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13x06 - Roar

Posted: 10/28/16 07:12
by bunniefuu
You know that story where a child gets trapped under a car and their parent finds the superhuman strength to lift the car and save the child's life? I always wondered if that was real.

I mean, are you sure you don't want me to go with you?

I could go with you.

No, I'm fine. I'll just need a second.

I could go with you. I have the day off.

And you need people.

It's good to show them that you have people.

You don't want to look like some lone-wolf assailant with no friends.

Look, all they're doing is setting a trial date.

It'll take like 10 minutes.

T-The security line will take longer.

Stop fussing.

Okay, fine.

If you're sure, fine. Good luck.

If someone I cared about was hurt or trapped, would my instincts kick in? Would I know what to do?

You want to sit a minute?

No, I'm fine. I got to go. Bye.

Okay. Well, call me or text me.

And try to come home early, okay?

Would I lift the car? Jump in front of the b*llet? Would I be able to beat somebody senseless? I like to think I would.


Maybe we sit a minute.


We have time.

[Indistinct conversations]

Well, I guess this line could go slower. Except no.

There's no such thing as moving slower than not moving at all.

So never mind. I take it back.

Yeah, I thought half an hour early would be enough.

9/11, man. Everybody's a suspect now.

Look at that lady. Does she look dangerous to you?

Not really.

Maybe that guy if you took his coffee away.

I look more dangerous than that guy, and I'm just here for traffic court.

Contesting a ticket.

I totally didn't stop at the stop sign, but I'm banking on the cop not showing up.

They almost never show.

I do not have the money to throw away on this right now.

Just got knocked up.



What are you in for?

Just, uh, setting a trial date today.

Trial date? Are you dangerous?

How far along?

Oh, early still. 16 weeks.

That, uh, redness on your hand, you had it long?

Uh, like a week or so.

Any unusual symptoms? Uh, leg swelling, abdominal pain?

Okay, you definitely seem a little weird now.

Sorry. It's a habit. I'm a doctor at Grey Sloan.

You should get that rash checked.

Oh, no. I got to stick to the budget right now.

I got enough doctor's visits coming up.

I do not need to add more.

You can afford to see me. I work at the free clinic there.

Damn it! I'm late.

Get that rash checked! Think about it!

Yeah. [Chuckles]

That's me, the girl with the rash.


They're setting the trial date right now as we speak.

I'm still waiting to hear.

Date? Wow. Makes it all feel so real.

Yeah, and I know it's good news.

It means the end's near, but things finally just started feeling more normal again around here.

Yeah, it brings it all right back up.

You still talk to Karev at all, or...?

We don't talk. We barely even see each other.

It's a little like he and I never even existed, so, yeah.

[Cellphone chimes and vibrates]

I got to go. I'm on Bailey's service.

Tell me if you talk to your lawyer.

All right.

Robbins, have you met the new resident?

She is great. No, amazing.

She's better than some of my attendings.

Whoa. Hold on a second.

I didn't even know we got a new resident.

Yeah, Webber just hired her. She's... Hold on.

Dr. Robbins, this is...


Dr. Robbins.


You guys know each other?



Leah... D-D-Dr. Murphy used to...

I used to work here. Yes.

I have patients.

You realize your shenanigans this morning made me late.

[Chuckles] Well, you own the hospital.

You can be as late as you want to.

And you can't tell me my "shenanigans" weren't worth it.

I don't like being late.

Oh, big surgery?

Mm, meeting with Bailey.

Oh, really? What about?


You hired Leah Murphy back?

Why? Why? Why? W-Why would you do that?

Well, with Blake gone, it seemed like perfect timing.

I thought you fired her because she wasn't cut out to be a surgeon.

Yeah, why would you bring her back?

Well, she did the work to prove me wrong, and Foster's Residency Director said she excelled there, and I think she deserved a second chance.

What? Don't you believe in second chances?


I mean. Mm!

[Sighs] Hey. I'm just headed up to surgery.

Just wanted to say good morning. You were gone when I got up.

Yeah, early surgery.

Listen, you, uh... you want to talk later, maybe, or...?

I mean, we didn't last night.


Amelia, people don't always get pregnant their first try, and I just don't want you to feel...

Are you kidding? I am fine.

R... You're fine?

Yeah, I'm good.

I'm great, even. Yeah, for sure.

That's... that's... that's good.

That's good that you're so good.

Incoming! Any second. MVC.

Kid with possible head trauma, dad with multiple abdominal injuries.

We could use neuro.

Right behind you.


Robbie Reeves, 12, MVC.

Restrained passenger. Vitals stable.

No L.O.C. on the scene. Small scalp laceration.

It was like a roller coaster!

All right. Robbie, I'm Dr. Shepherd.

Where's my dad? I got to ask him how fast we were going.

It looks like he's pulling in right behind you.

Your head's hurting?

Barely. Can I ask him?

Yeah, in a minute. I'm gonna check you out first.

Bob Reeves, 40's, the driver.

Some abdominal bruising, tenuous B.P., large wounds on the left leg.

Robbie?! Where's my son?

Somebody tell me if my son is here.

Sir, he's here. They just took him inside, okay?

Okay. Okay. Good. Thank you.

[Gasps] Aah!

You got some nasty bruising.

You got pretty banged up out there, Mr. Reeves.

You should see my car. [Chuckles]

[Telephone rings]

Here you go.

Thank you.

All right. Contact dermatitis, bed 4.

Hey, look who showed up.

Well, I can't be the pregnant lady who ignores unsolicited medical advice.

That lady's a jerk.

Let's see this rash.

That's all it was, right? Medical advice?

Because if you got me all worried just to get a date or get in some pregnant lady's pants, that would make you the jerk.

Just doing my job... promise.

How long have your hands been itching?

Uh, like a week, maybe more.

Not that I'm not available. I am, or, uh, I could be.

A baby belly doesn't exactly equal baby daddy.

There is a baby daddy.

He's just not attached, I mean, not to me.

You don't have to explain.

I kind of do.

Hospitals give me the creeps, so talking helps.

Okay, so, there's a baby daddy.

Jeremy... my best friend since we were kids.

We made one of those pacts... you know, if we both wound up single at 40, we'd make a baby.

I always thought it would be needles and test tubes, but turns out that's really pricy.

Yeah, it's up there. Look this way.

Look the other way.

All right, good.

So, one night, there was a lot of tequila, and boom...

I got this little parasite that sucks all my energy.

Silver lining, though... I've actually been losing weight.

I always thought that would go the other way.

You're losing weight. How much?

Um, I don't know, enough to drop a size.

What? What's that look?

Just want to run some tests.

Can you hang out here for a while today?

You know, you got me worried again.

Is there something wrong? Should I call the baby daddy?

Well, if you're stuck here, a little company couldn't hurt.

You've made no move to fire Karev.

There's no replacement surgeon. What is the plan?

Karev's been removed from the surgical service pending his trial.

I don't understand why he's still working here at all.

If a doctor on our staff has been charged with a felony as*ault, he should not be a doctor on our staff.

Well, he's innocent until proven guilty.

We have a justice system.

I don't want to throw away a good surgeon's career because of one mistake.

I know. That's your tendency.

That's my tenden... What's my tendency?

Leniency. You have a tendency towards leniency.

[Laughs] Are you joking?


You know what my nickname used to be?

They called me the Na...

Benjamin Warren.


Dr. Bailey, I believe in you.

I think you have an extraordinary future ahead of you.

And I wouldn't dream of coming in here and telling you how to do your job.

But if you don't take some steps to replace Dr. Karev...

I will.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

You paged?

Uh, yeah, come take a look.

All right, assist the head lac.

Sir, I'm gonna need to take a look at your wound, okay?

[Groans] Okay, that's really deep.

We're gonna need to get this debrided and covered with a local muscle flap right away.

Looks like he took a beating.

Car hit the median. They're lucky everyone survived.

My kid was in the car with me.

This guy was all over the road.

There's blood in his abdomen.

Better book the C.T.

Three lanes he whipped across just to cut me off.

I mean, what the hell? Who does that?

Oh, God. Robbie.

What's happening with my son? Is he okay?

We passed a bunch of cars, and we kept going faster and faster!

Follow my finger with your eyes.


That is quite a cut you've got there, Robbie.

Does it hurt?

I can take it.

Is my dad okay? 'Cause I should probably check on him.


I mean, he's my dad.

[Inhales sharply] Ow.

[Horn honks]

You okay, Robbie?

I'm fine, Dad.

Thanks for waiting.

Oh, it's fine.

Jackson can cool his heels for a few more minutes upstairs.

Robbie: I'm not hurt. I'm really okay, Dad.

Mom's on her way, buddy, okay?

Listen to the doctors until she gets here.

You hear me? Behave.

I always behave, not like that jerk that cut us off.

I bet next time he will think twice.

I bet we did teach him some manners.

All right, all right. Buddy, that's enough.

All right, Dad.

I paged Bailey over an hour ago.

How long does it take to walk over to the damn clinic?

[Telephone rings]

Uh, what are you doing?

I'm sorry. I'm nervous.

I am, too, but boundaries, remember?

I can't hold your hand? I've held your boobs.

Can we please not talk about how the sausage is made?

Can we not call our baby a sausage?

Sorry, guys, just another minute.

And, by the way, you said it was lovely.

It was, in its own way.

I also said let's never speak of it again, remember?

[Telephone beeps]

So, what was all that about?

Is there something we need to know?

Yes, but I need a surgeon to officially assess you, and I can't seem to get one.

So if you guys could just hang tight, I'll be right back, okay?




Hey. My bladder rupture repair... done and done.

And I'm about to scrub in on a nasty volvulus.

What do you got?

A kid in a car accident.


He's lucky, though.

I-I'm not seeing much of anything, just a small congenital AVM, nothing to do there.

If he's clear in a few hours, I'll send him home.

Hey, you got a minute to talk?

Owen, there's nothing to talk about.

But you love to talk, and you're not talking about this at all.

Hear my words and just take them at face value.

And I know I wouldn't mind talking.

I am fine. It's j-just... Why the rush, you know?

[Chuckles] What?

Well, I mean, w-we were barely engaged, and now we're barely married, and we're already trying for kids?

Why all the pressure? Let's just be us for a minute.

You know, enjoy us and feel what it's like to be two people in a marriage, newlyweds, before we add to it, right?

Is, um...


If that's what you want.


[Clipboard slides]

She gave you an ultimatum?

Mm-hmm. And she called me lenient.


You were lenient.

I was not. I was not lenient.

Yes, you were.

You were a lenient and kind and wise chief who ruled with fairness.

Yes, I was fair. I was fair-minded.

"Lenient" makes me sound weak.

I know.

And I believe in second chances.

Look at Leah Murphy. She persevered, and she improved.

She asked to come back.

I feel that kind of fortitude is to be rewarded.

And more so, I believe it will reward us.

That's how I feel about Karev.

And I'm right.


You have to decide that.

I mean, that's why they call them the tough calls, Bailey.

"That's why they call them the tough calls"?

That's all you got? I just called you wise.

Heads up.

Alex: Look, the clinic is a joke, I know, and nobody wants to go over there.

But it's not a joke when a pregnant lady has to wait over an hour for someone to come over and confirm that she has cancer.

I've paged you multiple times.

I'm the Chief of Surgery.

Why aren't you paging a resident?

I want you, the surgeon with the most expertise to give this patient the best chance.

Look, you stuck me over there. It's your freakin' clinic.

At least have the decency to answer your own damn pages.

Not today, Karev. You do not want to push me today.

Meet you there in 5.

You were saying about not wanting to fire him?

[Telephone rings]



I'm on Dr. Bailey's service, so...


I'm Dr. Bailey.

Hi. Jeremy.

Wow. This is a lot of fuss for just a rash.


So hit me.

Um, the symptoms that Dr. Karev noticed... your weight loss, the itching on your hands... when we see those symptoms together, it's a red flag.

So, we took a look at your MRI and detected a mass on your pancreas.

Oh, God. It is... cancer?

It's too soon to know for sure.

But it could be?

We'll need to do a biopsy to confirm, and we can go from there.

And you figured all this out just by looking at my hands.

I was hoping I was wrong.

Still am.

You and me both.

Jackson: All right, let's get some irrigation in here.

I don't get road rage. Do you get road rage?

Ben: Well, I don't chase people down. I'm not crazy.

April: Yeah, but other people.

Oh, other people are crazy.


Jackson: Well, actually sometimes, April, you get a little crazy.

April: What? Warren, bovie this.

Well, somebody cuts you off in traffic, you unleash a stream of obscenities that'll tear the paint off the walls.

Ben: [Laughs] Kepner? Really?

Well, it's just a release. They can't hear me.

Yeah, they just think you're on the phone. - Yeah.

Oh, God, you don't do that with Harriet in the car, do you?

No, never. I would never.

Oh, and you can't honk.

I mean, that just makes crazy people crazier.

No, no honking, not ever.

And when I flip someone off, I always do it below the dash, where they can't even see it.

You know?


Andrew: Or maybe you don't do anything.

Solid advice.

April: Absolutely. Clamp.

♪ Mm-mm-mm-mm ♪ Mm-mm-mm-mmm You're not even chewing.

I'm hungry, no time. Waiting on biopsy results.

Did Pierce tell you about her new favorite resident?

I can't operate, so I don't care.

I mean, technically, it's an old resident.

Leah Murphy.

She's back?

Maggie: I love her.

Really great suture techniques, steady hands.

♪ Just give me a chance, get up... ♪

How are you?

Great. Married.

Newlywed of two months going strong.

Super strong.

Can Webber really rehire her? I mean, I am on the board.

What is the problem?

We needed a new resident, and she's a good one.

Robbins slept with her.

So did Alex.

If you go there, be careful. She gets attached.

Excuse me.

Have you seen her yet?


I mean, do you think it's weird she hasn't called us to let us know she's coming back?

Who's back?

Leah Murphy.

She was in our intern class, and then she left in the second year of the program.

Not by choice.

Oh, what happened?

She didn't fight hard enough to get in the O.R. or study or prepare.

Yes, she did.

She drilled through a patient's leg all the way down to the table.



That was an accident. Did I also mention she almost brought the hospital down with harassment lawsuits and complaints against attendings because she was sleeping with attendings?

Well, in fairness, I slept with an attending.


Both Robbins and Karev.

Robbins and Karev?

Don't remind me.

Not that I care, but still, just don't remind me.

It all screwed with her head, so Webber asked her to leave.

Just goes to show... don't crap where you eat.

♪ I'm breakin' down, I'm breakin' down ♪

Hey, guys! Someone sitting here?


No, sit.

Um, we were just talking...

Talking about me? Figures.

[Cellphone chimes]

Um, anyway, uh, welcome back.

♪ I can take the elevator, you can take the stairs ♪
♪ And good rhythm killin' my time ♪
♪ A little bit of luxury I really don't mind ♪

[Cellphone chimes]

♪ Good rhythm ♪
♪ Good rhythm ♪

Alex: Damn it.

Advanced pancreatic cancer.

I say we start with neoadjuvant chemoradiation.

Hope it'll shrink the tumor, then we can resect it.

Follow up with more chemo.

But, uh, but she's pregnant.

How can the fetus survive that kind of chemo?

It can't.

We'll have to recommend termination.

If we can schedule it for this afternoon, we could start the first cycle of chemo as early as tomorrow.

This isn't some accidental pregnancy.

There has to be some other option.

[Sighs] This is the best option.

You don't know that. Y-You don't know her.

I know what I'm looking at on these scans.

Then look harder. I mean, there has to be some...

Okay, you marched across the street.

You yelled at me to come and assess your patient.

Me. Nobody else would do.

And now I'm here. I am assessing.

I can't help it if you don't like what you hear.

I convinced her to come to our clinic.

I told her that we could help her.

It's pancreatic cancer.

There's only so much help we can give.

You're not even trying.

Okay, you are on thin ice, Karev.

Thin. This is not the time to get...

I am the surgeon. I know my recommendation.

We're done here.
[Door opens]

Robbie, I have some good news. Your dad's out of surgery.

So as soon as your mom gets here, she can bring you up to see him.

My mom will be pretty happy about that.

Yeah, I bet she will.

She's probably pretty scared.

I bet she is.


If you are scared, it's okay.

I mean, it's all right to be scared.

It's all right to say you are, talk about it.

[Inhales sharply]

[Crying] He got so mad.

Yeah. It's okay.

And we went so fast.

I thought we were gonna go off the road.

I thought we'd die.

I just want my mom.

She's coming. She's on her way.

And you're safe now, okay?

Okay? Robbie?

I just want...

What's that?


Robbie? Do you know where you are?

Can you squeeze my hands?


Okay, I'm right here with you, and I'm gonna help you.

Dr. Shepherd, this is Robbie's ...Warren, get in here!

Robbie? We need some help in here! Get her out of here.

What's happening? What's happening?

Listen, ma'am. We need you to step back.

Okay, somebody call upstairs.

Bump whoever's in C.T. out. We're coming up there now.

Let's go.

W-What's wrong with him? T-They said he was fine.

And he was, but I really have to go now.


His C.T. was fine. No contusion, no fracture.

He has an incidental AVM in the left temporal.

It must have ruptured.

If his AVM ruptured, that's bad, right?

Really bad.

I want an O.R. on standby.

Make that happen right now.

Robbie's in surgery?

Yeah, he had a brain bleed.

They took him up as soon as they detected it.

[Monitor beeping]

Today was supposed to be a good one.

Robbie said he wanted me to take him to buy a comic book.

Yeah, t-that kind of thing doesn't happen much anymore.

He's 12 now.

And everything I do pretty much embarrasses him.

But today, when that guy cut me off, I was so pissed.

I mean, he could have k*lled us.

I just... I took off after him, and then we hit a slick spot and we lost control.

We hit the wall.

He's with Dr. Shepherd now. And she's excellent.

Hey, sweetie. How's Robbie?

There's no news. He's still in surgery.

Bob, what happened?

I don't understand.

I'll check back in a few.

This guy cut me off, and I just got so mad.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Speaking indistinctly]

[Telephone rings]

I'm sorry, but it sounds like you want me to terminate my pregnancy.

Oh, man.

We need to begin treatments as soon as possible.

And the baby couldn't survive them.

So, the baby's healthy.

The thing that's wrong here is me, right?

Well, how much time do I get?

I mean, if I do what you're asking and I get all the treatments, how much time will I have?

Less than a year.


Then what is the point?

Why can't we just wait until after the baby's born, and then you can nuke my body full of chemo all you want?

You're not listening. She's not listening.

They're saying... that without the treatments, the cancer will k*ll you before the baby's even born.

In a month, two months, you'll both be dead.

I went to court to fight a traffic ticket so I could save $360 so we could buy an organic crib mattress.

This is how my day started. And now I'm...

All day long, I have been thinking that there is... there's a reason that I was in that line.

There's a reason that I met you.

And I don't believe in God or fate or anything.

She doesn't at all.

But this is it?

I met you so you can tell me that our baby has to die and then go crawl off somewhere and die myself.

These are my options?

Just death?

And more death?

What about a Whipple?

A Whipple?

A what?

The baby wouldn't survive being under that long.

Then we do it open. Cut the time in half.

We forgo the first round of chemo and do this surgery instead.

Remove the cancer from your pancreas without harming the baby, then close you up.

A-And that will save them... that will save them both?

No, but it could keep you alive long enough to deliver a healthy baby.

It'll buy you both some time.

Dr. Karev.

What the hell? You are not some hotshot surgeon right now.

You are a doctor in the clinic.

You cannot go around suggesting outrageous procedures!

I was giving my patient her options.

The patient you only have because I gave you the chance in the clinic in the first place!

I'm sorry!

But I wasn't wrong.

I didn't promise the impossible.

Yeah, I overstepped, and I'm overstepping again and pissing you off, and I don't care.

Go on, get mad at me, but don't take it out on the patient.

Just give her a freaking chance.

When I tell you to know your place, know your damn place.

[Door slams]

[Monitors beeping rapidly]

Push 25 of mannitol.

This happened so quickly.

Spontaneous hemorrhage, but we are gonna get him back.

We have to get him back.

V-fib. Charge paddles to 120.

[Paddles whine]





Push another 25 of mannitol. Check his pupils.

[Flatline continues]

Fixed and dilated.

Let me see that.

No, no. No, no!


[Echoing] He's gone. Y-You did everything you could.

[Breathing heavily]

Seem to have poor back-bleeding from the inferior mesenteric.

Murphy, what do you do about that?

Create a circular button around the artery's origin, harvest it, and then reimplant it in the graft.


Use a partially occluding clamp on the graft to make a cuff incision and over-sew the inferior mesenteric artery with running 4-0 prolene.

And then what?

After the completion of anastomosis, we check the Doppler signals on the sigmoid mesentery.



You've double-checked every suture I've made, and you're pimping me with complicated questions.

They told you my story.

What? No.

What story? Is there a story?

W-Who cares?

What they didn't tell you, what they couldn't have told you is that when I left here, things really sucked.

Then I got into the program at Foster, and I worked harder than I've ever worked, and I became the best.

And then, Dr. Pierce, you happened.

I'm sorry?

During a cardio rotation, I found the article you wrote about awake VATS, and I was riveted.

So I researched other things you had written, and it became very clear to me that I'm not just a surgeon.

I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon, and I had to find you and learn from you.

And then I found out that you'd been hired here, and I thought, "Well, crap."

And then I realized, well, crap, I have to figure out a way to get back here somehow.

And now I'm in an O.R. with the Maggie Pierce.

Sorry, Dr. Riggs, no offense.

No, none taken. I get it.

I just hope that whatever you heard... well, I can't control that.

You know, when I first got here, I was so miserable, I tried to quit after two weeks.

People hated me so much, I got punched in the face.

Had exactly one friend.

Kepner. She likes everybody.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Telephone rings]

Um, should we wait for Jeremy to get back?

Uh, no, his stomach goes bonkers when he's stressed out, so he might be a while.

Uh, I wanted to talk to you about scheduling the D&E.

Dr. Karev said there was a surgery.

Why aren't we doing that surgery?

Because it's very risky to you, to the baby.

I already have an expiration date.

Aren't we past a little worried about some risks?

If we did this, if we could remove the tumor and keep your pregnancy intact, by the time you deliver, the cancer will have still grown unchecked for six months.

It'd be too far along by then for us to treat it.

I mean, you would literally be sacrificing your own life for your child's.

I can see it, you know?

See what?

Jeremy pushing our kid in the swing, touching his toes when they're in the sky.

And the baby thinks it's so funny.

I can see them growing older together, getting to the good stuff.

Jeremy showing him "Star Wars" for the first time.

"Episode IV," 'cause you can't start anywhere else.

High school, college... his first apartment.

Jeremy's there, and he's the best dad.

I picture that, and all this crap is for something.

A happy ending.

I die, but there's something good still.

There's something good to see.

I picture it your way, and everything goes black.

There's nothing.

Only death.

If this is the only chance that my baby has to survive, I am not looking for a guarantee.

I'm looking for a chance.

[Telephone rings]

Where'd you take Veronica?

She's in pre-op.

I was explaining to Jeremy what to expect after her Whipple.

Thank you, Dr. Bailey, for everything.

Have you seen, um, a hoodie?

Veronica's hoodie. It's black.

Had a hood.

I was looking for it and, um, Dr. Bailey came up and...

You sure she left it here?

No, I'm not.

I'm not sure at all because I wasn't paying any attention.

So who knows? Who the hell even knows where it is?!

[Breathes heavily]

Oh, I can't... I can't do this.

I can't raise a kid.

Not by myself, not without her.

This was a good idea because we had it, because we were gonna do it.

She's the one that thinks of things, who keeps track of things.

I'm in charge of fun ideas.

She's in charge of, like, common sense and where the freaking hoodie is!

The next hoodie I lose, my kid might be wearing it.

[Crying] What if my kid is wearing the hoodie?

Well, I've worked with a lot of parents, a lot.

There's only one trick.

What's the trick?

Show up. That's it. Be there. Be around.

It's what you're doing for your kid and his mom now, and you're already good at it.

Give yourself a break.


She's my best friend.

♪ I break a million ways before I... ♪

She's always been there.


♪ And I can only pray ♪
♪ There'll be another day ♪

Miranda: You ready, Veronica?

Is Dr. Karev gonna be in the surgery, too?

Uh, he's needed in the clinic.

♪ I'll hold onto... ♪

Then will you tell him "thank you" for me?

♪ So I'm countin' the days ♪

The accident caused damage to a weak spot in his brain.

We tried to repair it, but Robbie went into cardiac arrest on the table.


I'm so sorry.

We did everything we could.

Amelia: Mrs. Reeves.

[Voice breaking] Laura.

If there's anything that we can do...

♪ I hope your love never... ♪

I wish it was you.

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

It should've been you.

[Sobs] It should have been you!

Should've been you!


Ben: Mrs. Reeves.

Mrs. Reeves, come with me, please.

[Breathing heavily]

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

Alex: You want to talk about it?

♪ Countin' the days ♪

I'm just waiting to hear how surgery goes, so I got some time to k*ll.

Or not. I'm cool either way.

Or maybe just sit. Uh, Sometimes sitting helps.

I'll just go.

I had a baby.

A baby boy.

I had a son.


When I was living in L.A., um, he was born with anencephaly but... without a brain.

So he lived for, um...

43 minutes.

And I held him.

I got to hold him.

And then it was time.

And he was...

He donated all of his organs.

And then I let him go.

And it almost k*lled me.

I didn't know.

No, you wouldn't. Um...

I never told my family. Not... Derek, not Meredith.

No one.

I haven't told Owen all of it.

And I don't think I can.

He wants a family so bad.

How do I tell him that...

He won't look at me the same way.

Are you kidding?


He's gonna hate me.

I don't think so. It's Hunt.



I took a pregnancy test last night.

I, um... I thought I might...

And, uh, as I sat there waiting for the result, I just watched him get more and more excited.

He wanted it so badly.

And the longer I sat there, the more I felt like...

I was dying.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move.

And when that stick was negative, Owen's heart broke.


I was so relieved.

I could breathe again.



Now look me in the eye and tell me that he won't hate me.

[Siren wails]

Woman: Thank you.

[Telephone rings]

Hey! I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I was weird earlier.

I was just... I didn't know you were coming back, so I was a little thrown.

Yeah. Yeah. I've been thrown all day.

[Laughs nervously] Yeah. But it is good to see you.

I saw that you went into fetal medicine.

That's very impressive.

Oh, yeah. Thank you.

I'm gonna get these labs to Dr. Riggs.

I will see you around.


You okay?

I can't stop thinking about it.

I watched Robbie stand there and talk to his dad.

I mean, he was fine.

Then he wasn't.

[Car alarm chirps]


Hi, baby.

[Baby coos]

Just... April, it's secure, I'm sure.

I know, I know.

I just wanted to double-check.


One second.

Yep. Looks okay.

[Door closes]

[Woman on P.A. speaking indistinctly]


Hey, um, did you hear from your lawyer about a trial date?

Yeah, it's, uh, it's coming up soon.

Oh. Good night.

Wait. Wait. What's up?


Try again. What's up?

We shouldn't talk about the case anymore.

Wait. What?

I know you're talking with Karev. I saw you.

And after all that stuff you said about how you guys never talk anymore?

We were working on a case in the clinic.

I didn't exactly have a choice.

What? You think I'm some sort of double agent, and I'm...?

No. No, I don't think...

You just... You pick the bad guy.

So, the guy who hurts you or who hurts other people, and you deserve better.

Maybe you can't see that, but I do.

So, when I see you with him, I just...

Whatever. I, uh, I gotta go.

Hey, I'm about to head out. You gonna be long?

I thought maybe I'd throw something on the grill, and...

Oh, yeah, uh, no.

I have a cervical spine dislocation that just came up.

I, uh, will be awhile.

Oh, uh, well, you know, I'm not hungry. I can wait.

You shouldn't.

Um, I'll be pretty late, so don't wait up, 'kay?

Um, I'm sorry.

They were supposed to tell you not to wait.

I had a Whipple.

I know. I waited anyway.

We need to talk.

You're right. We do.

Because I'm not firing Alex Karev.

You think this is lenient.

You think this is about my personal feelings.

Y-You're right.

You don't train a surgeon without becoming personally involved.

A-At least, I hope not!

Now, I've made mistakes, and those who trained me afforded me the opportunity to grow, and I'm damn sure continuing that tradition with a surgeon as good as Karev!

So Alex Karev stays right where he is!

When someone you love is in physical danger, finding the strength you need to save them is easy.

That's fine.

I'm sorry?

It's fine. Karev can stay where he is.

We have a much bigger problem than Karev.

After this morning, I started looking into Alex's record, and Ben Warren's, and this Leah Murphy, and all these people who got second chances.

April Kepner, Meredith Grey.

And I wondered, why did they need chances?

Why did they screw up in the first place?

I'm sorry. I don't see what you're...

We used to be the leading education program on the whole West Coast.

So why would a Leah Murphy fail here only to thrive somewhere else?

It's how we're teaching.

There is a fundamental flaw in how we are teaching our residents.

And we have got to fix this.

You and me.

And Dr. Webber.

The residency program is your husband's department.

I know. I know it is.

But sometimes the threat isn't physical. Sometimes it goes deeper. In which case, no instincts can save you. No superhuman strength. No adrenaline rush.

♪ It started with a beating of a frozen winter heart ♪

You didn't call, you didn't text, you definitely didn't come home early.

I had to check on a patient.

How did that go?

Fine. She's still gonna die, though.

How did court go?

Fine. Not a big deal.

You can't power your way out from under the crashing car.

♪ Gonna sing out, gonna stay out ♪

I want waffle Sundays.

♪ 'Cause the rain has gone away ♪

Am I supposed to know what that means?

Well, every Sunday, I want to do waffles, like a family, all of us... you, me, the kids, Pierce, everybody, all together.


I want to do that as long as we can before, you know, I go away.

It's important to me.

♪ Waiting for the summer to come ♪


And Amelia. She should come, too.

[Sighs heavily]

You need to be nicer to her.

You need your sisters.

I'm not gonna always be around. You're gonna need them.

All you can do is sit...

She talks so much.

So let her. Okay?



...and wait...

♪ It's been a long, hard year ♪
♪ I've been waiting for the summer to come ♪
♪ It's been a hard year ♪

Do I have to help make the waffles?

That's my thing. Stay out of the kitchen.

...and wish things were different.

♪ Waiting for the summer to come ♪