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20x09 - Mea Culpa

Posted: 01/09/19 18:26
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

The defendant has means and reason to flee, Your Honor.

He's facing years on r*pe One.

My client is eager to go to trial and clear his name.

This is ridiculous. It was consensual.

She never said "No."

The victim's blood alcohol was . .

We were both drunk.

That's it, Mr. Madden.

Mr. Stone, I'm granting

your request for a remand.


What does that mean?

You're going to jail, sir.

Mr. Stone?

You believe me?

I never wanted that, not with him.

I do.

We'll be in touch about your testimony, okay?

Well done.

She was afraid he was gonna get out on bail.

Amazing, get a remand on the he-said, she-said.

Yeah. Moral, don't piss off the judge.

Hey, you want to get a beer?

I can download you on where we are

on the investigation.

Yeah, I do, but I'm trying to slow it down.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have a good night, okay?

All right.



Hey. The works.

Oh, my God.

It is you.

Peter Stone.

Sorry, do I know you?

You pitched for the Cubs.

- I did.
- Grew up in Chicago.

My dad took me to every game.

That's a lot of baseball games.

- Thank you.
- I can't believe it.

I have to call my dad.

Any chance I could buy you a drink?

Yeah. Yeah.

Here you go, Tad. Thanks.

I happen to know a place

right around the corner.

- Mmm.
- Mmm.

It's delicious.

Now I know what all the truffle fuss is about.

Italian white truffles in November.

[LAUGHING] If you say so.

We weren't big on truffle risotto in Georgia.

Yeah, more like shrimp and grits.

Yeah. Oh, you've been listening.

So what looks good for dessert?


I can't decide. Cherry blossom soufflé

or bittersweet chocolate?

- Why don't you get both?

Or, better idea...

Have you made a decision?

We'll have one of everything.

Every dessert on the menu. And coffee.

Decaf for the lady.

Very good, sir.

Thank you.

A girl could get used to this.

I have something to ask you.

A commitment I have never made before.

- When I said I was happy...
- Just hear me out.

Amanda Rollins, will you...

Go ahead.

It's a key.

Will you move in with me?

I was in awe of you.

Between that rising fastball,

your curveball, your change up,

and the fact that you could swing a bat too.

I mean, for a pitcher.

[CHUCKLING] Oh, gee, thanks.

Hey, do you, do you want another one?

- Yeah, I do.
- Yeah?

- Yeah.
- Okay, I'll be right back.


♪ ♪

It's you.

What are you doing in New York?

Excuse me?

You don't remember me, do you?

No, I don't,

I don't, I really, I really don't.


You r*ped me, you son of a bitch.


♪ ♪

Good morning.

Hey. Thanks.

Nice place.

Do you even remember how you got here?


Oh, I must have been

in pretty bad shape.

Oh, yeah.

You were messed up.

What happened last night?

What did I say?

You said you were accused of r*pe.

I, uh...

I ran into a woman.

I, I didn't recognize her at first.

She, uh...

She looked at me like she'd seen a ghost.

And then she hauled off and hit me.

Accused me of assaulting her.

Did you?


years ago

it was a, a late season game against the Mets.

And a few of the guys decided to go to a bar after.

There was this... there was this woman there.

- The one that slapped you?
- Right.

I was drunk. We all were.

A few of us decided to go back to my hotel room.

Things got a little crazy.

I remember

she and I were going at it

pretty hot and heavy, and then...

I woke up.

In my bed, alone. Everyone was gone.

Anything else happen?

I called her the next day and she...

she said...

"Try to talk to me again"

"and I'm going to the police."

Did she?

No, I was never contacted.


You're telling me that you were drinking.

You were acting crazy.

All right, you sure this is all that happened?

You're not lying to me?
Don't lie to me, man.

- I'm not.
- Tell me the truth.

I am telling you the truth.

I'm not lying to you.

I might not remember everything

but I know I didn't r*pe anyone.

I need to talk to her.

Find out what the hell's going on.

Alicia, your statement was very helpful.

I still can't remember much about that night.

- I mean, I've tried, but...
- Sometimes our memory

comes back in bits and pieces.

Sometimes not at all.

But this still goes to trial...

Yes, we know from your blood alcohol content

that you were clearly incapable of consent.

So if anything comes back to you,

anything at all, you give us a call, okay?

- Okay.
- Anytime.

Walk her out, thanks.

So have TARU go over the security footage

from her apartment building.

Anything that shows that she was incapacitated.

There he is.

Oh, look who the cat dragged in!

Oh, man!

Hey, Reggie, long time. How are you?

Man, too long.

Heard a rumor you moved to New York.

What, you're too good for your old stomping grounds

now you're a DA?

No, we've been keeping him busy.

Detective Tutuola, NYPD.

Whoa, wait, I'm not in some kind of trouble, am I?

No, no, not at all.

But you got a minute?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, sit down, sit down.

Yeah? Thank you.

Oh, hey, can I... can I get you guys something?

No, I'm okay.

So... do you remember August, ?

I had a no-hitter going until you stepped up to the plate?

We had some fun that night.

Yeah, actually, that's what I wanted to ask you about.

We're trying to locate a woman

that came to the bar after that game.

She was blonde and I think her name was Sarah.

You and me, we were talking with her and a friend of hers.

Big brown eyes, legs for days.

Went back to your hotel room,

had a couple of fifths of Silver Patron,

Dom Perignon.

Room Service loved us.

Right, so you do remember.

I remember everything.

Here, come on. I'll show you.

Big brown eyes? I married her.

- Wanda.
- We got two kids.

And yes, in case you're wondering,

she still has got the legs.

You think Wanda may still be in contact with Sarah?

Sarah Kent, address in Bushwick.

- You sure this is her?
- Yeah, that's her.

You sure you want me to talk to her?

I am. Whatever she thinks I did, she's wrong.


Hey, Fin? Do me a favor.

Don't tell Liv. Not yet.


Can I help you?

Are you Sarah Kent?


I'm Detective Tutuola, NYPD.

Do you know a Peter Stone?

Sarah, who is it?

Uh, Jehovah's Witness.

Yes, yes, I know Peter Stone.

I don't ever want to hear that name again.


Don't come back.


Hey, I'm going to the deli.
You want anything?

No, I'm good.

All right. Steak for lunch, huh?

I guess you are good.

It was leftovers.

- Al always over-orders.
- Al, huh?

How are things going with the good doctor?

Using the term "good" pretty loosely here.

He asked me to move in with him.

Well, I hope you told him no.

I told him that I'd think about it.

You'd think about it?
What, you're telling me

you trust this guy now?
After he lied to you?

This is what you want?

I don't know what I want, Carisi.

I do know what I don't want.
I don't want me and this new baby and Jesse

and Frannie all crammed

into my tiny two-bedroom apartment.

Is... is he gonna marry you?

- No.
- Is he gonna marry you?

No, I'm just... you know what,

if I wanted a "why buy the cow" speech

- I'd call my mother.
- You know, Rollins, I'm just saying

that you deserve to be happy.

You deserve to be taken care of.

And Al takes care of me.

No he doesn't. Look, there is a difference

between flowers and fancy-ass dinners

- and being taken care of.
- People can change.

- I'll believe that when I see it.
- Okay.

Hey, I'm gonna get you a ginger ale, all right?

That steak's gonna give you indigestion.

We have a bit of time before the trial.

And I'll begin with an opening statement.

When do I testify?

Soon. You'll be great.

You know, we have a room that you can wait in.

- All right, come with me.
- Okay.

Thanks, Carmen.

You prepped her testimony?

Yeah, backwards and forwards.

You think she'll do all right on the stand?

Well, I hope so. There's a lot she doesn't remember.

Defense is gonna go after her hard.

Okay, well, what about a plea?

They already tried to get the case dismissed

alleging that the defendant was too drunk to consent.

And she r*ped him?

So what, she's making this all up?

Because what woman wouldn't want to go

through the trauma of a r*pe investigation,

a trial, just for kicks?

He's guilty, Peter.

Are you okay?


Yeah, I'm fine. Just trouble sleeping.

I got to the bar around :

and then the last thing I remember,

Roger Madden walked me home.

I said I didn't need help but

- he didn't listen.
- And after that?

I woke up the next morning.

My clothes were torn off.

And then?

I went to the hospital.

For a r*pe kit.

The nurse called SVU.

The detective said I'd been assaulted.

But you never completely remembered the as*ault itself?


I do remember telling him earlier that evening

that I didn't want to go home with him.

You let me buy you drinks all night.

Mr. Madden, that's enough.

One more outburst, I will hold you in contempt.

I apologize, Your Honor.

- Mr. Stone.
- Your Honor.

Please continue, Ms. Beck.

I didn't want to go home with him.

I would have never consented to sex.


Thank you, Ms. Beck.

Earlier that evening, did you consent

- to have a drink with my client?
- Yes.

Did you consent to having

several drinks with my client

while flirting with him for,

according to the bartender, over an hour?

- Yes, but I didn't...
- Yes, but what, you...

remember consenting to have drinks with my client

but you don't remember consenting to the sex?

- Objection.
- Overruled.

I'm not making this up.

I wouldn't be sitting here if I wasn't r*ped.

We just heard you testify

that you don't remember what happened

between walking home and waking up.

You could have consented

and not remember that you consented.

You think I want to be here?

You tell me.

Roger Madden r*ped me.

I'm only here because I believe

if I can face the man who r*ped me,

if I can get justice,

I'll somehow get my life back.


- Peter.
- Hey.

What's going on?

Do you mind?

Uh, sure, come in.


- Is everything okay?
- Look, I'm just gonna

come out and say it.

I've been accused of sexual as*ault.


It was years ago.

I was drunk.

Look, but I know

in my bones

in my heart and in my soul

I didn't r*pe this woman.

But she says you did.


I don't know.

What I do know

is no matter how drunk I was,

that's not who I am.

I swear to God.

I didn't do this, Liv.

I didn't do this.

You believe me?

I do.

I do, but...

But Peter, it's just not that simple.

Because it's your job to believe her.

It's my job to hear her side of the story.

To find out the truth.


if you want someone to make this go away, then...

You came to the wrong person.

No, I'm not asking you to make this go away.

I want the truth too.

I'm not asking for absolution.

I'm asking that you open an investigation.

Way things are now,

we're all looking at our past

- through a new prism.
- Come on.

We're talking about Peter Stone here.

All right? There's a big difference between

buying a woman another drink at the bar

and, and felony r*pe.

Et tu, Carisi?

We were all young and stupid, Amanda.

In my personal experience,

age has nothing to do with it.

I mean, cards on the table, Fin.

Did he do it?

She definitely believes he did something.

Of course she does, but he's our friend

and he said it absolutely did not happen.

No chance.


We all realize that this sucks.

Yeah, you know what sucks, Rollins?

This is what sucks.

A busload of nuns could say that Peter Stone

was in Albuquerque

at the time of this r*pe.

And still, somewhere in the back of my mind,

every time I see him I'm gonna wonder.

Did he?

That's what sucks.

And we know him.

Hi. Olivia Benson, SVU.

I already told that other detective

that I don't want to talk about this.

I understand that, but

a crime has been reported,

and as an officer of the law

I have to investigate him.

Did Peter Stone contact you?

He did. He asked me to investigate.

This isn't gonna go away, is it?

All right. Come in.

Look, it was a long time ago.

Okay, so just try to remember.

We were both drinking.


So if you were too intoxicated to consent,

or you had sex against your will...

I don't remember, okay?

Can we just drop this?

- I don't...
- Hey, hey!


Client canceled, the flu.

I thought we could go to lunch.


listen, Gary...

Uh, the police are here.

I'm Lieutenant Benson.

Did something happen to Emma?

No, no, no, no, Gary. No.

Um... it's me.

I'm sorry.

What, are you in trouble?

No, no, no, it's nothing like that.

Look, it was a long time ago, okay?

It doesn't mean anything

and I am not gonna press charges.

Charges? What the hell's going on here?

Sarah may have been sexually assaulted, Mr. Kent.

You were r*ped?

I'm sorry.

The hell we're not pressing charges.

Do you know who did it?

Please, Gary, I don't want it.

I just want to drop it. Please.

Do you know who did it?

Then we're gonna do whatever it takes

to put this son of a bitch in jail forever.

Hey, so Liv is on her way here with Sarah Kent.

You doing okay?

Rollins, I know that our job

is to believe survivors.

That we start from there.

On this one,

I believe him. I...

You're allowed to feel that way.

I don't think that I am.

Here, come on.

Oh, thank you.

Hey, listen.

You know, you were right about me

moving in with Al. It's, uh...

it's not my style.

The square footage, the, the fancy...

- No, no, no.
- Japanese toilets.

Don't listen to me.

Don't listen to me. You gotta do what's right for you.

For Jesse, for, for this little baby.

Also, I heard those Japanese toilets?

They're supposed to be pretty spectacular.

We're gonna go right this way.

Around the corner. Thanks.

I was a Mets fan, and I found out

that some of the players went to this bar.

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

No, I still feel guilty.

My husband and I were

going through a rough patch at the time.

Where was your husband that night?

He was in Hawaii on a golfing trip with his dad.

But Peter Stone was so nice.

Well, Sarah, why don't you walk us through

exactly what happened that night.

We were having fun. We were, we were,

drinking and dancing.

We were flirting, and...

a few of the players and some of the girls,

we decided to go to Peter's hotel room.

And what happened when you got to the room?

I remember kissing Peter.

And it was okay at first,

but then he...

He became different.

Maybe it was the tequila, or...

What do you mean? Different how?

Not as nice.

Okay, so, what happened next?


One of the guys and Peter, we were on the bed.

Which guy?

I don't know. I just remember Peter.

Then what happened, Sarah?

I must have passed out, because I...

I woke up and I was naked,

and I knew that I had had sex,

and Peter was on the bed.

And I didn't say yes.

So, Sarah...

are you saying that Peter Stone

sexually assaulted you?

Yes, I didn't want to have sex.


I would never, ever do that to Gary.

[STAMMERS] My husband and I, we're happy now, okay?

So what do you say to dopes like me?

Guys that have no idea their wives were r*ped?

Look, I'm sorry.

I know this is...

it's tough to go through.

She never told me.

What does that mean?

I know it doesn't mean that, uh,

she doesn't love you.

Doesn't mean she doesn't trust you.

I was golfing at the time.

I'll never forgive myself.

- I wasn't there to protect her.
- Listen.

You gotta think about her right now.

More than ever, right now.

She needs your support.

Sarah and I were so in love.

There's no way...

- There's no way what?
- I know what you're thinking.

She would never cheat on me.

Liv, you okay?

You want me to do it?

Like it's any easier for you.

- Yeah.

So we spoke with Sarah.


She said that you r*ped her.

And her husband wants to press charges.

Her story is credible, Peter.

What about my story?

Because I know I didn't r*pe anyone.

There were two people in that room, and...

I wasn't there.

And you said you believe me.

I also believe her.

Look, Peter, if this was anyone else

we wouldn't be having this conversation.

So that's it?

You're just gonna arrest me now?

I have to.

If you want to call a lawyer we...

I am a lawyer.

How do you want to do this?

Hey, Lieutenant.

Stone's been released, ROR.

Thanks. Yeah, I heard.

Is, um...

Sarah gonna testify?

If she wants to stay married, she is.

Hey, Carisi, I hate every minute of this too.

But we don't get to pick and choose who we investigate.

Lieutenant, he denies this.

Maybe we owe him the benefit of the doubt.

And what do we owe her?

What Sarah Kent described was an as*ault.

With all the self-blame of not reporting,

guilt about going to the bar,

guilt about her marriage falling apart...

Wha... hold on a second.

She said her marriage was falling apart?

She said that she and her husband

were going through a rough patch.

All right, that's interesting.

Because the husband told me

that they were madly in love.

He's b*ating himself up about this.

He was out of town at the time.

She never told him about it.

Whatever's on tap.

Look at us.

Couple of guys having a beer.

Oh, sorry, you don't know me.

Gary Kent.


Gary, for what it's worth,

I didn't know.

I didn't know Sarah was married.

Hey, what are you gonna do, you know?

Pretty girl in a bar alone.

I didn't do anything to your wife.

You were a ball player, for crying out loud.

Hell, that's what you guys do, right?

Different girl at every port?

I should go.

Least you can do is have a drink with me.


I tell you we met in college, me and Sarah?

I sat behind her in Poly Sci.

She wore her hair long back then too.

She always wore it up, though.

Said it was easier than washing it.

All I could think about in that class,

all I could focus on was the back of Sarah's neck.

To me that's the sexiest part of a woman's body.

Her bare neck.

So let me ask you, uh,

was her hair up?

'Cause, like, if you took her from behind, you know,

- and her hair was up...
- Hey, hey.

Come on, fella.

Whoa, this guy!

This guy played for the Cubs!

- Easy.
- Starting pitcher!

- Nobody cares, Gary.
- I care!

This guy, in the nice suit?

He r*ped my wife!

That's enough, guy.

Oh, you're right. You're right.

Nobody cares about my problems.

I never played ball.

I'm gonna go.

Sit down and shut up.



All right, everybody out. Everybody out.

Go. Get out, man.

Come on.

Me and the guy who r*ped my wife,

we're gonna have a little heart-to-heart.

Just a couple of guys with one thing in common, huh?

So what is it with guys like you?

You just see ass, you take it?

I may be a d*ck.

But I am not a r*pist.

What are you saying?
What are you saying?

What are you saying about my wife?

Are you saying the mother of my child,

that she just hopped in your bed of her own free will?

I don't remember.

Course you don't remember. Of course.

Just another nameless, faceless piece of ass.

I never said that.

She doesn't mean anything to you, I get that.

But to me?

She's a goddess.


When she agreed to marry me,

I almost passed out, I was so happy.

I couldn't protect her then. But now...

Be smart, Gary.

You let the justice system work this out.

You don't get it.

It's too late for justice.

I want revenge.

I want a world where my little girl feels safe.


I want a world without guys like you.


That's probably the cops.

- Oh.

Where are they when you need them?

The last thing that you want

right now

is a SWAT team bursting through that door.

- Go ahead.


This is Peter Stone.


Lieutenant, some guy's got ADA Stone in there.

The customer said he was yelling about

somebody raping his wife.

- And he's armed?
- Best guess, a mm.

Somebody called me, my, my husband's in the bar.

No, no, no, you don't understand!

- My husband is in that bar!
- Stay back, Miss.

Montero. Let 'em through, let 'em through.

Oh, God. What happened?
How did Gary get a g*n?

My daddy would never hurt anybody.

I want you to come with me.
We're gonna get him out.

Your daddy's gonna be okay.
Come with me.

Are you the Borough Commander?

- Who are you?
- I'm Lieutenant Benson, SVU.

This is my case.

This is Mrs. Kent.

Her husband is inside with a g*n.

Maybe if she could speak to him...

What? What, what, I could...

Listen. Listen.

You're gonna tell him

that you love him, okay?


Okay, okay. Okay.


She's beautiful.

She's the reason I get up every morning.


- Sometimes I think

if she didn't come along...

Oh, screw it.


- Can I get it?

It's Stone.


It's Sarah.

She wants to talk to you.

Put it on the bar.

What are you doing here?

Tell him, Sarah. Tell him.

Tell him.


Gary, honey, I love you.

I love you so much.

We're gonna get through this together, okay? I promise.

Just please don't hurt anybody.

Please just don't hurt anybody.

Emma's here.

You wanna...


Daddy, I love you.

I love you so much.

I love you too.

Put Mommy back on the phone.


I'm sorry.

- I gotta go.
- No, no, no, no. Gary.

- Hang it up. Hang it up.
- Okay, okay.


He hung up.

She brought Emma. Why, what is...

Because she needs you.

So does Sarah.

You need to be there for them.

They love you.


- Daddy!
- Emma, Emma!

It's gonna be okay, baby.

- It's okay, it's okay.
- Daddy!

It's gonna be okay. It's fine.

It's okay. Everything's okay.

Coming out!

You all right, Counselor?

Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing happened.

- Come here.
- Are you okay?

I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm fine.


Talked to the - .

The g*n's registered to one

of Gary's construction crew.

It wasn't loaded.

Stone didn't know that.

He's not pressing charges.

He is a good guy.

Who could be headed to prison for r*pe One.


Stone asked you to investigate.

Yeah he did.

Hey. The Department of Health is on line one, Lieu.

That was fast.

Yeah, Emma Jane Kent.

What was her date of birth?

Feels like a lifetime ago.

You look so beautiful and happy.

Yeah, I wish I still had that hair.

You should have seen me years ago.

That was a good guess.

Well, actually, Sarah,

it wasn't a guess.

I know

that Emma was born

/ months after you were assaulted.

Gary and I were

trying so hard to have a baby.

We were in a really bad place.

So what happened that night, Sarah?

What happened?


we were all partying, you know, and...

I, me, Wanda, and Reggie

decided to go back to Peter's hotel room.

Okay, and then?

What happened?

Wanda left.

And then I, I woke up,

alone in the bed with Peter.

And my clothes were off.

So the next morning when Peter called,

you just... assumed...

I just wanted that night to disappear, and...

but then six weeks later,

I had a positive pregnancy test.

Sarah, did you get a DNA test?

No. I love Gary so much.

I love him, and he...

he wanted a baby so bad.

And I just, I couldn't tell him about that night.

I couldn't do it.

Sarah, you say that you were assaulted and I believe you.

But are you sure...

That it was Peter Stone.

He was the only person in the room

with me when I woke up.

It had to have been him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Stone is gonna go to prison?

Well, Sarah Kent tells a convincing story.

And that's enough?

It is.

It could be different, if...

if somebody, if...

you know, you said that she consented.

You want me to commit perjury?

Come on. I know

that you guys cover for each other.

Right, all those road trips,

what the wife and the girlfriend don't know...

I mean all you would have to do

is to say

that you heard

Sarah consent before you left the hotel room.

That way Peter would have a fighting chance.

You think?


in this day and age,

without your fib...

he's gonna lose.

Think of all the ball players

that have covered for you

over your entire career.


- Yeah, sure.
- Great.

Yeah, why the hell not?

You know, if it gets him off the hook.

Great. Thanks.

That is a start.

Now all we have to do is wait for the test.

What test?

The DNA test.

Let's just hope that Peter Stone

is not the father of Sarah's daughter.

Although the timing is spot-on.

Her husband couldn't get her pregnant.

You know.

I know

what a guy who's willing to commit perjury

in a r*pe case thinks about women.

Peter Stone passed out, didn't he?

No, no, no, no, no.

No. She was all over me.

I did not r*pe her.

She was so drunk she didn't know what was going on.

What do you call that?

Stand up.

Stand up!

And turn around.

Reggie Griggs,

you're under arrest for r*pe in the first degree.

Let's go.

So Reggie's talking deal with the DA's office.

- And the charges against me?
- Dropped.

Doesn't let me off the hook.

I took Sarah to my hotel room.

It was my friend who assaulted her.

Peter, you couldn't have known.

Sarah's daughter?

The DNA test says that Gary is the father.


Sarah's been terrified all these years.

She thought I was the father.

Peter, I'm sorry for everything

that you went through.

And I'm...

sorry if it seemed like I doubted you.

Don't be.

Liv, that's why I work with you.

You know, the thing is

when all the noise was coming at me...

there was a moment I doubted myself.

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