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01x06 - Fall Of Man

Posted: 02/12/16 06:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on Shades of Blue...

I heard sh*ts. They sounded real.

A video game?

I got to make this right.

Neighborhood's raising money to bury the man I k*lled.

This a friend of yours?

My cousin.

You donated a lot of money.

Want you all to know that I'm sorry, all right?

Let's go.

Crooked-ass police.



There's a rat on my team.

I told you, I'm gonna start looking at everyone.

Portuguese, right?

But when I realized the escort was Brazilian, I asked her to teach me how to say a few things.

Far as Wozniak knows, we were together all morning.

Saperstein said he was with Tufo when he spotted your guy.

Why are you hiding the mail?

The man you're framing, Miguel Zepeda, the paper trail leads right back to you.

He threatened to k*ll me, and I knew he would.

[buzzer blares]

Let's go.

[tense music]

[buzzer blares]

It's been a long time.

Guess I just had to ask nicely.

Then again, you always took convincing.

Why did you call me here, Miguel?

I need you to find somebody.

Frank Kovach.

He did seven years for as*ault and battery.

He made parole a few months ago.

The word is, he was bragging about k*lling some runaway girl.

I think it's the same one I got locked up for.

A lot of runaways meet a bad end.

This guy Frank knew details, things I only know 'cause I heard the testimonies.

I'm tired of serving his time.

You're putting a lot of faith in coincidence.

For a long time, I thought you had a hand in this, in putting me away.

I did everything I could back then.

Look, we went a few rounds, but I know you're not a m*rder*r.

I never thought you were guilty.

Have you told our daughter that?

She should also know that I'm innocent of this, that I've changed.

I'd like to tell her that myself.

Look, I'll think about it.

What's good for you could be really hard for her.

Why didn't you have your defense team contact the police?

I don't trust lawyers, and I don't trust the police.

I only trust you.

Or at least I did once.

I'm hoping I can still do that.

[exhales deeply]

So the abusive ex-boyfriend we framed for m*rder calls you for a visit and you decide that is a good idea?

Look, his hearing's coming up, and Nava doesn't even know his defense yet.

Now I do.

This was a gift.

A gift? How is it a gift?

A parolee named Frank Kovach bragged about a k*lling that sounds a lot like the one we put Miguel away for.

And he hasn't mentioned this to anyone else?

Why would he?

He got railroaded last time, and he knows it.

But this isn't just about trying to keep Miguel behind bars.

I need to know.

Why? To assuage your conscience?

There were no leads on that case.

That's why I used it.

If this guy Kovach k*lled this woman and got away with it, that's on me.

Harlee, stay away from this.

That's an order.

Wait two days. Then send a message to Miguel.

Tell him that you reached a dead end.

You're chasing ghosts, Harlee.

We got flesh-and-blood problems right here.


You got a lead on our rat?


I found it.

Saperstein wasn't with Tufo when he caught the tail.

He lied to me.

He was at some house in Flatbush.

Last night, he met a Fed after hours, and he made a handoff.

How do you know it was Feds?

I followed him.

I watched him betray us.

He was smiling. It was nothing for him.

A few days ago, it was me that you suspected.

Loman k*lled an unarmed man.

Tess is screwing up her family life with Espada's help.

Tufo thinks with his balls.

It's just the process of elimination.

It's Saperstein.

Hey, look, why don't you just let me talk to him?

No! No.

And I'll find out--

I'm gonna handle him.

[dramatic music]

Hey. Got your message.

Found the address. Frank Kovach?

Feel like keeping me company?



Is this a coincidence or an ambush?

I'm telling Joe what we did. I thought you should know.

Why would you do that?

Because that was the point.

He needs to know what it feels like.

Besides, if I don't come clean, I'm just as bad as he is.

And I'm not.

This high road you walk is gonna end up with me in traction.

Oh, come on. You carry a g*n, Carlos.

I'm trying to save my marriage.

What do you think's gonna happen, Tess, hmm?

You're gonna come clean.

You're gonna cry it out.

And then what?

You're gonna go back to your spectacular relationship?


Sap, I'm gonna ask you something, and I need you to be straight with me.

For the last time, Harlee, I'm saving myself for marriage.

Have you been skipping out on the job lately?

Is that a joke?

I have a perfect attendance certificate.

Gold star and everything.

Sap, if you tell me what you've been doing, I can cover for you.

Or you could stop busting my balls.

I'm not kidding.

Where were you yesterday when Tufo thought he caught a tail?

Right next to him, like he said.

And last night?

This line of questioning end with a waterboard?

Just trying to help you out, Sap.

Rumor has it you've been ducking shifts.

Rumor has it wrong.

We gonna do this or not?

Just cover me from out here. I got it.

What'd this guy Kovach do?

He lost a bet to Wozniak.

I'm supposed to bat my eyes and suggest he make good.

[cell phone ringing]

Hey, Woz.

Saperstein, desk sergeant said you're running an errand with Harlee?

Frank Kovach. I don't know.

Some parolee. She said you have some beef?

What address?

5722 Troutman.

All right, I'm gonna be there in 25 minutes.

Don't go anywhere, you hear me?

[doorbell rings]

I'm really hoping this is a strip-o-gram.


Frank Kovach?

Harlee Santos, NYPD.

Got time for a few questions?

Now that my hopes are dashed, sure.

This is a little awkward.

There's an inmate at Rikers looking for a second chance at life.

He was put away for the m*rder of a 19-year-old runaway named Rita Martin.

Never heard of her.

Yeah, I'm not surprised.

I talked to your parole officer, and he said you're really looking to turn over a new leaf.

I would hate for anything to jeopardize--

What's his name?

Miguel Zepeda.

No, my parole officer.

You said you talked to him. What's his name?

Yeah. o, I-- I'm sorry. I can't help you.

You don't want to do this, Frank.

Easy. You're okay.

Doorframe kept him from winding up too much.

Feels like he wound up plenty.

Guy took off out the back.

We'll get after him once Woz gets here.

How does Woz know where we are?

He just called. He sounded pissed.

He said he'd be here in 25.

[cell phone rings]


How far are you from Red Hook?

Around the corner.

Look, Wozniak's convinced that Saperstein's the mole.

He's on his way to interrogate him.

I got a pretty good idea how that ends.

Harlee, then you convince him he's wrong.

It's too late for that.

He's already ruled out everybody else.

If I don't get him out of here now, I might not get another chance.

You have to arrest him.

What's Wozniak's ETA?

20 minutes.

All right.

Well, I'm closer than that, so you text me the address and you get out of there, all right?

I'm not leaving him.

Well, you can't look connected to this, Harlee.

Trust me. I will be there, I promise.

Just go.

[tense music]

Tell Wozniak I went back to the precinct to chew on some pain meds.

Maybe somebody should come get you.

No, I'm fine.

Look, I'm sorry that I was riding you in the car.

You're one of the good ones, Sap.

[woman laughs, dogs barking]

You're funny.

[car beeps]


Where's Mikey?


You know, the little snag-toothed redhead, just moved in down the street?

You know where the opener went?


Who was the woman?

With the yoga pants.

Angie, Jimmy's mom.

Why? What'd I do wrong this time?

This time, you cheated on me.

We were talking about our kids.

Not her, the bartender.

Don't make me drag it out of you.

We've been together too long.

Look, this girl was texting me--

No, no, no, no, no. She told me everything.

You know, I bend over backwards trying to be everything you want, but the one thing I can't be is young again, Joe.

I don't need you to be.

Listen... it wa-- it was stupid.

I was feeling old... midlife crisis.

I don't know. Call it what you want.

It's done.

No, no, no.

No, no, come on. Baby.

Get your hands off of me.

Hey, hey.

Joe, no! No!

No, no. Hey, hey.

Get off me, Joe.

Hey, hey, baby.


I'm sorry.

Okay. Okay.

What's this about, hmm? Some kind of hazing?

Internal Affairs wrapped up their investigation of your sh**ting.

No more anonymity.

Your name was just released as the sh**t of Jamarr Malcolm.

"Times" ran it.

I mean, it's pretty deep, but, you know, word gets around.

b*ll*ts are a tradition.

It's a show of solidarity.

You ain't gonna be the most popular cop on the street for a minute.

Then again, no one's gonna resist an arrest from Detective Loman.

Guys, come on.

This is not exactly the reputation I was going for.

Anybody bothers you, you let us know.

Your friends and loved ones know who you are.

That's all that matters.

Harlee, Saperstein called, told us about this Kovach guy.

Forget about Kovach.

This was a personal favor for Wozniak.

Guy owed him some cash.

Guy also drew blood.

Somebody cracks you on the head, it's all of our business, Harlee.

I'm fine.

This Kovach guy did seven years for domestic as*ault and battery, left an ex-wife and a son on the outside.

Soon as he got released, he starts making unscheduled visits.

Ex-wife took out a restraining order to protect her kid.

Thank you, really.

I'll go talk to the ex-wife.

But please, keep this to yourselves.

She didn't stick around to hear about Kovach's girlfriend.

Oops. Guess she's our problem.

Hey, it's me.

Listen, I know you're at work, but...

I need to talk to you.


Saddle up, tenderfoot. We're going for a drive.

Come on, just help me find the permission slip.

You sure she signed it? We got to get back before fifth.

Yeah, no, she knew the trip was Friday.

It's got to be around here somewhere.

You see it up there?

No, but there's a letter addressed to you from a prison.

Listen to me, this is the third time that I've called now.

I can't wait anymore.

That's Wozniak.

My potential thr*at just became a reality, so you either pull Baker out of that meeting, or you get me Sweeney.

Easier to ask forgiveness. We'll get him out the back.

All right, never mind.

Tell her I'm making a command decision.

[tense music]

Don't move. FBI.




Trust me.



[tense music]

Sap? Harlee?

Are we playing hide-and-seek, Saperstein?

[cell phone beeping]


"Trust me" doesn't usually end in handcuffs.

I want a lawyer.

Lieutenant Wozniak thinks you're working with us.

He was on his way to question you.

And by question you, we mean sh**t you in the head.

Look, what are you arresting me for?

Fraud, extortion, misconduct.

We're taking you to a safe house.

Once we've completed our investigation, you'll be given the opportunity to testify in exchange for immunity.

That's not gonna happen.

Good choice, Detective.

Your mother looks able-bodied enough to visit you in prison.

I need to talk to her.


If I disappear to a safe house, it'll k*ll her.

You want me to even consider testifying against my friends, I talk to my mother.

That's the deal.

Well, let's go see Mom.

Heard they pulled this dude's permits.

Here's hoping the port-a-john still works.

Are we sure this parolee's girlfriend is even here?

Works security. Harlee's checking his ex-wife.

If you hit a cop, who would you run to, your ex-wife or your girlfriend?

Y'all need me, holler.

Tiffany Harris? Detective Espada.

This is private property.

You got a problem, you can call the owner.

Ma'am, have you heard from Frank Kovach today?

Wouldn't tell you if I did.

You mind if we take a look around?

Not if you've got a warrant.

That wouldn't be a cr*ck rock in there, would it?

If he's not here, then where is he?

I don't know, okay?

Ma'am if that's true, you mind if I look in your phone?

Don't scroll through the pictures.

I didn't know you two were engaged.

That must be a whole 1/10 of a carat.

Five outgoing calls to Frank Kovach that weren't returned.

No incoming calls, no texts.

Maybe he used the desk phone.

Then why didn't he pick up when she called back?

You're gonna stay put until you hear from us again.

And if you behave, we'll let you keep your phone.

And if you leave, you're gonna get arrested for having a real cr*ck rock, which I'm gonna come back with.


Come on.

What'd you get?


But I'm about to get a lecture from our resident Boy Scout.

Yo, yo, yo, you can't do that.

This guy hurt Harlee, all right?

We don't need admissible.

We need right now.

I got to make a stop.

Mrs. Kovach. NYPD.

We're looking for your ex-husband, Frank.

Where's Saperstein?

I left him at Kovach's house.

He's not there, and you should have never been there in the first place.

I told you not to go.

I had to know.

Tufo and Espada are chasing leads, Harlee.

They just think it's some guy who owes you money.

Look, Miguel might be right.

This guy Kovach, he k*lled Rita Martin.

Great, you and I can trade places with Miguel in prison.

You like that?

[glass shatters, muffled screaming]

[woman sobbing]

Did your ex do this?

He made me call the school, give permission to pick Brian up.

He's taking him away from me.

What school?

PS 257.

He has a g*n! [sobs]

It's okay. Look at me.

We're gonna get your son.

[cell phone ringing]

Sweetie, this is a really bad time.

What, for you to talk or for you to tell me who my father is?

Look, I found the letter on your dresser, the one addressed to me?

Cristina, I'm sorry.

You told me he didn't care about me, that he was just some random jerk who didn't want to be a dad.

He is.

Then why is he writing me?


The man that's writing you is not your father.

Look, just please let me explain.

You know, just don't-- don't bother.

I'm gonna give him a cr*ck at it.

[dramatic music]

You all right?

Cristina's going to see Miguel.

She found a letter he wrote her.

Go. Come on, I'll handle this.

Go on.




Just-- just stay where we can see you.

She's got book club today. She should be back.

If she's not here in 15 minutes, you call her from the road, okay?

Go pack what you need.

[cell phone rings]


15 minutes?

What would you take?

A few changes of clothes.

No, I'm not asking what you would suggest.

I'm asking, what you would take if somebody walked into your life and said they were gonna strip you out of it?

We're the good guys, Detective.

How's it feel being the good guys?

Hey, I got your message.

I was gonna call you as soon as I got off work.

Is there somewhere we can talk?

I can't. I just got off my break.

Erica, it's very important.

Okay, what is it? What's going on?

[car horn honks]

I, uh--

Look, I'm so sorry.

I really only have a second.

It's not easy for me.


I don't expect you to understand.

[car horn honks]

Maybe-- maybe later is better.

Yeah, meet me at Jay-Jay's practice.

We can talk then, okay?



Sorry, Mr. Nieves.

What part of honk don't you understand?

You couldn't give me a minute?

No, Loman.

Frank Kovach might be kidnapping his son.

[school bell rings]

Did the school get notified?

Wozniak wants this handled quietly.

Kovach is a white dude. 5'11", dark hair.

Son's name is Brian.

Whoa, he drive a truck?

How'd you know?

He just slammed Brian into it.


Police! Stop!

Stop the car!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

[horn honks]

Stop! Police! Kovach! Kovach, just stop!

Kovach, freeze!

Police! Stop!

[tires squealing]

Ow, what is that, battery acid?

You want me I've come to fetch your dolly?

I just got hit by a car, bro.

[indistinct chatter]

Excuse me, I need to talk to these guys for a minute.

Kovach's rent-a-cop girlfriend, is she decent leverage?

This guy's got to be broke.

But he sprung for an engagement ring.

I'd say he's smitten.

All right, good.

Kidnapped kid, maimed cop-- every agency in the city's gonna be put on notice.

I want to handle this discreetly.

Is she at the construction site now?

I made sure of it. Her phone is in the glove box.

What's the play?

A little black op.

Yeah, my favorite kind.

Does this hurt?


Ah, what the...


I'm gonna get a beer. You want anything?

I cheated on you too.

What's that?


[soft dramatic music]

David, who are these people?

They're... friends, Ma.

I know your friends.

I got some new ones.

Sit down, Mom.

Who is that man, telling you to hurry with your own mother?

Listen to me.

I'm gonna have to go away for a while.

What are you saying?

David, are you in trouble?

No, it's work. It's a-- it's a big case.

I-- I'm the guy they want on it.

You don't do big cases.

You're a neighborhood policeman.

You come home after your shift.

Listen. Look at me, Mom.

You'll be fine.

I need you to know that, okay?

I don't like this, David.

You're acting strange.

You're lying to me.

I'm sorry.

I love you. I'm so sorry.

Hey, Ma, how's your blood sugar been?

[indistinct speech over PA system]


They won't let me in without parental consent.

Think you can handle that?

Look, just hear me out first.

You've had 16 years.

You couldn't find a time before now to tell me the truth?

I have told you the truth, always.

Your truth doesn't make any sense.

Miguel Zepeda was my boyfriend when I got pregnant.

But he's not your father.

You're old enough now to understand that that was a hard thing for me to tell you.

Look, I'm not here to try to stop you from seeing him.

I'm just asking that you let me explain.

You'll tell me everything?


Just come home.

All I want to do is prepare you for what's on the other side of those doors.


Go wash away those tears, okay?


I'll be right out.

[indistinct speech over PA system]

How can I help you, Detective?

I'm her mother.

I need you to make a note in the system.

Under no circumstances does Cristina Santos have permission to visit with Miguel Zepeda.

Yes, ma'am.

You good?

No, and neither is she.

I need to get her heart medication.

Hey. Easy.

She's having heart palpitations down there.

All right, go check it out.

What's she got?

Coronary heart disease caused by diabetes.

Don't. Trust me.

[tense music]

[car alarm wailing]

[car horn honking]

Who the hell are you?

I'm the best chance your boyfriend's got at staying out of jail.

If I were you, I'd be on my best behavior.

Frankenstein, my man.

Yeah, I'm here with your fiancée, Tiffany.

Listen to him, Frank, please.

Yeah, stealing a kid, running over a cop... those are things that get you sent back to prison, Frank.

A cop? Hell no, I hate cops.

I'm a friend of your ex-wife's.

And I'ma give you some money and a fresh car to disappear in.

But first things first, Frank.

You're gonna need to bring me that kid.

[cheers and applause]

[indistinct chatter]

Hey. [chuckles]

You shouldn't be here.

I decided I couldn't miss it.

You made my mother cry.

Jay-Jay, look, I'm sorry about that, okay?

I just--

You also said you were my friend.

Look, I know this is hard to understand.

If you just calm down--

You k*lled my cousin!

It was in the newspaper.

It's a mistake. It was-- If you give me a chance to--


Get out of here!

Get out!

Hey. Tufo called.

Kovach is on his way to the construction site.

He's willing to trade his kid for the girlfriend, a car, and some cash.

Woz, why don't we just call SWAT on this loser?

Sins of the past.

He always wanted a dog.

Maybe he went to the pet store.

Mrs. Saperstein, this is important.

Does he have any friends outside of work, other relatives here in the city?

He has me.

Mrs. Saperstein, are you familiar with the concept of aiding and abetting?

This is pointless. We need to find him.

He's gonna lay low.

Best-case scenario.

Worst-case scenario, he contacts Wozniak.

He won't risk using his phone, which means he'll do it in person.

If we surveil Wozniak and Saperstein shows up, we're not gonna have any choice but to intervene.

Operation over.

So, what, we go back to questioning Mom?

No. We put out a federal warrant.

His crew sees a Fed warrant, he might as well have a target on his back.

He already does.

At least this way, his crew's not the only ones looking for him.

Blow him up.

Man, could he make me laugh.

He was, like, charismatic, and handsome.

[both laugh]

And I don't know; he made me feel special.

And that wasn't something a lot of people made me feel back then.

Those are all the letters he wrote me?


There's a lot of them.

I don't know; shouldn't I at least write him back?

I guess that's gonna be up to you.

You know, these letters are yours now, if you want them.

But there's something that I need you to see first.

[somber music]

He did this to you?


That time?

Couple years before you were born.

Why didn't you leave him?

I think I didn't want to be alone.

Then I met someone, and I saw a chance at a better life with a better man than Miguel.

My dad.

I wanted him to be.

But when he found out I was pregnant, he took off.

And I tried to tell Miguel the truth, but he didn't want to believe that you weren't his.

And things got scary again.


Baby, don't-- don't cry, okay?

This doesn't-- this doesn't hurt me anymore, all right?

It just-- it just reminds me of how strong I've become.

I don't think I need these anymore.

[indistinct police radio chatter]

Hey, traffic cop is looking for Woz, said that there was a CI waiting for .

This some kind of prank?

I can't use my cell phone. None of us should.

They could be listening.

Sap, what is this car, man?

This is my mother's. I'm in a lot of trouble, Tess.

I need to talk to Wozniak.

In what kind of trouble?

Please. I don't have time.

Okay, he's on his way to that construction site on Iverson.

He's baiting the hook for that d*ck who ran over Espada.

Where have you been?

Step away from the car, Tess.

Sap, what's going on here? You're shaking.

Step away now.

[tires squealing]

Was that Detective Saperstein?

Not the one I know. Why?

FBI put a warrant out for his arrest.

[tense music]

[line rings]

He's here.

I told him he had to meet you up on the fourth floor.

Get him isolated. Where are you?

Five minutes. Did he bring the kid?

Yeah, and a piece tucked into his belt.

Are you sure you want to do it like this?

We've got to.

For Detective David Saperstein of the 64th precinct.

Repeat, a federal warrant is issued for David Saperstein.

Woz, you still there?

Armed and should be considered dangerous.

[teakettle whistling]

[dramatic music]

[knocking at door]

Hey, Saperstein just showed up at the precinct looking for Wozniak.

And he was jumpy as hell.

Hey, slow down, Tess.

There is a federal arrest warrant out for him.

We could all be in big trouble.

Where's Sap now?

He's on his way to Wozniak.

I had no idea there was an APB on him until after.

I told him right where to go.

Okay, uh, did you call Woz?

No, Sap said we shouldn't use our phones.

Why not?

Oh, department isn't allowing personal calls on company minutes.

Next thing you know, we're gonna have to pay for our own gas.

Look, Aunt Tess has a flat tire.

So do you mind if I go help her change it?


I'm gonna wait outside.


You sure this is okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just gonna practice a little bit, maybe take a nap.

[cell phone ringing]

[line rings]

This is David. Make it snappy.

Sap, this is Harlee.

Look, I know you got picked up by the Feds.

I told them to.

I know you're scared, but I need you to sit tight and call me.

And whatever you do, do not go to Wozniak.

[siren wailing]

Harlee, I can't go to jail. I can't. My kids need me.

Don't jump to conclusions about Saperstein.

If there's a warrant, maybe the Feds tried to pick him up and he ran.

Or maybe he tried to save his own ass and sold us all out.

[dramatic music]


You made it.

Tiffany's gonna be relieved.

Where is she?

She's out front. Take a look.

Hey, Brian, hi. I'm Matt.

It's okay.

I'm here to help you, okay?

It's gonna be okay.

Got you everything that we promised, but you're gonna have to put your g*n down.

Yeah, right. Like you're not packing?

We'll both put our g*ns down.

But just remember, anything bad happens up here, leads to something bad down there.

Give a distance.



Car I drove is clean.

Nobody's gonna be looking for it.

Tiffany's downstairs.

$5,000 in cash.

Everything we promised.

All right?

On three, you let him go. I throw the money.

One, two, three.

Come on, son. Brian.

Hey, what are you doing?

That's not part of the deal. No surprises.

That counts as a surprise.

New deal.

I'm taking my son, I'm taking my girlfriend, and we're leaving.

Turn around, and put your hands behind your head.

My man downstairs is not gonna let this happen.

You were gonna trade.

I'm guessing he will too.

Drop the g*n.

No surprises, huh?

You can't sh**t both of us, Frank.

Drop it.

There is no way he's going back to his mother.

That bitch dimed me out.


Easy. I'm putting it down.

[siren wailing]

You said no cops!

Run downstairs.

Run downstairs, Brian. Go! Go!

[both grunting]

[tense music]

[both grunting]

Have you seen Saperstein?

Pulled up and asked for Wozniak.

When I told him he was up top, he just lit out.

I couldn't leave the fiancée.

[men yelling and grunting]

Take her inside.

Keep her away from the windows.

[both grunting and groaning]

Little help here, Woz?

Hey, it's okay. Are you Brian?

They have g*ns.

This is Tess.

She's gonna take you to call your mom.

All right.

Be careful, Harlee.

You been talking to the Feds.

It's not like that.

They picked me up.

The said they were gonna put me away.

I had no choice, Woz.

Neither do I.


[dramatic music]

No. Please!


They fell.

Sap sh*t him, and they fell.


No. No.

Sap! Sap!


Oh, no. No.



There was nothing I could have done.

There's nothing I could have done.

Hey, he's still breathing!

He's still breathing!