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06x06 - Heart of Stone

Posted: 11/13/19 07:44
by bunniefuu
MAN: Previously, on Empire - I'm my own artist.

- Well, you can do with the song what Tiana couldn't.

TREASURE: I'm not feeling this whack-ass track.

We're gonna need you to stay in the throne, but remember, you know I'm back now.

Yes, sir.

A bunch of men wanted me to come up here tonight and tell you that I misspoke when I said that all life is precious.

I said what I said, and I meant it.

It really challenges your manhood that I'm 100% that b*tch behind your legacy.



COOKIE: They say before you die, your whole life flashes in front of you.


That explains all you pissed off b*tches I see.

I figured you'd come for me one day.


(expl*si*n BOOMING)

COOKIE (ON TV): Oh, cat got your tongue?


- Oh, God.

COOKIE (ON TV): You know what the means when your husband doesn't want to see pictures of your lumpy ass any more.


Laugh it up all you want, Miss Cookie.

I know you convinced my son to lock me up in this place.

Well, that's all right, because I'll be the last one laughing.





Bravo, stupendous.

You win.

You win.

You win.

You win.

The movers came.

Have you got it out your system yet?

You spent enough damn money.

You can come home now, 'cause I'm what do you want me to say, I'm sorry?

I'm sorry.

You win.

Are you gonna come home now?

'Cause you get off for treating me like crap?

You don't feel right unless someone there for you to punish.

Nah, I'm cool, Lucious.

You don't have carte blanche over my house anymore, honey.

Them days are over, so you might as well walk right on back out.

Look, man, you said some stuff.

I said some stuff.

But that's what we do, and then we we work it out.

I mean, I'm trying to get us back on the same damn page, baby.

It's been two weeks.

Are you coming home or not?


Coming home!


You want me to come home, now, Lucious?

After what you said about my measly $400,000.

No, sir.

I'm tired.

I'm tired of getting crumbs and begging for what's rightfully mine.

So you win.

You win, Lucious.

You win.

Okay, bravo!

Bravo to you, Lucious, 'cause I'm tired.

I'm tired.

I'm done.

I'm done talking.

I'm done walking.

I'm done preaching, crying, praying.

My knees are tired, Lucious!

I'm tired.

Plus, you did this all by yourself, right?

You built all this by yourself, no help.

My 17 years meant nothing!


You enjoy your life.

Live your biggest life, baby, 'cause that's what I'm about to do.


COOKIE: Oh, damn.

You know, I need to tell these people stop letting riffraff up on my floor.

Oh, help yourself to the rest of that champagne.

To the empire.

You better get your ass back here!

Girl, you have been dumped, boycotted, and branded "socially irredeemable. " Even black tour to U. K. has cancelled you.

The Tiana hate has jumped the damn pond.

People suck.

So what?

I'm pro-life.



Look, it has nothing to do with my music.

Okay, well, I'm sure R.

Kelly didn't find anything wrong with his love of little girls either.

It is not the same, Becky.

No, but like him, you need a miracle.


- Ask and you shall receive.

Becky, Tiana meet Pastor Carol Clark.

I'm sure you've heard of her megachurch Tower of Hope.

- It's so nice to meet you both.

- Nice to meet you.

Giselle, what are we doing?

Well, I was just so tired of all the negative press, especially when I knew there were still Tiana supporters out there.

And it turns out, all I had to do was check my DMs, because Pastor Clark had the same idea.

PASTOR CLARK: Tiana, on behalf of myself and my entire congregation Which is huge and predominately made up of millennials, which is our demographic.

I'm sorry, go ahead, Pastor.

But we're big fans, and we'd love to see you headline our annual Hope Festival this year.



I'd hate to turn down a miracle, but is the church familiar with Tiana's music?

Familiar with her shaking her a - Uh.

- Mm, booty in her videos?

Because lightning will strike.

I'm flattered, but I'm not sure my songs are appropriate for the church crowd.

Oh, we know your music.

We know who you are, and we've all fallen short of the glory of God.

But we also know your stance on ab*rtion, and we respect it.

But most important, our youth are listening.

Thank you for voicing what so many of us in the black church have been feeling.

Ladies, black conservatives are an untapped market.

Wow, but they're not our market, Well, they've made a generous offer for a Tiana performance.

Well, all money ain't good money.

I have heard of the Hope Festival.

It draws as big as a crowd as Coachella.


I mean, never say never.




Tiana, you may have been rejected by your fans, but you've been chosen by the Lord.

Don't miss your call, sister.

- Amen.


TREASURE: When you're down on motivation That is your a*mo Don't believe what they say You should smile, Treasure.

You're at your listening party, not a funeral, dear.

I'm sorry.

I'm just a little nervous.

I can't believe this is all actually happening.

You've got what every artist wants: a hot album.

Enjoy your ride to the top.


Who needs Tiana when a newer model just hit the showroom floor?



Why does Treasure look like her favorite auntie just died?

Oh, you mean Tiana 2. 0?

Yeah, she's pissed.

I mean, wouldn't you be if your label basically made you be somebody else?

- So it's not just me.

- Nope.

I mean, the music is solid.

Radios will play it and the clubs will love it.

Lucious definitely took the easy road on this one.

Something's missing.

Um, she's the missing, the artist formerly known as Treasure.

I'll talk to him.

Don't go over there quoting your girl, 'cause I like being able to pay my rent.

- Pop, you got a sec?

- Hey.

I gotta handle this right now.

TREASURE: 'Cause we should be thinking 'Bout what we got Yeah?

She did what?

Then handle it.

No, I don't understand why you're calling me.

She is your problem.

I'll be there in an hour.

TREASURE: Smile on your face Just leave a trace all over the place If you wanna feel good Well, Doc, I came to tell you in person that I won't be needing any more sessions, because I left Lucious, child.

So I got rid of my 99 problems.

So I'm good now.

Is that what you think: Lucious is the reason you needed therapy?

Oh, first of all, I never said I needed therapy, my job did.

And plus, you know how toxic and unhealthy he was.

You heard my stories.

Yeah, I heard you say was you left your father's house for Lucious' when you were a teenager and your lives have been intertwined ever since.

Those codependent bonds are hard to break.

I spent a lot of money on that comfy couch.

Would you like to sit down?

Well, technically, it is still my hour, right?

- DR. WICK: Mm-hmm.

- Okay.


Wh wh what does it say about me that for all these years, I allowed myself to take him back?

Why would I do that to myself?

And now, I'm finally getting rid of him, and it it feels like I can't breathe.

Attachment trauma.

To give up on Lucious, you'll be giving up on your father again.

So you held on tight no matter how bad you felt until you were strong enough to let go.

And now that you have, the real work begins on you.




So I guess this isn't our last session, huh?

You tell me.

The hell are y'all doing here?

Cookie Lyon, you're under arrest.

For what, huh?

Where's your warrant?

What's the damn charge?

Ten counts of being a very bad girl.

- A what?


CAROL: Hey, gotcha!

CANDACE: Hey, Cookie!


- CAROL: Guess what, baby.

Your bags are packed, and you're going to Miami with us - Where?

- Miami, b*tch.

- CAROL: Miami.

- What?

CANDACE: No excuses.

We're flying private.

- Yes!

- Sisters trip, sisters trip!

- Whoo!

- CANDACE: Sisters trip, hey!

It's only a sisters burial.

I ain't messing with y'all hos.

Show me what you're working with.

Come on, yeah!



Wait, don't get that oil on me.

This is expensive!

CAROL: Yeah!

She'll be all right.

Work it.

Oh, oh, oh, come on, Vic.

CANDACE: Yes, yes, honey, work it!

Yes, right there.


Your mother's episodes have become more frequent and more violent, but we're trying to find the right balance with her meds to help stabilize her.

Well, if she stabbed her nurse, apparently, the meds aren't working.

Well, she has had some breakthrough moments of lucidity, but also suffered some rather unpredictable mood swings.

Now, the nurse she stabbed is gonna require extensive hand surgeries, rehabilitation It's a damn shame, man.

But I'm sure this should more than suffice.


Mr. Lyon, if you expect us to risk our lives and our health daily, your check's gonna need to be much, much larger than that, or your mother will be going home with you today.

My mother loves this place, and I expect her to spend the rest of her life here and that's nonnegotiable.

I think this should more than take care of that.




I mean, Lucious.

You prefer Lucious, right?

What are you up to?

What's all of this about?

I was just thinking about you, son.

Come sit down and talk a little.



SINGER: Mm Boss b*tches in Miami b*tches in Miami, boss b*tches in Miami b*tches in Miami That stripper had one more time to rub up on me.

He kept touching me.

I don't like that.

CANDACE: He was doing extra.

That's why I didn't tip him.

CAROL: No, you didn't tip him 'cause your ass is cheap.

But guess what, I tipped him, 'cause baby had body.

Yeah, well, baby had corny lines and bad tooth, but he had a cute booty, honey, and some nice abs.

That's why we brought you to Miami, you know.

We know you're going through it.

We wanna take your mind off of Lucious.

And Damon and that little blowup at Tea Talk and the fact that you got just as many grandkids as you got kids.

Carol, you want me to cut your ass?

We are here to relax and have fun and get your mind off of all that drama.

And besides, we did use your credit card to pay for everything, so it's only right you get to enjoy it.


You know, me finally being out of that mansion does deserve a little celebration.

- Yes, to a celebration.

- CAROL: Mm-hmm.

And I say, I would hate to have to cancel our bikini wax at 3:30.

Carol, why the hell do I need a bikini wax?

'Cause you're single again, sis, and plus, you need to clean her up.


She's such a ho.

And listen here, that don't sound like less stress.

That sounds like more stress.

Ooh oh, we're next.

Well, how 'bout some shopping?

A little retail therapy.


- Now you're talking.

- Ooh, let's spend some money.

- CANDACE: Hello there.

Last week, Andre brought Walker by so I could meet my precious great-grandson.

I see you in that little spirit.

Why did you s*ab that nurse?

I'm so sorry.

Sometimes, well, you know, I get lost.

It's been like that most of my life, but I'm here now.

Are you doing okay, son?

I don't know what game it is you think you're playing, but I assure you if you don't stop it, you'll end up in a place much worse than this place.

Something's happened to you.

There's a certain look in a man's eye when he loses a woman dear to his heart.

You had that look when you lost me as a child.

You have that look right now.

Did Cookie leave you?

Is that your game?

You just wanted to gloat, ask me questions so I can open up, so you could s*ab me as well?

It's not your fault, son.

What's not my fault?

People will always leave you, because you don't know how to love.

I was supposed to teach you how, but I wasn't there for you.

I convinced you to believe that you were incapable of love, because your heart was naturally evil.

But, baby, you were never the evil one.


I was.


And I'm so sorry.

You never believed that I was evil?

I was so far gone, and I treated you so badly, I knew you would never forgive me.

I was ashamed of myself, so I blamed you for everything wrong with me.

Deep down, I hoped you wouldn't believe me but you did.

I was a child.

You're my mother.

I was born to believe you.

Why were you so weak?

You let my words become your reality.

My sweet little boy grew up to be a diabolical son of a b*tch, and you deserve every awful thing coming your way.



It's okay, Mommy.

Thank you.


SINGER: That's a lot of senoritas On the dance floor Okay, ladies.

So what do you think?

Nice, that outfit has everything.

- CAROL: Yes.

- Boom, bam, pow.

- Yes.

- I love you, sis.

Yes, now we just have to figure out what store we're gonna hit up first.

Uh, the only choices we're making this weekend is cash or charge.

We hitting the mall up.

I think I stayed with Lucious for so long because I didn't wanna feel like I wasted all of those years, you know Come here.



Look at you.

You are beautiful.

Now, I'm coming up with a rule.

The first person that uses the I word is getting bopped in the head black mama style.

And it ain't gonna be me, 'cause I ain't gonna say his name.

And guess what, sis.

This trip was designed for you to not think about all this.

It's called a damn escape.


Now, appreciate the breakthrough, sis, but how 'bout we go break the limit on that black card?

Let's go shopping.

All right, you ladies win.

The only I words I'll be saying this weekend are Louboutin - Aye.

- Uh-huh.

- I.


- I.


- Louis.

- BOTH: Louis.

- Laman.

- BOTH: Laman!

TREASURE: If you just let it Just say forget it If you wanna feel good And if you're feeling low, just say forget it You won't regret it If you wanna feel good Don't break from the pressure Babe, that song has been on repeat for three hours.

What is going on?

I just have to figure out a way to fix it, Teri.

I'm sorry.

You have lived and breathed music your entire life.

You've got a good ear.

You've got great instincts.

- Trust them.

- No, I can't I can't trust Teri, it's not that simple, okay?

If I make waves now, it's gonna look like I'm challenging Pop, okay?

And and that's not what this is about.

So what is this about?

This is about making Empire better.

It's about changing things.

Something has to change.

So go make that change.

Make it better, 'cause what's stopping you?

TREASURE: If you wanna feel good And if you're feeling I love you.

I love you more.

TREASURE: And I just wanna be good And if you play that song one more time, we're gonna have a problem, 'cause I'm not that big a Tiana fan.

Hon, that's Treasure.


Well, obviously, that's problem number one.

TREASURE: You won't regret it If you just let it Just say forget it If you wanna feel good GISELLE: Well, ladies, I am so happy that you could make this time so we could get the ball rolling.

Now, I just have a few queries regarding the WOMAN: Tiana, I've been trying real hard to maintain my chill for the last hour, but I am just your biggest fan.


Whenever I get down, there's only one thing that does the trick.

- Praying?


Bumping "Keep it Moving" on repeat.

I'm so overjoyed you're headlining our little festival.

Thank you.

I mean, look.

I used to go to church with my grandmother every Sunday.

I mean, I would have stuck with it if those ladies were half as welcoming or fly as all of you.

GISELLE: Okay, I don't wanna break up the divine lovefest, but we still have a few questions about the performance specs, the logistics Well, we wanted through some teeny, tiny concerns first, before we locked all of that down.

Mm, wardrobe-wise: just some extra coverage on the sleeves and legs will be preferable.

Hmm, your wardrobe.

It's understandable.

Showing less skin, got it.

And we've taken the liberty of updating some of your more provocative lyrics for you, out of respect for your time.

- And now your lyrics.

- Naturally.



Uh, "Don't look or lust"?


Who doesn't love biblical humor, huh?

I'm just not sure how these lyrics are gonna go with my choreography.

Well, I'm sure that's out too.

WOMAN: Well, that shimmy, twerking thing that you do may fluster some of the older congregation.

But girl, promise me you'll teach me how to do it later.


Look, you'll have it down in no time, okay?


It's it's all in the back.

- Oh.

- WOMAN: Ooh-hoo.


Hmm, hmm.

Praise his name.

Twerk that back for Jesus.



ALL: Morning.

I know you're all wondering why I called this emergency meeting, so I'll get right to it.

I'm stopping the upcoming release of Treasure's album.


Bottom line, it's not ready yet.

It's not moving the needle.

It doesn't speak to her as an artist, because it wasn't developed for her particular style of artistry.

So myself and a team of producers will begin reworking her songs starting today.


Once the album is ready, new dates, targets, and strategies will be devised.

I realize that change isn't always easy.

I'm asking everyone to trust me.

- I trust you, Andre.

- Thank you.


All right, I'm gonna need everybody to please clear the room.

Me and my son need a moment to talk.

What in the hell do you think you're doing?

I'm trying to help.

Look, Andre, I know you got up this morning and you put on your big boy drawers and walked into this room thinking you're gonna make some grown man decisions, but what you did made Empire look weak and indecisive.

No weaker than the response to Treasure's album would have been, Pop.

You don't have the authority to make a decision of this magnitude without consulting me!

You push pencils.

You've gotta leave the creative components to the people that are professional at it.

Well, what about Treasure, Pop?

She doesn't have say about her own content?

Treasure wouldn't know a hit if it smacked her in the damn ass.

Oh, is that what happened?

- Did she offer you some ass?

- I'm not you, Pop.

No, that's becoming painfully obvious, son.

I placed you on that throne as CEO, but do not forget this is my company.

These are my employees, my artists.

I make the calls.

I set the schedule.

All due respect, Pop, just because your face is on that logo does not mean you're always right.

Or are you too caught up in this narcissistic behavior to see that, Pop?

You forget who you talking to?

How can I possibly forget who I'm talking to, Pop?

You proclaim it every second of every day.

You're Lucious Lyon.

I get it.

I'm asking you to listen to me for once.

I'm asking you to trust me.


Okay, fine.


You wanna trust your instincts, go ahead.

Want me to fall back, I will fall back.

And we will see where this leads you, and we will see where this takes us.

All right?

Yes, sir.


SINGER: I got the style, she got the style Uptown, downtown, got that swagger Yeah, yeah, yeah Uptown, downtown, got that swagger Yeah, yeah, yeah Uptown, downtown, got that swagger There's our evangelist star extraordinaire.

Pastor Clark, you caught me without my armor.

Oh, don't let us interrupt your process.

I know the ladies already expressed their excitement over tomorrow's performance.

TIANA: Yeah.

But as far as I'm concerned, this is just the beginning of what you can accomplish through your faith.

Here's the direction we're thinking of going.

Oh, okay.

"Renouncing" What am I renouncing?

Oh, why limit your platform by being only anti-murderous ab*rtion, when you could also atone for your past mistakes?

Sex out of wedlock, same-sex relationships: The hits, you know.

Who said those were mistakes?

You're already well on the road to salvation since taking in your ex's bastard child to raise as your own.


Excuse me.

Um, Bella is my own.


The good just jumps off of you.


Maybe we shouldn't go too big too soon.

You know, this is a lot.

Oh, no, no, don't get bogged down by the details, honey.

The most important takeaway is that you're helping a new generation of women avoid a wayward path.



Yeah, I guess so.

Oh, thank you.

I'm gonna head back to rehearsal.

Nice to see you, Pastor Clark.




TREASURE: When you're down on motivation That is your a*mo Don't believe what they say 'Cause you know better Keep moving your own row Don't focus on what you're not 'Cause we should be thinking 'bout what we got Let's be trying to make ourself better And we We keeping all the good energy We got today, oh We'll be okay We'll make a way, look to the sky Smile on your face Just leave a trace all over the place If you wanna feel good (SOMBER MUSIC)

(g*nsh*t CRACKS)


Dad, Dad, Dad!

I'm sorry!

Mom, it's me!


I gave you half of the company.

But all I really wanted was all of you.

Just get on the damn helicopter.

No, I'm not.

LUCIOUS: You know, when I asked you to marry me again, Cookie, I took our vows to heart.

I did everything within my power to become the man that you said you needed me to be.

I was being good.

I did everything right!

The truth, you can't face it.


- Thank you.

- To the good ol' days.





It was good.

Thank you.

So what kind of advice you come looking for?

Okay, it's not like I'm asking you to help me build a bigger, better Empire, but also, that's exactly what I'm asking of you.

You got some nerve, Becky.

You steal Tiana and then you come here and ask me to help you tear down my business.

You are funny.

Every single instinct I've had at Bossy has been wrong.

And when I was at Empire, I was on fire, but I lost my magic, and I just don't know how to get it back.

Look, every head of a label is gonna screw up.

But the good ones figure out a way to spin those losses into wins.

I've missed my mark countless times, but Empire became a giant, because I kept trying until I got the damn thing right.

So, Becky, you can't be afraid to make a mistake, but you better damn sure learn from the things.

You hear me?


Is that it?

Fake it till I make it?

Is that all?

I was expecting something genius or something useful.

Is that everything?

You didn't hear anything I told you, then.

You've gotta take whatever pain You gotta allow it to destroy you, let it rip you apart, get drug all the way to the very bottom of your nature, 'cause only from the bottom can you see every possible pathway to the top.

You've probably spent your whole life running from your dark side.

Surrender to that darkness, 'cause only from that dark place can you really see the light.


Hey, let's get drinks.


All right, y'all.

- Come on, let's get some sh*ts.

- Uh, oh, okay.

- To Miami.

- To Miami.

- Ah!


- To Miami, baby.

- Mmm.

- Ooh.

- Ah.

- Ow.

Mm, mm.

Here they come.

Keep it clean, ladies.

The only thing we wanna take home is our luggage.



- How are you?

- CAROL: Oh, oh.

- MAN: How we doing?

You know, you look like you wanna dance.

And you are observant and cute.


You guys wanna party with us?

- Yeah, absolutely.

- Definitely.

- What are y'all drinking?

- Well, what you buying?



Make mine sweet.

MAN: Well, you know what?

My boys Mateo and Luis are gonna handle that while I take you pretty ladies to the dance floor.

Oh, I like that.

CAROL: Come with it, baby.



- BECKY: What's going on?

GISELLE: What is going on?

Look, I wanna pull out of the show, okay?


These church ladies are taking this way too far, and I need you two to back me up.

Okay, normally, I would, but they just offered a 40-city tour.

So this is gonna be a very hard no.

But yeah, look, we know that this whole thing is a little out there, but it's already paying off.

Okay, a tour, it's gonna turn your whole career around.

You gotta remember, there are no mistakes in this business, right, only opportunities.

- BECKY: Am I right?

- Seize them.

BECKY: And how will you see the light if you don't get dark first?

You gotta get dark.

You gotta get dark.

Oh, you don't know y'all didn't hear it.

Okay, it's I promise you, it's genius.

Either way, it's too late to say no now.

Your career is riding on this.



Okay, I'ma do this one.

- Okay, good.

- Great.

But I'm not committing to 40 more.

Oh, girl, you don't have to commit to 40 more.

Just commit to the one and then 39 after that.

That's easy.

You can do that.

GISELLE: Just a little math.

All right, get some rest, okay?

- GISELLE: It's a blessing.

- Yeah, it's a blessing.

- Okay?

- It's a blessing.

Look, the eye is on the sparrow and you are the sparrow.


- He's watching.

BECKY: He's watching.

JT: I'ma bounce this For a rich I'ma get a bag, old, old digger You can't me, if you ain't got that cash Whoo!

JT: I'll wiggle it, wiggle it Wiggle it, you gotta spend Ooh.



Hey, something ain't right.


FRENCH MONTANA: If you gonna backflip it I ain't tripping, I got that cash Baby, go and bounce that JT: Wiggle it, wiggle it Did you drug us, b*tch?

Hell yeah.


Get up, get up, get up.

Okay, so you tried to hit us with a okie-doke.

I'ma kick your ass.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

You Cosby'd us?

- COOKIE: Yes!

- CAROL: I'm not mad.

He feels so soft.

Feel him.

- CAROL: Like a poodle.

- Oh, yeah.

You said you wanted to party, and to us, that means molly.

- Wait.

- I put it in our drinks.

We're all on it.

We thought you knew.

No, no, no, dummy.

We meant party, like, dance.

Now I'm higher than a giraffe coochie.

No harm intended.

We're nice guys.

We're not trying to take advantage of you.

Well, I am, but I wouldn't drug you to do it.

I like a challenge.

- Hmm.

- MAN: Now come on.

Did you do your hair and prop up the twins just to be mad, or did you ladies come out to Miami to have a good time?

You better be glad they playing my song, 'cause otherwise, I'd kick your ass.

I got my right eye on you.

FRENCH MONTANA: Got a hundred racks If you gonna backflip it I ain't tripping, I got that cash Baby, go and bounce [.] JT: I wiggle it, wiggle it Wiggle it, you gotta [.] I wiggle it, wiggle it, wiggle it ("YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL" PLAYS)


LUCIOUS: Beautiful You got me watching you like a camera do I still wait for you Baby, you know I can't give up on us that easy, and it was wrong of me to minimize your contribution.

I was ego-tripping 'cause I couldn't have built any of this without you.

I see you came to your senses.

I could have the whole damn world, I don't care.

It doesn't matter I have an empire if I don't have you.

I'm I'm sorry.

No, Lucious.


No, you're lying, Lucious.

You're lying.

'Cause as soon as soon as I let my guard down, pull me in and turn your back on me, like you always do.

- I hate - I promise.

I hate you, Lucious.

I hate you!


- MAN: Whoa.


- MAN: Whoa!






Take this, b*tch!


LUCIOUS: You're so beautiful COOKIE: I got used to the smell, you know, and the women screaming and crying constantly.

But I could never get used to the fact that I felt like I was in a time capsule, you know, no clocks, no windows, you ain't got no sense of time.

And that'll drive you crazy if you let it.


I'm speak sir, speaking to you.

All those years in a cell smaller than this.

I'm sure you would have k*lled for all this leg room up in here.

I almost did a couple times.

You know I go crazy.

CANDACE: Excuse me.

Um, sir.

Sir, I need the ladies' room and a phone, 'cause I'm gonna call Al Sharpton.

Oh, yeah, I'ma call Al Sharpton.

Oh, yeah, you better leave.

You deprived the wrong woman, tonight, of her right to pee in a clean facility.

- COOKIE: Come, come - No, I know my rights!

Oh, come on, "I know my rights.

" - "I know my rights.

" - CANDACE: I know my rights.

Listen here.

You ain't got no rights.

You in jail, stupid.

Sit your ass down.

This ain't no Four Seasons.

"Clean facility.




You know the irony of this?

I did 17 years in prison for Lucious, and here I am again, behind bars because of him.

I guess we all doing time for his ass, huh?

Y'all know I did a lot of time in solitary, right?

'Cause you know I'm a crazy b*tch.


So to get myself through, I would um I would remember those those routines we used to do, right?

- COOKIE: Remember as a kid?

- Yeah.

I used to make 'em up, and I used to force y'all to perform it with me.


I remember that.

Daddy, he would laugh so hard, and Grandma would make us do it over and over and over Over and over.

Klymaxx that Klymaxx song, that was that was my favorite.

- Which one was that?

- "Men All Pause.

" Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait.

I think I remember this.

Um, uh, uh, uh.

"I know I was looking good.

"I had on my Kenneth Cole shoes and my blue Versace leather suit.

" "My nails were done and my hair was fierce.

" Yes.

"And I was riding in a Cooper's limousine.

" ALL: Don't you want to ride I woke up feeling real sleazy And so I went down to the speakeasy As soon as my feet - Hey - ALL: Hit the floor I had all the 'ttention On the dance floor Don't you know the men all pause When we walked into the room ALL: The men all pause - (LAUGHTER)

- That was the jam.


You know what I just realized?


Back when you was Loretha, long before Lucious came along, your heart belonged to music.


I guess I kind of forgot that.


Lucious, Empire, and the music just kind of got mixed up.

CAROL: Sis, I know that Lucious was your first love, but music, that's your true love.

And now that you have finally left Lucious Yes.

CANDACE: Music don't have to be your side piece anymore.

Put a ring on that mug and get yourself back into a clean, healthy relationship.

That's what you deserve.

With music, though, right?

Because I'm sick of men right now.

Come here.

I love y'all, but we needs to brush our teeth.


- Shut up.


Just don't laugh.

Just hold it in.

I want everyone to hear a song from Treasure's new album.

We're very proud of the changes we've made so far.

I hope you like it, and I wanna make one thing abundantly clear.

This is the new Empire, where we'll embrace and collaborate with the artist to find their authentic sound, not dictate what their sound should be.




TREASURE: When you're down on motivation That is your a*mo Don't believe what they say, 'cause you know better Keep moving your own row Don't focus on what you're not 'Cause we should be thinking 'bout what we got Let's be trying to make ourself better And we We keeping all the good energy Cut.

Turn the music off.

Sorry, Treasure, it was a valiant effort, but my original version of Treasure's album is better, and that is the one that will be released.

Andre's little experiment was cute, but has failed.

Meeting's over.

Everybody get back to work on the original plan.

And, boy, you're damn right I'm a narcissist.

That's what's built the mansion that you live in.

It's what built Empire.

My narcissism saved my life, changed music and the world.

It's my power.

If you don't like it, I suggest you find someplace else to be.



TIANA: Oh Yeah Tell me what you mad for?

Why you gotta be so particular Why you care about what I think?

You might need a drink 'Cause you upset And I'm out here living my life With no regrets Reason number one I ain't trying to be told what I'm supposed to be like Two I'm gonna live the way I want 'Cause it's my life Three You can say what you want Ain't losing my focus It all looks good.

I know, like Sister Act 2.

I'm gonna make you mad in the worst way No!


TIANA: Then I'ma act like it's my birthday Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah All about my business while you're thirsty Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah - (WOMAN GASPS)

- TIANA: Gonna take A lot more just to hurt me Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah Coins or chips Gonna be mad - What is going - We didn't What's this?

I'ma make you mad in the worst way Oh, yeah 'Cause you gonna hang on Every single word I say I don't wanna have no bad vibes I did not plan this.

Did you put her up to this?

- No!

- Did you know about this?

No, I'm just as surprised as you are.

Even though I really love that she had the stones to pull it oh, my God.

Wait, so do her fans.

She is trending like crazy, but in a good way.

They think that she is "denouncing the church and its Christian values.

" Does this mean that Tiana's back!


- Oh, my God!

'Cause you gonna hang on every single word I say ANDRE: Yeah.


ANDRE: You talking?



Yeah, Daddy loves you.

You know that?


Daddy's gonna always love and respect you, even when we disagree.

You won't ever have to worry about that.

No, your life is gonna be different.

Because I'll be different, yeah.

I'm gonna break this Lyon cycle, son.

I promise.




Yeah, I promise.


Hey, Yana.


Is that all you can think to say to me after what you did?