07x10 - The Eighth Witch

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Once Upon A Time". Aired October 2011 - May 2018.*

Moderator: baileybelle

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A woman with a troubled past is drawn to a New England town where fairy tales are to be believed.
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07x10 - The Eighth Witch

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Once Upon a Time"...

- Drizella has always been awake.
- What does she want now?

Your suffering.

Regina told me things you never would...

A little thing called The Dark Curse.

Who the hell are you looking for?

GOLD: The Guardian.

The Darkness will finally rest,

and I will be reunited with Belle.

I'm going to San Francisco.

What the hell is in San Francisco?

Someone who can help us.

VICTORIA: When your beliefs betray you,

you must let them go.

It's time.

JACINDA: Lucy, what's wrong?


Oh. Oh, no!


JACINDA: Mama's right here, baby.

I'm right here. It's gonna be fine.

We're almost there.


I'd like you all to meet... Lucy.

That is amazing. Henry Mills is a father.

Congratulations. She looks strong.

Uh, where's my mom? She should be here by now?

DRIZELLA: Oh, Regina's fine.

She's just a little detained.

Stay away from my daughter.

Such a worried papa.

No need to be.

I'm only here to deliver a message.

Well, more accurately, a prophecy.

A curse is coming.

On your darling child's th birthday,

all your lives as you know them will end.

Perhaps you misread the prophecy, love,

because you missed the part where we defeat you.

Drizella, I wouldn't.

Look down.



This is blood magic.

How is this possible?

With a spatter of my blood, of course.

I simply can't have you casting the curse, dear.

This changes nothing.

In eight years, I'll be back,

and you'll learn what true suffering is.

Thank you all for coming to celebrate

the birthday of a special little girl,

and to remember how lucky we are

to live in a time of peace and prosperity.

Thank you, Aunt Tiana.

- I mean, Queen Tiana.
- Oh.

Can I light the candles?

Oh, no, that's my job.

Now, make a wish.


What the bloody hell is that?

GOTHEL: Look at all this.

Cake, presents, family.

Did you really think this would be a day of celebration?

Don't try anything, love.

There's no way you can fight all of us alone.

Who says I'm alone?


That's impossible. Blood magic can't be broken.

Not by any single person,

but together, this family can do anything.

Come, Drizella.

In days, here, the prophecy shall be fulfilled.

Your curse will be cast.

The suffering shall begin.


She's gonna be fine, Jay.

She's the toughest kid I know.

Do you want to call anyone?

Nick or Henry?

Yeah, I should call them.

And I'll call Detective Rogers.

Maybe he can help us figure out

where Lucy was today, what she was doing.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

That would mean a lot.

I'm so glad you're here.

Oh, honey, don't worry, okay?

Look, one way or another,

we are going to find out what happened.




Your daughter looks quite peaceful.

She's adjusting to this strange, new world, thanks to you.

I never would have helped you

had I known Lucy was gonna pay the price.

But you did help me

because you were desperate to find the Guardian.

And I did find her.

She's right there in this room.

No, my daughter is not your Guardian.

- Gothel believed she was...

and I'd like to find out for myself.

And if I'm right,

her magic may be able to save Lucy,

but not if she dies today.

Drizella and Gothel are still out there,

and I very much doubt they've given up.

You have no choice but to let me protect her.



Henry, is everything all right?

I missed a call from Jacinda, and now she's not picking up.

I just... I don't know.

I feel like something's wrong.

Well, if she needs you, that woman is not shy.

Put your phone away and focus.

We came here for a reason.

Now... put these on.


♪ Yeah ♪

Now I'm even more confused.

Did I just drive halfway down the West Coast to work my quads?

Just play along and pretend you love every second of it.

WOMAN: Good morning, beautiful souls.

This is the person we're looking for.

You're all about to sweat like your life depends on it.

All right, my cycling monkeys.

Grab onto your bikes and fly!


Hey, Luce.

We hope Drizella didn't scare you.

We stopped her once, we can stop her again.

- Okay?
- That's right.

We have a plan to make sure the curse can't hurt us.

Yeah. And you're a part of it.

Does that mean I get a sword?

One thing at a time, sweetheart.

Why don't you start packing, all right?

I don't know about this, Henry.

Are we doing the right thing?

If Regina can't stop the curse,

it's the only way to keep her safe,

to keep all of us safe.




I'm impressed.

You're getting good.

[CHUCKLES] Aunt Regina.

Oh, Aunt Regina, I'm so sorry.

I thought you were an intruder.

Well, luckily, she's got her father's aim.

Those were warning sh*ts, weren't they?

Yes, of course, Mother.
Just warning sh*ts.

Zelena, it is so good to see you.

And Robin? You're, what, now?

She sure has grown up fast.

Not in our realm. Right.

Well, I'm not here to discuss timelines.

Drizella's free.

And she's trying to cast the curse.

She was rescued by some creatures.

Let me guess.

They look like shadows in cloaks,

but they scream like hyenas.

You know them?

They're not creatures. They're witches.

It's a dark coven, and one that I was invited to join.

This was dropped off on my porch yesterday.

Have you seen it before?

It's a symbol of the Coven of the Eight.

When it comes to witches, they're the worst of the worst.

If they're here, I have to warn...

No, don't worry.

Look, darling, we'll warn everyone, okay?

We'll protect our loved ones.

She's got a case of young love.

Well, then, all the more reason to get going.

Hook's looking for Rumple, but...

Well, you know how he is.

So, I say we fight witches with witches.

What do you say?

Let me get my wand.


What the hell are you doing here, Roni?

This is my happy place,

and you are the epicenter of my unhappiness.

Yes, no, I-I know.

Um, I'm sorry to barge in like this,

but, uh, we... we really loved your class.

Big time. Very inspiring.

- Very.
- Hi.

Whoever you are, stop talking.

Be somewhere else.

Great. Glad I came all this way.

Who's that? New boyfriend?

Hmm? No. No! God, no.

No, no, no, no. He's, uh...

He's just someone who needed help.

And what do you need, Roni?

Why are you even here?

Because every time I see your face,

I see the b*tch that ruined my daughter's life.

I didn't ruin her life.

You gave her a job at the bar, a ticket to Amsterdam,

and the idea that only losers get an education.

And now, instead of going to Vassar,

she's at a foam party in Phuket

and probably never coming home because Mum...

just isn't as cool.

I'm sorry.

But I don't think you understand the whole story here.


Hey, let's grab a drink.

Okay? Just one.

For old time's sake?


I got to get home.

Hm? What? Why?

It's Lucy. She's in the hospital.

No one knows what's wrong with her.

I'm... I'm getting on the first plane to Seattle.

Do you want to come with?


I-I really wish I could, but I...

I can't explain it. Kelly's really important.

I will be there as soon as I can.

I promise. But you go.

Go be with them.

Be with your fam...

Help Jacinda.



Rumplestiltskin, we need your help.

Gothel has freed Drizella.

The prophecy is coming true.

Surely you've got some kind of magic

that can stop this curse.

Well... I do have this.

A white elephant.

Are you familiar with the expression?

A name we give to things

who have outlived their useful lives,

and yet persist.

And I find that personally quite moving.

Enough games.

Will this help stop the curse from happening?

Stop it? No, deary.

Nothing can stop it.

But when the curse comes,

that can keep your most precious relationship intact.


So we will remember who we are?


Your memories will be replaced.

But in the random tumult of the curse,

it ensures you will still be father and daughter.

You're doing this for me?


I'm doing it for her.



Are you sure this is still where you want to be?

Knowing what he gave up for me,

I owe it to him to stay by his side.

And who knows,

maybe our cursed memories would be better.

Fewer trees and walls in the way.


But, Papa, if it happens, I will lose her.

No, don't say that, love. Don't.

True love can win out over so much more.

I hope so.

Please give this to her for me.

I don't have one for you, but you already know how I feel.

I'll deliver it.

But I'm gonna do my best to make sure

that nothing parts any of us.

I hope that's enough.

Take it.


Anything you can remember about seeing this girl around yesterday.

Things disappear if you don't look at them quick enough.

Tilly, I don't have time for riddles.

There's a little girl in the hospital.

This is bigger than a little girl.

Do you remember that symbol from Eloise's notebook?

And the dead man's tattoo. I'd hardly forget it.

Then look before it disappears.

What the hell is going on here?


I came as soon as I got your message.



What are you still doing here?


I waited for you,

and you'll be glad I did,

because I know deep down

underneath all that overwhelming anger and resentment,

you'll soon see that all of this was meaningless.

- It wasn't meaningless.
- You'll see.

You'll remember.


You know, we were like sisters.

I'm sorry I ever felt that way.


You need a drink.

I'd rather have some of that

cucumber-mint-honey lavender water

if it will make you leave me alone.

No, no, no.

I am not leaving

until you have a real drink with me.


[COUGHS] I wish I had

the cucumber-mint-honey lavender water.



Okay, I've never been great at subtle.

We're cursed.

You don't remember it, but we really are sisters.

Evil Queen, Wicked Witch.

What are you talking ab...



There's only one name I can think of... Robin.

We're not done, Regina.

Not today.


[BREATHING HEAVILY] What's going on?

Oh, Regina. [CHUCKLES]

I teach pedaling.

Oh, Zelena. Thank God.

Oh. Oh, I was cursed.

To be a hippie!

Listen to me. We have a problem.

[EXHALES SHARPLY] Gothel's out,

and Lucy's in terrible danger.

Things have been changing so fast.

I need you to come back with me to Hyperion Heights.

Yeah, you're right. Someone needs to pay for this.

[SIGHS] I am so glad you're back.


What is it?

It's just my...

My curse persona, Kelly.

I mean, I had a life here.

Yeah, I know. I saw it.

But it's time to leave all that behind.


It's not that easy.

I'm getting married.



Now, I've performed this test many times.

Carried these blades a long way.

It's quite simple.

All you have to do

is tell me which one of these has magic.

Is it that one?

No. It isn't.



I think maybe it's in there.

I don't want power if it's gonna do things like that.

Don't be afraid.

This power can be used to help people,

to heal people.

In fact, there's a little girl

who desperately needs your help.

So, if you're ready,

it's time to show what you can do.

He's a good bloke, Regina.

A real solid, regular guy.

And I may have been cursed, but... I was happy.

Well, after we save Lucy

and dispatch Gothel and Drizella,

maybe you can come back here and marry him then.

Regina, how can I promise to be faithful and true

if I'm lying to him?

It's no longer me, but it is also me.

It's like I'm both.

I mean, I still love him.

[SIGHS] I'm sorry, Zelena.

Coming here was a big mistake.

You have a life.

I don't mean to screw it up.

No, you're not. L-Listen.

Look, I love you.

And we have to save our family

and our people,

no matter what it means personally.

I mean, that's what heroes do, right?



Let's go. [CHUCKLES]


She's so still right now.

It's not right.

She's a great kid.

I just wish I could do more.

Well, maybe you could read to her.

From the second she saw the book you wrote, she needed to have it.

Whenever she looked at it, it gave her strength.

Yeah, okay.


I know exactly what part to read, too.



This is the oldest part of this realm...

The original Enchanted Forest.

This tree has the same magic that took my mom to Storybrooke.

How did you find this one tree

with so many regular trees around it?


I had some help from an old friend.

Lucy, this is Tiger Lily.

She's from Neverland, and she's a fairy.

Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you, Lucy.

I found Geppetto's axe.

I think this should be up to the task.

- Yeah.
- What are you going to do?

Why are you cutting it down?

Okay. Lucy, remember the wardrobe?

No. No!

Lucy, it's okay.

It's okay. This is a last resort.

If the curse happens,

you and I go to the Land Without Magic before it hits.

Then we find our people.

And with this book,

we can help them believe again.

It'll be dark soon.
You should get to work.


Take Lucy to your place to sleep, okay?

It's okay. It's okay.

Just believe in me.


Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

What is it, Father?

It's time. They found us.

Don't be frightened. It'll be all right.

I'll stay behind, give you time to escape.

No, I won't leave you.

- I'll help you fight.
- No, no, you can't.

You have to make sure it stays safe.

You have it, don't you?

Of course.

Oh. Oh, good.

- Daddy.

Don't worry about me. You need to go.

- I...
- I know.

I know. Me, too.

Go. Go!





What are you doing back here?

They got him... The witches.

They got Father.

Then we have to get him back.

Go. I'll stay with Lucy.

Nothing will happen to her.


This is exactly what Drizella wants...

To distract us from stopping this curse.

And if we don't, nothing will matter.

Not even Henry.



I have waited so many years to cast this curse.

Thank you for everything.

TREMAINE: You finally found a mother figure.

You do realize that she's just using you.

You can't control me anymore.

Now I'm going to control you.

You see, in this new land,

you're going to think that you cast this curse.

Why the hell would I cast a curse?

To save Anastasia, of course.

You're going to think that you did all of this

to help her,

when actually, you'll be in service to me.

And then, I'm going to rip her from your arms...


Now, stop asking silly questions,

and go to sleep.

REGINA: Still working through those mommy issues, I see.

I bet we can help with that.

We pretty much invented that.

Regina. Zelena.

Sisters together again.

Afraid that's not going to be enough.

Oh, she's not the only one I brought.

Hello again, love.

Always a pleasure, Captain.


A pirate, a princess, and Jack and the beanstalk.

Ooh, how will I ever defeat you?


You want a witch fight?

Happy to oblige.


But as you can see,

you will not be casting this curse.

I know.

That's why you're going to cast it.


Show her.

May I?




What did you do to him?

What witches do best...

We poisoned him.



[VOICE BREAKING] It's not working!

And it's not going to.

As a matter of fact, the only thing that can

is a trip to a land without magic.

Don't do this, Drizella.

I can't just... can't just cast a curse.

It takes time, and... ingredients.

Eight, to be exact.

And I have seven of them right here.

The only one I'm missing... the most important one,

and, of course, the hardest to find...

is magic from a witch

who crushed the heart of the thing she loves most.



What'll it be?

My curse...


ELLA: Hey.

Or his life?


ANASTASIA: I don't understand.

How does this help that girl?

It's a spell,

but it can only activate if it's imbued with magic,

and, in this land, you're the only one who has it.

I am?

But what about...

Ana? What's wrong, sweetheart?

Someone's here.

It's her.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

What's going on?

She's losing control.

Anastasia, look at me.

You have to calm down.

Hello, Ana.


Ana! Oh, thank God.

Drizella, is that you?

I know. I grew up, but I promise it's me.

Mom called me. She told me what was going on.

I-I brought something to help.

These will dampen your magic.

Can I?

- Does that feel better?

Yeah, I think so.

But, Drizella, the witch is in there.

She's after me.

It's okay. It's okay.

I'm here to help. Just come with me.

I'll keep you safe, all right?

I won't let anything happen to you.



ELLA: Henry.

I'm so, so, sorry.

We have to do something.

There's nothing you can do except cast the curse.

Fine. I'll do it.

- No, no, no!
- Regina.

Zelena, move.

This is not what he wants.

Wouldn't you do it for Robin?

I would for Alice.

Let her do it, Zelena.

All right.

Let's do this.

But know one thing.

It is not over.


Okay. Henry.


Is this it?

Take this.

I've put Mr. Gold in a room...

in my mind.

This is the key.

Get it to me, and it'll open.

If it doesn't, you know what you have to do.

WOMAN: Alice.

I got your letter.

You came.

Of course I came.

I just had to see your face one last time.

No, no, not the last.

We'll always know each other.

Even if we don't.





In this land, what's going to happen to Lucy?

She's just a kid.

How will I find her if I don't even know she exists?

HOOK: With this.

You'll know.


HENRY: "Every curse can be broken.

You just need belief,

maybe the help of your family.

It took time, but Emma learned that.

And when she did, she knew she could believe

in anything if it would save her child's life."

[SIGHS] Now I get it.

I really get it.

Because I would do anything to save you,

no matter how crazy.

So, Lucy, if that means there's some other world

where I really am your dad, then...

I believe it, Lucy.

I believe.

That was Henry.

Lucy's no better.

Well, tell him to try True Love's Kiss.

He already did.

Belfrey must have done the one thing

she's been trying to do for years...

She took Lucy's belief.

It doesn't work unless both of you believe in True Love.

So, if we want to help Lucy...

we both have to get our magic back.

And there's only one way to do that.

Break the curse.

But if we do that, Henry dies.

And if we don't, Lucy does.

Where are we?

In a gathering place...

for me and my family.

What is she doing here?

What's going on, Drizella?

What's going on

is I'm sick of living in your shadow,

so I'm going to steal your magic

like you have stolen everything from me.

What are you doing? Let go.

I can't!


What the hell just happened?

Exactly what I planned.

I didn't use that vine to give her magic to you.

I used that vine to give your magic to her.

You betrayed me.

Well, you should have listened to your mother, then.




Don't even look at me.

No. No!

Oh, it's all upside-down.


Yeah, I'm over here.

What the hell happened?

And don't tell me you'd explain,

but I wouldn't believe it anyway.

Honestly, Detective,

I don't quite believe it myself.

Well, there's something else you won't believe.

Tilly and I found something over by the troll.

There's a symbol painted there.

Let me guess.

Did it look like this?


It's the symbol from Eloise's notebook.

What the devil does it mean?

It means...

they're here.


They're beautiful, aren't they?

Who do these belong to?

Right now, they belong to the darkness.

But soon, we'll find the women who were meant to wear them.

Our sisters.

And then the Coven of the Eight will be joined.
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