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03x04 - Gwaine

Posted: 03/17/19 07:52
by bunniefuu
Episode 3.04 - Gwaine


Merlin and Arthur are galloping. They reach the top of a hill overlooking a small village.

Arthur: You know what you need after a hard day’s hunt?

Merlin: Sleep?

Arthur: A nice cold tankard of mead.

Merlin: (muttering) Mead.

They arrive in the village, dismount and tie their horses up.

Arthur: No better place to measure the mood of your people than the local tavern.

Merlin: This is one of those moments where I tell you that something isn’t a good idea and you ignore me, isn’t it?

Arthur: You’re learning, Merlin. Slowly, but you’re learning. Now remember, in here you’re not my servant. I’m just a simple peasant as everyone else.

They are walking in the direction of the tavern.

Merlin: The simple’s part right.

Arthur: What?

Merlin: I said the sun is very bright.

Arthur: Yeah, yeah it is.


The tavern

The place is packed and noisy. Arthur and Merlin sit at a table. The innkeeper, a plump woman, arrives to take the orders.

Innkeeper: Afternoon. What’ll it be? Oh, you’re a handsome fellow!

Arthur: (swelling with conceit) Well, you wouldn’t be the first to say it

Innkeeper: Oh, no sorry, I was talking about your friend here.

Arthur: Him?

Merlin: Thank you.

Arthur: (looking pretty upset) Two tankards of meat, please.

Merlin: I was wrong. Coming here was a great idea.

The door opens and a scary man comes in. Chatters stop. He walks through the tavern. Everybody is staring at him.

Dagr: Afternoon, Mary. Business looks good.

Mary: We have our better days.

Dagr: I don’t suppose you’ll begrudge me my share then.

Mary throws a couple of coins on the bar. He counts the coins.

Dagr: And the rest?

Mary: That’s all we’ve got.

The bandit grabs Mary and threats her with a dagger.

Dagr: I’ll not ask again.

Arthur: Take your hands off her.

The bandit tries to hit Arthur who avoids him, and pushes him into a shelf. They stare at each other.

Dagr: I’m going to make you pay for that.

Merlin: (laughing) I’d like to see you try.

The bandit whistles and a group of scary men come into the tavern.

Arthur: You had to open your big mouth, didn’t you, Merlin?

A young man stands up.

Young Man: You two have got yourselves in a bit of a pickle, haven’t you?

Arthur: You should get out of here while you have the chance.

The young man is drinking a tankard.

Young man: You’re probably right.

The young man holds the tankard to the bandit, smiles and punches him on the nose. It’s the beginning of the brawl.

Merlin: ARTHUR!

Arthur: Merlin! Behind you!

Merlin ducks to avoid a flying chair. Two big men are threatening Merlin.

Merlin casts a spell: Aetslide bencpe.

A bench flies and knocks them out.

Merlin goes behind the bar. Mary and Merlin are crushing jugs on bandits. Merlin uses magic to throw a stack of plates on a bandit. The young man is fighting close to the bar.

Young man: Pass the jug.

He starts drinking. A bandit tries to hit him. He ducks and punches the bandit.

Young man: What do they call you then?

Merlin: Merlin.

They shake hands.

Young man: Gwaine. Pleasure to meet you.

He turns and breaks the jug on a bandit’s head.

Gwaine: Such a waste.

The brawl goes on. Arthur is fighting against the chief of the bandits. The man takes his dagger and is about to s*ab Arthur. Gwaine throw himself in front of the bandit, saving Arthur. The bandit is knocked out and Gwaine is stabbed in the leg. He tries to get up, but he falls and knocks himself on a bench. He lies on the ground unconscious. Merlin comes to examine him.

Arthur: How is he?

Merlin starts bandages Gwaine’s leg.

Merlin: Not good. He’s losing a lot of blood…


Outside the tavern

The bandit is at the stocks, people are throwing rotten vegetables to him. Gwaine, still unconscious, is lying on Arthur’s horse.

Arthur: If this man ever troubles you again, word is to be sent to Camelot. Soldiers will be here within a day.

Mary: How can you make a promise like that?

Arthur: Because I’m the King’s son. Prince Arthur.

Mary: Prince Arthur! Prince Arthur in my tavern!

Arthur and Merlin are leaving the village.

Mary: Come on!

The villagers throw more rotten vegetables at the bandit in stocks

–-- Opening Credits --–

Merlin s chamber

Arthur and Merlin are carrying Gwaine onto Merlin’s bed. Gaius takes a look at the wound.

Gaius: Merlin, fetch me some fresh water, towels, needle and a silk thread.

Merlin: And honey?

Gaius: You’re learning. It helps fight the infection.

Arthur: But he’ll be all right?

Gaius: Providing he’s strong.

Arthur: He’s that, all right. The man saved my life, Gaius. He’s to be given anything he needs.

Arthur leaves the room.


Merlin’s chamber, the next morning

Gwaine is waking up. Merlin comes into the room, carrying a tray with food.

Gwaine: What am I doing in this bed?

Merlin: You were wounded. Arthur wanted to make sure that you were treated by his physician.

Gwaine: Arthur?

Merlin: Prince Arthur. You saved his life.

Gwaine: If I had known who he was… I probably wouldn’t have. He‘s a noble.

Merlin: Yeah, but he’s a good man.

Gwaine: (snorting) if you say so.

Merlin: Well, you’re a hero. The King wants to thank you in person.

Gwaine almost spits what he is drinking.

Gwaine: Please, no. I’ve met a few kings… Once you’ve met one, you’ve met them all.

Merlin: He’ll probably give you an award.

Gwaine: I’m not interested. Besides, I’ve got everything I need right here.

Merlin: Why did you help us?

Gwaine: Your chances looked between slim and none. I guess I just kind of liked the look of those odds.


Arthur’s chamber

Merlin is opening the curtains.

Arthur: How’s Gwaine?

Merlin: Recovering…

Merlin looks out of the window. Knights are arriving in the courtyard.

Merlin: Who’s that?

Arthur goes to the window and has a look.

Arthur: Ah, Sir Derian! He’s here for the melee.

Merlin: Oh, yeah the tournaments where the knights ride around hitting each other with blunt weapons for no good reason.

Arthur: A little more to it than that…

Merlin: Really? All I’ve ever seen is people getting the seven bells knocked out of them, so the last man standing can be called the winner.

Arthur: (patronizing) the melee is the ultimate test of strength and courage.

Merlin: Are you sure we are talking about the same thing?

Arthur: Well I wouldn’t expect you to understand. You’re not a knight.

Merlin: Well, if it means I don’t get clobbered round the head, I’m glad of it.

Arthur: Well, I’m afraid it doesn’t.

Arthur throws a cup at the back of Merlin’s head.

Merlin: Ouch!

Arthur: I need that lot cleaned by noon.

Merlin rubs his neck and leaves the room.


A village, in the house of an old sorcerer, Cylferth

Cylferth: The Stulorne blades, just as you requested.

The two bandits inspect the swords.

Ebor: They’re blunt.

Dagr: That in only how they appear.

Dagr cuts Ebor’s shirt with the sword. They both laugh loudly.

Cylferth: Why should you want such a w*apon?

Dagr: That’s none of your business old man. You have the crystals?

Cylferth: Money first.

Dagr gives the old man a purse. He comes back with a casket, containing crystals. Dagr wants to take them.

Cylferth: Not yet!

He casts a spell on the crystals.

Cylferth: (chanting) Pecce treowan andwlitan heora fram gesihoe eallra.

The crystals start shining. The old man gives Dagr the casket.

Cylferth: The wearer of these crystals will be able to take on the form of whoever’s blood they touch.

Dagr: Thank you.

Cylferth: Thank you.

He starts counting the coins from the purse when Chief stabs him in the back.

Ebor: Now what?

Dagr: Now, Ebor, we can take our revenge on Prince Arthur of Camelot.

They both burst out laughing and they leave the house.


Merlin’s room

Gwaine is putting on his boots. Church bells chime. He goes to the window, opens it and looks down at Camelot.


Street of Camelot

Gwaine is walking, he notices Gwen. He snatches a flower and catches Gwen to give her the flower.

Gwaine: I believe this belongs to you.

Gwen: I don’t think so. It’s not my colour.

Gwaine: Well, let us see.

Gwaine puts the flower in Gwen’s hair.

Gwen: I bet you’ve got a whole bunch of those to hand out.

Gwaine: Yours is the only one.

Gwen smiles and tries to leave.

Gwaine: I’m Gwaine.

Gwaine takes out his hand, they shake hands, but Gwaine does not let Gwen go.

Gwaine: You haven’t told me your name.

He keeps holding Gwen’s hand.

Gwaine: You look like a princess to me. So it’s probably something like Sophia or Esmeralda! That’s it! Princess Esmeralda!

Gwaine bows to Gwen.

Gwen: Stop it, people are staring.

Gwaine: Not until you tell me your name.

Gwen: It’s Gwen.

Gwaine: There, that wasn’t so hard, now was it?

Gwen tries to move past him. He tries to take a basket.

Gwaine: A princess should not have to lump her washing around.

Gwen: Unfortunately, I’m not a princess.

Gwaine: Ah, but you see, you are to me.

She giggles.

Gwaine: This is not working is it?

Gwen: No, not really. But I like that you tried and that you know when to give up.

She takes the flower out of her hair.

Gwen: You’d better have this in case someone else takes your fancy.

Gwaine: I’ve eyes only for you.

Gwen: I’m sure.

Gwen goes finally goes her way, Gwaine chuckles and goes his way.


In the woods

Dagr and Ebor are spying on two knights who are camping.

Sir Ethan: How much further would you say it is from Camelot?

Sir Oswald: Half a day’s ride. The journey is almost over.

Dagr: It is for you.

Crackle of branches

Sir Ethan: Oswald!

Dagr stabs Oswald. He starts fighting against Ethan. Ethan is stabbed in the back by Ebor. A servant runs out of one of the tents. Ebor sees him.

Ebor: Dagr!

Dagr throws a dagger to the servant and kills him. The two bandits giggle.

Dagr: The crystals.

Ebor hands him the casket. Dagr takes one of the crystal necklaces and wipes the blood of his sword on it. The crystal shines. Then he put on the necklace.

Oswald is still lying dead on the ground. Another Oswald is standing by him. He’s touching his face.

Ebor: You look good, Dagr.

Dagr/Oswald: Sir Oswald!

Ebor bows to him.

Ebor: Sorry, sir.

Dagr/Oswald: That’s all right.

Dagr takes the second necklace.

Dagr/Oswald: Your turn. Then we can take our rightful place in the melee.

Dagr/Oswald and Ebor/Ethan are riding to Camelot.


Castle courtyard

Arthur, followed by Merlin, walks down the steps to welcome the two knights.

Arthur: Sir Oswald!

The knights dismount.

Arthur: I didn’t think you’d be brave enough to show up.

Dagr/Oswald: And miss the chance of putting you on your backside?

They hug.

Arthur: You’ve never managed it before.

Dagr/Oswald: That was then. This is now.

Arthur punches him and turns to the other knight who introduces himself.

Ebor/Ethan: Sir Ethan

Arthur: This is my servant, Merlin. He loves hard work, so anything you need, just give him a call.

Dagr/Oswald: Believe me, I will.


Guests ‘chamber

Dagr/Oswald: MERLIN!

Merlin opens the door, carrying a huge trunk with difficulty.

Merlin: Here it is!

D/O smirks.

Dagr/Oswald: What took you so long?

Merlin: It weighs a ton…Stairs… Seven flights…

Ebor/Ethan: That’s very kind of you.

Merlin is rubbing his arm and about to leave the room.

Dagr/Oswald: But you can’t leave it there.

Merlin: I can’t?

Dagr/Oswald: It’s in the way.

Merlin: Ok. Where do you want it?

Ebor/Ethan: Over there, by the bed.

Merlin takes the trunk and carries it by the bed.

Dagr/Oswald: Oh, no. The other side.

Merlin drags the trunk on the other side of the bed.

Ebor/Ethan: It’s going to get in my way there.

Merlin: Where do you want it?

Dagr/Oswald: On the top of the wardrobe.

Merlin: On the TOP?

Ebor/Ethan: You’re absolutely right, Oswald. That’s exactly where it should be.

Merlin painfully puts the trunk on the top of the wardrobe, Dagr/Oswald opens the lock with his sword and everything falls out.


Gaius’s chamber

Merlin is slurping the soup almost without breathing.

Gaius: It’s very hard to work out whether you’re eating or inhaling that soup.

Merlin: I haven’t had anything all day. Sir Oswald had me at his beck and call.

Gaius: How is he?

Merlin: Awful. He treats me like dirt.

Gaius: That doesn’t sound like the young man I knew. He always struck me as a rather kind and thoughtful soul.

Merlin: Then he must’ve changed.

Gaius: You must remember that not all masters are good to theirs servants as Arthur.

Merlin spits green soup he was eating at Gaius’s face.

Gaius: Thank you, Merlin.

Merlin: Sorry.

The door opens and Gwen peeks in.

Gwen: Merlin, I think you need to come with me.


Camelot tavern

Gwen and Merlin are staring at a note. Close to them, the innkeeper looks rather cross.

Merlin: You drank all this?

Gwaine: With some help from my new friends.

People in the tavern cheer: Yeah!

Innkeeper: He says that he hasn’t got any money… so it looks like you’ll have to pay.

The innkeeper grabs Merlin and lifts him from the floor.

Merlin: I can’t afford this.

Innkeeper: Better find someone who can.

Gwaine starts laughing and falls on the ground.


Merlin’s chamber

Merlin helps a staggering Gwaine into his room.

Gwaine: You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.

Merlin: You seem to have quite a few.

They both laugh.

Gwaine: I’d love to see Arthur’s face when he gets that bill.

Merlin: Right. What is it with you and nobles?

Gwaine: Nothing. My father was a knight in Caerleon’s army. He d*ed in a battle, leaving my mother penniless. When she went to the king for help, he turned her away.

Merlin: You didn’t know him?

Gwaine: Just some stories that I’ve been told.

Merlin: I know how that feels. I met my father just briefly before he d*ed.

Gwaine: Why?

Merlin: He was banished.

Gwaine: What had he done?

Merlin: Nothing… He served the king.

Gwaine: But the king turned against him. That doesn’t surprise me.

Merlin: Arthur’s not like that.

Gwaine: Maybe, but none of them are worth dying for, huh!

Gwaine laughs, hits his head on the wall and goes on laughing.


Arthur’s chamber, the next morning

Merlin enters carrying a tray with food.

Merlin: Sorry, I know I’m late.

Arthur: Not at all.

Merlin: Um, good…

Arthur: Are you sure you’re all right? You’re not sick? Unsteady, about to burst into a song.

Merlin: No. Why?

Arthur takes a note and start reading.

Arthur: 14 quarts of mead, 3 flagons of wine, 5 quarts of cider.

Merlin: I can explain.

Arthur: 4 dozen pickled eggs!

Merlin: That was Gwaine. He went to the tavern and… he couldn’t pay for it.

Arthur: So you said I would?

Merlin: Mmm, if I hadn’t, that innkeeper he would have strung us both up.

Arthur: I fail to see the downside.

Merlin: You said he should be given anything he needs.


Merlin: I’m sorry. I’ll pay for it.

Arthur: You most certainly will…


Throne hall

Gwaine: Arthur’s a thoroughbred little braggart.

Gwaine and Merlin are polishing boots.

Merlin: Why?

Gwaine: Making us to this.

Merlin: I think it’s fair.

Gwaine: For the entire army!

Gwaine points at dozen of boots waiting to be polished.

Merlin: If you admitted your father was a knight you wouldn’t have to…

Gwaine: Maybe, but I’m not making the same mistakes he did. Anyway, my father always treated his servants well.

Merlin: You didn’t know him!

Gwaine: Well, I like to think that he did. What about yours?

Merlin: No. He didn’t have any servants. He didn’t have anyone…

Gwaine: When did he die?

Merlin: About a year ago… I’d just wish I had the chance to know him better. There’s so much he could’ve taught me.

Gwaine: But you did get to meet him.

Merlin: Yeah.

Gwaine: If there’s one thing that I learnt from my father’s life, it’s that titles don’t mean anything. It’s what’s inside that count.

Gwaine slaps Merlin’s knee with a brush.

Merlin: Ow!


Outside the castle

Arthur is practicing; he is attacking a dummy dressed as a knight.

Dagr/Oswald: You look like you need a bit of practice.

Arthur: Ah? Do you think so?

Dagr/Oswald: I know so.

Dagr/Oswald gestures to Merlin to get a sword. Arthur and D/O start fighting.

Arthur (bragging): You’re rusty. You’re not as quick as you used to be.

Dagr/Oswald: Still quick enough to hit you.

Arthur: I thought you were left-handed.

Dagr/Oswald: Yes I am. I… just wanted to give you a chance.

Dagr/Oswald changes hand to hold his sword.

Dagr/Oswald: How about we make this more interesting? 50 gold coins first clean hit.

Arthur: Make it a hundred.

Arthur manages to pin his arm, Dagr/Oswald cannot fight any more.

Arthur: You can keep your money.

Arthur, satisfied, leaves the field.

Ebor/Ethan: Don’t worry, in the melee there’ll be two of us.

Dagr/Oswald: With the Stulorne blade, I’ll fillet the little brat.

Merlin seems to have overhead the conversation. Dagr/Oswald spits.


Guests ‘chamber

Merlin is bringing pieces of armour in the room. The he starts removing dirty plates from the table. He discovers 2 swords. He tries to examine the blades and he gets cut by one of them. Dagr/Oswald and Ebor/Ethan enters the room.

Dagr/Oswald: What’re you doing with that, boy?

Merlin: I was just tidying…

Dagr/Oswald: Keep away from things that don’t concern you.

Merlin takes the dirty plates and leaves the room.


Gaius’s chamber

Gaius is bandaging Merlin’s finger.

Merlin: To the eye the sword appeared blunt, but when I touched it…

Gwaine: You were lucky… I’ve seen those blades in action. They are forged using sorcery.

Gaius: But what would they want with such a blade?

Merlin: I think they mean to k*ll Arthur in the melee.

Gaius: But in front of all those people?

Gwaine: It’s the perfect cover. If they succeed, nobody will suspect it was intentional.

Merlin: I need to warn Arthur.

Gaius: Merlin, Sir Oswald is a knight; he comes from a well-respected family. You can’t accuse him without a proof.

Merlin: Then we need that blade…

Gwaine: I’ll get it.

Merlin: What if they catch you? What reason would you have to be in Sir Oswald’s chambers? No, it’s safer if I do it.


Guests’ chamber

Oswald is asleep. Merlin sneaks into the room and opens a big trunk, where he finds the blade. Then he notices the crystal, shining on Dagr/Oswald’s chest. He walks toward him and sees Dagr’s face in the crystal. Dagr wakes up and grabs Merlin by the hand.


Gaius’s chamber

Gwaine: Merlin should be back by now.

Gaius: I know.

Gwaine: I’m going to see what’s going on.

Gwaine leaves the room.

Gaius: Gwaine…


Guest’s chamber

Merlin is standing against the wall a dagger is thrown just above his head.

Merlin: I was just rearranging the bedclothes. That’s all.

Dagr/Oswald throws another dagger.

Dagr/Oswald: You hear that, Sir Ethan. He was just rearranging the bedclothes.

Dagr/Oswald throws a third dagger.

Ebor/Ethan: My mistake he’s not the snivelling thief I thought he was.

Dagr/Oswald tries to att*ck Merlin with a sword. Merlin ducks.

Merlin: I thought you might be cold.

Dagr/Oswald: Of course you did.

Merlin ducks again as Dagr/Oswald is trying to hit him again with his sword.

Gwaine: Is there a problem here?

Dagr/Oswald: No. Now leave.

Gwaine: You all right, Merlin?

Merlin nods and mouths: No.

Dagr/Oswald: I thought I told you to leave.

Gwaine: I wasn’t talking to you.

Ebor/Ethan: How dare you speak to a knight like that?

Ebor/Ethan att*cks Gwaine. Gwaine disarms him and catches his sword. Dagr/Oswald att*cks Gwaine.

Merlin: Careful!

Gwaine: Don’t worry I can handle this thug.

They start fighting. Ebor/Ethan att*cks Gwaine from behind, hits Ebor/Ethan in the face and knocks him down. Dagr/Oswald att*cks Gwaine again.

Merlin: Watch out!

Gwaine disarms Dagr/Oswald. Sir Leon comes into the room.

Sir Leon: What’s going on?

Gwaine looks at Sir Leon and Dagr/Oswald knocks him down.

Dagr/Oswald: This man att*cked me. I demand an audience with the King.

Merlin and Gaius are walking in a corridor.

Merlin: It’s not Sir Oswald, it’s the thug from the tavern, Dagr…He’s using a magical crystal to change his appearance…


Throne Hall

Two guards are dragging Gwaine into the hall. His hands are chained.

Dagr/Oswald: Sire, this man att*cked me with a sword. He tried to k*ll me.

Gwaine is kneeling on the floor.

Uther: Is this true?

Gwaine: I stepped in to protect Merlin.

Dagr/Oswald: I tried to talk to him. He was like a man possessed. I’m sure that Sir Ethan will back me up.

Ebor/Ethan: Indeed. I can vouch for his every word.

Gwaine: He’s a liar!

Uther: I will have your tongue; how dare you speak to a knight in that way!

Gwaine: Nobility is defined by what you do, not by who you are. These men are anything but. They are arrogant thugs!

Arthur: Gwaine!

Dagr/Oswald: You see, Sire, how he behaves.

Uther: I have heard enough! For a commoner to att*ck a nobleman is in violation of the knight’s code.

Dagr/Oswald: I couldn’t agree with you more, Sire. He must be an example of.

Arthur: Sir Oswald, please…

Dagr/Oswald: Nothing less than his execution will give me satisfaction.

Arthur: Father, I understand how this must look. It’s an embarrassing situation. Sir Oswald is a dear friend and our guest here in Camelot. But Gwaine is my guest here too. He may not be of noble birth, but I can vouch that he has a noble heart.

Uther: How can you say that when you see the way he behaves?

Arthur: Gwaine risked his life to save mine. I beg you, please. If a knight’s word is his bond, then I give you may word. Gwaine is a good man, he deserves clemency.

Uther: You are banished from Camelot. If you ever return, you will pay for it with your life. You have until dawn to leave the city.


In a corridor

Ebor/Ethan: That servant boy, he’s on us.

Dagr/Oswald: What’s he going to do? We are knights, remember… You’ve seen what happened when a commoner accuses à knight.


Gaius’s chamber

Gwaine is packing.

Merlin: I’m sorry.

Gwaine: Don’t be. I never stay in one place very long. People get sick of me too quickly.

Merlin: I didn’t…

Gwaine: After the trouble I caused?

Merlin: You livened this place up.

Gwaine: Make sure you look after Arthur. He’s in danger.

Merlin: I thought you hated nobles?

Gwaine: Yeah, well, maybe that one’s worth dying for, eh?

Gwaine leaves the room.


In the corridor

Gwen: I heard what happened.

Gwaine: Yeah… well there you go.

Gwen: You did a brave thing.

Gwaine: Hell of a lot of good that did me.

Gwen: I know Arthur. He is not like Uther. You saved his life. I’m sure one day he’ll repay you…

Gwaine: He tried to speak up for me.

Gwen: Arthur’s fair. He’s loyal. He will be a great king. I know he will.

Gwaine: Clearly… If he makes everyone feeling the way you do. At least now I know why you turned me down.

Gwen: It’s not just me that says that.

Gwaine: No, I’m sure it isn’t. Let’s hope he lives that long.


Gaius’s chamber

Merlin: I don’t know what we do.

Gaius: I could try to persuade Arthur to withdraw from the contest…

Merlin: He won’t, I know Arthur. I’ll have to somehow… use my powers to defend him.

Gaius: With the King and half of Camelot watching?

Merlin: I don’t have a choice.


Arthur’s chamber

Merlin is preparing Arthur’s coat of mail. Uther comes in.

Uther: Ah. I trust you’re ready for the challenge.

Arthur: Yes Father.

Uther: I came to bring you this. I won my first melee with this blade. The edge has been dulled, it’s perfectly safe. All of Camelot is eager for a victory today, Arthur. And I know you won’t let me down.

Uther leaves the room, Arthur is examining the blade.


Gwen looks worriedly out of the window at the people walking to the tournament grounds.

People are gathering on the tournament ground, trumpets are playing.


Tournament tent

Ebor/Ethan: Prince Arthur isn’t going to know what’s hit him.

Dagr/Oswald: Oh, I hope he does. If it's over too quickly, that'll be no fun at all.

Dagr/ Oswald: Ready?

Ebor/Ethan: Absolutely.


Arthur’s chamber

Merlin: You know those moments when I tell you that something isn’t a good idea…

Arthur: Yeah. And then I ignore you.

Merlin: And then I’m proved right.

Arthur: Merlin your concern for my wellbeing is touching.

Merlin: I’m serious, I think you should withdraw.

Arthur: Look, I know you think the melee is some kind of stupid game. But it’s more than that. It’s about proving to the people that I’m fit to lead them.

Merlin: I know. Just be careful.


Tournament field

The crowd is cheering; Uther arrives, ready to watch the tournament. Everybody sit. Merlin and Gaius are in crowd, they look deeply concerned. The knights on their horses are ready. Uther gives the signal and the melee starts. The fight is violent, there are less and less knights remaining on the field.

Merlin notices that a knight is heading toward Arthur, waving his sword.

Merlin: He’s heading straight for Arthur.

Arthur ducks and the knight is thrown. The fight goes on.

Merlin: Arthur’s in trouble.

Arthur is grabbed by a knight and thrown on the ground. He is about to get stabbed. He avoids the sword and starts fighting with this man. Another knight, still riding his horse, is about to att*ck Arthur.

Gaius: You have to do something otherwise, Arthur will die!

Merlin casts a spell and the girth of the saddle breaks. The knight is thrown. But he gets up and joins the fight.

Merlin: It’s two against one.

A knight who was lying on the ground gets up and joins the melee, fighting back to back with Arthur.

Merlin: Who’s that helping Arthur.

Gaius: I don’t know, but I think we should be thankful he is.

The new knight manages to disarm his adversary and catches his sword, a Stalorne blade.

Merlin: There is only one person I know who can do that…

The knight stabs his adversary with the Stalorne blade. The crowd gasps. The other knight knocks Arthur down and his about to k*ll him. Arthur’s ally comes to rescue and stabs him, using the magical sword again. The crowd gasps, Uther and Morgana look shaken. Arthur and his mysterious ally are exhausted, out of breath.

Arthur: You know they expect us to fight to the end now?

Arthur removes his helmet.

Arthur: You fought bravely, the field is yours.

The knight sticks his sword in the ground and lifts his helmet, it’s Gwaine. Arthur smiles.

Arthur: I should have known. Nobody fights like you do.

Uther looks furious.

Uther: Guards! Seize him!


In a tournament tent

Gaius is examining the bodies of the two deceased knights. Uther comes in.

Uther: Is there nothing you can do for them?

Gaius: I’m sorry it’s too late for that.

Arthur comes in, his arm is bleeding.

Uther: The prisoner is responsible for their deaths. I want him ex*cuted immediately.

Gaius: You might want to wait before you pass judgment… I fear that Sir Ethan and Sir Oswald are not all what they seem.

Gaius tears the necklaces off the bodies. He then takes the helmets off to reveal the faces of Dagr and Ebor.

Uther: Sorcery!

Arthur: Then, once again, I owe Gwaine my life.

Uther looks pretty upset.


In a corridor

Gwaine is pacing up and down while Merlin is standing against the wall.

Arthur: The king is prepared to overlook the fact that you fought in the melee.

Merlin: That’s fantastic!

Gwaine: Thank you Arthur…

Arthur: But… he’s a stubborn man. He will not rescind his judgment. You must leave Camelot.

Merlin: You’ve got to speak to him, Arthur. Make him change his mind.

Gwaine: Merlin.

Arthur: I’m sorry Gwaine. My father’s wrong. If it were up to me…

Gwaine: I know... you don’t need to explain yourself.

Arthur: You have until sunset.


Gaius’s chamber

Merlin: Where will you go?

Gwaine: I was thinking Mercia.

Merlin: It’s dangerous.

Gwaine: Yeah, and you get a lot of more ale for your money. I’m joking.

Merlin: Why don’t you tell the King who you really are? He’d grant you a pardon. You could stay in Camelot…

Gwaine: I could never serve under a man like Uther.

Merlin: And yet you helped Arthur.

Gwaine: He stood up for me.

Merlin: I knew he would.

Gwaine: That showed he is indeed a noble man.

Merlin: Then why don’t you stay? You could be a knight like your father. You and Arthur, you fought well together.

Gwaine: And maybe one day we will again.

Gwaine leaves the room.


From the ramparts

Gwaine walks down the street, he turns back and salutes Arthur and Merlin who are watching him.

Arthur: It’s a shame. He would have been a great knight.

Merlin: Maybe one day he still will.

Arthur: Rules won’t allow it. Knights are noblemen, always have been, always will be. It’s a tradition…

Arthur notices Gwaine and Gwen laughing and chatting in the street.

Arthur: They seem very friendly.

Merlin: Why should you care?

Arthur: I don’t. She can do better than that.

Merlin: She should be setting her sights higher? Oh! But I forget! She can’t. A girl of Gwen’s standing could never consort with a nobleman. That’s the rules…

Arthur: Merlin…

Merlin: SHUT UP?

Arthur: You guessed it.

Gwen kisses Gwaine on the cheek, and they go on their separate ways. Arthur grabs Merlin by the shoulder and they go back to the castle, shoving each other.