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03x03 - Nå bånder dere i overkant mye

Posted: 10/22/16 00:47
by bunniefuu
What are the characteristics of a gay guy?

We'll have a pre-drink on Friday. We were wondering if you guys want to come.

I don't really know. I think...

Isak has brain damage, you know?

We're coming.

Text me when we're supposed to be there.

Yeah, I'll figure it out.


And this here is Sonja, my girlfriend.



[Why are you lying? Talked to Emma and her friends.]

[Hi. I just want to say that we talked to your friends and know that you didn't have other plans. If you're not interested, that's great, but you don't have to give me false hope by saying you're coming to the pre-drink when you aren't, that's really assh*le-ish.]

[Hello?! Is it so hard to answer!?!!]

[Sorry that I called you an assh*le. It's possible you have a good reason, but can you answer?]



Hello, traitor.

Hey man.

Traitor?! f*ck.

That was dumb of you.

You just betrayed us. What's up with that?

Yeah, sorry man.


It was just really stressful.

Stressful? What do you mean, stressful?

I'll arrange a new pre-drink, okay?

Yeah, but what kind of stress?

There was just something with my mom.

Your mom? What's up with her?

She stressed out.

She stressed out?!

My mom has been stressed ever since I arrived on this earth, and you're talking about stress?


How's it going with her?

She's fine.

Just arrange a new pre-drink. Case closed.

Case closed.


[Another bible verse from his mom.]


Can you hold this?

I will be sending out invites...

I wanted to ask you if we can have the pre-drink a bit earlier?

No. I won't be having a pre-drink.

Why not?

I can't because I live with other people and they don't want to have a pre-drink.

But I talked to Eskild and he said it was completely fine.

Of course he said that. But I talked to Linn, and Linn does not want to have a pre-drink at ours.

Honestly though Isak, what does Linn want?

Linn doesn't want anything. Linn is deeply depressed.

You should take responsibility and make her socialise a little.

Take responsibility!

You're hosting that party, Friday at 6.


I was wondering...

I need advice, so to speak.

Because there's this really sweet girl in the first year and I managed to make a quite angry.

She has a good reason to be, because I f*cked up a promise.

That wasn't nice.

That's why I was wondering, do you think I should go and sh**t myself?

Or perhaps she'll forgive me?

It'd be cool if she does it in 20 years. As long as she does it sometime.


I'm a jerk?

You think I'm a jerk?

f*ck, then there are two girls who think I'm a jerk.

She's sweet, and then you.

Oy, did you just try to k*ll me with that look? Was that what you were trying?

Am I really such a jerk? You think?

Good job!

We want six dancers for the theatre.

You'll get an answer within the week.


Show's over, guys.

Really good. So good! Wow.

Did he need to be so gay?


You didn't notice?

He was ultra gay.

What's up with you dissing people who are gay?

I didn't diss him.

But you could see it.

Yeah, but you're just pointing out that he's gay or what?

Really great observation, Isak.

What's up with you? You're being so pissed.

With me? Huh?!



You're the one who's f*cking grouchy about everything!


Ever since we walked into the classroom, you were...

What the f*ck are you talking about?


You forgot this Friday.

Is it yours?

I think it's mine.

Forgot where?

In the cafeteria.

Who's that dude?

He's just some theatre nerd from Vilde's group.

Oh f*ck! My dream yesterday. f*ck!

Vilde was in it. She was some dominatrix, SM chick who punished me with sex because I hooked up with a first year.

Sickest dream I've ever had! So wild.

Dominatrix? What are you talking about?

Dominatrix... I don't know how to call it.

What did she do?

She was the boss. I didn't do anything.

Black clothes?


Whip and everything.

So sick.

You have a weird imagination.

What kind of music do you like?

That's difficult.

My favorite music is Justin Bieber!

Oh my god.

Was that bad? Oh no!

I'm getting a headache.

You get a migraine from Justin Bieber?

A chronic Justin Bieber migraine.

I can't leave. I live here. Could you leave?

You're throwing me out because I like him?

What kind of music do you like?

I'm more into 90's hip hop. Do you know anything about it?

Eh, no.

You don't know anything about it?

I do...


Nas? Have you heard of him?


He made the best album of all time. Illmatic. Have you heard of it?



Ill as in sick. And Matic.
Hi! So nice to see you. Hi.

Vilde. Nice to meet you.


I don't know if you know this but...

Do you feel this strap here?

You feel it?


I sticks out just under my arm.

It will be like that until I get home.

You should be happy you're not a girl.

It's really annoying to be a girl.

Especially when-

I'm starting to think you're bonding too much.

Finally! Hello!

Kose group!

Cool apartment.


It's so cool here. Sick.

It's a shared apartment. There's always cool people here. Like Eskild!

Have you met Eskild?

No, I don't think so.

He's gay. He's really sweet.

I love gay people. They're sweet.

You don't think that's a bit of a superficial generalization?

How so? By saying gay people are funny?

That's like saying all muslims are t*rrorists.


No, that's too much.

It's not like that.

To be funny is really positive.

To be a t*rror1st is really negative.

That's not what I'm saying, but you are generalizing. Not all gays are funny.

This is really boring.

Isak, come dance with me...

People! We have ordered 4 taxis. And we have to go now!

Who took my phone? Who used my phone to play music?

Does everyone have their tickets? The tickets are really important.

Can someone call me? Please. I can't find my phone.

Isak! Me, Sonja, and Even are taking a taxi together.

Do you want to come with us?

No, I'm cycling.

Yeah, okay. Fine.

Didn't you take a taxi with the others?

I have a bicycle.

Were you having a good time with Emma?

She's something.

Do you know me and Sonja have been dating since she was 15 or something?


I'm noticing that we're growing apart more and more.

But I can't dump Sonja.


If I dump Sonja, she'll think it's because she has an aluminum leg.


You didn't know?

Aluminum leg?

Yeah, her entire foot was amputated.

What? How did that happen?

She stepped on a land mine in Tjøme when she was nine years old.


It was quite bad.

I didn't know.

But it's going better with her now.

She's gotten really good help from...

What's it called? A physiotherapist. They've helped with her motoric skills.

You know aluminum technology has come a long way. You can hardly see that she limps.

You're joking?

You're joking? Yeah?


How can you joke about that?

You think there are land mines in Tjøme?

I don't f*cking know! You can't joke about something like that!

I could've joked about something way worse!

No! That's a very serious thing to be kidding about.

I could've joked about a d*ck.

That would've gone too far.


Too far.

I don't think aluminum technology was ...

Was that what betrayed me?


She's sweet.
