain made such an effort with flags and Christmas trees, but I just wept every day of the voyage.

She wouldn't know if it was Christmas or Tuesday.

What a man thing to say.

She's only three months old.

But such a clever three months.

I've got masses of pictures. Where's Daddy? I'm dying to see him.

He was hoping to be here for dinner but he telephoned to say he'd be a bit late.

Do you know how thrilled he is to be giving the speeches?

So am I.


Darling Rose, how lovely to see you.

You, too. Hello.

And Atticus.

Wasn't he cunning to get the time off work?

He's actually got lots to do for them in London but we're pretending were just here for fun.

Let's start the fun by having tea in the library. Carson?


Oh, in a moment. I must run down and say hello to the servants.

I know she's a wife and mother now but she seems quite unchanged to me.

A sign of your care of her.

Or my weakness.

Let's go in.

Oh, she's beautiful.

Just like her father.

She's Victoria, m'lady?

Yes, Victoria Rachel, for Mr Aldridge's mother, and Cora for Lady Grantham.

Oh, not Susan for your own mother?


I didn't expect to see you, Molesley.

Lady Mary wrote you are a teacher now.

I am, m'lady, but it's the holidays and I'm here till the day of the wedding.

Oh, I hope Carson appreciates it.

Anna! Oh, look at you.

When's it due?

About ten days, m'lady.

Ooh, I don't envy you, but it's such fun after.

That's what you've got to keep telling yourself.

Is Barrow here for the wedding?

He's been invited, m'lady, but I don't know if he'll be able to get away.

Of course, he's got a new job.

And he hates it.

Oh, don't exaggerate! It's just it's quieter than he's used to.

You look familiar.

Andy, m'lady. Andrew upstairs.

I joined for your wedding, but a job came up here.

He's taken to country life, haven't you, Andy?

Mrs Patmore, shall I ask Lady Mary to come down and put the kettle on?

It's all ready, Mr Carson.



What are you doing?

Mind your own business.

Oh, Mr Spratt. I know you resent me.

Why would I resent you?

Because I'm interesting, because I'm exotic, because I'm attractive.

Oh, dear me, this is worse than I thought.

Do you always have trouble distinguishing fact from fiction?

It so happens, Mr Spratt, that I have a high regard for truth, unlike you.

Unlike me?

I know your dirty little secret. I just wonder what her ladyship would think about your double life.

I beg your pardon.

Butler by day, author by night.

Like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

When did you find out?

Lady Edith's visit.

Why have you not mentioned it in the many weeks since then?

Because I thought I might spare you, but now I don't like your tone.

So, what are you going to do?

That's for me to know and you to find out.


I was so happy to hear about you and Lord Merton.

Thank you.

I hope I wrote enough about your wedding present, it was too kind. Books are Dickie's favourite thing.

Why isn't he here tonight?

He wanted to be, but I'm anxious he shouldn't get over-tired.

He's not well, you see.

I say that but, funnily enough, he's a picture of health.

He'll certainly be at the wedding.

Does he regret giving Cavenham to Larry?


Let him and Amelia wallow in splendour.

And much good may it do them. We're happy as we are.

I have to preside over a meeting at the hospital tomorrow afternoon.


What sort of meeting?

We invite the public in. Our financial supporters, ordinary people, too. It's important they understand what we're doing.

The day before Edith's wedding?

It'll be two hours at the most.

Rose: We can help here, Atticus and me.

That's not the point.

What is the point?

Tom and Mary and I have an errand in York tomorrow, too.

I can manage. It's only the flowers and they've already been chosen.

Cora, surely you want to be here for that?

Drop it, Robert.

What errand is this?

Oh, you'll see.

Robert: Carson, could I have a bit more of the claret?


It's just there.

Andrew will pour it, my lord.

Well, isn't it thrilling? It was in all the papers, even in New York.

'Lady Edith and her millionaire Marquis.'

He wasn't either when he first proposed.

But he was when you accepted.

Sir Mark, may I remind you that I will be away on New Year's Eve?

Mrs Jenkins will carry up the tea.

The cook? Carrying the tea into the drawing room?

Lady Stiles said she'd allow it, just this once.




Thank you.

I'm sorry, I couldn't get away.


My darling, you look wonderful.

You look hungry, Papa. What about a tray?

Thank you, no, I had dinner on the train.

I hope I haven't let you down, missing the flowers.

No. Papa just resents the hours you spend at the hospital.

Hours I'm not spending on him.

I'm sure it's quite unconscious.

Men are unconscious for so much of the time.

I'm starting to think we should have waited until after the wedding.


She'll enjoy the wedding more.


What's all this?

Oh, I'm busy reinventing myself.

I'm being reinvented, too.

I rather like the old models.

Don't you think Carson's behaviour was rather odd at dinner?

He hasn't been himself for ages.

Should we go down now and see what it's all about?

There is no treatment, there is no cure.

But I'm sorry if Lady Mary saw fit to trouble you with it, my lord.

She didn't. I was puzzled by that business at dinner.

I see. Well, perhaps it's for the best, because clearly I have no option but to offer my resignation.

What? You don't mean that.

I'm sorry, my lord, but I cannot stay if I cannot perform my duties.

I should have been more honest with you, my lady.



Oh, I didn't know you were in here.

Please come in, Mrs Hughes, and talk some sense into your husband.

So, he's told you, my lord.

When the wedding is over, I will place an advertisement and I will do the preliminary interviews myself.

I could not give this house or this family into hands that I do not trust.

This is very drastic.

But you'll stay in our lives, Carson?

You'll stay on the estate, Keep a seeing eye on things, help manage grand events and so on?

I would like to say yes to that, my lady. but I doubt that the new butler would accept the job under such terms. I know that I wouldn't.


Dickie, what are you doing in the hospital?

Oh, I feel a fool now.

You've caught me.

You haven't answered my question.

Well, the fact is, I live like an invalid.

But I don't feel like an invalid.

Your care of me has been wonderful.

Even so, I should be fading past by now, and I'm not.

Why haven't you said any of this before?

I didn't want to get your hopes up.

What did Dr Clarkson say?

Well, he'll run the tests again before the wedding, but he says it's highly unlikely the London men were wrong.

A practice in Harley Street doesn't guarantee excellence.

That's the flowers done and Brock will be back in the morning to replace anything that's gone over.

Oh, well done.

Where's Bertie staying?

With his mother, at Castle Howard.

We should have asked him for dinner.

Unlucky, so we won't risk that.

Where's Cora?

Gone to the wretched hospital.

Why don't you like her going?

They take advantage of her good nature.

But she enjoys it.

That's why they're able to take advantage.

What were Tom and Henry doing? It seemed very hush-hush.

Robert, could you bear it if I asked you to drive me into the village?

What, now?

I'll do it if you lend me the car.

No, it's got to be Robert. It won't take long.

We'll be back before tea.

If you insist.

I'm afraid I do, rather.

I wish you'd just tell me.

No, it's a surprise.

I hate surprises.

We're there now, anyway.

Well, what am I looking at?

Well, isn't it obvious?

Talbot & Branson Motors.

But it looks like a going concern.

And so it is.

A real live business, even if the cars on show are the only stock, but we'll get more in.


So, how will it work?

For now, I'll go between the estate office and here.

Henry will be here full-time.

I'll still have cars in my life, but not racing, and we'll build the business between us.

All of which means you are second-hand car salesmen.

Well, we will be once we've sold one.

Mary, now's not the time to be snobbish.

We'll set up a dealership for new cars and in time we'll go into production.

There's nothing wrong with being married to Mr Rolls or Mr Royce.


Have I miscalculated? Are you ashamed of me?

Of us?

Are you mad?


I'm as proud as anyone living.

Thank God!


Mmm-wah! I'll never ask for another thing again, I swear.

Yes, you will, and you're going to get it, too.

What? You're sure?

I'm quite sure. But you mustn't tell a soul, I don't want to steal Edith's thunder.

Which is, in itself, a sign of happy times to come.

Why are we here?

That deals with the business but are there any other questions?

Will the new insurance contract cancel out the old one?

No. All existing agreements will be honoured in their entirety.

You have my word on that.

Will Dr Clarkson --

Ssh! Maud, don't waste her ladyship's time.

That's what I'm here for. Miss?

Will Dr Clarkson be moving to York?

No need to worry.

He's going to stay right here and look after you.

What I need to reassure you about is that nothing really is going to change on a day-to-day basis.

As you all know, that doesn't happen in a hospital where we are!



What is it?

It reminds me of when she ran the house as a convalescent home during the w*r.

Do you still think they're taking advantage of her?

If you want to keep her, Robert, you must let her go.

I'm not very good at those American slogans.

Then forget the slogan and listen to this.

You have a wonderful marriage and with my parents, I should know.

Don't spoil it now by asking her to choose.


.. Using this hospital that has served you so well and for so long.

Is the coffee ready?

What are you wearing tomorrow?

Oh, don't know.

One of my Sunday bests.

I've nothing decent.

Oh, I'm sure that's not true, but we'll only be on the edge of things.

I know, but I wanted to look nice.

Wasn't Lady Rose's hair lovely yesterday?

So smooth and smart.

You've got nice hair.

Why not try a new style if you aren't satisfied?

Would you mind if I went up a bit early tonight?

What's 'a bit'?

Well, now, when they're all still downstairs.

What's that got to do with it?

Oh, go on! But I warn you, I'll leave the washing up for the morning.


Daisy, what are you doing up here?

Just fetching something.

Oh, I do worry about Mr Spratt.

He seems to be burning the candle at both ends, and for all I know, in the middle.


Doesn't sound like the Spratt I know.

I agree.

He's changed since he took this new job.

Gone, the reliable butler, discreet and serious, and in his place, the journalist... spilling the beans on everyone he knows.

Spratt is working as a journalist?

Oh, I am sorry, m'lady, I thought you knew.

Never occurred to me he would take the post without first gaining your permission.

Do we know which publication employs him?

Oh, yes, m'lady, Lady Edith's.

Her magazine. I've got a copy of it here, as a matter of fact.

Oh, opened to the right page.

How convenient. (CHUCKLES)

Oh, dear, I do feel responsible.

Perhaps I should have held my tongue.

But, I suppose, truth will out.

Every time, Denker, every time.

Please don't be too hard on him when you give him notice.

Please, for his sake, don't be too hard.

So, why, why, why would I... why would I give him his notice, Denker?

Why... Why ever would I do that?


I can't... (LAUGHS)

Oh, put your feet up, you'll be standing for the rest of the day.

As I keep telling her.

Where have you been? We've got a lot to do if we want to get to the church on time.

I'm not going.

What are you talking about?

The wedding. I've nothing to wear and no-one cares if I go.

I'll stay and manage the food.

Stuff and nonsense!

This is because Andy's not interested.


Andy's given her the brush-off.

That is not true.

Why is your cap on like that?

Like what?

All pulled down over your ears. What's the matter?


Well, take it off.


Daisy, take it off now.

What have you been and done? (LAUGHS)

Oh, Daisy!

Let her go. I'll talk to her later.

Look, you can laugh, but it's for you she's made a fool of herself.

But she doesn't care a scrap about me.


No wonder you're on your own, lad.

You don't know women at all.

I can't believe this is happening, really. At least, to me.

Are the children ready?

I've asked Baxter to go and check.

I've spoken to Mrs Pelham and I'm going to take Marigold to Brancaster so she's there when you get back from the honeymoon.

Nanny's getting the children ready now.

We ought to get changed.



I didn't know you had to brush it at the same time.

You should have asked.

You wouldn't have let me borrow it.

I wish you would sit down.

I'm nearly done.

How do I look?

Like Clara Bow.

Don't be soft.

Andy, would you help me pick up the sheet?

I'll do that.

Don't fuss.

I want to fuss.

I'll do it.

Thank you.

Daisy, I think we've been out of step with each other.

I don't know what you mean.

If you really don't, then we'll leave it.

But if you do, let's... not be out of step any more.


Yes, yes, indeed.

A new baby, a new business.

I suppose I must have been as happy as this but I can't imagine when.

Honestly! Ssh-ssh. And remind me never to tell you a secret again.

We didn't always think there'd be a happy ending for Edith.

Well, there's a lot at risk, but with any luck they'll be happy enough.

Which is the English version of a happy ending.

What do you think makes the English the way we are?

I don't know. Opinions differ.

Some say our history, but I blame the weather.

Here you are, Miss Edmunds.

But isn't it too near the front?

Certainly not.

You've saved her life is anyone has.

Well, I'm glad no-one blames me for encouraging her to work.

We like strong women here.

Do you really?

I can assure you we like them very much indeed.

Erm... I'll need to move in a moment but I wanted to tell you before the service.

I have the results.

He hasn't got anaemia.

No, he has got anaemia.

We won't embarrass you by fainting.

It's no great surprise, after all.

No, you do have anaemia, but it isn't pernicious.


He has iron-deficient anaemia with low haemoglobin.

So, I'm not going to die.

Well, you need to keep looking after yourself, but er... no, you're not going to die. Not of that, at any rate.

Excuse me.

You managed to get away, then.

Don't worry, the treadmill awaits my return.

How's it going? Are you getting on with everyone?

There isn't much of an everyone to get on with.

Don't you enjoy it more than being at w*r with all the world?

I suppose.

What's the matter?

It's just a bit hot in here.

How lovely you look.

Oh, Papa.

Did you ever think we'd get to this day?

I'm not sure. (CHUCKLES)


You've always surprised me, you know.

But no-one can plan on a brilliant match.

I adore him. You understand that?


Let me be a little bit proud.

I'll calm down eventually.

If you're proud of me, please be as proud as you want for as long as you like.

I'd like to say I had an inkling when we met at Brancaster, but I don't think I did.

I certainly didn't.

It's an odd thing. One minute we hardly know each other and the next, we're related.


Can't we just tell your parents?

As soon as Edith leaves on honeymoon we can tell the whole world.

Will you be best friends now?

Oh, you're such a sentimentalist.

But will you?

Never you mind. We're sisters, and sisters have secrets.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honourable estate, instituted of God in the time of man's innocency, and is therefore not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God.

If any man can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him speak or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.


The last one's off our hands.

Illogically, I feel a great sense of achievement, though heaven knows I had little enough to do with it.

Still, it's a job well done.

Shall I tell you another job well done?

Your job at the hospital.

What's brought this on?

I came to the meeting yesterday. Rose made me take her to see it.

You should have said hello.

I was too busy watching and do you know something?

I was very proud of you.

Don't say it if you don't mean it.

I do mean it.

You are a woman of real substance and I'm lucky enough to call you my wife.

So I don't have to give it up?

You wouldn't have, anyway.

Probably not!

But it makes it so much sweeter if it's with your approval.

These are to go up to the waiting table.

Take them through as they're needed.

They're not nearly done. Get them back in the oven but keep watch.

No, don't put that one in yet.

Can I have the Epsom salts?

Should you be taking them? Are you ill?

Bit of an upset, nothing serious.

I see it's all hands to the pump. Still, it was a lovely service, and Lady Edith is married -- hallelujah.

And with Miss Marigold headed for Brancaster Castle, all is set fair for the future.

Although the less said, the better.

Will they ever tell her, I wonder?

I expect so, when she's ready.

I wish you'd sit down.

In a moment.

I just want to put the hairdryer back upstairs.

I'll leave you to it.

I've decided to move into the farm.

You won't regret it.

I've decided a lot of things.

But I won't tell you all of them now.

Andy, get that upstairs!

Can I have some more glasses?

Uh! I cannot pour the bloody stuff!

Carson, are you all right?


I do beg your pardon, my lord.

Don't be silly.

I can pour it for you.

No, I can do it, sir.

Mr Barrow, you are here as a guest.

I'm happy to help, Mr Carson.

Carson, I know the answer.

You and Mrs Hughes will stay in your cottage, but what if we were to ask Barrow to be the new butler?

Carson, the elder statesman, would steer things as he's always done.

What do you think, Carson? You'll have a pension from the estate.

You can't pretend Barrow isn't sufficiently experienced.

No, I wouldn't say that, m'lady. I trained him.

Well, Barrow? Would you like to be butler here?

Certainly, my lady.

That's settled.

Barrow will work out his notice and start at Downton on a date that suits you both.

I don't want to force your hand, Mr Barrow.

And I don't want to twist your arm, Mr Carson.

I think his lordship has found a solution.

So we should be glad of that.

Excuse me.

Yes, sir.

Anna, you're not working, I hope.

I just came to put the hairdryer back, m'lady.

It was a great success.

This hat is so tight it was giving me a headache.

Do you think we can stretch it?

Let me try, m'lady.


Oh, my God!

Ah, your waters have broken.

Right, no need to panic.

Oh, I should get to the cottage, my things are there.


Don't be ridiculous, you can wear one of my nightgowns.

Right, let's get you undressed.

This doesn't seem right.

What does all that matter now?




Mr Talbot.

Ah, there you are. You'd better come quickly, although heaven knows how long it will be.

I don't understand.

Sorry. Anna is in Lady Mary's room and Dr Clarkson is with her.

Oh, my God!

But she can't have it now.

She hasn't a lot of choice.

In Lady Mary's bedroom? Surely not!

Oh, Spratt, Denker has told me all about your column.

Oh, well, I wouldn't have said anything but I thought her ladyship already knew.

Believe that and you'll believe anything. M'lady --

In future, I shall come to you for advice about my clothes, and my entertaining.

Who knew we had an expert in the basement?

Well, I -- - Ladies and gentlemen...



You made a mistake, Miss Denker, in your haste to be rid of me.

What was that?

She never likes to be predictable.

.. And I am a cousin of her father's...

If you mean what you say, Daisy, I shall drink a toast with gusto.

I do, I'm coming to the farm.

Then I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of you there, too, Mrs Patmore.

I don't know about that.

I think you do.

Oh, we ought to get up for the speeches.

It gives me great pleasure to bring down blessings on the head of the beautiful Marchioness Of Hexham.

Hear, hear.

But first I should read a telegram from her grandmother, the redoubtable Mrs Levinson.

'I'm sorry I could not be with you.

Although we pray for those in peril on the sea, I am too old to be one of them. God bless you both, Grandmama.'

In a way I'm sorry she's not here.

In a way.

But not in every way.

What a wonderful life we're going to have.

I suppose this is all really happening?

Edith and Bertie, bride and groom.

All: To the bride and groom!

Shall I take a drink up for Mary?

I daresay she'll need one.

But her maid is giving birth in her bedroom. How very modern!

It wasn't exactly planned.

Which of our lives is?

I should go up.

Ooh, one for me.


He's nice. Well, I wish you luck with the business.

Though you won't need it, of course.

We all need luck, Miss Evans, we all need luck.

They're off! They're going!

Ooh, I'll not miss this. Come on!

We don't want to miss it.

I'll try not to disappoint you.

Just love him, I won't be disappointed in that.

Have a wonderful time, darling, and don't worry about anything.

It's so strange, I feel so completely... completely happy.

I don't think I've ever felt that before.

But you will now, for a long time to come.

Hurry, or you'll miss your train.

Throw it, it's unlucky if you don't.

Are you ready?



Aren't you the lucky one?

Congratulations. Have a wonderful time.

Thank you, Miss.


You look lovely, my dear. All the very best.

Thank you.

See you soon.

Edith: Bye, everyone!

I hope you're not too unhappy about the way things have turned out.

Downton will be a very different place without you at the helm.

The world is a different place from the way it was, my lord, and Downton Abbey must change with it.


Make sure there's enough to drink downstairs tonight, to see the New Year in.

May I take this opportunity to wish you and your ladyship the happiest of New Years?

No-one could pray for your good fortune more heartily than I.

We are very grateful to you, Carson.

I hope you know that.

Very grateful indeed.

For everything.

I'd like to go on working, m'lady, if we can sort out the baby.

We'll have him here in the nursery during the day.

To be followed by a young Talbot in due course.

And then we'll see.


Oh, I've come to summon Lady Mary and Mr Talbot downstairs to see the New Year in with us.

This is for you.

Thank you, my lord, that's very kind.

Is it that time already?

Did Edith get off all right?

Oh, yes, hours ago.

Is this the new arrival?

It is, my lady.

I'm a father, and I have a son.

We have a son, John.


Congratulations to you both.

I'm ever so sorry to be in here.

We'll be gone as soon as she's able.

Oh, don't worry about that. We ought to go down. Happy New Year.

I'm afraid Mama would find it rather unorthodox.

Maybe. But you know what I think?

I think the more adaptable we are, the more chance we have of getting through.

We'll do it.

The estate's safe in Mary's hands with Henry and Tom to help her.

Edith has risen from the cinders in the hearth to be kissed by her very own Prince Charming.

What more can we ask?

A long and happy life together, just we two, to watch the children grow.

That's all I want.

And why not?

We never know what's coming, of course, who does?

But I'd say we have a good chance.


Take these. We're nearly there.

It was quite extraordinary...

It's so good of you to stay, Mama.

It's good of you to ask me, Cora.

It is your kingdom now, your village, it is your hospital.

And... I think you run it very well.


Happy New Year!

Others: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everybody.

Others: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Thomas.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.

It'll be a different life.

But we can make a go of it, Charlie, and I definitely mean to try.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year, Elsie.

Would you like some wine, Mrs Hughes?

Yes, Mr Barrow, thank you.

Happy New Year.

And Year to you, Mrs Hughes.

Thank you, Mr Barrow.

Happy New Year.

♪ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ♪
♪ And never brought to mind? ♪
All: ♪ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ♪
♪ And auld lang syne ♪
♪ For auld lang syne, my dear ♪
♪ For auld lang syne ♪
♪ We'll take a cup of kindness yet ♪
♪ For auld lang syne... ♪

Makes me smile, the way every year we drink to the future, whatever it may bring.

Well, what else could we drink to?

We're going forward to the future, not back into the past.

If only we had the choice!

♪ For auld lang syne, my dear ♪
♪ For auld lang syne ♪
♪ We'll take a cup of kindness yet ♪
♪ For auld lang syne ♪