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03x01 - The k*lling

Posted: 06/08/19 06:26
by bunniefuu
♪ She stares deeply ♪ ♪ Locked inside me ♪ ♪ Burnin' brightly ♪ ♪ One they know that I cannot take ♪ ♪ Waitin' for it all to begin ♪ ♪ Every night now, they'll win ♪ ♪ Come and meet my black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole ♪ ♪ I've got a big black hole ♪ ♪ I've got a big black, big black hole ♪ ♪ Got a big black hole inside of me ♪ Are you my dad?

What if I am?

Smurf has been lying to us and using us for years.

Cath is dead.

Smurf k*lled her.

And she k*lled Javi, too.

So, I dug up his body, shot him with one of Smurf's g*ns, and I called in a tip to the cops.

( Siren wails, tires screech )

Are you Smurf?


Trujillo sent us.

Time to cut a deal, Janine.

Give up your boys.

Morgan: Janine transferred her power of attorney to her grandson.


Smurf: What'd you do with all the things from my storage unit?

Baz: It's all safe.

What do you hear from Cath?

Ask Pope.

Pope knows.

Go ahead and do it.

I know it was Smurf.

I forgive you.

I forgive you.

( g*nf*re )

( Whimpers )

( g*nsh*t )

( Screams )

Hey, Baz, I can't stay.

I'm sorry.

( Sirens wailing )

♪ ♪ ( Siren wails in distance )

Man: Bilateral.

Pulse ox 84.

Faint pulse.

( Police radio chatter )

He's already lost a lot of blood, so it'll have to be Tri-City.

( Gurney clacks )

♪ ( Sirens wailing )

10-30, male, multiple g*nsh*t wounds to the chest and neck.

Less than 24.

BP 90/60.

Gonna need 2 liters of O-neg for arrival.

Pushing 1 liter of epi.

Man on radio: Copy that.

( Indistinct chatter )

( Coughing )

Man: Patient aspirating.

Copy that.

Stand by.

Woman: Quick.

What do we got?

We've got multiple g*nsh*t wounds to the chest and...

I need the chart.

We've got one right by his neck.

Sheila, call blood bank and order 2 units of O-neg, stat.

Copy that.

Notify the O.R.

Woman #2: Start us a separate line...

Patient has abnormal rhythm and was intubated en route. ..

large-bored, wide open.

Coming in!


Take the chart, sir.

Call the O.R.

2 units of O-neg.


On three.

One, two, three.


Man: Okay.

Watch the line.



Cutdown tray.

Let's get that second line in.

Let's get that B.P.

cuff on him.

O-neg is here.

O-neg is here and onboard.

♪ ( Door buzzes )

( Light switches click )

♪ ♪ ( Indistinct chatter )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Hey.

( Sighs )

♪ Hey.

♪ It's time for school.

♪ ♪ ♪ ( Sighs )

♪ ( Sighs )

( Breathes deeply )

♪ ( Water running )

♪ ♪ Woman: Scalpel!

Alert the blood bank A.S.A.P.

Scalpel's right here.

Woman: Charge to 120.

Give me the paddle.

Woman #2: Charge 120.

( Paddles whine )


Still V-tach.

( Paddles thump )

Start chest compressions.



Possible tension pneumo.

Open up those fluids.


( Suction hissing )


( Indistinct chatter )

Sats are at 50.

( Birds crying )

( Waves crashing )

♪ ( Grunts )

♪ ♪ Buenos días.

Buenos días.

( Sighs, grunts )

So, how far did we get last night?

You were out hard.


Couple hours south of Tijuana.

Well, thanks for driving the last bit.

I was, um...

I was pretty wasted.

Yeah, two bottles of tequila will do that to you.

( Chuckles )


♪ ( Bottles clink, refrigerator closes )

♪ ( Gas hissing )

♪ ( Hissing stops )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( Indistinct chatter echoes )

( Monitors beeping )

( Chatter continues )

( Paddles whine )

Woman: Charge 150.

Man: Clear.

( Paddles thump )

( Flatline )

Woman #2: Paddles.

( Paddles whine )

Everybody clear.

( Paddles thump )

2 milligrams of epi.

Woman: No returning spontaneous circulation.

Epi 10.

( Flatline continues )

Pulse check.

Woman #3: No cardiac activity.

( Beeping stops )

Stop ventilation.

I'm calling it.

Time of death, 6:36 A.M.

Man: 6:36.

( Indistinct chatter )

♪ Woman: Someone give an update to...

♪ ( Police radio chatter )

( Car console dings )

( Waves crashing )

( Car door closes )

♪ ( Indistinct chatter )

It looks like we've got a single sh**t.

Victim gave chase.

Before he collapsed, he fired some rounds down the street, but doesn't look like he hit anybody.

There's no blood trail.

Pearce: Got a 0.9 millimeter?

Four sh*ts, clean.

Fired directly through the windshield.

Anybody see anything?

Not so far.

Couple suitcases found in the back of the jeep.

One is the victim's, one appears to be a woman's, and the passenger door was left wide open.

( Camera shutter clicks )

So, the sh**t fired on the driver, but not the passenger.

Or the passenger was the sh**t.

( Camera shutter clicking )

Any ID on the luggage?

Not on the woman's.

The victim's passport was found in his bag.

Barry Blackwell.



His name is Baz.

What, you know him?


Hampton: Any idea who'd want to sh**t him?

That's likely to be a long list.

And how's that?

Wait till you meet the mother.

You'll want to sh**t someone, too.

( Police radio chatter )

♪ ♪ ( Seatbelts click )

( Engine shuts off )

♪ Can I help you, officers?

Is this the Cody residence?

Are you here about last night's party?

No, sir.

Is Janine Cody home?

♪ What's this about?

Do you know a Barry Blackwell?

Yeah, he's my brother.

My name is Officer Collins.

This is Officer Adler.

We were responding officers to a sh**ting last night involving your brother.

Mr. Blackwell was found with several...

♪ ♪ ( Footsteps )

Pope: Where's J?

( Groans )


Where the hell is J?

He's not answering his cell.

I don't know.


sometimes he goes running in the morning.


Down on the Strand.


♪ Get dressed.



Move your ass!


( Rap music plays on car stereo )

( Engine revs )

( Tires squeal )

( Horn honks )

Get in.


Get the hell in!


Baz is dead.


♪ ♪ How?

I don't know.

Cops only said he'd been...

He'd been shot.

By who?

They didn't say.

You didn't ask?

Course, I asked!

♪ Baz is dead?

♪ Where's Craig?

He took off last night with some money and the Scout.

You try calling him?


He's on his way to Mexico.

He probably doesn't have service.

He leave around the same time Baz got shot?

♪ What's that supposed to mean, J?

♪ Craig didn't have anything to do with Baz getting shot.



I said okay.

( Nicky sighs )

You need to find Craig.

They could be coming for him, too.

Who's coming for him?

Smurf is in jail for k*lling Javi, sweetie.

You don't think his crew's going to have something to say about that?

♪ What about Lucy?

She was with Baz yesterday.

Find Craig now.

♪ ( Door opens )

There ain't no way I'm gonna be a grandmother at 33.

She's going to the damn clinic.

Why don't you raise it yourself?

Being a grandmother is the reward they give you for raising those b*tches.

You know, you drop one of 'em on their heads, they bounce.

That must've been what happened to your Tony.

Somebody definitely dropped that idiota on his head.

Is that why you always dressing slutty and showing off your ta-tas every time he comes around?

( Door buzzes, opens )

Guard: Cody!

Somebody here for you.


Let's go.

Play me.

( Door buzzes, lock disengages )

Man: Door is open.

To what do I owe this honor?

Baz is dead.

( Exhales sharply )


Last night.

Somebody shot him four times in the driveway at his house.

♪ Looks like the k*ller waited outside for Baz to come out and just unloaded on him.

( Chair scrapes )

♪ This is Detective French, Oceanside P.D.


( Crying )

You know anybody who would want Mr. Blackwell dead?


( Sniffles )

There was luggage in the back of his jeep, Mr. Blackwell's and a bag filled with some women's clothing.

Any idea who she might be?

( Sniffles )

There's a, uh, Mexican woman he sees sometimes, but, um, his brothers would know more about that than I do.

♪ Ohh!

Oh, no.

( Sniffles )

( Crying )

♪ ( Sniffles )

( Tires screech )

( Engine shuts off )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Pope: Homicide cops called.

They want us to come in for interviews.

We going to go?

Pope: Yes.

And say what?

You say nothing.

You keep your mouth shut, you look sad.

I am sad.


Jesus Christ.

Do we look hungry?

Nobody is hungry.

Sit your ass down!

Who's gonna tell Smurf?

Oh, screw Smurf.

It may have been her.

It wasn't her, man.

Everything that was going on with her and Baz, him taking her stuff.

You think she's gonna let that go?

What about the cops?

Could've been them.

The cops?

Yeah, the cops.

What do you remember about going out to the desert with Smurf?

Manny's funeral.

How many men were in Javi's crew?

I don't know.

Was it like, 5, 10, 50?

I don't know, Pope.

It's not like they introduced themselves.

There was just people hanging around.

Christ, Pope.

What do you suggest we do?

Go in there, g*ns a-blazing?

If we don't retaliate, they'll think we're weak!

Retaliate against who?!

We don't know who they are!

Baz said Smurf paid one of Javi's crew to k*ll Javi!

( Sighs )

♪ We don't even know if that's true, man.

Smurf and Baz have been lying to us for years.

( g*n cocks )

( Sniffs )

♪ What about Lucy?


Where's Lucy right now?

I know she knew about Baz stealing Smurf's sh1t.

Our sh1t.


That stuff was not Smurf's.

It belonged to the family.

All of us.

♪ Nicky: Who's gonna take care of Lena?

Both of her parents are gone.

Does she end up in foster care?

♪ No.

She's not going into foster care.

Well, Baz is dead and Smurf's in jail...

She's not going to g*dd*mn foster care!



♪ What about the funeral?

Aren't we supposed to take care of that sh1t?

Make the arrangements?

( Sighs )

Pick a casket?

♪ ♪ ( Door buzzes, opens )

( Door closes )

♪ ♪ Sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

Went by the house like you asked.

It wasn't there.

What wasn't there?

Somebody got there first.

Took your things.

All of my things?


That gonna be a problem for our arrangement?



You sure?

♪ I'm sure.


( Receiver clacks )

♪ ( Door buzzes )

♪ Hey.

It's time to go see the cops.


You don't seem too upset about Baz.

I've lost people a lot closer to me than Baz.

♪ Pope: Where did he hide the sh1t you stole from Smurf?

He never told me.

Are you sure about that?


I'm sure.

♪ Come on.

We don't want to be late.

♪ Ready to go?

Deran: Yeah.

♪ Whoa.

Where the hell do you think you're going?

Well, I thought we were all gonna go see the cops.

They don't need to talk to you.

Well, I thought all of us were...

What did you think?

You're not family.

She can't stay here by herself.

It's not safe.

♪ You wait in the car.

Nobody's gonna take a shot at us in a police station parking lot.

You find Craig?


Try him again.

I called him like 10 times.

Try him again!

♪ ( Brakes screech )

( Engine shuts off )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( Door buzzes, opens )

( Door closes )

♪ You okay, baby?



It's horrible.

Having your father m*rder*d like that.

♪ Was he my father?

( Exhales sharply )

Course, he was, sweetie.

The police had us in for questioning today.

Who's "us"?

Me, Pope, and Deran.

And where's Craig?

( Sniffles )

We don't know where Craig is.

Deran says maybe Mexico, but he's not answering his phone, so...

( Sniffles )

What did you tell the police?

There was nothing to tell.

J, baby, you remember that work you did with Baz, moving the things from my storage unit?

Well, I thought I knew where Baz put those things, but...

they're not where I thought they were.

♪ Do you have my things, Joshua?


You know how important it is not to lie to your grandmother?



I don't know where Baz put your things.

( Sighs )

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Pope: What are you doing here?

Seeing Smurf.


Just checking to see if she was okay.


Is she okay?

( Sighs )

All broke up about Baz?

Gonna cry herself to sleep?

Rend her garments, tear at her flesh?

Get in.

I drove.

We can come back for it later.

♪ Nah, you won't need your g*n.

( Door buzzes )

Where are we going, Pope?

It's almost 4:00.

We got to pick up Lena from school.

( Truck door opens, closes )

Thanks for the ice cream.

Pope: You're welcome.

Your, uh...

Your dad...

He, uh...

( Sniffles )

He had to take a trip.

When is he coming back?

I'm not sure.

Maybe, uh...

( Sniffles )

Maybe never.

Did he go to find my mom?

I don't know.

Am I gonna have to move?


I like my room at my house.

I can hear the ocean.

♪ You can live at your house.

By myself?


I could stay there with you.

I mean, if...

that's all right with you.

That would be okay.


( Crying )

Are you crying?

It's okay.

You don't have to cry.

My house is nice.

♪ ♪ Pope: Who the hell is that?

I don't know.

♪ ( Engine shuts off )

Stay with Lena.

( Door opens )

( Door closes )

♪ She showed up a couple minutes ago.

I was about to give you a call.

Who showed up?

♪ ♪ ♪ Is he really dead?

Were you there?

I couldn't stay.

( Sniffles )

The cops were coming.

Did you see who did it?

It all happened too fast.

Oh, God, I can't believe Baz is dead.

Lena: My dad's dead?

♪ ( Lucy exhales sharply )

♪ ( Lucy sniffling )

Come on.

( Up-tempo Spanish-language music plays )

( Indistinct conversations in Spanish )

♪ ♪ ( Conversations continue )

( Laughs )

♪ ♪ Let it go.

( Conversations continue )

It's not worth it.

( Laughter )

♪ ♪ ( Bottle thuds )

( Glasses clink )

♪ ( Man speaks in Spanish )

♪ ♪ ( Speaking Spanish )

( Laughter )

( Speaking Spanish )

( Speaking Spanish )

Wait, what did you say to 'em?

We paid up?


I told him you were a mixed martial arts expert that could k*ll him with his bare hands.

No, seriously.

What did you just tell 'em?



They're laughing at us!

( Laughs )

Not us, you.


I just wanted to have some fun.

You were about to get your ass kicked.

I just offered them a drink.

( Scoffs )


♪ I don't want to go yet.


( Scoffs )

♪ Aw, come on!

Nothing was gonna happen.

You want to stay?


Call me in the morning from some shitty Mexican hospital.

Maybe I'll come pick up what's left of you.

Oh, yeah?

( Engine starts )

( Gravel crunching )

♪ ( Cell phone chiming, buzzing )

Your phone.


It's your phone.




He's dead.

♪ ♪ ♪ ( Inhales sharply )

♪ If it wasn't Lucy or Javi's crew, then it was Smurf, which means it was you, too.

( Nicky groans softly )


I'm gonna find out who k*lled my brother...

no matter how long it takes.

And when I do...

I'ma k*ll 'em.

( Bed creaks softly )

♪ ♪ ( Sighs )

( Sniffles )

When is the funeral?

( Crying )

Cops won't release the body till after the autopsy.

( Sniffles )

They're gonna cut him up?

( Sniffles )

( Sighs )

( Sniffles )


Who shot him?

Pope: We...

We don't know.

♪ We can't let them cut him up, man.

( Crying )

Son of a bitch!

Ohh, Jesus.

( All sniffling )

♪ ♪ ♪ ( Liquid pours )

( Cup thuds )

♪ ♪ ( Door buzzes )

♪ ♪ You give us a moment?

( Chair scrapes )

( Sighs )

( Door closes )


Horrible thing for a mother to lose their child.

Course, Baz wasn't really your son, was he?


I always forget that.

But I guess with all of Pope's troubles, you needed Baz around to hold him together.

It's gonna be tough on Pope without Baz.

What do you want, Detective?

I want you to give up your boys.

Give them up, maybe we could work something out.

What do you have in mind?

Craig does 5 to 10 for that armed robbery at the Savings and Loan in Riverside.

Deran pleads to grand theft for that smash-and-grab at the South Coast Plaza.

That was your boys, right?

I'll recommend Deran does a couple of years somewhere easy.

I'll take a pass on your grandson J.

He deserves a break after what you let happen to his mother.

What happens to Andrew?


Well, we both know that Pope needs to be put away before he has the chance to hurt more people.

We'll all rest easier knowing that Pope's behind bars for the rest of his life.

Especially you.

And what about me?

You'll have to do real time.

10 to 20.

♪ But three of your sons will get a chance to get on with their lives and not end up in a refrigerated drawer at the County Coroner's next to Baz.

I'd take it, Smurf.

What if I don't?

I nail you, and I get your boys to roll on each other.

Never gonna happen.

( Laughs )

With Baz gone and you in here, your boys are gonna fall apart like a cheap suit, so...

You had a good run, Janine.

Better than most.

But time's up.

♪ ♪ Lucy: What are you doing?

( Sighs )

( Bag rustles )

I'm so sorry about Lena.

Did you get Baz into something he shouldn't have been into?


You screwing someone else?

You got another boyfriend?

Some jealous sicario find out he was sharing time between your legs with my brother?

♪ ♪ I know you never believed it, but I loved your brother.

I was always in love with Baz...

since I was 16.


Smurf kept us apart, but I never stopped loving him.


♪ ♪ ♪ ( Waves crashing )

( Rap music plays on car stereo )

( Music stops, engine shuts off )

You got it?

J: It's all there.

What's your name?

Next week, same time, same place.

( Sharp whistle )

♪ ( Door opens, closes )

( Engine starts )

( Rap music resumes )

Deran: So, you're really going back down to Mexico, huh?

Nothing here for me anymore, man.

I'm gonna try and make a new start down there with Renn.

You don't even speak Spanish.

Renn does.

She can teach me.

( Sighs )

sh1t's just got...

too heavy.

You know?


You've got your own thing now, and...

just figured I need to find something for me.


It's time.

What's up?

♪ ( Doors close )

♪ ♪ ♪ I could feel your heartbeat ♪ ♪ It's rushing ♪ ♪ Let me take you slowly ♪ ♪ Like déjà vu ♪ ♪ Hold me till my shadow's lost its bite ♪ ♪ And save me from my loneliness if only for the night ♪ ♪ There's no way out ♪ ♪ There's no way out ♪ ♪ There's no way out ♪ ♪ But down ♪ ♪ ♪ But down ♪ ♪ ♪ Down ♪ ♪ ♪ Down ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ( Music fades )