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02x07 - Season 2, Episode 7

Posted: 06/07/16 18:42
by bunniefuu
(TV on in background)

♪ Venez dans mes bras ♪
♪ Closer to me, dear ♪
♪ Donnez-vous à moi ♪
♪ Set aside all fear ♪
♪ Restons enlacés ♪
♪ Pour l'éternité ♪
♪ Yes, you shall be mine ♪
♪ Till the end of time ♪

Bringing down a plane's still a very extravagant way of dispensing with your enemies.

I guess leaving a body on a handcart is also quite extravagant.

Extravagant what, though? Threat?


And the results are in.

Some kind of particularly nasty variant of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic virus.

God knows how Fournier actually got it.

Although they're saying it's only contagious through direct contact with fluids from the body.

Good news for BB, then.

Yeah, he really doesn't want this one.

Liver swells up like a goose in a French crate.

Kidneys scream, acute respiratory distress.

Sounds like half of CID on a Monday morning.

And then you bleed out through your mouth and eyeballs.


Word from above is, this stops with Fournier.

Yeah, but it obviously doesn't.

It stops with whoever gave him orders and left him as a message.


That word comes from both sides of the Channel, so don't sh**t the f*cking messenger.

I haven't been told to stop.

I just have...

By anybody with the appropriate authority.

If they want us to stop, they'll have to send us word more explicitly than that.

Be careful what you wish for.

(Elise speaking French)

All right, so... we know Robert Fournier is just the hired g*n.

Uses the expertise he developed with his wife to down the plane finance his t*rror1st spree.

Then he becomes a nuisance so his paymaster turns him into a toxic telegram.

And you think Koba is Gregor Baturin.


We're not 100% sure but he had at least three enemies on the plane.

Paul Bresson is the most obvious.

He put him away for arms dealing.

And there's Josephine Dumont, the French journalist who was investigating those arms deals.

And then...

Stefan Czyrko.

Thrown in probably as a bonus ball.

Come on!

Difficult, but not impossible.

One person travels legitimately and you get the other two on.

Josephine Dumont was on honeymoon so he couldn't arrange that.

Right. Maybe she's the reason the plane was chosen.

Then you trick one of the other two into carrying a kind of hacking device.

Or anyone on the plane. We haven't found all the phones.

Yeah, that's right, but what we want to know is, did Vanessa Hamilton ever meet Robert Fournier?

Forget it.

She just seems to be at the centre of it all.

Forget it.

British Intelligence made it clear nobody but them goes near her.


Room service!

Room service.

I'm having a bath. You'll have to wait.

(Text alert)


Who's there?

(Voices in distance)

I took a polygraph in front of a lawyer.

Well, this isn't Jeremy Kyle.

I think a DNA test would probably be more scientific.

Jamie's dead.

He k*lled himself aged 14.

Can't you see how much he looked like the father he never knew and missed so much?

So, you're involved in the whole animal rights thing?

That's right.

Putting bombs under the cars of scientists' families, that sort of thing?

I wish we had.

They were accomplices in a genocide.

And you spent two years in prison for criminal damage and arson.

We liberated a mink farm.

Most of the mink were shot and run over in the end.

At least they tasted freedom.

Mostly tasted people's pets.

But, anyway, when in prison you found a new cause, didn't you?

Recently, you started working as a prison visitor for Medway Maximum Security Prison.


Well... it has a number of celebrity inmates, like the so-called Truth t*rror1st Kieran Ashton.

I have to go now.

You talked about hurting Karl's family as revenge.

What are you talking about?

You're doing this for him.

He still wants to hurt us.

Are you in love with him?

Did you fall under the spell of his criminal charisma?

He's not a criminal for waging w*r against hypocrisy.

Kieran held up a mirror to society.

It's not just me that thinks that. All of us do.

Yeah, like so many utterly shit things in life, that is depressingly plausible.

You took away his sight to punish him for seeing clearly!

But I still read to him.

His favourite book is Captain Corelli's Mandolin.


It's your f*cking fault he's in prison.

I'm glad that stupid son died.

He should have burnt him alive like his son.

That's what Karl did to him, remember?

He didn't, actually.

I wish he'd roasted Adam.

I wish he'd k*lled you all!

I'm so sorry about your son.

He looks a lot like you.

And I'm sure his su1c1de is what brought you to this terrible place.

Get some help, Gemma, and stay away from Kieran Ashton.

(Phone rings)


Yes. Yes, of course I remember you.

(Clicks fingers)

(Whispers) Vanessa Hamilton.

Vanessa Hamilton.

Yes, I'm sure he'll come and meet you.

Elise: She must be scared.

We must be her only option. That's good, if she's desperate.

What's going on with Eryka Klein?


You had a drink with her on your birthday.

The fact it was my birthday was a coincidence.

Yeah, but you still went for a drink with her.

We have things in common.

She's very attractive.

I'll tell her you think so.

In a chilly kind of a way.

Oh, f*ck me, it's the hanging judge.

Want to come with me, Mike?

So why did you call us?

Robert Fournier.

I'm next.

I think you're right.

Somebody was in my hotel room, while I was in the bathroom.

Who was that? Koba?

Or one of your little friends from the security services?

Putting the squeeze on.

I've seen how they treat people they're supposed to protect, especially when they want something else.

What do you mean by that?

I've seen the files, Vanessa.

Ml5 wanted to work with you because of the passports.

I don't know if it was all Ml5.

There's more than just one bunch.

Like teenage boys wanting to get into your knickers.

Was it one of them who told you there was an undercover cop investigating?

To get you on-board?

This is ridiculous. You can't protect me.

We can.

I can get you to France and I can get you a new identity.

But you have to talk to us about Koba.

About everything.

Otherwise you're looking at a trip to The Maldives.


Looks like it's time to say farewell, BB.

They're not best pleased I handed over the Czyrko files.


Find Karl.

Tell him to keep moving and to not use normal exit routes.

I'm going to miss you lot.

Good night, and f*ck you all!

(Phone rings)


Shift, boss. Now.

We have to go. I'll meet you where the Snuffman lives.

I'll call Olivier.

Gotta move. They're coming after you.

(Olivier speaking French)

(Elise speaking French)

Wait here.

Please don't smoke in the car.

(Door opens and closes)

How you doing, Snuffman?

It just don't bother me, son.

It just don't bother me.

That's the spirit.

Take this, go somewhere remote, make some calls.



Security card.

If they find you, hold out for a while, then give yourself up.

Don't want to lose you, too.


Er... 2-9-7-3-6-8.


(Tyres squeal)

Er... What is it?



Yes, hello, BB. This is BB.

I'm strolling along the beach here, eating a Strawberry Mivvi, which... is the king of ice lollies, as far as I'm concerned.

Oh. Looks like I've got company.


Yeah, that'll be them.

(All cry out)

Road rage!

And again.

Karl: Whoa!


Tell you what...

(Car slows down)

What are you doing?

Slowing down.

Go round them.

(Tyres squeal)

(Horn blares)

What can they do?

Take the outside!

Slowest car chase ever.

(Tyres squeal)

There he is.

You OK with this?

I am.

Others won't be.

Sorry about that. I didn't see you. What can we do for you?

We'd like you to return Vanessa Hamilton, please.

Oh, OK. Commander, excusez-moi.

Il ya un homme anglais...

We wish to question Vanessa Hamilton about matters relating to French national security.

Yes, we believe she is involved in a people-smuggling ring operating out of the refugee camps here.

Sorry, caught between a rock and a hard place... but as we are on the sovereign territory of "le roc"...

Do hope you get your marital problems sorted out soon, Detective Roebuck.

(Engines start up)


Elise: We don't have much time here.

Your friends in the security services were pretty reluctant to let you go.

The quicker you talk, the quicker you get a new identity.


What do you know about the City Dart crash?

It was awfully sad.

Karl: Do you know Gregor Baturin?

No. I know of him, though.

There were people on that flight who link to Gregor Baturin.

Was it a multiple assassination?

I genuinely cannot answer that.

Why choose to do it that way, though?

Takes an awful lot of planning - planning being your forte.


Precisely. Weddings.

How do you know of him?

I'm acquainted with his son.

Artem Baturin.


Although he uses the nickname his father gave him.


So what did you do for Koba?

I run the business you know about.

New opportunities in the EU.

Home entertainment.

r*pe? m*rder?

I try not to be judgmental about sexual preferences.

No, especially when there are large sums of money involved.

Yes, then I really do become quite indifferent.

What else?

Carried messages, mainly.

But it was Koba who tasked you with finding properties for Singapore Fiscal Management?


Who'd you carry messages to? Did you meet Robert Fournier?

Once or twice.

Also... a man they called The Chemist.

Who's The Chemist?

I just had to cater to his needs.

He likes cooking competitions and boys from back home.

And where's back home?


He has very particular tastes.

So Koba tasked Robert Fournier with bringing the plane down.

Were you the go-between there?

How did you first meet Koba?

I'd like some tea.



First flush, please.

Give her some lemon with that?

If I give you everything in one go...

(Clears throat)... then where is my bargaining power?

Where do we find The Chemist?

(Door opens and slams)

Karl: f*ck!

If she keeps playing games, I'm gonna re-examine my long-standing moral opposition to t*rture.

She'll tell us. She just wants to do it on her terms.

She's deciding what to hold onto as a bargaining chip.


Karl, we've got Koba.

It's not the father. It's the son, Artem Baturin.

If we can find him, we can bring him in.

Knowing who's guilty isn't gonna be the hardest part, is it?

(Clears throat)



(Scream and thud)

(Shallow gasps)

Oh, no!

Stay with us! Stay with us.

(Elise speaks French)

(Stuttering gasps)

Who gave you Stefan Czyrko?

Who gave you Stefan Czyrko? Give me a name. Give me a name.

Come on! Give me a name!
First report suggests cardiac arrest.

Well, yeah. Caused by what?

Did she eat anything? Drink?

No. We were about to get her some tea.

Then, maybe...

She smoked, though.

We need to test everything. We think she was poisoned.

But by who?

(Phone rings)

We have to wait for the medical report to come back.

We know who Koba is.

It's a nickname Gregor Baturin uses for his son.

(Phone continues ringing)

I have to take this.


They're listening to me, Elise. They're bugging my house.

They know everything about me.

I have to go to Paris to have my arse kicked.

If you two want to keep your pensions, go nowhere near Artem Baturin.

Well, I don't really...


I will not go near Artem Baturin... for now.

Looks like you just got it from the appropriate authority.



(Giggling and chatter)

It's a dog!

I said it was OK.

The kids have sensed the mood, so I just...

You thought we didn't have enough chaos in our lives.

What shall we call the dog, Mr Roebuck?

Uh... Brian.

(Chant) Brian, Brian...

No, not Brian. That was just a joke.

Karl, can we er... can we speak?



The dog's tail is attached to its arse, so don't...

Brian, good boy.

We have to be quite careful about what we say in the house from now on.

This crash investigation's... delicate, political.

You think they could been listening to us?


Karl... was him that put her up to making those allegations.


Gemma Healey met him in prison.

(Door opening)




What does he want most of all? He wants us to visit him.

He wants us to demand answers that he won't give.

Well, you won't give him that.

No, but that's... it.

That's the silent battle.

That he knows I'm winning.

And he knows that one day I won't even think about the... man who... hurt and frightened my son.

I'll just think about my son.

Adam was like a son to me, too.

I've been suffering, as well.

I know. I'm sorry. I know.

I pushed you away this last year. I...

I can't say how sorry I am. I just...

Laura: Look at our kids.


And Brian.

I can't believe you called him Brian.

I didn't think it was going to stick.

(Children's voices)

(Knocking at door)


I have to go away for a little bit.

I just wanted to say goodbye.

Where are you going to?

Hamburg. It's family stuff.

You have family in Hamburg?

My grandmother lives there.

She has Alzheimer's, so I go there a lot.

Will you come back soon?

To Calais?

Not for a while.

I was reading it, remember, when we...

Yeah, I remember.

Just a keepsake.

Thank you.

Do you want to come in?

My boyfriend left.


For good, I think.

I'm sorry. Why?

Because he knows I'm not in love with him.

I've never really... uh...

...been in love before.

You should try it. It's nice.

No, I'll hate it.

It's like a virus.

Well, how can you know if you never even...

Well, because when he left he was very angry but I wasn't...

...I wasn't thinking about him.

What were you thinking about?

You can say it.


I was thinking about you.

It's not... particularly physical or anything.

It's just...

It's not physical?

Are you quite sure about that?

(Animal cry)

Karl: Edgar Branco...




(Karl exhales)



(Tannoy announcement in French)

(Speaking Georgian)

(Low chatter)

Ah, let's go somewhere where they can't hear us.

I know who The Chemist is.

The journalist Josephine Dumont was investigating a guy called Edgar Branco.

Quite the whizz in the lab, apparently.

And his name pops up a lot in relation to Operation Condor.

A Latin American extermination programme in the '70s and '80s.

CIA involved, apparently. Took out a whole generation.

But it brings us back to Colonia Dignidad.

If you're about to start...

I didn't say Eryka Klein.

I said Colonia Dignidad.

But you're thinking Eryka...

Don't tell me what I'm thinking.

The Chemist carried out experiments there.

Josephine Dumont alleges he was also tied into the manufacture of black cocaine, which was used to enrich dictators, like Stroessner and Pinochet.

But also used as currency to finance the kind of arms deals that Gregor Baturin was brokering.

Where is he now?

Ah, well, that's the kicker.


Then he can't be The Chemist.

Only Dumont thought the death was faked, to keep him out of the spotlight.

She claimed Edgar Branco was able to flee and was hiding out with "colleagues".

Gregor Baturin.

That would explain Fournier and the virus.

Quite a card to hold, isn't it?

So... how do you see this one playing out, Artem?

Well, I want to help you.

I have some extremely valuable intelligence about a very dangerous individual.

OK, outline a future for me.

Perhaps my father could be moved somewhere more comfortable, temporarily.

Halfway house?

He likes baby foot...

Table football.

Oh, OK. For a moment I thought you were talking about dietary requirements.

All with a view to return home within a reasonable period of time.

Home being The Caucasus.

And you?

I would go with him.

And forego all the pleasures and privileges you've enjoyed here?

(Clears throat) Have you ever hunted, Mr?


No. I find it both cruel and rather stupid.

And yet you represent the interests of the British ruling class, who are very fond of it.

I represent national security.

My father and I, we sh**t woodcocks outside my hometown.

And as I get older... my dreams become more simple, and... modest.

You find a scapegoat for the plane, we eliminate The Chemist.

Consider my proposal, at least.

Oh, I always consider every option.

I'm rather pragmatic like that.

Bresson's phone.

You've found it?

No, but something interesting.

We got its serial number from the online registration and the store where it was bought.

Eryka Klein bought it on her credit card.

That's not so interesting. She was his assistant.

In Hamburg.

She's German. She visits her grandmother there.

Not everybody registers their phone straightaway.

That's true. We need to find out when Eryka Klein got back to Lille.

We do know that. It was the following day.

But the phone was not activated until the day of online registration.

Which is er... six days later.

Time to tamper with it, perhaps.

I don't think it adds up to as much as you say.

No, but we have to follow it up. It's a lead.

I'm just saying it's not that big a deal if someone doesn't use their phone straightaway.

Follow it up.

(Speaks French)

Hello, Lapochka.


Are you sleeping with Eryka Klein?

That's none of your business.

It is if it's affecting your judgment.

It isn't.

So you are sleeping with her?

Your response to this phone lead earlier on.

This isn't the Elise that I know.

Maybe you don't know me as well as you think.

Look... you've always told me what's on your mind.

I'm your friend as well as your colleague.

Remember that stuff down at the docks, after the crash, with the photographer?

I backed you.

I trusted you.

I didn't make wrong decisions.

How f*cking dare you question my impartiality.

My integrity as a police officer!


I've done nothing wrong.

All right...

No. You've shown how little you respect and trust me.


I can't choose my colleagues, just my friends. You're not one.

I'm sorry to hear you say...

I will look into it!

Every single bit of evidence relating to Eryka Klein, to show you my judgment is not compromised.

To show me?

They came to see you?

We had a very useful conversation.

I think we can do business.

They will want evidence that The Chemist has been permanently removed.

Are you happy about that?

He's a sadist. I would be delighted.

What about your superiors?

We think it's in everybody's interest.

We taught them a lesson. And this is what can happen when you mess around in another country's internal affairs.

You've got a compartment?


You wanna go and f*ck?


I'll stay here and pick somebody up, then.

I like f*cking on trains.

And these European ones are like cattle markets.

Yeah, you do that.

(Dog barking)

Laura, the dog's barking.






Laura, wake up!

(Baby cries)

Wake up!

Oh, God.

Get up.

My head...

I think it's carbon monoxide.

The dog's barking.

Yeah, I know. Get up.

Get the kids up, quickly!


Laura, hurry up!


(Baby crying)




What's happening? I feel really sick.

Yeah, I know. Get outside, quickly. Get the kids out.

Help Laura. Go on, get outside!

Darling. It's all right, darling.


All right?



Oh, my God, Karl! She's unconscious!

Here. Let me take her.

Oh, my God! Baby! She's...

She needs O2.

Baby... Hannah.

Get a mask on straightaway.

We'll follow on.

No, take the kids to your dad. I'll call you from the hospital.

Paramedic: Can you hear me? Can you hear me?


(Ambulance engine starts)

(Siren wails)

I know you can hear me.

I'll send my family away if I have to, but I am not walking away.

Not this time.

Not again.