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09x18 - Rectify

Posted: 04/08/19 06:57
by bunniefuu
We do have solid evidence.

We have Ms.

Johnson's DNA at the scene and on Oscar Brown's body.

The foster mother's DNA on the foster child's body.

That's solid?

Eh, she's with him every day.

Anthony, why are you trying to unravel this?

I'm not, eh, but why would one of the other foster kid give Ms.

Johnson an alibi?

Why say he was with her if he wasn't?

I'm sorry, but the word of a 16-year-old does not hold up against solid forensic evidence.

It just doesn't add up.

She's been fostering kids for decades.

- Why k*ll one now?

- You know why.

Because Oscar Brown had severe disabilities.

She was way in over her head.

She cracked.

That's why.

A. D. A.



Thank you for the good work you've been doing on the Brown case.

Thank you.

We're all good?

90% there.

Poor child, left alone to die in a dumpster.

There's only one way this is gonna go, right?

I don't take any case lightly, let alone one involving a child.

Which is why I was hesitant to give this to you, because you do have a habit of fixing things that aren't broken.

Well, no one said it's broke, but I think We will be proceeding to the grand jury as planned.


Bring it on home.

I'm gonna go talk to this kid.

Why would you do that?

To make sure it ain't broke.

You just heard him.

Look, if Judith Johnson really did this, then the kid is lying.

It's only right that we find out why.

Hold up.

Man, I told you I didn't do nothing.

Take your hands out of your pockets and keep 'em where we can see 'em.

Got anything on you?

Turn around.

- I'm on him!

- I got your six.

(both shout) Police!

Stop right there!

(panting) (siren wailing in distance) Police!

Don't move.

Take your hands out of your pockets, keep them where I can see them.

Where's your partner?

Right behind me.

Doesn't look like it.

Drop the Kn*fe.

Drop the Kn*fe.

Drop the Kn*fe now.

Down on the ground now.

Face down, arms out.

Let's go.

(panting): Sorry.

(Leary panting over video) What?

I'm here, and you're fine.

Officer Witten was fine.

No thanks to her partner.

Who's not fine is about half the rank and file.

There's a pretty loud call for a yearly physical fitness exam so they don't end up in a similar situation.

Or else.

- Or else?

- Not-so-veiled threats to leak the body cam footage straight to the press if nothing changes.

But can you blame them?

It's not exactly safe to have a cop who can't climb a few flights of stairs.

That was, like, a dozen flights.

It was four.

Let's not start fat-shaming.

- Fat-shaming?

- Yeah, it's a thing.

I know that, but I didn't know you knew that.

I've been a big guy my whole life, and it's never made me any less of a cop.

All right?

Physical fitness does not make a guy do a good job.

What are you talking about?

Being a police officer is a physical job.

Yeah, and physical comes in all sizes!

And they're not equal.

I lost 50 pounds since September, and it's changed my life.

And, yes, for the better.

Wow, I had no idea you lost that much.

Good for you.

I get it, you see me every day, it's hard to tell.

Sorry, did we hurt your feelings?


Thank you.

So, Slim, what's your point?

I'm off my cholesterol meds, blood pressure's down, and I have more energy than I've had in years.

And if I'm a cop, I'm a more effective cop.

At what?

Investigating the salad bar?

At backing up an Officer Witten.

Boss, would you tell him?

Tell him what?

Good cops come in all shapes and sizes.

Good cops come in all shapes and sizes.

Except grossly out of shape.

Talk to the unions, take their temperature on where they stand on a physical standard for cops.

But a lot of guys would not pass a tough physical.

I know that.

I know that, Sid.

And it's a big consideration.

But I can't unsee what I watched.

Caller said to look into a William Sloan.

Who calls about a m*rder from over a decade ago?

Apparently, the victim's sister's been calling in for years.

It's a slow day, I figured let's have some fun.

That's your idea of fun?

Sloan's listed here as the only suspect.

So why wasn't he collared for it back then?

I don't know.

I mean, there's not much of a case here.

It seems the investigation just fell off.

Well, who was the lucky idiot that caught the case?

"Detect" What?

Who is it?

Actually, you know what?

I just lost my appetite for cold cases.

No-- wait (sighs) "Detective Sid Gormley.

" Blue Bloods 9x18 Rectify - Hey, Sarge.

- What's up?

I heard Leary transferred out of our house.

Yeah, requested to be transferred to Fleet Services after the incident with Witten.

Officer Witten's without a partner now?

That's right.

Coincidentally, so am I.

Whoa, you want me to partner you with Officer Witten?

- Why not?

- She's a rookie.

I was gonna partner you with Rodriguez or Tupper.

Somebody more on your level.

Were you aware that Maya and I were one of, like, a hundred female partners in the NYPD?

I didn't know that very specific statistic, no.

You know how many male partnerships there are?

Over 8,000.

What else don't I know?

That maybe I could teach Witten a thing or two.

All due respect to my father's judgment, Witten seems to have a knack for attracting problems.

Okay, so let me respect your father's judgment.

He clearly sees potential in her.

And I'd like another sh*t at teaming with a female partner.

Just think about it.

(indistinct chatter) So how long you been under Ms.

Johnson's foster care?

Since I was 14, so almost two years.

And where you staying now?

I don't know.

They're taking me tonight.

- You like living in Ms.

Johnson's home?

- Yeah.

She was cool.

Some boys liked to call her Mom.

She was warm like that, but I already got a mom.

- But she's in jail.

- Yeah.

For 16 years.

And she went in right after you were born?

No, I was, I was born in that prison.

You said that you and Ms.

Johnson, uh, were at the movies between 8:00 and 10:00 the night of.


- What movie?

- Avengers.

- The latest one.

- Where at?

AMC, 124th Street.

- What time?

- 7:55.

You got proof?

I mean, anyone else with you?

You take a selfie there with Ms.


Just me and her.

No, why would I do that?

It was just a movie.

And when you got home, Oscar was missing.


She called 911 right away, and that's that.

Sam, uh, Ms.

Johnson's gonna be charged with m*rder.

So if you got any proof that she couldn't have done this, I suggest you tell me now.

She didn't do it.

And I got to do my homework.

Okay, well, if you remember anything, you let me know.

(door opens) Hey.

Thanks for coming, boss.

Good man.

What are we drinking to?

I never knew you to need an excuse.

Fair enough.

You sure you're not loosening me up so I share all my secrets?

Well, I did have a question.

Of course you did.

Cold case came across my desk.

The name William Sloan ring a bell?

Yeah, sure, why do you ask?

Do you remember why you didn't like him for the Caroline Russo m*rder?

Oh, boy, wow, you're asking a lot of an old man's memory.

I know.

I think he had an alibi, for starters.

He did, yeah.

So what's the problem?

There's no problem, I just was clearing things up.

You looking into my cases?

You know me better than that, boss.

A cold case comes across my desk, I got to take a look.

Then do me a favor, leave it alone.

LYONS: You can't just retroactively change the collective bargaining agreement.

And, no, not even him.

Johnny, we're just talking.

No one's making threats.

I know him.

He walks softly and carries a big stick.

I'm sure you realize that if we require better physical health from our officers, your union benefits.

And why is that?

Health care costs go down, your kitty goes up.

List of illnesses can be prevented by better physical fitness.


So that's fewer prescriptions your health plan wouldn't have to cover.

I don't need your statistics.

You don't need to save money for the union?

What I need to save is my officers' jobs.

Johnny, we're not looking to put anyone out of work.

That would be the result.

Look, I'll put up posters of the food pyramid.

I'll organize 5k runs, whatever you like.

I will not do anything that affects the livelihood of our officers.

No one cares about the livelihood of our officers more than me.

So prove it.

I don't need to prove anything to you.

To them.

To the cops.

Back off.

The-the NYPD is some kind of Miss America contest all of a sudden.

That's a load of crap and you know it.

Come on, Johnny, you know we need you on board here.

Nobody has their trust, has their ears the way you do.

And I am not gonna betray that trust for some New Age-y wellness BS.


(sighs) That went well.

WITTEN: Great.

I'll see you there.

- What was that about?

- Thanks.

She's in a fraternal organization I joined called "A Squad of Our Own.

" - Oh, what's that?

Putting together teams and schedules for female officers.

So far, we have softball, basketball, soccer.

Thought only the guys had that.

Which is why it got started.

It's like a female empowerment thing?

God, I hope not.

- Then what?

- More like a "why should the guys be the only ones "that get to get sweaty, then have beers and hit on cute bartenders after the game" thing.

That's a good thing.

You play anything?

I played softball all the way through high school.

Softball practice is Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I'm a pitcher.

I play a mean shortstop.

The one we have lacks a certain k*ller's instinct.

You interested?


(softly): Okay.

Uh, you want to drive?

I'll ride shotgun and take the next tour.

Sounds like a plan.

- What the hell happened?

- It's on me, I can explain.

Oh, I see.

You're delayed because of this guy.

I gave him 24 hours to check all the boxes I think there's another foster kid who has more to tell.

- and time's up.

So we're ready to move on.

Oh, good.

Is that all right with you, Detective?

I'm just crossing T's and dotting I's.

- Consider it done.

- But it's not done.

Hey, I just said it was.

Are you running a railroad here?

'Cause that's what I see.

You want to talk your way out of a job?

Can we just step back, please?

You need to sit your man down and explain to him Anthony is a very committed detective, which makes him one of the best we've got.


You are racking up the IOUs, A. D. A. Reagan.

There will be no more surprises on this one, I promise.

Bring me charges.

Do the job that you are paid for.

Are you kidding me?

I should be asking you that question.

So how'd it go with Officer Witten?

I like her.

- Like her how?

- What do you mean?

- As a cop, as a person?

- Both.

She gets involved, she puts herself out there.

Out there how?

What's with the third degree?


Make his a double.

Whatever IPA you have on tap, please.


You're right, sorry.

I got handed her by my dad like a hot potato after he canned her for obvious profiling and then changed his mind.

Next thing I know, she's getting Leary off the b*at, so She didn't get Leary anything.

She seems like a trouble magnet.

She's not.

- Out there and involved how?

- Well, she helps put together these female officer sports teams.

Like a female empowerment thing?

No, like an after-work sports thing.

And I'm trying out for shortstop.

Bad idea.

I'm a really great shortstop, thank you very much.

No, I mean, that's not what those clubs are about.

They're all about networking and back-scratching and trying to find hooks with higher-ups.

- Well, this one's about getting sweaty and going out for beers together afterwards.

- No, Eddie, they're all fronts for agendas.

You're about to become a Reagan, it's a no-go.

Oh, seriously?


I mean, don't take it the wrong way.

People like you for you, but you're about to become the daughter-in-law of the PC.

And the former PC.

You're gonna have to accept that some people are gonna try to use you.

To do what?

Win a women's softball game?

Now you're just being stubborn.

No, you know what I'm being?

I'm being, uh, like, astonished that my fiancé is trying to tell me what I can and I cannot do.

Let me guess.

Lieutenant Gormley told you to stay out of it.

Something like that.

And you were just like, "Okay, we'll stay out of it"?

No, there is definitely something shady going on.

You know, our former boss has a new boss who happens to be my old man, in case you didn't know.

Yeah, I'm well aware of that.

Okay, so what are you doing?

Looking for the truth.

What if we don't like the truth that we discover?

Sloan was living a double life.

One as the lover to the victim Caroline Russo and one as a married A*F agent.

Sloan was working for A*F?

Still is.

Gormley spent years working in Narcotics.

Yeah, I know.

And Narcotics works closely with A*F.

So you're suggesting that Gormley may have been covering up for this Sloan character?

There's only one way to find out.

Well, you're the one that said you wanted to have some fun.

It's not my idea of fun anymore.

Have a seat.

(exhales) - Great job out there.

- Thanks.

You, too.

So, we'll see you at practice?

Oh, I'm sorry, I-I can't.

- Uh - What do you mean?

I thought I'm just, I'm not much of a joiner.

Sounded like you liked playing softball.

I do, I did.

I haven't played in a long time, actually, though.

So Right, okay.

Thanks for the invite.



Is it 'cause of me?

Is what?

I'm not deaf or blind.

I know there's people blaming me for Leary getting bounced out.

Not me-- Leary has got no one to blame but himself.

That and beer and pizza and doughnuts.

Yeah, well i-if you want me to put in for a new partner, I'm happy to.

Oh, well, I don't.

You change your mind, I'm cool.

Rachel, I'm not gonna change my mind.

I'm just not much of a joiner.

See you tomorrow.

(woman shouting in distance) Sam, what are you doing?

It's freezing out here.

- Got locked out.

- So call 'em up.

- Your, your foster parents.

- I did.

I keep getting voice mail.

(exhales) You want to go get a cup of coffee or something?

No, I don't want to miss when she comes back.

I got homework.


What's this?

It's a ticket stub from the movie that night.

Just the one?


Look, I wasn't lying.

I I did go.

But I went by myself.

Look, she was, she was really good to me.

And I really don't want her to go to prison.

But (sniffles) Even more than that, I-I want to be the first person in my family not to go to prison.

What would you go to prison for, Sam?

Lying to law enforcement, false witnessing, I don't know.

Uh, so you're saying you have no idea what Ms.

Johnson was doing that night?

No, sir.

I don't.

I only said I did 'cause I didn't want to move again.

It was a good home.

(sighs heavily) WOMAN: Sam?

Sam, get over here.

There she is.

(panting): Grab some of these.

- I got to go.

- Make yourself useful.

(indistinct chatter) BAEZ: William Sloan?

I'm Detective Baez, this is my partner Detective Reagan.

And what can I do for you?

Just want to ask you a few questions.

Oh yeah, su-- a-anything, Detectives.

Uh, have a, have a seat.

You've been working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for almost 20 years?

- Yeah, that's correct.

Back in 2009, almost ten years ago, what was your position with the agency?

This about Caroline?

- You know something about that?

- Let me guess.

Her sister Lorraine's been banging on your door again.

Look, I've tried for years to move on.

It was not a good time for me.

Not a good time how?

Well, I lost the love of my life.

BAEZ: But you were married at the time, correct?

No, I was separated.

Since divorced.

And Caroline was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Her death was the worst.

So how come you're not spending every waking moment trying to find her k*ller?

- I guess I gave up hope.

- Why do you suppose her sister's so convinced it was you?

I don't know.

You know, people mourn in all kinds of different ways, I guess.

I'm-I'm an open book, Detectives.

DANNY: Mm-hmm.

Um what exactly do you do here?

Uh, exactly what it looks like I do.

I sit behind this desk, I, uh check and recheck forms all day.

And you've always sat behind the desk?


I know it's not flashy and impressive like what you guys do, but I actually enjoy the administrative work.

- You work closely with the NYPD?

Uh, no.

No, that doesn't really come with the territory.

Do you have any friends in the NYPD?


Sorry, I'm at a loss here, Detectives.

What's that got to do with Caroline?

DANNY: Nothing, honestly.

Uh, hope we didn't waste your time.

A PD in Colorado has had a test like the one we're talking about for the last two years, and they've seen marked reductions in sick days and medical claims.

And by their metrics, even a lower crime rate due to a more proactive police presence across the board.


How many failed the test?

Almost 40%.

An obstacle, I know.

More like an iceberg.

That ratio holds, we're out 15,000 cops.

You're late.

But prepared.

Read 'em and weep.

That's every cop, detective, sergeant, and lieutenant who wouldn't pass the proposed fitness exam.

How can you know when they haven't taken the exam?


Every single one of these guys very likely would end up out of a job.

You know how many lives they saved, murders they solved?

I'm guessing you're gonna tell us.

It's right there, all listed.

Wow, I think this is the hardest you've ever worked.

You think you're better at your job 'cause you lost 50 pounds?

- 'Cause I ain't seeing it.

- Cut it out.

Both of you.

He started it.

Sit down, Sid.

(sighs) We have not made a decision.

That's why we're here, to look at all sides.

And you brought us one of them.

My side has the unions on it.

That's one big fat side.

No pun intended.

You know what, go down to one of those fancy-ass gyms, grab every meathead in the joint, put 'em in a uniform and out in the street, and see what happens.

- That's not what this is about.

This is a bad idea, boss.

It's not a bad idea or a good idea.

It's just an idea whose time has come.

And it arrived on that rooftop the other day gasping for air, sweating b*ll*ts, 50 pounds overweight.

And wearing our uniform.

(sighs) (door opens) (sighs) The kid was fibbing.

You mean the kid lied to investigators?

He wasn't with her the night of.


My gut said he knew something.

I was wrong.

So that's it?

I'm free to move on?

You always were.

Thanks for giving me the leeway.

I'll apologize to the D. A.

You know, it's a good day, Anthony.

We're doing what we advertise we do.

We're putting the k*ller away.




(sighs) You should see what we do to these kids, Erin.

You know, they sent Sam to a home where they kept him locked out for hours?

But apparently there's no other place for him in the foster system.

We didn't do that.

You didn't lock him out.

Yeah, I know.

I think it might be time that you step down from this case.

That's not necessary.

I wasn't asking.

(indistinct chatter) I hear you two are still digging into my case.

What, you don't trust me, Reagan?

Come on, boss, I never thought for a second you was crooked.

And now we know it.

It all checked out.

You checked up on me?

(sighs) I did.

And what if I was covering up for the guy?

Then you know how the story goes.

Sorry, boss.

I'm the one who owes you an apology.

Why is that?

That case happened during one of the worst years of my life.

My marriage was breaking up, I was knee-deep in debt.

I know a couple of cases must have fell through the cracks.

Why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?

Because I was embarrassed that you would solve it so easily when I couldn't.

Not that easily; we still don't have anything solid on Sloan.

- No, we don't.

- What I should have done was just help you guys out, which is what I want to do now.


Be our guest.

I bagged on the softball team, like you told me to.

I didn't tell you to, I asked.

Rachel Witten thought it was about her, thought that cops were lining up against her 'cause Leary got fired for being fat.

I'm gonna clear that up with the whole squad.

You know, the last partner I had, she kept secrets from me, and that didn't turn out so great.

I wasn't asking you to keep secrets, just not to go joining any organizations on account of the fact that - I'm gonna be a Reagan?

Yeah, like I said, it comes with You know, I need to know what else I need to know.

Family dinner.

What gets you excused?

g*nsh*t wound?

Fever of 104?

Is there a list somewhere?

Are we talking, or are we just talking smack?

You guys all belong to fraternal organizations in the department, so what gives?

Is it 'cause I'm female?

We belong to the ancient ones, Eddie, it's not the same thing.

What about when we get married?

Am I expected to retire?

You're expected to do what you want to do.

On what?

Which things?

- Is there a list?

- Cut it out.

Rachel Witten was hurt.

I could see it.

And the only way that you can make amends is by playing shortstop on her club?

Eddie, come on.

I'm off the case, Sam.

So, if you got anything you want to say, I got to refer you to I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

I feel bad about lying to you.

You came all this way just to say you're sorry?

I got locked out again.

All right, come on in.

Why won't she let you have a key?

Because I'm 16.

She says she don't want no 16-year-old coming and going like he please.

What's in this?

Bucatini with Sunday sauce.

What's Sunday sauce?

Garlic, oil, good tomatoes, some chopped up onions.

This is delicious, and I hate onions.

They cook down.

You don't even know they're in there.

- Hmm.

- Meatballs.

Sweet sausage, but the kind without the fennel seeds.

What's fennel seeds?

Tastes kind of like licorice.

Overwhelms the other flavors.

Who wants licorice on their noodles?

On their pasta.

And my point exactly.

(chuckles) I'm just seeing this now.

- It's a mock-up.

- Oh.

It's also bound to happen.

Not bound.

Well, more than likely at best.

Look, I get it, slim.

It's important to you.

It's important to you, too.

You're as vain about the department as he ever was.

Not vain.



Whatever you want to call it.

We can't do it if Johnny Lyons is against it.

Sure we can.

You're the police commissioner.

Yeah, then I'd be the police commissioner of a fractured rank and file.

- I will not do that.

- Then what?

Maybe it's not a "what" question.

Maybe it's a "who" question.

DANNY: Yeah, I got it.

You believe this guy Sloan?

He's still got three people claiming they were with him the night of the m*rder.

And another 12 listed as character witnesses, all sticking to their side of the story.

Who the hell lists a dozen character witnesses anyway?

Someone trying to cover their ass.

Wait a second.

What do you got, boss?

We have 15 people here with one big thing in common.

Crappy taste in friends?

And they all hold federal firearms licenses.

You think this somehow connects back to Sloan?

Sloan's been working at the A*F for decades, right?

Doing what?


Nothing fancy.

All 15 of these people need their FFLs to conduct business.

And what better place to get those than from an A*F agent?

Sloan bribed them for his alibi.


Once a detective.

Let's bring him in.

- Danny.

- Yeah?

You planted that for him in plain sight, didn't you?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're telling me that Lieutenant Gormley just happened to stumble upon this groundbreaking connection, and you didn't?



No, I've been single since I lost Caroline.

Women, you can't live with 'em You know, I think the phrase should end right there.

(laughs) No.

You know, it wasn't like that with Caroline, though.

She never gave me any issues.

- Never?

- No.

- Come on.

- Really.

She was a saint.

- You must have fought sometimes.

- Never.

(chuckles) Wow.

My wife and I at the time, boy, we were going through some rough stuff.

- Hmm.

I'm sorry to hear that.

- Don't be.

You didn't forget her birthday three years in a row.

(laughs) But then we went to this great therapist.

Yeah, he really helped us through it.

That's great.

Yeah, he was great.

He was recommended to us by another cop, Officer Lou Simon.

Real sensitive guy, you know.

Always talked things out.

He's retired now.

I reached out to him recently, you know, with all this happening.

You know him?

- No, don't know him.

- That's funny 'cause he says he knows you.

Says he recommended the very same couples shrink.

(chuckles) All right, so Caroline and I had some issues.

I thought you never fought?

Well, I prefer to think of them as disagreements.

And was it a disagreement that led you to take a 2x4 to her skull?

She wanted you to leave your wife.

And I was going to.

She wouldn't listen.


They never listen.

Help me help you.

(door opens) - Nice work.

- Yeah, little rusty.

You still got it.

- And, Danny.

- Yeah?

Thanks for teeing up that evidence for me.

What (sighs) Judith Johnson was indicted for m*rder this morning.


How's Sam doing?

How should I know?

Just a feeling.

You threw me off the case, and he wasn't part of the case after he fessed up.

Again, how's Sam doing?

He's gonna be okay.

With your help?

We're gonna sign papers later today.

Gonna foster Sam myself.

Anthony, what're you doing?

I'm helping a kid out.

Show me the law against it.

- There isn't one.

- He's almost 17.

So throw him a party.

At 17 and a half, he can take the NYPD exam.

It doesn't make it a smart move.

At 18, he could join the armed services and gain credit towards the Academy's requirements.

That's the deal we made.

It's not like I always wanted a son, but one came knocking and I answered the door.

Friend and I had the same conversation hundreds of times, except with us, it was about her going back to work.

You didn't want her to?

I thought that's what I wanted.

But if we were gonna be happy, she had to be happy, and that's what I really wanted.

Well, Jamie and me, it's not about me working.

No, but it is about the same stubbornness that is inherent in the Reagan DNA.

Do you know how our brother Joe d*ed?

I've heard stories.

He joined an NYPD fraternal organization called the Blue Templar.

Jamie never talks about that part.

With good reason.

The Blue Templar was supposed to police the police.

Things changed, they got rotten, and when Joe got close to naming names, they k*lled him.

They tried to k*ll Jamie, too.

Yeah, they did.

So when my kid brother gets to believing something, even a superstition, which this is, his pylons get sunk deep.

How do I talk to him?

I listened to him, maybe he'll listen to me.

With your permission, of course.

HENRY: Dinner's ready.

Let me know.

No bacon?

That's just a green salad, Pop.

Yeah, but bacon livens up a salad.

Bacon makes everything better.

- (chuckles) Yeah.

NICKY: We've got fried chicken and cheddar biscuits and mac and cheese and you're missing the bacon?


So, rule number nine to live by, you can eat whatever you want as long as it has a green salad next to it - Yeah.

not french fries.

You should put that in the Patrol Guide.


It's reached the D. A.

's office?

What's reached where?

Anthony got wind of it, so you can imagine his reaction.

I can.

There's talk of a physical standard for cops' fitness, like a test.

Also known as discrimination.

Oh, come on, Pop.

Jack Axelrod, my chief of D's Yeah.

he closed his weight in major cases.

And bought the farm before he reached retirement age.

Okay, I'll give you that.

But he would've been a great loss if I'd had to fire him because he was husky.

DANNY: Husky.

Exactly how fat is husky?

I'm not talking about Navy SEAL shape, Pop, but being able to run up a few flights of stairs, you bet.

You're trapped in a fire on the third floor, you're praying that the firefighters can run up there.

- It's the same thing.

- Exactly.

Well, you're preaching to the choir here, but how do you legislate that?

It's just setting a minimum standard.

I know, but what if you got one cop who's quick on his feet, but then there's another cop who, when she pulls up to a crime in progress, she's got, like, X-ray vision, but then you got another cop who can disarm and defuse a standoff like he's singing a lullaby.

I mean, which one of those cops would we want to lose because they're out of shape?

I hate to admit it, but he has a point.

It becomes a slippery slope.

No, no, no.

Danny hit it right on the nose.

In a perfect world, all three of those cops could run up a flight of stairs and climb over a fence.

And when you find the perfect world, please send me the address.

Union President Lyons.

If this is about the beauty contest, you're wasting your time and mine.

Well, it is and it isn't.

You can't have it both ways.

- Neither can you.

- Uh, you lost me.

If you think I want to fire one single cop, the answer is no, never.

I've done enough of that to last me ten lifetimes.

So what do you want?

For my cops to succeed.

Sounds like we want the same thing.


What the hell?

You knew you couldn't climb the career ladder carrying all that lard.

Some might call that hypocritical.

- I sure do.

- Where'd you get this?

You did a pretty good job of scrubbing, but you missed a few from the '90s during your time with the Baltimore PD.

Doesn't matter what I did.

And what did you do, Johnny?

What do you call it?

- Gastric bypass?

- Cosmetic surgery?

More than just a tummy tuck.

I mean, imagine if that got out.

I mean, it's not like you even sweated off the extra weight, disciplined yourself, set an example.

You took the shortcut.

The rank and file is gonna eat you for lunch.

Not if this exam puts those same officers out of the job.

For every officer currently on the job, the exam will be optional.

So why would anyone take it?

Because you're gonna offer them cuts on their insurance co-pays if they do.

- Oh, come on.

- And from now on, new NYPD contracts will contain a mandatory evaluation.

I scheduled a joint press conference in half an hour.

What am I supposed to tell recruits?

That, together, we just raised the bar.

So when's the first game?

Saturday versus Women's Correction Officers.

I bet they're good with a bat.

We'll find out.

JAMIE: Officer Janko?

I'll meet up with you.

So my brother talked to you.


And he said he'd talk to me.

He asked permission, actually.

Well, he did.

Sometimes I'm gonna have things to say to you that I need to preface with, "If I were you" Okay.

Things like, "If I were you, I'd slow down.

If I were you, I'd think twice.

" Like that, instead of just, "Slow down, think twice.

" So maybe if I forget sometimes, you can remind me.

What I should've said is, "If I were you, I wouldn't go joining any fraternal organizations.

" But I know that I'm not you, only you're you.


So, Janko be careful out there.

Thanks, Sarge.