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01x05 - This Isn't a Game

Posted: 06/29/16 20:20
by bunniefuu
Narrator: America's ghost hunters relive their most extreme assignments.

(Woman screams)

This house is beyond haunted.

Narrator: Hardened veterans of the paranormal, these are the cases that truly tested them.

There was an evil presence in that house.

Woman: Oh (bleep) what the hell?

Man: Dude, I got goose bumps.

Same here.

(Monitor beeping)

Narrator: In Rhode island, a couple's flirtation with the occult unleashes a demonic spirit they cannot control.

...With thine eyes! (screams) the spirit is angry because I was there.

Narrator: In Massachusetts, a ghost hunter disturbs an ancient evil spirit... That will stop at nothing to get revenge.

Was this spirit making me have an accident?

Narrator: And in Ohio, investigators capture startling evidence of a haunting.

To me, that proves that there's an afterlife.


Narrator: In providence, Rhode island, mark and Allison Halloway and their daughter iris should be enjoying a normal family life.

But recently, their home has been anything but ordinary.

(Indistinct whispering)

It starts with unexplained noises coming from their daughter's bedroom.

(Whispering continues)

Windows mysteriously open.



Narrator: Objects are moved by an unseen force.

Iris: Mama!


(Banging on door)

Narrator: Then, something tears through their daughter's bedroom, opening drawers and moving furniture.


Fearing for their child's safety, the couple seeks help.

They reach out to paranormal investigator Joe Cetrone, who knows only too well how disturbing it can be when ghosts target children.

Joe had his first ghost encounter as child, and his own son was att*cked by a ghost.

I was concerned for the child more than anything, especially when they had said that objects were being moved in the child's room.

Anytime I hear anything to do with a child, I mean, I put that on my top-priority case.

So I was like, "absolutely. I'll come assess it."

Narrator: He arranges to spend the night investigating the activity.

Joe: When I first arrived to the house, I felt chills, you know?

Especially on the back of my neck.

The hair would stand up, and I would just get this uneasy sensation and this feeling, so I knew there was something going on.

Narrator: Joe enlists the help of seasoned ghost hunter Steve pate.

Steve: We're always hoping it's a logical explanation, which, 90% of the time, it is.

But I felt some creepy, creepy energy.

Joe: When I meet with a family, I always want to know if they're involving themselves in any type of ritualistic things or messing around with divination tools --

Anything that could activate paranormal activity.

Narrator: The couple makes a troubling confession.

They had told me that they had been messing around with a spirit board.


A spirit board is a communication tool to the other side.

Usually by vibrations and energy and movement, the planchette will actually spell out words.

So that board becomes the catalyst of whoever or whatever is in that home.

That's a major concern, because you never know what you're gonna bring in or who you're gonna conjure up.

That's something that you want to avoid at all costs.

It's absolutely dangerous.

Man: Pretty wild day.

Narrator: Unaware of the risk, the couple had invited friends over to try out the board.

Joe: Initially, they were just messing around, trying to see if they can get any type of response.

They were hoping to make contact with just anything, just to verify if it was real or not.

Is anybody there?

They claimed to conjure up a spirit by the name of Sarah, which was a 13-year-old female.

So, they would start asking the board all small, little questions, yes-and-no questions.

"Am I gonna be rich?" stuff like that.

And then the guy's friend stepped forward and said, "hey, look, I have suspicions that I think my girl is having an affair on me."

Is my girlfriend cheating on me?

And sure enough, Sarah said it was true and actually spelt out the address where his girl was actually at.

He went to that address, and he saw his girl's car there.

And once he confronted them as to what was going on, his girl said, "yes, I've been having an affair."

And she had no idea on how he could have possibly known.

Narrator: Joe sets out to collect some hard evidence of who and what the spirit of Sarah actually is.

In the daughter's bedroom, he sets up an old audio recorder known to be reliable for catching electronic voice phenomena, or EVP, of the spirit talking.

There is active EVP and there's passive EVP.

Passive is when I just leave a recorder there, don't make any communication with a spirit at all, and walk out, hoping that if something is in there, it's going to give some sort of response as to why I'm there.

(Soft whirring)

(Indistinct whispering)

Narrator: After 45 minutes, Joe returns to flip the tape.

But something is wrong.

It appeared that the tape didn't even play at all.

It didn't record anything.

I was like, "how could this be?

I know that I hit "record" and "play," and then left.

Then I noticed that there was a little bit that recorded --

Just a tiny, little bit.

I rewound that...

Hit "play."

I can hear me leaving, shutting the door.

I heard this click, and then this voice came over and said, "get out."

It was a deep voice that sounded aggravated that I was there in the first place.

(Soft whirring, click)

The hair stood on my arms immediately.

There's something darker going on in that house.

(Deep voice) <i>GET OUT.</i>

I was shocked at the fact that, whatever it was, it was smart enough to wait for me to leave, tell me to get out, and shut the tape off.


If you're dealing with a spirit with that much intelligence to say "get out" and shut it off, that was an indicator to me that it's a mischievous spirit.

Narrator: The voice does not sound like that of a 13-year-old girl.

Joe begins to suspect the couple haven't been telling him the whole truth.

They didn't summon a little girl.

(Iris screams)

Narrator: In providence, Rhode island, the Halloway family has been targeted by a ghost claiming to be the spirit of a 13-year-old girl.


When veteran investigator Joe Cetrone records a threatening voice... He wonders if the couple is involved in something more sinister than a spirit board.

So, what we have here...

Joe: When I presented them the evidence and I played them that EVP and I looked at their faces, and they seemed like they were horrified.

(Deep voice) <i>GET OUT.</i>

Like, they looked at each other, and they just -- their faces just dropped.

I told them that I thought it was something that was very dark, I think that the target was for the child, and I believe that there was more going on to the story.

And that's when I said, "listen, if there's anything you need to tell me, now's the time to say it."

And they paused and they looked at each other, and they said, "well, I'll be honest.

We've been reading some books on witchcraft."


Steve: They had this black witchcraft book --

Thick, old-looking, creepy-looking book.

Narrator: The couple admit to having tried to summon the dead.

If you're here, speak to us.

Are you kidding me?

Like, do you know the dangers and how you've just put yourself and your child at danger by trying to summon spirits and beings you know nothing about?

Steve: You don't know what you're messing with on the other side.

It's a dangerous place to be.

Narrator: The couple's admission is a troubling development.

(Wind howling)

Joe: Once I knew that they were engaged with witchcraft, I knew at that point, they didn't summon a little girl.

I think it was a dark entity, and I think the motive was to harm that child.


I firmly believe that the payback for summoning this spirit...


...Was their child.

Narrator: Joe moves quickly to remove the demon.

Joe: I always believe that reading scripture, praying through the house, cleansing each room, asking -- well, telling -- whatever is in that house to get out in the name of Jesus.

"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty."

If there's any demonic -- any bad spirits, so to speak, they don't want to have anything to do with that.

So, hopefully, it's gonna push them away and push them out of the house.


Once we started praying, the air seemed to lift, and the warmth entered in, and I can feel that every time we left a room, there was a release.

Narrator: The cleansing is uneventful until Joe reaches the epicenter of the activity --

The daughter's room.

Joe: Child's room was the last room we went into, and I wanted to make sure that we did a good, extensive prayer in that room.

Whatever's evil in here, we cast it out.

In the name of Jesus, you have to go.

And as we're praying, all of a sudden, a growl come over as we were asking and telling it to leave.

He heard a low, deep growl.

Best way to describe it is if you go to a door and there's dog in the house, and the dog is growling because he knows somebody's there.

That's what it sounded like.

It sounded like whatever was there knew that we didn't want it there.

It just automatically gets creepier.

You can actually sense it more --

That dark feeling that surrounds you.

Seemed like the whole house shrunk around me.

Whatever's evil in here, we cast it out.

Narrator: In Rhode island, investigator Joe Cetrone is trying to exorcise what he believes to be a demon that is tormenting a young family.

But the demon is resisting with all its might.

(Deep voice) GET OUT.

(Wind howling)

(Praying indistinctly)

I think the spirit is angry because I was there, and it was reacting kind of violent towards us.

Narrator: The spirit does everything in its power to drive Joe and Steve out.

Steve: The dresser drawers were actually opening up on their own fast and closing on their own fast, and the dresser actually moved and shook.

Joe: I knew that I had a motive, and my motive was to get rid of it, while its motive was to stay there and terrorize the family and terrorize that child.

"...With thine eyes... (Screams) ...Shall not be whole and see no more of the wicked."

If it gets to a certain point, it's definitely hard to get them out of the house.

(Praying indistinctly)


"...Begets a stone."


If you pose any thr*at to remove it, then they're gonna behave violently.

And that's ultimately the biggest fear that we all have, even myself, as an investigator.

I was confident that we were effective with the blessing, and as much as it didn't want to go, it had to go.


I did a follow-up, and the family was doing great.

They were very thankful.

You know, they hadn't experienced anything.

There was no more sounds coming from the child's room.

They had gotten rid of everything.

All the books that they had on summoning spirits and witchcraft, they threw them away.

Whatever was there was gone, and they were gonna do whatever they could to keep it out.

The most rewarding part is to know that I helped that family and maybe saved that child years of being terrorized --

Was good enough for me.


(Indistinct whispering)


Narrator: Still to come, an old library asks investigator Jack Kenna to silence a mysterious spirit that just won't keep quiet.

(Woman screams)

But first, investigators find themselves locked inside an abandoned building, and are horrified to discover they're not alone.

In Lorain, Ohio, stands the grand facade of the fraternal order of the eagles clubhouse.

Before being abandoned in 2006, the building played host to wild parties, all-night card games, and lavish banquets.

But something puzzling remains.

(Indistinct chatter)

Despite the building being sealed up, multiple witnesses report seeing a mysterious man in old-fashioned clothes appear in an upstairs window.

And when a local businessman tries to restore the building in 2013, the work doesn't even get started.

The owner was trying to renovate the old eagles building, but the contractors are being scared off.

No one lasted more than a week.

Narrator: The owner reaches out to paranormal investigator Karlo Zuzic to find out why.

Karlo had his first run-in with the spirit world when he was eight.

There was an entity in my home, and he used to torment me.

It would jump behind my back, it would growl in my ear.

At one time, it actually pushed me so hard I flew into the oven.

It really scared me.

I was confused because I didn't understand what it was.

Narrator: Now a leading member of O.R.B.S., the Ohio Researchers of Banded Spirits, and a veteran of over 300 investigations, Karlo jumps at the chance to investigate the building.

Karlo: We were excited.

You look up, and it's just this big building, and it looks creepy as it is.

You know that nobody's been in there, and it's got the creep factor going.

Narrator: Wanting to be fully prepared before going inside, Karlo asks the owner about the building's history.

It has a tragic past.

Karlo: A gentleman was in the bar...


...He actually had a massive heart att*ck and d*ed at that location.

(Woman laughing)

Also, in the late 1920s, a couple had their wedding there.

Bride and the groom, they got into an elevator... As they were going down, the elevator gave out.

(Cable whirs)



...And they plummeted to their death.

Narrator: Karlo and O.R.B.S. Founder Chris page head into the building.

Two other members of the team wait outside to see if they can glimpse the spirit.

There was one catch to us all, though.

Upon our arrival, the manager did mention to us that if he let us in, he would lock us in, because there was a dead-bolt lock, and the only way out was with a key -- in or out.

We were in total lock down, Karlo and I.

And that was to keep anybody on street from wandering in.

That kind of put you on edge.

It makes you extremely nervous.

Out of all the investigations that we have done to date at that point, we've never been locked into a location.

Karlo: Once he locked that door, it would take at least five minutes for him to come back to unlock that door and let us out, so if anything were to happen, there was no way out but that door.

And hearing that "chik-chik" when he locked that door, you're thinking, "it's just us two.

Here we go."

Narrator: Karlo and Chris head upstairs to where witnesses had seen the man at the window.

And we had to walk past the bar, and you're already getting the creeps, you know, 'cause we know we're the only two in this building.

There's no electricity, so you only have your flashlights.

It's just two of you.

The heart starts pounding, you know?

It's only human nature to wonder what you're gonna walk into.

Karlo: It's dark.

I mean, it's dark in this building, and that feeling like somebody's watching you.

The hair on your arm starts to stand up.

We were like, you know, "if something were to happen right now, we're in trouble."

You don't know what could be in that building.

Narrator: It's not long before the investigators get a taste of the activity witnesses have been reporting.

I started to set up my camcorder to start doing video recording...


...And Karlo had started saying that he saw something.

And that's when we decided to do an EVP session.

Narrator: Karlo and Chris pose questions to any entities present and use an audio recorder to capture responses as EVPS, or electronic voice phenomena.

So, we're asking, you know, "were you a member of the fraternity?

What did you do? were you a president?"

And such things like that.

Did you pass away in this building?

Narrator: The response they get is chilling.
Karlo: I remember, at one point during the EVP session, I heard, like, a voice.

So I went back and played the recording.

We got a male's voice that actually said "go."

I was shocked.

I mean, it gave me chills, because, all right, now we know we're not alone.

Chris: It's unsettling to have something happen that quick.

There's somebody up there.

Narrator: Eager to locate the entity, Karlo uses the latest gear -- a thermal imaging camera.

Instead of using light, it displays images based on their temperature.

He focuses on the bar, site of the fatal heart att*ck all those years ago.


And the next thing you know, I see this human-like black mass... And it's moving.

Narrator: In Lorain, Ohio, investigators Karlo Zurich and Chris page are locked inside an abandoned building searching for ghosts.

Now they've just discovered that they are not alone.

And the next thing you know, I see this human-like, black mass.

And it's moving.

I was in shock, I mean, complete shock, and I knew what I was seeing was an apparition.

I started freaking out.

Chris. Chris!

It was human-size, and it was slightly hunched over.

Just walking across the screen.

Narrator: The entity cannot be human.

Karlo: If that was a person, on thermal, it would show red or white which is the hottest signatures on thermal.

This was black.

A cold spot that it picked up on, which was that image in the form of a person, was actually 49 degrees.

Nobody could live at that temperature.

That's not even a living thing that walking past that doorway.

To me, that's a scary moment because I don't know what I'm up against, I don't know who that is walking by.

Is that spirit evil? you don't know.

You're freaking out.

Narrator: Excited by what they found, Karlo and Chris give chase.

We run through the door. There's nobody there.

The only place the apparition could have gone is through a break wall.

It disappeared.

Chris wanted to use the flashlight, see if we can actually have the spirit manipulate to turn it on.

We set up a flashlight with a camcorder and a bar stool because we knew the activity was strong, we knew this thing was still in the area.

Karlo: And we ask...

Was that you that walked past this screen?

I know I seen somebody.

Can you turn the flashlight on for us?

Holy (bleep)

And the flashlight turned on instantly.

I mean, it just turned right on.

Can you turn the flashlight on for us?

Holy (bleep)

You know, we were like, "holy cow."

You know, this thing's actually communicating with us.

To have it manipulate that flashlight and have it turn on and to walk past the doorway like that, that energy of that spirit is very strong.

Narrator: But things are about to get even more intense.


And the next thing you know, we heard this loud bang.

I mean, it like vibrated, shook the floor.


When you hear something like that, you know, it scares you.

Is it a warning?

Maybe it's saying, "enough of your guys. Get out of here.

I mean, you jump. You want -- you want to run.

We just decided at that time that it had enough of us, and it shared what it wanted to share.

Narrator: Karlo and Chris feel they have enough evidence to prove beyond doubt that there is a supernatural entity in the building and call a halt to their investigation.

At that point, we said, "you know what?

We got to show the manager and the rest of our team what we just captured, and get their opinion on what they're seeing, too.

Narrator: Safely out of the building, Karlo and Chris present their evidence.

Everybody was in disbelief, completely shocked at what we just captured.

I believe it's the gentleman that d*ed in the bar.

It would have been right in that location where he had that heart att*ck.

Narrator: The footage remains the most convincing piece of evidence Karlo has ever recorded.

Karlo: To actually capture a human-like dark shadow, I was totally shocked by just capturing this.

To me, that's my holy grail.

To me, that proves that there's an afterlife.

It's something I'll never forget.

(Radio tuning)

Narrator: In a historic part of the united states, an investigator disturbs an ancient but powerful spirit who goes to extreme and dangerous lengths to ensure it is left alone.


The town of Mendon, Massachusetts, is one of the oldest settlements in America.

In the 1600s, settlers fought native Americans here, and many on both sides d*ed.

Later, the Taft family settled in Mendon and became a powerful political dynasty with William Howard Taft becoming the 27th president of the united states.

The Taft’s also established a library in Mendon in 1881, but it attracts more than just bookworms.

(Indistinct talking)

Workers of the library report eerie sounds, footsteps upstairs when nobody's there, especially at night.

(Indistinct talking)

And most alarmingly, books are thrown from the shelves.

On several occasions, the staff flee in terror.


Jack: These are people who, you know, they worked in this library all their lives.

You know they're not making this stuff up.

They're not crazy.

They're experiencing these things.

There's someone there with them when they're working there at night.

Narrator: The library asks paranormal investigator jack Kenna to look in to the activity.

Despite having over seven years experience, jack feels a sense of trepidation with every new case.

One thing that frightens me the most about the paranormal is you never know what type of spirit you're communicating with.

Narrator: Jack tries to form a relationship with spirits in order to banish them.

He is intrigued to be the first to investigate a location with such rich history.

It's always exciting to investigate a place no one has investigated before where there is reported activity because you are going to be the very first ones trying to actually communicate with any potential spirits that are there.

So you don't know how the spirits themselves are going to react to that.

Thanks for having me.

Narrator: Jack arrives at the library before the rest of his team and immediately senses the powerful spirit energy present.

Jack: What I felt in that space was just a very heavy, oppressive feeling of something strong.

A presence like, "I'm here. I don't want you here."

It was that type of feeling.

All right. Welcome, everybody. Thanks for being here.

Narrator: Jack is joined by his colleagues, and they set up for the investigation.

Sharon Koogler is on the team.

We each had own audio recorder, and there were audio recorders with the cameras.

Jack: But we also have our handhelds, our mini-DV cameras that film in infrared, and our ghost radar device.

Ghost radar is an application that can be used on a cellphone or a tablet.

It gives you the ability as an investigator to ask a question and maybe, potentially, get an immediate response through a word that you can hear rather than waiting for evidence review later on.







It can also show you just energy blips on it that may be spirit energy.

So if we start getting those type of responses on the ghost radar, we know we're interacting with something.

So it's a little bit more advantageous to us as investigators to use to that device.

Narrator: With their gear set up, Sharon and Sarah start their investigation in the stacks while jack and Ellen move to the basement.

So Ellen and I went into the back area --

The back basement area, back storage room.

What is your name?

Who are you?

We start just asking questions.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Woman: (Hissing) I CAN'T.

All of a sudden, I hear this female voice saying, "I can't."

Woman: I can't.

I started to get a feeling of something else.

What I was picking up on wasn't the human spirit.

Are you the spirit of a human?

Narrator: In an old library in Mendon, Massachusetts, ghost hunter jack Kenna has run into a mysterious entity.

Are you the spirit of a human?

But this presence is not human and like nothing jack has encountered before.

Who are you?

When I asked, "are you attached to the land?"

The response was yes.

Are you an elemental spirit?

I asked if maybe it was an elemental spirit.


I got a "yes" response to that.

Narrator: Elemental spirits can take on many forms but are connected to the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

Important to ancient native peoples, they posses supernatural power and can be chaotic and destructive.

Jack: I was very careful at that point because you don't know totally what you're dealing with.

Elemental spirits can be negative, or they can be positive.

Narrator: Upstairs among the book stacks, Sharon and Sarah are experiencing activity of their own.

(Lens whirs, shutter clicks)

Is there anybody in there?

Sharon: And we had two ghost radars going.

And we had a little device. It's an EMF detector.

Narrator: EMF detectors measure spikes in the electromagnetic fields, said to indicate the presence of paranormal entities.

This particular night, that thing went insane.

(Beeping rapidly)

Mnh-mnh. It's the first I've ever seen it go off in general.

It was like all hell was breaking loose.

Mnh-mnh. It's the first I've ever seen it go off in general.

Narrator: Believing she's experiencing the same elemental spirit jack had encountered, Sharon tries to get photographic evidence.

But this entity is camera shy.

When I took the picture, we heard a banging sound.


Jack: Actually, Sarah felt the vibration on the floor from it.

And what they heard, they thought it came from downstairs.

Now, I thought it came from upstairs, so that's kind of strange.


Did you guys make that noise?

Negative. It wasn't us.

To me, that tells me whatever it is has a very strong and intense energy.

(Panting) Come on.

Sharon: There was an elemental there.

They're generally very strong, which would explain the loud bangs.

It would explain who we're hearing things simultaneously in different areas.

Narrator: Sharon's pictures show no signs of a being, but something eerie is captured on their audio recorders.

We did get an EVP.

Sounds like a male voice saying, "I'm watching."

Sharon: I'm going to take another one.

Kind of -- kind of a nondescript voice.

Just like, you know, "I'm watching."

You know, like, okay.

"You're getting ready to take a picture, I'm ready for you" type of thing.

I'm going to take another one.

Try one more.

Right at that moment, one of the ghost radars says the word "spirit."


It said "spirit"?

It said -- yeah.



Sharon: It just said "spirit."

And then digital camera captures on orb moving away from the table they're sitting at.

Something was there with us.

It was listening.


Narrator: However, the spirit isn't content with only listening.

And then we hear footsteps.

(Soft tapping)

I just heard walking.

Actually, it sounded like it was above us.

Narrator: Cautiously, the team heads to the second floor to investigate the footsteps.

The minute I stepped across that threshold, I heard this intense, insane screaming.


Narrator: In a haunted library, ghost hunter jack Kenna and his team have encountered a powerful elemental spirit.


It said "spirit"?

It said -- yeah.



Sharon: It just said "spirit."

Narrator: When jack is lured upstairs by the sound of footsteps, the entity att*cks.


In my head, now, I'm hearing this in my head, and it gets louder.

And it's like insane screaming.

Jack, are you okay?



Jack? can you hear me?

Nobody else is hearing it.

It's just what's coming to me.

I take another step, and I can see there's a vision of a woman --

What seemed like a woman.



She looks totally emaciated, face drawn, screaming.

I could see her mouth open wider than a mouth should be open.

Scraggly, almost greasy-looking hair.

And the farther I stepped in, the more she began screaming.

You couldn't hear it at loud, but, yeah, I definitely could see it.

What in the heck is going on?

Narrator: Pushing aside his fear, jack takes a calculated risk.

He faces up to the angry spirit, and stands his ground.

Jack: Now this screaming starts to subside a little bit.

The more I went in, the more she backed away.


He said he could feel that woman, or whatever, still screaming and kind of shrinking away.

It seems to be more cowering.

I guess it's trying to get away from me.

Almost sounds like a whimpering to me at this point, in my mind, again.

I'm not going to hurt you.

I decide to back away from it.

So, what was that?

I do believe it's, at least, an elemental spirit of some kind, and it is...Negative.

I would have a discussion with someone later on.

It was a priest who would tell me that what I experienced was a demonic spirit.


It was something I was totally not expecting, so, yeah, I was shaken up by that experience.

Narrator: Jack decides to stop the investigation.

Little does he know, the entity isn't done with him yet.

Jack: Usually when I leave an investigation site, I will do something to clear myself.

Pushing away any negative or spirit energy away from you so that you don't take home any type of attachment.

I did not do that on this investigation.

I forgot.

Get in my car, start my three-hour drive, and always in the back of the head, there's this kind of gnawing at me that there's something still with me.

There is a presence in the car with me, there's a presence around me.

And that's when it dawned on me that maybe I should have cleared myself before I left, and I -- I didn't.

I'm almost home.

I turn to get off the highway onto my exit to make my last 20 miles home.

I move in to the right-hand lane to get the exit, and there's something in the road in front of me.


(Tires squeal, car crashes)

I hit her pretty hard.

I was shaken.

Narrator: When jack looks to see who he hit, he's in for a surprise.

There's no one there.

Now, what I hit turned out to be the front-end bumper of a semi-truck.

It was about six feet long and about two and half feet wide.

The car is damage. It's wiped out.

So, was this spirit making me have an accident?

It seems to me that's what was going on.

Narrator: Fearing what the vengeful spirit might do next, jack immediately cleanses himself before driving the final few miles home.

What I believe is in Taft library is pretending to be something it's not.

And it got confronted with someone who picked up on what it is, which would be myself.

And it became a little angry about that, but also frightened at the same time.

We did no cleansing or blessing, so whatever's there is still there.

I don't think it is harmful to anybody that's there.

I think it just wants to be left alone at this point.

Narrator: And to this day, library staff still report eerie footsteps and books flying from the shelves.
