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01x02 - Harvested

Posted: 03/24/16 06:56
by bunniefuu
Jack: Over 68 million Americans leave the safety of our borders every year. If danger strikes, the FBI's international response team is called into action.

♪ Drop the bass ♪

[techno music plays]



Dude, there must've been hundreds of thousands of people there.

That was crazy.

Man, it was epic.


The word is epic.

Dude, they host this festival every year.

The next one is in Buenos Aires.

I'm... I'm in. Like, a hundred thousand percent.

We got to go every year.

Yo, have you seen the girls here?

They'll never go for us.

Oh, yeah?



This'll help loosen you up.

Meow meow. It's like ecstasy.

Oh, no. I don't know.

Dude, that whole party was rollin'... live a little.

No, but how do you even know that's what they say it is?

'Cause the guy spoke English.

Will, we're in India.

Cut loose, have some fun.

What do you think?

Her friend's cute.

[Singsong] Come on!

You are such an idiot.

All right.

You only yolo once.

That's what I'm talkin' about. Whoo!


[Techno music playing]


Excuse me, how do...


Excuse me, is... is any...


[Whimpers] I need help!

Someone help me, please.

Help me, please.

[Crowd murmuring]

Clara: Uh, this is backed by cold, hard science.

India has one of the most specialized flavor profiles of any cuisine in the world.

You don't like Indian food?

I don't think it likes me.

Well, it's an acquired taste, like you.

You just don't know where to eat... I will take you.

Okay. Let's go.

Monty, what've you got?


Americans Will Duncan and Tommy Moses
were having the time of their lives in Mumbai until 24 hours ago, when they fell off the grid.

No cell phone, no credit card charges, but I found this video on social media.

Early this morning, Will Duncan was found face down in an alley in Dharavi.

It's one of the largest slums in India.

He was att*cked, and his kidney was removed.

He's currently in the hospital fighting for his life.

His friend Tommy Moses is still missing.

Clara: Both were college students in Mumbai for the holy shake EDM festival.

The bizarre nature of the att*ck has the U.S. consulate terrified at the prospect of more Americans being targeted.

It says here they processed thousands of visas in the last month, all in connection with the festival.

With Tommy missing and Will's attackers at large, they've asked us to investigate and prepare a thr*at assessment.

You know, Mumbai is known for transplant tourism, where rich foreigners come to buy organs from India's poor.

Sounds like an urban legend, but it's not.

It's actually an elaborate market that involves brokers, forgers, and human trafficking of live donors.

Hotch's team was involved in a sting in New York City in 2009.

I think they arrested an organ broker.

Yeah, he was selling organs to Americans for upwards of 100 grand.

And we have no question of demand.

In most countries, an organ can only be donated between family members or received via the transplant registry.

Is it possible that Will voluntarily sold his kidney to make some cash?

It seems unlikely.

He paid for the festival passes and the plane tickets himself.

By all accounts, these were two kids just looking to have a good time.

Because of the removal of the kidney, we have to operate under the assumption that both Will and Tommy were targeted and drawn into the black market organ trade.

When we land, I want us running this from all angles, how they were taken...

Who performed the surgery...

The organ broker who sold Will's kidney.


We need to hit the ground running.

Tommy's life depends on it.

"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it." ~ R. Tagore.

Okay. Some things to keep in mind...

Politeness is politic.

Never use someone's first name without their consent, never refuse hospitality, and never initiate physical contact with someone of the opposite sex.

Even something as innocuous as a handshake can be looked upon as a sexual advance.

Hey, I can only control myself, not how others respond to me.

Mr. Singh, good to see you.

Ah, Deepak, please.

Ahh! Welcome.

You remember agents Simmons...


And Jarvis, and, uh, SSA Clara Seger, who's rejoined us after a short absence.

Wonderful to see you.

Our apologies for pulling you away from your family's wedding preparations.

Anything for an old friend.

Now, for convenience's sake, I have arranged for us to work with the Mumbai police on site.

They have a security tent set up near the entrance to the festival.

So we'll start there, pick up your honor guard and weapons.

What do you make of the case?

I think we are looking for some very dangerous men.

These organ traders have become particularly brazen in recent years.

They pose as aid workers and prey on communities that have been devastated by natural disasters.

People who've lost everything? Mm.

These brokers promise them riches to rebuild their lives, but it never turns out that way.

Shall we?

[Horns honking]

[Honks horn]

Don't be afraid to let your neighbor know you are here.

[Honks horn]

Remind me again, how did you two meet?

2008, here in Mumbai.

Later, I attended the FBI national academy at Jack's invitation.

The courses at Quantico were invaluable.

Matt: I got Monty on speaker. What do you got, Monty?

According to cell phone tower records, Will and Tommy's last known location was Shivaji Park.

The site of the festival. We are headed there now.

Neither cell phone is currently active.

Jack: Thanks, Monty.

You know, out of 1,000 possible victims in the vicinity, why take two Americans like Will and Tommy?

Availability and opportunity.

In India, all organs are not equal.

It's a question of blood type.

Most of the Indian subcontinent is b-positive, so finding a local match that is o-negative is more difficult.

Hospital records show no evidence of abuse or sexual as*ault, though Will had dr*gs and alcohol in his system.

Well, let's assume Tommy did, as well.

The dr*gs could've incapacitated them.

Could've also compromised their organs.

Could imply an urgency or inexperience on the part of their attackers.

Why take only one organ?

It'd be more profitable to take more.

Yeah, but more to the point, why even stitch Will up and dump him at all?

So where's Tommy?

Can I help you, young sir?

You have the most best beautiful eyes, little lad.

Blue, like gods.

You want to see a rickshaw?

Yeah, sure.

Vroom, vroom. Come.

You want to sit inside? Go.

This is how you start it.

Man: Aiden?


Right here.



What the hell are you doing?

Come on.

Inspector Shah is one of our very best officers.

I'm sure you will work well together.

And Constable Irfan is as sharp as they come.

Mae, head to the hospital.

Talk to Will and his doctors. Find out what he remembers.

Simmons, talk to the festival organizers.

This site was Will and Tommy's last known location.

See what you can learn about the moments leading up to their abduction.

You got it.

Clara: Monty, you with us?


Any updates on prior att*cks or crimes in the region that fit this level of brutality?

Uh, still working on it, but I have been searching hashtags, blog posts, and news feeds surrounding the festival.

It's day 3 of 4.

If anyone's seen anything out of the ordinary and tweeted about it, I'll find it.


Deepak, I'd like you to take Clara and I to the neighborhood where Will was found.

Yes. They call it Kidneyville.


Yes, that's the name the locals have given it.

But I must warn you, it's not safe.

If you could spare a few more men, I'd like to canvass and interview possible witnesses.


[Speaks hindi]

That was a 6-hour flight on a moment's notice.

I told him India was a mistake.

Okay. What happened? On the phone, they would only tell us that Will was in trouble.

There was an incident.

Will is in surgery now.

He was att*cked in Mumbai. He's in serious condition.


Oh, no.


Oh, my...

Janice, oh, my god.


I want you to know that our team is there now, and they are going to do everything they can to get the boys home.

I need to ask you a few questions about Will and Tommy.

Would that be all right?

I'm the festival organizer, and I'm telling you, this is a party, not a police state.

We're not here to surveil the attendees' every move.

But the bar-coded security braces, they are able to track all movement in and out of the festival?

Yes, yes.

So we need you to provide us with any information you can regarding Will and Tommy's movement.

When was the last time their bracelets were scanned for entry and exit, are they still active, that kind of a thing.

I'll see what I can do.

You know, this park is the largest in Mumbai.

It's a cradle of Indian cricket.

Now, it's just being trampled on.

All the greats have trained right here.

Like Sachin Tendulkar?

You know cricket, sir?

Here in Kidneyville, entire families are coerced into selling their kidneys.

Most suffer from complications that render them unable to work and in more debt than before.

How much does one go for?

Maybe $6,000 U.S.

That could feed an entire family for years.

If they get the money.

Most only ever receive a portion.

This place is like a maze.

There's no clear path in or out, very little room for a vehicle, much less foot traffic.

Will's attackers would've had to move quickly to avoid being caught.

Which means Will and possibly Tommy were being held here.

Our unsub is a local.

Well, with 1 million people per one square mile, it'd be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Hey, hey!

[Speaks hindi]

Modern India loves to pretend this doesn't exist, but this is our surviving legacy.

The poorest of the poor, the Dalits, as they are known, still face ostracism and v*olence almost daily.

Many in India see them as something less than human.

Change is not easy.

It takes good leadership.

The longer we stay here, the more attention we will draw.

Things could go badly.

Matt: Having given the volume of people and the fact there are multiple full entry and exit gates, this is the perfect hunting ground.

According to our records, Will and Tommy left the festival at 2:17 A.M. the previous night, and both bracelets were scanned within seconds of each other.

Well, if they left together, it could mean they were abducted at the same.

[Cell phone beeps]

Tommy's bracelet was just scanned for entry into the VIP lounge.

Whoever has the badge could be our guy.

Your men armed?


Let's go.

[Cell phone ringing]



We'll be right up.

Will's dead.

They want us to come claim the body.

[Techno music plays]


Man: The guy in the hoodie.


[Speaks hindi]


Mae: Surgeons often have signatures, how they cut, ligate, suture, etc...

So it might be possible to tell who performed Will's surgery by looking...

These cuts are crude, ragged, unskilled.

There's no way that they were done by a medical professional.

Based on how poorly excised the side is, I would doubt that the organ is even viable for transplant.

I mean, it's a $1.2 billion industry.

No doctor is ever gonna be this sloppy.

Yes, but most people would not know where to even begin.

Oh, looks like a needle prick, perhaps an injection site.

He could be drugging them.

If this attempt is so badly botched, it pretty much guarantees that the attacker's gonna find another victim.

Jack: All right. Thanks, Simmons.

What's that?

It's a flier looking for kidney donors.

The symbols for the different blood types caught my eye.

They don't even try to hide the exploitation.

You know, I've been all over the world, and places like this, they just...

Never gets easier.

So what's the latest?

Good news and bad news.

Tommy's alive.

Simmons found him at the festival.

Turns out that he and Will went their separate ways after leaving the party that night.

Let me guess, he met a girl.

Earlier in the day, his cell phone and wallet were stolen by a pickpocket.

So Tommy spent the last 24 hours partying and had no idea if Will was in trouble or missing?

Which brings me to the bad news.

Will's dead.

His heart failed during surgery.

Mae doesn't think we're looking for a doctor.

Someone with medical knowledge, but not a professional.

Maybe someone looking to get into the trade.

We've got to find that organ broker.

Deepak, who's the guy watching us from the car?

The mafia, just like the godfather.

They practically run the slums.

They tolerate law enforcement, but only just.

They're the ones that most likely put up the fliers.

If we're gonna find this broker, we have to do it soon.

What are you thinking?

Jack, what are you doing?

Jack, this is very unsafe.

[Knocks on window]

I want to talk to your boss.

Jack, I cannot allow this.

I'm unarmed.

The last thing you want me to do is bring the full force of the U.S. government down here.

Just you.

Jack, listen...

Just me. I'm fine.

I'll see you back at the tent.

Get in.

You asked to speak with me?

No, I asked to speak with the boss.

Not who you imagined?

I've seen you and your woman walking the streets of Dharavi.

What is it you hope to find?


A young American man is dead, abducted from your streets, pulled into the black market organ trade.

I want to know who's responsible.

I am a businesswoman.

Street crime is not my concern.

The boy's kidney was harvested.

I think you know who's responsible.

I think there's very little that happens here that you don't know.

Nothing happens in Dharavi without my knowledge.

Then you've got a problem.

One of your men is striking out on their own, only their carelessness and lack of skill has already left one person dead.


I would never do business with someone so sloppy.



My greatest commodity is my people.

So the services you provide, the transplants you negotiate, they're all done by professionals?


The buyers are arranged months in advance.

Not only would such a man not be able to sell a kidney stolen in such a hasty manner, but he'd face my wrath.

And people here are not afraid of the law.

They are afraid of me.

So it sounds like we both want this guy caught.

I am sorry.

I do not have anything more to offer.

It's not just bad business that you need to be worried about.

If I have to come back here, if another American dies, I won't be alone.


And here I thought the enemy of my enemy was my friend.

[Camera shutter clicks]

[Camera shutter clicking]

Could you take a photo of me?


[Camera shutter clicking]

Come closer, closer.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Come see. There's too much light.

What the hell?

What are you doing?

You want money?

My family is rich.

We have more money than you could ever dream of.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no!


There's no way that Hasina's involved.

She wouldn't risk tainting her own supply lines.

All right. So we're lookin' for someone who's workin' on the fringes, doing so with great risk to themselves.

Speaks to their desperation.

Mae: So if we're not looking to organized crime, and we've ruled out a corrupt doctor or surgeon...

Then we're looking for an individual.

Jack, there's another victim.

The EMT said he's heavily sedated but stable, so they should be good to move him as soon as the road clears.

He was at the festival.


Both of his eyes were removed, and there are signs that his wrists were restrained.

Well, he didn't take the kidney.

Look here.

That's a puncture mark.


That's the same as Will.

I think it's an injection site.

Ah, if he's using dr*gs to subdue them, that mean's he's able to lure them into his playing field with some kind of a ruse.


Well, whatever he used to remove them was crude and blunt.

There's significant damage to the ocular cavities.

Yeah. This is an ugly escalation.

I mean, his eyes have been removed even more crudely than Will's kidney.

Yeah. And also, there is no such thing as a whole-eye transplant.

Just the cornea.

Yeah. And given that the unsub didn't even attempt to take Zak's kidney, I mean, maybe he's trying to make a statement.

Something about the influx of foreigners at the festival?

Oh, maybe. But what worries me is the timetable, a lack of a cooling-off period and the fact that the festival is in full swing for another night.

It all but guarantees he will strike again.

We are looking for a man from Dharavi between the ages of 25 to 45 whom we'd most likely consider to be a power reassurance offender.

Which means his intention is to harm but not k*ll.

This man will have low self-esteem and a low social standing.

We think that the unsub wants his victims to live.

He took the time to suture Will's incision and to bandage Zak's eyes, and these are acts of remorse and guilt.

He dumped both victims in locations where they would be found so that the damage he inflicted might be rectified.

However, the brutality on display in his latest att*ck points toward a looming devolution that will only make him more dangerous.

And he is fixated on the festival.

Jack: Yes. It provides anonymity.

As a local, he can move to and from without drawing attention.

And the festival may be the source of his rage.

Based on the organs he took, we believe the unsub may be trying to make a statement.

And based on the function of the kidneys and the eyes in the body, perhaps he's lashing out at the toxicity and blindness of the tourists here at the EDM festival.

Our unsub is familiar with the area and confident to dump his bodies right in the open.

Our local P.D. should review all complaints or threats they've received leading up to the festival.

It's crucial that we keep up the canvassing of Dharavi.

Lean on any sources you have.

Our unsub has medical knowledge and access to medical equipment like the syringe and the dr*gs that he uses to subdue his victims, so let's look at males in the medical field who have a criminal record.

We need to narrow in on his abduction ruse.

He's not done k*lling, and we have to find a way to stop him.

Why is it so hot here?

All this walking is k*lling my feet.

And seriously, can a girl get a cheeseburger?

Like, a turkey burger?

Oh, I got it.

I'm complaining, and you're literally helping old ladies.

Look, I'll go get us a taxi.

No more walking.

Thank you.

I don't know why you put up with me.

I'll be right back.

Need taxi? Sir, right here.


Going to holy shake, huh?


Let me take you.


[Cell phone ringing]

Oh, hey.

Hey, Monty. What's up?

I just got a hit on social media.

A girl named Irene from Abilene, Texas, tweeted an hour ago that her boyfriend went missing.

What do you think? Too early to sound the alarm?

No, I don't think we can dismiss anything at this point.

I'll contact her and send you the info.

Okay, great.

So you were in Mumbai for the festival and then planned on traveling around India for a month?

Yeah. Travis is a volunteer.

He helps provide free medical care.

His shift was about to start, so he went to get us a taxi because my feet hurt.

He texted me to meet him at the...

What do you call those weird little cars with three wheels?

An auto rickshaw.

But when I went over there, he was gone.

Did you actually see him get inside a vehicle.

No. But he would never just leave.

It's totally out of character.

I'm a mess.

He always takes care of me.

The place was packed with festival-goers and tourists.

It's about halfway between the slums and the festival itself.

There was hostels, shops, bars.

And what do you want to bet that Zak was registered at a hostel nearby?

And he's using an auto rickshaw to abduct them.

Matt: Well, taking into account the festival, the point of abduction outside the hostel, and the two dump sites, our unsub's comfort zone stretches less than a half a square mile.

It's not marked, but there's a hospital right here.

Maahir Care.

I could get my men to pull the personnel records, but, uh, in Mumbai, so much is still done by hand.

It would be faster to send someone.

We're on it.

Mae, go through the department's motor vehicle records.

The auto rickshaw is central to his ruse.

Let's see if we can find him through that.

Okay. Monty, can you help us by pulling some plates from the traffic cameras?

Sure can.

And we need to focus our search in the southernmost zone, keep up the canvassing.

Deepak: There are over 60,000 interlocking structures.

Something's bothering me.

Why isn't the unsub dumping the bodies near the festival?

It seems like a contradiction.

I-if it's about making a statement, who's it for?


So you're saying, why leave the victims in Kidneyville?

I'm saying, why not just k*ll them?

Why take the organs at all?

Mm, maybe it's about the body parts and not the victims.

Maybe he's building his own twisted version of Frankenstein's monster.

What if this isn't about making a statement?

The damage done to Zak was aggressive, up close and personal.

If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he knew his victims.

Yeah. Making the choice to cut someone up like this is so intimate, so specific.

This could be personal in a different way.

He could be trying to shine a spotlight on some personal loss he's suffered.

Maybe it's about revenge, an eye for an eye.

Literally. Kidney and corneal transplants are two of the top organs transplanted worldwide, so even if they're not being taken for transplant purposes, maybe there is something to the organ trade being at the center of all this.

You know I don't believe in coincidences.

Well, some Hindus reject the concept of organ donation because they don't believe a body should move on to the next life incomplete.

Maybe the unsub is rushing to complete or make someone whole before he cremates them.

It's the responsibility of the eldest son.

The hospital releases the body to the families so that they can wash and prepare the body for cremation.

That's it.

We thought the festival was the trigger.

It wasn't. It was an opportunity.

Based on his victim selection, we're looking for someone who's lost a male figure.

Potentially a brother or a father.

Monty, can you access hospital records for recent transplants or deaths involving locals within the unsub's comfort zone?

Uh, how recent?

Traditionally, Hindu funeral rites take place within 48 hours.

It's already been 2 days.

He's running out of time. Monty?

I'm working my magic here, but I'm coming up empty.

These records simply aren't online.

So why wouldn't he take all the organs from the first victim?

Well, if it's a question of karma, perhaps he's cherry-picking the victims, hoping to give them a better chance in the next life.

Will wore glasses. He had poor eyesight.

Zak had blue eyes, fair skin.

In India, this is most desirable, a lineage of colonialism.

It's an indication of status.

The unsub would want the healthiest kidneys, the best eyes.

So in his mind, when this loved one is reincarnated, he will come back in a higher caste.

I'm sorry, Jack, but I cannot access these patient files.

But I can tell you, via pharmacy records, that immunosuppressants were prescribed.

The transplants took place at Maahir Care, the hospital within the unsub's comfort zone, but I cannot tell you who the donors were.

There's only one person who can get us that answer.

Mae: Turns out that there are over 300,000 auto rickshaws in this city.

Monty helped us pull some plates from a traffic camera in the area to help narrow the search.

Now, most drivers can't afford to purchase a vehicle.

They rent them at a day rate.

So we reached out to the rental agencies to see if we could find a match, and we got a hit... um, a driver, Mahal Sabah.

He missed his payment the last 2 days, and he hasn't returned the vehicle.

The owner said, until 2 days ago, he had not missed a payment in 20 years.

I mean, what are the odds?

Do you have an address?

Inspector Shah and I are looking for it now.

The rental agencies didn't have it, and most of the P.D.'s files are not online, so we are searching for it manually.

So I know the rickshaw is part of his ruse, but what if this guy's an EMT?

Ambulance drivers here are employed by private firms, and they have regular access to the hospital and the festival site, or vice versa.

Clara: That would explain the access to medical equipment.

Follow up on the private firm and run down their personal records.

You got it.

I did not expect to see you again, certainly not without your big American cavalry.

I thought about what you said.

Perhaps we can work together.

After all, my unfinished business is also yours.

You told me nothing happens in this slum without your knowledge, and that people are your greatest commodity.

You work with what you have, and so do they.

I give them a chance at a future.

And that's why you handle things yourself.

You're protective of them.

Two days ago, you brokered a transplant at Maahir Care, two corneas and a kidney.

Where did the organs come from?


From no one, a Dalit.

Well, that man is the one who is making a fool of you.

Someone in his family is responsible for the death of an innocent American.

I want a name so that my team can stop him before he kills again.



Two days ago, Hasina brokered a series of last-minute transplants a kidney, two corneas...

Clara: And a heart.

Yes. How'd you know?

Travis is a volunteer, he takes care of his girlfriend.

He's kind, has a good soul.

The organs came from the same man, Mahal Sabah.

That's the missing rickshaw driver.

He was brought into the hospital for dehydration and pronounced dead a short time later.

Deepak: There have been reports of this.

A Dalit goes into a hospital with a curable illness but ends up dead.

The doctors take advantage of the situation and sell the organs to the highest bidder.

Taking advantage is too kind.

Mahal's son is an ambulance driver, and he's the one who brought him in.

Samraj Sabah. That's our guy.

He must've been using his father's vehicle for the abductions.

Okay, I've got him. No address, just a postal code, 400017.

That's Dharavi.

There are no formal street addresses in Dharavi, but the slums have organized an informal community mail service.

They've been mapping the area for the past couple years.

We've worked out a deal so that they share their records in exchange for police protection.

All right. Monty, we're gonna need the most recent satellite imagery.

If we can compare that with these local maps, it should give us a pretty good idea of what we're walking into.

We need to go in strategically.

Travis' safety is our number-one concern.

Gasoline. Everyone get back.

Don't move!

If he takes that sh*t, it could ignite that room.

We need to get fire trucks here immediately.

There's a unit in Dharavi.

This whole block will go up.

I just wanted to give him better life.

He has suffered enough.

You don't want to do this.

This doesn't have to be the end.

I could not let him go without good heart.

He deserves that.

He does.

He deserved kindness, but so does he.

They treated my father like he was nothing, worth more dead than alive.

They cut him up like he was not even man, just spare parts, spare parts for the rich.

In death, he shall live again.

Travis, you'll be okay.

Matt: Jack.

It's a most important test match.

All right. I'll watch it.

You better.


It was a pleasure.

It was indeed. Take care.

Jack, you must come as my special guest.

Indian wedding is a most auspicious occasion.

I'm sure the team won't mind the delay.

There's going to be food and dancing.

I'd love to, but, uh, next time.

Please, give this to your cousin.

Wish him the best in his marriage.

We'll see you soon under better circumstances, I hope.


Did you know Dharavi is completely green?

The slums recycle the plastics they scavenge.

They melt them down into different figurines and toys.

It's pretty amazing to see all they do with what little they have.

Uh, this is Vishnu, the Hindu god of protection.

It suits you.

[Man speaking indistinctly]

It suits all of us.