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06x21 - The Extra Mile

Posted: 04/30/16 03:32
by bunniefuu
Frank: Okay, Johnny, we are now in overtime.

You're gonna say 20%, I'm gonna say 15.

How about we end up at 17 1/2?

Let's say 18.


You just went down.

You see how this works?

Try negotiating your salary with him.

Okay, 17 1/2 it is.

17 1/2.

I think that's it.


Actually, there's one other thing.

Oh, come on, Johnny. Can't we do the pension thing next quarter?

It's not that.

Police union's annual convention is coming up next week.

And you drew the short straw? You have to ask the PC?

No short straw, boss.

The membership would love to have you.

Oh, come on, Sid, nobody wants to invite the father-in-law to the bachelor party.

They just think they should and pray he says no.

Boss, that's not how the cops see you.

We got the Grand Ballroom and three floors of rooms on hold for the poker games and after-parties and such.

It's gonna be a blast.

With, if memory serves me correctly, a lot of foggy memories the next morning.

Gormley: Still at the Waldorf?



Garrett: From where I sit, everybody's got a cell phone, so everybody's got a little movie camera, so what happens at those parties doesn't stay at those parties anymore.

My two cents?

It's a recipe for disaster.

Yeah, I know.

All it takes is one guy posting a cell phone video.

The guys are smarter than that.

Common sense says we shouldn't be having that party at all.

Uh, but, boss...

Well, I didn't say I was gonna use common sense, Sid.

Now, rest assured, we've taken measures to tone down the wild and woolier aspects.

It is not like the bad old days.

Then the bad old days were the good old days.


So, can we count you in?

No, but you can report back that you did your best.

I'll just have Garrett schedule some sort of conflict to give us both some cover.


Okay, before we go over the facts of the case once more, I just want to thank you again for doing this.

(scoffs) My grandmother says no good could come of this.

Abetemarco: Well, your grandmother loves you, and she's concerned about you, and we can understand...

And we will respectfully disagree with her.

A lot of good will come of this.

Dontrell Tariq will go to prison because of this.

Yeah, well, it won't bring my cousin back.

No, it won't.

But it will bring justice to his memory, and likely prevent another innocent life from being taken by this sociopath.

He k*lled your cousin right in front of you.

Why do you want to do him the favor of shutting up about it?

I don't.

But I'm not doing myself any favors either, maybe.

I mean, come on, you know what I'm saying.

I know it's a hard choice.

The right ones usually are.

Erin: And all you have to do is point to Tariq in the courtroom, and then tell the jury exactly what you told us.

So Tariq will definitely be there?

He'll be at the defense table, like we talked about.

You don't have anything to worry about.

There will be armed court officers present.

Okay, what about his crew?

Will the Three-Six Warrior Kings be there, too?

Erin: Unfortunately, we can't control who sits in the courtroom, but I can assure you, you will be safe.

Okay, what about outside of it?

My offer of witness relocation still stands.

I know.

To go to a place where I don't have a job, where my team doesn't play ball, where my family's not...

Where you won't have to give a second thought to your personal safety.

You want to go down that road, now is the time.

Actually, first I'd like to use the bathroom, if that's okay.

Of course. It's right down the hall.

When he comes back, will you help me sell this to him a little more?

I can't lie to him.

If he testifies, he's putting a target on his head.

Then talk him into witness protection.

I tried.

His life is here, and it's a good life that he's worked hard for.

If we ship him off to Indiana, it's like a sentence of his own.

We had Mexican last week.

How come the white guy always wants Mexican, but the Latina never wants it?

You always want hamburgers.

Welcome to New York, buddy.

The great melting pot.


Dispatcher: Three-One Frank, we have a 10-10, sh*ts fired at 754 Riverside Drive.

5-4 detectives, show us responding to 754 Riverside.

(siren wailing)


Willis, you in here?

(knock on door)

Anthony, what's going on?

He's gone.

What do you mean he's gone?

I mean he ain't here no more.

Where the hell did he go?

(siren whoops)

Police! Get out of the way!

Hey, get out of the way! Move!

Step back!

Got a body.

He's gone.

Call it in.

Man: Help!

Help! Police!

We got another one!

You a customer?

(shakily): Yes.

Anybody else here?


He got away.

Hang on, okay?

You all right?

It's my-my leg.

Let me see it.

I think it's my leg.

All right.

This is gonna hurt, okay? Hang in there.

(groans loudly)


Call a bus!

5-4 detectives, we have one man...

I'm... just a customer.

Why... why-why would he sh**t me?

Bus is on its way.

You hear that? Help's on the way.

(softly): Okay.

♪ Blue Bloods 6x21 ♪
The Extra Mile
Original Air Date on April 29, 2016

♪ ♪

(elevator bell dings)

What are you gonna do, ask for a continuance?

If it was Simmons maybe, but Dolan's already given us two, and that's two more than she likes to give.

So what, then?

A Hail Mary.

Assistant Distract Attorney Erin Reagan, how nice of you to join us.

I apologize for my tardiness, Your Honor, but something came up.

I think you mean something hasn't come up.

Your witness is a no-show.

Yes, therefore I'd like to request that the court issue a material witness order.

Your Honor, this is nothing but a stalling tactic.

I object to the defense's insinuation...

Oh, I'm sure you're absolutely horrified.

On what grounds are you seeking a material witness order?

My witness, Willis Stratton, testified to the grand jury, under oath, that he witnessed the defendant, Dontrell Tariq, sh**t and k*ll a man in cold blood.

Allegedly, Your Honor.

Erin: However, because of implied threats from Mr. Tariq and members of his g*ng, my witness now fears for his life and refuses to testify.

So you want to force him to cooperate?

I want him to tell this court what he has already said to the grand jury under oath, that he saw Dontrell Tariq commit m*rder.

Your Honor, please, this is unaccept...

(gavel bangs)

Your material witness order is so granted.


First down at best.

Now we need to find Willis.

How's he holding up, Doc?

The good news is the b*llet got all muscle, missing his vitals and arteries.

And the bad news?

Well, he's a teacher and a soccer coach.

Both hard to do sitting down.

I bet.

Thank you.

Hey there.

You remember us?

Detectives Reagan and Baez.

I can't thank you enough for what you guys did.

Just doing our job.

How you feeling?

Oh, happy to be alive, but missing my students already.

Hey, don't tell them I said that.

Your secret's safe.

You think you might be able to answer a few questions for us?

It's important we talk to you now while things are still fresh in your head.


I didn't really see much 'cause I was in the back when the hold-up happened, but, you know, I'll do my best.

All right, but you did see the sh**t?

Yeah, it was a big guy.

Black guy.

Uh, not super tall, but jacked, scary eyes.

Okay, when you say, "not super tall," what do you mean?

Five-ten maybe?

Average height?

Uh, about, yeah.

Look, the store's security cameras weren't rolling at the time, so it's kind of important that you be as specific as possible with what you remember.

I just got a glimpse really.

And when he came in, I hid in the back, but when he started sh**ting, I must have panicked.

I think I made a noise or something because he came back there looking for me.

Okay, and what happened when he found you?

I said, "Please don't sh**t."

But he just... he just sh*t me and then ran.

And then what happened?

After he left, I called 911.

Yeah, I thought I was gonna die there.

Okay, look, do you mind if we send our sketch artist up to work with you and see if we can't come up with a sketch of this guy?

Anything to help, anything at all.

All right.

And thank you, Detectives.

No, thank you.

Remember you've got the mayor at 4:00.

Don't remind me.

Hey, boss, how's it going?

Garrett: Having a good day?

Am I having a good day?

Yeah. How's it going?

What are you up to?

What makes you think we're up to something?

How many years we work together?

The six best years of my life.

Six years.

And in all those six years, have you ever asked me am I having a good day?

I don't know. I could've.

Well, you wouldn't have lasted six years.


Okay, I'd like to make a suggestion.

Then just make it.

As your DCPI, it is my professional recommendation that you attend the police union party.

I thought you were worried about cell phone videos.

I'm not, if you're there.

What, chaperoning?

No, joining in.

Let's be honest, there's a disconnect between the cops on the b*at and One PP.

Yeah, it's called a chain of command, and it exists for a very good reason.

As does the union bash.

And how's that?

Once a year, we put aside the stripes and the rankings to bond together, just as what we all started as: cops.

Did you write that for him?


Sounds more like you than him.

I didn't write it, I just said it because it's true.

Okay, then, I tell you what.

You go in my place.

Well, I'm not sure I can do that.

Why not?

I'm no you.

I'm not asking you to be. Just represent One PP.


What, it's okay for me to go, but not you?

Tell you what, come back when you've thought this through.

Afternoon, ma'am.

I'm Investigator Abetemarco from the D.A.'s office.

Any chance Willis is here?

Put that thing away.

You're trying to get somebody k*lled?


Do you know what happens if those gangs see me talking to a cop?

Willis isn't here and he's not gonna be here.

And you best be getting on your merry way.

Just tell me where I could find him.

Take a left at Jupiter and a right on Mars.

Ma'am, all due respect, I have a material witness order that says he has to come with me.

You people.

You're always punishing the wrong ones.

My Willis didn't do a damn thing.

It's that animal, Tariq and his crew out there k*lling people.

Which is why it's important for us to find your grandson.

Don't you want Tariq off the streets?

Willis says one cross-eyed word about Tariq in that courtroom, and he might as well be sh**ting himself in the head.

Mrs. Stratton, I understand where you're coming from.

No, you don't.

That's just something you people say.

Of course, if you did, if you really did, well, then you'd let that boy be.

That's not true.

I do care about your grandson.

Then why the hell you trying to put him in an early grave?

Excuse me for a sec.

Hey, Erin, it's me.

Look, uh, it's a dead end here.

Damn it.

My phone just d*ed. Any chance I could borrow yours?

Will it get you the hell out of here?

And a glass of water.


(water running)

(water stops)

Hi. It's me.

No luck.

I'm coming in.


You have a nice day.

What'd you come up with?


Just the composite sketch from Mr. Kaplan's description.

Too generic.

We could throw a rock and hit that guy.

Well, I ran a list of every known felon within a mile radius of our liquor store.

How many hits you get?

Unfortunately, over 30.


I'll put the sketch out in the Finest Message, and every precinct in the city will get it.

Wait, hold your horses.


Well, then I compared those 30 arrest photos to our sketch.

Morgan Rutherford.

Pretty close, right?

Close enough that we're gonna have to have a talk with him.

(rock music playing, quiet chatter)

Try not to look so much like a cop.

I'll do my best.

How you doing?

I don't see him.

I don't either.

You seen this guy around?

You sure?

Hold it!

Hell no. No!




Move! Hold it!



(car horns honking)

(tires screech)






Turn around, man.

You're kidding me, man.

All right. (inhales sharply)


I didn't do it.

Oh, that's a new one. Never heard that before.

Yo, I ain't playing. I didn't do it.

You didn't do what?

Whatever it is you jumped me for.

Then why'd you run?

'Cause you was looking for me.

How'd you know that?

I know what a cop look like when he's looking.

Listen, if you didn't do nothing, you didn't have nothing to worry about.

(scoffs): Oh, please.

Black lives matter.

Excuse me?

You heard me.

No, I didn't hear you.

I ran because every time a black man gets stopped by a white cop, that ain't never gonna end well.

That's funny, 'cause she's not a white cop.

Cop period.

So you running was a political statement?

Yeah, you could say that.

You could also say that if you want to sound like an idiot.

Why you hassling me?

I got a job, my own place, doing things right.

Were you in the liquor store on Riverside and Junction yesterday morning?


Are you sure?

'Cause it's just around the corner from your place.

It's got to be your local spot.

I know it, but I wasn't in it yesterday morning.

Then where was you yesterday morning?

With my parole officer.

Call him up.


I like to think we're smart cops.



But maybe not so smart as we like to think.



Is this going somewhere?

The description the Vic gave us was basically generic male, black.

We ran that against other known felons, and surprise, surprise, we got a hit.

We took that, used it to track down this Morgan Rutherford, an innocent man at his place of work.

An innocent man with two felony priors.

For which he paid the price.


So, we got a generic description of a black guy right out of central casting, and we bought it.

But what if this guy gave us a description of somebody more like himself?

White, glasses, khakis, loafers and a tweed jacket.

We would've questioned it.

You're damn straight we would've questioned it.

But some black guy in a hoodie with sneakers, we just say, "Oh, well, yeah, of course. He probably did it."

Thinking back on it now, yeah, it bumped a little.

I can't help but think we fell for something.

But like what?

Like we had our own unwitting prejudices played against us.

Maybe a little.

Not maybe and not just a little, and not when you consider the fact that this Joe Kaplan is making $50,000 a year, he's in debt up to his ears, and his home is being foreclosed on.

You know, it's just... it's sitting right here.
Who is it?

Open the door, Willis.

It's me Willis. Open up.

No way, man. I'm not going anywhere.

I weigh 286 pounds.

You really want me to put all of that into this door?

Come on, Anthony.

I didn't do anything.

I'm not the bad guy here.

I know that.

Then cut me some slack.

You don't think I want to do that?

Well, then do it.

(sighs) I can't.

Why not?

'Cause I'm a cop, and this is a court order.

You know what's gonna happen if you take me in there, make me testify?

They're gonna k*ll me, Anthony, and not quick either.

Look, we don't know that.

Yes, you do.

Willis, I'm sorry.

I wish there was something I could do to help.


I got to do what I got to do.

I'm begging you.

(sighs) On the count of three, I'm coming through that door.




Stop! Police!


I'm sorry, Willis.

I really am.

(elevator bell dings)

Boss, uh, I got a favor to ask.

Thanks, Jim. sh**t.

You were right.

I should represent One PP at the party.

But I checked with Sheila, and unfortunately we have a conflict the night of the union bash.



Special occasion?

Oh, yeah, real special.

My guess is there's no way Sheila's gonna reschedule something that special.

God knows I tried, but she reigns over that calendar like Charlemagne over Constantinople.

Yeah, I know.

Mary was the same way.

Called in every chip I had.

Baker, get Mrs. Gormley on the phone.

Wait, what?

Let me give it a try.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, boss, you can't do that.

Abigail, please.

Hang up.


Sheila doesn't have a conflict.

Boss, it's not that I don't want to go.

What, then?

It's just that it's... it's not how it used to be with the men.

You find one day your old drinking buddies are suddenly treating you like you're the police.

Something like that, yeah.

Well, comes from working in this building.

It's kind of an occupational hazard.

I know you know what I'm talking about.

Thank you, boss, for understanding.

May I suggest something, Sid?


That you get the hell over yourself.


Just as it is your job to be the voice of the street cop in my ear, it is equally your responsibility to represent this office to them.

Yes, sir.

I'll be there.

Thank you.

That's that, then.

You know, this isn't fair.

What you guys are doing is wrong.

What we are doing is painful and difficult for you.

I understand that.

But I'm hoping that you will come around to see that it's something that I have to do.

You keep saying that, but you don't have to do anything.

I'm not the bad guy here.

I know you're not.

I'm hoping this will make you feel better.

It's a signed letter of authorization from the district attorney himself granting witness protection for you and your family.

All you have to do is pick a location on the map, and we will relocate you.

But-but my life is here.

And my-my grandmother is 62 years old.

You want us to give up our names and friends and everything we've ever known to move somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

This is a good offer, Willis.

For you.

You get to win your case and keep your home.

This is the right thing to do, and you know it.

Tariq is incredibly dangerous, and you're the only one who can get him off the streets.

Yeah, but don't put that all on me.

I'm not a cop.

I'm not a lawyer like you.

I'm just a guy who's seen something that he shouldn't have seen.

That's right.

And then you told the grand jury what you saw, because you want to end the senseless k*lling in your neighborhood.

My family...

I'm just asking you to finish what you started.


Willis, the material witness order says I can hold you in jail till the time of the trial.

Well, a cell beats a coffin.

Willis, please.

I'm begging you.

And I'm begging you.

Officers, take him away.

(handcuffs clicking)

Not now, Anthony.

(elevator bell dings)

Excuse me.


Danny. What are you doing here?

Well, I was on my way home, and I was passing by Elio's, and I thought I'd bring you a little surprise.

(gasps) Ooh, chicken francese.

Oh, with the sauce on the side just the way you like it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Uh, do you have a second I can talk to you?

Yeah. Is it about the kids? You're making me nervous.

It's not about the kids. Don't be nervous.

It's about the sh**ting victim in there, Joseph Kaplan.

Yeah, what about him?

Has he been behaving strangely at all?


I mean, a couple of the nurses, we feel sorry for him 'cause nobody's visited him.

Not even his wife?

Guess he's not as lucky as you.

Well, nobody's as lucky as me.

Good answer.

Okay, but let me ask you a question though.

If I were to get sh*t, what would it take for you to not visit me?

(laughs) Come on.

I'm serious.

It would have to be something crazy-crazy, like the worst of the worst.

Like robbing a liquor store?

What are you saying? That he was involved?

But somebody sh*t him.


Or maybe he heard a half dozen police sirens approaching, got nervous, sh*t himself so he could look like the victim.

Well, you're giving him a pretty big set of balls.

He's a high school science teacher.

He's a high school science teacher with a master's in anatomy.

Meaning he would know exactly where to sh**t himself for maximum impact with limited damage.


Now, you're a nurse.

Could that be a self-inflicted g*nsh*t wound?


I'm not a doctor, Danny.

You've changed more bandages than any doctor I've ever met.


I don't know.

Maybe. I mean, hypothetically.


Well, what about the g*n?

Wouldn't it be at the scene?

I mean, it's not like he came waltzing in here carrying it.

Son of a bitch.


I think that might be exactly what he did.

(woman speaking indistinctly over P.A.)

Hey, Joe. How you feeling?


Um, okay, I guess.

Good. Glad to hear it.

Hey, I was wondering if there's anything you could recall about the perp that might help us.

Geez, uh... I'm sorry, but what I told you is pretty much all I remember. The whole thing happened crazy fast.

Of course. Okay.

Well, if you think of anything, you'll let us know.

Of course.


Uh, actually, uh...

I did forget one thing.

In all the chaos of what was going on, I forgot to voucher your bag as evidence from the crime scene.


I have to take your bag.

Uh, no.

Um, I mean, that's my personal bag.

Why would that be considered evidence?

Well, we take everything that we find at a crime scene.

Yeah, I think I'll hang on to it, just for now.

Pretty heavy.

What do you got in here, a rock collection or something?


You and I both know you cannot open that bag without my consent or a search warrant.


Thought we're on the same side here, Joe.

We are.

But please put the bag down.


You remember, Joe, when you told me that you'd do anything possible to find the animal who did this?


Well, so would I.

He did it, Erin.

You don't know that.

Of course I do.

He wouldn't even let me open the bag without a search warrant.

He's 100% right; you can't.

Yeah, but innocent people don't think that way.

You don't know why he didn't want you to go through his bags.

Of course I do-- because he had a g*n in it!

Maybe it was a bag of weed.

The bag had weight, but not that kind of weight.

Or maybe, like most people, he doesn't want cops going through his personal belongings on general principle.

Everything points to him.

But it's circumstantial and you know it.

When you have real evidence that points in his direction, I'll give you a search warrant.

You know what, maybe I'll just go over your head.

Good luck with that.

The Founding Fathers are dead.


We got a problem.

What now?

These idiots in corrections, they put Willis in a cell right next to Tariq.


Y-You got to call up there, you know?

Get him moved right away.



You got to do it now.

Yeah, I can't do that, Anthony.

Of course you can. You're the A.D.A. They'll listen to you.

I'm the one who instructed them to place Willis next to Tariq.

What? Are you out of your mind?!

Do you know what Tariq's gonna do to this poor kid?

It's one night.

Tariq is behind bars the entire time.

He can't put a finger on Willis.

No, but he could scare him half to death and thr*aten him within an inch of his life.

Come on, Erin!

Willis is one of the good ones.

Don't you think I know that?

So why don't you start treating him like one?

Cut him loose!

Absolutely not.

Why not?

Because, Anthony, my job is to get a dangerous k*ller off the streets, and sometimes, in order to do that, you have to play a little hardball.

But don't, for a second, think that I'm enjoying this.

Yeah, well, that makes two of us.


I don't want to bury the headline here.

I'm canceling this year's police union party.

What? What?

Afraid so.


Garrett's right.

With everyone packing a camera, the risk is too high.

You're well aware of the anti-police sentiment we're battling against.

It's a party, not a public hearing.

Sid, Johnny, this is on me, not him.

I made the decision on my own.

I can't believe this.

Well, believe it.

Frank, it's not a good idea...


I'm sorry.

Boss, you can't do this.

I just did.

It's a mistake.

Says you.

Boss, those cops look forward to this night all year.

You take this away from them, it'll have lasting effects, bad ones.

They'll get over it.

No, they won't.

They'll have to.

And then you'll have to deal with the low morale, decreased performance, and a disgruntled work force as a direct result of this decision.

He's right, Commissioner.

Gormley: Boss, please, please.


Fair trade.

If I reconsider, and the answer is the same, which is highly likely, I won't get any pushback from either of you, not a word.

Three, two, one.





Let's get back to our real work here, please.

(door opens)

(door closes)


Woman (over P.A.): Mrs. Howard, please call security.

Mrs. Howard, please call security.

Mr. Kaplan.

Checking out early, huh?

Yeah, yeah, I'm feeling much better.


Uh, is Mrs. Kaplan gonna be picking you up?

I'm afraid she's busy.

Well, how about I give you a ride back in my squad car?

Thanks, but, uh...

I'm okay. (clears throat)

Actually, can't let you leave just yet.

We got an anonymous tip that there's an expl*sive device planted somewhere in the hospital, so we have to wait for ESU and their dogs to conduct a thorough search of the premises.

You know, Detective, I'm starting to feel like you maybe have a problem with me.

Okay, I need to go.

Is it 'cause, as a scientist, you know that a b*mb-sniffing dog is also gonna be able to sniff out the nine-millimeter you got in your bag?

Go ahead.

(dog sniffing)


All right.

Am I free to go?

Yeah, you're free to go.

Damn it.

No g*n?

How'd you guess?

I don't think he was working alone.

Take a look at these.

Took a closer look at the Kaplans' itemized credit card bills.

Atlantic City, Atlantic City, Atlan...

Everything's in Atlantic City.

Mrs. Kaplan is a compulsive gambler.

Welcome home, Mr. Kaplan.

Danny: And that must be...

Baez: Mrs. Kaplan.

Would you look at that.

That's some bandage.

You know, I'd say that's the kind of bandage you'd end up with if you broke a glass countertop.

No wonder she didn't come visit him in the hospital.

We'd better double-check the blood samples, see if we can't put her at the crime scene, too.

I know you're busy.

I'll just be a minute.

No, come in, sit down.

What is this?

You know, you're great at what you do because you'll do anything for the win.

I'm just not built that way.

Anthony, what is this?

I'm resigning from your detail.

I've requested a transfer to the Rackets Bureau.


Good afternoon, Mr. Kaplan.

Sorry to disturb your lunch.

By all means, take a seat.

I'll pass.

I just wanted to come by and let you know the good news.

We got the k*ller.

Oh, really?

Don't you want to know who did it?

Right, yeah.

Who is it?

Well, if you just take a look over there, turn around, my partner has her in handcuffs right now.

You see that?

We found her blood at the crime scene, and it was a perfect DNA match.


I... I can explain.

It's okay, she already did.

You're up to your gizzards in debt, you're underwater on your house.

You thought you could take a shortcut, then the clerk pulled out a g*n, she panicked and blasted him.

It was me, it was, it was all me.

She had nothing to do with it.

Well, I think it's the other way around.

She's a gambler, and as usual, her bet didn't pay off.

Please take me.

Just put this all on me and let her go.

Oh, we're gonna take you, too.

I mean, once you took a b*llet for her and passed off that BS story about a big, scary, black guy, well, kind of made you an accessory to a homicide.

Now turn your ass around.

Turn around.

(handcuffs clicking)

You're really going through with this?

Yes, I am.

I want to show you something.

I'm kind of busy here, Erin.

It will only take a minute.

That I don't have.

Anthony, just watch it.

You know what's gonna happen if you rat me out.

The exact same thing you saw me to do to your cuz.

Two in the head, one in the nuts.

Why the hell would you want to show me that?

That's a good thing.


Tariq incriminates himself.

He confesses to a m*rder and he threatens a witness.

We can use this?

Already have.

Showed it to the defense and to the judge earlier this morning, Tariq is getting 25 years.

That's... that's fantastic.

Yes, it is.

And Willis?

Willis gets to go back to his life as if nothing ever happened.

And because he didn't cooperate with us, he's in no danger with Tariq or his g*ng.

You set this whole thing up, didn't you?

Sometimes my job is like a game of chess, and I need to be five moves ahead.

So you were never going to make Willis testify?


So why didn't you just tell me that?

I needed you to believe it, so that Willis and Tariq believed it.

Like I said, nobody plays harder hardball than you.

Anthony, you were right.

I would do almost anything for a conviction and I'm not gonna apologize for that.

But I will make you a promise.

If you stay, I will never keep you in the dark again.

You swear it?

On whatever you name.

Hey, it's almost 6:00.

Shouldn't you boys be going?

What time does the party start?


But they want to pregame.

What is a pregame?

It's a party before the party.

Are you going, too, Mom?

No, this is a party for cops only.

Are you going?

No, I'm past my prime.

Yeah, this party is past his bedtime.

(all laugh)

What about you?

Oh, not this year, Jack.

Or any year since you became PC.

You keeping score?

There was a time that you were the life of that party, so the legend has it.

I loved those parties.

But that was literally in the last century, so...

But you were invited, right?

Well, out of protocol, sure, but, uh, tonight's for the rank and file.

Nobody wants the hall monitor showing up.

Oh, that's not how the guys see you.

Yeah, I used to be one of the guys, I know how they see the PC.

You know, rumor has it this party almost didn't happen.


Yeah, word is, you were gonna cancel it, but Lieutenant Gormley stood up, convinced you to change your mind.

Is that a fact?

That's the word on the street.

Is it true?

You guys better get going.

Come on, Dad. Come with us.

Yeah, Dad, come on.

I get word the party's out of hand, I'll shut it down forthwith, so you guys better get going before somebody tips off the commissioner.

Come on.

Have fun.

(indistinct conversations, soft piano music playing)


My spies say the bash is "off the hook."

What's that mean?

You don't know that expression?

No, does it mean out of hand?

Kind of.

Well, then I don't want to know about it.

Why not?

Because if I know about it, I got to do something about it.

Think, Garrett.

I'm on to you, you know.

There's no way you were ever gonna cancel that party.

You don't know that.

Yes, I do.

'Cause, one: it'd mean you'd have taken my advice, two: it was never about the party, it was about managing Sid for your own ends.

This is going right over my head.

No, it's not.

With Lyons in the room, Sid stands up to you for the men to get their party, word of this gets out, Sid's the rank and file's hero.

What's in it for me?

He's your eyes and ears in the precinct, on the b*at.

They believe he's still one of them, it's a win for you.

And maybe I just really didn't want to go to that party, you think of that?

And maybe the best part is, Sid got to be the hero because you played the bad guy.

You fell on your sword in this.

I thought we were drinking here.

Drinking to the streak in you that, no matter the cost, can't help but try and give a guy a break.

Nobody's perfect.