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13x07 - Why Try to Change Me Now

Posted: 11/04/16 04:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Grey's Anatomy"...

Bailey: The person that beat up DeLuca is someone I thought you left behind years ago.

You're a good doctor!

You're exactly what we need right now in the clinic.

The Denny Duquette Clinic?

Unless you want me to fire you.

I took a pregnancy test last night.

And, uh, as I sat there waiting for the result, I just watched him get more and more excited.

And when that stick was negative, Owen's heart broke.

And... I was so relieved.

Now look me in the eye and tell me that he won't hate me.

Have you met the new resident?

She is great.

This is...


Dr. Robbins.

You guys know each other?



Why would a Leah Murphy fail here only to thrive somewhere else?

There is a fundamental flaw in how we are teaching our residents.

And we have got to fix this.

You and me.

And Dr. Webber.

The residency program is your husband's department.

I know it is.

Meredith: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

She's coming today?

Mm-hmm. She is.

The saying's as true of the human body as it is of a washing machine or a blender.

What did you tell the staff?

I sent them an e-mail, let them know that she'll be at the hospital for a couple of days, that she would be here to observe, assess.

At this point, that's all she'd be doing anyway.

Good. Smart.

No need to give anyone a scare... not until we know more.

A good surgeon knows that if you go screwing around with something that doesn't need screwing...

This is the right call?

This is the right call. are the one who is liable to end up screwed.

[Door closes]

I'm saying you wouldn't be late if we didn't have to stop for gas.

Yeah, well, we wouldn't have had to stop if you ever put gas in the car.

The light wasn't even blinking yet.

When the light is blinking, it's already too late.

Who stops for gas before the light blinks?

And I'm late.

Have a good day.


I know.

I have to talk to him, and I will.

But I haven't yet, so you don't have to look at me like that.

I was just looking at my phone.

Everything's fine with me and Owen.

Oh, yeah, it sounds great.

It's absolutely fine.

We're gonna be married for a long time, so the baby conversation can just sit on the back burner for a while, and it'll be fine because it... it's fine.

You know, you just said, "It's fine," a lot of times.

Hey. Did you guys see this e-mail?

What e-mail?

"An education consultant is making a visit to observe and assess our program"?

Who is Dr. Eliza Minnick?

Wouldn't know. I didn't get the e-mail.

Uh, education consultant, double board certified, sports-medicine specialist.

Published 52 papers in the Journal of Surgical Education.


This is because of me, isn't it?

They're gonna overhaul the program because I beat up DeLuca.

Everything isn't about you. That doesn't even make sense.

A teacher beat up a student.

Oh. That makes sense.

The e-mail makes it sound like she's just gonna wander around and then wander away.

Well, yeah, Bailey's not gonna BCC a mass-firing announcement to the entire staff.

People panic.

Why would you even say that?

You serious?

Minnick's kind of a legend.

I know a guy at Foster who dated a girl at Innsmouth when she was doing their program's makeover.

Heads rolled.

Warren, you seriously know nothing about this.

Mnh-mnh. I've told you, Miranda and I keep it real separated.

No, no, no. I don't want to hear that.

Your happy, little marriage can be adorable on a different day, okay?

You need to get us answers.

This is all probably happening 'cause of you anyway.

What's that supposed to mean?

You really think a resident does a C-section in the middle of the hallway and everyone just forgets about it?

Dr. Webber.

Dr. Webber, is this because of me, because of my trouble last year?

Look, it's none of my business, but...

Well, I just hate to think that people might get fired because of me.

No, Warren, no one's getting fired, okay?

I don't know where you got that, but don't worry, okay?

This is not about you.

Good, 'cause I just...

Well, the aortic stenosis doesn't look too severe.

A valvuloplasty might...

Did you get anything out of you mom?

I got called a "Nosey Rosie" and then she changed the subject.

Oh, did you see Minnick's Ted Med talk, though?

I think she's fascinating.

Oh, yeah, we'll see how fascinating she is when she starts handing out pink slips.

Well, I'm safe, because there's only a handful of people in this country who can do what I do, unlike cardio surgeons.

Well, you know what they say... "Last one in, first one out."

Well, that's not how it happened on D-Day.

Ain't nobody safe on the b*ttlefield.

[Laughter, indistinct conversations]

Ah, that's not ominous at all.

I just don't know why you wouldn't discuss it with me.

I'm sorry.

Look, she had an opening in her schedule, and I jumped at it. It happened very fast.

Yeah, too fast to tell the Residency Director.


You got all these people worried.

I don't know what to tell them because you didn't keep me in the loop.

Oh, no one should worry.

D-Dr. Minnick is here to... look around, observe.

That's... all.

Just to see if there's anything we could do better.

All right.

Well, when she arrives, I probably should be the first one to meet her.

She and I could chat, I can show her around, introduce her to people.

That's gonna be a problem.

She's already here.

Dr. Webber!

Well, if she is in there with my residents, I'm not missing any more of this meeting than I have to.

You will be missing all of it!

Look, Bailey...

No, she asked to speak to the residents alone.

Whatever she needs, she gets. You will leave them be.


So... I work with attending surgeons.

I train attendings to train you, and the best way I know how to do that is to hear from you about them.

I would love to get just a clearer picture of the hours, the instructors, who you love, who you hate...

I want to hear it.


Sorry, but you're here for two days.

We have to work with them.

I get that.

You just have to ask if that's the best path to take to get to what you want, which, I assume, is to be able to stand in an O.R. and confidently, seamlessly perform a flawless solo surgery not tomorrow, not next year, not two years from now, but today, right now, without hesitation, because that's what I'm offering... a chance to do that.

And don't worry. This room is a vault.

Nothing leaves these walls.

[Indistinct whispering]

[Intercom chatter]

[Gasps] Look at them all lined up for her, like little ducks quacking.

Yeah, you ever see that movie "The Birds"?

Is that Minnick? What are they telling her?

I don't know, but she's taking notes.

[Cellphone bings]

April, you're on Tinder?

What? No. No, I'm not.

Yes, you are!

Th-That's the Tinder bing.

That's the "I've got a match" bing.

I love that bing.



Uh, y-yes, okay?

It was, like, an impulse decision, and now it keeps making noise.

[Binging continues]

I would k*ll to know what they're talking about in there.

Well, I think they're talking about us.

Why? 'Cause they're looking at us.


Well, Doc, how soon can Enid be back on the lanes?

She's missed league night three weeks running.

We're in a bowling league, some of us ladies from the home.


The Gutter Girlz... with a "Z."

[Chuckling] I see.

A-A-And regionals are next month, and we've just got to get her back in the lineup if we're gonna take down those Ball Bellz.


Ah, Dr. DeLuca, glad you could join us.

Meeting run long?

Uh, yeah. Sorry.

[Clears throat]

Well, Enid, it looks like your gallbladder is definitely inflamed.

I'd opt for surgery if I were you.

Surgery? Really?

Well, it's pretty non-invasive.

We'll have you back in your bowling shoes in a couple weeks.

Well, if you think that's right.

Are you kidding? That's perfect.

Well, those Ball Bell hags won't know what hit them.


Given your age, Enid, though, we'd need to do a cardiac assessment, and after that, you'll be ready to roll.

You know best, Doc.

[Sighs, clears throat]

So, how was your meeting?

Oh, uh, yeah, just, uh, interesting.

Okay. Interesting.

Kind of... confidential, I guess.

Yes, of course, but I've been known to keep a secret or two.


Nobody would know it came from you, is my point.


Get out.

Thank you, sir.

Hold still, Mr. Lawson.

That's great.

Okay, there's free fluid in Morison's pouch and around the spleen.

I told him not to try to do it himself.

You want to install insulation, you pay someone who is professionally not a moron.

Those guys are a racket.

Owen, I need to get in here.

Well, I'm in here right now.

Brenda: And why do we need insulation in the first place?

It saves 30 cents on the dollar.

He complained of severe back pain, Dr. Hunt.

I need spine films now.

Now we're in the E.R., so factor that into your figures, Uncle Scrooge.

Spine films won't help if I miss a liver lac, Dr. Shepherd.

Emmett, any idea how far you fell?

You mean when he crashed through the ceiling or when he rolled down the stairs afterwards?

Don't you dare hire someone to fix that ceiling.

I'll do it.


Emmett, you are broken.

Yeah, he very well might be.

Mrs. Lawson, maybe you should wait outside.

Right this way.

You brought this on yourself.

[Clears throat]


Hi. Hey, Dr. Grey.

Dr. Bailey said I could observe some surgeries today.

My surgery?

Oh, you won't even know I'm here.

Okay, Warren, I'm gonna use the stay suture to approximate the two ends of the small bowel and then insert the Endo GIA and fire it.



Do you have a better idea?

I just wonder if Dr. Warren could do the anastomosis.

I assume you've used the GIA before, Dr. Warren.

Many times.

Never on a portion of the bowel this close to the cecal valve, which is why you'll watch me do it.

Ah, see one, do one, teach one... the old standard.

Oh, it's still pretty current.

72-hour shifts were pretty current, too, until they weren't. [Chuckles]

But the mandatory 80-hour work week has ultimately saved more lives than it's harmed.

Wouldn't you say, Dr. Grey?


Most people resisted it, too, at first.

I know it sounds crazy, letting the resident dive in, but wouldn't you rather know that your surgical assist can actually assist?

If a patient goes south, who's more likely to save them... a resident with less hands-on experience or more?

Closing the enterotomies. LIGACLIP, please.

Or you could hand the instrument to Dr. Warren, give him a shot.

Ever used it before, Warren?

[LIGACLIP clicks]

Next time you decide to send a watchdog into my O.R. with opinions about how I do my surgeries, do me a favor... don't.

I beg your pardon?

Minnick barged into my bowel resection uninvited, and then she wouldn't stop talking.

Listen, Bailey brought her in, and I'm trying to talk...

You got to get her out of here.

Okay, my understanding... she's not even gonna be here for that long.

I don't really care.

You are the Director of the Residency Program, so direct her... to the door.

♪ N-N-N-N-Now ♪
♪ Whoa ♪
♪ N-N-N-Now, baby ♪

Okay, why are we in the clinic?

The hospital has eyes. [Sighs]

Well, whatever it is, just make it quick.

No residents this morning really screwed up my schedule.

Look, I found this. It's Minnick's notebook.

Well, it's not so much her notebook as it is a notebook that she wrote in and left behind.


You can't be in here.

I get in trouble when you guys are in here.

Shut the door.

No, get out!

All right, no problem.

No, no, no. Just hold on. Look.

It's a list.

The attendings' names... ranked.

The residents sold us out.


Where am I on it?

I don't know, but I'm at the bottom of the list.

I have never been at the bottom of any teacher's list.

I am a top-of-the-list person.

Turns out, so am I. Look at that.

I'm not even on there.

So what? Neither am I.

Well, of course you're not.

Because you're not... Because you work in the clinic now, and you're not...

Nope. No more. Get out.

Maggie, you paged?

Yeah, Minnick ranked the attendings in order.

There's a list.

Guess where I am. [Clicks tongue]

That's it?

I have a patient with a possible spinal fracture.

You paged me "911" to look at a list?

At least you're on it.

Who the heck is Emilio Shepherd?


♪ Let the groove take over your body ♪

[Cellphone binging]


Hey, Edwards, uh, do you do Tinder?

I have.

Do you know how to turn the sound off?

You got a lot of matches.

Ugh! I know.

Hey, when you swipe them away, they don't see that, right?

It's not like they get the message, "No. Rejected."

They get the message 'cause they get no message.

And you are silent.

[Cellphone vibrates]

Except this guy wants to go for a drink.

Ugh, oh, God. What do I say?

Uh, if it were me, I'd say yes.

He's cute.

♪ But I know about today ♪
♪ So that means ♪
♪ I'm gonna party ♪
♪ Like it's 1968 ♪




What's that?


♪ Get down, get down tonight There's early impingement of the spinal cord, Owen.

I need to do a spinal fusion now.

You see this?

There is air under the diaphragm. I need to take him up for an ex-lap.

Why? He's hemodynamically stable.

Because I stabilized him, and I need to make sure he stays that way.

Is that Dr. Shepherd?

Uh, yeah, that's her.

He needs his fracture stabilized.

Oh, that's why I'm here.

Hey, guys. Eliza Minnick from the e-mail.

I was actually hoping to observe that spinal fusion.

Yeah, well, tough luck, because it's gonna be an ex-lap.

See, now you don't have to be rude to her.

I'm not being rude!

I just want to make sure that my patient stays alive.

Wow, you made it worse. I didn't think it could get worse.

I'll come back.


Amelia: The ex-lap is not the priority here.

Owen: The exlap is the priority.

We'll slowly increase the speed and see how your heart does, okay?

How long do I do this?

Just a few minutes, and make sure you hold on to the rail.


Lulu, you don't have to do this at all.

You think I'm gonna let her get in 10,000 steps today before me?

Not a chance.

It's just like at the mall.

You can't stop for a pretzel till we hit all our steps.

But it's a little less fun without the promise of a pretzel.


What do you mean she's made a list?

She's only been here half a minute.

Riggs is ranked higher than I am, and I'm his boss.

You need to get that out of your head.

She hasn't even met you.

Where you might fall on some crackpot's nonsense list doesn't matter one iota.

Was I on that list?

[Heart monitor beeping]

Hey, Enid, are you okay?

Honey, you don't look right.

I don't know.


Dr. Webber.



Enid, honey, you okay?

Murphy, gurney, crash cart right now.


All right, Enid, we've got you.

All right.

Hey, you ready to get out of here?

I'm actually gonna stay here tonight.

He has a spinal surgery.

In the morning.

Yeah, I need to make sure he doesn't develop progressive neuro deficits in the middle of the night since you had to do your surgery first.

Oh. So it's my fault.

Well, I'm saying if I had gone first, I would be going home.

Yes, and there'd be nothing left to do because he'd be dead.


Amelia, Edwards can keep an eye on him.

If something happens, he would be paralyzed before I got here.

All right, then.

Have a good night.

Enid, you're stable right now.

We've got you on a nitro drip, beta-blockers, anticoagulants.

Yeah, we're concerned you might've had a small heart attack.


What... What do we do now?

Well, you have a couple of options.

Uh, we can put you on a regimen of medication, or we can operate... an angiography with possible stenting, the benefit of that being that you'd be back on your feet sooner...

Oh, if that's in time for regionals, well, that sounds great.

But her age being what it is, surgery comes with more risks.

Her age?

But her age shouldn't factor into it.

She's a plow horse.

She's the Gutter Girlz secret w*apon.

[Chuckles] No, I'm not.

The team's average has gone up since I've been out.

Paula told me.

You're better off without me.

Stop it right now.

I won't hear it.

Choose surgery.

We need you, you hear me?




Oh, attagirl.

♪ ♪

Um, Dr. Webber, will you excuse me for one moment?

Dr. Minnick.

Hi. Um, I just wanted to say hi and welcome.

I'm Maggie Pierce.

Oh. You're Maggie Pierce.

I am.

That is me. I am... me.

Now I can finally put a face with the name.

Maggie Pierce... prodigy cardio chief.

Oh, please. Prodigy?

It's... It's not all that great.

Oh, I know.


It's great if I'm your patient 'cause I'm asleep and you don't have to talk to me, but if I'm your student, God help me, right?

[Both chuckle]

Right. Yeah.

It was nice to meet you.

♪ ♪

Everyone's complaining about her.

[Stammers] Who? I want names.

Everyone. And I don't blame them.

Look, Minnick is doing more than observing.

Okay, she was interfering with our surgeons... their process, their techniques.

Okay, first off, they're my surgeons.

Okay, very well.

Then I will deal with Minnick myself.

I will let her know her role is observing and nothing more.

No, you will not.

And why not?

Because that's not the deal.

Look, I gave Dr. Minnick permission to interact with the staff how she sees fit.

She needs to know how open we are to new ideas before she can make her own decision.


Are you giving her my job?

No. No. Of course not.

I want her to work with you.

Why? Is there something wrong with this program?

I... just think...

What... What the hell is it, Bailey?

Because it looks like you're trying to hire someone to dismantle a system that I spent years... that we spent years trying to build.

And for the life of me, I can't understand why.

Because medicine is changing constantly.

You're the person who taught me that!

And we... everyone here needs to be able to change along with it or get left behind.

It's my decision to make.

I am the chief.

I know.

It's a job I fought very hard for you to get.

♪ ♪

I just want to know what it means.

I mean, am I a bad teacher? Am I the only bad teacher?

Am I gonna get fired?

Why don't you go ask her?

If I do that, then she'll know I'm an accessory to theft.

It's kind of nice not being the only criminal for once.

Maybe I'm the only good teacher.

Maybe they're all fired.

She made a mistake. That's all.

You don't know that.

I do, because the only person who should've been left off that list is me.

Look, my trial starts in a couple weeks, and I don't even exist.

I'm not even here anymore.

Alex, I didn't...

Look, if she left you off, it was a mistake.

That's all.

Look, I got to lock up.
[Sebastian Kole's "Remember Home" plays]

[Sighs] Okay.

Uh, she's down.

There is breast milk in the fridge, but I'll be home in a couple hours.

So you're going on... a date, like a... like a date date.

Yeah. Date date.


"Huh"? What's "huh"?

Is it, like, so hard to believe that a handsome, accomplished man would find me date-worthy?

No, it's not. I'm super date-worthy.

Where'd you meet this guy? At work, or...?

We met on Tinder.

You're on Tinder? So what?

So are you.

That's... Uh, not... not... not lately I'm...

How did you know that?

Because you came up on mine once.


Well, why wouldn't you?

I mean, we're... You're really close by.


I swiped left, so...

No. Yeah.

No, no, I would... I would, too.

Yeah, thank you.

♪ And a thousand towns I've gone ♪

I got to go.

♪ Oh, one thousand ♪

In the O.R., I got to do so much more of the surgery, but, man, was she rubbing Grey the wrong way.


♪ I remember home ♪

Uh, seems like the attendings don't really like her, but the residents... [Scoffs]

♪ Oh, one hundred nights I dreamed of you ♪

Aren't you gonna do the thing?

♪ A hundred visions strong ♪

You know, the thing where you, uh... you try to get me to tell you more about what the residents are thinking, and then I can say that maybe I shouldn't 'cause you're the chief, and then you can say, "But you're my husband," and I can say, "I know, baby, but I'm gonna have to invoke church and state."


♪ I remember home ♪
♪ Yeah, I found a star ♪

You okay?

♪ That would lead me back to you ♪
♪ Oh, yeah I don't know.

♪ It shines like you do ♪
♪ Whoa, shines like you do ♪
♪ I send my love ♪
♪ I send my love ♪

What do you need?

♪ Baby ♪
♪ So you won't feel alone ♪

Tell me I'm doing the right thing.

♪ As soon as I can, I'm coming home ♪

You're doing the right thing.

♪ As soon as I can, oh, I'm coming home ♪
♪ As soon as I can ♪
♪ As soon as I can ♪
♪ Oh, I'm coming home ♪


Oh, hey, can you pour me one of those?

I just spent the last hour getting trailed by Dr. Minnick.

She is... opinionated.

How'd it go last night?

You seemed to come home a little early.

Everything go all right?

You kidding? It was great.

It was, like, just so fun... so fun.

I mean, he's, like... He's actually...

You know, he's pretty amazing.



How so?

Like, so amazing that, uh, we're gonna...

We're actually gonna go out again tonight.

That's how so amazing it was.

Ah. That's great. That's great.

This coffee is, like...

Is it amazing?

♪ ♪


[Sighs] I don't know what you're so upset about.

You're laying the patient on his belly?

He's open with only a negative pressure dressing holding in his edematous bowl.

It can't take that kind of pressure.

Hi. Thanks for letting me watch.

And I told you I have a solution.

And I'd love to hear it.

This is still happening?

Oh, yes.

And an anterior approach would save him from a second one.

You know I can't chance having the hardware contaminated.

You want to fill his spinal cord with crap?

I'm gonna find another surgery.

Take me with you.

We figured out how to assemble an O.R. table, leaving a hole in the middle.

We're using a binder to support his belly so that we don't place pressure on the abdominal incision.



He'll eviscerate.

No, he won't, not with the binder.

His guts could still end up on the floor, Amelia.

They won't. Edwards will check the dressing every five minutes, and if he starts to eviscerate, she will hold pressure until we're done.

She'll go under the table?


And check that the guts are still in?





Yeah, that'd... that'd work.

Can I add one little wrinkle?

Dr. Edwards has the potential to learn from this procedure, which I bet you've seen a few times, right, Dr. Hunt?


Then why are you assisting, and why is she the one on the floor?

Now, that's genius.

♪ ♪

Murphy, you came here to learn from me, right?

That's what you said?

Yes, absolutely.

How is it going?

Don't be shy.

I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to know.

If there's anything I can do to help, I'd really love to hear it.


Yes, please.

You're a great surgeon... a really great surgeon, but... sometimes I have a hard time keeping up with you.

You're so fast. I mean, fast.

And I'm good.

I worked really hard to get good, but I'm studying so hard to keep up with you.

And then sometimes I think I know what you're talking about, but then... my brain is melting.

Dr. Murphy, I think I'm gonna need you to go.

I'm... I'm so sorry.

I-I thought that you wanted me to...

I need you to go book an O.R.

This is way worse than we thought.

Look. Right there.

The left main coronary artery is almost occluded.

She needs a coronary bypass?

That's right. Go.

Now. Hurry.

Dr. Murphy? Where's the fire?

Oh, Dr. Webber, glad you're here.

What is this? What are you doing here?

This is a teaching opportunity.

An emergent CABG has just fallen into our laps, and Dr. Pierce has agreed to let me use it to demonstrate my teaching method for anyone who wants to observe.

No. Absolutely not.

I am interested to see how it works.

This is a high-risk procedure.

Enid's age makes her a high-risk patient.

We're not gonna turn her surgery into a skills lab.

Come on, now. This is a teaching hospital.

Every surgery is a skills lab.

Well, I'm gonna talk to Bailey about this.

Yes, good, you should talk to the chief...

Oh, believe me, I will... because she already approved it.

She thinks it's happening, and so do all those people in the gallery.

Now, this patient's emergent. We shouldn't waste any more time.

♪ ♪

I'm going to retract the nerve roots now... Penfield... carefully to avoid nerve damage.

Remember, the most important thing is to take your time.

Dr. Hunt, everything okay down there?

Yep. No leaks.


Actually, Dr. Hunt, if you could... move your foot.

Thank you.

Eliza: Dr. Pierce, why don't you trade places with Dr. Murphy?

Richard: Because Dr. Pierce is standing where the lead surgeon needs to stand.

Traditionally, yes, but we're trying something different, right?

When this method is working, the resident and the attending function as one surgeon... resident's the hands, attending's the brain.

You follow?

Let's give it a try.


Ben: Murphy's taking the lead. Look at that.

Stephanie: I mean, I date men, but I might seriously ask Dr. Minnick to marry me.

Dr. Karev.

You supposed to be up here?

You gonna narc on me?

I'm thinking about it.

Think of it this way... In a couple weeks, you might never have to see me again.

This might be the closest I get to an O.R. for the rest of my life.

Well, fine, if you're gonna be all pathetic about it.

Eliza: If you feel like you can continue...

Dr. Pierce, you talk her through.

Go ahead and place the stabilizer.

And if you get stuck, you...?

You stop.

Ask for help.

You stop.

And then ask for help.

Don't get me wrong.

I love see one, do one, teach one.

It's how I learned. It's how we all learned.

So why put it out to pasture?

We're putting it on steroids.

With this technique, the resident gets to see one, do one, teach one all in the same surgery... every surgery.

♪ ♪

Stephanie: Seriously, marriage.

Expect a save-the-date.


Okay, yes. Got it.

[Speaking indistinctly]




Um, so I was thinking that maybe we don't need to discuss the dating thing.

We could just kind of keep that to ourselves, you know?

You have a problem with me going out?

No. No, no, no.

It's not that.

You should do what you want. I want you to be happy.

This is not a "you" thing. It's me.

This whole thing is all pretty, um... very weird.


God, it's so weird.

[Sighs] You said Last night was not amazing. It was awful.

I sat down for all of five minutes, and when he got up to get drinks at the bar, I faked a page.

You faked a page?


I told him there was an MVC, and I'm pretty sure at that exact moment, someone crashed their car 'cause I lied.

That's not how it works.

And then I ran like the wind.



I don't know how people do this.


I've never done this.

I've never, like, sat across from someone and said, "Hi. This is me. Who are you?"

I mean, I had, like, friends that turned into boyfriends.

Met Matthew at work.

Then you.

Here we are.

How do you do this?

Well, you're kind of doing it.

I mean, you dip your toe.

You start by dipping your toe into the water, and then eventually, you learn to swim.

Well, that's easy for you to say.

You probably dipped your toe all over town.

Look, you faked a page out there.

Okay? You got good instincts, kid.


It'll be a while before he's up and about, but Emmett's gonna be fine.

Oh, wow. [Sighs]

Thank you.

Do you mind...

Is it possible for me to stay here tonight?

Oh, I don't know...


Last night...

Would you believe we have been married for 20 years and never spent a night apart?

I mean, you spend that much time with someone, it gets so they drive you crazy.

[Voice breaking] But last night, he wasn't there... and I couldn't sleep.

There's an Emmett-shaped hole in our house.

[Chuckling] Literally, there's a hole in the ceiling where he fell through.


Big moron.

Richard: Don't squeeze the heart too much, Murphy.

Got it.


Got it.


Way to go, Murphy.

You just placed a heartstabilization device all on your own.

Um, now let me...

Don't touch.

Just use your words.

Use my words?


Explain it to her.

Incision. Shunt. Anastomosis.

That is not what I'm asking.

Break it down. Go step by step. You're trying to skip ahead.

Dr. Pierce thinks ahead.

Her mind is fast... faster than anyone's.

So she shouldn't be asked to dumb things down, okay?

Murphy, can you do the next step?

I can try, but if Dr. Pierce is more comfortable stepping in...

I guarantee you she is, but y will be more comfortable after you do it.


Now that we've stabilized the heart, we will administer esmolol to slow the heart rate for better control.

Right, now go ahead and incise the diseased artery.

Uh... I don't... I don't want to do this.

I don't... I don't feel ready to do this.

Will you? Uh, is that all right?

It's more than all right, Murphy.

Eliza: Exactly.

No shame.

When you've reached the limit, you tag out.

And when she does, you'll be able to see exactly how much she knows and how much she has left to learn.

Maggie: All right, first, I'm going to measure the shunt.

Okay. [Chuckles]

Let me back up.

First, I will incise the target artery, and then I will insert the shunt.

And after that, then I'll prep for anastomosis.

Dr. Webber, will you check the internal mammary for flow?

Already started.

I noticed. Maybe Dr. DeLuca...


I'm sorry?

This artery that will allow this woman to survive.

I'm not putting it in the hands of a first-year intern who hasn't taken out a tonsil.

DeLuca, you've anastomosed a vessel before, right?

Yes, ma'am.

I've assisted on a femoral-artery repair.

That is not the same thing... not at all.

So, right there, I'm assuming you know what that is.

Uh, yes, it's... It's the, uh, IMA.

Exactly. See how it branches off to the right?

Hey, just because he knows...


Ugh! What the hell? You hit a branch of the mammary!

DeLuca, move and start some suction.

DeLuca, you are right there.

I can't see anything.

I got it. I got it.

Got it.

I did it. It's done.

I had a clip for Dr. Webber.

I just... fixed it.


You're upset, clearly.

Oh, is it clear?

[Door slams]


I was afraid you might not catch my drift because you're insane.

Have you never accidentally nicked a vessel?

Of course I have.

You did this on purpose.

You were about to clip the artery anyway.

I want you out of this hospital.

When I was 2, my dad was looking through the phone book for swimming lessons.

My mom said, "Here's one," and tossed me in the pool.

Did I drown?

That's your innovation?

Throw a bloody patient at a novice to see what happens?

They did that 100 years ago... on the b*ttlefield.

Dr. Webber, there were four surgeons around that table we knew could've stopped her bleeding.

And when DeLuca made that save, we learned there were actually five.

If he were allowed to perform in every surgery like he did today, he would learn more and faster with less pressure and less risk.

The patient was never in any danger because we were standing right there.

♪ ♪

You know I'm right.

♪ ♪

Cardiac enzymes are trending down.

She's gonna be okay.


That was humiliating. [Sighs]

It was inexcusable, and she's not gonna do it again.

I'm sorry you had to go through that.

She's right. I'm not a great teacher.

Aw, come on.

No, the thing is I am a genius.

As a student, I learned better and faster than anyone.

I was a rock star.

But as a teacher, Minnick's right...

I'm not that great.


Her system works.

She's right.

She's an ass, but she's right.

Dr. Webber?

She's gonna be okay, right?

Yes, ma'am.

I think you'll have your secret w*apon locked and loaded before the regionals.

Dr. Webber, do you think I would push her to get surgery for some silly tournament?


She's tried to drop out of the team six times, and that team is the only thing that keeps the lot of us from sitting around, watching TV in the common room, and moldering away like all the other old, wet sponges.

She needs to stay in the game.

We all do.

Sometimes we just need a little push.

♪ ♪

Amelia: Owen, wait up. [Sighs]

I thought I might ask for a ride home.


Yeah, I can manage that.

Thank you for earlier.

Edwards really did get a lot from watching that spinal fusion.

Well, I'm glad to hear it.

You're not still mad about having to sit on the floor.


Amelia, I have operated in sinkholes.

I don't mind sitting on a floor.

Can we just let it go? It's not important enough to argue about.

I have let it go.

No, you haven't.

I mean, you don't... All day, it's been...

Can we just set a reset button and move forward?

I am moving forward... by myself, apparently, because you can't be bothered to sleep at home.

I've had patients.

Every night for the past two weeks?

You didn't have to stay here.

Yes, I did.

Why? 'Because of me? Come on.

I-I don't want to do this.

When did I ever tell you not to come home?

I cannot keep doing this.

Doing what? I'm not I don't want to have a baby!

♪ ♪


Hey. You lost?

I forgot.

Chief Bailey's office... fourth floor?

Yeah, right off the catwalk.

Great. Thanks.

[Elevator bell dings]

Um, um, you made a mistake.

I'm sorry?

I am great, and your little list or whatever the hell that is that should have my name on it 'cause I raise great surgeons, and I will raise more.

Fetal surgery is... is a very exclusive practice, and there are hardly any of us.

I am like a rare, exotic bird, and if you stop me from teaching, I may be the last of my kind.

What list?

From the room... the residents.

You... You left it there.

[Chuckling] Oh.

I was just trying to learn everyone's name.

Writing it down helps me remember.

Oh. Oh, great.

So you don't... you don't need to remember my name?

Arizona Robbins?

That name attached to that face?

No, that's not one you forget.

[Elevator bell dings]


♪ I wish I didn't care so much about ya ♪
♪ I wish that I could live my life without ya ♪

What, you're interested in the game now?

No, no, I'm interested in these nachos.

Mm, watch it.


[Cellphone vibrates]

Oh, sh**t.

I forgot. Hmm?

The guy I blew off last night...

I made a rain check for tonight, and I forgot to cancel.

Mm, is this the dude?

Let's get a look here.

That's an odd choice for a photo.

[Chuckles] He looks respectable.

You should go. Go dip your toe.

I want to dip my toe in those nachos.

No, no, no. Gross. Go.

Give the guy more than five minutes.

Have a drink. Have a laugh.

If it gets weird, then just text me.

We'll get you out of there in like two minutes.

Do it.

Okay. Fine.

No, I don't... I just... I look like I'm just...

You look terrific. Would you just go?

[Groans] Dip it. Get to dipping.

Fine. Okay, geez.

♪ But it ain't easy without you ♪


♪ I wish I didn't know my heart could doubt ya ♪

Hey. It's late.

Can I stay here tonight?

Uh, y-yeah. What's wrong?

I don't want to talk about it. I just need a place to crash.

Nope. She can't stay here.

You can't stay here.


Mer just said...

I don't care what Mer said.

You can't crash here. Go home.

It was my room before it was yours.

Go home and fix your crap.

I can't.

You're freaking out because you got some sword hanging over your head?

Me, too, and I can't do a damn thing about it except wait.

You can fix your stupid sword.

Go home and get the freaking execution over with.

I did. I told him.

The sword fell.

♪ I wish that I could live my life without ya ♪
♪ But it ain't easy Take my room.

♪ Without ya She talks to me now.

Mm. Thank you.

♪ I wish I didn't know my heart could doubt ya ♪
♪ I wish I wouldn't let my love surround ya ♪

Everyone's talking about what you did in that O.R.

I have a tendency to shake things up, and if I come here, I certainly will.

Will you... come here?

I still have a few other offers to field, but... I'm definitely interested.

That's great to hear.


You should know they'll hate you... the staff.

It happens everywhere I go.

Everyone hates the agent of change.

I'm used to it, I'm good at it, but you should be prepared that they'll hate you, too, for bringing me on.

Also, if I take the job, I work alone.

I like Dr. Webber, respect the hell out of him, but if I come on, I don't share authority.

I am the authority.

[Knock on door, door opens]

Oh, uh, I'm, uh, sorry.

I can come back.

Oh, no need. We are all set here.

[Exhales sharply]

It's been a pleasure.

♪ Live my life without ya ♪
♪ But it ain't easy ♪

[Sighs] She makes me feel old.

She is a puppy.

Yeah, you know, when I was chief, I was the one pushing through things, selling the board on robotic surgery, and bringing in new ideas.

I mean, that's all you're trying to do, is to bring in something new and trying to bring me along with it, whether I like it or not.

I was resistant.

I'm sorry.

Oh, you don't have to...

No, we all have to be pushed, and she pushes me.

Meredith: It's hard to admit when we're wrong, that even though everything looks fine, there is a problem.

You know, I'll be happy to work with her.

I think we'll make a good team.

Something is broken, and you have to see where it's going and set about fixing it...

So, uh, is she gonna stick around?

She's thinking about it.

Well, let's keep our fingers crossed.

♪ Mm ♪
♪ No, no, no, no ♪

[Door closes]

...or it's all gonna come apart.

♪ No, no, no, no ♪