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07x06 - Whistleblowers

Posted: 10/29/16 00:15
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

You rang?

Yes, I did.


You might want to sit down. I got some bad news.


I'm sitting down.

A.D.A. Collins was in a bike accident this morning and broke a leg and two ribs.

Oh, no.

He'll be fine.

That's not the bad news.

Collins won't be back in time to handle the plea process on this.

I'm asking you to.

What's the case?

Child p*rn on a hard drive, over 200 files worth.

The defendant pled guilty to possessing sexual performance by a child.

What'd they give for a plea?

The judge capped the sentence at six years.

I hate this stuff.

I know you do.

Which is why you're making me take it?

To toughen me up?


You're plenty tough as it is.

I just need the negotiation to be handled quietly and efficiently. Take it as a compliment.

These guys turn my stomach.

Mine, too.

But, uh, the defendant isn't one of "these guys."

It's a woman.

Good eye, Reagan.

Precinct Captain.


Why are we all crowded in here?

It's his idea.

Why are we all crowded in here?

I think I have some sensitive information.

Well, my office is what, leaky?

No. I'm j...

I don't know what I've got here, what the implications of sharing it are.

Well, Baker's name is Baker, not Rose Mary Woods.

Who's Rose Mary?

Nixon's secretary.

Watergate, the gap in the tapes.

Oh, right, right.

Do we need to whisper?

Close the door!

I was at a retirement racket for Tom Grassi last night.

Had my job at the state's attorney general's office.

Full disclosure: he'd had a few.

Enough to make him unreliable?

No. Just enough to lubricate coughing it up.

We'd traded favors over the years, and, by his count, he owed me one.

And the winner is?

According to Grassi, there's a whistleblower in the ranks of the NYPD.

A b*at cop in a high-crime precinct feeding Intel to investigators with the A.G.'s office.

About what, corruption?

No, I asked him that.

He said more like abuse of power.

Against who?

The neighborhood population.

In one precinct?


All high-crime Brooklyn neighborhoods.

You say "whistleblower," I say "rat."

If he's providing accurate information that's damaging to this department, he's both.

Depending on who's shining a light on him, the information, his motives.

It's all the same light.

No, Sid, it isn't.

We have our perspective, an activist A.G. has his, The New York Times, 60 Minutes has theirs.

In this building, he's a rat.

And we need to find out if he's...


Do we know it's a he?


Officer Eric Carlson of the 6-5.

(phones ringing)

You sure you don't mind typing the fives?

Nah, as long as you're telling the truth about helping Sean with his project.

I am. I swear.

Science, right?

Yeah, science. Good old science.

You said history before.

History of science.


Did I tell you that color looks really nice on you?

I meant to say that earlier.

It's black. It's not really a color.

Well, that shade of black. It's... dark.

It brings out your personality.

Good night, Reagan.

Yeah. Good night.

Woman (Irish accent): Gardai! Gardai! Gardai!

Hey, lady! What are you doing?

(horns honking)


Yeah, I'm gardai! I'm the police!

How 'bout you get out of the street, okay?!

Hey, I'll come to you!

Get on the sidewalk!


(tires screech)

Call 911!

I didn't see her! Oh, my God, is she okay?

I said call 911!

Man: 911? There's been an accident.

A woman's been hit by a car.

We need an ambulance right away!

♪ Blue Bloods 7x06 ♪
Original Air Date on October 28, 2016

♪ ♪

...and possessing a sexual performance by a child is a class E felony, carrying a minimum sentence of one to three years and a maximum of six under the plea deal.

Or probation.

Or probation?

Earth to Lawrence. Come in, Lawrence.

Ms. Duncan has no prior record of any kind.

She is a respected piano teacher and a vocal coach.

She is an active member of her church and her choir.

Change all the verbs to "was" and you'd be in the ballpark.

Excuse me?

Was active.

Was respected.

I assume you and your client are aware that this charge changes everything.

I don't like your tone.

And I don't like you coming in here like your client stole a candy bar.

What does that mean?

Come on, Skolnick.

You ever defended in a child p*rn case before?

Skolnick: No.

Let me clue you in.

Your client pled guilty.

Good for her.

Now everyone wants this to go away.

Which includes her going away.

You got me?

I have defended in many cases in which mental impairment is an issue.

Well, good. Because in my book, downloading child p*rn takes a serious level of mental impairment.

She has been a model citizen up until this incident.

She showed law enforcement officials to her computer as soon as they knocked on the door.

So what? That makes her mentally impaired?


But this does.

What am I looking at?

Ms. Duncan's brain scans, pre- and post-op.

Are you familiar with epilepsy, A.D.A. Reagan?

In the general sense.

Ms. Duncan has epilepsy.

Her seizures became so disruptive that she was unable to lead a normal life.

Epilepsy made her do this?

The treatment for it did.

Which was?

Brain surgery.

Ms. Duncan had a golf-ball-sized piece of her brain removed where the seizures were most active.

Sounds drastic.

It's more routine than you would think.

Except this time, it wasn't.

Ms. Duncan also had another part of her brain removed during this procedure, the part that controls impulses.

It wasn't me.

It was you.

And you admitted as much when you pled guilty.

Ms. Reagan, I meant... it wasn't me in here.

I know what was in my computer, and I owned up to it.

But I never in a million years could have done that.


You realize how convenient this sounds?

Run it by your own experts.

You can be sure I will.

In the meantime, the People will recommend the maximum sentence allowed.

She say anything back when you called out to her?

She just kept yelling "Gardai, Gardai."

What's "Gardai"?

Well, it's Irish for "police."

What's with all the questions? What's on your mind?

Detective, getting hit by that car was what k*lled her, but she was already gone.

I'm amazed she could walk or talk.

What do you mean?

She had a blood alcohol level of .11 in her system and a half gram of cocaine.

Okay, but that's not usually enough to be lethal.

Depends what it's cut with.

Like when it's laced with a synthetic opiate called W-18.

The amount in her system would O.D. her and her whole village back home.

Okay, some new party cocktail making the rounds?

Not that I'm aware of.

My point is, no one parties this hard by choice.

I found fresh needle marks behind her knee.

Think that's a hot sh*t?

Or a su1c1de.

Okay. But suicides don't usually go calling for help after they pull the trigger.

Danny: All of 19 years old.

And over here for a summer job at Jimmy Quinn's from a one-pub town outside Kilkelly.

You say "Jimmy Quinn's" like I should know the place.

Well, it's not just a place-- it's a legend, Jimmy Quinn's.

The original one's in Montauk. His kids opened a few over here in the '90s.

But great steaks, big drinks, and-- let me tell you something-- the cute little Irish help in the summertimes does not hurt business.

Spoken like one who knows.

Well, there was redheaded Caitlin from County Cork.

For one magical summer in the last century.

So I take it I'm gonna meet Jimmy Quinn?

Actually, Jimmy Quinn, Jr.

Not sure he has the same Irish twinkle in his eye that his old man had, but bring your shades just in case.

...also requested two transfers...

No. First, one thing.

Garrett, Grassi said he owed you one after a few drinks.

Maybe you had a couple, too?


Well, then is there any version of this where he meant, "You screwed me, I owe you one"?

Owed you that way?

No. He owed me a solid.

Okay, then I got to ask, owed you a solid for what?

Nothing from here.

I'll ask again. For what?

For dirt on city hall.

And I'm gonna ask you to trust my judgment and not ask me any more about it.

And, Lieutenant, you got what?

Carlson requested two transfers in 21 months.

That's three precincts.

Two in Brooklyn South, one in Brooklyn North.

And his profile?

Goes along, gets along.

Not exactly a big collar guy but a presence on the street that's earned him some commendations in the community.

Yeah. And now in the 6-5?

Going on seven months.

Ward Gibson's his C.O. over there.

Off-duty, off-site, off the record as soon as possible.

Got it, boss.

It's called Kluver-Bucy syndrome.

It occurs in patients when there's been damage in the medial temporal lobe.


The defense may be right.

This is a well documented phenomenon that often results in uncontrollable hypersexuality.

Okay. So lacking control.

What about awareness?

If she was suffering delusions at the time, she may have lacked that, too.


But it would require evaluation of the subject beyond these scans.

Okay. I'm gonna need you to do that.

You've brought me a lot of interesting cases over the years, Erin, but this one's maybe too interesting.

You just said the defense may be right.

There's more at stake here than just right or wrong.

No, those are the stakes, always.

Say I did evaluate her and supported the defense.

And you, in turn, supported a lesser sentence.

Erin, let's be clear.

This is for possession of child p*rn.

There's no justification or excuse that the people who place their trust in us will accept.

That may be true, but it doesn't make it right.

Right or wrong, it is what it is.

Sorry. I can't help.


When she walked in a room, it was like the sun came in right behind her.

Yeah. Okay.

But again, I need you to think here, Jimmy, okay?

How about a customer or coworker?

I run a clean place.

We're not trying to say otherwise.

I vet every dishwasher.

I know most every customer like they were family.

Let's start with coworkers.

Any beefs?


Any romances gone bad?

There are no romances among the staff here.

Danny: Come on.

Beautiful young girl in the big city all by herself for the very first time.

Jimmy Quinn's has been a thriving business for over 40 years, 'cause we have rules.

And one of those rules is no fooling around among the staff.

And no dipping in the register, pouring from the top shelf for the staff drinks, right?

Look, I hear what you're saying, Detective, but no.

Everyone who works here signs a non-fraternization agreement.

Excuse me a sec. Where's the ladies' room?

Before the kitchen doors, to the right.

I'll be right right back.

Danny: Mm-hmm.

So what time did Rebecca leave last night?

Well, we slowed way down after happy hour, so I let her go around 9:00.

Talk to me.

(Irish accent): Rebecca was a friend of mine.

We met on the flight over.


That no hooking up amongst the staff policy-- the staff work together hard to make sure Mr. Quinn believes it's working.

Though it isn't.

Maybe it did, in the last century.

Yeah, I doubt even then.

Who was Rebecca hooking up with?

Sean. One of the bartenders.

Who's a bad guy?

No. He's a good guy.

But I can tell you...

...the moment she got off shift, she'd be headed to him.

Do you know where I can find him?

I went with her to a couple of parties at his flat.

And your expert says this syndrome... what's it called?

Two words: Kluver-Bucy.

Would hold water as a mitigating factor?


But is unwilling to testify to same.

No. She will not testify.

Well, then, I've got two words for you: child p*rn.

What is that supposed to mean?

Two words that together run neck and neck with child molester as the charges that bring everybody, and I do mean everybody, together.

This is not a political campaign.

Sometimes it is.

And this is one of those times.

Why did your doc back out? Can I guess?

You don't have to; you know why.

Yes, I do.

Because she's smart and likes making her living the way she does, and so do I, and so do you, last I heard.

Coupled with the fact that the defendant is female, this case could have major precedence in the courts.

And this case could backfire and paint this office as some kind of bed-and-breakfast that's soft on child p*rn.

The defense presented medical evidence.

We can't just ignore it to protect our image.

You say image, I say reputation.

Do you really think she's innocent?

I didn't say that.

And now you are talking like it's a political campaign.

She pled guilty.

I just think there's a strong argument that the blame is not entirely hers to bear.

Anyway, we're done here.

We are?

You assigned me to take over the plea process on this case.

Are you taking me off of it?

No, but...

Then I'll keep you posted.

Right now, we don't have anything but a tip, and we don't know much about what kind of information is allegedly being passed up.

Well, you've covered all the legal requirements, boss.

The officer in question is assigned to your precinct.

Kinda figured that.

He transferred in from...

Hold on a second.

There a problem, Ward?

I take pride in my job.

I know you do.

So I'd like to think that if a cop in my command turned rat, I'd have a pretty good guess.

We're not saying he's a rat.

Polite name is "whistleblower."


Officer Eric Carlson?

Yeah. We call him Swede.

That's the name we got.

Why'd you guess him?

Don't get me wrong, good cop.

Pain in the ass, but a good cop.

Pain in the ass how?

Opinionated. Which is fine.

I encourage an open exchange of opinions.

I checked with his previous C.O.s, same story.

He'd voice a complaint, and if you didn't take it as gospel, he'd try to go up and around you.

Daily? Weekly?

You know, now that I'm thinking, we had a come-to-Jesus a month ago.

And here I am thinking I got through to him.

That he was one of my boyos.

We even went to the range together.

Thanks for this, Ward.

I don't know what you're thanking me for.

I got a rat on my watch.

For your honesty; I know it ain't easy.


We don't know what we've got, so I do not want you to do a thing, understood?


This meeting never happened.

Excuse me.

(intercom buzzes)

Sean Bartch?

Man (over intercom): Not here.

It's the police.

Detective Reagan and Baez.

You here now?


(door buzzes)

I was at my friend's bar, the Philidor.

I can get you his number if you want.

Yeah, we do.

What time were you there till?

Uh... last call.

Mm-hmm. And Rebecca was gonna meet you there?

I was hoping so.

What's that mean?

Means we kind of had a fight, and, uh, I was hoping she'd gotten over it, but I'm never gonna know, so...

So the witnesses at the Philidor will say you were there when to when?

(exhales) Uh, like, 8:00 to 2:00, 2:15-- I don't know.

I was helping out behind the bar from about 11:00 to last call, so...


(quietly): Why don't you call over there, check it out.

Hey, look at me.


It's time you cut the crap and get real with me right now.

What the hell's going on?

I don't-- I was nowhere near her, man.

I wish I had been.

What happened?

She got hit by a car.


That's not why you're here.


She got hit by a car and she was pumped up with coke that was laced with W-18.

You ever heard of that?

Yeah. Yeah, I've heard of that.

Um... I've never tried it, but...


But she did.

Was Rebecca game for anything?

No, man.

Nothing like that, no.

Well, she was that night.

You do coke with her?


She-- God, she'd-she'd do, like, uh, a few beers, a couple of sh*ts, that was it.

So she only did beer and a couple of sh*ts, but this night she does a whole bunch of coke with W-18 in it?


What were you two fighting about?

(chuckles, sniffles)

She, uh, flirted all the time.

(chuckles): It was, uh... you know, it drove me crazy, but she always said it was just 'cause she, uh, had to do it for show, 'cause she had to pretend to be single, so...

Because of Jimmy Quinn's policies?


And I'm, uh, I'm not usually the jealous type.

Let's suppose your suspicions were right.

Which guy would it be?

I don't think she was, man.

Come on.

Fights like that don't happen because of the entire male species, all right?

Somebody set it off; who was it?

No. It was just, like... (chuckles)

I mean, you know what she looked like?

Yeah. I know what she looked like.

It was like every guy who came in there was trying to, trying to get her number.

You know, she said because of her job, she had to make them all feel like "possibly," but that was it.

There's about six or seven over at the Philidor who were there last night.

They'll stay till we get there to interview.


Man, everything I'm saying is true, I swear.

Then don't leave town.
Ms. Collins.

Siobhan Collins.

Detective Reagan.

I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time.

(Irish accent): Sure.

I'm really, uh... sorry for your loss.

I'm trying to determine what may have caused, or led to your daughter's death.

And I was wondering if you could help.

I don't know how I could help.

When you were contacted by the department as next of kin, you were already on a plane on your way over here to the States.

I was wondering why.

Rebecca asked me to come over to talk to Mr. Quinn with her, and then to take her right to the airport and home.

Talk about what?

To blow the whistle that dr*gs were being dealt out of his restaurant.

She felt strongly that we owed him that.

And did she mention a Sean Bartch to you?

Ah, yes.

I'm afraid she inherited my bad taste in men.

So, this was his operation, then?

Well, according to Rebecca, it was Sean and... another bartender, working both out of here and in Montauk.

Uh, do you have any proof of this, Ms. Collins?

As far as I'm concerned, I'm flying the proof home with me in her casket.

Egan: What'd you say to Dr. Sumardi?

She's got a nice side business going as an expert witness.

I'd hate to see it dry up. (chuckles)

Which one are you rooting for?

What do you mean?

For the doc to agree to testify for Duncan, or for her to pass this buck again.

I'm rooting for justice.

Give me a break.

She declines to testify, you're off the hook.

But if she agrees to support the defendant, you've doubled down on pushing for the minimum sentence in a child p*rn case.

Sticking with justice.

What I am rooting for is, next time you want to dump something like this on someone's lap, you walk right by me.

Won't happen, but it's fair.

Sean was in here earlier.

Said he left his wallet in his locker.

Great. Let's see if he left anything else. Which one?

Oh. Right here.

(whispers): Right here.

All right, I need your permission as the owner of this establishment.

Oh, yes, please, go.

Great. Could you step back, please?


All right.

Come to papa.

Finders keepers.

What is that?

Well, it looks like grams of cocaine in the convenient pocket size.

I had no idea.

Who's he run with?

What do you mean?

Well, you make it your business to stay in your employees' business, right?

Who's he run with?

Who does he do shifts with?

Derrick Sanders.

He's out working Montauk for the week.

Montauk. Good. Okay.

Sean Bartch, drop the bag, keep your hands where I can see 'em!

Hey! Where you going, buddy? Turn around.

Hands on your head. Lock your fingers.

Could have sworn I told you not to leave town.

You got the wrong guy.

That's a new one. I swear.

(chuckles) You have the right to remain silent.

So why don't you do me a favor: shut up. Come on.

And she was exceptionally candid.

She admitted that on occasion, her feelings towards some of her pupils could cross a line into fantasies of voyeurism and physical intimacy.

There's never been a single complaint filed against her, not even a whisper.

Aside from the hundreds of files on her computer, for the record.

I reviewed enough of the seized material to be fairly certain that her account lines up with the evidence.

It's child p*rn any way you slice it.

It's exclusively depictions of clearly post-pubescent boys engaging in masturbation.

In my opinion, the impulse controls that were removed as a result of the surgery manifested in the wholly uncharacteristic action of searching for and downloading those images.

And you'd be willing to testify on her behalf?

To these specific points.

But if you try to steer me into an agenda, I'll be gone in the next instant.

The witness does not set guidelines for the prosecution.

Take it or leave it.

All I want is for you to provide expert testimony on the viability of her claim.

That I can do.

Last call. You're gonna help me, or I'm gonna mop the floor with you, you understand?

And then you're cut off.

And cut off around here means central booking, then straight to Rikers!



All right.

All right. Yeah.

She knew about the dr*gs.

She? Rebecca?


I wanted her to stay here in America, so I told her that I made more than just a bartender, and I could support her.

She asked how you could support her, right?

And I told her.


To keep her here.

But you didn't keep her. You lost her. How?



I told Derrick that I told her.

We don't keep secrets, him and me.

So you think Derrick did it.

Well, ever since you came to my apartment and mentioned W-18, yeah.

He the only one who cuts with it?

He's the only one I know.

Then why didn't you say something then?


'Cause I didn't think that he would do something like this.

Look, man, this whole thing-- it was just supposed to be, like, providing a service on the side, but he got greedy.

Uh-huh, and you talked to him about that?

Did he admit to it?

That's why I was getting on that jitney.

Go out to Montauk, talk to him, face to face.


Well, look, you still got a chance to do that.


To get him to admit it.

I mean, you dragged Rebecca into this; you're part of the reason she's dead.

You want a sh*t at redemption or not?

I'll do anything.


I used every can opener and crowbar, called in every chit and favor.

If Officer Carlson is passing up anything truly damaging, I can't get at it.

Are we being played here?

No. I checked back with Grassi.

Carlson is Officer Zero in this.

Whatever "this" is.

(door opens)

Carlson's in the hospital.

What for?

Captain Gibson demanded access to his apartment without permission.

The super called Carlson. Apparently, they're friendly.

Carlson came back home and confronted Gibson, had him red-handed right there.

Son of a bitch. I told Ward to lay off.

His pride won out.

Punches thrown?

No. Just a lot of yelling.

Well, then what the hell's he in the hospital for?

Gibson called for backup and had Carlson checked in to the psych ward.

What the hell? When?

Late last night.

Why the psych ward?

Because he's smart.

If Carlson is a rat...

He'll look a lot less reliable if his own C.O. had him committed to the psych ward.

Docket number 435286, The People v. Katherine Duncan.

Judge: Defendant has been charged with possessing a sexual performance by a child.

I understand both sides have recommendations for sentencing?

Yes, Your Honor.

The People will be recommending the minimum sentence of one to three years.

(gallery groaning, murmuring)

We believe Ms. Duncan's actions were not fully in her control due to complications following a medical procedure, as shown in records previously submitted to this court.

And the defense?

Defense recommends two years probation, plus mandatory therapy.

(gallery murmuring)

Approach the bench, both of you.

Are you two serious? For child p*rn?

I believe there are medical factors...

Yeah, I know. I heard you.

Well, if necessary, will you hear the testimony of an expert witness to the same point on behalf of Ms. Duncan?

Sure I will.

So, probation and a minimum sentence?

This is... is this what you two worked out?

For Your Honor's consideration.

"For Your Honor's consideration" of the steaming pile of crap you just plopped down on my bench.

It is this A.D.A.'s opinion that it's my duty to advocate for a fair and just sentencing in this case.

Do you understand the position this puts me in?

Hopefully in the position to consider this case objectively and not subjectively, Your Honor.

Step away, please.

I am not prepared to hand down a sentence of probation at this time, nor to consider a minimum sentence as proposed by the People.

Skolnick: Uh, will you consider reducing the cap on sentencing, Your Honor?

The cap will remain at six years.

You're free to present the court with your expert witness, Ms. Reagan, and both sides may produce additional materials between now and the sentencing date, which is set for Monday next.

Until then, this case is adjourned.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Thank you, Your Honor.

(door opens)

Gormley: Officer Carlson.

Commissioner Reagan, sir.

And Lieutenant Gormley.

Please sit down.

You know why we're here?

Pretty sure I do, yes, sir.

Would you like a union rep?

Uh, no, Lieutenant. Thank you.

Do you want to speak candidly?

Why else do you think I got you here?

You didn't get us here.

Beg to differ, sir.

You're here on account of what started with a tip from the state's attorney general's office, am I right?

You tell me.

Sir, I've been trying for almost a year to get a sit-down with you, over what I see as the systemic abuse of policy and power by certain precincts to violate the rights of citizens.

Name two.

"Increase your activity level" was code for get more collars any way you can, including planting evidence.

"Full enforcement" meant summons anything that's breathing.

To what end?

You write up some poor kid for an open container.

He can't afford the summons, so he doesn't show up, and you knew that going in.

Right, now you've got him in the system with a warrant out on him.

You own him for whatever you see fit to use him for.

Gormley: Says you.

It's called effective police work.

In these neighborhoods?

This isn't OshKosh B'Gosh or wherever you're from.

Planting evidence?

Okay, not that, but...

So, you're saying, what?

At roll call, everyone knew how to interpret?

If you didn't, you were expected to get the download from someone who'd been around for longer.

And if they didn't?

You get schooled, real harsh.

Say I believe you.



What's your next move?


You seem like a smart guy.

Certainly you didn't think that by opening this particular can of worms, there would be a single commanding officer who'd want you in his command.

Yeah. I hadn't really thought about it like that.

Time to start.

Well, I suppose I'd join a department back home, Milwaukee or Madison.

Not when they heard from me, which they sure as hell would.

Copy that.

So, I'll ask you again.

What's your next move?

What's the right thing to do?

My cell phone and personal e-mail.

I'm gonna see about getting you out of here.

Henry: Dealing dr*gs out of Jimmy Quinn's? Take that back.

Well, I can't take it back; it happened.

Oh, the trial's over? Quinn's lost?

No, but...

Then it's libel.

They're innocent until proven guilty.

Danny: Okay.

Jamie: Why you taking a stand on this, Pop?

It's not a stand.

Okay, what do you call it?

Cleopatra ain't the only Queen of "De Nile."

Haven't heard that one in a while.

Henry: What else have you got for me?

That all those lovely Irish girls turned out to be hook... ladies of the night?

No. But as it turns out, they're not exactly Jimmy's vestal virgins, either.

Says you.

Why would my dad be making something like this up?

Are you just busting his chops?

No, but clearly I've hit a nerve.

Well, Pops hit on a good point.

He has? What's that?


There's a whole lot of benefit to be had by giving the benefit of the doubt to something you hold dear.

Henry: Thank you.

Frank: Big part of who you are.

But what does that have to do with Quinn's?

Oh, come on. You of all people.

Me of all people what?

What? You never stuck with your convictions about something?

A case? A person? A cause?

Not when I'm smart.

This isn't about smart.

Smart's highly overrated sometimes.

I've been saying that since fourth grade.


You mean how smart's becoming a nicer word for cynical?

That's one way to put it, yeah.

I mean, Pop loves Quinn's, the Montauk Quinn's from back in the day when he and his buddies ate and drank and drank some more after a fishing charter.

He owns that and nothing's gonna change that, nor should it.

And if the place is changing, I don't want to hear about it.

It's staying the same to me, and that's my right.

End of story.

And you don't have anything in your life that you would defend against all comers to the bitter end?

Well, not a restaurant.

Well, no. That's Pop's in this.

What's yours?

Just about any underdog.

Well, there you go.

What about you, Danny?

Misunderstood teenage boys.


Once you've been one, you can't help but feel for them all.

Except for these two, of course.

Oh, thanks, Dad.


Pit bulls.

They're like ex-boxers in a bar.

Everyone taunts them and then acts shocked when they punch back.

Always think they get a raw deal.

Plus, they're adorable.

So sweet.

Well, I know what you're getting for Christmas.

What about you, Dad?

What do you end up being the last man defending?

What comes to mind right now?

Set-in-their-ways old cops.

I can't help but root for 'em, even though I know it might come back to bite me.

You talking about Pops or Danny?


Sean: Derrick!



You wanted to talk, so talk.

I, uh... I got a visit from the cops.

About Rebecca?

What do you think?

I think, "So what?"

You know, the chick you were banging got hit by a car.

What's there to say, but...

It-it's sad, it-it's so sad.

And she got hit by a car with a snootful of blow cut with W-18.

(chuckles): Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Come on, you-you want to tell me why?

What, you think I had something to do with it?

Yeah, I know you did.

I don't have the whole market on W-18.

Oh, yeah, you do in that little world she moves around in.

Prove it.


Hey, hey, hey, man.

Listen, take it easy.


Let's not get carried away, all right?

Huh?! What did she do to you?!

Calm down.

You want to talk?

Let's talk.

Come on.

Don't be holding a g*n on me.

Come on, let's put that away.


(g*n cocks)

She was gonna go to old man Quinn, and where do you think he was gonna go next?

To the cops.

You don't know that!

You started this! Telling her.

You really think I was gonna let some little Irish piece of tail come between everything we built?

You ought to be thanking me, dumb-ass.



Danny: Police!

Drop it! Drop it!

Drop it!

Drop the g*n!

Turn around, get up against the car. Move!

Derrick Sanders, you're under arrest... for the m*rder of Rebecca Collins.

(siren wailing)

For being dumb enough to fall for a starter's p*stol, you jackass.

Good job.

Come on.

You okay?


Ms. Reagan.

I want to thank you.

Well, don't thank me; the judge hasn't handed down a sentence.

Not for the result.

For the grace you've shown.

Court officer: All rise.

(clears throat)

I've reviewed the expert testimony as provided by the D.A.'s office, and I've found the evidence convincing that Ms. Duncan lacked both control and awareness of her actions.

(sighs) However... in her lucid moments, Ms. Duncan failed to report her activities to the appropriate authorities, or to seek help.

In those moments, she had responsibility that she failed to act upon.

As such, I hereby sentence Ms. Duncan to the maximum sentence allowed under her plea deal, six years in state prison.

(gavel bangs)


This court is adjourned.

(sobbing softly)

(handcuffs clicking)

It's one thing to take an officer aside and give him a talking to.

Again, boss, I didn't sign up for a lecture from...

Humor me, Captain.

Carlson: Even though it's about a corrupt practice...

Gormley: You say corrupt, some people say...

Sid, please.

No. I should go.

I don't want to listen to this, sit here and...

You can and will.

Move it along.

It's a whole other thing to plan it out, so that you confront an officer in the locker room, in front of his fellow officers, timed so that he's standing at attention in his underwear while you tear him a new one.

You're making this sound like it happens every day.

Yeah, I've seen it happen often enough that I asked around-- it's a thing.

You get one of your boyos to tip you off.

Okay, I call BS.

I must have witnessed it over a dozen times.

Gibson: All right. So what?

My high school football coach used to do the same thing, and we won state three years running.

Okay, well, that's not gonna help.

These are men and women. They're not kids.

They're professionals, and they deserve to be treated as such.

And this ain't the Candy Land Police Department, either.

I know that.

But that kind of bullying...

You toss your better judgment, your right to question, just to avoid going through it again, and that doesn't make for good cops.

Right, that makes for go along to get along boyos.

Do you have any evidence that Captain Gibson ordered or condoned, implicitly or otherwise, the planting of evidence to justify a collar or make a case?

Not hard evidence.

Rumors and hearsay.

Never happened.

Look, say I believe you...

Say I don't give a rat's ass what you believe.

Called an olive branch, Ward.

Screw him!

You are refuting everything he said?

Think, Ward.

You take away stop and frisk, you take away an officer's sixth sense, 'cause it's now called profiling, which is what happened on my watch.

Easy there, you...

No, he's got a point.

So, yeah, they've taken away some of the tools from the box.

So you look for new tools.

You get creative with the ones you have left because the job's the same.

And the bad guys aren't gonna give you a break because you've got your hand tied, okay?

You hear him?

Yes, sir.

You want to stay on the job?

Ask me some other time.

I'm asking you now.

Yes, sir.

'Cause you're gonna be working with more guys like him.

Guys who don't pine for the good old days, 'cause they weren't there for 'em.

Men and women who want to do the job and play by the rules.

2016 rules.

Like it or not.

Yes, sir.


I want you two to ride back to your precinct... together.

And go back to work, together.

