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20x05 - Accredo

Posted: 01/14/19 09:10
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

Come on!

Three more.


As hard as you can!


One more.


and rest.


- Nice.

- Oh, my God.

That felt great.

You were k*lling it, Olivia.


gotta get back to the station.

Oh, that excuse.

- Ha!

- Same time tomorrow?


I have my son's parent-teacher conference.

I have : p.m.


That's when I actually get to see my son.

How 'bout...

how 'bout this?

You move in with me...

Then you can make me do squats while I cook Noah dinner.

- I'll text you.

- Okay.

- I'll even run back to my car.

- Deal!

Good morning, everyone!

Welcome to Accredo's Female Entrepreneur Workshop.


Hello, everybody.

I am Claudia.

I'm your hostess.


this group taught me to take back my power.

I went from schlepping briefcases for the senior partners to head of the litigation department.

And, well...

look at this place.

But I deserve it, right?


Who would like to share?

Oh, it's okay.

Let someone else go.

But your story is so inspiring.


Thank you.

When I first discovered Accredo, my career...

my life...

were both stalled.

I was in an abusive relationship that held me back.

But now, I am stronger than ever, ready to take on the future.



Hey, I can walk you to the subway, if you want.

No, I'll be fine.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah.


I'll see ya later.

I am starving!

This empowered woman can't live on cucumber water alone.

I didn't think you ever ate.

Are you kidding?

Wanna go for lunch?

There's this great Italian place around the corner.

It's got gluten-free pasta.

I can't...

not today.

What's going on?

- Is it your ex?

- No, no.

Because if he's stalking you again...

It's not him.

I'm fine, Lilah, okay?

I'm just...


- I'll see you later?

- Okay.

Stop calling me.

I'm serious.



I'm hanging up.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Who is it?

♪ ♪

- , steps today.

- Wow, that's great.

Yeah, just don't ask me about my pulse.

Fin and Carisi both have Knicks tickets, but I'm more than happy to stay here if you need me.

No, no, go, I'm gonna be out of here shortly.

I promised Noah that I would have dessert with him.

Okay, 'cause I don't want any special consideration.

- No, no.

- I mean, you are pregnant, Amanda.

And you...

you can hide it with clothes, but...

But we're gonna have to notify PP.


- I can give you a week.


Lieutenant Benson.

You notified Homicide?



I'm on my way.

What you got?

A r*pe homicide in SoHo, and it sounds brutal.

- I'm coming with you.

- No, Amanda.

You said I had a week.



Her bathtub overflowed.

Alerted the neighbors...

not in time.

- Watch your step.

- I got it, thank you.

Plus she was mutilated...

a piece of her rib cage cut out.

♪ ♪

Get back, Rollins.

I'm fine.

♪ ♪

Yeah, come on.

Go, go, go.

- Go, go, go, go, go.


Is your detective gonna be okay?

She's fine.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

She was stabbed multiple times in the chest, and in the torso.

She was sexually assaulted with a table leg.

- Do we know who she is?

- No.

There's no ID.

And there's no cell, computer in the loft, no pictures.

- There's no mail in the mailbox.

- That's strange.


With the sexual component, Homicide wants us to take the lead.


I'll check the traffic cams and canvass the area, see if any of her neighbors can ID her.

- Yeah.

- Hey, are you okay?

It's just hormones.

You know, whoever did this, it was personal.

The way she...

she was stabbed.

And they cut a piece of her flesh out.


- Oh...

Let me...

let me hold this, come on.


I ran the address, and got something.

Hey, Liv!


so, the owners of the house are Richard and Laura Shane.

Phone number with a Connecticut area code.

Have them meet us at the morgue.

Abby, when you get this, call me.

Right away.

Your daughter lives in the loft?

When she isn't working out of town.

She's supposed to be on a movie sh**t in Pennsylvania.

When is the last time you talked to your daughter?


I've been calling, but there's no answer.

And how old is she?


Big, blue eyes...

Okay, so we're gonna need you to make an ID.

But we can show you a photo.


I wanna see her.


This way.


♪ ♪


- It's not her.

- It's not her-it's not Abby.

Okay, uh...

Do you know who this girl is?

No, but it's not my daughter.

Did she mention any friends staying with her?

Well, not recently.


She has lots of needy friends.

I'm trying Abby again.

Straight to voicemail.

You said your daughter was working in Pennsylvania?

She's doing one of those dystopian horror stories.

Women lose all rights, they get hung from trees...


That's Vicky Parson.

She was m*rder*d?

No wonder my parents are freaked out.


This is so surreal.



what can you tell us about Vicky?


she moved in about a week ago, after she broke up with her boyfriend.

What's his name?


Brad, maybe.


I think he was kind of stalking her.

I saw him outside the loft.

I was like, well, great.

Now he's stalking me.

Did Vicky have any other friends or family?

Her mom ran off when she was five.

Her dad d*ed last year.

It really messed her up.

It's weird.

She seemed a lot better lately.

Better how?



She'd joined some women's empowerment group.

I guess they couldn't protect her from the dark side of her life after all.

Negative for semen DNA.


puts the time of death - between : and : .

- Okay.


The guy was careful.

Nothing off the table leg.

I figure he might be impotent.


So, we're running cell records and financials.


her last call came from a burner.

And then her cell went dead shortly after that at : .

Okay, what about social media?

No Instagram or Twitter.

And it looks like she closed her Facebook account.

She had just quit a job.


she dumped a boyfriend.

Those female empowerment classes did the trick.

- Yeah, until last night.

- What do you mean?

Her girlfriend said she was feeling bad about herself till she joined a ladies group.

And her last ten checks were made out to this organization - called Accredo, Inc.

- Accredo?

It's all about female empowerment.

"It's a safe space where" "goddesses can speak their truth" "and live their dreams." Well, let's hope that she opened up to them.

Who knew there was so much money in insecurity?

Sign of the times, Rollins.

You can always tell a society's priorities by looking at their bestsellers.

In the ' s is "The Joy of Sex." The ' s is getting rich.

The ' s, staying young.

- Now it's female empowerment.

- What women want.


You're here for Arlo's lecture?

You're late, but come on in.

It's gonna be wonderful.


Oh he's gonna be so excited.

- Arlo loves seeing new faces.

- Actually, we're here to talk about Vicky Parson.



- So, you do know her?

- Shh.

We all want things in life.

You know?

To be happy...

Hi, welcome.

To be fulfilled.

To find love.

But the question is, how do we get out of our own way?

How do we allow ourselves to feel deserving of everything we want?

I-I know you've struggled, Claudia, about feeling undeserving.

And now look.


Look at where you are.



I am gobsmacked by you.

I-I'm in awe.

You gave me permission to love myself.

I never looked back.



I'm Arlo Beck.

- Mr.

Beck, we're, um...

- Congratulations.

You're beautiful.

Your pregnancy suits you.

But you're conflicted, aren't you?

I can see you're terrified about losing control, about being vulnerable.

You've been hurt badly in your life.

And I'm sorry about that.


Beck, we're NYPD.

We have a few questions we'd like to ask you.


Of course.


Vicky took, uh...



She was living in the house for a few weeks on an intensive program.

Lilah, who is my coordinator, helped Vicky settle in.

And when is the last time either of you saw her?


She attended a workshop in the city.

Something's wrong.

What happened to Vicky?

♪ ♪ Vicky was m*rder*d last night.

I'm sorry.

Oh, my God.

Do we know by whom?

We were hoping to talk to you about her ex-boyfriend.

Brad Simon...

he was a line cook at Lucky Dive.

Yeah, Brad...

Brad's the reason why Vicky came to Accredo.

He was abusive.

He hacked her Facebook account last week, and...

he posted these intimate photos.

Yeah, here.

You can see the caption.

"Payback, you fugly bitch, for what you did to me".

"Now everyone can see what a slutbag you are".

"This is just the beginning.

You deserve to die." Yeah, I hooked up with Vicky Parson, so what?

So, when was the last time you saw her?

- I don't remember.

- You're gonna have to do - a lot better than that, Brad.

- Why?

She was m*rder*d two nights ago.

- Are you serious?

- What do you think?

Look, I didn't have anything to do with her being m*rder*d.

Oh, yeah?, you got anything to do with these?

I was at the bar that night.

- Which bar?

- A lot of them.

It's not tough to see why she dropped your ass.

Look, she told me I was holding her back.

She's an unemployed public school teacher, for Christ's sakes.

And what?

You're writing your Nobel Prize speech?

I'm going to own my own joint someday.

As long as you can mash potatoes.

You know, they got a lot of mashed potatoes up at Sing Sing.


Yeah, on Leroy Street.

That's where I was.

- Do you got a receipt?

- No.

I'm pretty sure I met a girl, though.

"Pretty sure"?

What's her name?

- Look, I don't know, man.

- Leroy Street.

That is one block away from the loft where Vicky was m*rder*d.

I was there 'cause Vicky and I used to go to that bar.

All right.

So what happened, huh?

You get drunk?

You go back over to.

Vicky's place for old time's sake.

She turns you down.

So you s*ab her to death.

Look, I posted the pics.

I did not k*ll her.

- I was angry.

- Oh, you were angry.

Well, whoever m*rder*d Vicky was very angry.

Thirteen s*ab wounds.

r*ped her with a table leg.


The thing I'm curious about, though, is why would you carve a chunk of flesh from her ribcage?

Look, I don't know what you're talking about.

You don't know what I'm talking about?

This is what I'm talking about, Brad.


Take a look.


♪ ♪ What were you cutting out, Brad?

Was it a tattoo?

I bet it was another guy's name.


I want a lawyer.

♪ ♪ So what do you we have on this guy besides a shaky alibi and revenge p*rn?

No record, no official reports of DV, and nothing to connect him to the scene.

Well, his Facebook post should be enough for a search warrant.

- All right.

- Fin and Carisi'll do it.

I can still do my job.

Amanda, do you want to move furniture?

'Cause I don't.


Anybody here?

- What's the warrant cover?

- Any evidence of their relationship.

Meal receipts.

Strand of her hair.

So, everything.

- Yep.

- Great.


Did CSU find a m*rder w*apon?




♪ ♪

What do we have here?

Hey, Fin!

Look at that.

- That's definitely blood.

- Yeah?

There's also some blood on the jeans, here.

Guy'd be off the hook if he'd just do his laundry.

The lab says the blood on Brad's shoes and jeans is a DNA match to Vicky.


What about the Kn*fe?


Liv, we may have a witness on Brad's alibi.

We pulled security footage from the bar Brad said he went to that night.

Brad was telling the truth about Hartwood's.

Two blocks away from the loft.

And he's also telling the truth about leaving with a woman.

Take a look at this.

That's outside the time frame.

He could have k*lled her before he went to the bar.

Well, we need to talk to her.

See if she saw Brad arrive.

See if she saw blood.

- Hold on.

- Damn.

- What?

- What am I not seeing?

She's part of Vicky's women's group.

- We met her at the house.

- Coincidence?

What is that?

Under her arm.

On her rib cage.

Carisi, go back, and zoom in a little.

♪ ♪ Okay, that is the same place and size as where Vicky's ribcage was cut out.

That's not just a coincidence.

That's Brad Simon?

Is that Vicky's ex?

You didn't know?

Of course not.

Vicky never spoke about him.

Well, she talked about him all the time.

I-I never met him or saw a picture of him.

Look, the reason I'm here...

the reason I came to Accredo in the first place...

is how I dealt with men.

I'd be at a bar, and a guy talked to me for two seconds...

and I thought he wouldn't like me.

So I....

I let him take control.

Anyway, at Accredo, we're forced to face our fears.

Last night I took control.

By picking up Vicky's ex?

I didn't know it was him.


so he took you back to his apartment.

Where he promptly passed out.

I left and took an Uber back here.

Okay, and was...

was Brad already at the bar when you arrived?

I don't know.

It was super busy.

What time did you get there?

After : ?

I remember checking my watch.

I-I didn't want to stay out late.

Then I met Brad.

So, do you remember seeing anything unusual?


like blood on his clothes.



You think...

He k*lled her before I...

♪ ♪


You two both had a tattoo, right?

- What?

- Right there, under your arm...

do you?

Actually, it's more...

it's more like a brand.

"A-H" maybe, an "M?" What does that stand for?

It was Vicky's idea, actually.

She wanted a symbol of her progress.

Something she'd never forget.

I thought it was a great idea.

So did I.

Now we'd loved to help you put this to rest.

Okay, so you don't mind if we take a look around?

Well, if it'll help put Brad behind bars...

- Be my guest.

- I'm gonna take the inside.

♪ ♪

Arlo's actually read every one of them.

- How many men can say that?

- Oh.

How many people can say that?

Most guys will say, "Sure, I'm a feminist." But when push comes to shove, the one who's promoted is the one who plays golf, talks sports, drinks bourbon, smokes cigars...

Well, not that it matters, but...

I run my unit.

But who runs you?

I can...

I can help you with that.

Really, Detective, we have nothing to hide.

After you.

Yeah, you never know who's gonna spend the night.

Why do you lock the door?

Well, there's a time and place for everything.

Before Arlo, I was running the Commodities Department at Parkhill, Hauser & Schiff.

And I was pretty damn good at it, too.

- But?

- But the guys upstairs...

they put me there because they had to.

Everybody knew it.

They had to prove to the Street they weren't sexist.

And sure, I was making a lot of money.

But every morning...

Managing Partners' Meeting...

boys club was checking my daily reports, just waiting for me to crash and burn.

And after Arlo?

I marched into that morning meeting, and I said, "I don't crash and burn." I gave them my notice.

And opened my own shop.

Only women work for me now.

I'm not gonna lie to you.

A lot of the women who come to me have sexual problems.

I bet they do.

And I'm sure you're happy to cure them.

Well, they cure themselves, actually.

I'm just, um...

how should I put it?

I'm just their coach.

Did Arlo tell Vicky to quit her job?

You just don't get it.

Arlo doesn't tell us to do anything.

We find that strength within ourselves.

Did Vicky Parson have sexual issues?

Well, she wasn't living her life to her...

to its potential personally and professionally.

Kind of like you.

- Excuse me?

- A woman becomes a cop.


To establish power over men.


Because men have A, disappointed her.

B, demeaned her.

How about C, she believes the scum should rot in prison.

Oh, the lies we tell ourselves.

Let me guess...

You're not married to the daddy, are you?

♪ ♪


He's got a degree in Classical Civilizations and Astrobiology from Cambridge.

Former badminton player.

He deferred a post doc position at NASA to move to the Amazon where he lived with the Piraha Tribe for three years to study the true meaning of happiness.

Oh yeah.

Talk about fudging a bio to get with women...


Okay, he started Accredo with a woman named Marina Basso.

I didn't meet her, did you?

Arlo? Oh, my God,

- we divorced six years ago.

- Hold on.

- You two were married?

- For two years.

After you two started Accredo?

All things must die.

- Not this.

- Accredo's alive, and apparently it's doing very well.

Good for Arlo.

He was the smartest man I ever met.

And empathetic.

That's what he calls branding women?

Oh, you didn't know about that?


But I'm not surprised.

It's like a dog marking his territory, I suppose.

Arlo's possessive?

He's possessive, obsessive, reclusive, outgoing, introspective, and could charm meat from a lion...

or should I say a lioness?

It was all a little too much to live with.

So, you have nothing to do with Accredo anymore?

- Not at all.

- Okay, then...

Why did you walk away?

If you must know...

it was completely personal.

I found out that Arlo had been sleeping with Lilah.

That must have pissed you off.

Actually, what pissed me off is he said it was for my own good.

To help me get past my jealousy issues.

I'm sorry.

Nobody's that charming.

So the egotistical male leader of an all-female group is sleeping with one of his acolytes.

It's not a shock.

It's also not illegal.

Or a motive for Vicky's m*rder.

Okay, what I don't buy is that Gina just happened to run into Brad.

This was orchestrated so that she could plant that blood in his apartment.

Or he k*lled her and we're barking up a dead tree.

This guy Arlo has something to do with this somehow.

Okay, you said that Vicky wrote ten checks to Accredo?

Yeah, for almost grand.

He'd need a thousand Vickys to buy a house like that.

Arlo's not gonna give us his financials.

Talk to one of the other women.

Here we go.

Let's meet the women of Accredo.

"'Spiritual Yoga' at Hudson River Park, : p.m." "New recruits welcome." You mean victims.

Lower all the way down...

into upward facing dog, into downward dog.

Left leg comes through, warrior two.

Control the breath.

Check your heart rate, by pulse or by FitTrakr.

We've been advised not to talk to the police anymore.

Who told you that?


He has our best interests at heart.

What about Vicky's best interest?

Lower all the way down.


I-it's him again.

Keep doing what you were doing.


NYPD, you mind if we talk to you for a second?

I wasn't doing anything.

You like taking pictures of all the pretty girls?

No, just that Accredo Cult.

I'm gonna find something.

What are you talking about?

They brainwashed my wife.

Who's your wife?

Gina Goodrich.



That's her.

And you want her back?

Screw that.

Look, I just want my money.

You gotta arrest them.

Charging people for this crap.

Let me see this.



Hold on a second.

It's Vicky.

- We're taking this.

- Be my guest.

I told you all I know.

About you and Vicky?

Sit down.

Somehow you forgot about this.


That's part of the process.

A foot on her neck?

It's called starting over.

That looks more like the tail end of a brawl.

What were you guys fighting about, Gina?

I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't ask you that.

It works.

It's part of the Accredo method.

People pay to be humiliated?

No, they pay to earn self-respect.

Nobody gives that to a woman.

She has to work...

work hard to realize it.

Let me tell you where you are, Gina.

Your friend is dead.

And you were two blocks from the house the night she was m*rder*d, r*ped with a foreign object, and mutilated.

And don't forget, Gina was with Vicky's ex.

Yeah, and now we see this photo of you putting your foot on her face?

Believe me, it's not a stretch for a jury to say, "Yeah.

That bitch is guilty." - I didn't k*ll her.

- I don't believe you.

Jury's understand love triangles, Gina.

Vicky was my serf.

- What?

- I was her lord.

She had to do whatever I wanted.

Or what?

She wouldn't advance to the next level of self-realization.



What happens there?

You're making fun of me.

I'm trying to help you.

Screw this.

- Get on the floor.

- What?

Get on the damn floor.


- Huh?

You feel empowered yet?

How's this?


- How about now?

- Amanda!



She wants to feel demeaned?

- I'll demean her.

- It's gonna be a lot worse in prison, Lieutenant.

Your husband told us about the money you gave Arlo.


Arlo is a con man.

- No.

- You know, he took a lot more than money from you, too, didn't he?

- Didn't he?

- Stop!

- Amanda.

- Did you k*ll Vicky?

I just did what my lord told me to do.

So you did k*ll her?

I just put blood on Brad's pants and sneakers.


Who gave you the blood?

Where did you get the blood?




Because Vicky had enough.

She was gonna leave us.

She was gonna betray Arlo.

♪ ♪

Your behavior was...


When I was growing up, I had a TV in my room.

"Family Ties" was my favorite.

Alex P....

I really, really liked him.

And I would turn the volume all the way up so I couldn't hear what was going on downstairs, the screaming, the cussing.


We were not the Keatons.

Well, newsflash: Nobody's family is.

My mom had this vase...

It wasn't expensive, but she really loved it.


he threw it at her.

It shattered into a million pieces.

And that was right before he b*at the crap out of her.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know.

The thing is, I wasn't mad at him.

I was so mad at her.

You know, how?


How could she let him?


So, I know.

I know I was out of line.


Story of my life.

Did, uh...

Gina rat out Arlo?

Only for blackmail.

So, to get into Arlo's inner sanctum, the girls have to give collateral...

the deed to their house, naked photos...

Like the ones Brad took of Vicky.

And are you ready for this?

The brand that we saw...


It stands for "At His Mercy." Let's go arrest this son of a bitch.

All we have is Gina's word.

She may be covering her own skin.

Okay, if we could put Lilah at the house...


- We have no forensics.

There's nothing on security cameras.

Just my trainer.

He's gonna yell at me for not going running today.

Look, we checked the GPS on Lilah's phone.

- She never left Accredo.

- Well, at least we know her phone didn't.

Lilah wears a FitTrakr.


The app...

uploads the data to the cloud.

♪ ♪

Max, this is great.

Thank you.


Lieu, we got her.

TARU came through big time.

Now, GPS puts Lilah in the vicinity of the loft, but that is nothing.

Look at this.

Now this is a graph of Lilah's heartrate on the night of the m*rder.

Now, from : to : pm, it gets up to .

Now, that's gotta be her going up the six flights of steps it took to get to the crime scene.

- Right.

- Then it flattens out.

That's gotta be the "Hi, how are you's." They make some small talk.

Then minutes later, boom.

It goes up to ; it stays elevated for minutes.

It gets as high as , Lieu.

- That's the m*rder.

- That's what I'm thinking.

Pick her up.

Feel the heartbeat.

That's life's energy passing between you.

Lilah Finch, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Vicky Parson.

Turn around.

Put your hands behind your back.


♪ ♪ As you were.

♪ ♪ Not saying anything.


Well, that's your choice.

That's what Arlo would want.

It's always what Arlo wants, isn't it?

We didn't do anything wrong.

Well, that's for a jury to decide.

But while you're in here, what do you think Arlo's doing?

- You don't know him.

- Yes, I do.

I know him very well.

You know, most of the women in here...

are in here because they believed a man's lies.

Ask them.

They'll be happy to tell you.

Has Arlo called you?


Has he hired a lawyer?


Has he posted bail, Lilah?

Has he reached out to you in any way?

Arlo made me feel like I could do anything...

overcome my fears, be my best self.

You're asking me to say that the last ten years of my life meant nothing.

I'm asking you to look at the next ten years.

The next years.

I believe you when you said that that empowerment and that strength...

It is in you.

And, Lilah, I know that you're smart enough to make the right decision.


Because, Lilah, let me tell you something.

You only have two choices.

Lilah, be smart.

You can be silent and spend the rest of your life in prison.

Or you can make a deal and testify against him.

And maybe... maybe...

You can get out by the time you're .

And believe me, that's a lot of life left.

♪ ♪

What would I have done if Vicky went to the cops?

I'd have nothing.

I'd have nobody.

Did Arlo tell you to k*ll Vicky?

I couldn't face my fears.


What are you scared of, Lilah?

♪ ♪

I was scared to be alone.

You have no grounds to arrest my client, let alone charge him.

Well, the DA disagrees.

With Gina's testimony and Lilah's testimony, we have second degree m*rder.

- Lilah confessed?

- Well, the good news is is that Lilah doesn't have to worry about being alone for the next ten years, because Lilah admitted to k*lling Vicky on your orders and Gina admitted to framing Brad.

Sounds a lot like conspiracy to me.

I didn't hear the word "agreement" anywhere.

Yeah, I didn't hear your client deny any of it either.

What do you have against me, Detective Rollins?

I love every woman in Accredo.

And they love me.

I'm sure they believe that.

Let me ask you...

Whoever put that baby in your belly...

do you love him?

- Okay, we're done.

- No, no...

it's okay.

You know what?

I don't...

I don't love him.

Turns out...

I-I don't know a lot about love.

But what I do know about: You're just a con man, a sex trafficker, and a m*rder*r.

And more importantly, I know your con is over.

- We'll see.

- You know what the worst thing is?

What really pisses me off is not that you conned women out of their own money.

It's not that you convince women that it's in their best interest to sleep with you.

It's not that you demean women or humiliate women.

What really disgusts me...

is that you make women feel good about themselves.


Addicted to feeling invincible.

You know, I can see that you're intelligent.


So, you make women feel safe.

They feel heard.

And because they trust you, they share their deepest insecurities, their weaknesses, with you.

And then you use those vulnerabilities to destroy them.

♪ ♪

You, Mr. Beck...

are the worst kind of predator there is.


that was beautiful, Lieutenant.

Arraign this prick.

You're kidding, right?

You got a problem with a lawyer zealously defending her client?

What's he paying you?

- That's confidential.


I just...

I hope it's more than a poke and a lecture on empowerment.

I have to arrange for my client's bail.

Excuse me.

I saw you, Claudia.

I saw you in our interrogation room.

Where's that self-respect that Arlo was supposed to have given you?

'Cause we've all been there.

How much, uh, self-respect do you think I had after one reckless night gave me this?

How much self-hate?

I'm a damaged person, too, Claudia.

Hell, there's probably men that damaged me.

But I don't care.

'Cause I'm gonna put my head down and I'm gonna get through it, using the courage or the stick-to-itivness or whatever you want to call it...


it's already inside me.

And I'm gonna do it without listening to the psycho-babble that bastards like Arlo spew.

Oh, Claudia, that's real...

real strength.

♪ ♪

I hope you can find some.

♪ ♪

But I don't wanna do homework.

You're in first grade now.

Mrs. Rozniak says she wants you to practice your spelling words.

- No.

- Hey!

Whoa, Noah.


Everything okay?

I didn't realize there was a stubborn sixes phase.



Yeah, this is Rollins.

Hey, Claudia...


That was Arlo's lawyer.

She posted bail and now he's on his way to Westchester County Airport.

I'll call County Police on the way.

We're lucky...

His ex-wife forgot to fuel up the private jet.


Thinking of all the women we just saved.

Whatever you think I did, save it.

Oh, do shut up, Arlo.

Wiser words were never spoken.

- Thank you.

- No, thank you.

Get him in the car.

Let's get him out of here.


So, I'm gonna notify PP that I'm pregnant and I'm gonna tell them that you didn't know.

Amanda, you don't have to do that.



yeah, I do.

And it is going to k*ll me to have to sit behind a desk.

But it's only a few months, right?

The father, I wanted you to know, is, um, Al Pollack.

He's a cardiologist.



Yeah, we'll see.

I'm really happy for you, Amanda.

If I haven't said that before.

I know.


♪ ♪