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07x23 - Where There's Smoke...

Posted: 04/26/16 03:42
by bunniefuu
(indistinct radio communication)

(firefighter coughing, fire truck horn blasting)

Main body of the fire's been knocked down.

Give me a secondary search.

Dispatch (over radio): Yes, Captain.

(firefighter coughing)


Not even 7:00 a.m.

This calls for a celebration.

Maple bacon donuts from “The Nickel,” sir?

Make it two dozen.

(laughs) The fire didn't k*ll us, but the donuts might.

Captain, we got a man missing: Simpson.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Man down.

Rookie, with me.

Firefighter: Captain! In here!

(alarm beeping)

We can hear his Pass Alarm, but we can't get inside.

What the hell is this thing?

Get the saw! Now!

(saw revving)

(beeping continues, louder)

Masks on!

(breathing masks hissing)

(beeping continues)

I got him!


♪ NCIS: LA 7x23 ♪
Where There's Smoke...
Original Air Date on April 25, 2016

♪ ♪


Work out wasn't that hard.

What's going on? You tweak something?

My lymph nodes are swollen, like really swollen-- feel this.

You feel that?

No. What are you talking about?

It's like the size of a frickin' golf ball.

Have you ever golfed in your life?

Have you seen how big golf balls are?

All right, it's the size of a marble then.

But that's still really big.

Okay, big deal, then maybe you have a cold or a sinus infection.

But I have all these other symptoms, too.

I've got, like, fatigue and night sweats.

Like, maybe it's something worse.

Well, the night sweats are because our house is 90 degrees and the AC is broken.

Something you were supposed to get fixed this morning-- did you?

Do I have bubonic plague?

Okay, no, stop, stop.

Nothing good's gonna come from Googling.


Now, what's going on?

Is-is Mercury in retrograde or something?

No, it's not until next week.

Okay, so why are you going all Howard Hughes on me?

Because things are good between me and you.

Yeah, they're amazing.

And things at work are great, like I'm no longer being investigated by Internal Affairs.

Sounds like an improvement.

My mom is fantastic.

Even Monty is healthy for, like, the first time in forever.

I'm sorry, I'm struggling to see the problem here.

Because it's too good.

Because things are too good, and at some point, the other shoe is gonna drop.

The other... the other shoe?

The lymph node shoe?

The universe-balancing, reality-checking, soul-crushing shoe.


Why are you laughing?

Sorry, that was funny.

“Sole-crushing?” That...

That's not a pun. Okay.

You think I'm crazy.

Eh, maybe I'm crazy. Wait, am I crazy?

Don't, sweetie, I don't think you're crazy at all.

I don't; I love that you think everything is fine.

I just, I...

I want you to enjoy it.

If it's good, then take advantage of that.

Don't worry about it.


Sorry, that was just way too tempting.

Granger wants you in Ops.

Can you guys, just... (sighing) uh, bring that up with you? That-that'd be great.

You want us to grab the shoe?

Eric: Yeah because there's a custom orthotic insole in there.

It's very helpful to my fallen arches.

It's very expensive.

All the Beales have very flat feet and...

It was a joke.



Did you get mugged out there?

I have no idea.

Ooh. I saw this on the news this morning.

It's a hell of a fire.

Eric: And unfortunately, it took its toll.

LAFD Station 118 lost a man: Firefighter Terry Simpson.

Oh, this is terrible, but why exactly...

Granger: Why are we involved?

It's the man who d*ed, it's where he d*ed.

This is a live feed from the scene.

Simpson perished inside that container, except... it's not a container.

It's a Department of Defense-controlled SCIF.

Deeks: Really?

Because it doesn't look it would float, especially inside of a building.

Although, what do I know? I was never in the Navy.

Except for Old Navy.

It's where I buy my boxers.

Not the loose ones, the tight ones.

You finished?

Yes, yes, he's very much finished.

It's not a boat, it's a SCIF.


Eric: Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.

It's a secure area used to process classified intelligence.

Actually, our lovely Ops Center qualifies as a SCIF.

Simpson's body was found inside.

Firefighters had to use a rotary saw to get in.

Wait a minute, I thought you said it was secure.

So how did he get inside?

Yeah, we have no idea.

The surveillance feed was obscured by all the smoke.

So, do we have any reason to believe that this isn't just a tragic accident?

Well, not yet, but because of the sensitive nature of the information stored there, we have to take every precaution.

Which is why we tasked an agent to clear the scene of any personnel without clearance.

That included fire, EMS, medical examiners.

Would this agent go by the name of “Nellosaurus,” wearing a one-piece jumpsuit?

No one's getting past my girl.

Except for Callen and Sam.

Except for Callen and Sam.

Who are on their way to determine if anything was taken from the SCIF.

So, you two head to the boatshed, talk to Commander Susan Yelton of DoD.

She and her team were the only ones who should've had access to the SCIF.

Kensi and Deeks: On it.

(clears throat) I'll, um... be right back.

I'll be here.

(indistinct radio communication, overlapping conversations)

Let me see it.

There's nothing to see.

What's the big deal, G?

The fact that you still call me that means it really isn't.

Old habits die hard.

Come on.


There it is.

Thank you.

Grisha Aleksandrovich Nikolaev Callen.

You happy?

I'm impressed that it all fit on one card.

Yeah. (chuckle)

Hold up, it's an old photo.

They didn't even give you a new photo?

I like that photo.

You look angry in that photo.

Come on.

Probably because you didn't know your first name.

(Sam sighs deeply)

Sam: This was a hot one.

That fire didn't leave much.

(men shouting commands in distance)

Check it out.

It's a fire safety mechanism.

It unlocks in the event of a fire.

Yeah, but it also overrides the security controls, meaning anyone could've gotten inside this room with the SCIF.

Including the fallen firefighter.

He may have been just... checking to see if anyone was trapped by the fire.

Run a PID sweep around Exposure Four, and tell the salvage guys to start outside.

They're running all over our scene.

Special Agent Callen, this is Special Agent Hanna.

Are you the arson investigator?

Peter Hackett.

Any idea how much longer you guys are gonna be restricting our movement?

Once we secure all classified material, you'll have full run of the place.

Work faster.

Our man d*ed in your box over there.

His colleagues, his family-- they don't care about classified information, they just want to know why.

You have any ideas about that?

Was it arson? Was it an accident?

You'll have my report when it's ready.

But at this pace, like I said, work faster.

Hackett: How's that sweep going, guys?

We don't have all day.

You can't blame him for being angry.

Eric: What's up, Nell?

Hey, Eric.

So I'm taking inventory of the SCIF equipment, Can you double-check it with the DoD?

Sure thing.

Thank you so much.

Hey, boys.

Welcome to the SCIF.

You released the body?


His fellow firefighters took him out before I even arrived on the scene.

Just like the m*llitary.

Leave no man behind.

Get a report from the medical examiner?


Death by asphyxiation.

The theory is the chemical fire suppression system kicked in.

Sucks the oxygen out of the room.

That is not a good way to go.

All firefighters have a breathing apparatus.

What happened to Simpson's?

Apparently it was knocked off his face.

The M.E. also found evidence of head trauma.

From what?

Well, considering we have two missing hard drives, I'm gonna go with... someone hit him.

So much for a tragic accident.

What was on the hard drives?

Well, one contained footage from the SCIF surveillance camera, and the other holds hundreds of gigabytes of classified Intel.

Everything from terror cells to drone schematics.

Looks like we don't have to wait for that report.

Arson, m*rder, espionage.

Woman: Served three tours under Ronald Reagan.

Had a fire drill every week, but never a fire.

The SCIF is my first command, and look what happens.

Commander, the building that holds the SCIF, also houses a bottling facility with 30 employees.

Kind of seems like an odd choice for a super-secret hideout, so why did you put it there?

I'm guessing the same reason you're interviewing me in a boathouse.

Its randomness conceals its importance.

You make a fair point, but somebody still found out about it.

Deeks: Our team is looking into the employees of the bottling facility, but there obviously is another possibility.

I know: inside job.

But think about it, if my people wanted to steal from the SCIF, they wouldn't have to start a fire to get inside.

They already have access.

Unless they wanted it to look like an outside job.

What exactly do you need to gain access to the SCIF?

Two things: An eight-digit code to access the outer door...

Which the fire safety system bypassed.

But to get inside the SCIF itself, you need one of our thumbprints.

All right, well, the fire began before your work day started, so have you accounted for all your people?

And their thumbs?

I only have three people under my command.

Two have checked in, with all appendages intact.

And what about the third?

Lieutenant Karen Roberts.

She's on leave in Sydney, Australia.

It's the middle of the night.

Well, then, we should wake her up.


What was that?

What was what?

You just breathed.

I try to every day.





I knew it.


I just ran the stairs, I'm a little out of breath.

You have a thing for firefighters.

Yeah, and...?

I also have a thing for Girl Scout cookies and puppies... like 99% of the planet.

It is so unfair.

Hold on a second.

Firefighters run headlong into burning buildings, they rescue children, and lost cats.

It is most definitely fair.

No, I understand the heroism aspect.


I mean, I used to want to be a firefighter, but...

Okay, by “used to” you mean...?

Five years old.

I had a helmet, this great little fire truck, the whole shebang.



When I was five, I wanted to be Supergirl, so... some dreams just don't come true.

Yeah, well, that's impossible.

I mean, Supergirl's an alien from the planet Krypton.

You can't become an alien.


B-But... you did become... a super girl.

Granger: Let's stop there, Beale.

(sighing): Yeah.

Did you find anything in the footage?

(clears throat) Uh, no, sorry.

When people hear fire, they tend to run, and that's what everyone did.

Nell: Nothing in the employee background checks either.

No ties to t*rrorists or spy groups.

No suspicious financial transactions.

No suspects.

(computer blips)

Scratch that. One suspect.

Lieutenant Karen Roberts.

She checked in online, but never boarded her flight to Sydney.

Send Kensi and Deeks to her place.

Nell: Yup.

Uh, excuse me, Assistant Director?

Out of curiosity...

...what did you want to be when you were five years old?

Six years old.

Damage is even worse in here.

Tight, confined space.

Perfect conditions for a flashover.


Uh, can I borrow your UV light?

I'll bring it back. I'll bring it back.

Callen: (chuckles) Wow.

Either somebody had way too much fun in here...

Really, G?

You didn't let me finish.

Or three dozen people had just the right amount of fun in here.

Okay, Howard Stern, are you finished?

That's an accelerant pattern.

Right, but it wasn't poured.

It looks like it was sprayed, but from where?

A lightbulb.

Do you have an idea, or...

No, it came from the lightbulb.

You take a needle and you inject accelerant into the bulb, you screw the bulb back in, and then when the light turns on...


One of the workers from the bottling facility flips the breakers every morning at 6:00 a.m., and the alarm went off less than ten minutes later.

I've seen this tactic before.

Prison gangs use it to take out their rivals.

Maybe we need to be looking for someone with a record.

By the way, we would've found this.

You two got lucky.

But thank you.

So, the thief sets the conditions for a fire, which bypasses the keypad.

Giving him access to the room with the SCIF.

Simpson finds him in there, thinks maybe he needs help.

Thief knocks him out, locks Simpson in the SCIF.

Man, somebody went to a lot of trouble to steal that drive.

And they could've easily stolen so much more.


This isn't about money.

There's something else on that drive.

Something very important to them.


Kensi and Deeks checked out Lieutenant Roberts' apartment.

She wasn't there, but they found signs of a struggle.

What's Commander Yelton's assessment?

She trusts the lieutenant.

As she should.

She's a good commander.

She assembled a good team.

No one blames you for the mole, Henrietta.

Maybe I blame myself.

Listen, we're closing in on them.

The mole has been ahead of us for far too long, Owen.

The damage may have already been done.

You know we shouldn't be talking in here.

You know, you're right.

We've done enough talking.

(sighs quietly)

Nell: Yeah. Okay.

Any employees from the bottling facility have prison records?

Eric: Uh, no.

Well, two of them did, but that was decades ago, and now they have good jobs, families...

Nothing to indicate they would steal classified Intel.

Right, but we did find a pretty strong connection to prison.


Eric: The Department of Corrections has a program that trains inmates to fight wildfires.

For the last three years, the firefighters of Station 118 have been assigned to train the inmates.

And 118 just so happens to be the same company that put out the fire this morning.

Eric: This surveillence video is from the western annex of the bottling facility.

The fire was nowhere near this location, and yet...

Do we know who this guy is?

Well, firefighters generally have their names printed on the bottom of their turnout jackets, but this bag is blocking it, and happens to be the perfect size for two stolen hard drives.

After this, we lose him.

(sighs quietly)

We don't like the implication either.

But we can't ignore it.

Simpson's k*ller may be one of his fellow firefighters.

Deeks: I don't like it.

Callen: No one does.

These guys are brothers who go into battle together.

It'd be like me murdering Sam.

Like, who's gonna buy that? Not me.

Or me.

Right, 'cause I would never do that.

It's not that you wouldn't, you couldn't.

Not even within the realm of possiblity.

Wait a minute, it's not... it's not really what I meant. I...

Even if you tried for decades to plan my m*rder, you still wouldn't have a chance.

I don't not disagree with that.

Kensi, you've been awful quiet.

What's running through that pretty little head of yours?

Oh, I agree, you could never go up against Sam.

Love and support, that's what this relationship is built on, folks.

I do, however, disagree that brothers in arms could never go up against each other.

'Cause of your dad.

Well, he was k*lled by a fellow Marine, so...

We don't even know who we're looking for.

It could be more than one.

Callen: Yeah, we can't risk tipping them off.

Deeks: So we go in undercover.

I like it. I volunteer.

You think you can be a firefighter?

Please, since Kensi moved in, I've put out my fair share of grease fires.

Thank you for that.

He just thinks he'd look good in a calendar.

Mr. November, huh?

Unfortunately, Deeks, Company 118 overlaps with your LAPD precinct.

We can't risk having someone recognize you.

At least, now, you're using evidence to sh**t down my hopes and dream.

Fine, fair enough. Kens?

Well, I think that these guys are pretty skeptical about new people, especially a woman, and so, uh, as much as I'd like the challenge, I think Sam and Callen would be more adequate for the job.


I did shipside fire drills when I was a SEAL, what about you?

Summer of volunteer wildfire prevention when I was 18.

Then it seems like you're perfectly ready.

Does it?

All right, there's ten guys in the company.

We'll back you up.

Let's do it.

(sighs) I mean...

Do you...?


Beale, speak.

What does that even mean?

“Six years old.”

What kind of five-year-old dreams of being a six-year-old?

I'm pretty sure it was a joke.

Now Granger jokes?

Yes, Granger is hilarious.

You just don't get his dry sense of humor.

Granger's humor is not dry, it is drought-level.

It is Mars.

Newsflash: Mars has water.

Salty water.

More of a brine.

You know what type of five-year- old dreams of being six?

A five-year-old who doesn't dream.

I think my soul just d*ed a little.

Granger's a realist, he's not a dreamer.

The world needs both.

The Grangers and the Beales.


Granger's from Mars, Beale and Jones are from Krypton.

Hell, yeah. (chuckles)

(mimics expl*si*n) Yes.


Okay, I just got a hit on a black van near Lieutenant Roberts' apartment.

Kaleidoscope picked it up five times in the last few days.

No plates, tinted windows, I am officially suspicous.

Yeah, let's see if we can get a current location.

Man (over P.A.): It is with regret that the LAFD announces the death of firefighter Terry Simpson. Funeral arrangements to follow.

Simpson was proud of you, rookie, huh?

He might not have said it, but he was.

I know.

Captain: Okay, everyone.

Listen up!


Get everyone over here.

We got a couple of forced hires from 206.

Oh, Bel Air?

Seriously, Cap?

They were free, Miller. It was short notice.

Anyway, this is, uh... what were your names again?

What's the point? We're not gonna learn 'em.




(chuckles) Good luck, boys.

Welcome to 118.

I'm sorry for your loss.

House dues are 20 bucks. Meals are ten.

And we haven't eaten yet, so you boys can pay right now.

If you'll allow me, I got lunch covered.

You been here, like, 20 seconds, Bel Air.

Shut up, Lee.

What are you making?

Prime rib-eye steaks.

I like Bel Air.

I'll show the kitchen, huh?

All right.

Rookie... it's a mess in here; clean up.

You're the rookie, huh?

Yeah. Marco Guzman.

Marco, I'm the rookie today.

Why don't you help out in the kitchen, I'll decon the gear.

Thank you, sir.

(indistinct announcement over P.A.)

Female voice: Please leave a message at the tone. (beep)

Mama, it's your son.


I'm starting to get worried about you; please call me.

(sighs) The shoe's dropping, I can feel it.

I'm sure everything's gonna be fine.

I keep trying to figure out where this feeling is coming from, and I'm pretty sure it's her. Something is wrong.

Should I have Eric ping her cell?

No, you shouldn't have Eric ping her cell.

Kensi, I've called her four times. In the last ten minutes.

She could be in the shower.

Yeah, but she also could've slipped in that shower.

Okay, do you want something bad to happen?

Of course I don't want something bad to happen.

I'm just saying that - Okay.

I can feel it, it's coming.



No more sex for you.


Oh, you heard me.

You've been cut off.

Stop. Okay, I see what you're trying to do.

But it doesn't work like that.

You can't force the shoe to drop.

(whispers): Oh, we'll see.

Also, you couldn't make it two days, three days, tops.

What?! I'm irresistible.

I'm a manimal.

I could resist you.

(phone rings)



Uh, no.

Oh. Nell.

All right. That's awkward.

What's up?

So, I managed to track a suspicious van from Lieutenant Roberts' apartment to an abandoned building in the 1200 block of Aliso Boulevard.

All right, we're not far. We're on our way.

Uh, will you have Eric ping my Mom's Ce...


See? You already can't keep your paws off me.

Oh, my gosh.


Shut up.

Deeks: No one cuts off the manimal.

Here you go, Cap.


Appreciate your help.


I remember on my first day I walked to the door and Simpson put a cookbook in my hand and he said, “You learn it front to back.”


Yeah. My rookie year, I got more burns in the kitchen than I did on calls.

(quiet laugh)

Were you and Simpson close?

He taught me a lot.

I'm sorry.

Medium rare, brother?


What's his deal?

He's just angry.

Always has been.

He was in Afghanistan before this.

Helmand Province.

Sounds rough.

He has nightmares.

Wakes us all up.

I think he lost a lot of guys over there.

So, we gonna talk about it, or are we all just gonna sit here in silence?

The investigators are doing their job, Lee.

We'll talk about it once we know what happened.

Once we know?

Cap, we know what happened.

Simpson d*ed alone.

Where were we?

Why didn't anybody have eyes on the man?

It was a big building, Lee.

And there's the first excuse.

And I'd expect that coming from you, Miller, because you went in with him but you didn't come back out with him.

Lee... cool it.

What are you saying?

I'm saying...

Captain: Lee...

We'll see what the investigators have to say.

Watch your six, Hanna.

It's every man for himself.

(woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)

...lines down, possible brush fire.

What, no steak?

Oh, I had one. It was delicious.

You find anything?

It's more like what I didn't find.

Our mystery firefighter from the video-- take a look.

You notice anything different about the jacket?

Sam: The jacket in the video says “Los Angeles City.”


Every jacket in here says “LAFD”

Eric looked into it-- LAFD changed it a few years ago and issued new jackets.

So our mystery man was wearing outdated gear.


Retired firefighter?

Or somebody impersonating a firefighter.

Nell (over radio): Callen? Sam?

Go ahead, Nell.

Kensi and Deeks just arrived at the abandoned building we tracked the van to, and you're not gonna believe this-- (sighs) it's on fire.

I just called it in to Dispatch.

(tone sounding)

Dispatch (over P.A.): Light Force 118, Task Force 119, RA 118.

Structure fire, 1256 West Aliso Boulevard.

(overlapping chatter)

I'm guessing I don't have time to run upstairs.

What's upstairs?

Man: Double time!

Man 2: Let's go! Let's go!

Oh, come on.

You know you want to do it.

Let's roll out!

You ready?

(firefighters shouting)

Man: Clear!

Man 2: Clear!

(sirens wailing)

Where are they?

Almost on scene.

Kensi and Deeks are holding in place.

They searched the van-- it's empty.

Granger: This should be interesting.

(siren wailing, horn blaring)

(horn blares)

(siren wails, horn blares)

(sirens stop)

Deeks: Got to be honest.

I'm really jealous right now.

I'm sorry, all day, you've been convinced something bad's gonna happen, and now you want to run into a burning building?

What can I say? I'm a man of complex contradictions.

(sighs): Call me crazy... but I'd be right there beside you.

Battalion Chief and 119 will be here in a few.

Lee, Hanna, forcible entry.

Miller, take Callen. Top vent.

Rookie, stick with me. Let's see what you got.

Watch your back.

You, too.

(firefighters shouting commands)

One, two, three.



♪ ♪

(inhales, air hisses)

Firefighter: LAFD! Anybody here?


You didn't turn your bottle on.

You'll be eating smoke in there.

(valve squeaks, air hisses)


(firefighters shouting)

Primary search. You two go left, me and the rookie go right.

Stay with me.

Firefighter: Battalion, we're on the second floor.

Starting primary search.

LAFD! Is anyone here?

Lee: Damn it, rookie! Captain told you to go right!

What the hell are you doing here?

(breathing through mask)

Lee, Lee, wait. Lee, wait!

Mayday! Mayday! Captain, Lee's been stabbed!

Hanna! I'm going after the guy!

Hanna, wait!

Sam: Kensi, Deeks, he's heading for the exit.

Deeks: Copy that, Sam.

(glass shattering)

(firefighters shouting in distance)



What the hell?

Miller, give me a hand!

Miller, knock down that fire.

It's okay.

We're gonna get you out of here.

It's okay. Stay with me, Lieutenant.

Let's go. Come on.


Deeks: I got him.

Kensi: Stay down!

Get up.


All right. Move.


Miller, take her.

Thanks for your help in there.

Next time, bring me a steak.


Your imposter is Brent Williams.

He's a rejected firefighter cadet from 2010, which is why he had the old jacket.

Anything to indicate why he'd steal classified Intel?

He had a bunch of odd jobs but nothing that would indicate treason.

We didn't recover the stolen drives from the fire.

Williams may not have been working alone.

Eric: We'll keep looking.

Any word on Lee and Roberts?

Uh, Roberts is suffering from smoke inhalation, but she'll recover.

And Lee is still in surgery.

All right. Thanks, Eric.


So he's not talking.

Any progress out here?

I think so, but I'm not sure I understand it.

Based on these pages recovered from the fire, it looks like Williams decrypted TIDE.

I'm sorry, what's TIDE?

t*rror1st Identities Datamart Environment.

It's like the No Fly List.

Yelton: But much bigger. It holds over 20,000 names of known and suspected t*rrorists.

Why would he want this?

Eric: Guys, you need to see this.

DoD just sent me this Internet video.

Streaming live now.

I am doing this because I'm tired of seeing good Americans being k*lled...

That's Peter Hackett, the arson investigator.

.. by people like this man.

He's one of thousands on a secret government list of t*rrorists.

The Feds know about him, but they're not doing anything.

My demands are simple: if the government does not start rounding up the people on this list, I will put the list online, and we, the American people, will take matters into our own hands.

Starting with this man.

You have one hour to start arresting these t*rrorists.

So when you said this list had names of suspected t*rrorists, does that mean that...

People can be added for all sorts of reasons-- making frequent calls to trouble spots, giving to the wrong charities, even having a similar name to another suspect.

Many of the people on that list are innocent.

Now, before he was an arson investigator, Peter Hackett worked as a fire marshal.

And he did the inspection of the bottling facility 15 months ago.

That's how he knew about the SCIF.

I don't care how he knew.

I just want to know how to stop him.

Where's this feed coming from?

Eric: He's using an onion router.

It could be coming from anywhere. We did retroactively track his movements after he left the scene of the fire this morning but... lost him.

Callen and Sam are now on their way to Hackett's house in Baldwin Hills, but it's doubtful he's even there.

How many people on the TIDE list?

Over 21,000.


Okay, maybe there's another way.

Put me through to the boatshed.


(keypad beeps)

Peter Hackett is holding this man, Jamal Narang.

Look at him: He's got a wife, he's got two kids, and the only thing he's guilty of is sharing a name with a b*mb maker in Pakistan.

Deeks: But you don't care, do you? 'Cause he's just collateral damage, just like Terry Simpson, Darren Lee, Lieutenant Roberts.

Let me ask you a question. This is important.

How many dead innocent people can you live with?

The people on that list aren't innocent.

They're t*rrorists.

Somebody's got to protect us from them.

From people like your brother, for example?



See, this is just one page from the TIDE list.

You know, the one that you k*lled for.

But, um... why don't you tell me if you recognize one of those names.

What is he... what is he doing on this?

Well, it turns out your brother Ronald has been donating money to a charity with questionable ties to terror.

Deeks: So if your friend Peter Hackett releases that list in, oh, 32 minutes, then it looks like your brother Ronald is gonna be collateral damage, too.

Where's Hackett?

Eric: Callen, Sam--

Hackett is broadcasting from an old bar on Alameda.

Eric: It was shuttered last year for fire safety violations.

Sam: It's all boarded up.

If we break down that door and we don't have a line of sight...

Hackett will release the list and k*ll the hostage.

We got to find a way to draw him out.

Or smoke him out.

(muffled grunting, gasping)

Hackett: Would you shut up?

It's almost over.

(countdown blipping steadily)

Nothing on the news.

Guess your new country doesn't care about you after all.

(muffled grunting, gasping)

What the hell...?

Are you kidding me?

Sam: Federal agents!

(Hackett yells, grunts)


(countdown continues blipping)


We'll save you the investigation.

That... was definitely arson.

Okay, great. Thank you.

Thank you.

Lee's out of surgery.

He's gonna make a full recovery.

He's tough.

They all are.

I feel good.

I feel good!

Today was a great day.

I feel like Iron Man at the end of the day.

(chuckles) We should save people from burning buildings a little more often. (chuckles)

Not bad for a couple of rookie firemen.

That's what I'm talking about.

Let me ask you a question: Did you guys actually put out any fires today, or did you just start 'em?

A little bit of both.

G needs a new photo for his I.D.

I don't. I really don't.

Good night, Granger.

Good night.

Thanks for k*lling the vibe.

(Callen chuckles)

Admit it, you're a changed man.

I'm the same man with a new name.

No, no, no, I still think you look angry in that photo.

I wasn't angry-- I was hungry.

Which is exactly how I feel now.

And you know what would taste really good?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. One steak comin' up.

Thank you.

All right? Greedy.

There he is.

I was looking for you.

I thought we were gonna grab dinner.

(sighs) We are.

At my mom's.

She called you back? She's okay?

No, she's definitely not... okay.

Because the other shoe has officially dropped.

Are you kidding me? What happened?


“I'm sorry I wasn't answering. I was at the spa all day with my... boyfriend”?


Yo! Whoa!

A little warning.

Yeah, yeah, she could've warned me instead of just springing it on me like this.

No, I mean...

You know, and now she wants us to meet him, and he's-he's cooking us dinner?

“Come by tonight. He's a fantastic cook and is making his specialty, pasta aglio e olio.”

I love pasta aglio e olio.

So does everybody else, including me.

And she knows that.


Aw, sweetie, this isn't the other shoe dropping.

This is... your mom looking for some company.

Yeah, but we all know she has terrible taste in men.


Deeks, just because your dad was an awful human being and forced you to sh**t him doesn't mean that everybody your mom...

Oh, no. You're not... here for target practice for her boyfriend, are you?



No... I'm just... I was just blowing off some steam.


(sighs) Come here.

I think this is a good thing.

I really do.

And if it turns out not to be, then, uh, I'll be right there with you and we'll take this jerk down together.

You promise?


Off the top rope?

(chuckling): Off the top rope.

Forearm shiver?

You okay with that?


Now I want to go, because I want to eat aglio e olio.

Andiamo. Aglio e olio!

Uh-huh. I'm pretty sure you just like saying that out loud.

Aglio e olio e olio!

You can stop.

Aglio e olio...

That can stop.

That was a clever strategy, Owen-- faking Williams' brother on the TIDE list.

Well, it was fake then.

It's not fake now.

Are you still worried, Henrietta, about our earlier conversation?

It's just a feeling, Owen.

What kind of feeling?

A feeling of disquiet.


That something is coming.

Something neither of us has anticipated.