01x04 - 100% Not Guilty - The People v. O.J. Simpson

Episode transcripts for the 2016 TV show "American Crime Story".*
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"American Crime Story"
  1. The People v. O.J. Simpson
  2. The Assassination of Gianni Versace
  3. Impeachment
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01x04 - 100% Not Guilty - The People v. O.J. Simpson

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Everybody dance now ♪
♪ Give me the music ♪


♪ Everybody dance now ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, everybody ♪
♪ Here is the dome back with the bass ♪
♪ The jam is live in effect and I don't waste time ♪
♪ Off the Mic with a dope rhyme ♪
♪ Jump to the rhythm, jump, jump to the rhythm, jump ♪
♪ And I'm here to combine beats and lyrics ♪
♪ To make you shake your pants, take a twirl ♪
♪ Hands in the air, come on, say yeah ♪
♪ Everybody over here, everybody over there ♪
♪ The crowd is live, and I pursue this groove ♪
♪ Party people in the house move ♪
♪ Work me all night ♪
♪ Come on, let's ♪
♪ Everybody dance now, sweat ♪
♪ Sweat ♪
♪ Let the music take control ♪
♪ Let the rhythm move you ♪
♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da ♪
♪ Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da... ♪

(clattering, clanging)

(elevator bell dings)

Shapiro: Gentlemen.

Johnnie, I want you to meet everyone.

You know Lee. Alan, Johnnie, nice to see you.

Barry Scheck, and Robert Kardashian.

And we have Nate 'n Al's. The best. (laughter)

We've got lox and whitefish.

Johnnie: And this is Carl Douglas and Shawn Chapman. They're working with us.

How are you?


Carl, Shawn, welcome. How do you do?

I just want to stress how honored and happy we are to have you join the team.

So let's hit the ground running.


Okay. First question.

Who thinks O.J. did it?

Me neither.

Bailey: Uh, thank you, Bob.

Why don't we talk big picture strategy?

I'd say our priority at this juncture is the jury.

Yes. We know we have a downtown jury, which means a heavy concentration of African-Americans.


Black men obviously are our allies.

Mr. Simpson, a hero in the community.

And I'm confident that people will assume he couldn't have committed such a ghastly crime.

But black women, on the other hand, might be a problem.

They don't like their men marrying white girls.

Is that true?

Why are you looking at me?

Well, I...

But I believe the generalization is accurate.

Black women resent successful black men marrying outside the community.

We need to limit that group.

That analysis is smart.

The prosecution thinks they have the upper hand, but they don't.

Because we have you.

And you know how these people think.

"These people."

Bob, let me give you a helpful piece of advice.

On this case, you need to choose your vernacular very, very carefully.

Mea culpa.

Okay, but the important thing is that we work together.

When we face the prelim judge, we want to come out swinging. We concede to nothing. If Marcia Clark wants to go to the bathroom, we object.

If they say the sky is blue, hearsay.

Nothing will be admitted without challenge and provocation.


Your Honor, at this time, the State requests a hair sample to compare to hairs found at the scene of the crime.

Excuse me, Your Honor. We have some grave concerns about this request. We would ask that the court limit this sample to only the number of hairs required for testing.

Ms. Clark, how much hair do the People need?

Well, Your Honor, a typical sample, as I'm sure the defense is aware, takes hairs from each area of the head.

Five to ten hairs per area, amounting to approximately 100 hairs.

100 hairs?

This is a standard request, Your Honor. It's only as many hairs as the criminalist needs, to compare hairs from the defendant with hairs found at the crime scene.

100 hairs seems unduly invasive.

Your Honor, we offer one hair.


Just a second, Ms. Clark.

Excuse me, Your Honor, but this objection is beyond ridiculous.

They seem to be on some kind of fishing expedition at my client's expense.

Marcia: Your Honor, this is routine.

80 hairs.



Judge, we're getting nowhere.

We request a special hearing on the hair.

So ordered. I call for a hearing regarding the collection of Mr. Simpson's hair.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Guard: O.J., you got a visitor.

(door buzzes)

Where's Bob?

He had a dinner.

How are you, my brother?

"He had a dinner."

You should've seen what I had for dinner.

I didn't even know what it was. It was slop.

Then I kept running to the toilet, but my toilet's clogged up, so you can imagine...

You have to be strong.

We're gonna get you out of here.

Oh, yeah? Is that what Bob said?

No, no, no. That's what I said.

Look at you. You are a mess.

You can't walk into that courtroom like this.

Everyone's gonna be watching.

Everybody thinks I'm guilty.

So change their minds.

Have you forgotten who you are?

These walls around you don't change that.

You know what you mean to people?



Well, then let me tell you what you were once to me.

1978. I just left private practice, gone back to the L.A. D.A., gonna be the first black assistant attorney in office.

Gonna change things from the inside. Shit.

That wasn't happening. Same old shit, same rigged system.

Feeling powerless for the first time in my life.

And then my first marriage blows up in my face.

My children won't talk to me.

I'm a failure at work, I'm a failure at home.

I was down, brother. I was way down.

Sunday, sitting on my bed, surrounded by dead-end paperwork and divorce lawyer bills, drinking beer... all right, maybe a little bit too much beer... feeling sorry for myself, watching a football game all alone, crappy TV. 49ers versus the Falcons.

What I saw you do on that field that day, somehow, as I was watching, it became as if you were running for me.

Driving up that field, crowded with adversity and obstacles, getting knocked on your ass and then popping right back up again.

See, that's what I wanted to do out there on them streets, back home with my troubles there but couldn't.

But you, you, you, you willed what you needed to do into being with nothing but grace.

I scored a touchdown that day.

You did. And when they cut away to the commercial, there you were again, leaping through the airport for Hertz, breaking another barrier with charisma, humor, intelligence.

A black man as the public face for one of the world's biggest corporations.

We lost that game.

I don't remember that.

I remember everything else about that game but not that.

Because it didn't have nothing to do with what touched me.

And when the game was over, I got the hell up off that bed and jogged the six blocks back to my office and got right back to work and haven't stopped and wallowed in self-pity since that day.

You did that for me.

Just like you've done for so many others, because you are O.J. Simpson.

You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration.

I am.

You are.

An inspiration.

An inspiration. That's who you are.

Yeah. Yeah.

You're a man who loves people, who people love right back.

That's you.

You're a fighter.

You're a runner. And when you get knocked down, I need you to pop right back up like you know you can and keep going, because this right here, this right here, O.J. Simpson, is the run of your life.

Come in. Come in. Shut the door.

Shut the door.

Lance, why did you drag me out here in the middle of the day?

I've got some big news. Very big.

They assigned me Simpson.

(gasps) Oh, my God.


Yep, yep, yep.

Cecil said that they considered a number of candidates and that I was the best choice. He said I have integrity, an open mind, and a strong backbone.

"Strong backbone." I like that.


You'll be under a lot of scrutiny.

I'm not intimidated. What's important is that this jury gets the full picture.

This trial needs to be pure truth school.

Let them see all the available facts so they make the right decision.

You need to fill out the usual spousal conflict form.

Nope. Nothing rings a bell.

I'm so proud of you.

As you were, Captain York.



(speaking indistinctly)

All rise.

Court is now in session, the Honorable Lance A. Ito presiding.

You may be seated.

(clears throat softly)

Mr. Simpson.

Are you ready to enter a plea at this time?

Yes, Your Honor.

And how do you plead to counts one and two?

Absolutely 100% not guilty.

(excited chatter)

♪ Don't call it a comeback ♪
♪ I been here for years, rockin' my peers ♪
♪ Puttin' suckers in fear ♪
♪ Mama said knock you out ♪
♪ I'm gonna knock you out ♪
♪ Mama said knock you out... ♪

Shapiro: I love Johnnie, it's just... we have to keep our eyes on him.

Johnnie's an excellent trial lawyer.

He can sense all the potholes.

That's irrelevant. I don't want him putting ideas into O.J.'s head. I mean, the truth is, we both know there's only one way out of this case.

Come on, Bob, we're just getting started.

We want to have a little fun.

No, it's my job to serve the client, and the reality is, it's not winnable.

Johnnie is here to make Gil nervous enough to cut us a deal.

(exhales) You really think he will?

The race card's sticking, and Johnnie equals LAPD injustice, and Gil doesn't want to see the city burn down again.

Waitress: Here you gentlemen go. Eggs Benedict... and steak and frittata.

Thank you.

And enjoy.

Well, then... to whom do I invoice my hours?


Who should I bill?

Lee, you're pro bono.

Waitress: Could I offer either of you Tabasco or...

No, we're fine.

Bob... (wry chuckle) may I remind you, I was your first call.

I like this case for you. I really do, Lee.

It's a terrific way to get back in the limelight, reintroduce yourself to the public.

I don't need reintroducing.

I'm F. Lee Bailey.

I represented Sam Sheppard, Patty Hearst, the g*dd*mn Boston Strangler.

That's-that's a long time ago.

Look at the bright side... this could be the most high-profile criminal case in the history of the world.

And O.J.'s easily the most famous American ever to be put up for m*rder.

It's a different world, Lee.

I mean, the old days, you'd turn on TV, 6:00 p.m., the news, and now it's 24 hours a day.

I have insomnia. I wake up at 3:00 a.m.

I turn on cable, and boom, there we are.

(sighs) Trust me... you'll dine out on this for the rest of your life.


But Patty Hearst paid.

Faye: Nicole was my everything.

You know? She was my... confidant, my spiritual sister.

You know, now there's just such a-a void in my life without her. I went to a psychic, and... she said, "Nicole wants you... to write a book."

But I don't want it to be exploitative.

Viner: Oh, no, no. I mean, o-of course not.

But we need to move fast... we have to get to press in two weeks.

Uh, Faye, just to... here... just to give a general sense, could you give me an overview of your times with Nicole?

Oh, Nicole was a wonderful person.

She was a terrific mother.

We need to stress that.

We had wonderful times together.

We... we'd go clubbing and... go to parties and, you know, Starbucks.

Sometimes do a little cocaine.

We loved to eat at La Scala.



I'm trying to manage it.

There's no good time to find out your best friend's been m*rder*d, but particularly not three days into cocaine treatment. (laughs softly)

Did you know Nicole had breast implants?

It was O.J.'s idea, but I'll be honest with you, she loved them.

What else can I tell you about Nicole?

She loved to give a Brentwood Hello.

I'm sorry, a "Brentwood Hello"?

It was a little joke we had.


Where she would go into... a guy's bedroom while he was asleep, and, you know... give... go down on him.



Hmm, hmm, hmm...

We are gonna sell a lot of books.

In a very nonexploitive way, of course.

A.C. maintains he was trying to keep O.J. alive, but the evidence says O.J. was planning to cross into Mexico.

I mean, he was carrying his passport, disguise kit with fake beard and mustache, makeup adhesive, and $8,700 in cash.

Who takes a passport to his wife's grave?

God, are they guilty. What does Kardashian say?

We're screwed on Kardashian... now he's O.J.'s lawyer, so he's privileged, he doesn't have to talk.

But it doesn't matter... we got plenty.

Uh, tell me about the Bahamas.

Well, the couple on the island heard talk about a chartered yacht.

The crew was expecting O.J. on the 18th.

The day after the Bronco?


So O.J. was gonna fly out of Mexico the night of the 17th.

Damn, this feels good.

(chuckles, snorts)

I just, I can't, really... You know what?

I'm gonna have to call you back. I got to call you back.

Hello. Hi.

Come on in.

Come on in. Have a seat.

I'm glad you were both able to find time to come down.

It's good for us to get to know each other.

I know what you're going through.

Do you?!

Do you have a son who was m*rder*d?!

Ron is dead!

And it's like no one even cares.

I turn on the TV, and it's just O.J. and Nicole, O.J. and Nicole.

It's like Ron is a footnote... to his own m*rder!

And if they talk about him, they make him seem like some kind of joke!

It's all so superficial.

He was a male model, he was a nightclub promoter, he ran a tanning salon.

It's like they're trying to tarnish him.

Like... he... he was asking for it.


(Fred sobbing quietly)

You know what he did in his spare time?

He... volunteered at a clinic for children with cerebral palsy.

He was a good person!


He didn't drink, he didn't do dr*gs.

He should be celebrated!

Not... this!

When the police called and... they said Ron had been k*lled...

I assumed it was a car accident.

Never in my worst nightmare could I have imagined the truth.

(sniffles) What this... this monster did to him.

Do you have children?

Two boys.

I pray... that you never have to read an autopsy report for your own child.

My son's... last moments were filled with such horror... and such... pain.

He... he was stabbed so many time.

He was stabbed in his chest, his neck... his face... his head, his hands, his stomach... (sobs) his thigh.


He was even stabbed... after he was dead.


(sniffles softly)

We are gonna get him.

You better.

When Goldman arrived with the glasses in the envelope.

(door opens)

Sorry I'm late.

Anyway, as Bill and I were discussing, I've decided to take death penalty off the table.

Gil, we can't do that.

What he did was unspeakable.

It's special circumstances.


We want death-qualified jurors.

They're more aggressive, more likely to convict.

We have to be realistic.

People love O.J.

They're not gonna love him once they see those crime scene photos.

I have no doubt you're gonna put him behind bars, but nobody in America is gonna vote to execute O.J. Simpson.

Marcia, we can't even execute Charlie Manson.

(Gil sighs)


Now, how about some good news? Donald Vinson... has offered his services to the case... for free.

Wow! Vinson?

Oh, come on! We don't need his help.

Marcia, Don's amazing... he practically invented jury research.

It's not rocket science.

We're gonna have a downtown jury, which means heavily black.

If I can make it black women, we are in good shape.

And why is that?

They'll sympathize with Nicole.

I have handled case after case of battered African-American women.

I have heard their stories.

They'll be able to make the connection.

O.J.'s abuse... led to m*rder.

Okay, well, you're probably right.

But it doesn't hurt to be open to outside input.

Go see Vinson.

Vinson (over speaker): So, how about that Bronco chase, huh?

(chuckles) Anybody see that?

I know I did.

(chuckles) Oh-ho, that was something.

Okay, so who thinks he's innocent?


And who thinks O.J. Simpson committed the murders?

Holy shit. It's worse than I thought.

Marcia (on TV): You told the court today that you left the restaurant at 9:00 p.m., and that you knew that because the restaurant was closing.

Why did you tell police you were home by 8:30?

Your Honor, I would like to ask the court to instruct the witness to answer the question.

Give me your impressions of Marcia Clark based on what you've seen.

Please. Come on.

And-and I want you to be honest.


Well, she seems like a b*tch.


Man: She acts like everybody's stupid.

And she's strident!

I wouldn't want to be her boyfriend.

Woman: Yeah, a real know-it-all.

She's shifty.

Woman: Yes, definitely.

(overlapping chatter)

Black women don't like you.

What? No.

No, that's idiotic.

I have tried many, many cases in front of black women and won.

I have a rapport with them.

The data doesn't bear that out. Well, then, your data is horseshit.

Some of those black women still write me letters.

Well, that's wonderful anecdotal information, but I think it would be wise to limit the number of African-American women on your jury.

You might also consider softening your appearance.

Skirts instead of business suits.

Perhaps a new hairdo.

Maybe try smiling a bit more.

Woman: Our focus group rated the participants on a scale of one to ten, based on how much sympathy they felt.

Among black women, O.J. received all nines and tens.

But Nicole scored sevens, fives and a three.

Shapiro: Really?

The m*rder victim scored a three?

It was all over the cards.

You saw the cards? Why didn't I see the cards?

Who's in charge of distributing the cards?

Gentlemen, let's focus on our client.

Yeah, that's a novel idea.
Johnnie: I will admit I'm surprised that black ladies liked O.J. so much.

What exactly did they say?

Oh, it's very positive.

They call O.J. "handsome," "masculine" and "charming."


What, what words did they use to describe Nicole?

Woman: Um... various terms got thrown around.

But one term came up a lot.

"Gold digger."

Gold digger? That's completely wrong.

I mean, she wasn't like that at all.

I'm just repeating the data.

Nicole wasn't a gold digger.

I mean, I-I knew her. She loved him.

Well, they were obsessed with each other.

And she really did love him.

They had hot sex.

Which, of course, became a problem after they broke up, because O.J. knew that she needed it all the time.

And it absolutely drove him crazy.

You know, when she was at that little house on Gretna Green, he used to hide in the bushes and watch her have sex with other guys.

Did she know that O.J. was out there?

Of course she did!

She used to love to push his buttons.

And they were constantly reconciling.

And then somebody would sleep with someone, and the fighting would start again.

They were really the most undivorced divorced couple I think I've ever known.

Hey. Working late?

Jury selection begins tomorrow.

They've called 900 people.

I hear it might be a record.

Maybe I'll make The Guinness Book.

I'll probably be here all night, while Bob Shapiro eats dinner in some Beverly Hills restaurant I can't afford.

Well, I'll make it quick.

I'm just checking to see where we're at with Cowlings.

Oh, Chris. Damn it.

I'm sorry. I'm so distracted.

I meant to talk to you.

O.J. is swallowing up everything.

And considering the available evidence, Gil thinks we should drop the Cowlings investigation.

You've done a great job, but...

I'm sorry.


Let me buy you a drink.

I only drink tequila.


There's a reason you're the boss-man.

This trial is so crazy.

Usually people are throwing up every excuse to get out of serving on a long case, but here, I have to wade through the crackpots and the attention-seekers.

How extensive is the voir dire?

It's endless!

We are asking 294 questions.


There are so many moving parts.

"Have you ever asked a celebrity for an autograph?"

"Have you ever dated anyone of a different race?"

"Are you a fan of USC football?"

There's a lot of Trojan fans downtown.

I'll deal with them.



Here's what I see as O.J.'s biggest problem.

That he did it?

(both laugh)


Here's what I see as O.J.'s second biggest problem... that pileup of egos called "The Dream Team."

It's a dozen alpha dogs in a cage match.

They are gonna tear each other up and implode.

Well... (clears throat)

That may be true for all the white guys, but I wouldn't be so quick to judge Johnnie.

Oh, come on.

He's an act.

Those flashy clothes, the preachy speeches.

How'd he score?


How'd he score?

Pretty high.

Tens from blacks, sixes from whites, for a weighted average of eight.


And how'd you score?



I'm being totally honest with you.

What am I not seeing?

He's real.

I mean, Johnnie's a showboat, but at the end of the day, he always fights for community.

He talks like a preacher, because he goes to church every Sunday.

When I first started at SID, if I had a question, he'd always be my first call.

We were on the same side, just fighting bad cops, just coming at it from different angles.

I wouldn't underestimate him.

(ice clinking in glass)

Bailey: I'll tell you something.

I've known Bob Shapiro a long time.

We're old friends.

I'm the godfather of his oldest son.


But he does not have the proper... appetite for this case we find ourselves on.

You and I are creatures of the courtroom.

The parries and jabs, the turns of phrase.

That's where a case is won.

Not by settling like a p*ssy.

Johnnie... we owe it to our client to take it to the finish line.

It's time for you to make a move.

This crowd is ridiculous.

It's like when David O. Selznick cast Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind.

Hey, it's the Trial of the Century.

Jesus, it's like they all scored courtside seats at a Lakers game.

Somebody better warn them.

They're about to be sequestered for half a year.

Bailiff: Come to order.

Department 103 is now in session.

(gallery quiets)

(quietly) Welcome to jury selection.

(microphone squeaks)

(clears his throat)

Welcome to jury selection.

I have to say, I have never seen a case quite as unusual as this one.

I have no issues with the police.

Uh, one time when my car stalled, they helped me push it to the side of the road.

Your Honor, the defense asks the court to thank and excuse prospective juror number 58.

Marcia: Ma'am, you say on your questionnaire you've had multiple encounters with the LAPD.

Would you describe those as positive or negative?

(laughs) What's worse than negative?

The People ask the court to thank and excuse prospective juror number 79.

(elevator bell dings)

Yeah, what's-what's the tally?

I-I feel they're targeting too many blacks.

It seemed pretty balanced to me.

No, no, no, I agree with Johnnie.

It's inappropriate.

I should inform the press.


I think a press conference is a good idea.


But I don't think you're the most ideal person to... to speak out on this issue.

(elevator bell dings)

I'm the lead attorney.

I'll do the press conference.

What the prosecution is doing implies an insidious effort to remove black jurors because they are black.




Hey, can you fit me in?

For you, always, Johnnie.


Get you a buff or a complete shine today?

Complete shine. I got all the time in the world.

Hey, Johnnie.


You're still here. Still here, man.

You got a minute to talk?

I suppose I can fit you in.

All right.

Well, we're really concerned about the tenor of the prosecution's questions.

We're really bothered by the way they go after certain jurors.

You know, ultimately, it's a... it's an issue of fairness.

Uh, fairness for whom?

Well, you have eyes and ears.

You tell me.

Marcia: This is total bullshit.

So what? I'm not worried about whether it's true.

I'm worried about perception.

The optics.

Yes, the optics. With Cochran taking a larger role, I think it might make sense for us to balance out our ticket, stir in a little added flavor.

You mean a black person?

I didn't say that, Bill.

But it's not a bad idea. Add a third chair.

Sure. Give our team something extra.

We like where we are.

Uh-huh. Well, I think you should strongly consider what I'm saying.

What about Chris Darden?

Bob, why is this taking so long?

I missed Halloween, didn't get to take my kids trick-or-treating.

Now Thanksgiving's coming up.

Holidays are always rough.

What about Christmas?

Well, that's gonna be hard.

Bailiff: Excuse me. The judge would like to see all counsel in his chambers.

Counsel, we have a problem.

Johnnie: No.

Marcia: Oh, my God.

You've got to be kidding. When did that get printed?

I'm troubled by this.

Her book could have major ramifications on jury selection.


This unwarranted publicity could make it impossible for Mr. Simpson to get a fair trial.

Oh, come on, Bob.

How do we know that this book would prevent a fair trial?

No one's even read the damn thing.

I said "could," Marcia.

All right, well, why don't we order up some copies?

I will temporarily suspend jury selection.

This is how she pays tribute to her friend.

They're doing coke on every other page.


I'll never think of Brentwood the same way again.

Shapiro: This is bad.

This is very bad.

Faye's got it all wrong. That's not true.

That's not true.

Okay, that's true.

She's a liar! Faye says Nicole had six ab*rtion so she wouldn't have another kid with me.

Nicole would never do that.

I can't read this shit.

I wouldn't lose sleep. The book is trash.

Be forgotten in a week.

Lesbian sex, 197.


Larry King: Judge Ito t old us not to read the book, but we clearly did not listen.

Tonight, we welcome the author of the New York Times number-one best seller, Faye Resnick.

Faye, how are you?

Well, I just hope Lance Ito is a better judge than he is a book critic.

(short chuckle) What do you want readers to take away from this book?

I told Nicole's story... so that women could break the chain of v*olence.

If this book can inspire one wife or one girlfriend to... to escape an abusive relationship... then any embarrassment I've endured is... it's a small price to pay.

Ito: All right, counsel,

I've come to a conclusion.

After careful reading and annotation of Ms. Resnick's book, I am prepared to resume jury selection tomorrow.

Oh, in all due deference, Your Honor, Mr. Simpson has been unfairly tried in the media.

The well has been polluted.

Let's postpone the trial till next year and allow Mr. Simpson to be released on bail.

O.J. Simpson is being tried in the media because of you.

You're the one who created this circus.

I am in no way responsible for the media circus around this case.

Judge, seriously, they can't go five minutes without holding a press conference.

They leaked the Fuhrman story.

They play the race card.

Shapiro: I would never.

I hold myself to the highest ethical standards.

I would never reduce myself to such cheap tricks.

Bob, calm down.

No, no, Lee, Lee.

I'm very upset.

These claims should be sanctioned.

How dare they say that we play the race card.

I stand before you right now and say race has never and will never be an issue in this case.



It is not that simple.

This is the United States of America, and we are defending a black man who is fighting to prove his innocence. Now, I know I don't have to give anyone here a civics lesson about the historic injustices visited upon black men for no other reason other than they're black.

We didn't introduce that into this trial.

We didn't introduce that into this case.

It is a plain and simple fact.

But we would not be doing our job if we did not at least talk about how race plays a part in this trial.

Now, if that is playing the race card... so be it.

Johnnie... don't ever contradict me like that again.

You contradict yourself, Bob.

You change narratives like the wind.

We all have longer memories than your previous sound bite.

King: F. Lee Bailey, I'm really glad you're here,

'cause the media has been filled, filled with accounts of defense team infighting.

So can you shed some light on the situation?

Larry, these stories, where they emanate from, I really can't imagine.

This is a tremendous, tremendous group of attorneys.

Yourself included.

You're very kind.

Well, so, pardon my confusion, but who the hell is in charge?

Oh, Bob Shapiro is the lead attorney, make no mistake.

All that sniping in the media that says Bob Shapiro is in over his head, Bob Shapiro is an empty suit, Bob Shapiro can't handle a case of this magnitude.

Well, that twaddle is truly unfortunate.

Well, then don't say it, assh*le.


Shapiro (whispering): We're in terrific shape. We targeted for four black women, we got five.

We should stop now.

You know, I have to agree with Bob.

No... No, we can do better.

I'm feeling lucky... I want another divorced black lady.

Let's push in our chips.

Your Honor, the defense asks that the court thank and excuse prospective juror number 35.

Ito: Juror 35, you are excused.


Juror 462.

Juror 462.


I like 229.

She has an open mind. She had a great questionnaire.

Marcia, we've barely used any of our challenges.


Wouldn't it be nice to have a white guy?

I'm a white guy.

We live in Los Angeles, too.

Bill, we cannot be so hung up on skin color.

This is a reasonable panel.

They're smart people who gave good answers. My gut says... trust them.


Your Honor... the People accept the panel as presently constituted.

Your Honor, the d...

Your Honor, the defense jointly accepts the jury.


If these people convict me, maybe I did do it.


And she was walking their dog that night...

And she saw the Bronco parked outside at 10:15.

Carl: If we get her to testify, this could decimate the prosecution's timeline.

That's good. That's good, it's what I've been telling y'all all along. I couldn't have done it.

I'm so sorry that I'm late.

But I have something considerable to offer.

I've been doing some research at the office about precedent and about possible options. I think... that we should cut a deal.

We should go for manslaughter.

What we say is that you were mad at Nicole for not inviting you to dinner at Mezzaluna. You go home, you brood.

What to do?

So you decide to get even with her.

So you take a knife to her place to slash her tires.

But you get caught and you're humiliated.

You... you-you don't know what to do.

Your-your heart is racing, your emotions are cracking, and before you know it, things escalate and you k*ll her.

And you k*ll the Goldman boy, too, because you're jealous.

So, um, Johnnie, when can we meet the maid?

(horn honking)

Johnnie: Shit.

Shit. Am I losing it? What the hell was that?

That man is crazy.

He's gone.

What an arrogant prick.

It's like he imploded.

When's he going on that damn Hawaiian vacation?

Uh, tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow afternoon, we're going over to that office and we're clearing out everything. I mean everything, witness statements, files, boxes.

It's all leaving Century City.

I'm telling you, this trip can't come soon enough.

Put an ocean between me and Johnnie Cochran.

Linell: Did you see the L.A. Times story?

It said Nicole went to a battered women's shelter five days before the m*rder.

So what do you want me to say?

At lunch today, it's all anybody talked about.

And they keep playing those 911 calls over and over.

I know, I know, I know. It's the case that'll never end.

I think... I think maybe you should quit.

(exhales) Linell, it's what I do.

I can't take on a double homicide and then suddenly say I'm uncomfortable.

This is different.

My friends, a lot of them, don't call me back.

Everybody thinks he's guilty.

Don't you think I know that?

(sighs) Linell, I'm sorry.

I am so sorry that it's affecting you this way.

But I'm more worried about how it'll affect us later.

Everybody. All of us.

If I don't put a lid on Johnnie Cochran, this city is... (sighs)

Listen, let's just go away to Hawaii and have a beautiful weekend, okay?


You're afraid there are gonna be more riots, aren't you?

(phone ringing in distance)

You got a minute?

I got all the time in the world.


Knock off the self-pity.

I'm working on a really big case, and we could use a little help.


What kind of help?

Chris, you and I have both been in this building for a long time. And I know that you feel you haven't caught all the breaks you've deserved.

But I have total faith in your abilities.

What are you saying, Marcia?

Would you like to be third chair on O.J.?

Is that a yes?

O.J.: I don't even understand these things they're saying about me.

This article says that I've come to represent "the cross-section of racial politics, due process, and celebrity culture."

I mean, what does that even mean? (chuckles)

O.J., O.J., we got to talk.

"Judo defense." What the hell is that?

Listen, Juice, I think... I think you got to make a change.

Wh-What do you mean?

Look, I-I pray for you.

You know that. I pray for you every day.

I know you do, Bobby.

I think... I think Johnnie should be lead attorney.


What does Bob say?

D-Don't worry about Bob.

(sighs) I don't know.

I mean, how does that even work?

You know I'm not good at these conflict things.

Juice, Juice, this is your life. Hey, this is your freedom.

Johnnie is your best chance.

You got to trust me.

He has got to be lead man.

(elevator bell dings)

(phone ringing in distance)

Happy New Year, dear.

Have a good one?

Linda, where'd you put my O.J. files?

Cochran's team took them. All of them.

What do you mean he took them?

He came here and took my files?

Well, he can't do that. I could get him disbarred for that.

Get him on the phone! I want a meeting with everyone right now!

He already called for a meeting.

At his office.

This also came in.

Somebody talked to the New York Daily New.

We lost the motion to suppress the evidence collected at Rockingham.

It's like Ito has a thing against us. Don't worry.

We'll file a motion to throw out the lab results.

(door opens)

Great. Bob's here.

First up...

Before we get into your agenda, let's get into mine.

Bob, O.J.'s on the phone.

Good. Because we have some very pressing issues to discuss, because there are some stinky fish in this room.

Everybody here knows that we have to keep a united front.

So from now on, I am the only one that speaks for the defense team.

I'm the lead attorney.

Um, O.J., do you have something to say?

(clears throat) Well, this is sort of funny.

It reminds me of the old days, when I played football.

I didn't always get along with my teammates. But on Sunday we put all that bullshit aside and played together.

Shapiro: I don't get it.

I-I don't... I don't follow.

As I see it, Bob, you're the quarterback.

And Johnnie's the running back. But, uh, we won't be throwing the ball all that much.

But I'm-I'm the quarterback, you say.

Is that correct?

Well, or-or maybe you're the coach and Lee's the quarterback and-and, uh... and Alan's the, uh, uh, front office.

Juice, Juice, um, I think you need to be more clear.

All right? What are you trying to say?

Opening statements are less than a month away.

Yes. Opening statements are a month away.

And as the lead attorney, I will be delivering those statements.

Is that right, O.J.?

W-W... (sighs)

(clears throat)

I would respectfully suggest that our able colleague Mr. Cochran is the more appropriate person to deliver the opening statement.

Given the makeup of our... brilliantly selected jury, he could translate our message into a "downtown" dialect that would resonate more powerfully with our audience.

I agree with Lee.

Uh, me, too.

What about you, O.J.?

Who do you think should give the opening statement?



Please, Juice.

Juice, we need an answer.

(O.J. sighs heavily)

Let's-let's have Johnnie do it.

Johnnie: Okay. We need to hand out attorney assignments for the week.

Barry, I need you to take the PCR testing. Carl, discovery...

("Black Superman" by Above the Law playing)

♪ I hit the loose juice ♪
♪ Ant pulls up in the deuce ♪
♪ He gives me the scoop about the fake-ass troops ♪
♪ Crime fighting's what I do ♪
♪ And... in my crew don't take lightly to you bustas ♪
♪ And so we say... ♪
♪ Then buck you, tuck you in for the night ♪
♪ As you think about the paper at the funeral site ♪
♪ So when I'm hangin' with the clique and we in demand ♪
♪ I feel good that the City of Angels call me Black Superman ♪
♪ Now everybody know ♪
♪ Black Superman ♪
♪ Now everybody sing ♪

When did they get a black guy?

♪ Now everybody know ♪
♪ Black Superman ♪
♪ Now everybody sing Black Superman. ♪
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