03x10 - Losing the light

Episode transcripts for the show "The L Word". Aired: January 2004 to March 2009.*
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Drama series features a group of lesbians; Jenny, Bette, Tina, Shane, Kit and Alice and their friends, family and lovers living in the trendy Greater Los Angeles, as they deal with life's ups and downs. New sequel coming 2019.
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03x10 - Losing the light

Post by bunniefuu »

The L Word - x - Losing the light

You're not going to get anything from me...unless you do exactly what I tell you.

This is for you... from Miss Dylan Moreland.

Sexual harassment!

You go all the way over to somebody's beach house...and you f*ck until the sun comes up...and you're asking me not to making it into a big f*cking deal?

He lives with me there half the time...and the other half with his mom in Valley Village.

Lucky you, Mikey!

Why don't you and Mikey stay for dinner?

That helps me to know.

So this is your opportunity... to discuss anything that may be going with you.

I just wanna come home.

I want my art, I want my books, I want my things...

I don't want the memory of us to evanesce.

It's not the way...

I feel really sick, Al.

Oh my God, you're burning up!

You're gonna keep her in the hospital over night?

Stay here, please.
I'll answer your questions later.

Hi, it's Dana.

I can't come to the phone, so leave me a message. Thanks. Bye.

Dana? It's me, Lara.

I was just calling to say...

I was just calling to see how you're doing.

I can't stop thinking about you.

I just...

I wish that I was there with you.

Can you call me back, please?

I miss you.

And I wanna talk to you about coming home.

Do you want me to take these home and wash them?

Oh yeah, sure. Or you can just talk them to my place.

I brought your mail.
Oh thanks.

Dana? M&M's.

Alright I gotta go, Dana.
Do you want me to get you anything.

Do you want me to bring your mail?

Ok. I love you.

Is Shane coming next?

Max and Jenny are next and then...

Shane and Carmen at five.

Are they bringing you dinner?

But Kit is.

How do I look? Am I too dressed up?

I feel dressed up.

You look good.


You're right. Bisexuality is gross.

I see it now.

Oh, did I make you laugh?

I think I made you laugh.


So how's she doing?
She's doing better, I think.

Hi guys.


You scared me.
I'm sorry.

Are you staying here all day?

Erm no, just until I finished updating Dana's iPod.

I didn't know you were into classical music.

Well, there's a lot of little things you don't know about me.

Oh yeah? I bet there is like what?

Like... I shot a g*n once.

It was my cousin's and it was very loud.

I know what you mean.
I shot one once too.

Alright, go on. Tell me some more.
I cheated on you.

I said I cheated on...
I heard you.


After you f*cked Cherie Jaffe.

Look, I would have stopped what I was doing if you had told me we were late.

It's ok. Don't worry about it. He's still here.

Is that him?

Yeah, it is.


Oh my God, you look so good.
Oh it's that clean Ohio air. Look at you. You look amazing.

Thank you. Well it's all the polluted L.A. air.

Thank you for introducing me to her.

It's good to see you.
It's really good to see you too.

Hey, sweet.

You kicked butt, baby.
I sure did.

Come on now, I'm standing right here.

Had to be done. After what you did to us in Arlington.

Oh sorry.

Jenny, this is my wife Becky.
Becky, this is Jenny.

Nice to meet you.

You didn't tell me that Becky is pregnant.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

Everyone, this is Ryan William Haspel in the making.

Right on.
How're you doing, Jenny?

Oh my God! How are you?
It's good to see you.

Hi, I'm Tim.
This is my boyfriend Max.

It's nice to meet you.

Well, I gotta go and console my girls.

I'm gonna go check on mine too.

I'll be right back, ok? See you.

When're you due?

Thank you.

Nice job, girls.

So you ok, man?


Hey, not that you're asking me but...

I think you should be happy you got out when you did.

I hear you.

You ready?

I don't wanna do this, Whit.

You know, I would have spared you if I possibly could, but... if you don't go into that room, it's gonna look like an admission of guilt.

Honestly, I don't care.

I will try to get this over with as quickly and as painlessly as I can.

Will we go through an other debacle like this in months?


Mother, what are you doing here?

What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm taking care of my company.

You know, I used to swim back in high school.

That's great.
Yeah I loved it.

I was the fastest in my school.

What was your race?

We went state twice.

What was your best time?
: .

For the men's freestyle...?
He's transitioning.

He's a pre-op transsexual and he was talking about the women's swim team time.

You know, erm... why don't you guys just pull up behind us and we can lead you to the restaurant for lunch?

Why did you laugh? You made him feel bad.

Becky, the next time we see Jenny, she might be with a German shepherd.

It's... just brace yourself.

What are you even talking about?


This classic Jenny bullshit.
It's not enough for her to be gay.

She's gotta have a girlfriend who's a boyfriend.

She's too f*cking much.

Open the door.

I guess he doesn't like it when Jenny tells people.

If that wasn't obvious.

Well, I'm sorry but it wasn't obvious to me.

Great. Let's just go someplace. Fast!

Is it that time?

Her mom and dad are coming back?

We got to get her clean and presentable.

Isn't that right?

She's our fighter, this one.

You hear that, Dane?
You're getting a little reputation around here.

So, what they bringing you for lunch?

Peanut butter and jelly.

Yeah, I think I'm regressing.

So, are you going to get out of this room this day?

Go take a walk?

Oh well, I took a walk this morning around the nursery station.

I meant outside!

It's a beautiful day!
Why don't you go take a walk?

Get out of this steel air conditioning.

How many days have you been in this room?


And did you going anywhere?

That's all I'm saying.

Clear your head.
It'll be good for the both of you.


See ya.

Hey what do you think?

You think you could do without me for a little bit?

Do you want some more M&M's for your incentive bile?

Ok, but don't mad when you get fat.

I'm not gonna hear any of that.

Alright, I'll work out with you.

But you can't show off. You have to promise.

No matter how you get.



I love you.

I love you too.

There's a problem at table ten.

What is it?
This guy has been complaining about his burger.

And so I went to fix it but now he wants to see you.

Or you tell him that there is a burger joint down the street. He can go there!

Hey, it's me, Angus...

You were supposed to come by after breakfast and now it's .

Erm, you know, girls can start to worry now.

Call me, ok?

What's her name?
You don't know her.

Just tell me what the f*ck her name is!
Her name is Robin.

Robin Howard?

No. I don't remember her last name.

Did you f*ck her more than once?

Why does that matter, Shane?
Did you?

Who said that I f*cked her?

Someone chasing you or am I missing something?

No, I'm just so happy to be using my voice.

I've been silent for almost days.

Someone have you locked up?
No, it was enterily voluntary.

I just escaped from a silent retreat.

I couldn't do it...

I could not reach a higher plane no matter how hard I tried.

I mean, sometimes I was starting to feel like it was gonna happen, but then...

It just never did. So you know what? I left.

I'm a meditation retreat dropout.

Are you getting a signal?

Can you get a signal?

No, no.
I don't know. Maybe I'll try to do it again sometime.

It might just be that my life is a little to complicated right now.

I don't know. Maybe just...

Sometimes words are the best thing we can give other people.

That's true.

I don't know. I just thought...

I just thought it might just make everything in my life better.

You breaking up with your husband... or boyfriend?


How long have you been together?

Eight years.



She's beautiful.

Oh that's nice, I'm sure she'll like it.

That's gonna be . $.

Do you have those cards that like...

Just on your left.
Oh thanks.

Have a nice day.

Saturday, : , : , : .

You call Miss Moreland repeatedly.

She finally agrees to meet with you and your children.

Oh yes, that is a very damning image.

The following day, you show up... at her residence uninvited.

That evening, after you are served, you call Miss Moreland repeatedly.

Until Mr Wilson is forced to disconnect the phone.

Danny was home.

Helena? Is there something you wish to share?


Then I'll continue.

In Miss Rebecca Ant Hiller... files a sexual harassment suit against Miss Peabody.

It's settled out of court.

In Doctor Isabel de Obaldia... gets a restraining order against Miss Peabody claiming she sexually manipulated and stalked her.

Again, it's settled out of court.

to present, Miss Peabody repeatedly... defies the terms of her court order child custody agreement.

Does anybody else see a pattern here?

Yes, Mr Sheppard, it's... not a good idea to do victory dances quite this early in a mediation.

You're saying I have to f*ck you before we can talk business?

You have to f*ck me before you can expect to get anything from me.

These teddybears here today, they say...

Keep the change. I'm gonna get both.

Have a great day. Congratulations.
Thank you.

Shane, what are you gonna do? Get drunk?

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

It's right here.

You seem upset.

That you're projecting Carmen.

Oh, what time is it?
They should be here any second. Here they are.

Hey guys.

Hey guys!

How're you doing?
I'm Tina.

Hi Tina, nice to meet you.
Hi, Grant.

This is Angelica.
Hi, nice to meet you!

It's good to see you.
Hey buddy.

Yoohoo, Angus! Is anybody home?

Can I help you?
Oh, thanks!


Where are you heading?

Oh, I'm heading back to Portland.

And I'm going home to Los Angeles.

She just escaped from a silent retreat.

A silent? Oh that's not good.

That's what I told her.

It's not good to keep things inside.

They'll eat away at you.
But this was supposed to be more of a...

kind of release.

Oh how can you release everyhing if you keep it all inside?

I don't know.

You know what I do? I like to scream.

She was just screaming her head off.

Why don't we all scream some more?

On the three now.

A one, a two, a three.


Do you work out?

Yeah, I have to.

Why? 'Cause you're the coach?

No, because I'd probably go nuts if I didn't.

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I feel like, if I didn't work out, I wanna break someone's face, you know.

I know it sounds harsh, but that's just how it is.

Here you go.
Thanks you.

Here's yours.

You know, I've always wanted to come here.

Tim told me that they have the best hot dogs here in LA.

You're gonna f*ck me...

and you're gonna love it, every second of it.

Tell me you want this.

I can't.

Alright, Mr Sheppard, I think we've got the gist of it.

Can I ask... why is it that we were meant to see this?

Because it shows your daughter for what she is.

A predator.

Have you seduced many women in your life, Mr Sheppard?

That has no relevance to what's going on here.

Maybe, but if you want my opinion, I don't think you have very much knowledge... of the ways of seduction.

What I saw was rather moist sexual gay in the worst possible taste, to be sure, but... certainly not harassment.

It was blatant coercion.
And you say that because you know Dylan very well?

Erm yeah, I do.

And you know she would never fall in love with a woman.

Your daughter got her hooks into Dylan.
Dylan was afraid if she didn't do...

what she wanted, she was gonna pull her funding.

You saw the tape, right?
Yes, I did. I'm vaguely not convinced.

Oh you're not convinced. Well, that's too bad... because this time your money and your privilege...

You know, you're not gonna be able to twist what happened... to your advantage, ok?

Goodness, you're resentful.

I think that's understandable considering the circumstances.

Yes, but I think your client's resentment toward the Peabodies... predates this complaint.

Both Mr Wilson and Miss Moreland... have known about the Peabody foundation for several years.

Haven't you?
Every filmmaker working... outside the studio system... knows about the Peabody foundation, so what good g*dd*mn difference does that make?

Oh I asked the question because you applied for a Peabody Foundation ground for the arts... five times between the years and .

Five times.

And you were turned down every time , weren't you?
Well, I guess we weren't the flavor of the week.

Rambling tried and exploitative. I would say not.

You got quite a taste for revenge. Haven't you Mr Wilson?

Hear you have a chance to stick it to the establishment.

I don't think you gave a fig if you had to use your girlfriend to do it.

You saw a Peabody off balance... needing something and you're gonna make her pay for it.

My clients have a rock-solid case against Miss Peabody.

Can I come in?

Do what you want.

I'm sorry.

It was so stupid and it's not like me.

Can't we just start again?


Do you feel better now?

Do you feel good now that we're even?

I'm thinking about Dana a lot lately.

I made a really big mistake with her.

I threw something really special away.

I don't really think that you threw her away.
Yes I did, you know.

I mean, things fall apart... when your partner senses that you're looking for something better.

Think about it. I could've been Misses Dana Fairbanks right now.

I wish I could just... turn back time and do it all over again.

Do you still talk to her?

Yeah, I do.

I heard you had a really bad breakup.

Don't worry, it's not like I know anything else.

I've been pretty out of the loop since I've been trying to have a baby.

You're having a baby?

I decided I wanted someone who'd always be with me.

Look, I know that may sound like not a very good reason to have a baby, but...

You know what? There are worse.


Hungry much, Max?

Jenny, Tim tells me that you're a writer?

How's that going?

She's getting published.

You are?
Don't look so surprised, Tim.

It's a memoir. It's like things that have happened in Jenny's life.

I'm pretty sure you're in it.

I am?
I don't know.

You read it and tell me what you think.

So who's publishing it?
Simon & Schuster.

That's great!
Thank you.

So it's gonna be everywere.
Yeah, yeah.

That's amazing.

I know you always thought I could do it.

What are you trying to say, Jenny?

Tim, I know you, you don't have to say everything out loud all the time, right?

You don't know me.

Or what, Jenny?

What private thoughts are you having?


No, maybe you're right.

I didn't think you could do it. I...

Maybe I didn't think you could committ... to anything long enough to see it through.

Oh I committed. I became self-mutilater, went on medication, did a short stint in a psychiatric hospital,

I spent six months with my parents in Skokie.

Everything that I know you would want to happen to me.

I never wanted any of that for you, Jenny.

-Does anyone want anything else?
-I don't really believe you.

Well, sorry for you.

-Are you guys driving or are you flying back?

You know what pissed me off?
You acting like such a victim.

And no, I'm not gonna forgive you, I'm not gonna wish you well, sorry.

You should've let me go, that would've been the honorable thing to do.

Don't talk to me about honorable, Tim.
Hey Becky, did you know that... the night Tim came to say goodbye to me, he gave me a little revenge f*ck?

It's time to go.
Is that honorable, Tim?

Come on!

I used to drink glasses of water.

One after another, until I felt myself calming down.

It had to be cold. It couldn't be room temperature.

I had to feel as if it was freezing my insides.

Numbing me.

I drive. I drive until I get really tired.

My mind's empty and then I go home and kiss my kids goodnight.

I actually look at my wife again.

Um...I don't know. I guess I used to bury myself in a task, you know like... my work in the gallery whenever I felt the world was closing in on me.

I would just dig myself in so deep that it wouldn't touch me.

-b*mb shelter.
-Yeah. I was just running away.

Don't do that. You can't blame yourself for everything.

None of us do much in this world alone - except die.

He's so good with her.
I know he's smitten.

Yeah, he's not the only one.
Ok, alright you guys, before you start.

I'm not gonna tell you anything 'cause I don't wanna jinx it.


How about you, Tina?

With Henry, I'm not gonna mess with a good thing.

Alright, we understand.

I think they're whipped, actually.

I'm sorry for bothering you, but you two have the most gorgeous family.

My husband and I have been sitting watching you and...

And you have such beautiful children.
Thank you.

I'm Mikey.
Hello Mikey.

'Well, hello, Mikey. Aren't you the little man?
'I'm five.

Oh! And who's this little darling?
This is Angelica.

Our daughter and son-in-law are also adopting.

They have two of their own.
But there's so many needy children.

And they have so much love.

-And a huge house.
-That they do.

Well, we'll leave you to it.

Jimbo called me about basketball next week and... get the big guys together.
That's great. Great.

To what do I owe this pleasure?

What's going on?

I called you. Didn't you get my message?
Yeah, I... forgot!

Do you have any idea what has happened to you in the last hours?

You've had a car accident, you've been f*cking your ex-girlfriend after a five hour breakfast with her.

Then you decided 'You know what maybe she's to old for me.'

Kit, it is amazing how you can be so wrong about so many things.

I can't worry like this everytime you're late.

Kit, that's love.

Sorry, that's how it works. I mean, you worry, you get a little crazy.

I don't wanna be crazy.
Well, it's too late for you.

Because you, you love me.

Look at me.

You know, I think we should sign.

He's absolutely right. Helena's history...
They do have a very strong case.

But they're extortionists.

Well, they've preyed on my daughter.
And now I'm going to punish them.

They'll have their lawsuit the way I do it, in court.

Yes, but in the end, you are gonna be the one who pays.

But Whit, I'm always the one who pays.

We are not going to settle, Mr Sheppard.
Not under these terms.

I can't garantuee that my clients will continue to be reasonable if we take this to court.

Continue to be reasonable?

Continue to be reasonable.

Reasonable, million dollars PNA, screens to start.

And . in the th week?

This is a documentary, not Finding f*cking Nemo.

You're making a mistake.


Tell me you never want to see me again.

Tell me you were never in love with me.

Let me hear you say it.

I never wanna see you again.


I'll send you copies on Monday.

Life is a strange fast trip.
I'm just glad we all have seats.

Don't forget to scream.

I won't.

Are you ok?
I'm alright.

Ok, I just want you to know that I do not feel that way at all.

I don't have a problem with your life or the way you've looked at it.

That was a total disaster.
You guys have your stuff, that's all.

Tim's not that bad of a guy.
What? Did you hear the conversation?

Do you miss it?

I don't know. Being with a man.
I mean, that could have been your life.

I would've k*lled myself if that were my life.

He seemed happy though.
I mean, he's got a good job... a wife, a kid on the way, it doesn't seem so bad to me.

Max, would you wanna be some oblivious guy that lives in the suburbs and has a wife and kids, an SUV, who just lets all the rotten shit in the world go by.

Try not to let it touch him?

I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to be happy?

I really gotta go. Wish me luck. I might be pregnant...

... in a few hours.
Good luck. I really mean it.

I didn't even ask you. Why're you here?
Are you ok?

Yeah, erm, I'm just... well, visiting a friend.
Well, I hope they're alright.

They're getting better.

You know, I was always a little jealous of you, Alice.

Because Dana loves you so much.

It was actually kinda hard to deal with when we were together.

Knowing that there was ultimately this other person that was so much more important than me.


I have to go.

Hey Tonya, I'll tell Dana to call you.
Would you? I would really love that.


We have a code blue in ICU room .

A code blue in ICU room .

I'm gonna come.

I cheated on you.

Ready for defib? Everyone clear.


Shock again.
joules. Clear!

She's still in Vfib.

Any pulse?
No cardiac.

No radial.
Continue ventilation. Adjust the pressure.

Give her one meg Epi IV.

Epi is in.

Let's shock again. Everybody clear.

Amiodaron, please.

Still no pulse.
Shock again.

Charging, clear.

Give her Mixlito. Shock again.

Charging, clear!

She's still in VFib. No pulse.
One more epi push.

She's gone. I'm calling it.

Stop CPR.

Time of death: : pm.

Her blood pressure started to fall, and inspite of our best efforts, we couldn't bring her back up. And her heart failed.

We couldn't get her back. I'm very sorry.

Oh my God...!

Oh my God...!

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