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07x12 - Core Values

Posted: 01/05/16 04:25
by bunniefuu
Male Sergeant: sh**t, one minute of slow fire time remaining.

Recruit number 11, you're in the berm.

Settle your ass down.

Female Sergeant: Ease up on the fore-end, recruit.

You're not waxing your surfboard.

All right, perfect.

Just like that.

Cease fire, cease fire.

Unload, clear and lock.

Make a complete safe w*apon.

Clear on left?

Coach: Clear.

Clear on right?


The line is clear.

sh**t, remain in place.

Load one magazine with ten rounds.

Do not load your r*fle.

Coach: Do not move!

Coaches, stay vigilant.

Yes, sir!

Coach 2: Sir, yes, sir.

(sighs, groans quietly)

With all due respect, gunny, you look like crap.

(sighs) Must be 100 degrees out here.

Let's get you a fan. Some ice...



Man down! Man down!

Corpsman up! I've got the corpsman!

Soldier: Oh, he's down. Just went down.

Soldier 2: Move!

sh**t, remain in place.

Get your eyes on range.

♪ ♪
♪ NCIS: LA 7x12 ♪
Core Values
Original Air Date on January 4, 2016

♪ ♪

(Deeks whistles)

That's Sam Hanna laser-focused on... what is that, Centipede?

Old-school, I love it.


It's a strand of DNA.

Of course it is.

I'm helping my daughter with her homework.

I'm looking for a palindromic sequence where the enzymes cleave.

Wow. You had me at palindromic.

It's where the base pairs are identical forward and backwards.

Much like a word palindrome-- kayak-- reads the same in both directions.

Madam, I'm Adam.

Naomi, did I moan?

Sex at noon taxes.

All right, enough.

Ah, Callen.

You know about palindromes.

Yeah, yeah, no I heard the FAA is thinking about banning their use by civilians.

(Eric whistles)

Are we not drawn onward?

We few drawn onward to new era.

That actually works.

Amazing, Eric. Well done.


I was, uh, president of the palindrome club in high school.

Why am I not surprised?

Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.

Eric: Ooh, good one, Deeks.

Words are the money of fools.

Egad, an adage.

That's also a palindrome.


That's the best you got?

Nell: This is Gunnery Sergeant Hugh Patterson.

He collapsed and vomited blood at the Pendleton range this morning.

Kensi: We're not usually called in for stomach ulcers.

(clears throat) He's in the ICU with acute radiation syndrome.

Was he exposed or contaminated?

Well, either one can k*ll you.

Contaminated means you have radioactive material on your body.

Our guy was exposed to an external dose of radiation.

Callen: What was the source?

That is today's burning question.

Anybody else get sick on the base?

No one yet, but there can be a three-week delay in symptoms.

We need to investigate all potential sources at Pendleton.

Quick question: are we gonna be issued Geiger counters?

No, Mr. Deeks, but lead-lined boxer shorts are available.

Granger: If this isn't a work-related exposure, we have to consider t*rror1st activities.

Let's be certain we're not dealing with pirated radioactive material or a dirty b*mb in the making.

Callen: Okay, Kensi, Deeks, why don't you start at the hospital?

We'll check out Patterson's men at the base.

Is she being serious about the lead-lined boxers?

'Cause I got my lineage to think about, you know?

It could be the end of the Deeks family tree.

Could be doing the world a big favor.

(clears throat)

Are you comfortable?

He's still in a coma.

A few weeks ago, radiation destroyed his bone marrow.

Now he can't make new platelets, so he bled out.

With no white blood cells, he can't fight off infection.

So what's the prognosis?

If we find a match donor, he will get a stem cell transplant.

65% chance of survival.

And without the stem cells?

Will you sanitize, please?


(monitor beeping steadily)

Deeks: Is that the wife?

Doctor: Yes, and she's eight months pregnant.


These are the NCIS agents.

Deeks: Hi.

I'm, uh, I'm Marty Deeks.

Hello. Kensi Blye.

I'm so sorry to be meeting you under these circumstances.

Do we know how it happened?

Well, we have all of our resources on the case.

Is there any way he could've brought the radioactivity home?

Well, as we understand, he wasn't actually contaminated.

Days ago, maybe he was.

If he didn't shower or change his clothes right away, he could've been near me, and then our baby would've been...

Your blood count doesn't indicate significant exposure.

Are any of your friends or family undergoing cancer treatment at the moment?

Deeks: Does he have any regular after work hangouts?

He came right home.

We're getting the nursery together.

Kensi: And is the base the only place that he works?


He started moonlighting as a security guard, like, once a week.

And where is that?

A construction site in Carlsbad, to help make ends meet.

Lots of bills with a new baby on the way.

Deeks: Right.

(indistinct announcement over P.A.)

Captain: Our radiation safety officers have swept the base.

Everything's clean, and everything's accounted for in the hospital's nuclear medicine department.

Sam: Anyone else with symptoms?

Captain: No, no, I'm confident the exposure did not take place on base.

How well do you know Gunnery Sergeant Patterson?

I've been his OIC for three years.

Any conflicts with subordinates, superiors?

No, he's a peacekeeper.

No, he's the guy you call when there is a problem.

So no loyalty issues?

No, flawless record.

Commendation medal.

(phone rings)

I can't think of another Marine with more integrity, honesty.

Excuse me.

Yeah, Eric?

We've been looking into Patterson's lunar activity.

His moonlighting.

Yeah, the construction site.

Kensi and Deeks are checking it out.

Not anymore.

Patterson never worked there.

Never even applied for the job.

So much for honesty.

He lied to his wife.

That could mean he's having an affair.

That could mean you're watching too many telenovelas.

How else am I supposed to learn Spanish?

Guys, get me his car registration from the DMV.

Year, make and model.

We're on it.

Coming right up.

(beeping steadily)

No radiation.

It's all clear.

Let's open it up.

You know, back in the 1950s, they used to sell junior scientist kits with Geiger counters and real radioactive isotopes?

What, you think maybe he picked on up on eBay?


They also used X-rays sh**ting through the floor to see if your kid's shoes fit.

The point is, you never know what'll hurt you.

Well, maybe someday we'll find out that kale's toxic and yoga's bad for your spine.

Why do I even bother?

This place is pretty shipshape.

He's a Marine.

Roll of quarters on the center console.

Just the owner's manual in here.

Payroll stub from BSF Protection.

That's a private security firm.

“For service rendered at Santa Flora Nuclear Power.”

That place is decommissioned.

They don't generate power anymore.

Look at the hourly rate.

That's got to be for hazard pay.


Probably why he lied to his wife.

Didn't want her to worry.

Trust me, nothing good comes from lying to your wife.

Or so I've heard.

Plant Manager: Welcome to Santa Flora.

Special Agent Callen.

Special Agent Sam Hanna.

Damon Westphal, plant manager.

I want you to put these dosimetry badges on.

Possibility of radiation exposure?

Well, you're more likely to get struck by lightning, but, uh, we like to play by the rules.

Is your chief of security available?

Yeah, he's right here on your schedule.

You'll be meeting with all our department heads, starting with Leo Chadmont, our chief engineer.

Yeah, well, we're gonna need a little time to walk the grounds.

Absolutely. We can assign an escort from public relations to take you around.

So, it all starts with a ceramic pellet packed with uranium.

Real one yields about the same amount of energy as a ton of coal.

It's impressive.

And clean. Not a single molecule of CO2 two emitted.

320 pellets are loaded into a 12-foot rod.

264 rods make up a fuel assembly.

And we have 200 fuel assemblies inside the reactor.

17 million pellets.

Callen: He was a mathamagician.

(groans, sighs)


But your reactor's cold.

Uh, I stand corrected.

Uh, in fact, we, uh, had 200 fuel assemblies in the reactor, but now it's empty.

So where's the radiation risk?

Well, underwater.

The old fuel assemblies are moved through a underwater tunnel into a spent-fuel cooling pool.

For how long?

Takes about ten years for the intense radioactivity to decay.

Is there a safety perimeter around the pool?

It's 20 feet underwater, so it's totally protective.

You could swim laps on the surface and not get exposed.

What if someone pulled a rod out of the water?

It'd be deadly in a minute.

(laughing): But it's also impossible.

I mean, each assembly weighs almost a thousand pounds.

And with constant radiation level and video monitoring, we'd know.

Then how did a security guard get exposed?

Maybe he dived down 20 feet underwater and hugged a fuel rod.

Patterson had a dosimetry badge.

What does it say?

Well, those get checked once a month, but we're running 'em early.

You guys have any more questions for Dr. Chadmont?

Okay, we got about, uh, ten minutes till your next appointment.

Give me a sec, and we'll grab a coffee.


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.


You trust these guys?

About as far as I can throw 'em.

(indistinct conversation in distance)

Hard to get things done on a short leash.

If they're not gonna let us in the front door, maybe we need to sneak someone in the back.


Right this way, gentlemen.


What if Patterson wakes up and he has some sort of critical information?

Shouldn't, maybe, one of us stay here?

Owen is driving south.

He'll take over at the hospital.

Thought Callen and Sam had Santa Flora covered.

Well, unfortunately, management has not welcomed them with open arms.

But fortunately, they do have an opening in their housekeeping department.

Oh, fantastic.

I'm playing a janitor again. except for this time, I'm sweeping up at a nuclear power plant.

No, no, no, that would be Ms. Blye's assignment.

With pleasure and without whining.

Patterson's departure has left a vacancy in the security department.

Oh, that's fantastic.

I get that.

Yeah, that was the job that got Patterson the lethal exposure.

Oh... Yeah...

No, maybe I shouldn't be...

Maybe I should be the janitor, you know what I mean?

'Cause I got the skill set and the look and the experience...

Sorry, Mr. Deeks.

No take-backsies.

Good luck with that.

No! Ah!

Speaker: America's nuclear reactors have generated 75,000 tons...

Nice to meet you.

...of spent nuclear fuel that will remain toxic...


...and radioactive for one million years.

Ted Oaks, head of security.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you, sir.

Nut jobs, all of them.

You think?

We're a decommissioned plant.

No reactor, no possibility of a meltdown.

There's nothing to worry about.

Some people believe that toxic, radioactive waste is being transported...

Tree-huggers already won the battle.

They got us shut down, but they gotta bellyache about something.

(camera clicking)

What are you doing?

Documenting the nut jobs, sir, in case a perpetrator jumps the fence or otherwise trespasses.

I can nail their ass.

I like initiative.

You're a good hire.

Thank you, sir.

By the way, perfect timing on your application.

We had an unexpected opening.

Somebody quit or get fired?

Active duty Marine.

Solid guy, but a part-timer.

We needed extra hours, he couldn't swing 'em.

So is he back at Pendleton?

Apparently so.

And speaking of your application... a little curious.

You've got LAPD experience.

Yes, sir.

That's good.

Why'd you leave?

Too many close calls.

You know.

Thinking about starting a family, settling down.

That's what a man's gotta do.


(door rattles)

(two beeps)

(clears throat)


(rapid knocking at door)

Deeks: Would you, uh... would you mind if I came in for a second?

Not until the floor is dry.

Deeks: Yeah, but it's a little bit of an emergency.

(door opens)

Oh, wow.

Look at that apron.

You know, some guys are into the whole French maid thing, but for me, I've always liked the working-class girls, you know what I mean?

Dirt under the fingernails, haven't showered in a week.

What did you learn from Patterson's boss?

Nothing. He's either totally in the dark or part of the cover-up.

What about you?

Well, I cloned the corporate e-mail server and sent it to Eric and Nell.

They're scanning it as we speak.

Excellent work... on these sinks.

Does this mean you're gonna start tidying up your own bathroom?

What are you talking about?

I tidy up all the time.

Uh, every time I come over, there's dried globs of toothpaste all over the sink.

It's actually quite disgusting.

Well, I'm just trying to be considerate.

Because when I wake up in the morning, really early, to go jogging-- something that you never do--

I just don't want to run the water and wake you up.

Oh, wow, touché.

(two knocks on door)

Man: You done in there?

Just getting started.

Please use the second floor.

(phone buzzes)

Nell, what do you got?

Here's a little something off the e-mail server.

Two weeks ago, plant manager Westphal refers to an incident, quote: “not reported to the NRC as no personnel were exposed and immediate corrective actions were taken.”


Any other information?

Like location, date and time?

No, nothing.

I'm still digging for dirt.

Hey. News from the hospital.

Patterson is waking up.

Okay, I'm gonna need an update from Granger.

You'll be the first to know... or maybe the second.

Uh, possibly the third. Not... lower than the third.


Okay, thank you Eric. Bye-bye.

Doesn't the, uh, security department have some sort of policy on facial hair?

Yeah, no, I have to lose the beard in 24 hours.

But it's fine, 'cause I get to keep the moustache.

No, you don't.

Yeah, I do.

Actually, a lot of amazing men have moustaches.

Like Albert Einstein, Salvador Dali...

And also Ron Jeremy.

No moustache.


You got a problem with Albert Einstein?

E=mc squared?

It's ridiculous.

It's a very smart move.

We're wasting valuable time.

Look, it'll be quick.

It's fast food, a drive-through.


Mr. “My Body Is My Temple”, wants to chow down on burgers and fries?

Did you not see that employee cafeteria?

I saw quinoa at the salad bar.

I prefer food that doesn't glow in the dark.

Well, it might help you fight crime.

Worked for Spiderman, you know.

Radioactive blood and all.

Is that a parking ticket?

“Meet me at north stairwell, ground level, soon as possible”"

Looks like somebody wants to have a chat.

Or somebody doesn't want us here.

♪ ♪

Over here.

Dr. Chadmont.

Step away from the building.

It avoids the security camera.

What's going on?

I should not be doing this.

Look, if you've got something that's gonna help our investigation...

Look, they're gonna lie to you.

Westphal's not gonna let us talk, and-and no one's gonna tell you the truth.

What's the truth?

This plant is not safe.

In what way?

There was a dangerous drop in the water level in the spent fuel pool, and significant radiation's been released.

Exposing the security guard?

Possibly; I don't know-- but I just know there's a big cover-up.

If it's a safety issue, they have to report it to the authorities.

It would cost millions in engineering upgrades.

This plant is a disaster waiting to happen.

Rest is essential for his recovery.

Granger: I'll be brief.

Where's the wife?

Lying down.

She had a few Braxton Hicks contractions.

False labor.


Hugh, this is Assistant Director Granger from NCIS.

Good afternoon, sir.

I just have a few questions.

Fire away.

At Santa Flora, did you ever work near the spent fuel rods?

Inside the pool building?

(exhales) Once.

When was that?

Three weeks ago, middle of the night.

I was video monitor.

Saw an open door.

Went to lock up.

Did you actually enter the building?

Took a lap.

Checked the doors.

What happened then?

Off shift 3:00 a.m.

Anything else unusual?

Drove home, went to bed.


The next morning, I had a stomach bug.

A little vomiting, diarrhea.

I was fine after that.

Timing is perfect.

Intestinal tract is most sensitive to radiation.

And do you remember the exact date?


It was a...


Did you notice the water level?

(alarms beeping rapidly)

Gunny? Gunny?

(alarms continue beeping)

Low blood pressure, high fever.

He has an infection in his blood stream.

Give us a few minutes.

Draw blood cultures and lactic acid, bolus two liters saline.

Hang pip-tazo and 400 of ciprofloxacin.

Tuesday, December 29, the graveyard shift.

Something happened that night.

Something you should've mentioned when we asked were there any accidents.

No, it wasn't an accident-- there was an alarm at 4:00 a.m., but no one was in the spent fuel building.

You sure about that?

We have surveillance video.

A secondary system kicked in and filled the pool-- no harm, no foul.

Then why were we told your plant's unsafe?

From Leo?

Leo Chadmont?

Look... there's a lot you guys don't know.

When the plant was decommissioned, Leo took a serious pay cut.

Things got rough, he lost his house, ugly divorce, kid dropped out of school.

Leo's bitter, okay?

Take what he says with a grain of salt.

We're all cued up.

All right.

4:07 a.m. on the night in question.

No one's in the building.

You can tell the alarm starts up by the flashing enunciator lights.

Callen: Pool level's low.

Sam: Top of the rods are showing.

Westphal: Scan forward, please.

So by 6:00 a.m., the pool fills back up to a safe level.

Per protocol, not one person had set foot inside.

Go back four hours.

Patterson came in before 3:00 a.m.

(tapping keys)

Oaks: Weird.

Let me check on this.

What's the problem?

Well, everything's fine after 4:00 a.m.

Before, there's a video glitch.

Oh, now we're good, here it is.

Before the pool level dropped.

Sam: 1:02 a.m. and then back to snow.

Westphal: Mm-hmm.

So from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. you've got a gap in your video surveillance.

This system gets backed up?

Every morning at 5:00 a.m., it streams to an off-site facility.

And how do we access that?

Sorry, checked with our backup service.

Same gap.

1:02 to 4:07.

We got nada.

That means if somebody went in to erase it...

They did it before the daily backup.

Let's get this hard drive into Ops, huh?

(whistles) Blake Griffin.

Oh, it's coming down to the buzzer.

Blake Griffin for three.

Nothing but bottom of the... (laughs)

No, no.

Deeks, you're gonna contaminate my evidence from Westphal's shredder.

Oh, nice.


That's a lot of salsa.

That's gross.


What did you find out from security?

I believe I was exposed.


To the toxicity of the vending machine's chimichangas.

Seriously, my tummy hurts.

Uh, also...

I saw Patterson's radiation badge report.

(quiet blipping)

Come here.

(blipping continues)

Go ahead, Nell.

Hey, do you have eyes on Callen?

He's still with the suits.

Something from the drive?

Whoever destroyed the video wasn't very savvy.

They simply deleted it and emptied the trash.

Yeah, rather than perform a clean wipe.

So the footage could still exist.


Eric: Uh, not so sweet.

Most of the file fragments were overwritten in the last three weeks.

Even with RAM analysis, we're only recovering pixelated bits and pieces at best.

Here, take a look at what we found.

1:11 a.m.

Water level's still high.

Eric: All right, same at 1:24.

But then at 2:09...

Deeks: Patterson enters and walks around the pool.

We already know this.

Take another look... at the water level.

Oh, wow, it's down, it's really low.

Yeah, and no alarms are sounding.

That didn't happen until after 4:00 a.m.

So the water's low for two hours with no alarms.

Patterson's radiation badge showed that he was exposed to a hundred rems.

Whoa! Plant workers are only allowed five rems of radiation per year.

Whoa, hold the phone, get me Callen.

Why? What happened?

I just found the smoking g*n.

♪ ♪

(tires screech)

Out of the car, Chadmont.


Where you going?

Uh, to lunch.

I'm hungry too, can we join you?

What's this about?

You said the water level was down, exposing the fuel rods.

How could that happen?

It was a... it was a system error.

Water flowed from the cooling pool into the empty reactor.

Uh, a valve malfunctioned.

That's funny.

So did the alarm system.

But these are the kind of safety concerns that I was talking about.

Callen: Three malfunctions.

The valve, the alarm, the security cameras.

All defective from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.

What are the odds?

Someone would have to have a pretty deep knowledge of plant operations to pull that off.

What time do you get off work?

Around 6:30.

Sometimes I stay a little later.

In case you're burning the midnight oil?

Actually, it was about an hour after midnight.

We've got you leaving the spent fuel building at 1:07 a.m.

You must have been a little nervous, because you didn't shut the door all the way.

Sam: Here's the problem.

An alert security guard went to investigate, and he was exposed to a lethal dose of radiation.

He may not make it.

Nobody should have been in there.

Nobody was supposed to get hurt.

Why'd you do it?

Sam: The plant was decommissioned, you took a pay cut, a thousand of your colleagues lost their jobs.

That could make you pretty upset.

You lost your wife, you lost your house.

What, are you just trying to get even?

Look, I'm trying to let the world know that the plant is not safe, but no one is listening.

We're decommissioned, so that means that the water chemistry is never checked, and-and tubes can rust.

Safety and contingency plans have been relaxed, cooling and backup systems are never tested.

So you stage a nuclear accident?

A small one, a-a containable one, in order to draw attention to the risks.

But no one was supposed to get harmed.

Yeah, all right.


Thank you, Nell.

Okay. Thanks, Granger. Bye.


So what's going on at the hospital?


Patterson is still in critical condition, unfortunately, but his wife went into labor, and they had a healthy baby boy.

Well, that's fantastic.

Chadmont's in custody.

He admitted to engineering the water drop.

Wow. Case closed.

Guess I won't have to be seeing that moustache after all.

Oh, you don't think so?

Soon as we get home, I'm busting out that Barbasol like it's 1983.

(expl*si*n thunders)

(groans) What the hell?!

Yeah. Case definitely not closed.

(indistinct radio communication, indistinct shouting)

Kensi: Where's Chadmont?

Locked up with security.

He denies any connection to the expl*si*n.

It was a diesel generator that blew.

It's the backup power to the water pumps for the pool.

There's only one reason to take out a backup generator.

If you're also planning on taking out the primary system.

It's a news chopper.

This should be restricted airspace.

Let's keep moving.

Pipes cut through the building.

Check all the pipes.

Kensi: What are we looking for?

Anything abnormal-- a box, a bump, a defect.

Oh, Sam, you need to check this.


What you got?

Oh. You got a timer.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time.

Kensi: It's a little skinny for an IED, right?

It's a flex linear-shaped charge.

It'll cut this thing like butter.

Disabling the water supply to the cooling pools.

Sam: The water heats up and boils off.

Kensi: Exposing the rods.

Nine minutes, five seconds and counting.

We need a b*mb squad.

There's no way they'll be here in nine minutes.

Pull up the surveillance video, have them evacuate all non-essential personnel.

On it.

Kensi: Done.

Well... what do we do first?

Got any liquid nitrogen on you?


So I heard.

This one gives you the best angle.

(quiet beep)

Yeah, I'm gonna need a list of every worker that touched those pipes.

No problem.

We put the contractor and all the painters through a background check.

Kensi: All right, keep an eye on anybody who stops, lingers or just slows down.

Deeks: Like that guy, right there, in the back.

Kensi: Okay, can you zoom in?

I'll send it to Ops.

Wait a minute.

I know that guy.

We saw him today.

We did?


He was a speaker at the protest rally.

We ran facial rec on every protestor you sent us this morning.

And they're all clear.

But we couldn't run the speaker dude because your best photo only had him in profile.

(computer chirps)

Whoa. Whoa! Score.

I just got his details from the photo you sent me.

Uh, Rashad Nader.

He's a U.S. citizen.

No overseas travel, but multiple visits to Jihadist Web sites.

This dude's homegrown.

Okay, he doesn't work for the painting company.

Rents a house nearby, and has multiple phone calls to Chadmont.

On it.

You know who this is?

'Cause you've been chatting him up on your cell phone.

Yeah, he's, uh, active in the local anti-nuke movement.

Richard Nader.

Kensi: No, his name is Rashad, not Richard, and he's trying to sabotage the spent fuel pool.

That's impossible.

He's a... he's a visiting professor of environmental studies from-from Whitley Tech.

And did you verify that?

I've got his business card.

You got to be kidding me.

It's a fake.

How did he get past security?

I gave him a cloned I.D. to measure the radiation levels on the night of the incident.

He-he was an academic, and I trusted him.

Callen: Red wire or the green wire?

None of the above.

It's a collapsing circuit.

The power keeps the switch open.

You cut the wire, kaboom.

Well, we got about four minutes to come up with a better plan.

I don't see an anti-disturbance switch, no non-tampering device.

Should be able to move it.

What, just peel it off the pipe?


Support it from below.

All right. (clears his throat)

You sure about this?

99% sure.

Oh, watch the Kn*fe.

You almost got my finger there.

All right.

Watch your hand.

(siren wailing, horn blaring)

Kensi: Talk to me, Nell.

Nell: Local PD found plastic expl*sives, initiators and timers in Nader's garage.

Everything for a well-stocked Jihadist.

Where can we find him?

He left Santa Flora two hours ago.

I got a hit on his credit card at a local coffee shop.

I'm sending you the coordinates now.

Great. On our way.

How much time on that pipe b*mb?

If I'm in sync, 32 seconds.

Sam: The firemen filled 'em up.

The drums are ready, almost there.

The end is stuck.

All right.

(Callen inhales, groans)


20 seconds. Go, go, go!

I thought you said I had 20 seconds.

The water must have collapsed the circuit.

You could've told me.

I would've run faster.

Chadmont, your buddy Nader almost triggered a nuclear disaster.

No, he didn't.

What are you talking about?

He was that close to destroying the cooling system.

No. Nader's an idiot.

He doesn't get it.

Get what?

Look, even if you cut off all the fresh water supply to the pool, it's still gonna take days for it to overheat and boil off.

And at that point, you bring in a water truck and a pump and a new generator.

So the fuel rods were never in danger?

The public was never in danger?


Unless it was a distraction.

A distraction for what?

Something bigger.

Fastest way to drain a bathtub, you pull the plug.

Is there access to the underside of the pool?

Well, there's a utility room.

Would Nader's fake I.D. get him in there?



Oh, man.

Looks like a cell phone receiver?

Sam: On four bricks of C-4.

b*mb squad ETA is six minutes.


Don't even breathe on it.

That's a pendulum switch.

We can't move this one.

It's a steel-lined pool.

Doesn't matter.

It'll open a huge crater.

The water pours out in a flash, you can't refill the pool.

Rods will heat up, burn, then a hydrogen expl*si*n will cover Southern California with a radioactive cloud.

Just like Fukushima.

All right, so how do we make it safe?

That's a good question.

If we fail, we don't have to worry about radiation exposure.

We'll never survive the blast.

Not to mention the 400,000 gallons of water dumped on top of us.

Hetty: Owen, video link is up.


We need to pull your guys, let the b*mb squad take over.

My agent's trained in EOD.

Trained and unprotected.

One second. Hanna.

Sam: Go ahead, Granger.

Can we send a robot in there?

I wouldn't.

There's a hair-trigger anti-tampering device.

What about a containment chamber?

No, it's a tight squeeze. You'll never get through the hole.

We're looking at a cell phone switch.

Can you shut down the local towers?

A fine idea, Mr. Hanna, but not 100% reliable.

This guy could've blown out the pool hours ago.

What's he waiting for?

Owen, listen carefully.

I want you to send away all the first responders.

Do it quickly.

Are you serious?

I suspect he wants the place crawling with rescue workers, before he pulls the trigger, to inflict maximum damage.

It's possible. Oaks.

What do you got?

We need to evacuate all the cops and firefighters.

Have them stage half a mile away.

What about the b*mb squad?

Send in one guy in a suit.

Everyone else clears out.

Let's go.

There he is. Ten o'clock.

Kensi: He's not scrolling or texting.

Could be watching TV.

Deeks: Hmm. SpongeBob's on about now.

If Hetty's right, he's watching the news feed, which is good.

He's waiting.

If he knew we're law enforcement, he would speed-dial that IED.

Kensi: Which means... we have time for a coffee.

I'll grab us a table.

Our wonderful cell phone jammer has a radius of 50 feet, which is perfect.



Can't cut the wire.

Another collapsing circuit?

You're a quick study.

Callen: We can't move it.

Sam: Huh.

There's one option, but it's not ideal.

If we can pull the initiators out of the C-4 without jiggling the pendulum.

Hold on-- pull the blasting caps out of the plastic expl*sives on a live circuit?

Sam: If we can get them six inches away before they blow, they won't ignite the plastics.

There's four of 'em.

One potato, two potato...

Three potato, four?

And if they blow?

If inside the plastic... nuclear disaster.

If outside the plastic, we lose a hand or an eye.

I don't suppose we get to choose, do we?


Easy, G.



You watching TV?

You got Wi-Fi?

From the coffee shop.

That's crazy, 'cause I got no reception.

Do you need to log in or is there a password?

Or maybe I just need to buy a scone?


Oh. Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry. Here.

Aah! (stammering) Please, ple...

I'm so, so sorry.

You idiot!

I'm so sorry.


Federal agents. Don't move.

(gasping, screaming)


Everybody get down and stay put! Get down!

Get down!

Ma'am, get down! Get down! Move!

Stay down!

Let her go!


Kensi: Get down.

That pendulum's starting to move.

Just settle down.

Settle down.

Let her go.

Let her go.


Kensi: Second phone!

(shouts, groans)

Woman (in distance): Yeah! I see him...

Man (in distance): You okay?

Deeks: That call connected.

Deeks (over phone): Sam, Callen, get out of there!

Got to do it now, G.

(Callen grunts)

Callen: Blasting caps are gonna blow!

(muffled boom)

(grunts, groans)

Hey, man...

Hey... that was crazy, man.

You got some big ones.

Very strong, my friend.

Thank you.

Sam: Hey.

You're welcome.

What the... what the hell?

Somebody had to do it.

You don't even have any EOD experience.

I had infinite trust in Hanna.

Come on, come on.

We'll get you up.


Sam: Come on.

The hell you will.


Sam: Ain't that a bitch?

Have we tidied up the scene?

U.S. Marshals are taking Chadmont.


Yeah, we addressed all his safety concerns.

He'll enjoy hearing that from federal prison.


Hetty, how did you know to pull back the police and firemen?

I trusted my gut.

You risked the team and millions of civilians on a gut instinct?

That and 2,000 years of m*llitary history.

The technique of strategic envelopment was a favorite of Sun Tzu, Alexander the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte...

What has been is what will be.

There is nothing new under the sun.

(slow footsteps approaching)

Oh, my.

Really, Owen?

Uh, seemed like a better idea at the time.

What'd the doctor say?

Multiple contusions, couple of cracked ribs.

Nothing that a 30-year single-vineyard cognac can't heal.

A toast... to Hetty's gut.

Oh, thank you very much.

Long may it lead.

Hetty: And to Owen.


His lungs filled with fluid.

They paralyzed him and put him on a breathing machine.

He's tough.

He's hanging in there.

He stopped breathing.

Jamie, you can come in now.

Will you hold him, please?



Uh, yeah, I guess so.

Just make sure to support his head.





He's so beautiful.

Thank you.

You are.


It's okay.

(Kensi shushing, baby crying)

Want me to call a nurse?

(shushing, crying continues)

(crying stops)

Wow, look at you.

Where'd you learn that?

I had to babysit in middle school.

What, at Camp Lejeune?

Well, I needed to make my own money to buy a*mo at the PX.

(fusses briefly)


He could grow up without a dad.

Yeah, but his dad's a hero.

Hugh, you're a daddy.


Do you know any lullabies?

Me? Yeah, no.

No. No lullabies.

I'm pretty sure “Twinkle, Twinkle” is okay.

Everybody knows that one.

(baby crying)

♪ Twinkle, twinkle, little star ♪
♪ How I wonder what you are ♪
♪ Up ab... ♪

(baby quiets)

Both: ♪ Above the world so high ♪
♪ Like a diamond in the sky... ♪

Kensi: Keep going. It's working.