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13x21 - Don't Stop Me Now

Posted: 03/31/18 11:16
by bunniefuu
So, Nathan and I...

We are becoming a couple.

I think? I don't know.

♪ Well, I've got a lot to express ♪

But you're my sister, and I wanted to tell you, because I don't want it to come between us.

Oh, she's gonna hate me.

That's a good point.

It has taken me a long time to tell you.

Attraction is messy.

It grabs you when you least expect it.

Of course, this isn't what I wanted.

- [Ellis fusses]

- We got to go.

- Okay.

- We're gonna be late. Come on.

And in the end, what really matters is that we care about each other, and that will never change.

♪ I can't tell her, can you hear me? ♪

How's that sound?


Well, it sounds forced because I'm a horrible person.

You could use the plane.

Near-death experience... that's a good excuse.

Lie? Your advice to me is to lie?

Planes have taken a lot from you.

When have they ever given you something good?

Gave me a hospital.

I mean, it happened before I even knew she liked him, you know?

But then it happened again.

I just... I don't know.

I-I don't even know how it got this far.

Well, he lost his wife, you lost your husband.

Look, if you don't want to lie, just be vague.

No details.

She's an adult. She can take it.

Less is more.

What if she hates me?

She's not gonna hate you.

Meredith: And I called it off, and I kept it off until I couldn't anymore, and I'm really very, very sorry.

That's the one.

I have been looking everywhere for you.

You're in the ladies' room.

- So?

- Show me your teeth.

All clear.

Okay, so, this is the shirt you like.

I brought it because I knew you would forget it.

Thank you.

You're nervous. Yeah.

It's a big crowd, bright lights, but you're gonna be great.

And, um, I'll be there, so if you get nervous, you just look at me.

You just talk to me, okay?


You got this.


♪ ♪

[Door opens]

You're right... she might hate you.

[Door closes]

[Female patient screaming]

Stephanie: All right. Edwards?

Uh, Mary Parkman, .

Complaining of gradual onset severe abdominal pain.

History of previous appy.

She's moving around so much, I couldn't really get a read.

Hi. Mary, I'm gonna just gently palpate your abdomen to check for tenderness, okay?


Yeah, abdomen's distended.


[Screaming] Ow!

Hang in there, noodle.

You're doing great.

I hate that you're seeing me like this.

You hurt, I hurt, sugarbear.

I'm here for you.


They do that a lot.

Mary? Uh, Mary, can you tell me if the pain is localized in any part of your abdomen, or is it...

N-No, it's... it's everywhere.

It's... Ow!

Okay. All right. You are doing great.

Can you breathe?

- [Breathing sharply]

- Deep breaths.

In. Good.



Dennis made me breakfast in bed.

It was... so sweet.

[Gasps] Pancakes, bacon, a...

[Vomits, gasps]


Oh, my God. I am so sorry.

No, it's fine. Here you go.

Edwards, um, admit her, and, uh, page Dr. Webber.

I'm just gonna go...

Go wash the puke out of your hair? Got it.

- Mm-hmm.

- Here you go.

I can't believe you saw me yak.

I-I am so disgusting.

No. It's real, just like you.

I love how real you are, boo-boo.

You're so beautiful.

Mary: I love you, too.

[Microphone feedback]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Thumping on microphone]

Amelia: Look at this turnout.

I know.

Hero doctors save lives on a plane?

It's a great story and great publicity.

Catherine agrees.

She's over there. Did you see?


What's the matter? Crowd not big enough?

Richard's not sitting with Catherine.

O-Okay. You need to leave that man alone.

Agreed. I'm moving on to Catherine.

Their marriage is not your lane.

Your lane is over here with me.

Stay in it. I mean it, Miranda.

You're right. My lane is with you in this marriage.

- I am blessed.

- All right, then.

I have also been blessed with the ability to change lanes, because my car belongs to me, and I take it where I want to go.

Leave no lane untraveled.

That's big talk for somebody who's scared of Catherine Avery.

- Wh... Please.

- [Clears throat]

- I am not afraid of Ca...

- Dr. Bailey?

- See? You made me late.

- Mm-hmm.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Hello. Good morning, all.


Uh, I am Dr. Miranda Bailey, Chief of Surgery, and I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the members of the press here today.

Welcome back.

I just talked to your oncologist. How you feeling?

I told him not to page you away from some sick kid.

Veronica's in a lot of pain.

It's her back and everywhere.

She can hardly walk.

Hey, you try walking with a bowling ball attached to a body full of cancer.

You're about weeks now, right?

weeks, days.

Her husband's more informed than most.

- Not her husband.

- Not my husband.

Just friends.

But we get it all the time.

- Oh, Jer, could you?

- Oh.

[Exhales sharply]

Your back pain... how long?

Uh, about a week.

Who'd have thought skipping cancer treatments would hurt so much?

You passed up cancer treatment?

Yeah, I didn't want to microwave the baby.

Any numbness in your legs or feet, any tingling?

Yeah, actually, a little.

What? You look worried. I can tell.

What does that mean?

Tingling could mean any number of things.

Baby okay? I can still make it to term, right?

Well, this could just be pregnancy.

Uh, we'll get an MRI, and we'll go from there.

[Telephone rings]

Miranda: On the th of this month, doctors Meredith Grey and Nathan Riggs were on a flight to Philadelphia to attend the National Conference on Operative Advances.

While on that flight, the turbulence...

- Mmm.

You know, we can always skip out on this if you want.

[Laughing] Yeah, right. I wish.

This is great press for the hospital.

Brings in more people, more money.

Do you have any idea how much it costs to run this place?

And I'm going to make the time to talk to Maggie today, too.

Just make me the bad guy.

Just tell her it was all me.

No, I don't want to.

I don't want to lie.

Miranda: ...the patients.

Doctors Meredith Grey...

Let's get this over with.

...and Doctor Nathan Riggs.

Man: Dr. Riggs! Dr. Grey!

We've got questions!


Woman: Did you life flash before your eyes?

How did it feel to receive a commendation by the governor?

Man: Is it true you got a call from the president?

Woman: Did you kiss the ground when you landed?

- Man: Did you think you were gonna die?

- Okay, slow down.


I was... We were on our way to a medical conference.

Pretty routine stuff, really.

Certainly didn't expect to be sitting here in front of all of you.

- [Laughter]

Now, you see those big loops?

That's a classic sign of bowel obstruction.

You have something blocking your intestines.

Mary: Something like what?

Most common cause is a scar from your previous appendectomy.

Or it could just be something you ate.

We'll do some more studies, but often it'll resolve on its own.

And if not, then, uh, you'll have to have surgery.


Oh, Mary, babe, you poor thing!

Now, now, now.

Hopefully it won't come to that.

These things can...

They can get better naturally.

Naturally? You got her hooked up to machines just to stay alive.

That is an IV to keep her hydrated.

♪ ♪

[Elevator bell dings]

Now, what can that be?

[Monitor beeping]

[Mouse clicks, beep]


[Water shuts off]

I never thought I could fall in love so fast, but I've never felt like this about anyone.

I'm so glad we found each other.

[Sighs] Me too, dumpling.

- Every day.

- [Giggles]

It's, like, affecting my body and soul.

Does make you want to puke.

[Monitor beeping]

[Clears throat]

[Clearing throat]

♪ ♪

Oh, my... Oh, God!

It's only been a few months, but when you know, you just know.

You know?

- [Clears throat]

- Dennis: I do.

I know so much.

[Clears throat loudly]

DeLuca, can you stop doing that, please?

- Sorry. Uh, Dr. Webber?

- What is it, DeLuca?

- Could you, um...?

- Oh, my God.

What? What? What am I missing?

- It's worms.

- Worms!

It's just... I, um...

I just found a worm from her stomach in my hair.

- Ew.

- It was really long.

And there's one in the suction canister, too.

A worm?!

Wait. So that means that's...

- A whole lot of worms.

- Huh.

Dr. Riggs, you've served as a field surgeon in w*r-torn parts of the world.

How did this compare?

Uh, less dust, less wind.

There was less legroom.


Uh, I mean, look...

I-I was there, I pitched in.

Uh, so was a pediatric dentist, flight attendants.

Even some of the passengers helped out.

But Dr. Grey was working on a man's brain in conditions under which I've never seen, and she didn't fail or falter, not once.

She was incredible.

And so she is your story, not me.


♪ ♪

[Indistinct voices overlapping]

Woman: What's it feel like...

[Indistinct voices overlapping]

She was incredible.

So she's your story, not me.


- So she's your story...

- [Cellphone vibrates]

...not me.

Oh. I thought Ryan was in on this.

I tagged in.

R.A.M. or L.D.M. flap?

Uh, neither actually.

We're doing an E.O.M.

Did you get a chance to look over the chart?

Yeah, I'm caught up.

- Great.

- [Cellphone vibrates]

Oh, Grey's calling you.

I just got started.

You want me to grab it?

No, just leave it, Jackson.


[Water running]

[Sighs] You all right?




Hey, I couldn't make the, uh, press conference.

- I miss anything?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I learned a lot.

Veronica, it looks as though your tumor has metastasized to your spine.

It's starting to compress your spinal cord.

The cancer's spreading?

Well, we knew this could happen, but this does accelerate things.

What things?

Okay, come on.

Just give it to me straight.

I would give you two, maybe three more months.

Two? It was supposed to be seven or eight.

That's what they said. That's...

We've been holding onto that.

There's more.


We also need to keep your baby safe.

And given how much the cancer has spread and how difficult the spinal mets would make a term delivery, I want to deliver your baby today.

No! No. It's... It's too soon.

- He's still too little.

- Alex: You're at weeks.

I've delivered way smaller babies than this.

Yours should be just fine.

And the safest option is a C-section.

And I'll be there to handle any spinal-cord issues.

[Voice breaking]

If they deliver today... then that's two months with the baby.

That's you and me... and the little boy.

But we deliver today.

Okay. [Laughs]


All right. Let's cheer up, everybody.

We're having a baby.


April: Do we know what they are?

Ascaris lumbricoides, the intestinal roundworm.

Can grow to a length of half a meter.

It's rare in the U.S., but an estimated / of the human population's infected.

Yeah, and our patient has half of 'em.

[Chuckles] Hmm.

Is there a world record for these?

No. No, no, no. No.

I don't understand.

They're breeding in her stomach, like, right now?

Well, technically, they're not in her stomach.

The larvae travel through the bloodstream.

Where they go to the small intestine to mature and mate.

Where they will deposit more eggs.

- Richard: The worms, they...

- Stop saying "worms"!

How long have they been in there?

Um, we... we can't say.

Um, the lar...

Um, they take at least a... a couple of months to mature into adults.

So... [Exhales sharply]

...she's had these since we met?

You... You could have ingested them from unwashed fruit or...

- Ugh. Just get them out.

- The surgery... it's extremely simple.

- Mm-hmm.

Um, DeLuca, let's book an O.R.


- Uh, Dennis?

- Dennis: Hey.

You can accompany her to the pre-op room.

Uh... uh...


I can't. I, uh... I just have to, uh...

I got to make a phone call and let your mom know that you're okay.

And other people.

- Who?

- Work. I have a work call...

I mean, I have to call your work and family.

Oh. Okay. Let's, uh...

- Let's see about these worms.

- Mm-hmm.

Woman on P.A.: Dr. Reynolds to the E.R.

Dr. Reynolds to the E.R.

[Sighs] Hi. Thank you.

[Telephone rings]

Uh, I see that you're working with Dr. Webber.


How does he seem?

[Inhales sharply] Oh, great. Yeah.

We have a patient with a gut full of worms, so he's, you know, in his happy place.

I, on the other hand, can't stop scratching my head, because a patient threw up in my hair, and now I'm convinced something might be crawling around in there, which is not a thing that anyone wants...

Yeah, good, good. Uh...

Do you think you could try to talk to him?

- What?

- Richard and Catherine need some help coming back together.

I'm on a mission.

Great. Great. What's the plan?

I don't have one, but we need to do something.

We? Oh. Oh!

Okay, I get to be part of the mission, too?

Okay. No. Okay.

I-I could be good at this.

Um, have you talked to Catherine?

I tried. It didn't work.

Okay, try again while I scrub in with Richard and the worms, and I will talk to him.

- Worms?

Your patient threw up worms?

There was only one.

That's one too many.



[Door opens]

[Indistinct conversations]



I have a quadruple-bypass surgery, so...

We should talk about me and Nathan.

So there is a "you and Nathan"?

You're admitting that?

Well, I would like to explain.

No. I don't need details.

I would like to explain.

Mer, I have surgery. I got to go.


You should feel a cold sensation right now.

It might burn a little, but only for a moment.

This is gonna numb you for the surgery.

You'll be awake during surgery with the drape up.

Once I begin, you'll feel a little bit of pressure, and it might be a little uncomfortable.

But it... it won't hurt. I promise.

Does the cancer make it harder to deliver?

Your body is already working overtime as it is, so the surgery is an added stress, but if there's any complications, then we will take care of it.

That's what we do.


I want to sign a DNR.

We didn't mean to spook you.

The surgery should go very smoothy.

I'm dying already.

It's just a matter of time.

But if something happens during surgery and I end up stuck on a machine, I don't want to leave Jeremy with that.

I want to sign it before surgery.


And don't tell him.

He won't understand.

We can do that.

I bet Dennis is already on the train, headed back to Capitol Hill where he's gonna tell all his hipster friends over coffee what a b*llet he dodged by getting away from wormy Mary.

- [Velcro tears]

- I'm sure he's not.

I was alone for six years before Dennis and I met online, and I had gotten good at being alone.

I had gotten good at saying "just one" at restaurants.

I was looking at adopting a cat.


Life was just fine.

But then Dennis messaged me, and I was doubtful at first, but he turned out to be perfect.

I had forgotten what it was like to come home to someone.

I had finally found it.

Mary, life can be just fine on your own.

Whoa. Hang o...

Hang on a second.

We still don't know if Dennis left.

You're not alone, Mary.

You're about to de-worm me.

No one's ever touching me again.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Telephone rings]

Uh, I heard that Dr. Webber's got a stomach full of worms today.

Excuse me?

D... Not Dr. Webber. His patient.


He likes worms.

He likes anything that's out of the norm, so the worms will be good for him.

They might uplift his mood, which has been a little down lately.

- Wouldn't you agree?

- Dr. Bailey, I have surgery.

If you need to say something, say it quicker!

Uh, I know that Dr. Webber's spending the night in the on-call room when you're here in town.

That is his choice.

And I know that things between you two have been less than favorable since Dr. Minnick arrived, which is a decision that I made.

A decision I led you to make.

W... [Sighs] Yes.

Um, but... Dr. Bailey, just because you feel responsible doesn't mean you have to fix it.

Stay out of it!

[Monitor beeping]

[Machine hissing]

Brody, why haven't you sent me Mrs. Vonn's latest hematocrit?

Okay, what is so mesmerizing that you can't do your j...

Are those worms?

I can't look away.

Ben: Ohh.

♪ ♪

♪ I won't apologize ♪

♪ You better recognize ♪

♪ I'm hard to handle, ♪

♪ and I take my time ♪

April: Please tell me you're using those pictures for a journal.

Richard: Oh, sure, Kepner.

[Quietly] I'll make copies.

Oh, Dr. Webber? Big Mama.

Oh, Joanne, make sure you get this one.

[All groaning]


Richard: Someone have a ruler?

Andrew: That's got to be at least inches long.

Uh, that's bigger.

April: She's got a few ulcerations, but I'm not sure it's anything that needs additional repair.

Do you think they were trying to find a way out?

Richard: Mm-hmm. It's possible.

Okay, let's scoot that bucket over here.

I got it. Okay.

- Ew!

- Mnh-mnh.

Okay, yeah. Yeah. Right there.

[Camera whirs]

♪ Oh-oh-oh, do you like it like that? ♪

♪ Hey, you better toughen up ♪

- Ohh!

- N... O... Okay. No, no. No.

Okay, I agree with Dennis.

Worms are a deal-breaker.

- DeLuca?

- Alex: I don't know.

It might take me a minute before I'd share a meal with her again, but she's nice.

April: Yeah, she is nice.

And it's really sad.

I mean, you all saw how happy they were together.


- [Camera shutter clicks]

- No more photos.

They really like each other.

They shouldn't be apart, you know?

Mary shouldn't have to lose out on a magical relationship just 'cause everything's not perfect.

You know, people are flawed.

That's... You know, that's real.

Well, Dennis didn't realize that something so ugly would be inside the woman he loves.

I mean, he has a choice in the matter.

I'm just saying he shouldn't write her off 'cause of this one thing, you know?

He should, uh...

He should give her a chance.

Well, maybe he doesn't want to.

Maybe he's... seen enough.

♪ Oh-ohh ♪

-oh chromic, please.

♪ Oh-oh, oh, yeah ♪

[Indistinct conversations]

- Hey.

- Hey.

[Cash register beeping]

You okay?

Well, I just had to tell a patient that I like her cancer's spreading, but I don't want to talk about it.

How'd it go with Maggie?

Oh, she shut me out.

Don't want to talk about it.



Can I sit?


Did you join the Mile High Club?


Is he a good kisser?

Maybe I should go.


You probably already know.

How many people did you tell before me?

Nobody knows.

So you kept it from everyone?

Were you scared they would tell me?

If you would like to go somewhere and talk about this, I'd be happy to.

You know, I would love to, but I got to run.


No outlet protectors.

We haven't gotten those yet.

All over the house... electric, floor-level death traps.

He won't be crawling for months.

Also don't have a stroller.

I was gonna pick one up next weekend.

Order it now. It'll be waiting when we get home.

The O.R.'s almost ready, Veronica.

We can take you up soon.


When the baby comes, he's your priority, remember?

You don't leave his side, like you promised.

I don't want to leave your side.

Jer, it's your job.

Where the baby goes, you go.

- Okay?

- I know.

[Weslee's "Boy Like You" plays]

♪ Na, na, na ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Lips so sweet ♪

♪ They taste like heaven ♪

♪ Eyes so deep and blue ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

♪ Touch so soft ♪

♪ It is your w*apon ♪

♪ I succumb to you ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

♪ And the sensation that you're giving ♪

♪ Got me feeling ♪

♪ like you're my purpose ♪

♪ It's making me nervous ♪

♪ Back then, I thought ♪

♪ that I was living ♪

♪ But before you, I never knew ♪

♪ That I could ever have ♪

♪ a boy like you ♪

♪ Now nothing's better ♪

♪ than a boy like you ♪

♪ Boy, you are my... ♪

[Baby cries]

♪ Storm clouds before you ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

♪ All I know ♪

♪ You're redefining ♪

♪ Whole world starting new ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

♪ And the sensation that you're giving ♪

♪ Got me feeling like ♪

♪ you're my purpose ♪

♪ Na, na, na, na ♪

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I thought I had O.R. booked for my lap colectomy this afternoon.

You did, but I have a valvuloplasty, and I wanted O.R. , so I took it.

We do that now, right?

[Telephone rings]


[Door closes]

I feel really bad.

- I feel terrible, Maggie.

- [Exhales sharply]

But now you're just being a jerk.

I'm the jerk?

Yell at me, scream at me, curse.

Whatever you need to do, I can handle it.

What I need to do is go back to work.

Well, I want to explain this.

Look. I get it, okay? You... [Scoffs]

Y... There was a plane.

Emotions were heightened.

You almost d*ed together. I get it.

No, it wasn't just the plane.

It happened before that.

[Scoffs] When?


Before Amelia and Owen's wedding.

[Exhales sharply]

But it started before I even knew you liked him, and as soon as you told me you liked him, I called it off.

We talked about it!

- I...

- You let me go on and on!

I was going to tell you, and then your mother d*ed, and then I just couldn't.

I didn't want to hurt you, and Nathan didn't want to hurt you.


This isn't about Nathan. It's you!

I trusted you to be honest with me, when even my mother lied to me, and now she's dead.

I thought I could count on you to tell me the truth.

But you've been lying this whole time.

I was trying to do the right thing.

Well, you didn't.

I know that.

Maggie, please, please, please.

Can we just not leave it like this?

[Voice breaking]

You were all I had left.


[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Heart rate's up to .

Veronica, how's your breathing?

It's fi... Um, it's a little tough.

Jeremy: What's happening?

What's going on?

Hey, Jer, come on. Look at him.

- [Baby coos]

- [Chuckles]

He has the sweetest eyes.

Arizona: Her sats are dropping.

She's persistently tachycardic.

Let's put her back on high-flow oxygen.

It could be an embolus.


Time to get him out of here.

Yeah, in a minute.

If it's an embolus, we don't have a minute.

She did all this so she can meet the baby.

Just give them another damn minute.

[Monitor beeping]

Jer, can you take him?

[Beeping quickens]

[Sighs] He needs to go to the NICU now.

And, uh, what... what about Veronica?

She's in good hands.

She'll be just fine.

I'll take good care of her.

Jer, you stay with him.

You promised. I'm counting on you.

- But I don't...

- [Sniffles]

Go on. Stay with him.

I'll see you in a little bit.

Are we pushing heparin or going straight to thrombolytics?

Arizona: Thrombolytics are contraindicated.

We need to do a embolectomy, and let's get an IVC filter.

Veronica, you've thrown a blood clot, and it's traveled all the way to your lungs.

It's very serious. We need to remove it immediately, so we're gonna need to put you under and open up your chest.

Is that...


Uh, will that work?

The procedure will only last about a half an hour.

Will it work?

There's no guarantee you'd survive it.

[Exhales sharply]

And what if we didn't do anything?

Veronica, we need to do this procedure.

If we don't, you might not make it off this table today.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Okay, pressure's dropping.

Get a cart ready!

No. I signed that DNR for a reason.

You can rescind. Let us help you.

I did what I wanted. My baby's... okay.


[Groans] I'm so tired.

I know.

I know.

[Coughs, groans]

Hey, how did it go?

Well, we got all the worms out of the patient.

I did not get very much out of Webber.


You've been with the man for hours.

I know, I know! And I tried many times, but everything I threw at him, he just sh*t down.

It's way worse than we thought.

I mean, it's like he's dead inside.

How'd it go with Catherine?

Mm. She told you to mind your own business?

She is a hard woman to talk to.

Mm. So are you.

I know.

But it's because I'm usually right and people are wrong, and it's hard for them.


Catherine usually thinks she's right, too.

Are you saying that I just think that I'm right?

No, I'm saying...

I'm saying you and Catherine Avery are very similar women.


I mean, very.

♪ ♪


♪ I've been seeing angels ♪

♪ in my living room ♪

- [Monitor beeping]

- Yeah.

♪ And I've slept on the moon ♪

I love Jeremy.

♪ Covered in the fragrance ♪

♪ of their own perfume ♪

I never told him...

'cause we were friends.

And I-I thought, "What if

it didn't work out"?

♪ These angels see the light ♪

♪ Yeah, I had my troubles ♪

That's so ridiculous now.

♪ I've been seeing angels ♪

W-Was I waiting for something better?

[Laughs, coughs]

♪ They'll hold onto their secrets ♪

♪ And torn-up memories ♪

♪ We float above horizons ♪

♪ And sail across the seas ♪

♪ I hope for better days ♪

He's loved me... my whole life, through everything.

♪ So I wipe away my tears ♪

Through cancer.

♪ I unveil my pain ♪

I know him.

He's gonna want to... keep loving me... after I'm gone.

That's the kind of guy he is.

♪ Angels ♪

Will you...

Will you tell him...

not to look back?

♪ Angels ♪

He's a dad now.

♪ Angels ♪

And he has to be...

He has to be fearless.

He has to leap.

♪ Angels ♪

He has... [Coughs]

Amelia: What do you want?

What do you need right now?

♪ Angels ♪

I'm so cold.

I'll get a warming blanket.

No! No.

Can you...

Will you just hold me?

[Exhales slowly]


We did good?

The baby's good?

Baby's good.


Alex: How is she?

Say something. Did you get the clot?


Now, you see these clusters?

Those were secondary boluses starting to form.

We removed hundreds of them.

They were breeding like crazy.

Like babies.

I wanted babies with Dennis, but now I'm a worm farm.

Um, we'll monitor you, but I think that you'll be up and at 'em again in a few days.

- Thank you.

- [Knock on door]


I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I was being weird.

I was repulsive.



You were sick. That's all.

♪ ♪


[Door opens]

I am concerned about you and Dr. Webber, so I need to say what I need to say.

I don't want you to fail.

I want you to succeed, and right now you're not doing that.


You can go now.

I got divorced, raised a boy on my own.

I found a new man, became that new man's boss.

Sound familiar?

See, I know it can feel impossible at times, but I figured it out.

- [Liquid pours]

I know what I'm doing, which is how I know that you do not.

- You do not know how to be married.

- [Groans]

N... Not to a real man, to someone who's your equal, your champion, who loves you and respects you, and is mad as hell at you, because I do.

I've done this. I do this.

And I plan to grow old with my man and to have old-people sex.


Well, don't you want to have old-people sex, Catherine?

Because that's what you'll get if you set your ego aside and listen to me instead of dismissing me the way you keep dismissing your own damn husband!




Good night.

[Chuckles softly]

[Jasmine Thompson's "Old Friends" plays]

♪ People who matter ♪

♪ Don't mind ♪

♪ They don't ♪

♪ Need all of my time ♪

♪ Somebody told me ♪

♪ to light up every room ♪

♪ Make them remember you ♪

♪ And nobody here knows ♪

♪ what I'm going through ♪

♪ No, they never do ♪

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

♪ 'cause they know when ♪

♪ I need them the most ♪

♪ Made some new friends, ♪

♪ and they're cool friends ♪

♪ But they don't know what I do ♪

[Exhales sharply] I was wrong.

♪ And who I'm not, ♪

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

I had a patient full of worms today.

Did you take any pictures?

What? Did I...

You know who you're talking to?


Come here.

♪ Now I don't know who's got my back ♪

♪ Somebody told me ♪

♪ to light up every room ♪

♪ Make them remember you ♪

Meredith: I didn't mean to hurt you.

That's the last thing I would ever want.

- [Sniffling]

- ♪ No, they never do ♪

Because I care about you more than anything.



♪ 'Cause they know when ♪

♪ I need them the most ♪

♪ Made some new friends, ♪

♪ and they're cool friends ♪

♪ But they don't know ♪

♪ what I do, what I got ♪

♪ Who I am and who I'm not ♪

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

[Elevator bell dings]

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

♪ Hey, now, hey, now ♪


♪ I know everybody changes ♪

♪ Hey, now, hey, now ♪

♪ I just want familiar faces ♪

♪ Ooh, hey, now, hey, now ♪

♪ Growing up can be amazing ♪

So, no matter how mad you are,

how much you want to shut me out,

know this...

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

What are you doing?

What does it look like I'm doing?

Didn't Amelia tell you?

She's waiting in the car.

The sitter's upstairs. We're going out.

Well, if you want to go out so bad, why don't you call Riggs?

I'm busy.

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

♪ 'cause they know when ♪

♪ I need them the most ♪

I want to go out with you.

Meredith. Stop.

No. I won't.

I am very sorry that I screwed up and I hurt you.

♪ Who I am and who I'm not ♪

But you're my sister.

♪ I miss my old friends, ♪

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

And I'm sure as hell

not losing you over a guy.

Please come out with me. are my sister, whether you like it or not...

♪ I miss my old friends, ♪

♪ my old friends ♪

♪ What I do, what I got ♪

♪ Who I am and who I'm not ♪

I'm still mad at you.

That's okay.

♪ I miss my old friends ♪

I may only talk to Amelia.

Well, she's been sitting in the car waiting for us for like minutes, so she may not talk to either one of us.

...and I'm not going anywhere.

Oh, my goodness.

We named that one Geraldine.


Oh, look at you. So silly.

You are just too much.

Edwards was right in her element there.

And you right along with her.

Yeah. [Laughs] Yeah.

- That thing is awful.

- I'm telling you, it was like...

I can't believe...

...Discovery Channel here or something.
