13x09 - The Bad Place

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Supernatural". Aired: September 2005 to November 2020.*

Moderators: coco96, thehoundandthebird, MHS

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Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth.
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13x09 - The Bad Place

Post by bunniefuu »


Patience: I saw what happened before it happened.

Patience: Jody, behind you!

Dean: How did you...

Patience: Guess I am psychic.

Sam: Jack is a Nephilim.

Dean [from 13.03]: He's Lucifer's son. I know you think that you can use him as some sort of an interdimensional can opener, but I know how this ends, and it ends bad.

Dean: You're trying to tell me your father never reached out to you?

Sam: Jack, you all right?

Jody: Your daughter is psychic.

Patience: Dad! Is it true?

James: Yes.

Patience: Oh my god.

James: I spent my entire childhood terrified of monsters. I didn't want that life for you!

Jody: Maybe he's right.

Dean: He is. So if you get a chance at normal, you take it.

Jody: You don't have to listen to him, to either of them if it's not what you really want. It's your choice. But if you ever need someone to talk to, someplace to go, my door is always open.

Dean: Look, when we try to bend the rules, pretend that the bad guys aren't so bad, that's when people that we care about... get hurt.

Mary: I love you.

Dean: Mom! Mom! No!

Mary: Aah!

Dean: And then we end up doing what we should've done in the first place, which is end the problem.

Sam: The problem might be our only shot at saving Mom.

Dean: Mom's gone. There's no fixing that.

Jack: I've only been on earth for a few days and I've already hurt people.

Jack: No.

Jack (vo): I know I should feel bad...

Sam: He's dead.

Jack: ...but I don't feel anything. I must be evil like Lucifer. [Jack uses his power to throw Sam, Dean, and Cas across the w*r room before vanishing]

Castiel: Jack!

Sam: He's gone.

Paula: That one keeps staring at me.

Derek: Well, don't look at it.

Paula: I have to go to work.

Derek: Ah. (he chuckles) Paula: So? Who is this buyer anyway?

Derek: I don't know. He emailed yesterday. He must have seen the Examiner piece. Probably some gawking Wasichu.

Paula: (giggles)

Derek: You know, if studio visits led to actual sales, I wouldn't be two months late for rent. (Door buzzer rings)

Paula: Speak of the devil.

Jack: Hello.

Derek: Jack. Welcome. Uh, you're... young.

Jack: I am.

Paula: (trying to control her laughter) Okay. Uh, well. I will leave you to it. [she kisses Derek and leaves]

Derek (to Jack): Come on in.

Derek: Yeah, look around. I work in oil, digital, whatever suits my subject. I just started a piece.

Jack: You're a dreamwalker.

Derek: Excuse me?

Jack: The article. You talked about your process, your inspiration. How your mind moves into different worlds.

Derek: It's just a story, just for the catalogues.

Jack: You're Derek Swan, Oglala Sioux, born and raised in the Pine Ridge Reservation.

Derek: I get it. You read the article.

Jack: Your father was medicine man, and his father before him. Your lineage traces all the way back to Shaman Black Elk. You can see other worlds.

Derek: Look, if you are not gonna buy...

Jack: I want you to do it. Dream walk, for me.

Derek: That's not gonna happen.

Jack: I can pay.

Derek: If I was gonna do this, if... where do you want me to go?

Jack: There. I want you to go there. [Derek turns and we see a painting Derek has made of the Apocalypse World.]

Derek: I'm there. This place... (he exhales sharply) it's not my favorite.

Jack: Keep going. You know what to look for.

Derek: I see.. I see a structure ahead. A fortress. I'm getting closer. This world...

Jack: You have to keep going.

Derek: I'm not strong enough. (he groans)

Jack: No! stay!

Jack: I- I see it.

Jack: I- I see it all. I see...

Derek: (grunting in pain) Stop, Please! (he screams out in pain as the screen cuts to black) Aah!

Paula: Derek? Hey, Derek. I'm... home.

Paula: Derek, what are you ... (she gasps)

Paula: Aaahh!

Hi, you've reached Patience Turner. Please leave a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. (beep)

Dean: Patience, hey. This is, uh, Dean Winchester. Listen, I know that I, uh, told you to avoid this life, but, uh... me and my brother, we're– we're looking for someone. And we put an APB out with every hunter we know, and... nothing. We really could use a psychic's help on this. So... if you could call me back. Thanks. [his cell phone beeps as he hangs up and he talks to Sam]

Dean: Any word from Cas?

Sam: Yeah. Uh, he says he's still looking for Jack, working a lead in Tucson.

Sam: Hmm.

Dean: Hi Jody!

Sam: Hi Jody! What's going on?

Jody (on the speakerphone): Hey boys, I got something for ya. Friend of mine from Bismarck PD called with a lead. He said that a local artist was found dead with his eyes burned out.

Dean: Sounds angel-y.

Jody: Yeah, that's what I thought, except for that there was a witness– the victim's girlfriend. She pegged someone at the scene.

Jody: She gave the police a description. I think its your boy.

James: Patience?

Patience: I'll be down in a minute.

James: Mr. Caruthers called.

Patience: Great. [she sighs and turns to her father] It's one test. So I got a C. Not like I flunked.

James: So is that the new standard? Passing? Baby, you know the plan. Perfect SATs, perfect GPA, and you got your pick of the Ivies. You got twice the mind I do. You stay focused, there's nothing you can't have, nothing you can't do.

Patience: I can think of one thing.

James: What?

Patience: (sighs) Dean Winchester called me today. [James walks into Patience's room and stands beside her desk]

James: The Hunter? Why?

Patience: He and his brother want my help. Psychic help.

James: And what'd you say?

Patience: Nothing. I didn't answer.

James: (sighs) Patience, what's going on? Everything is working, isn't it? No visions? Right? [Patience smiles stiffly]

Patience: Right. [James pats her on the shoulder and walks out of the room. Once he exits, Patience again picks up the phone and sees Dean Winchester's name on the display.]

Paula: That's him. He said his name was Jack, that he was a buyer.

Sam: Um... a buyer?

Sam: Ah.

Dean: Some freaky stuff here. Derek had quite the imagination.

Paula: He hated that word.

Sam: What, freaky?

Paula: Imagination. [Dean turns and glances at her]

Sam: Reportage? Reportage from where?

Paula: From the places he'd visit.

Dean: Sam?

Sam: Hey. Thanks.

Dean: Yeah.

Sam: So the lore on dreamwalking is pretty inconsistent. Uh, there are stories about it across numerous Native Amer–

Dean: Sam, we gonna talk about it?

Sam: What?

Dean: You saw that paining.

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: And? Well, it looks like Jack gave up on us and he's looking for daddy.

Sam: Dean, we don't know that.

Dean: Don't we? A guy is dead. Look, I hate this too, but we've gotta be prepared.

Sam: To k*ll him.

Dean: Look, this isn't an I told you so. Okay? I mean... I actually like the kid. I do. But, we're in worst case scenario land here.

Sam: Yeah, but, Dean we need more information. I mean (sigh) we gotta figure out what Jack wanted, how– how dreamwalking even works.

Dean: Okay, well, then let's go to a reservation. Let's talk to a– a chief or a tribal leader.

Sam: Or, we talk to a dreamwalker. I hacked into Derek's email. He's been corresponding with another dreamwalker for months, a girl named Kaia Nieves. He had been trying to coach her, to teach her to control her power.

Dean: Alright. Where is she?

Frankie: I- I would've sold my son for another hit. I know if I wasn't here, I- I probably still would.

Man: That's excellent sharing Frankie. Kaia! Would you like to share with the group today?

Kaia: Not much to say, you know. Just...one day at a time. Every day's a gift. Like the kitten poster says, hang in there baby.

Second Man: And the... uh, the incident...are you ready to discuss that?

Kaia: No.

Man: Kaia, you overdosed. You were found unconscious in an abandoned tenement with enough prescription amphetamine in your system to k*ll a small rhino. Not to mention the stolen pills the police found in your bag.

Kaia: I didn't steal them. I bought them.

Man: Yeah, from a dealer.

Kaia: I don't know, I like to think of him as a small businessman just trying to make it in Trump's America. [People in the group smile. A few laugh softly.]

Man: (sighs) The court sent you here to get better, but if you don't wanna talk about this, then we can't–

Kaia: I am talking about it. See? Lips? Moving? [Indistinct conversations in distance. We see scars running across Kaia's forearm.]

Man: Let's talk about your scars.

Kaia: Pass.

Man: Kaia.

Kaia: Look, I know you're just trying to do your job or whatever, but please stop. You don't know anything about me.

Man: I know you need help.

Kaia: I don't. I– I don't... I don't belong here. I'm not an addict. [PA tone sounds, with a garbled announcement]

Man: We've all been exactly where you are, Kaia. Denying the truth of our situation.

Kaia (loudly and angrily): I hate doing this to myself, putting that junk in my body, but it's the only thing that keeps me awake. (Kaia's voice begins to break, and she crushes the cup in her hands) It's the only thing that... that keeps me from... from the bad place. [The people around her agree solemnly.]

Man: Yes, we've all... we all have our bad places, don't we? The stuff were running from, the things that we try to blot out with dr*gs or drink. But we have to face it eventually, don't we? [Kaia looks at him, worried.]

Jack: Hey.

Kaia: Hey there!

Jack: I'm Jack.

Kaia: Hi Jack. You're new.

Jack: Yes, I am.

Kaia: So? What's your poison? [Jack looks at her blank, not understanding the question.]

Kaia: Why are you here?

Jack: I like... cocaine.

Kaia: Okay, Suite Life. Well, I don't know why you're really here, but you're gonna have to find a new day one buddy, 'cause that's not really my thing. [She walks away from Jack towards the coffee table and sets down her cup]

Jack: I know who you are, Kaia. I'm a... friend of Derek's. He told me about you. Said you were like him. [Kaia looks at Jack in shock, and Jack leans in and lowers his voice to a whisper.] A dreamwalker.

Kaia: What?

Jack: He said you were the most powerful one he'd ever known. And I need your help.

Kaia: Look, I– I don't know what you think you know about dreamwalking–

Jack: And I can help you. I can get you out of here.

Kaia: How?

Jack: Follow me.

Sam: So... Kaia never knew her father. Her mom died in an accident when she was 12, so her aunt took her in and then she died– cancer

Dean: Damn.

Sam: Yeah, been on her own ever since, until her OD and arrest.

Dean: Bad hand.

Sam: Yeah.

Dean: No wonder she ended up here.

Man: Kaia, where're you going?

Jack: Keep walking.

Man: Hey, you're not allowed to be in here.

Kaia: What did you do?

Jack: Don't worry. He's just sleeping. You're not the only one with powers.

Kaia: That door was triple locked.

Jack: Was it?

Kaia: What are you?

Jack: That's a long story. This way.

Kaia: Yeah, no.

Jack: What?

Kaia: Look, thanks for the jailbreak and all, but I don't know you, and I don't know what the hell's going on, so I'm out.

Jack: No, we had a deal.

Kaia: You said you'd get me out. That's the deal I heard.

Jack: You can't.

Kaia: Watch me.

Jack: No.

Jack: You will help me. [The previously broken door slams open and Sam and Dean walk out.]

Sam: Jack!

Jack: Sam?

Jack: She hit me.

Dean: Yeah, good.

Jack: No! She's getting away. I– she can't–

Dean: No no no no no. Hey, we're not letting you near her until you tell us whats going on.

Jack: No, I need her.

Sam: You need her like you needed Derek?

Jack: Yes.

Jack: You don't... I'm– I'm doing this for you.

Dean: Oh, you k*lled Derek for us?

Jack: Derek's dead?

Sam: Wait, hold on a second. Jack, tell us what happened. Everything.

Jack: I left to try to get a grip on my powers. I wanted to prove to you that I'm good, to do one good thing. So I did the thing you wanted the most. I experimented opening doors to other worlds. I could almost do it. I could get right to the edge. But I couldn't see. I could only feel around in the dark. I needed eyes. A seer.

Sam: A dreamwalker.

Jack: Yeah. So I researched, like you taught me. That's how I found Derek.

Jack: Hello.

Jack: I didn't know if it would work, but it did. He dreamwalked and I joined him... in the Apocalypse World.

Jack: I could see what he saw. And I saw...

Jack: No. I- I'm– I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to...

Jack: And I saw her.

Sam: Her?

Jack: Your mother.

Jack: She's alive.

Dean: What?

Jack: But she is in danger.

Sam: W-what does that mean? What– what kind of danger?

Jack: It's easier if I show you.

Dean: Wh–

Sam: Dean?

Mary: Help. Help. Help! Somebody help me!

Dean: Mom.

Jack: I was so close to her. I could've touched her. But, Derek wasn't strong enough to hold the connection.

Sam: Wait! You didn't burn him out?

Jack: No, I stopped. Derek, he wasn't strong enough, but he knew someone who was. Kaia, she's the key.

Woman: Where you headed, Miss?

Kaia: Anywhere.

Woman: Let me help you. Door's a little... hinky.

Woman: That's it.

Female Angel: We want Jack.

Kaia: Cocaine boy?

Female Angel: The son of Lucifer.

Kaia: What the f–?

Female Angel: We tracked him to Derek, but the artist was uncooperative. We tortured him. Eventually, he told us where Jack was headed– to you.

Male Angel: Then we k*lled him.

Female Angel: Due diligence covering our tracks, yet the Winchesters got involved anyway, as they do. So we needed a new strategy.

Female Angel: We needed bait.

Sam: Yep, all right. Thank you. [he hangs up the phone] Cops are looking for Kaia, too. We gotta find her fast.

Dean: You were right. About Mom. You were right. This whole time, we should've been looking for her.

Sam: Dean, I was just hoping. I didn't know. Anyways, it doesn't matter. Now that we do know–

Dean: We find her, no matter what it takes.

Sam: Yep.

Dean: Kid, you okay?

Sam: Jack?

Jack: You thought... You both thought that I could do that, that I could k*ll Derek.

Sam: Jack, we, um... We didn't know what happened. We figured, m-maybe it was an accident or– or...

Jack: Like the security guard.

Sam: Yes. Exactly. Like that. Jack, we were worried, okay? You know, when you disappeared, you were in a dark place. And we didn't know where you were going and...

Dean: Thought you were looking for your dad.

Jack: You mean Lucifer?

Dean: Mm.

Sam: Yeah.

Jack: I was scared. I was upset. But... why would I look for him? He's no one to me. You, Castiel– you're my family.

Dean: Yes, we are. Finding Mom, you... You did a good thing, kid. You did a real good thing.

Jack: Ah!

Sam: Jack?

Jack: That... It was angel radio. They've got Kaia.

James: What about school?

Patience: I'll miss a few days. No big deal.

James: Patience...

Patience: Someone... A friend's in danger. [Sighs] They're going to be in danger.

James: You had a vision.

Patience: They never stopped. I see things before they happen. Usually small things– a conversation, what someone will be wearing the next day. I tried pushing them down, ignoring them. But now? I can't. Dad... this is who I am.

James: No. If you get involved in that... Look, I was wrong to lie about Grandma. But you know what happened to her.

Patience: You raised me to do what's right, and this is what's right. If I don't go, people will die.

James: Patience, don't. You go now, you choose that life, you don't come back.

Kaia: Your plan? It sucks. They won't come for me.

Female Angel: What do you mean?

Kaia: I mean, you picked the wrong bait. I'm not the kind of girl folks come for. In this world, I don't even rank a milk carton. No one is gonna come for me. I'm not white, rich, blonde. No one's gonna fight for me. I don't matter.

Female Angel: Of course you don't matter. But they think you do. They'll show. And when they do, we'll k*ll them and take the boy.

Dean: That so?

Dean: You know, the girl's right. Your plan does kind of suck.

Sam: Give us the girl.

Female Angel: She's not what we want. Jack, I don't wanna hurt you. I wanna help you. You should be among your own kind.

Jack: My kind? The kind that kills people? That kidnaps people?

Female Angel: You don't belong with them. Come with us. Come home.

Jack: I am home.

Dean: I got her.

Jack: Are you okay?

Kaia: No! What the hell was that?!

Jack: They were angels. Bad angels.

Kaia: Angels?

Sam: Yes, and we're hunters. We k*ll things like them.

Kaia: Right. And he's the Son of Satan?

[Sam shrugs]

Jack: I am. Yes.

Kaia: You're insane.

Dean: Yeah, the whole world's insane. You get used to it. She took off. She might be back, she might not

Sam: Yeah, we should move.

[A train whistle blows in the distance as they exit the warehouse]

Jack: We'll protect you.

Kaia: I don't think so.

Sam: Wait. Hey, hey. Kaia, look, I'm sure this is a lot. But... [Sighs] Look, we need you. Okay? My brother and I, our– our mother is trapped in– in another world, and– and if you can tell Jack where it is, then he can open a door–

Dean: And we can save her.

Dean: So what's the play?

Jack: Derek said there are sacred sites, places where the walls between worlds are thin, where it's easy to cross over. I was taking Kaia to the Wind Caves.

Kaia: The Wind Caves?

Dean: Let's roll.

Kaia: No.

Dean: We just saved your life in there.

Kaia: Thanks, but they only wanted me because of you.

Jack: Kaia, we need you to dreamwalk for us, to use your gift.

Kaia: It's not a gift. It's a curse. When Derek walked, he was free. He could go see beautiful things, to worlds that were paradises. I wish it was like that for me, but it's not. I only go to one place– the Bad Place. It's just... blood and death and monsters.

Dean: Well, it sounds like a lifetime of bad dreams, but–

Kaia: Bad dreams? [Kaia pulls up her sleeve, revealing several long scars] When I get hurt over there, I don't wake up sweaty. I wake up bloody. This scar, it's not the only one. I'm sorry about your mom, but I can't help you.

Sam: All right, fine. Um... we can find another way. We, um...

Dean: Get in the car.

Sam: Dean. Dean.

Dean: Get in the car. [Dean snaps and yells, advancing on Kaia and raising his g*n] Get in the damn car! [Kaia is afraid, but she relents] We're going to South Dakota.

Sam: So now what? We get Kaia to the Wind Caves, and then what? Force her to dreamwalk at gunpoint?

Dean: We get Mom back, no matter what. Remember?

Jack: I'm sorry... about all of this. I was like you, Kaia, afraid of my powers. But it doesn't have to be like that. You said that you wished that things could've been different, and that's why you reached out to Derek. Derek thought that you could help me, and I could help you.

Kaia: Why do you keep saying his name? Derek's dead because of you.

Jack: Five seconds.

Kaia: What?

Jack: Give me five seconds to show you what Derek saw, what I saw with him. It wasn't just the Bad Place. It was... everything. It's... amazing.

Kaia: Five seconds.

Jack: Our powers can be good. We can do good in this world.

Dean: Oh, crap.

Sam: Okay, let's go. Let's go! Out, out, out, out. Jack, come on.

Dean: Hey! Get 'em in the boat.

Jack: Aah!

Sam: Come on! Go, go, go! Come on! Go!

Female Angel: Need that boy, Dean Winchester. Heaven's running out of angels. Only he can save us.

Dean: As far as I'm concerned, you dicks can fry.

Female Angel: Yes, well, you first.

Kaia: What's happening?

Jack: Don't worry. We'll be fine.

Dean [entering the room]: We're screwed. There's too damn many of 'em! We gotta go up. Let's go!

Dean: How long will this warding hold?

Sam: I don't know.

Sam: Hey, Dean, maybe if we let 'em in and then we blast them all away.

Dean: No, they get in here, we're dead.

Dean: Jack, can you do anything?

Jack: I can try, but they'll hit me with angel radio again.

Dean: Okay, all right, so then we go out g*ns blazing. We take out as many as we can. Kid, sorry to drag you into this. This was not your fight.

Jack: If they get up here, they'll k*ll you all and take me.

Kaia: No, they won't. You said I could help you find the door to another world, right?

Jack: Yes.

Kaia: Let's do it. Let's get out of here.

Sam: Hey, can you take us to our mom?

[The angels attack again]

Dean: Can you do it?!

Jack: I don't know. I think so.

Sam: What if something goes wrong?

Dean: Something already is going wrong! Jack, do it.

Jack: Are you ready?

Kaia: No. Let's go.

Kaia: Okay, I'm there. I'm in the Bad Place.

Jack: Let go.

Kaia: I can't.

Jack: Yes. You can.

Jack: There.

Sam: Dean, you gotta see this. Come here!

Dean: Jack, now!

Jack: I see her.

Sam: All right, they're almost through.

Jack: [Gasps] No! [To Kaia] Focus.

Kaia: I'm losing it!

Jack: Almost. Almost!

Jody: Hey! Sam, could you call me back? [There's a knock on her door, but Jody finishes leaving the message] I just need to know you're okay.

Jody: Patience?

Patience: Jody, I... I had a vision. Something bad's coming.

Dean: Sam?

Sam (waking up a few feet from Dean): Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dean: Hey.

Sam: No, no, no, I'm good.

Dean: Ah!

Dean: Come on.

Dean: Where the hell are we?

[ Growl ]

[ Foliage rustles ]

[ Roar in distance ]

[ Heavy footsteps approaching ]
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