01x08 - Corkscrew

Episode transcripts for the TV show "MacGyver". Aired: September 2016 to present.*
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"MacGyver" centers around Angus "Mac" MacGyver, who creates a secret U.S. government organization where he uses his extraordinary talents for problem solving and his extensive knowledge of science to save lives. A reboot of the 1985–1992 ABC series of the same name.
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01x08 - Corkscrew

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ ♪

MacGyver: Dating is weird. I mean, my grandfather used to tell me stories about diners and drive-ins. Now, it's movies at cemeteries and escaping locked rooms. What's romantic about that?

Oh, hey. Don't forget to, uh, check the corners and around the doorframes, because the last escape room I did, they hid the final clue in a corner behind a bookshelf and I almost ran out of time...

Ruined my perfect record.

That's not gonna happen again.

You have to... think outside the box.

MacGyver: Think outside the box? I might be able to do that.

You know what?

I think there's a symbol over here, but I can't read it without a black light.

Yeah, okay, that means that we have to find a black light somewhere in this room.


You know, it'd probably be faster if we just built one.


MacGyver: Black lights aren't actually black. They're just coated with a special filter that removes most of the visible spectrum, allowing only ultraviolet light to pass through. And they're easy to make using a smartphone's LED and the magnetic disk from an old 3.5 floppy as the filter.

Cindy: What are you doing?

Take a look.

Oh, wow, you built a black light?

How did you do that?

I watch a lot of YouTube videos.

Okay, well that's, um, a tarot card.

The Fool.


Great. We just need one more to get out of here.

MacGyver: And then it hits me. Here I am in a locked room with a beautiful, intelligent woman and I'm trying to get out? What am I, crazy?

Um, you're gonna ruin my perfect record.

(chuckling): I'm sorry, do you want me to stop?

Well, I, um...

I think records were made to be broken.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

♪ Pop that thang ♪
Pop that thang...

Mac, what are you doing here?

You're early.

Yeah, I got called back in for work and I came to pick up a few things.

What is all this?

I thought you might bring Cindy back here.

So I wanted to set the mood a bit.

I even whipped up a little five-star seduction luncheon to step up your romance game.

I appreciate the help, but... (blows) my game is fine.


Your have no game, all right?

Trust me, you need my help.

What are you even doing here? I thought you had a shift.

I did, but then my boss called and she offered me a promotion: manager. Mm-hmm.

More money, better benefits, the whole Pokédex.

That's amazing! Congratulations.

So I quit.


You're just gonna have to step me through this one.

I just started thinking.

All right, let's say I become a manager.

Then what? They promote me to regional manager?

Then after that, VP?

And job security is a bad thing?

It's not, all right, but now we're not talking a job, we're talking a career.

And that was never the plan.

I got to chase my dream.

If I want to be a filmmaker, then making films has to be my focus.

So I'm taking a leap of faith.

It's a pretty big leap.

You sure you're ready?

I don't want to look back at my life and have regrets.

Making movies is all I've ever wanted to do.

You know, I just don't want to feel like I wasn't being honest about who I really am.

I have to take this shot.

Oh, a brother's still good for the rent, (chuckling) if that's what you're worried about.

Bozer, I'm not worried about the rent.

I'm actually really impressed.

Chase your dream.

I'm proud of you.

Hey, guys.


Duck a l'Orange. From Bozer. Long story.

Dang, that smells amazing.

Did he send a fork, too?

Oh. There it is.


You okay?

Your face is frozen in a creepy smile.

How was it?

How was what?

You know what.

Riley: The date.

How do you know?

Are you kidding?

Everyone knows.

We just want details, that's all.

That's unfortunate for you, 'cause it is none of your business.

Sorry to interrupt your date, Mac, but we have a situation.

Is there anyone in this whole building that didn't know I was on a date?

Jack: No, I think everyone got the memo.



Guys, as fun as this is, we are on a clock.

2008, a Mossad operative was m*rder*d in Madrid.

2010, a human rights lawyer in Dubai.

2012, a CIA informant in Tokyo.

All of these high profile assassinations were carried out by the same man.

This man.

Unidentified hit man known only by his CIA file number: Suspect 218.

According to Langley, he likes to contact his targets right before he kills them.

A hit man who texts his victims first?

Riley: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

What does that even mean?

Lewis Carroll.

Famous riddle with no real solution.

That's just him taunting his victims.

That's all it is.

The CIA received intel that S-218 was hired for a job here in the States.

But their investigation hit a wall, so they reached out to us.

Any idea who hired him?


And we don't know who the target is, either.

Sounds like we don't know anything.

Actually, we know one thing.


MacGyver: Rajan Patel.

An Indian diplomat?

Patel landed at LAX 15 minutes ago. CIA says he's using his diplomatic pouch, which can't legally be searched, to smuggle in a dossier on S-218's next target.

So to avoid tipping off his next victim, S-218 wants the dossier hand delivered.

If the CIA is tracking him, why aren't they moving on him?

My contact suspects he has moles inside the agency.

So he wants Phoenix to tail Patel to his next meet, and catch S-218?

This is the biggest lead we've ever had on this guy.

And it might be our last chance to stop him.

♪ Here we go ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Whoo ♪
♪ Ow ♪
♪ ♪
♪ I can't wait to rev you up ♪
♪ Faster than you can say Ferrari ♪
♪ Tearing up the gravel ♪
♪ Watch you unravel ♪
♪ Now it's a party, hey ♪
♪ I can't wait to cast my spell ♪
♪ Which one you'll never tell... ♪

Hey, remind me again why people get all dressed up just to stand around in a room and stare at each other?

Riley: Hey, hey, you're not allowed to complain until you're stuck in high heels.

Well, I'll trade you. I could use those in a fight.

I don't fight fair. Although, I don't see the tactical advantage to me having this noose around my neck right now.

Riley: Oh yeah?

I can see one.

(chuckling): That's funny.

♪ Hey yo, hey yo ♪
♪ We smokin' them all... ♪

Man, my nephew can finger-paint better than this.

(scoffs) I think it's a Chardin.


Well, it looks more like a piece of Chardin, to me.

♪ I can't wait to blaze for real ♪
♪ Track burns like a road rail... ♪

Hey guys, heads up.

Our target has arrived.

MacGyver: He must have the pouch on him somewhere, but I can't see it.

Thornton: Keep an eye on everyone he's talking to.

One of them is our hit man.

He's on the move.

I got him.

I lost visual.

I see him, but he's no longer wearing the jacket.

Which is probably where he kept that pouch of goodies.

Thornton: Where did he leave it?

Anyone have eyes on it?

I see the jacket.

It's on someone else, right by the east wall.

Jack: That's got to be our guy.

We missed the drop.

He's rabbiting. Let's go!

(door opens)



What are you doing?

Just get him!

Jack, don't touch the rail!

(electrical buzzing)



Where is he?

I don't know, man.

I came down here and he was gone.

Hang on, wait! He dropped something.

Well, I just found out who the target is.


MacGyver: The diplomat give you anything?

Oh, he didn't want to, but then Patti threatened his diplomatic immunity.

He sang like a canary.

A canary that knows next to nothing.

Says he was hired anonymously.

The diplomatic pouch... Shipped to him, already sealed.

His instructions were to put the pouch in his jacket and leave it on a bench at the party.

Yeah, he didn't know squat, he was kind of a dead end.

It doesn't matter.

I already know who ordered the hit.


It was Nikki.

What makes you say that?

I knew as soon as I saw this picture.

She took it in Ojai at a vineyard about a year ago.

She had the only copy.

Look, we've chased her halfway around the world.

Maybe she's just tired of running.

Yeah, but why send S-218 a photo you'd know came from her?

Seems kind of sloppy, right?

I guess she didn't mind if I found out she ordered the hit.

Jack, you'll start running down leads.

Riley, you'll be with me.

We'll get word out to every law-enforcement agency in the city.

This is an all-hands situation.

So what am I doing?

You'll be staying right there.

Forget it. I'm the best bait you have to draw this guy out into the open.

No, no, man, I agree with her.

Whether it's deep-sea fishing or hit man hunting, you don't throw your friends out there as bait.

You know that.

Mac, you can't help anyone if you're dead.

So I'm under house arrest?

I prefer to call it protective custody.

I don't even get a chair to sit in?

No, because you would figure out how to turn that chair into a cannon, or a...

Come on, I'd need propellant to make a cannon.

See? You're already thinking about it.

Look, Mac, you and I both know what you're capable of, so I've had everything removed, down to the last paper clip.

Now, if you don't mind.

You can't be serious.

Am I ever not?


You don't really think this'll keep me here, do you?

I was hoping a direct order from your boss would be enough to keep you here, but just in case... magnetic locks.

No one's getting in, and you're not getting out.

(keypad beeping)

(buzzing, chirps)

MacGyver: So once again I find myself locked in a room. But this time it isn't a game. This time, lives are at stake, and not just mine. No windows, no air vents, and no way out other than a heavily reinforced door. And the magnetic lock keeping it shut is designed to withstand a battering ram. Thornton was right... This room is secure. But she was also wrong, because they didn't remove everything.


As a kid, I was taught never to stick anything metal in an outlet, and that's very good advice. But they didn't say anything about pulling out the outlet entirely and sticking something metal into the empty space behind it so you could get to the electrical wiring hidden in the wall of the room you're locked inside. Flat-ribbon cable is a convenient way to bundle a bunch of wires that are all going to the same component. Say a security keypad that unlocks a magnetically sealed door. Now, ordinarily, a five-digit code would take forever to crack. It has 100,000 possible combinations. But if you work here and you already know the code, then it's just a matter of punching it in.

(door buzzes, unlatches)

What took you so long?

I thought you were out chasing leads.

No. No, I watch your back.

That's my job, remember? We talked about this.

I'm not gonna be stuck in a room while the k*ller that Nikki hired is out on the loose.

Relax. I'm not here to stop you.

I'm here to drive you.

Where we going?

Thornton's gonna be pissed.

Who, Patti?

Nah, she'll get over it.

(phone chimes)

What is it?

It's a text from a blocked number.

"Where seldom is heard a discouraging word."

What the hell's that supposed to mean?

Well, it's a lyric, from "Home on the Range."

Yeah, I know, I love the track, but what does it mean?

He's telling me where he is.

(doorbell rings)

Can I help you?

Man: Hey, there. I'm a friend of MacGyver's, from work.

Is he home?

Bozer (recording): That's right, you've reached the man...

Come on, Bozer, pick up the phone!

S-218: It's great to finally meet you, Wilt.

I've heard so much about you at the office from MacGyver.

Call me Bozer. Everyone does.

So, uh, how long have you and Mac been working together?

Whew, a few months now.

So I guess you knew Nikki.

I did.

I still can't get over the accident.


It's tragic, what happened.


My boy hasn't been the same since it happened.

What, exactly, do you do at the think t*nk?

Human resources.

So you hire people.

No, I'm more of a hatchet man.

Uh, I'll be right back. Make yourself at home.

(cell phone buzzing)

Jack: I'm sure he's fine.

You know how Bozer is, he probably just forgot his phone somewhere.

He'd forget to put on his pants before he'd forget his phone.

(phone ringing)

That's my land line.

Bozer, tell me you're okay.

Bozer: I don't know. One of your friends from work is here.

I'm getting a real "I've got candy in my van" kind of vibe.

Boze, that's not my friend. You need to...

(whispering): Put the phone down, Wilt.

Do I look like a man who asks twice?

MacGyver (over phone): Bozer. Bozer?


(tires screeching)

That's good.

Now, that is really good.

George Washington, right?

Bozer: Yeah.

Where'd you find it?

I made it.

You really found your calling, man.

I know some people who could put your skills to good use if you're ever looking for a job or, well, you know... if you aren't dead.

Look, man, I don't know what's going on between you and Mac at the office, but I'd really like to stay out of it.


I thought all that talk about Nikki and the think t*nk was just you being careful.

Now I realize you have no idea what's going on, do you?

The file said that you two were best friends, that you were part of his cover, but... you have no idea who MacGyver really is.

Do you?

What are you talking about?

Oh, this is gonna be fun.


(tires screeching)

Sounds like roomie's home.


(tires screeching)

Where is he?

Get down!

Mac, what the hell is going on?!

And who is this guy wearing my George Washington mask?!

Look, Bozer, I'm gonna get you through this.

You just need to stay calm.

This feels so un-American. What up, Boze?

Why do you have a g*n?! Why does he have a g*n?!

Please tell me you got a g*n, too!

Uh, I never use 'em.

Jack, I'm gonna hang with you until this is over.

Which may be sooner than you think, 'cause, Mac, I'm running out of a*mo here.

Bozer: Oh! Uh! Oh!

(g*nshots, glass shattering)

Why the hell you grabbing wine bottles?

I need you to open these and pour out about a third each.

MacGyver: When I was a kid, I used to play with bottle rockets. High-pressure water would sh**t out of the rocket and send it soaring into the sky. But I've never tried it with wine bottles before.

You might want to start worrying, 'cause I think Nikki's guy is loaded for bear, and I got less than half a mag left here.

Wait, Nikki? Your Nikki?


But Nikki's dead.

Nikki's alive?

Both: Yes!

She knows this psycho?

That's right.


We think she hired him.

(glass shattering)

MacGyver: 30 seconds.

We ain't got 30 seconds!

I'm out of a*mo.

What the hell are you doing?

Oh. We're dead.

Get down, fool!

Have some faith.


(S-218 screaming)

You see him?

Jack: No, man, he's gone.


You okay?


I'm not okay.

Who the hell are you?

♪ ♪
MacGyver: You're wasting your time.

He was wearing gloves.

(phone beeps)

Could you trace this for me, please?

(door opens)


I'm glad you're alive.

Sorry I broke your door.

Where's Bozer?

Jack: I don't know, I think he's in the back.

♪ ♪


You all right?

You don't work for a think t*nk, either, do you?

I wanted to tell you, but they would've sent me back to prison.

So, you lied to me, too.

And Mac's been lying to me for years.

He's supposed to be my best friend.

He was trying to protect you.


Go have a look at the living room. Tell me how that worked out.

I almost died because he didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth.

If I'm gonna be k*lled, I'd like to at least know why.


I know this is a lot to take in.

But Mac's still Mac.

The only thing that's changed is now you know what he really does.

Hey, don't act like this is simple.

It isn't simple.


The truth.


How do I know that?

You've all been lying to me. Why should I believe you now?

Well, maybe you shouldn't.

But we could use your help right now.

That guy you met?

He's dangerous.

And you're the only one who saw his face.

You look stunning, by the way.

Bozer: No, man, that's still not it.

Riley: Tracing his text messages was a bust.

He's using an anonymous SMS account.

Yo. I said an aquiline nose.





Hell no... You know what, man? Just... here.

Look. Look at this.


Make it look like... this.


Nice work, Bozer.

And it just might be good enough for facial recognition.


Bozer: That's him.

Jack: You sure?

That's him.

That's the guy.

You know, you never really forget the first guy who tries to k*ll you.


I'm just saying.

It's all right, Jack, or whatever your real name is.

I don't think I can get any more freaked out than I already am.

Riley: Whoa. Plot twist. He doesn't just have one identity, he has eight.

And counting.

I bet every one of these identities lines up with a job he pulled, which means we finally have a lead on the guy, so... thank you, Bozer.

Riley: Looks like one of S-218's old aliases rented a car at LAX three days ago.

Jack: All rental car companies these days have LoJack... Can you track that?

Yeah. I'm on it.

MacGyver: Nice work.

Junkyard in Sun Valley. Let's go.


We got it.

(scoffs) He's after me.

Me. I'm not gonna let you put me in some room while everyone I care about is in danger.

Can you just give us a second?

(laptop closes)

(clears throat)

I can't believe you're actually about to side with her...

No, listen to me for a second. Now, listen.

I've been watching your back for years... for years...

Tangled with some real badasses that were trying to k*ll you.

But this guy is... is different.


He's really good. Beyond badass.

Maybe better than me.

So, I'm just gonna have to leave you behind on this one, okay?

Well, yeah. If he's that good, I need to be with you, not stuck in a...

(yelling): Hey. Hey!

I'm not argue with you about this, all right?

I cannot do my thing if I'm worried about losing you every minute.

But the last thing I need is your death on my conscience.

That'd k*ll me.

Don't do that to me.

You know, sometimes the best way to watch your back is to have your back somewhere else entirely.

You understand?

♪ ♪

That's his car up there.

Yeah. That means he could be close.

Keep an eye out now, be careful.

Hey, man, you talking to me yet?

I've always talked to you, Mac.

Always told you everything.

I'm just sorry you didn't feel you could do the same.

It was just protocol.



A man showed up at my house with a g*n.

Told me he was gonna k*ll my best friend.

And you're gonna talk to me about protocol?

And then this man who wants to k*ll you...

He tells me that I don't know you at all.


That everything you've ever told me was a lie.

You know the worst part?

I know this lunatic k*ller was telling the truth, while my "best friend" lied.

Boze. You do know me.

The real me. Better than anyone.

The me before the army, before this job.

The kid who had nowhere to go and nobody to turn to after my dad left.

You know who I am because you helped make me who I am.

♪ ♪


Jack: Here, Riley. I got a phone in here.

Do your thing.

There's a diplomatic pouch in here.

(phone ringing)

Riley: That phone is ringing.


S-218: You know, it's so nice to be dealing with a government agency that's semi-competent. Now... everyone with a g*n, place them on the ground, step away.

Yeah. That's not gonna happen.

Oh. Well, I beg to differ.

(clicks, beeps)

Have you ever heard of remote sn*per r*fles?

Free-hanging barrels, quick strike firing pins, laser range finders to account for target speed.

Any one of these babies can put a b*llet through your spinal column before you can blink.

Fun times, right?

And when you've got three of these beauties, all programmed through a simple remote... that's what I call a good time.

So, why don't you all play nice and drop your little g*ns.

Good call. Although it does appear that one of the members of your party isn't present, and I just can't seat you until everybody's here.


I can only assume that you're listening in.

I got to tell you, Mac.

I thought this was just gonna be another simple job.

But you have made things so damned... interesting.

I mean, electrifying the handrails?

The wine bottle rockets?

I mean... (chuckles)

...who does that?

You know, I have been turning people into fertilizer for a long time, and it's hard for me to get excited about my job anymore.

But it would be a huge honor to be the one who finally puts you in the ground, Mac.

A huge honor.

So big, in fact, that I am willing to trade all of the other contracts for that chance.

What other contracts?

Come on. You did not honestly think that I traveled all this way for just one hit, did you?

Hey, Jack. Why don't you take a look in that pouch for me, will you, buddy?

See, I was hired to take out all four of you.

But in all honestly, I just haven't needed the money for years.

I just take these jobs to keep from being bored.

So, I'm gonna make you a deal.

MacGyver meets me here.

South entrance of the junkyard.

And I'm gonna let the rest of you live.

Don't take the bait, Mac. He's playing games.

Now, Jack.

Don't be rude.

I'm a man of my word.

So, believe me, when I say that if I don't see MacGyver's smiling little face here in the next 15 minutes, these remote sn*per r*fles are going to start to bang, bang.

What do you say, MacGyver?

Do you want to come out and play?

♪ ♪

Jack: No, no, no.

What the hell is he doing?

♪ ♪

(whistling "Home on the Rang")

(whistling continues)


I'm here.

S-218: And with four minutes to spare.

You'll have to tell me your secret to navigating L.A. traffic.


Let me see them.

I don't have any.

I got to say, this has been a real pleasure.

I don't remember a mark ever being this much fun.

Although these three really are a hoot. (chuckles)

We had a deal.

I'm here, now let them go.

MacGyver, don't tell me you didn't read the fine print.

I don't let them go when you get here, I let them go when you're dead.


You're as advertised, MacGyver.

You're smart.


Little too trusting.

I can see now how Nikki was able to fool you for so long.

You know, I should k*ll your friends now.

But honestly... (chuckles)

I'm curious what you're gonna do next.

That's pretty neat, huh?

You know, my job usually involves sneaking around in the shadows, so it's nice when I get to finally pull out the big g*ns.

But you know what's not fun, MacGyver?!

You going back on your word.

I'm sure your friends don't appreciate that.

Isn't that right, Patricia?


(Thornton groans)


Jack, don't move.

Oh, I'm gonna k*ll you!

You son of a bitch!

You hear me? You're a dead man!

S-218: Don't worry, MacGyver.

That's a clean shot.

Little through and through to the shoulder.

See, this shot Patricia recovers from.

The next one?

Not so much.


MacGyver: Those remote control k*ll machines are incredibly high-tech, but what he's using to send them commands is basically just a souped-up radio transmitter. And the problem with radios is, if someone else is broadcasting with more power, your signal will get lost in the noise.

(radio static)

That's just cheating.


Are you okay?

Huh? Talk to me.

I'll live.

I want you to go find Mac.

And I want you to get that lunatic.

You got it.

I'm outgunned, but I'll do the best I can.

Riley: Wait, Jack.

I might be able to help with that.

All right, let's go.

S-218: All right, fine.

Deal's off.

Guess I'll k*ll all of your friends after all.

Riley's easy.

And Patricia's just cleanup at this point.

Jack, well...

I always like k*lling Langley's best.

(radio static growing louder)

But let's be honest, MacGyver.

There is nobody quite like you.

I have to say, MacGyver.

This is the most exciting Friday I've had in years.

(mechanical whirring)

You might want to check your monitor.


Still having a fun day?

(g*n cocks)

Jack: Surprise, surprise, hatchet face.

You know, it turns out, remote sn*per r*fles can be hacked if you've got a Riley on your squad.

Put the g*n down.

It's over.

Come on, MacGyver.

All the fun we've had, and you don't want to see me get blown away?

MacGyver: You know, I don't expect someone like you to understand this, but I don't want anyone to die today.

Jack: On your knees.

(S-218 grunts)

S-218: You know, no one's ever caught me before.

(chuckling): Hell, no one's ever survived me before.

So impressed with you, Angus MacGyver.

MacGyver: You know, I still don't know your name.

When you've been in the business as long as I have, you collect a lot of names.

Guess if I had to pick one, I've always been partial to Murdoc.

I do hope we get to see each other again soon.

♪ ♪

Look, Bozer, I'm sorry.

And I should've said that right away.

When I found out the truth about Nikki, I felt... lost.

I felt betrayed.

I went over every moment we'd spent together, trying to figure out when the lying started.

If any of it was even real.

And what she did to me...

I did the same thing to you.

I'm so sorry.

I'm just glad you're alive.


MacGyver: Bozer was right. What I did to him wasn't fair. I wasn't honest. And because of that, his life after today will never be the same. I don't know if he'll ever trust me again. That's something I'm gonna have to earn back. I guess it's true what they say, sometimes you hurt the ones you...

(g*n cocks)


Hey, Mac.

It's good to see your face.

Can I get something for you?

Nikki: Oh, no, I'm fine, thanks.

But he'll have another coffee.

Two sugars.

All right.

Be right back.

You just gonna sh**t me right here?

With all these people as witnesses?

How do you know they're all here for the peach cobbler?

Despite what you may think, I don't want you dead.

I'm just gonna trust the other g*n-toting psychopath on this one.

I think you might know him 'cause you hired him to k*ll all my friends.

Mac, you know I could never do that to you.

Put that g*n away if you really don't want me dead.

If I have to use it, I will.

But that's not why I'm here.

Mac, do you still have the key I sent you in Lisbon?


You'll need it soon.

When the time comes, I promise you, it'll answer every question you have.

The only question I have is why?


Come on.

That can't be the only question.

Did you ever ask yourself what happened to Burkoff?

You know what happened.

Burkoff was k*lled in exfil.

His chopper was shot down in Syria.

And who told you that?


Always the boy scout, Mac.

Everything is black and white to you.

You never even stop to wonder if you're on the right side.

Says the fugitive pointing a g*n at a government agent.

Look, believe it or not, I'm not here to hurt you or defend what I did.

I'm here to warn you.

Murdoc failed, but the next person they send might not.

You, Jack, my replacement.


You'll never be safe.

I just...

I had to let you know.

Let me return the favor.

(sets phone on table)

You recognize this?

You know I do.

Stay away from my family and I'll stay away from yours.

This isn't you, Mac.

(smacks lips) Maybe not.

But it was you who taught me that we all have other sides.

So I suggest you go back to the people you work for and convince them to stand down.

(money rustles and lands on table)

I'll see you around.

♪ ♪

(bell jingles)

♪ ♪
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