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03x07 - In the Dark

Posted: 07/25/16 04:16
by bunniefuu
Woman: Nathan James, this is fleet command. Come in. Over. Nathan James, this is fleet command. Come in. Over. Nathan James, this is fleet command. Come in. Over.

Danny: Dear Maria, earlier this morning, our team ex*cuted a mission to rescue the sailors who were taken from Vietnam. We were successful, but not without losses. Your brother, Javier, was among the three brave sailors who gave their lives in the operation. This was not the first time he put himself in harm's way for his shipmates. And I can honestly say that I'm alive today because of him. Javier was more than a sailor, Maria. He was a hero. He was not alone in his last moments. His last thoughts were of you and his beloved nephews. Javier never gave up and never gave in. And he lives on in the hearts of those of us who were lucky to serve with him. God bless.

[Footsteps approaching]

[Plate clatters]



Sir, we've reached Macclesfield Bank, bearing 1-6-0.

Very well. Keep the islands to the north and maneuvering options open. Steer clear of any bottlenecks if possible.

Yes, sir. I will.

[Door opens]

Captain on the bridge.

My "take it easy" speeches never worked on you.

Now I get it.

And the others?

They're taking the time they need.

Kumonosu Island is 45 nautical miles in our rear view mirror.

We're heading south-southeast at 25 knots.

Still operating at EMCON Alpha One.

They must've been hiding on the northeast side of Takehaya's Island.

We know what kind of ship?

Peng has four guided m*ssile destroyers.

We need to let POTUS know you're all alive and back on the ship.

But first, we need to get far enough away from the Chinese so they don't track our broadcast and blow us out of the water.

So we move as fast as possible.

And our new houseguest?

Doc Rios just pulled a b*llet out of his arm.

When he's ready, we'll talk.

Attention in the pilot house. This is Captain Chandler.

Captain Slattery has the ship.

[Monitor beeping]

♪ ♪


You're awake.

[Door closes]

And alive... thanks to the people you tortured.

[Handcuffs clink]

Your pirates arrived in Vietnam on three ships.

Should I be expecting a rescue attempt?

How did you know to find my people at that nightclub?

Who you working with?

Captain... you are a prisoner on this ship...

You and your wife.

What else do you want?

It is over.

You poisoned my country. You k*lled us all.

You know who I am.

I know what I know.

Then know this...

You captured and tortured the very individuals who would've helped you and your country... the sailors who brought Asia the cure.

That was no cure!

While aboard this ship, you are protected by the Geneva Convention and by the humanity of Captain Mike Slattery and this crew.

But make no mistake, when we reach the States, you will be charged with w*r crimes and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


I will be dead by then.

[Inhales deeply, exhales slowly]


[Whispers] Sailor.

[Door opens]

How's she doing?

I have to be judicious with the antimalarial treatment because of her pregnancy.

Did you test her blood?

Yes, sir.

Both Kyoko and her husband have the virus and the cure in their bloodstream.

The cure is just not working.

Then you need to run more tests.

Sir, now that Dr. Scott's lab is broken down, I don't have the equipment to do extensive blood work.

And even if I did...

I'm not Dr. Scott.

[Sasha speaking Japanese]

Just do what you can.

Yes, sir.


TAO, EW surface contact on passive.

Bearing approximately 0-2-0.

How far?

Based on signal strength, it's close.

Could be 10, 15 miles.

Bridge, CIC.

EW's detecting a radar signal at 0-2-0.

Request bearing clear or foul.

We should have a visual.


[Static crackles]

Surface lookouts be advised.

Passive radar reports contact bearing approximately 0-2-0.

Requesting reports.

We have an ID on our radar?

3-D, sir. Navy navigational.

Definitely m*llitary.

That's one of Peng's.

We're picking up their radar intermittently.

It's bleeding through the surrounding islands.

As soon as they get a direct line, they're gonna lock on us with fire control.

Bridge? CIC.

Recommend adjusting course to stay within this island chain.

OOD, make course 1-4-0.

OOD, aye. Helm, make course 1-4-0.

Lookout reports no contacts down that bearing.

[Monitor beeping]

A signal that powerful, why can't we see the ship on the horizon?

[Beeping continues]

[Beeping rapidly]

Because it's not one ship.

Instead of one strong signal close by, it's four normal signals further out.

Peng sent his entire fleet.

Go dark.

[Amplified voice] Darken ship. Darken ship.

All non-essential equipment off.

Decks clear of non-essential personnel.

Darken ship. Darken ship.

Alisha: We are clear, I say again.

Bravo contact is no longer pinging us on their navigational radar.

Gator: Charlie's still sweeping us on our starboard.

We're at 23 seconds.

Charlie contact is strong, bearing drift to port.

Alisha: I copy.

Chandler: Finding your bearings, Miss Cooper?


Give it a minute. Your eyes will adjust.

Stand here.

Slattery: First time on a darkened ship?

I thought you said she was Navy, Tom.

Sasha: Naval intelligence doesn't spend much time on small-boys. Captain Slattery?

Slattery: [Chuckles] Gator, where are they?

Gator: All four contacts are north of our position, sir.

Alisha: Still nothing from Alpha or Bravo.

Chandler: The four Chinese ships are spreading out, looking for us. So far, we've done a good job dodging in and out of their radar sweeps using the island chain to mask ourselves.

They haven't IDed us yet.

Gator: OOD, recommend course...

There you are. Now you can see me.

Gator: 30 seconds since last contact.

Sasha: So then what's the plan? We hide.

Right now, our best offense is a good defense.

Hence the darkness.

Hence the darkness.

TAO, new surface contact on passive radar.

This looks to be... yes, this must be Delta.

I can't believe they don't see us.

They see us. They just don't know it.

Delta contact, bearing 0-0-2 confirmed.

This is another Luyang III Class Destroyer.

Hard left rudder, steady course 0-9-0. Speed 6 knots.

Alisha: Aye, sir. Helmsman, come to course 0-9-0.

[Monitor beeping]

They're converging on us.

Three ships still hitting us.

If we can get around this island, we'll be completely masked.

We're losing ground cover on the turn.

Increase to 12 knots.

Gator: Aye. Increasing speed to 12 knots.

[Steady tone ringing]

Delta fading.


[Beeping resumes]



We're clear. No longer being hit by any navigational radar.


Gator: We've got island cover.

Bring up the red lights.

[Switch clanks]


This is Jacob Barnes for AMT News, reporting live from the St. Louis courthouse.

Hail them again.

U.S.S. Nathan James, this is fleet command hailing you on Navy Red. Over.

President Jeffrey Michener has vowed to dedicate every available resource to the swift rescue...

See, this is the same kind of interference Val was getting.

Do you think that's why they're not answering?

It comes and it goes and it screws up our video feed, but the audio channel, that stays clear.

7 hours, 13 minutes. Where the hell are they?

Sir, Shackelton and Haywa are a day away from the James's last known coordinates.

We've sent them the latest intel...

Another day.

Though that was several hours ago now, and leadership has since fallen silent, leaving us to wonder what it might mean.

Try 'em again.

Yes, sir.

Dennis: U.S.S. Nathan James, this is fleet command hailing you on Navy Red. Over.

[Static warbles]

[Door opens]

Please. Sit.

We tested your blood.

Yours and your wife's.

The cure that runs through your veins is the very same as the one that runs through mine, except for some reason, it's not working on you.

Until Doc Rios can get his new lab running, we won't know why.

So... here I am again.

[Inhales sharply]


I want details about what happened after you received the cure.

You can keep fighting us, thinking we're monsters, or you can cooperate, help us figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

[Inhales deeply]

I heard the call over the radio.

The Americans are coming with the cure.

We rushed to the port, thousands of us.


[Inhales deeply, exhales slowly]

The ships arrived.

American ships.

And we lined up to receive our injections.

They told us to spread out, to pass the cure on to the rest of our people.

Soon... there was no way to tell who had the cure and who did not.... because everyone d*ed.

But other than the U.S. Navy, who had custody of the cargo once it landed?

Could someone have tampered with the doses on the pier?

No. How can you be so sure?

We delivered to dozens of countries on this ship.

We always worked with the local partners...

I was a local partner, Captain.

My crew was there.

We'd made sure everyone received a dose.

I was in charge.

I was responsible.

That's why you wanted those ships out of Okinawa.

That's why you wanted to punish the people that brought you the cure.

But why work with Peng?

I did not work with Peng. Oh, come on.

The coincidence is too great.

You kidnapped my men in Hai Phong at precisely the same moment Peng blows up my plane in Hong Kong?

I do not call that coincidence, Captain.

I call that luck.


[Door clanks]


[Door opens]

[Clears throat]

[Chains rattling, door closes]

[Handcuff clicks]

[Chain rattling]

[Clears throat]

I'd like to have a moment alone with my client, please.

If you need anything, I'm right outside the door.

[Footsteps retreat]

[Door opens]

[Clears throat]

Mr. Curtis...

You ain't my lawyer.

No, sir. I'm not. I'm a reporter.

For the m*rder of Dr. Rachel Scott, you were given a m*llitary tribunal, so the case was sealed.

Nobody's ever really gotten a chance to hear your end of the story.

What do you wanna know?


About your time... [Camera chimes] with the Immune Army.

More specifically, your interactions with now-President Jeffrey Michener.

[Chains rattle]

Ain't you gonna call "action"?


Jacob: Did he tell you he was the President?

Did he even know?

Curtis: No.

We didn't know he was President when we met him.

The way he was moaning and crying?

About what?

About k*lling all those people inside the safe zone.

What do you mean?

He was Secretary of HUD. He set up the quarantine.

Except he broke it.

He brought a sick kid into the stadium.

And after that, that virus tore through the state pretty quick.

Jeffrey was a mess, boy, walking around like a zombie, ranting and raving.

"I did it. I k*lled them all."

He didn't know which way was up.

And then he found us.


Mr. President, these documents clearly show that you authorized to have your son transported from a known hot zone in Michigan down to Florida.

It's public record.

The outbreak in Ann Arbor started after Brian left.

Two days after. And the travel ban was already in effect.

You knew the risk you were taking.

No, listen to me, Jacob.

The quarantine in the stadium was porous.

Dozens of infected people could and did get through the defenses.

That's true, sir, but it appears that isn't the way you saw it.

You believe that you were responsible for the death of tens of thousands of people.

And if that was your mental condition when Captain Chandler found you, then what was your condition when you took the oath of office a mere 11 days later?

I take no pleasure in this, sir.

No, you come into my office and rehash this garbage?

But the American people need to know if their Commander in Chief is capable...

Who the hell do you think you are?

Get out!

Shaw: Jeffrey, please. Jacob.


This time, we're on the record.

So if I should know something else...


Now, Jacob. Now, Jacob.

Is this true?

[Exhales softly]

[Footsteps retreat]

Maybe we just delivered a bad batch to Japan.

It spoiled in transit or...


I've been delivering the cure all over the world.

This has never happened before.

Well, there's no reason to take the word of a pirate who captured, tortured, and k*lled your men.

We have his blood, Sasha.

The cure clearly didn't work on him.

Something happened in Japan.

Well, then maybe it was a mutation after all.

Okay, I know Dr. Scott said that the virus cannot mutate.

You've been very clear about that.

But with no other explanation, isn't it possible that in this one instance Dr. Scott was wrong?

[P.A. beeps]

General quarters, general quarters.

All hands, man your battle stations. [Chiming]

[Siren wailing]

What do you got?

We're surrounded, sir.

Two ships on either side painting us with navigational radar.

Damn it. They used our time in the islands to set a perimeter.

Sasha: So we go dark again?


They see a speck of light on the horizon, we can't suddenly disappear. They can both see us.

They've gotta have us triangulated by now.

CIC, Bridge.

Be ready to fire down known bearing lines.

Ready all fire stations. All stations manned and ready.

Standing by for batteries release.

Two ships. Where are the other two?

Prepare to break EMCOM, find targeting solutions.

Aye, sir.

They're hailing us, sir.

Which ship?

The transmission's not in English.

[Man speaking Chinese]

It's an ID.

Hull number 172...

19 kilometers off our port quarter... holding at 15 knots.

That's the one to our east.

CIC, Bridge. We have a location.

Get me fire targeting options, but do not go active.

They still haven't painted us with their fire control, sir.

What are they waiting for?

They're asking for us to report in.

[Man speaking Chinese]

Wait, hold on. This is a different voice.

Hull number 87...

20 kilometers, west-northwest.

Second ship? Currently at 12 knots.

Also asking for a report.

From who?

From us.

[Man continues speaking Chinese]

Chinese 172 thinks we're Chinese 87, and 87 thinks we're 172. Not for long. They're closing in.

Soon they'll be in range of each other and they'll know who we are.

We gotta disappear. Fast.

There's a pass up ahead. We can use it as a mask.

We head to the pass and come to full stop.

When they get to the other side, we won't be there.

You heard the man.

Garnett: How long until they see each other?

They maintain current course and speed...

1 minute, 12 seconds.

Then they both sh**t to k*ll.

Gator: 30 seconds till we make it to the pass.

You're the only one here who speaks Chinese. Answer 'em.

Both of them can hear us. Which ship am I supposed to be?

Just gotta buy some time to get in the pass.

[Man speaking Chinese]

I'll do it.

Gator: 20 seconds!


[Man speaks Chinese]

[Static crackling]

[Button clicks]

[Man speaking Chinese]

172 to 87... your last was garbled.

Say again. Over.

[Static crackling]

[Man speaking Chinese]

87 to 172, please say again.

This won't hold them off for long. Gator!

10 seconds!

[Man speaking Chinese]




Come on.

[Man speaking Chinese]

We made it to the pass.

All stop! All stop!

[Engines powering down]

[Man speaks Chinese]

87 to 172, please repeat bearing and speed.

Do you copy?

[Man speaks Chinese]

172 to 87, reading you loud and clear.

[Man speaking Chinese]

They're not giving up.

[Man speaking Chinese]

And they're not going away.

[Man speaking Chinese]

Michener: [Voice echoing] How the hell did this happen?

You were supposed to be safe!

Brian: I'm so sorry, Dad.

[Crying] I'm so sorry.


Girl: Daddy? What are you doing?!

No! [Screams]


[Exhales deeply]

[Lights clank]


My fellow Americans, by now, many of you heard about the reports from Florida and my time spent there.

I wanted to take a moment to tell you the truth directly from me.

I did not know that my son, Brian, was the carrier of the red flu at the time.

I did bring him down to Florida from an area that I knew could be infected.

As a father, I acted out of desperation.

But as a public servant, I was derelict in my duties.

Now, as your President, I humbly offer my sincerest apology.

Contrition from the President.

Since the release of that statement an hour ago, St. Louis White House remains on virtual lockdown, with no comments from his aides and no further information to support the President's statement.

At this time of uncertainty, I will continue to pursue this story wherever it leads.

Jacob Barnes, AMT News.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

[Whispers] Shh, shh.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Doc? Doc.

[Breathing heavily]

Oh, no. What... what's happening?

Her heart rate's elevated. Her blood pressure's dumping.

This baby's in distress. We need to deliver it right away.

Logan, I need to start an epidural right now!

Yes, sir.

Ma'am, we need help.

I need you to find anyone with any kind of surgical experience on this ship now. Go!



Is Doc aware just how unqualified I am?

I mean, I can pack a wound.

He needs more hands.

Outside of medical, you're the closest thing to a surgeon we've got.

Let's go.

[Kyoko breathing heavily]

Rios: Clamp.


I-I need clamps.


Put it in my hand.


Dissect the tissue.

Go ahead. Both hands.

[Speaking Japanese]


That's good. Just like that.

Oh, sh*t.


It's okay, it's okay. The fetal membrane's already ruptured.

We need to move quickly.

Irrigate. Suction.

Logan: Yes, sir.

[Suction gurgling]

That's better.

Is that good?

Very good.

Okay, we're clear. Thank you.

Okay. I visualize the fetal head.

I see the fetal head.

Apply pressure to the abdomen. Prepare to deliver.

As soon as the baby's delivered, he'll be exposed to your wife's virus.

You need to decide if you want us to give him the cure.

I can't force you to trust me.

But as a father, I'm telling you, it's the right thing to do.

Extracting the fetal head now.


[Speaks Japanese]

Good, good, good, good. Just like that. Okay.

Support the head and neck.

Yeah. [Panting]

It's a boy.

[Speaking Japanese]

It's not responsive. Okay, set it down. Agitate its feet.

Just pinch it. Tickle it. Logan, suction. Now.


[Speaks Japanese]

[Suction gurgling]

Danny: [Whispers] Come on.

[Baby crying]



I'm gonna cut the umbilical cord, okay?


[Instruments clink]

I got you. I got you. I got you.

[Chuckles] Here we go.


[Crying continues]

[Muffled crying continues]

Give him the cure.

[Crying continues]


[Baby cooing]


[Speaks Japanese]

[Sasha speaks Japanese]

[Baby cooing]


[Speaking Japanese]

Kaito. [Kisses]

The Chinese are likely employing a standard line abreast search pattern with spacing at 80% of their radar range.

That's right.

My guess is they'll circle back from open water and close in on us hiding in the pass.

And it won't be long before they find us.

Soon as the sun rises, we'll be completely exposed.

So then what are our options?

Only one.

Take on all four ships.

Wait till their search pattern brings them back in range, then break EMCOM and go active.

Target, fire, get the hell out of the way.

We'll hit them, but there's no way they won't hit us back.

Well, if it comes to a fight, we'll sink 'em all.

Cameron: At the first hit on passive radar, the helo and RHIB will launch simultaneously, each one heading 180 degrees from our course, blasting surface radar to confuse the enemy.

DC Central will be posted at all zebra boundaries.

First order of business... report and repair any damage due to m*ssile att*ck.

Immediately seal all compartments whose condition threatens the integrity of this vessel.

On my mark, we will break EMCOM and energize spy radar.

We will have no more than 10 seconds to find and k*ll each enemy ship.

Are we ready?

All: Yes, ma'am.

Then let's do it how they trained us.

Captain, if I'm not mistaken, your ship is currently positioned in the Jinhshan Pass.

You have evaded the Chinese for the moment, but soon, they will have you surrounded.

You intend to fight them all at once?

I have a better plan, but we must hurry.

CNO on the Bridge. Captain on the Bridge.

This is the safest way out of this island group.

You're certain?

[Inhales deeply]

OOD, come to course 1-2-5. All ahead flank.

Aye, sir. Helm, make course 1-2-5, all ahead flank.

[Whispers] Aye, sir.


TAO, Surface, reporting two... correction, we have three, say again, three contacts on passive.

Bridge, CIC, we're surrounded again.

Slick 32 has three vessels on passive radar.

Sir, I recommend we head due south to the Zhulong Atoll for protection.

This was part of the plan, I take it?

Maintain course and speed.

Keep her so.

Gator: Sir, we are heading directly into open water.

Once they have a clear path, they can triangulate and fire on us almost immediately.

I strongly recommend we set course 0-5-5.


CIC detects the fourth ship on passive, sir.

They engage fire control?

Negative, sir.

Prepare countermeasures.

Stop. Stop engines!

All stop.

[Engines powering down]

Engage Kingfisher.


You put us in a minefield.

[Beeping rapidly]

They're everywhere.

All four targets are converging on us, sir. We cannot turn back.

This is my minefield.

I designed it.

I know how those mines operate.

I can steer us to safety.

There is no other option.

Surrender the helm.

Man: Aye, sir.

[Engines whirring]



Oh, that was close.

Sir, Chinese vessels are converging.

Gator: They can have us targeted in 30 seconds, sir.

Man fire stations.

Set condition ZEBRA about the ship.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy, easy.

Okay, there... there's two on your port side.


Alisha: 15 seconds to triangulation.

Now this one's tethered.

Oh, God. Jesus.

We're clear!

Surrender the helm.

Alisha: Five seconds. Five seconds to triangulation.

Hard right rudder! All ahead flank!

Gator: Hard right rudder. All ahead flank, aye.



Fire control radar detected.

They're behind us! Prepare to deploy countermeasures.

CIC, break EMCOM. Energize SPY, Aegis doctrine on. Prepare to intercept.


SPY is energized. High power.

Aegis doctrine on. Ready VLS.

Switching to SONAR. CSC, set salvo size at 2.

CIC, I wanna know when they fire.

Woman: Ready, all fire stations?

Man: All stations manned and ready.

Standing by for batteries release.


Sir, CIC reports detonations.

At least one ship has been struck in the minefield.

Enemy fire control radars are off.

Three remaining ships are diverting.

Very well. Reset to condition EMCOM ALPHA ONE.


Thank you, sir.


How's little Frankie?

He's... he's doing very well, sir.

Thank you for asking.

Good. That's, uh, that's good.

Enjoy every minute with him.

[Door opens]

Your boy shows no sign of a virus.

Cure works.

Though we still can't explain the outbreak in Japan.

Doc Rios is rebuilding our lab.

Hopefully, he'll make progress on that front.

I don't know how to thank you or how to make things right after all I have done to you.

You can start by explaining your connection to Peng.

He hire you directly?

It was not Peng.


The MSS who showed up on your island went after my men and yours.

Peng set you up, tried to wipe us both out.

I was told how to find you in Vietnam by a smuggler.

And what was his cut of a bunch of American sailors?

Just a promise that I would not pirate certain ships.

Ones marked... like this.

What's so special about those ships?

I did not care to ask.

At the time, all I wanted was revenge.

This smuggler have a name?

Wu Ming.

Ring a bell?

He has my watch.

I know where to find him... a place called Shanzhai.

We clear to broadcast?

EMCON Alpha has been lifted.

You have St. Louis.

Stand by for CNO.

This is CNO.

We got him.

I need to see the President.

Sorry, ma'am, no visitors tonight.

He's not answering his phone. I have word from Nathan James.

Those are our orders. I'm sorry.

Agent Costas, I am the Deputy Chief of Staff and I am issuing you a direct order.

Open this door.

[Keypad beeps]



Mr. President?


[Phone thuds]